itlh iiouk ol ijf arhm 3ffrre jlrrbfl iui town wmlrn l out tiir actom i kik uk i liuii t1nirly u tlie iiin hull ltb lllll li aui 0l tl urrlith pttfi m u l- i dvait f u- t- ljul klltl j in 1 1 lniltd mn tin- tjle to wliih nlnlnilt r vl i uiiii ih 114 1ii atlvcutimn ualktrarlhl jiim rtv 11 wnlj sultm urnr ijiirxum ulliil dliulay nlvefllh in i tu lwm tn ci will pillxi tii will ba hill till lodiu ml thrbtil arnxiliikfly tmkrnoms- illoiul urnl lluiii offic a susscsuon for fall fair board the farmers sun suggests milk bootha us n desir able addition to llio fall fairs and formers picnics a itrcut number of school fairs throughout canada and hc united slates have been having at least one milk bar on the fair grounds where pure clean ice cold inilk can bo hud at cost why not have a uilk bin nt your fair it queries where the children ciinlinycjilcnty of milk and less pop and odav it could icrfje too w a centre for nn educational cxhjhit 011 milk and itt importance in the diet of both adults and children buttermilk which i also a healthful beverage might bo mcludcd and many would wcl coilll it u well neighborhood news- town and country burllnqton a dominion luty ohlirullon uinln tho tiiiili a of tli nouon unit liurl llllltoli aiuloullural hiwieiy will 1 i xlil on tho mw rulr kkiuihlm on hut iiiduy july t xli joo uifonn luuilltlfiil wwlff mtrfnt homo imu boon ld to mr ul miu riiuliim of humlltnn who li 1 it thlr irinuniil mini ijfcri vocation give younc 1eoplo a chance the ycurm examinations are now in progress numbcn of young people will shortly graduate thoy will of ncccimty ho obliged to decide upon the future of lifes activities these young people deserve t be given a chance to make good all i want is t bo given a chance said n college graduate recently tid uickentiincnt did him credit the right sort op young folki do not demand special favors privilege i hoy do not ask that thoy be given an advantage over some one else out they do ask and have a right to expect that thoy shall be given a chanca thursday mokning june 21 j022 editorial church courul endorse the ontario temperance act church courts baptist co ngrcgat ionavjljctho- difi and prcsytcwnn during the past month affirmed their belief in the efficacy of the ontario temperance act and tho good results which it has produced in the life of tho community they also commend the drury government for its faithfulness in enforcing tho law some of the resolutions have gone even further and condemned tho politicians and liquor devotees who havo sought to discrdit tho act adopting modern methods overseas the old country is gradually coming to see that women should bo givon equal rights with men in all legal matters another sep has been taken in this direction by british house of commons a bill entitled separation and maintenance order bill has been enacted it is designed to straighten some matrimonial tangles and remove matrimonial infelic ities which arc largely attributed to tho fact that heretofore in many ways ty law docs not treat the sexes alike tho conservative people of tho british isles wjll eventually give women their proper place as wcjijjs enact prohibition for tho protection of the whole family and the state as well keep the park sweet and wholesome it is painful sometimes to bo obliged to listen to the profanity and foul lunguago indulged in by some persons in the park fortunately this is not very common there should however be a forceful effort made by tho park committee of the council to prohibit all profanity and obscenity there under penalty of expulsion at least in other places action is being taken along this lino following a con ference of representatives from churches and other organizations with dr h w baker chairman or tho stratford parks board tho latter body will be asked to excludo from the parks for a month persons guilty of swearing or using offensive language to further curb a habit about which there has been cdm plaint principals or schools will bo asked to speak to the boys placards in parks and playgrounds will also give warning y anattrocious murder for which ireland most suffer another cowardly murdor has occurred during the week growing out of tho troubles in ireland which may be rarreachitg in its results thqflssass- ination or field marshall sir henry wilson at tho door of his home in london was as mad- a crime as tho phoenix pork murders in dublin a generation ago the effects will be more farreaching and will involve ireland in difficulties dire itnd disastrous which will further prolong the settlement of peace in that troubled land irishmen tho world over truly patriotic to the land of their birth orof their fathers reprobate with loathing such inhuman tactics as have been manifested in this cowardly tragedy field marshall wilson was an illustrious official qf tho british empire appointed us ulsters agent forjhe restoration of order and tho accomplishment of peace thus perpetrators of this coldiodded murder must bo punished and punished they will bo and ft is bincerely to be hoped thafduo punishment will eventually bo meted out to tho equally guilty insti gators of the dastardly crime who inspired the out rage and who hide behind their cloak or rebellious leadership t the cotti of war to canada war at any time and in any country is u costly enterprise this very year fiftyseven years after tho american civil war it is costing tho nation for pensions as much as it cost in actual expenditure of revenue during one of the years through which tho war was carried on tljc cost ofwar never ceases with the signing of the peace treaty or tho winning of victory acton thru pwtsi tho cost of war when will canada get away from it hardly in tho lifctimo of the present generations the experience of tho republic will bo this dominions tho maimed and crippled veteran wo will have with us ror many a year and this gateful country wilt see that he doesnt suffer galt reporter mi mil luiil klb wlutfloh urn tulilnir it motor ih11 through nnur voi k utalo utttiiklliitf lliu huniinor puort oniao ut cot 11 ii jiilvorttlty ilhuu tim mnnimn alltixlil illvln hoivuo in tho mtho1lht chur h on nun1iy liiuriiliijl llio jmh w idiot of 11 in clr nil ulil w tnamhoi- of hurliutftihi olii rtdrlil ui uhlu wrtnon coimtimiiulns momuy jurni 2t tlm jo iilnl trail nit mlfi luukiirtl il tiuiio friniuniil twivldo itotwunii llurl- limtitu iiixl ilmilltoil in iiridlfioii to llilu lint tur4 intva win doiinuiutulily rlllnl j lui work on oi nw lllli hnxil li imiumhhiiiu ulowly nnl ii in wry rut if tlo liillhtiif will in ruty ii cuimtloti by hiilpiuihr 1 ut- llioiliili uynry fffort will h imtiln to ily foi uui to milton wluon hlim ixiiiulit al i liilf rutin 40i dim lllialiil mru lmi ton uml itiiuvhtura to mtionil hi humiiiur oheerfulnebs 1 i curlylii muu- ul lilllu tl xirfiilnoiih im u t u minjj vnrlli u htint i in ny lollln i who lilvllh lot with jill r to uvol1 llio im mtui mix frown with u inioyiint lu v viilrlt kottot wlio culillmiumii u in will ntun1 liuirfl imtil- hii tliui tin one wlm u ilinir uml uiliit kolluiu mtin li buof to lie ioiiinl of muftlul thihui oniii tlioy tin- wlinn tluiy liavn nil iiuml tt illhuli liitf htniliih oiiuliui thm to ixrrfuiui t of vulir it u mhii th- krtxxill involution wuu won by it k homo i lino uc u bmvn jlordon- lliirli- luniliir iiuyjl blw tiuuiiln l miiiour- tit- ixunruiliui wlun iu uu wuu uhot it way ilto wmk wo do willi w bti ill i tim i willi t im llkily nijrtya 11 iiulillia will bo u uoiiil li lloill wild jy willing will b n ill ohuful niillmr wji uliimitil tlilnk of tlilu hi ohihlujntf our ii fit woik if u in not iinimy in lilu work m ulioull it in til 01100 uml runt lunnotliliitf iilu fii- tho uroiiuut kutllouiio inly ih uttultiiml winm llio wiilrtt im vord wltli llio lulmr unitucil in ae r w hall jr ba sc arcmitect do you inijnd to huiii oh maki ajthkations why not consult an ahcihtect box 524 brampton phone i66w business medl i musi meet the costs of the war according to tho now taxes inaugurated by fin ance minister fieldings budget a tax of a per cent mutt now be paid by customers upon all printing in may 1020 a tax of i per cent was put on printing this wus later increased to 2 per cent and then to 3 per cent then about a year ago it was decided that a printer was in tho same class as a merchant tailor who makes a suit to your order just as a printer prints a job to your order and tho tan was taken off a manufacturer who sells to a wholesaler adds 2jj per cent but as a printer sells directly to the consumer ho must put on tho whole 4 per cent tax the government should derive a big revenue from tho increased sales tax but tho war costs must bo paid continuing at school until 16 yearn u reached there is now well under way a widely extended movement to have the adolescent school attendance arcjiuoii ilio increased attendance of pupils from fourteen to sixteen ycars of age adds greatly to tho burdens or the ratepayers in providing additional school ac commodation other claims assert that many homes need tho children when they reach tho age of four teen to work at tho home on the farm or to earn wagci to supplement tho fathers or mothers earn ings tho advantage of two years extra schooling must be very groat however and tho government will do well to weigh carefully all phases of tho important question before taking any steps to repeal tho adolescent school attendance act editorial notes canada leads tho world withi volume of exports per head of population computations mode at ottawa show that canadas exports now amount in vahjo to 150 per capita as compared with sos for the united kingdom and 65 for the united states many ontario towns have sot apart camping grounds ror motor tourists which will attract visitors when the list of grounds is published as it will be acton council should sot apart ror this purpose a section or tho park and see that acton is included in this list times may be hard and money tight but automobiles and motor truck sales continue to ad vance in a most thrifty manner it looks very much as if the money is forthcoming for almost anything we think we want dreadfully bad theres a big difference however between a need and a want tho changes fnythe criminal code making jail sentences obliagtoryon drug peddlors and deporta tion on aliens are in tho right direction tho law cannot bo applied tqo hard on tho traffickers in opium and its related drugs so disastrous in their effects upon tho victims who are foolish enough to indulge in them canadas natal day saturday july 1 will mark the fiftyfifth anniver sary or the confederation of tho provinces and terri tories of canada into 0110 harmonious dominion a now nation in the british crown was then consunr mated for loyalty anil prosperity it has equalled any othertkrrion anywhere peno within our bord ers and plenty or our needs havq always prevailed all citizens wjio have canadas interests at heart will sincerely hope for a continuance of these blessings and that thcro will be many many happy returns of tho anniversary or our natal day phen wo wish an elderly friend many imppy retufhs there some times mingles with this conventional wish llio un- jelconto thought that no may not live to see another birthday but that thought need ttotiintruae on our felicitations to our country on her natal day there is no reason why canada should not see a thousand birthdays and each happier than the last there have been few years indeed in our national j history which we need to blush to face there have been anxious times hard times temporary setbacks jw 6ven but as a whqlethe tendency has been onward jjg upward each first of july markva step tor- c awncthing new attempted something now ac- w complished and sp from our hearts with no haunt- kf ittg doubtojluestlonlnawe wish o mother can- gfada many happy return of the day a former resident who has friends interred in fairviow cemetery writes to enquire if the council has taken any step to ensure permanent care of cemetery plots upon 1 payment of a stipulated sum this important matter should receivo the attention of the members it has been a live question for years but no definite action has been taken i it is gratifying to tho froii press that the coun cil h3 now in hand tho matter of erecting signs at tho entronco to town on the four leading roads and nt the railway stations the suggestion made in his column soveral months ago in being worked out in an attractive manner the enterprise is sure tb be regarded favorably by travellers generally and our town will be put on tho map in an effectivo way mr t j ufown rtiturniit luimo lt th urit uy from u vlnlt of ubout n to bur tniitlirir uml utr in chlo mu jiun k imiitim a lott lmt wink to tukti u 1 nt ifruiluuta uin- tour uiinw tji clioinlhtry hi um unl- vnrmlty of olilonjjo tim aiiuuuummtt it unnounrnd nf uhuj tluulu ilout of mllum to iiurom k011111 only won of mr and urn ciiwm komii toronto tlo wothodlt mt irtmihyurln rtkulloiim will hold union warvloeri for llio hiontlim of july uiiil auitut lo- tmiliiir july 2 in ic110k cliuioh tim ihiium moatloit of tlm mlltdli ijiwii lkiwihitf riiih iium nturtnd tlm noiikoit with u momlmimhln of 33 out of whloh riukm buvo uxn formeit xlrm w lioroa lltuta oollaao ismii uiiriounao thu biiknaremant it hr 1uukhtir margiktrlto xiuua ltally to floor hhnrwimjil ullme ill v rtmmit of mlnei ottawu nun if william iiumk milton iuht tliurwiluy iollea unxutruto hiii1in trloi wunl twomlln of km- tirlil on tlio ohurifu nf iinmiultln john lliminont with in tout to com mit muritar twmtl wum oonvlctoil mult ind nnml 130 willi 143 cot it 1 11 chum iilon qeorqetown mi hiymt bulilunl col a o iinwn npuitt tbo wmik ut nlmknraoiitlntijiko hoy ir miicoll lu huaiktliiif u oouiilii of woikh in itoolicntor mr itiid mr la y jbtrruolouh tnntort to ho bony u n uml miont tlm w4wimt with rrlvmln thro laht vmu mr john h wortlu of fcwifiu iluy with hla brother mr wurtlmi uut woek ittt iiuioko rlkarnttnm ihtur a bhmo- tuii if you ura notvortli tnuoli chkiilliio in mr a hiixnlwiwul loft luut wonk to nimml noitiiln nf wmku ut uuukaku tint ooorcotown toon in club huhl tmiil ttift mi hnt- iayrwrtfmnrtwfflfrirwn1njf iock ut tlm tiiln rourt of mr mourixi multi htmnt ao jlynt- ui- uml mrnj u ilnll uml ho1m mux well umt o bur lew of acton mtmnt humluy with tsr uml mm it j hyttilfi mr ii w hnnllltik f klimtim bun ion uiioliitml inuiiufiui of tbo unit tcldiihihio cat oinon in town uml irf ow in rim rue mm 11 i hlioloy of lntrolt in vlnit- ina ut tho liutno of her imraiitu ur uml mrw j n unolll ud mr t j tipeticht uttomloil thfl fun oral of tbo into mr j f loillw ut kltflhonor lunt wk wbut might huvt iiroved tx norlourf unrlitnnt ooourroil it tho council humlier htownrttown on bumlay lust hen two uutum collbloil irortunutaly io ono wtu horldualy hurt tblk hiut iwuya been u duiiaarouh nornur fur oh in ln uml opoolully for uuton now imforu u mtk mrluu uooljont happen could not tho council chumbor bo jrauvml to tho ult hour whoio tlm old liotnl uaed tit nluddt llrlil erin io ivonrnanlvo 1olltkul anuooutlun will bold u lilo- iilo in htnnloy lurk on wodnomluy july b lion 10 c bniry prlnio mlnutur mid hon w la ltaby atiornayunaifij fn unnomtooil to dollvor uitdraume irlbolllu cook win no unfortunuta uu to brciik hr in ft wrm whll at may lu thu moiioo ynrd un wwliiiutdny lunt mr uml ilm hennnr utid llttla ilhaslittir of llurralo n y uro vultlna with tho lattera parenfn mr umt mrs uwi ilokon buna line icrju there in un extra nootlon auntf work- in un th kloru bruiioli of th ti i it luylna now ntool in futura thuo who truval nn thin lln will not bo no llkoly to booomo mou nlok thu brln tuwnnhlli sunday bohool awnoolutlon wilt hold thulr unnual opn- vontlun in tlm mathddlat churclt cun- inintby toduy ijint wak a buudly portion of our main htrwat rvaulvod u cout of oil tliu nutlnoon m lontffnu want and will kil down tho dunt wliluh will im much ppreclutod by ull mr john henry nufforud tho loua of a vuluubla lionio and wbut might tm ooiinldnrtl tho lonn of unuthr vulujtbla ry homo for it wu bllndud whon tho huhtnitik- ntruok tho bum during tho mtorn frlduy iilsht tho womnn inntltutti of jcrifb wjll hold u nunnuor courtw of iwoiwmiu commotialnff july s un iorniinapliy- kuin mid homo buitllatlon in tho town hull un elunduy ovwiilns nuvuii carloudn of uidun of tho local lodno of uia trillion oraiiitn tlanovulfiiioo auaoulit- tlon motor to aoton and took hurt iii u iburoh puiiilo mr j h trlmblo wun uuudunly wtrlcken by un uttuak of uppotidloltln on bunduy uml won ramovml to tbo otmerul himpitiil ouollili whom hn nndorwont un oporutlon mtau koto moimmi or wlnnlnnjr unit miuh orutfi itoburn of toronto npont ufuw duyn lunt wook with mr uml mm it a ovorluntl ut tho lovor- krtona linn duiinun muniiull uml mr mo- kurohar of oldh allu wro puoiith of dr und mm abbott lunt wook mr win luimiwlhtttdin hit nur- clmmod from mm cltfw tlio ntoro pro perty how occupied by mr uml mm chan lot tub advocate it was reported at the recent meeting of the gen eral assembly in vvinnipeg that the presbyterian witness hod gone behind some 37000 in the two years since tho church has taken over and united the two denominational papers this is an indication of th costs and hardships that beset weekly news papers todnyrnotwithstandlng their largo con stituencies there ar no denominational papers in canada whoso revenues reach their expenditures to day start business school this summer tb skkw jkfeoau to timmo wlduy wuea murt wsw uuuatrp- mtilab 4 aud boliktb ldlwdnl i lu wny imiw t r uiuti ckjjriutui 9i1aw toronto mm llotty oioili wuu in lir hr tlmu tlm w womun lu til world without ultul frumln or in- llumiifl wlm built up u fnrtllliu ntlm- utuil ut 100000001 tlm inuxlmu icov- irtilnj her biinlmom llfo nbo formuludil um fllllowh t invtut lu mill itut buy u limiui for 16000 hut mil ho mm old tur 18000 2 lo builiiiliul with a piont tho proportion of whl h rorniillilm with tho yin of tbo liivumtimint i3 womiui uro holdom miiiifiil lu i oinmiiclul timlortuklnui iwutua thoy to nut upiirnnliitti tlm ipi port undo of mliiitliiiitliiilr own bimlminb 4 linltutlon muy bo tbo uliioorutit futtory hut tho ul of it ull ibn with tho thluuh iniltutnl huoohu lu a ntrunr in linltutlnu lopi wtlh minmy to invent mhould iuy no ut- toiitlon to tho dolimn of otlmru but lixik on tlilnuu from their own point it viw r tbo itoul of milicoi in nut olwiiin nacboil by thu roimhout mini thu putb im un ihy ono to hud tbutlu why m iniiiiy pooiiio mlmj it pipe fitting is our specialty n mutter wtuit pllllllblli ji in xkllt iitruxt im wltb klmln uml ulm vl lbrfooi ank for out 0r w- e mooney t cnacj acton ont misplaced condolence bo uv mr johuhtiin thought it wiu4 lil duty to cull on mru hlmiikliiu olid ooitdolo with bor on tho iohk of bor hiinbuud when ho urrlvnd ut tho m ii he found tho mtor womun in ru uml hn uutil kindly my dur ludy try not to ulluw your ifrlef to nvorromn you llonumbot r himhund in fur impplur in tho iithnr world ipnilmpn hu lu uohbod tlio whlow lbut i think yni uro wry rudo to hjiy no farm specials just n rcnl jood littlo fnrm of 7s acres brick house of nix rooms good bunk barn fifty ilcics workable fifteen bush and ten pasture extra well watered prlcu 1700 possession can be hud in thirty days ciioilo little farm of 47 acres inalda corporation of george town nice younji orchard neat house and basement barn with kood stabling if in need of n lurje tnrni consult ut as wo have listed for sale any size or prico of fnrnuyou miflht be looking for donoldson ijnctf slcnntbhlph dr j a phyoiclan ollt und luwlita aviiioo uml klgln hu formnrly in ou iithoii clon ont bk k j tbyicun 8urai aolon iturrtfimnr to thi omin uml iteldo onlr i lour 2 l dk c f pbyioln ai mill st qra lxiimuht ftiirco mp attrition hum uml ulillilnii 6r w s op oil uo woolwh yo war now icvmry wwihi anton leqi 1binib no 3 harold nash i brruur bolttoi cnnvtyaihi perrvman block money tc pa hour moo v j h g m burrlstw solicitor goratowr inll deut prancis nufl book binder arooiiiit immio of nil kiil oritur lmriodlmln 0 ovaryl curnfully iwimd itullna- promptly done tmutnfinffrfsa ovnr wllllumu be sure 5u piif tikhii out carelessness with matches cigarette butts cigar ends pipe ashes camp fires fly smudges railway locomotives slashburn ing operations human carelessness of some kind accounts for 97 of the f6rest fires which every year add further devastation to the northern areas of this province t dont dont take any chuncea with flro in ontarlou rarontn uont throw away cltfur- ottu or eleur but in pips heel or burnt mntrhul until you are dead uliro they ure out dont neloct to drown out your flro with iota or water oont build your camp fire aglnt rotten lojf r atntnp nor on whuly pfllnti nor near moan patches nor at tlio imuo of a treo build it in a former lire pfore or on a flat rock or on apoueleared down to che true noil holow or by ihe edgvof tho water xknt forget that the upper layer of ground tn tho forest corwuu of partial ly rotted wood which will hero are typical cased picked at random from lout ycovallre rangers reports the rongors on the ombablka to port hope canoe route lit the far north on july 4th found an area 10 mlletl long by 4 mllea wide which had been nwept by j lira alnca their vrevloua trip a camp fire left on portage was tho cause a prospector on the montreal silver htarted fire on july 7th which burned over 4800 acres in uadcii township destroying 1000000 feet ofplpe and 9000 cordn of pulp wood and wtilch required attention for a month a party of fiihermen camped on porcupine lake llurton township larry sound were responsible for a fire on july 10th which burned over 2soo0 ca and 2000000 foot of timber f tqdlana nmoklnk mooae meat started a fire on juno 26th which ran through 1700 acres of young jack pine trees careless trappers on may 7th caused a fire in head township which burned over 2260 acre ludf of it young white pine the best way to fight forest sroa im to prevent them ontario forestry branch parliament buildings toronto ont 1 r save ontarios forests i theyre urs lit j m bell d oantltr lonoraruduuts of flly s tho ulmt ut inn i red omen ut liwldrncn c lwdorlok hlreet lkt dr f g gollop hi djntnl surpw 0fln ovor bank louri sio i bvonlnjri by appolf miscellaned u j kerrj auotionnr ami f eati it yoanf icxpnrlencj cton irlahuf untruutii to il j rilvii altmitlun from dnte o tu dutn of uulo uut yntr uah or 3 tuidnc bowwravs ihoun 30 anton cull ut t roy hih auction tivw btocic itbai r- and mnitoiianpi conolldtd pltonu erlr h tt 3 actptv j e cheevp book filndeft quabo 8l e q llookn uml tnusuxlneji ilnmlaomo and hubntajiual kfunoat letterod in ualdj hymn itookm and other boo all work promptly ex pjjjjl d alex m ontario land surveyor v enolrvr burvovk hubdivlhlcma portu liorlptioiui juiie cart lit aatem for puroht lnortunnsn burveyri tor hullitxim nkid munlrlpul urulinum jtvportm hllra molean builptnq d oujomk ibono 106- consulting rnqh junett ivoctor lted 38 toronto st torop jtrhluom iuvtinxmta t f lownniico mynutnii i i arbltnitloim oult icic13h uuuully tlm ou lmmno adl 1044 tub torniiui t thoid and granlio and marbli v 1 wo uro mutiufrtoturun imihirtom of ull klmln of ulid ilunilntona work to our onuumicru nt vni i thun nuvlnj our otntomoi j wu huvo tlio bent upiilln only mcobajium li miroto pnnunuitlii t wo cult tflvo rofertmotni f of our oustomerw in ton jilucon where othnri1li nulta in order to oolliat hirtcejit nnd lioat atook tho dominion or mure iw doploru ifi the wt j muto dtbilom ami eaipli und do not piumy or i by aondiuif out lanorant infr orders wa omploy und dory oomnetltlal hamiltq cqi norwich 1 a til tolll fit