Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 29, 1922, p. 1

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witt j mtu ftoss 1100 1kit yid ah acton1 ontario thursday morning june 20 1022 1x0 in unitho htatbh single copies i cents chuxcii yer pulw vlllow st i hrvloo hi no kclool mlualon rxlce in knj itkp co uk irrjan acton blawart m a i t iwmminloii sw dominion rvl m muttjont illhln clni at aily invited lsements t sale or sale cortiw j streets apply jll- church ht b sale hr sale ranging i farm oj town t sale quipped urwl in tico uwny below uouton ijnted i is up u open to tdd lot or poat- falve purtloulum piucsh owice c tiro good jdlino cniilno car table shafting uta june moloon hultt c mfortubln i lot t tuated on it nnm to asmant jnniii- aiidiy 1 kstat agent 4hank r of t h junior loelro to riot or of urn mr tot tha ioy also so gen- ma no fnmodlat 3 t down 7 machine f new h tanjurtar 1 prlcau unty cot h nnd d county acton pdinm- 1 itunoo to is one n street o street oh op or w4 laoej ay 5sjjle it or wi i kncia t of tho rooted to ilhlton ttab of suit or i hnvo one uod p- m 4vdyftf hal ton dollar i la tllt loo i rttrt was very c of wonifi dimlem aions ln n ar i here f that i ikeffl ten uh f towud tuiy ut th aw yxi a hon or ok and i cariy loguru ark on retully ull of the led with mmber with vul will ttaa lunagcr jd loo lk soil wliflse 1 t 7 1 4 tin lq w i 1 ith tli t man m i worlrf in iarry t a tatnta the af l goo a you t indm lino ian d beginning on monday july 3 a july sale of m rugs involving our entire stoek of wiltons and brussels at gacriflck kkductions avkkaging 20 and 25 per cent ow if you have a rug need he sure to be in guelph next week july is a time for clearance and our carpet department cannot avoid the necessary sacrifices in effecting the requisite clear eway lvery good rufi n our enormous range is to be embraced by the july price cutting selections immense savings immense 1 no better timo and no better place to choosd those now floor coverings you have postponed buying waiting for low est prices here are sharpcut sacrifices on top of bed rock flguresfor a short quick decisive july clearance d e macdonald bros ltd uueltirs leading and largest store the acton cafe the cooking in our dining room is all strictly homo made our baking is made fresh every day is we supply board by oithpr day or week and also have rooms for rent meals served at all hours candy specials our famous assorted chocoutes special price 32c lu v toasted and vanilla maishallow regular 40c special price 35c tk sandwich cream in nut fruit orango and chocolqto flavors regular 30c special price 25d mill street acton h wiles oomfoat the acton community house ontarios famous eatinoplace phone 0 we dcairo to announce that mrs a wlnterburn has open ed parlors for dress and suit making all orders promptly executed v d v ritchie proprietor quality quantity going on a picnic russells arc aelllifg mccormicks picnic packafies which contain i lb 0 ois pf dainty fresh biscuits neatly wrapped in a blue wrapper special at 48c l certo sure jell niakes per f cotjams and jellies miracle washing cream washes clothes clean and white in 20 minutes fruit jars all ica in atock f watch russells windows v farwell sermonb by rev i m moyer at tho ckwe of a faithful ministry of four ycotb in acton laroe congregations attest esteem and phlendshlp if 11v i m muy r wlio luin immii tint fttlotrul ttti l au utful tuiitlur tit iii utliodll riiurrti lu ar ton fur u full jmutmul irrni or four yuw hail ilmlral uny nvlilaiirti i t ttm iwini in wllt i 1m hall ty 1 11- mmmuiiliy if willi u iii illy lvi i orrulon t tilt hiuiititf wniionm um tli mlnlnt hoi 1 tut hun lu at the morlilna i ui vli t uiii wuu u iri uniirn llnti wlillo in tha wnntncc u liumlxi wuu mutli inrrtuhml au u lirufafa lit lilu titornliib 11- otitath kov mr uoynr vary ldmlly wi ft 1 4 rtxtix clluc 1 la miiruuar itav ijurlnri lluukelt ut vurt col hoiirnt tin y wra on mi join in rlr- tiiiltu whin mr hucklt hritrm intt hn oil 1 1 ft r urn unit wuu mtationml ut knlvln ulxl initrnpl in lovn uml frniurn ui it othor vnry hlshly tho iu1 iikiii y mr llarkrtt iiun 1mm n on wnlliui i dlutrlnt anrvlna- for four ynnrh ut ltrlikturif util foui ymtnt ut 1 in t cnlbomn u low tnlliw in iwilli lliuaua ijmulu lid tiaa luiil hiarkml atih owls lfirw fwmlna ti humllkm loftrm liv mr llok lt wuu u mnmbir ut nnwfouiitllaiiil cimfi rinion uml wua tho tnlnuter at tinil lurituiit t hurcli irt ht johiia ht liut htrth t church in that hy ilo lu a hrothor bslitvthl by all hi knlrt uh niithuhlaatlct worker i ilu v ry bout to hl woru ait i am urn h will liuvo mirotiim in aoton oiva lifm your tmat nshortuil tlm ra- tirlnif imutor llally uruunil him htid in li hint ut you hnvo halitotl um ami nthtra lmifiir ni uml god will crow your uultixl nfforttt with auraoam nv mr myur liawthl hjn knomlnic hnrmnn on john ib 3b jaua muwr- nil xty kluicilom la not of thla world jon uk amtiluixlbost tho foot that ikla lclnnlom lu not of tlilu wurlil hut th kluuilom of joaua i hrlat in inilna tnhlluho 1 in ihla worhl it la not an ourtlily kliiailom hut an invlnlhlo klna- inm thjuah norm tha leoa nut tha sttuit work of hilrlltiui naturalisation 1h kliir un 1aul auld oar rltin- hli 11 of hnuvon tho vrnat mlnalnn or tha church in to trowoh ju chrlat anil 111m ciimi tho moaausii of chrlat hlnmolf ih to iro into all tho world anil jiiiiuch tho itoitml to iyry crwm- to ihj la clrltitluii moanm to ho llko johiin chrlal hlu yoka la baay nnd 1iw hunt on in lltfht laul wtar john nhjht tholr itaya in txittln- forth tho krtnit ohuruntvr of chrula kins him w urn rltlxorut of i hlu klncdom ihhimuf 1 11 la ooitavolouantum of ooil h proaonoo in nur uvea 2 if wn hnvo tha atmoaphero of rovcnnni und thuliltkativliiaf 9 if wo roauaa ui not uioii tljniinowlodkn that aer- vlon 1m tha htunitunl of honor in chrlat a kliiu lorn aorvlcn fur chrlat worvlco for othurif it 1m oharaotor which i ut u mmtrnnaj formutuii in our- llvoa and haarta wo aro ixiund toiinthnr with a harmony of anlrlt nnd u unity of urpoo- ro lf our faith in joaua chrut wo it oil loicnlhar to work for tho ihtut inn rnutki of th uimmuiilty and i thin tiftort at betterment with our ivoxbytorlan anclltan ihtp- tlnt uml itnman cmuioiio brethren ono of tho huitlnnit tlmt como to mo at tho el oo of tlihf iaaloratn la tho fact that ao many uro utlll out of tho ark of imfnty in thla community in our ohiirrh nyatnm wo work tocothor wo rejoice tokntlior wo nyniiathl with another whon tho lima oomofl wo kmhiuruta und unllo with tho now xihtor uml w mo in our roapootlvo aiihorna invltlnjf mun ovrywhent to coma to jwiua chrlat ltov mr moyorh cloalnr aortnon wm i narnwit kxhortutlnn to atoadraat- neiih lu chrlatlin ohaructor and aorvlca io unit i wunt tit lav with you toxt whloh ovon if you fontot all lao that i huvo omleavorod to- aay to help you will llva with you in your futum diiya thla you will nnd in corinthians ib sb thoroforo my holovoil brethren lm yo atoadfaat im movable alwnya alounillnf in tho york of out lord foraamuch aa yo know thut your hibor lu not in vain in the lord thettn worda are aaao- ulutod vory clounly with a truth moat itnvclouh to hl uul thn nsourroctlon luul won wllllinf to rlak all tn that sreut ilootrlne thorn cornea to ua all tir uvea and exnarlnncoa at time thoutfht that our la bora uro in hut wit huvo the oaauranco of owl a word thut if wo ifa faithful our labor will not bo in vain a unuitlca view of chruttunlty in iilven by tho aiwhtlo ioul itellalon rmnuo obllsa- hon to bo umembor of th church implies thut you havo tukon aome- thlnn ujron youraolf of roaiionnlblllty lletinntunce la lmillpll it lu tho firln- ilnla thut work by lovn and uurtniui tho heart how uro wo to do tho work tha muator huu given ui to dot ry being ateailfuat unrnovuble ulwaytt ihoundlnff hi tho work tof tho lord without atublllty wo cannot mojco drortohn la ufn uulrltunl or mutaruil tho oertalnty of uuoceaa la aaaurod if you uru fulthful ui u imopio and aa u churoh your work ahull not bo in it nyu to be a chrlatlun becauaa of tho joya that coma to you and hid aorvlco you uro uhlo tu render your uorvh o la not in vuln for youraelf und it la not in vain for othera ilet urf ull ht fulthful and truo to every cut to uurvlra lu voty feolliik tonoa tha retlrlnc liuntor uttorod hfl cloulnif worda at tho nloan of a four yearn linatorata a rvlrohihict la aintural we realise thut wo huvo not aocompluliod ull wo had hohd to uccomihh but i can aay t ttuvo endeuvorod to slvo fulthful twr- vlcu to b true to myaair truo to you miff truo to uol i m aura that uftnr ell you und i um waliavo labored to gether huvo been able to brlns joy to nmu und to lead aomo to u nobler life in jeuua chrlat tho imutfor run only accomplish raeultm if the people support him in hla efforta durlna the four yean 3 sb member hnvo boon ro celvoil these inolude to from blloajt und crewaona corn era ud they are now onu with up one church ono bbdy in chrlat thn present iwmhlp la 387 i have performed 44 bapliunm have oltlclated at is woddlnsa unit- ha vo attended bo fu newt la l oon- arutulato thla church upon itacon atunt unijhcnefoua flnunclal giving tho national campaign was before w hero during my pastorate ourrtobjool tlvn waa lalob by united effort wo huvo paid is 100 icxpreaslona of up preclutlon of the work ot the jludlea aid und tho lyuatae hoard for tho oomforth provided ut the puroonaaw for the splendid work of tho sunday school tho my worth labtuaa the j women a mlunlowury society tha mlaa ion circle tha quarterly oltlclal doard for thdlr loynlty and aupport in tot work of the church very kind rerer- tmoe woil also tnudo of the excellent arvloa reridarml by tha choir and the oroioatr apeoul mention uelns mode social and personal mr harry ftlnveiu of toronto apent krlday lu town mr iluy lumhla vnr tint weak end mr llotxtrt j mel hi fruudu in toronto lalltd lu toronto 1 u vultlnif mrm w w lln i of mmnluiuwi u ry iii ut nmiit mr john 1l k mihiy roturimhl rnm whiulthi on friday muu mvrtu ijiil- ff toronto wa 1m mn for thn wnek mil mlu jmii wlrknoa of lull la bolt iluylng will anion rlutlvu ilr ultlll mb a aiiimi lltwurt of toronto hnt tlm wtiok nnd ut liar home hum mr a 1- nlfklln riturruhl fmm i in nth- tour of allx rtu last wcwk mlnu jmii miijhki of toxmio vlalt- il frlnn lu h ro u faw duyu lost wnok mr and urx john lnviu of itonk whk1 vlulthl a ton frlendu on moiv r uml mra hwl joltnulon 41 ltookwodt1 vuitml anton frlnrtda last wmk mn all j itnaton inft uut w 1 to t lid o fnw wooks mr iht lb nf lult vlsltn1 1 liar 11 lu hen t tho homo hwturdiiy mlaa murwurut j maclonahl of tor onto vlultnd ut her homo imrn over th wroll and mr und mi iluvl winiumuim visit nd frintiiltl ut llurllnaton and torunto cat wotk mr dii mm i u hnudnmin uml knillmth of alt vultixl acton rrlnndu last wvek mlai llorenco murray linn loft on xhort trip to vhlt frlemla in llurfahf und icrhv id mluu myrtle ciurrlfso of toronto urrlvml hyiwon butlinluy to upend the mix itourno of toronto wuu the ruost of mr uml mm if b llolmou over tho week end mr uml mm william it- thurtell left on monday mornlntf on their n- turn trip to chlwiko mr t h mullln tit fcvyfittovlllo arkanxau la v lot tins ut the liunm of hla rather mi- w mullln lllnahum of ottawa hau boon onioylna a visit with hlu hlnter mm itobert ilonnott iika avtuiun mr und mrx u a mum of guelph worn itututu of ilnv and mru moyer the paihonui on buliirtlay mm- oeorrn murray and mia uar- aurot murray vlultod rrlnndu in tor- ito and nluvuru jviiiu btat week jain en mr dona id of toronto notunaer and other friends durlna tin week k j llrnuird havn liiovml into their liowly uriulrd home ut the dortinr nf church und wilbur ktroeu nd mru hurley irian 11 of toronto vuilod at the homo of mr jnmea ii 1oh1 mulll luroet ovor the week nnd muutea m und i woodhall of tor- nlo vultnd at tha home of thalr rothar mr c wood hull a day or so luat week mr nell mcnuhb v a wuu tho do icon to from acton lodgn i o h to th hwiulon of grand iodae ut owen bound lant week mr ubd uro norman mcleod nnd r und mm wm hull motored to umohouue last friday avenlnst and at tended th strawberry aoolab mm morton of iolceater ens who la now on an extended visit to canada waa the icuaut of her cousin ur 1 u youna on monday and tueuday und lum hartley ltarrlaon uoth and murrarel and mr and mrs q a hllla und bubo motored to toronto i frllduy and vlulted friends there mr und lira a kl uucdonuld and mr to t ajlacdonutd of burnt visit ed a day or mi thla weak at tha home ur alex macdonakl church straat ur lllako white son of h white editor of tha mllion reformer hau been apiuilnted matiuaei of the provincial huvlnga ilank opened thla week at newmarket tsr und mm u west und tsr uuvl i ityder mr and mm una xjetch brin and mr und mm will ityder cluelph vlsite1 at tho home of mru thoraau ityder luat week miss dorothy nelson who hu been teaching at keewatln tha past year turned homo lust weak mian nelson will take u apodal coumo ut toronti ii ing thq hollduyo uvum jumea a muttbawu of orungevllle und tjeorgo k mutthawo if montreal tv lult u1 frlenda in the home of their boyhood lust woek number acton pooplo were glad to meet them ugaln ur itlnoker a former reuldont of acton and now of tcrto 10- left for home on tuesday after standing a few days in town renewing old otujuulnt- whllo lu town he wuu the auettt of mm murray mr harold n warmer u a oaves to duy on a throe months trip to uudupeijt auutrla and other lcuropoan klntw ho wtll make a prolongad visit with hla ulster uru hon wuuon wlfo of th american consul at iluda- pest of the grout faithfulness of tho organ lut mikm kern tirown and uucrinoea of mlas hertla bmllh aa a member of tho choir i have upprecluted very rnuoh tho fellowship and brothurhood of tha other churchea or this town there bus bean u sweet fellownhlp together the fact that we have nil bean bound for service as christian worker for tha uplift and moral betterment of the community has bean a factor in ull of this to aay farewell to this chmxh und this town bring very alnoora feel inga of regret to un for we have many warm frlnn tin here itemaiaber ua in lour prayer that wa may tuva aua- oeas fur tha kingdom of ood in our now field qlva your new nautor cordlal wtilcoma ilrother hackett la a worthy minister hla work has been a buooeos everywhere he will work with you and for you and bt work will bring gratifying- rcaulta if you will atanif by him and give him the loyal summit which has nlw4y liean char- uotarlatla of yoil the closing hymn was uppronrlaoly blent be tho tie that illnda at tha vesper itav and uro moyer look posi tion ut thn church dounf and ahook hundh with trtlng tare we i h to all tha mambem of the inrgti cuitgrffifttion which waa preaenu the ball team playfa at home again saturday lumcn game iaat haturrlay io itronte by a score of 12 to 4 down in becpno place now the ltrsnl tm nf thn county ffnugtu journey to arton well sup imirtetl by their rna fix- hie loaua ox ture hero n katunluy the nmt two innings the gamolmtked aa if ll worn going to lx a rnl clomi one the outset umpire itray of lironta hhiicml ihut if itronte onumn i win tha ictiftiu bn would lean u little their way iii the third innlngu after a rouple of raw ilimlslnns the acton pop went to pleoeu uml trt m then on the was vey ihkii- und tin arton boy had 110 pep at ull this lu the ttmt time llroiile hit played lu anton fur yesru and while they pluy kmmi r 11 un i would tloubtleua have beaten li ttul unlay game reuardlea of tlia um i ire nothing complimentary can 1 b suld of lite nuntlurt us uport in tk lug tha umpire m decision ami tho manner in which they bulldose their umpire into making decision in their favor one of the game with camp ltellvllle ha air ly been prolcalcd thn following lu tha box mioni acton all u h i0 a m ii kennedy w h r f 1 0 a j kennedy r t c 3 0 1 ityder s 6 0 0 u ikki 1 it 4 10 wuddell p 3 b ill nelson 5 b p 4 0 1 ruiiouih r f u u 4 0 1 ron c f s i o 1 urixfwelt r 1 o 0 kluuslea 1 f soli kentnfr r 1- f 4 11 news ofl6cal imporl the central total oalxnn 3 overund r h kthiutbiiry u follock p c r thnmu c hooiwr 3 it w lorland p c f rulmr 1 b total moore by inning 3d 4 27 14 hhovjtk all ll ii ih1 a k k 111 1 1 s t 1 1 4 0 s 1 7 0 0 bl 13 17 37 t itmnla a 1 8 0 i 0 i o o is acton llooolol 0 4 hummary twi tutso hits osborne lomr j kennnly wuddell nelson kentnr stolsn itssem otter thonaoa hooper h ifennedy ityder mcleod kentner base on halls off wuddell tf nebwm 0 off lollock 1 on ior- ulid 0 strurk out hy wsddoll a nelson i nillork 1 huruml 7 hit by pitcher hy lolbrk mcleod hit lt waddelt in 7 inning 14 off nelartfe in x innlngo x oft fullock in 3 in- iilugit e off lorlsnd in innings 4 hatchways bcoitkb the game- ut milton between oetinretuwn and milton the tatter won with u ooom nf 3 to 0 and in the campbell villa and hurl ing ton campbell villa wiu victor loua with a acum of 4 to 1 ijiaouk htanoino thn league standing 1 aa follows won luost 1 c lllton 4 i m7 llrotito 4 3 7 acton 3 j jioo cumpbellvlllo 3 3 w0 liurlinglon 1 3 4 j3j leorg town w 3 4 j3j nkxt tutuhdav h oauks next hat unlay tho boys will ploy at homo ugaln und georgetown will bo the contestant on the ground here the acton junior team expect to play a double header with uun iurk juniors of toronto one in the forenoon and jmother in the afternoon liurling lon will play ut milton and camp- bellvilla will journey to itruntu vlik church ilkaoue tho only game pluyeil in tha church leagua waa between tho holy name und the uethodlat aggregation und resulted in u tin score of t nll tho etandlng in the lasgua thorofara remains tho ustne tvon loot 1 c iveubyterlana 4 1 00 method la tu xi t0 anglicunh 1 3 j60 holy name 0 3 000 tally duy the tcn trance examinations tha examinations for entrance to ugh school commenced yesterday there ura forty seven candidate writ ing at acton high bcbool ulaa annie mcdonald and ulaa minnie dennett are the presiding- examiner helton county boneta sell at bx90 at a moetlng of tha county council lust week tenders ware opened for the uula of is o0 worth or i deben tura thirteen bid wen received and matthew a co toronto were the uucceasful tender ut fce eoo being at the rate of 01 to dominion day at reek wood a baseball tournament will be held ut 1 lock wood on horn in ion iy at 1 30 and in tha evening a grand garden party will bo held with tho loulo mule quartette u the enter- inem the waterside urk lurtd wll play during the artarnoon and evening worst tan miles in m 100 mile tra tho truckman who conveyed i lev- mr huckett good from inirt col- iktrno an monday tntel that tha road from ullton to acton waal the very worst ttloca of public highway be tween acton und lake tcrle his intention to drive back to tort colborne by night but tha road waa too dangerous over thl stretch to riuvlgata aufaly except in broad day light it la to be hoped this report will reach the earn of ha i on county ltoud commissioner poituoe prairie devoauud um krank uooney huai rcelvel ihiperu tram portaga i iralrlo mai giving detail or tha devastation from cyclone und lira in town luat frmday tjhe graphic aaya tha worst storm in the tilutbry of portage t iralrlo oho that assumed cyclonic propor tions struck tha city at 310 thla morning it ouuaed damage which is estimated at 760 000 to 1 000000 by wind und lire many building were unroofed including tha methodist und presbyterian churches merchants hotel north ivjird school home for incurables many rosldenceo and num erous business places the inant daughter of mr und mrs w bpencer was crushed to death in it cot when tho houae waa blown down tha premier drain mill with 30 000 uushela o grain waadoatroyed tbtl hydro imwer plant wau jiut out nf oommla- alon mrs mooney a mother u u rneldent of tho city i our teachers at tha examinational ah unuajunl tiumlwi of our tnuchom re hiirbrhi a jreu tiling exwmlier ut tha etitrunca und dnpartmniitul ex ulu ktml p lutu iwhin at toronti ulau itenliett ut do rg tow mbm itrnirtt mlou kolster un i mlu m unnnl i at a ton buccesuful dasa fiahina euauralon ir t d j farmer un i mr angus mckurhern returned lant weak from u lurnnaafuj fishing trip to uyers isy alfiut sixty mile huik of liell they enjoyed the motor trip and lkasm tlalng wu unusually ghxi ihuui ilr itarmnr rtutrlliutml u u ly tho prlucta f hla rutch ulniiitf ida liumnrnum friend in town the mllur vs murray case win ulllr and jemima miller vu andrew murray jr wa u jury case ut the county court at milton a week uro in which tho pluntllts olalr damuaeu ror hi busgy iwlng run into by dnfendanta car ut arton last rail uh wu 11mlauhsl the jury rinding ith iurth u were to hlume ha nploi the old tims bjmmer ewourvlons the plcnlc exrurulonu 1 f rormo day apimwr to luivn iwieu diarimtlnued with the udvtint of the war liratertyil soclelleu bun uy bchoul and other organ lost ions iuhmi to charter train engage bumls an i run axcursloa from actnn in toronto llurllngton lleanh klagam kali thn o a c oualph kitchener and nthnr iwlnta blnoa thn war they have not bean revived they gvn great pleasure tn many cltlxenu and were looknd forward to from year to year with much pleuaur- ullo ant iclpu thut baptlxed with water from the jordan one- of thn hist oulolul act during tha pastorate of ltiv i m moyer in acion wa the baptism of little miss matkarot tha daughter of mr end mru 11 u arnold mill street a supply at water brought from tha hlvcr jordan hi thn holy itnd wuu used in tho lutptlsm ceremony uru thompson mother or mm arnold and mla muriel thompson u a her later of oeorgatown worn present ut the performance of this sacred rite women instltut garden party the unnuul garden party of acton women institute will be held at tha iark riaxl wednesday evening july 5 a splendid programme will bo present ed by nxprlenoed talent jattie held comodluu und vocalist toronto ulsa mary hill danonr toronto acton mule otiartetto mr frederick kurbeu cornet wololat mr george llell soloist aetuu cltlxenu hand will provide u uorle of interesting and ver- mil in uumlier which t sura to please i he turu aaaemblaga which will at tend itev ii o u luugh will act a chairman msthodlst sunday sehoel review ie maaoaujtuati uau iii tliu uothotllst uunduy school bnt dunday afternoon wu very uucvehmful mr a t tirown ih ttuim rlnt ixleiit iad the pnigrumme ilr iirraiik the orchestra provid ed hpltrulld milnlu karbwall wonla wore uhiknu by luv t m moyer the retiring pastor tha sunday hflmol he lulil hud done much fop nnd hi nminendai the oitlcara and hem foi tliolr oonuecruted aervlce in closing he m poale1 to tha actio la m rover to give up bunday bdiool and iliowml thut if nw asspctatlon wara made out nf thn school the whole una of their llvo would probably lie changed and not usually for tha battcr unlon method ut and presbyterian servloea llev mr hackett tha now methodist minister art or consultation with tha church hare has decided to take hla holiday before taking up hi work iii actnn in the interim ecu vice hava bean arranged a follow through thn kind invitation or itev mr htewurt and tha session of knox church tha methodist congregation 1 invited to worship knox church next sunday morning and evening and join in tha communion und thanksgiving aervlce of tha day the follovrlng sunday itev mr stewart will preach to tha united cangreguttona in knox church in the lomlng- and tn th methodist church in the evening after hov ur huckett ha had u sunday with the people of 1 new congregation he 1 invited tn preach in knnx church to i the two congregations an tha following sunday in the morning and to both again in hie evening in the methodist church thla kindly spirit will bo appreciated by the community tha free library beard meeting of the kroe ijbrury iluard wtui held in the town hull on nday afternoon h p moore ohulr- 11 prvuided llev a c stewart a waa welcomed um n new mem ber of tha hoard kind uxprauslan of fegrut ut tha removal 0 itev i u moyer who has been u member of tha hoard tha past four yearn were made by the members ur h n kurmor secretary waa given three fmnnthu leave of absence to permit him to taka hi propound kurupeun tour mis elba sturkmuti waa appointed uucra- tury treaaurer pro tern the kindness w h luwry of ouelph 1m prosentlng the library with a thirty volume sat of tho american tfnoyclo- pedla waa acknowledged tn u reaolu- tlun of antirocutlnn ulsa laura hcutt wa appointed uiuilaunt librarian to fill tha vacancy caused by the reulgnu- tlm of mis laubal teulotc tha mam bem present were tha chairman job cameron a vl nlcklln h n katroer und itev a c utewurt intamatlna wedding in nosaunawaya a very pretty weddlns took place 01 wednesday june 31 at ma pis trovo furm when i lea irt no second youngest daughter of ur und mrs qdbart creamer became the bride of mr vrunk itomphf of acton tha bride who wuu wua given away by her father entered tha parlor to the strains of mendel asohns wedding march played by miuh ilea trice uclsuaa itev j t utrachan naaaugawoyu omclatad tho bride looked cltarralng in a gown ot whlta ducheuse out in with bridal veil und arrled a bouquet or cream roues shu wunuultended by mlua daisy wulluca of toronto who worn a droaa or pala union crepe with aauh at tdua tulle and carried a bouquet or pink and white earns mono tha groom waa at tended by ur jack crcumpr brother of the bilde after tho oeromony tha puosu retired tp tha dlniug room where u boiijitooua repast waa aerved the happy couuia loft an the morning liuln tor ondon torontp und other 1 olnto tha groom a girt to tha brldo wuu u rijia set with u diamond und u ruby to tho brldeamald a gold brootli unit to thn sroomamuii a god tic pin tlueata wore nrceont from ha pj j i ton toronto queluh una uottuu bowling tournament here lant week favored with pino weatiier and splendid greens preston won the trophv with milton a closg second imwllng ti iiruumont of lowlfig aauo lotion held tl i b of thn acton athletic anuochitlnu lust wednesday un i thursday ucond unother uonu hele wuu hplen tl i iwiwtlng weather lid the are nu wiu in u condition hlth greatly leuued the visiting afttr un add m of wulooma by 0rfln jlyml hr at 10 a m tha lour mm nt oih nntl in real arm at in thn preliminary round the content commenrod for thn seagram trophy it intinuml f r tlm two duya and tha fluul earn wuu in twe n tha rlnku of c it turner ullton und p mcorath i reutl n the lutter of whom won out by two point the sonna throughout wore a fol- 8eaqram trophv preliminary round milton liramploii k ii orulmm hi j mocloluutd 20 a w hay hiuipehr won rrom 1l hv itoutley kllrhnnir by defaulc j struchun fluelpb won from v hub toad waterloo by default l hynda jr urumiuti 1 llullrilitlne 1nl kltchenar it utunblog 30 o no rgo t oarn ihilo dph won from t hy dafuull acton clould ii ic iaikuh hnsp4ur wdji urcullum tlult btdiraut t thauburn hrumpton won from it it ongoode irenton by default j hn iahmnr waterloo won front no 3 rink uborgetown by default ouu ullton iurnatt 15 c h turner- 1b turn s pimt round hrumpton has paler j uoclnllund 13 a w day 17 ouelph acton j btrachan ib hynda j xx ouelph actonr l uclennuu t w j dould llrampton- heapnler t thauburn 17 k iiifon 10 milton waterloo c ll turner 31 j dwhnier 9 mubonay ouelph wan from j rrrl kitchener by defuult oalt arton law jtlt id u it shoray 1b p mrtjruth ivuhiou won from no 3 rluk oeorgetown hy dofnull w chlsholm milton won from j m ilnhmnr waterloo by dnfault rump ton hostwilar bher haudoron 17 j ic lurwln 14 second round hmpeler catxwum a 1svbt jw ac ton w j oould b ullton c ii tumoral oalt s law t llrumplon hlcr henderson 17 brampton t thaubuni s3 ouolph muhoney 18 prtutton ucorath n ullton w riilsholin 1 third round milton hrumpton h turner 10 t thauburn 10 llrnmplon 1 reuton bher heudumon 9 v mcorath 14 i w hay huapelar u bye semlflnsla loepoler 1 1 ston w day b p ucorathlb plhul milton 1mslon o h turner 17 v mcclmth- 1 consolation pimt round milton oeorgetown is d graham 14 u halo 10 kitchener- oalt to u stueblug 11 ir nurnlt llrumpton oualph 19 j uoctellatid li j btruohan u heaimiler ouetphr t iigun 30 el mclennan 16 waterloo j acton r ihihmnr h h u bliory is j hurwln heaiieler a bye third round georgetown ouelph j daa 18 11 uuhnnoy 10 hrumpton lyoston j ucclaltnnd 11 8 uw is ullton heapalar w chlwhulm h logan 1s hrumpton llrnmpton bher henderson lot thauburn is fourth round oeorgetown oalt u dulu ib h liaw 1s ltrumptoii houpeler t thuuburu lfi h lutgun 18 semi pinals houpolor oalt a w hay 11 h luw 17 1c lokuti hnaiielar a bye final houpahir olt it ljiun ib b law 8 scotch doubles first round ouelph j heapelar iluothnr 14 bchwart4ir ix heupelar ouilph darwin is to molelun u 1 kitchener ouelph- pevitt 19 lohiia h 1x acton o eorttc town shoiiy 16 kennedy rl oualph imiiton muhanoy 10 uobluuon 19 acton hramptami holmeu 3 unclennnn ii acton hrumpton lyndu ie itnblnuoiii n 17 milton acton chlsholm 31 hurrluon 31 second round ouelph ouolph huather 16 u clollan 14 ullton kltchoiior oruhum i 1 16 dovltt ib acton ulltun bhoray 10 uobluaon u ix ouelph hrampton lcuuton 16 itoblnaon 14 georgetown acton dale 13 hunaunl ullton hrampton h chlaholm itt ttvuuburn by third round oualph- kitchener huethor 9 devltt ib ullton ouelph itoblnaon 11 tonuton hrumpton hrumpton thuuhurn is itoblnaon lt cldnholm ullton n bya 8amlfinula kltchaner ouolph dnvltf ib citaton 7 1 hrnmptonr mlltnn thauburn ib chlaholm h finals kltchanur milton devltt 1g chlaholm 10 1 cuiitinumt un pmt a

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