Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1922, p. 2

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y- f the home op sifv artnit 3trir irf as wralu ol jll till aciin 1 hkt i kkss i miullr1 ry fit tl- ml i- tsnl jinmaj t tt tit- hi h whirli iulii rtptloni mj 1 indtl ll wllii lll adveut1mm watftnieoi ul r lk- i iwi inrinlful lofbu iy ii mfwue ut ml tlilor u a uii ls u am altanl klv tmkiiionks- kditorul liii- ucl el iuln thursday morning july 6 1022 editorial our fortyseventh birthday this morning the free press enters its forty- eighth year and tho present editor cqm men ces his fortyfourth year of editorial management during the yoar an important change was made and the former proprietor who hadtacn the solo owner since the retirement of his brother rev dr tttaibert moore in 1870 took a partnex in the person of the foreman of the office mr g a dills mr dills grew up with the business and in march last became manager of tho freb press to which he came as an apprentice thirteen years before the policy of the paper continued unchanged it has for its primary and constant aim the best interest of the community of which acton is the centre that its efforts are appreciated is amply proven byjhe constantly grow- i fog oircuh t anil tho increasing patronage of its advertising columns and job print ing department as business has increased tho effort has always been and will continue to be to improve icter and i nfnnr panrr and tn oiur our supporters the best possible value for their money wb are roehsurably proud of the position of the free press occupies among tho local weeklies of the pro vince and will ever aim to worthily deserve this post- tion licensing and protecting local tradesmen an extensive licensing system has just been in- traduced by tho elmira council for tho purpoj protecting local business from itinerant pcufers as well as to raise an incidental revejjj- butchers bakers restaurant keepers 4flffymen ice cream vendors and keepersof all sorts of amusement places r must now pjy a license to carry on business in 4 elmira ftnwanstent traders will be liable for the full mttatapfo taxes tf they visit that town local iwho pay municipal taxes should in any elected actons transient traders by- t tnado more effective and stringently jttof the lite new wheat board r wheat board while is seems to be rather irk complexion in the effort to suit pro- unditions in the various provinces is a step 1 effective system of marketing farm pro- thei rinsw measure is welcomed especially by ic- grain growers tf our great west it looks as if what is needed is somo sort of fair marketing plan for the crop of the present year but the schemo as presented requires each province to take its own initiative if alberta and saskatchewan which have already taken action arc instrumental in establishing the wheat board the other provinces may surely be trusted to give it a fan trial or present an equally jmising substitution or it i should redutfc the fire losses onttb forestry department is making tto impress the public of the danger 5rh carelessness by campers and others l result in disastrous fires it is officially at the annual pcrcapita lire losses in 1 greater than those n any of her country fid these great losses are largely due to tractive forest fires many of which are due to relessness by campers and other forest frequenters gating tho summcrscason the forestry branch alivo to these depiorsfcle conditions is doing every thing possible to jpreveatsucli bres and tit this good lsyork should have the support of all who aro in a position to give it our forests arj among tho best pfoylncijjl assets ana their destruction is tofy tg mrery cftmq the tribute of b political oppfjnenj 3 it is to be expfcdtedthat friends of hon w e raneythe attorneygeneral will give him their con- fldcinco ahq admiration for ttjo profitable manner jn 1lf i p httfcka and rehuffa during thvrw m li igahtyrtf the following t ifva from gucp a representativedily iournafaa tfie qf w uw tl wlosonohtiqiliii9 ig not in nqconl wjtb m i to aliithtf more appreciated hon fm jrtp ftf pntarlo aornpygehpraj oamo through k lwflomvitinitoh credit thq ifttlo iftwyoc tfir hfl the vilifications of njany js the interests particularly those of r trash ifflgttfw flrt tna kquor business rat af ectufn 1 wjft w omitted them- apurt faqm yflhbitlpnbo ha lecomo involved jjjhaton purely ti6tr riptiqn n thojjfoirn he ir the flrat seaaioq of the flew paxlianatot tho first session of the new parliament elected last december was concluded last week tho speech from tho throne reviewing the events of the session was delivered by sir louis dnvics in the absence of lord byng it referred n hopeful tone to tho future and pointed out advantages which it was expected would accrue from legislation which nad been passed one of the important measures of course was that dealing with freight rates which matter the prime minister himself had taken in hand when the report lime ip from the special committee dealing wjth the matter itt hon mr king himself introduced the bill to bring tho committees report into effect and bring about tho rcduccdv rates and followed out the policy which he had laid down when the crows nest pass agreement first came before tho house this policy in brief was that unless it could bo clearly shown that it was not in tho public interest to con tinue tho suspension of crows nest pass agreement that suspension would expire on july 6 tho railways were given their opportunity to convince tho com mittee and the result is now well known the crows nest pass rates on grain and flour are to go back into effect and othec commodities are to have the ad von t a go of considerably reduced rates there was objection to tho report that was to be expected and he conservatives moved to refer the whole matter to tho frail way commission their amendment found only 43 supporters one of them was w m german while two conservatives and all of the progressives voted against sir henry draytons amendment tho government was thus given the highest majority of the session namely 125 generally the session just closed is regarded as having been a very useful one at first glance it would seem that a govern ment with an actual majority of but ono could not possibly carry on but under the conditions which have prevailed in the commons where tho progress ives showed willingness to assist rather than block tho governments attempt to carry out necessary reforms it has been shown that a government can start under difficulties and finish a session with much greater strength there was if anything less of tho oldtime party squabbling and more attention to real business tho new prime minister was able to in stitute a few needed reforms such as bringing down the auditor generals report and the estimates earlier than usual and ho was also able to keep the house plugging away at its work and at the same time without trying to drive the members night and day except when there was important business on hand which required to be finished that night the house seldom sat after eleven oclock and the result was a much better spirit for work among tho mem bers and also df course tfie government kept free of morning sittings and the whole house benefittrj looktpg back over the first session of tho jjiree- party house it must bo admitted that there has been neighborhood news- town and country oeorqetown itov inlval myu lft lt wnrnv ii w visit to lbliu and oilier wttaturn title lip vximtciii to txi iwuy about afim t t moore of khrhaner vlultln t th horp ot hnr wan air j u moor mm john lciy ami uughtr of wltmlihia r vlahln frlomlii in town mr miii mix koratr of lufchaalor k y vullthl mr und mr it i crvol- mr k c ohlllnj- at hamilton la ih nw nuanr of th lihirmlocn foundry co mra codunc d duh- tr will rmvt to own hortly ulu janii wwtaori hua rturno homo trom washington c whr aha vtwltmt at the homo or bar unnle ir 1l a lutmaay mr and mr aui kaniiawln utt foi thalr nf honii in anton yatr- ttay tha ikhii wlahaa of many rrenja hvrvjwill follow lhn norval branch of th wolnana in- tltuta will holj thnlr oaulur monthly mmttlnar at tho homo of ma xwla jlrrt hrs thtiraday july mr j a wluihiohoy arrlvrxl horn litrt wk from qum in hla way him ho itiithkt of at ottawa and uihmt a coqpl0 of rtay- with hit hrothunt uenator w it wlllifuhby ani mr u j wllloushhy ijnut t jlaiinle who luiu rotntly imiaoms a tvwhlvnt ot tlimirchwt waa hlshly honored uat wtk when i womhln mayor ilowanl of uuelntt on lieliair nf tha air kott aawtclnilon ot canada irntl him with tha covt- il air korc cruaa in njortanltloii of hlo aorvloea new varieties tho rvnwl ijivlalixi kjhm rlfunjitjl ihmln nm vrfo a ihmiltiloit kraln to luibllc until uicjwriorlty to ohlor worm htyi tho oontlitloim of imii dwi imiti lotonitlitnl iat thrive wdll horttt irllnl ht ioiulnloi ciulu uvallulilo for iilhtrihu fulurt thn rnaji htmly lfofn dm iw l iliiml in aduu vhl h at hi ovt ol 11 lu utta ihi ihn ittrul kxihrli lawn ttiu arn iwl ufwunlu of iwnnty ulutloiui oviirliit nvr loin in itrltlah coli lirrta thrna in idixk van wall uk tho cntral 1 quiiimk iwo in hi tarh in mnnltohu i lani nw itruiihwul toirllory f jjtut yoar tl4irs w rorilliitf to thlu ruj y halloa of irlna larnat ottawa tl rr4iri inaliirlutf in nlu 10 tho hut led out to- laaiiotl 112 whlcil o tlui ixuit from july tnd ylnltliik ab80 th of rruli xurlatla nf miimxr ajelt of whit li thn wat wu karly maturing in bo ilayi ylhdlnjf 5 3ko tha x of outm ttt whirl tlolal lirovil lh iwhi ilolilliia 2 ita ii iluyo iu3 vmlothw iijy of whl h hlullu oltuw little fault to find the new men have applied them selves generally to tho tasjts before tvem and they have added considerably to the itebating aver go of tho commons chamber uqaet go njg policy larftamentnas been consulted as to matters affecting the public andythe government has been guided thereby instcaof the government bringing down a measure anytorclng it through the result would seem to be lftter legislation there aro those of course who ufok to a return to the straight two- party systerwith each party working along a well- doflncjjj4ef but oven if that should come as it may ere will probably be somo of the better features of tho present system injected into it editorial notes the women of the dominion who are entitled to ote have been looked after by amendment of the election act ot the dominion government and as a consequence additional thousands have been able to secure their right to the franchise other amend ments to the act also take care of voters who last election were debarred by technicalities from- voting- gradually but surely conditions are getting back to the prowar basis so far as general finances ate concerned i freight rates throughout the united states on practically all commodities were reduced by ten per cent on july when the railways and steamboats of the country put into effect the de cision rendered in may by the interstate commerce commission in the general rate case some criticism is made respecting the extent ot road building by the ontario government but quebec is close second in similar enterprise t has just been announced that 7k000 will be expended on roads in that province in the course of the present season- this nearly doubles the ktnount spent last year with a decrease in prices it will allow 45 per cent moro work to bo carried out at the same cost there is a class of people who act as iftjtc only laws they are expected to observe are those which accord with their personal opinions expresident william howard tart says a citizen who is in favor of tho enforcement of only the laws for which lie has voted and in the principle and wisdom of which he agraes is not a lawabiding citizen of a democracy he has something of the autocratic spirit he is willing to govern but not to be governed ste is not willing to play the game according to the piles of the game the tyoiniqiofl poyernriiet wich adjourned its first session last wee wiltneet in the house again jn january and 000 of tyo important njeasujea u be the redistribution bill tfjat and the expected further tariff revision together wit oer ggijlahve changes to be worked out cjurtijg to rcess w provide plenty of in to rest for tho country jnd it is likelv tfiat before such time arrivi the qowitmcnt will have increpged itg strength tii fu tr it has many more frieqd todny thpn if tld when the last sesglop opened in niy opiqlon qoverpment control of liquor is not hrywtiow near 10 ouccesaful m the temperance measure wd hnvo in onturlotjjtrnighprohlwhon said iremirflfmry on fti9 ff9tn briiiahoo umbiajwhere goyernrnenf control pf liquor is n tofce tuo premier while l titjn tho methods of thoiiter prqvlncc admitted that the britisjcojumblaiyetcm wm aubjeot to ealdernble jjiisq j comofackeajmyri wtisflcd than ierqjjb bitionutho betti oakville councillor llltaon antartalnad th uinmbont of tho council to a chicken tuuihtr in tha kotal alhaoil rtl room ono evnlnr uat wtk after tha dln- nw mayor heritor centra tula tad mr tilbaon nd hlaohf mr luiuwtt upon tha axrllenoa of tho tnsnii conductor lohaloy la huldln band ronerta on uunday uftrnowha at 110 oclock thn fortyaavonth annual cgncreca tional mootlnjc of tha uothouit churoh wm hftld on wdnoadjy ovonlna and thn rwoortm imaantad indlcatail marked arowth ami turrm in all department of church activity tha xinulhutlorw for tha yaur total us 000 the offerlnan for rtualona il40 mbut klomnca utownrt went lo mon- nal laat wek on her way to nw york while croaslna col borne htreet at thn foot or 1mq btreet on saturday artornoon mla wlndt wa a truck knock n und run over y a motor cr i ly hhe wm not amloiuly ln- jurrt thoush aha wu badly ahaken uph4 hruhuk mr und mr w t merry ar iav- ot baturday for tha coaal thay axoact to atop at winnipeg- taka ju1m and lunn mhu uarjorio talt lrtrolt u apond- ina tha aumtnrr with her mothar mra iljjcailjiboma htmet mr andtarrfjo -fc-ihainpjwtn- havo rtiturnod from a trip down the kt ijiwrnci hlr adam llock hax takn mr wm llrouaom miuae ror th aummer hlr ihw aa afl- o flrnvllln ixlgw immediately kooorxt durmnqton the ornnieman of iturllncton are s-plnu- to celebrata t gucliih on july 12 r work ha a benn commenced on tho extnnaton to t made to the lloya itattk hero mra arthur clark und daushtor hetty who have beet vlnllln- her mother for tin itaat few morithant indlaniaimilla imu have arrived home und mnt 11 llowaome and two ona iuiiert und sloven who hnv been vlaltlnit at the humftatftait farm for tho lutat week left for their homn at orsiul luplox mich vin tueaday mra llowaome attenomi the klwanla convention at toronto on sunday mornlnc the mtttn tiers of iturllnaton ioosc no he a f a m uocomtnled by a number or ultlnm brethrtin attended dlytno aer- vloa in the melhodbn churoh the weather waw ideal and over 100 mem- bora rwaerahltml at the lodge room and marcheil lo tha church itro jtev jf w hunt tor ot the kaat and wt uln circuit and a member of the local lodco oonduoted the ervlco and preached a moat inaplrlna and ira- preaalve mirmon at hurliiibton on juno u police ubltnte llarr aentencl wm u andrevra of toronto on two chars three month tho ontario reforma tory for atcallntr n canoe owned ly kdwmrd qotr and six raontha for bura- bvrialnff mr nmt mra john lalrda mtore and vtealtny can nod aooda cbjani etc to the value of fit qn tueaday morning dro broke out in a framo hoiwo on tho frutt furtn of frad bel boon nd ooouplod by bam miracle tho ouhui were firet noticed ly pleker in the berry patoh jotd when they ruahed into the houao they round ono of the children playinc with the fire ii toe bedroom while two othera were alee in bed thn chil dren wr carried out of the houae and moat of tho contents removed the firemen reapondod very uromptly and inlvlthaundlna the atruoture waa en veloped h flamee they soon had it inder oontrob qaaettk erin itov j a tovafim attended tho an nual meetlna- of the grand oranse lodse of tlritlah america a kbaton mr p vulll and mtaa green have been reunamavd for tho oomlna term aa principai anitaaalaunt in the 111114- burch iubllo school d u uundell haa hnuhed the erection of a unjo ahetl at the plan- in mitt throe yeara ao a atorm loully demoluhed the aheda at the tnl nt which time it waa oontrolled by wr f w wood w ur john lauo cojpetod with a kamllton tctmln m cnecker match at guelplc on tluvurday uat and had the aaturaetlon of wlnnlnc boh in hhj lutrt of tho ran ton and he broun itov j5tfu unaiav x ww v mother danvilb qi but week hla nother returjnc with nbn v srrel ucxaooi glmblett of mlnnaatwua uln nleoe of mr nf urall uoo overland came up from toronto for the weekend en rout to montreal from which plant 1 on june so for kitruttet mr ilan mundjem whq haa been helplna hla aon ix x- in hbs new un- tmilc in the purchaae of the plan ning mll haa the back to krln feellnc and nu the vacant lot mctqiw tha read from the mill from mr w- hull and we under tend in tend bulldlna- a modem dwelling krnoat bproule of the centre itoad mono met wllh k painful occident a rev daya ao n vfmaliumrn watar aqune enta and in atumnpt- tna tq huh aft a bolt hi rfcht arm kt eauiht and both bone ware brok en a other arm waa alao badly brubkid the flrat annual church prad of the ladles oranst llenevolent aaao- elation brln rhamrook ztdae no 414 and the loyal onuura lodt no us waa held on sunday at f p m to tna presbyterian ctuircn the sr- p wa in gbarjre ofilev j ahvaiuu a 0ranavin raii uandltd th yield i olnif j b10 till vnrlfthul of wiliitf ry mii yiohlod 2 ico it day a vuflutlew i mown may fl of v oiimwu 31 vuw tho und bt yleldnr tl 3 400 tlim jut atr urletua of nm lw is the iwat yluhloi- with 3 060 ttm pr takliia js miirw day curlnton ottawa 7ih thn tl tu ptr h lieal illapii ottuwj cj w hq itin txir no duyx iiarlny for imy of proved to b rvrau 14 cot tti per ucre july 1 the dale fortyfour plot for flhrv tinxluottoii il for t nam 1 1 u dlvlalon an aifoui rejiort tit exierlinii which um and detalta of thn fi 1q0q1 auinplnil 7 daya itvu which com- aoro in bc id teaa ajl karly hit ilaat rltwuar ord readliik i daya 14 i aown my white lva in bd day hpen than varlctlra of rod net r wu vwrlntlom of oh the bent wa 7s with day a from k were down reaulta belna lo the flbni iven in thn thn oon toil oontlnutni itributlon of in hints for jpebo rtneh tx du m m p ott tn eirpm n vlrit tlium uoiit ml clur iirimb tuitna or pli thn road and woy ihv a uri your ual it twifore you throw itulul u anfall tha ohn not mitu near lirunh ttorwl ay thu trajth fron ull around it novnr loave u cum e even for a ehort llm without ahlnjc it with water and then covei it with earth if yuii flnd a fire to put it out if you cannot extliic it wend word r it to the tiwrwit i it llanver throw tljmi aalicm u bear or ojffar- o nrnnttotott w plpo aahea atumjui into ceitlea r w halu jr a architect do vou in i end to i1uild ok jkak aitukatio why not consult an arciiitlct box 524 brampton phone 16 p koree the scientific hair and i scalp treatment n korccn permanently eradicates dandrun ntops falling hair jind scalp- irritation completely re store the litc vigor and natural color of the hair and scalp ami stimulates the growth of the new hair korccn l not an experiment but a proven accept ed remedy thousands owe n hair health undream ed of to korccn treatments procurable at all tiood ihtikjnsts farm special nice 100 acres for sale 9000 or with crop 10000 fin loam soil well fenced good basement barns comfortable tiousi nico stream of water flowing through property water in botl house and barn convenient to village and ongood gravel roaot choice little suburban homo of live acres nice garden soij and homo price 20q some particularly choice two hundred acre farms flni buildings and situatmn some beautiful homes in georgetown and brampton at reasonable prices if you aro in the market for a homo consult us before buying a evans 6 q eont da take liv rb- jobs depend on the safety o the forests hi b ttm alra dr- wtbt or otearbotta p hol trt takklm mto ted 0 r j4 c ilwlr palate ww mr mmm miami i tht w mf it l tt ndc of ml wrd knrk in oil ll v uoodan 5 jrttaut river drivers shanty men pulp loggers and all men who work in the lumber woods on the river or at the mill get this your job depends on keeping forest fires frotn burning up the bush 4frery time you leave a camp fire or a smudge burning you are taking chances on p forest fire that will do you out o job every time you throw away absrnmgi matcn or a cigarette or drop the heel of your pipe on the ground you are taking a chance in summer time moss dead wood dry leaves orthe regular woodfibre soil of the forest are all ready to burn millions of feet of timber and pulp are being burnt up that way every year ontarios forests are not growing fast enough to keep up fovest fires will do you out of a job if they keep on a few years more watch yournelf1 salve offiesj rhawjijgurs ontjrio forestry brandh parliikmenf bjfaings tori6s

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