Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1922, p. 1

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wmi v wfat jutjoctt sttt ft orty eighth ytur no h 100 imil yblah acton ontario thursday morning august 24 1022 ii to ik unitibd btatbs single copies five cents the methodist ciuntmi acton pnon o willow s 11 u hi tin mlnkl r h il j i a htutoniuu i t 1 ruvr 3 jo i in hu j iy iu mhi 7 t n tt miiiihii r flul jt two thhikt n a wl mom to all jmtesitytmuan knox church acton mlnitr rev a c buwih m a muline will w iurt nicavicfcii ii u in hov w u nlti 11 a iu aiitnwu ctmrili rmm 7 p in llev w i nlc iu a hunduy tu hool and 111 in chin ut 10 u id htrunuur leaving address with the usher will be called upon by tho iu ahr coitnrariy invitkd new advertisements for sale ln wlllunn anly 1 o box sll chevrolet car for bale i in vrolot 400 touring rur t r lit in m particular upl ly 1 o box 577 for sale rlrut eluu 1 rink hituhn with nil run venlown well ultusted apply t 1 il j kin iu heal ktuto agent lmnn 3c ac ton sewing machine for sale hlngor sowing ui hlna for nul ul mom new ai i ly to 1 14 ut i mil lh ut mr tho morton church htroet arton for adoption ilrtiiht healthy good looking baby toy miid liahy girl mkw 4 mi ntli lo ovr two yum for adoption aip1y l w 11 htbwaut lunpector milton ont property for sale mumur of new farm listed per son intending lo purchase see r j kerr he knows i ten i instate agenl phona if acton card of thanks urn jutne brown und family tlealr to mpromi tli till very mincer thank to the it many friend for thnlr warm sympathy in the mi men dnath of the dear husband unl father of the homo ttao nuroroua floral tribute weie also much appreciated farms and town property whn wanting tt twin or town lrdperty ea our list home 30 varm and xii town iroportio to clioowo from w aim to please you j a smith ileal instate agent phono los acton ont furniture remodelled etc moulding iilot urea and frames made furniture upholstered nmodal- led mid repaired medicine cabinets ball rack and aervlng troy ruule i orlr 1ollnhed glass shelve and 1 mirror any aloe supplied 74 11 v kfnyon hox 37 echo 1 lace anton ont notiee to horse owners kloaquo th well known seal black 1 reported inireheron owned by woo brown and donald urlaren will far m faw wook 1k irooraod by j uraif kcho lodo lrm lot one third lino krln any ona wuhlny to breol orat ttlaaa atick ahould communlcato with uroom il il no 1 acton v tklblhonk s r 13 fina quality pluma and peaehea karly yarlotlca t pluma an t i machos in now over tuid tha beat grades of proaarvlnur pluma arabelnf offernd in lutk quantltiea 1rlcew are roaaonahla 1toont hot weather nowftvvr will ahorton the aaaaon yellow floah free ft no peilchua are ajao obtainable the mark of llta nlasam inlnaulo grower limit ed qrlroaby ontario atandg for carefully jtaaked evonly smitcd fruit fall term opbnh monday august 28 in tub gueijh business cqllbge wb offer hhjh iirude courmui by expert teacher writ for trm v d rphott lrlnclual wallpapers for fall decorations wonderland friday august 28 the sheik tfrl picture la the ncrwm hen katlon or the iluy by oeorgi mol srtl tenturlnk akiio aynn uiul uiolph vulentlno id arl cavalier an iwlucatlonul torn dy ifox newti saturday august 20 grout moment a 1 unmount plotura hburrlnk olnnu hwan aon by ueanor glynn 1 toll in btoneo nn bduoatlonul romedy pnthtt nawo tuesday aupust 29 llealdo the ronnie hrittr buali kulsado 14 of the ad ventura or itobliikon cruuoo a good canlcdy j c silverthorn can he bought at sale pricing to splen did advantage this week in guclph at macdonaldb llu npeciul aujrut t clean up will bring tha suggestion to muny homes jn this vicinity to provide the papers now for the re papering that is promised for fall new wallpaper hangings may ho choncji for tho entire house at a saving of m third to a half tho usual cost that saving will make i worth while to choose now and lay away for the pall decorat ing beaton those august days however are the paper- hangcrn slack time and if you can make the present con vcnlent you will not find tho umal waiting and forohanded planning necessary to get a good decorator on a day that suits you great advantages to be gained therefore by papering in august specially with sate values like these in tho august clean up aro many of the seasons mostpopular lines which as tho result of that popularity are sold down now to small quantities magnificent reductions on those tines make this tho greatest wallpaper opportunity in years our stock is known to bo tho best assortment jrt this part of the country a fact which makes sale values nil tho mora attractive sav ings of a third iu a half throughout with these fow quota tions as examples 10c for itedroonutv itejjular up lo 22c single roll stripe patterns in pretty pink and bluo shades all over pat- terns in neat moral designs and a broad choice of color ings dining iloom livingboom and hall papers at 60c re gular up to 125 single roll ftfsin pobble effects floral foliage and vista tapestry patterns conventional de signs and popular weave and tcxturo o fleets itedroom chintz papers ai 35c regular up to g5c single roll beautiful color blend ing all tho popular shades on while and cream grounds savings of at least a third for lovely bedroom decora tions 10c for halls uvlnjr- roonm dining- rooms and kitchens regular up to 25c singleroll expensive selec tions in this group for all kinds of rooms d e macdonald bros ltd gumjhs leading and labgest store weekend specials pkesh mabsiimaixows plain and toadied per lb assorted creams assorted flavors por lb weekend chocolates our famous weekend chocolates per lb mill street acton the acton cafe for a real meal or light lunch stop at the acton cafe centrally located appetizing food and tha best service our motto cleanliness and quality comfort 11 the house of distinction l yt why not treat your wifo or sweetheart to community house sundqy dinner tho nre most palatabto and delicious and are served to tho finest trade we cater to particular people d v ritchie proprietor gem jars tltjs is the season for gem jars a complete stock of all sizes call and got our prices also rubber rings anatmc rings certq is moving very fast have you tried t vi best prices pn sugar tor preserving d c russell mux st acton news of local import additional 00 h p of elactrlo current lly lr hinrhit i lent will imwii tiikutht tha kul ww k i iritftliiff h new power linn to tho worka t the anlit tannlnk c oinpany li contnactltiir for another 00 b of current thin will brlna art n n ukkraut up lo u hlali nanre brampton children hurt whi an auto lrlvo hy charua ymi hey nf ilrumpton ttnl anolhorarar driven by tin mm kiium of krln collided ut uuln unl ci mm n htroetk itmmiil m on him iny n llry a two hmall rbll imit wnrthrwn fiom the lar tout and anrloualy injured lluth rur wore badly nmotnxl up iterrov 10 corn cta lag end arm mayor j i ii lluttle of thoroid ro turned luat week from lit mlohaela iiohi itul toronto wlii hn un lerwopt ohratloiih u r the removul of in arm lid m it if ilia phyali iuiih remrt hlm loin nlnely mr i initio a orlelnul lo wub nutiue i i y the removal of n n bla to in laontnk aetllnif lit sudden death of bright lad in ml raaret u felt ror air and john havana jf churfch htreet in the auddan death of their brhfht little nlicht yearold aoii jaokle tho utile fell w vim aroun i ua uauttl at few ituyn prevloux wam twken auddenly iii on hunduy and puiuttid kwy on thura ilwy mr un i mri havaxe hitve th ymltuthy f tho itommunlty in their lltaa t gorad to death by bull thu llfnleaa body of jutnca hjh 70 yeara of k wtill known farmer of harwirji waa found in a paaturo held on ha furm akut is o o look sunday nlht of lut week by hla eon 1 tkhuuiih th victim waa killed bull in the patfturu the aaeil went to the fluid for tluo civm almtut i olook li the evanlna und whun ho dl i not return hla aon n- atledeh march laoeldartt at starkman bleek while nt work ut tha btarkmnn lllook on tviwaday afternoon sir david hun hauoinnd with un accident that hud laid him aaldo for a few day at work taking oft the old roof und while work in on a jolat hla foot uupped anl one letf went thrnuah lathe anl ulaater of the relllna llow in fall in he atruck hh aide uotnt the joint und liroke one of hla rllui ito waa rendered unconanloiim aht rt time 1r mnnlvon waa called in and uttoo iwl hlm and took hlm home in hla we and ulthoujrh badly uhaken im he la orocreflslna fuvorauly bavare electrical storm in trafalgar durlnif tnat wmlncaday evnnlnjca oleotrloul utortn ronaldentbla damngo wuw don in truflbr and nt leaat one houae and one ikurn were a truck by ukhlnlna and hurnnd the largo hrlck realj1ene on tbv houao farni on linn- it a rtreet aulterad ft rat ahnrtly ih- for alx o clock the farm la rented by mr harlow and thorn were only hla f nnd two children home ut tho time fortunately they wer not hurt tho loiu will bo quit heavy about tho aame time the bum which atanda by llaelf on john v fortl a farm roar cnyne achool huuae waa atruck i oomiletely deatroyed thore for- tunataly w ho crop in the burn but there were m number of implements the atorm won iiartloulurly aevern um it luaaid thnuki thut mention of the towimhll oukvmie btun r the band at oaorgatown laxt krliluy ovenlna tho acton cltlxona ilund t urttcllmtod in the muiilcal keatlval at deorsntown thla waa tho aecond ot the eerie of oon certit between acton georgetown and milton hand and waa u aolondld auc- thn throe banda put un tt very one ltroktammu which win varied acton a nroftramme hy aeveral vocal lumlhirtt from the acton quartette and member of tha georgetown ttupd and cornet oft by jjlnu lottie maaoii tho irnmld wprti royally entertained and hunquetted ut tbn public library build- by the member nl tha women a institute of that town a knoat en joyable evening waa aient by he barfd and the largo number of oitlaena who uccntniminled them to morrow even ing the band goex to milton for tho luat ronoert of tho aerlea extra tralna for tha ehlbtlor n antlclimtlon of the large number thut will undobtedly attend the toronto exhibition thla year both the toronto huburban und the grand trunk r4l- waya have added upoctal trains to their rekulax aehedule theae tralna and cure will be on for august lo and 31 und september 1 i 4 b 0 7 and i hioclal rudlal eara will leave acton for toronto ut s48 u m and 8 48 p nrnvlng ut toronto at bid i m and it so p m upturning the apaclal cam will leave toronto ut v ib a m b 4b p m und lo ao t m and urrlvp ut acton at 11jj1 a m 1014 p m and 11 sb t m the furea on thla una have been ruduoed to 1 sb for adult und 70a for children goott going august so and returning to heptamber both date incluelve on the orand trunk an extra train going at atijt p undone going west at 11 18 n m have bq added in addition to the regular tralna the i iv p m train will ar rive jn toronto ut 4 bb p m and the 11 ii p m train w1ltltoave toronto at 10 op j mi farea on thla line tor the exhibition time have alaobeen re duced and the return fare ror adult la si 78 for adult und half turn for xhildren j pretty church wedding last thursday a pretty church wedding waa aol emulaed lnt thursday afternoon in church when captrd v rltohie und leolwl daugttter of mm h a wlnterburtie were united in murrlngt the hev a c btewurt m a itaatur of thb joung pauple olflalated prompt ly dt 1 30 p m the brld entered the church to the aire inn of the wedding march played by mru l- a word on she waa given away by her mother and waa unattended the bride took- rd charming in n wedding gown of credit are do chine and fllot lacu ind bedda und wt re veil and oruhge hloomoma ttase carried u eheuf bridal roaea during the algnlng of the regtator mr l a word on aang tha oalo until th uahera were cupt w fj c kenuey and mr i a wortten the church waa prettily do coruted for the oecualon oy the young people a guild of tho church of which society tho groom w h very energetlo worker the groom a gift to the bride wn a gold bracelet immediately fol lowing the ceremony a bridal nupper wg lryad the atnn community iloune the hnipl couple left on tha 0 on train that evt ning to hpenl another black blot on poor irelands political ilibtory michael collinh head of irish ft suie cowardly aasasaln- aud on tuesday ion aug s3- ml huol i f th irjuli vihioiib cji und the irlnh natl nul army waa and klllo i fntn umhuah at imi ton c limy cork luat night a fw hi ura urtni- he ha 1 ihmoi given un ovation 1 y the 1h pie if ork city who f ir the nrnt time aaw the vvm htate hero iri tho uniform of com munder chief thii within ton day two i f lh mil prninlnent rtura hi the irltih vrvo lltrtte covarnmanl have been re trti ved by death juat ten day ago reallpnt orlinth f f the twi klrwnn il lii tho i ruin ff the nw ud ollilatlalloii dll in lul un laat night mlobuol collin- the v hlule m mill tary tilun wm killed at the moment whin the iltnal utlon if the irrtiulara fon e in the youth waa oonali social and personal ahot i let lltverul uttut k had t n made ku lrnl the life of michael colllna heud of the irovlxlonul oovtirnment und i ommunds r in chlf f of the irlah rvee ut lie army th luteal attempt fna u h ml ing ulrnkv whun hi car vbm tunhuahud i tat krl luy urtnifoii u thu ouhlln al le it htlllorgen the iftlolur communloutlon laaued in con lection with thla attack did tot in- dhjite whether mr colllna wum in ihe outomt bile ut the tlnvt the driver waa wounded und the cur wu wrecked a itumb un t more than a moo re of thot inhig tired in dublin on april 17 while mr nlllna wuu on hi way home utter huvlng uddrnhl a rnoetltig ut una county kimutv he wua attuckiml by u art up of m urnin with rlrlua who uahid hla mr unl opened fire the ollliiu purty returned the lire in 1 one of ihe limit wua oatjtur- d c lllnw wm m t injur 1 mi colllna in ud utlon to wing ommunder in chh f of tho lveo hutn it my wu kjuin mliiletni- in the atl rlreann cabinet lie wax one of thane who uioe di i in obtaining u tvmimirary injunction hi new york on monday rout mining itirounn ile vulera il ugenta rrom withdrawing fund collertml for th irlh itepubllcan e dcimjalteil iii bank in new york city collin wuw utlll in hi thlrtloi lt muy it wun hiiuoiincml tliut ml kitty kiernnn who belong to urn of the leading fumllim in longford wa en gwged t i marry collin little in known of the eurly 11 f of colllna ixcopt thut he i aul i lo have been lx ru of humblo jut rent in county kerry ha wu educated in tho n tlonal kohool and after worjnk with n brother in the groeury imnlrmn enteral ihe tkontul uarvlre at hue time h waa ployvl in tho lon ion pout olhce bay charaed with theft twi iveytiur old guolph oy waa ilgned liefore mngutrate wutt in juvinlle court krlduy morning charg ed with th theft uf heverul artlplee a the r muioiico of mr j hlchard- dlvlelon htreet quelph the lad ilod sullty to the offente but aa it hi initial hpnearanco in oourt iii worahlp decided to give him an il her chunon und dumlmiol him with n nevere warning another dividend declared meeting of the ouelph junction itullroud uourd nf director wuw held ut the nfneo of mayor howard- ut the city hull on wlduy morning for the purpnho of declaring another dlvldi nd nn the tuj ital atoak nf the road owneil by the city ut will be very arutlfylng indited to lenrn that tho dlvldeild for the puat quarter amount to i 000 and u din que for thin amount will bo humh over to the city trenaurer at tho emtlmiiced api roprlotlon for the year made by the finance oommlttoe wu only ia6 ooo but at thl rate fh umount received will greatly exceed thut herald b3030 for a jamboree wednesday morning mr hteihen honk in complained to chief coouey thatlior huaband wu drunk d nreatliig a dlturbnoe ut al ii juiillvlldwor avenue where they bourdeiy the chief urraated tho man in thaubaenre of lollce mugutrate moorton hi holiday the cam wua tried fly imiioq mogutrute shlelda of oakvltle at milton moakln wua nned 10 undveoatay in all iso 80 he went to jail wb there a day or two by which time hi wife remitted the fine and aoata in hi examination aa to the source of hi liquor hoakln swore hi lmtusht it front a ntratiger up the rullroud track the old atory it was swamp whlakey oskvlll chjld badly burned a trunufuhlon of blood operation was lierfurniud lute monday nlaht ut the hick children hospital toronto uti attempt to save the life of four- year old huaan uhulluy who wu badly burned at her home at oakvlllou a result of playing with mutches whether or jioclt will be auoceasful is not yet known for following il her condition was described as just fair the mishap occurred at the child sat home in oukville when ehe became poaseesod of a box of mutches mother cuinn into the room in time to reo her child u mas of names und hi throwing herself upon her to auffoeate them she herself suatulued serious in juries from which however it iu stat ed she will recover medical uld was immediately called in und the child was nmnved to tho hoepltal ut tor- is the duughtir nf mr wllllum bhelley a well known oak villi roldonj a bed smseh up et ouelph an uccident ooourroil bundsy night nhout d ib on nouvo fltreel guelllh wjoll it ih fortunute wuh not uttepded by loss uf llfu it uppourw that mr dennis hunter of il no 1 camp bellvllle was driving in his uuto along nuove street un i di 1 nut notice an other car utundlng in front of no 40 neuve street until hu wu alniosj upon it in order to avoid hitting the auto mr hunter swerved sharply out into the middle of the road and am a lied into a street car which was passing at the time the utter whs only hurutatted hut lluntei m cur was badly dnmo leheil ihe driver or the auto had his nose broken he received a number or cuts about tha fate und it was reared ut first that he hud fractured aeveral ribs hunter ctnlmsihut the uulo left ntniidlng on the side orntw atnset dlt not huyq any tall light burning and i that ytnn why he did not ace it tho llit- tj il l w rw utailli- mr tho llennatt wu h toronto over hun day minn lleth cowan t xet rtaylng with frlendn here mfsn ijiiku w macdonal 1 i- hi ii iluylng with frlenda in harnlu mr and un mh nt the week end wlh ai mia jun mol bee t k 1 jfack of toronto ton frlenda mr w j mr llrunt of toronto wa a weak rnd vihik r at the home of mr n korlte mr walter turfln mus laura koott returned homo lost week after u week holidays with lult friend 1 mr und mru lias llynd and i be f toronto spent the week end with vcton friend mis kvelyn cwmplll of toronto ulient the week end with iter friend ml nellie hall mr slid mr albert lumey and family of fort arthur vlnlled arton friends this week mr tcllxubeth itames of ortnu is visiting her brother mr ll h wun broil sll lake avenui mm wulter ulptnit of clovrmville y mient a couple nf duy with ai ton friend this week mr harold waiutbrouah of i hi dominion itank toronto mp tit tho week mt ut hi ham itere mln margaret itennett returned i n tuesday from england where hhe hu lteeii leaching the past year mlsn ann hi muddsugh of hi cath urine visited with her uncle und ml mr mlchle unl ml mkhle mr minnie mikorn und her mother mrs martha holme left yesterday for edmonton alts mr moore home ur and mr m j carton myrtle and magata and master karl t milton spent hunday with relatives mr ilealowooil and mrs cha holmes of toronto are visiting with mr und mr h h holmus at vllls- nore mrs h h holmes and mu hertle smith arrived lioran on tuesday after spending a couf le of week with friends at port dover mr und mr lewi hlnkley ami mrs m uuyrtel i of carlisle visited mr johnnton and miss helta stephen son on hmidy r krunk huulem of ut cathar ine kml manter omirtn a nd marie rivlnltlng mr and mrs 1 h wxutlm ulld other ralatlveo mia vanny htephenson and mbig nnrakulllvan i luundsu ure sivend- lngtie week with mr a johnaton- and ml ilella htephenson mr and mr f geo chapman lert on monday oi a vlnlt to calgary alto they expect ti spend a oouple of month in this western tuj mrs hobl mcpherson hr and uiss iorl unome of toronto ape visit ing thin week at the home of hobt mel hereon ami other acton friends- mr il l greaory and leslie motor- 1 to wasaga lleueh on huturdsyund re holidaying there mr gregory will j iln them there thl week for a short vacation mr w i forbes of toronto visited at hi fathers home on church htmet luut hunduy mu murjasla torbe who hint been holidaying at her grand fatters returned home with him boy bonfire burn bern a disastrous fire nompletely defray ed tho line bank barn outbuild i no tha season crop implement nine pigs and rtve calves belonging to matt itarrt in klumboro township west of cumpbellvllle the total loss l estlmuted ut f 10 000 partly covered hy insurance the nre was caused hy boy building a bonfire of cornstalk too hear tha barn his conscience bothered hlm john ii hpence oolluotor of custom ut urantford hud an unusual experi ence last week vtf tha second th lu his career he was cftllml jnoi by a man aanfeaslng thut he hud cheated the government in the matter of duties payable seventeen or eighteen years ago the oaller wjahod u make urnoadsj and a settlainent was easily effected the man whose sense of right hud awakened wus a working mixture of candy and pelaon david bouhrooku of louud lake is in u critical oondltlon as a result of eutlng imibum mixed with candy bea- brooko purchased a package of poison with which to pray his cattle und lit the same time purchased a lackaae uf peppermint candy ho placed both package lu the aamn pocket on the way home tha poison uabkaga became broken und tho contents were mixed with the cundy seabrooko m tnoi throat and stomach are so badly burned thut he cannot swallow honeymoon trip in detroit and other latter auto wauownad by w t walk 1 i r wvw creek road points i runersl of th lau rebl campbell the fullqwlng friend uttendwl thu funeral or the late hubert campbell lust week mrs james mcdturtnlil mru d alkenhead hruce field mr hrcd nlchsns mrs wm moore mrs john cumptel und belby campbell tor onto postmaster stewart mr n d mr wheeler mr and mr btaphaaoii mr jume alexanier mr ifllll mr i hunhy mr jbhn mcglbbon und family mr s campbell am family mlltoiv r fcnd ura arch cumpbell mr and mrs bert camp bell and daughter mountsherg mr und mrs wm aw mrs agnew mr mckensic mr mcrhall campbellvlll mr and mr mclean and family mr mupherson uslliich the pal usurer were sg nephews actons first flower sliovv a big success kef 350 entries of flowcrtt and veeubies make this affair an outstanding event beverley house orounds pro vide beautiful setting alx ther hugh local kucn wl stutttrd lu acton in the slower hhow hel 1 on wednesday augmt 11 luivrly house groun is whllh knrounly pluoed at the lllnlkutal tm klower hhow committee by gordoit lleilrdmoro a btixe hwniumi sally dec rated with nam wa erected on the tennla tturt and tha beautiful groun i made a lovely setting for the hhow auto weru liimy ull wednesday morning lathering uxhlblt and ut thrm o clock thu hhow wu formerly opened hy j carter of uueli h vine im i lent th doiiurtmnnt of horticulture the intt rlor of ihe lent wu a veritable t lusa of beautiful to lor provided by the wonderful display uf flower csrtor in formally opening the eaprtmaihl hi sreat pleasure in being able to bo 1 rasent he con gcstulated alton on hi ming us nrat llower hhow the dumber of exhibits upnxlmutly 3t0 wus a reoonl ror y tuwn in ontario for a hrst show when gualph starteil 10 years ago they hud only hm entries- thu flower show wire uf tha inset quality and second to none jn any town carter ulao mentioned the good apimuirunre of the lawns and garden that ho hud holloed when driving through the town und which eh owed that the horticultural bocletywaa do ing good work lu encouraging people improve their gardens and in con clusion he congratulated acton on the display of flowers and wish 1 tke hhow every nuooea w hurrl of 1 lock wood who kindly otrloluled u judge of the out und limit hu i a very dlrttault selecting- the i mitt out of the wonderful duplay set out for his judg tent but performed his task with ilmhulln skill an 1 hi awards met iii thu up rovul of every one mr cumpbell who judged the vege tables luid u far easier task uh the exhibit hi thl section were not vorjf large but next year w 111 probably see laraer hs lay tho ntii ii hitue wus not what 11 uhould have been the intense heat preventing tnuny rrom coming in the ifternoou hut in the evening ull tint fluwur lover in town were on hand and wnr well rewarded by the dassllng display of beautiful bloomn the tunt was hrlusiitly lighted und the inturinr presented a mugnlftoent display of glorious color all the promlm nt flower growers had xhlbit but lu mentioning some we might rfer to thettludloli ahowri by mao mpdunall und j k gamble also ho xlniilua which were very intersit ing to a res lent on mill street who hnpo will try and lieut them all t year tho table bouquet shown by mr dr nelson was indeed a most uitlntk collection x display of mm 1 1 huw shown by mr a moihrle rullml for speolal commenda tion from the judge but owing to thero inlng fewer blooms than the lass stipulated u wus ruled out but i mikhju rlblxin wm a ward oil special ribbon were also awurded to mrs w j held an 1 mrs norman moleod tor collection of house plant which add tly to the display in thla sea tlon the judge of the gardens and ver aiidali haif a very unenviable task it took many journeys around town be font tin y could reuch a final decision which resulted in a tie 111 the large section between messrs john chirk and if i moore and the judges ii until in to break ttisio in the ii gardens the decision waa also very close betwnen w m cooper- and miss 1 m moore the judges how inciting in favor of mr cooper ami uwurdlng a special ribbon to mis moorti the verandahs presented an other tusk lo the judges who eventual ly awurded messrs simpsons price to mrs jos holmes aa the best in town but awarded uupealal ribbon to miss clarke for her lieautlful vurunduh and a ribbon to mr john kennoy eranduh as one deserving special mention thu committee ulo take thin oportuulty of thanking the judgen it thl section for the vry great pulnt they have taken lu performing jhs task tho ururngemeuts of the flower hi the tent wa under the direction ut messrs j 10 gamble and t murall and thu ludle of tho committee und wua most efficiently done the ladles of th committee looked after the refreshment booths oreut assistance wu rendered by messrs woodhull und gregory in col loci ll g vxhlbltn in their cor mr h bouich- ino hud chama of tho gute an 1 mr coleman remlervd able uxlluru til adjusting the piuroueu mid ufsi taking it down and getting it r ady for shipment tho committee and tliune who utj tended greatly aprecluted the serut of the methodist sunday school or chetru who generouniy provided musical t ntortuliimetit during the even ing uud udded much to the enjoyment uf the fthow the genoruslty of mr gordon hoard more lis offering the beautiful grounds of heverley house for tha hhow was ry greatly aiipreejated us the set lg for nuoh a function hudmuch to do with the huccess achieved the uiioeuuliig effort of secretary chas t4 moore and president runk ttcrlvnii uud their uatlvo oommlttee wire big rue tor lu securing tha sua cess attained charlie especially tout been hitul active 111 the intercut of the hhow unil he und hi fellow officers fei i justly prou l of thl nrat plow or hhow the following is tho list of prhto wliiiu r cut flower aster host 6 11 looms dim distinct color 1 mr jss bymon 2 mr a hlahop i aster llest collecuou 1 llloom any one color i mr c waodhall 1 mr t marsh 3 mr g green vater heat hlnglo hloom i mr t d henderson 2 mr t murah 3 mrs a lllshop dahlia best collection any number or color 1 mr w j hall s mrs tho scott s mrs h l gregory gladioli llest spike any color 1 mr mac mcikinald s mr a mann 3 vm j w gamble gtudloll heat 3 hpke nny variety i4iik uh- nclnon j mru j gumblo 3 mr a mochru llles peat collection 1 mi a clurka 3 miss e m moore nusturtlum uest collection 1 mr t d llauilersai s itey a q htewuti 3 mr j ie 1 motile imisles llnnt collection 1 mr mac mcdonald 3 mr 1 bcflveni 3 miss in mum obituary mllk fllancim i 1ndhay runceu alnimtri llg wl 1 iw if the fute krun i i in luu y iuiih 1 awuy at her homn lu trafalgar towunhlp on katitrduy from uu udui l of 1 tiaiunonla jjnccuemt who wa in hnr 7th year i well known uu 1 highly estoomad through ut the dlntrlct tho funeral took pluro luut wediiih lay when a i ubllc aervl e wu hel 1 iii st htephen u church whl h wb luraely attsnded son an 1 tw daughters aurvlve william j i- horn y havld win- nlpeg henry toronto lumen and irwin n die homesteud mis clifford lleutty of omnali mil mr churle kpei i ilrucehridge cox llorn at oakviilo iturned haltou louutyu nnest twru uu tin h c cox furm at th corner of the tth lino unl tl o upmr middle llosd wus totally ltrovxt by nre ut rem i clock but hi luy morning utunhlg a monetary ion of 30 000 or 140000 seventeen hnrweu mirutu i in the fu men im lu llngf ft ur youhg thor uughbred ull i thlrfeuii work horse the anlmuln utumlilnft gave the tha furm i licuul in thv nrut toad north f the grub 1 tirunk wtutlon slid i mil to tluit of hush wilnurl on whl h a serious jui ocuurn i several m mth bi whmitllr adum lleoks fine string f in rai u wun lontroynd all the cattle n thu c x furm were lo the pbmture hell ut tho time and the implement r mont t f them worn mmved- though 7f tun uf hay were burned te nre wu dlsrovtred by 1 alii tresshr a farm bun 1 who huihrd the turns utampoiirmr as h jumped from his bed he saw flumen coming through the roof of the burrf the ulurm was lulckly spreu 1 and ttutghhor cum from all direction but ton late to restue the horse the oukvlllv fire hrlgud ren lnril whut uslstunce wa ikmsihlu tho lo 1 covrl by in- i hlog ilont b hplknn ajoy lie color 1 mr it u gregory 3 mrs w j hull 3 mr j i truc i hlox i wit display 1 mr mac mo donald j j i gumble 1etunlun hist colli hon fl slngl hloom 1 mi i a smith 3 mrs w j hull s mm a luhop petunia lieut ulaplay i mr j liruno 3 mr 0r nelson 3 mr a lllshop snupdrasouu ihut display 1 mr t d henderson 2 mr v her i veil sweet ioun host 10 btama any one oolnr i mr t d linn lorwon 3 mr 1 a bmltli 3 mr c woodhull jtosu lkt 3 cut ihoom 1 mrs t a hmlth verlwiisii iut display 1 mrs j ilruio 2 mr c wnodl nil 3 mrs gr nels n zinnia llust 6 illoomu uuy on color 1 mix a clurke u mr o green s mr t muruh innlsm luut dupiny 1 mr lriiiik kennodyl 3 mis a clurke 3 mrs a illuhop best collet hon of jannuala 1 mr j k gunihlo 3 air u l gregory 3 mr a lllshop house hants hex begonia 1 fmi krunk ken- iimly s mihh kerr hcgonlu llest 1 i itit 1 mr j w gum lib 3 mrs iu l ln 3 mr i- urtanry i lrushlu best bluglot- mrs j b tlsmble kuschlu llest dtiuhla l mm j bl gumble 1 urn luut 1 lu nt- 1 mrs il 1 grcbory i mr liyaiik krone ly geranium host huiglot mrs j tl uamblu troplral i luntal mln m nelson f best collet hon of houao i lants 1 mr w j hold 3 mr wansbrough 3 miss k m moore veuetable lloaii 1 mru il lv gregory 3 miss l gray 3 mr 1 a smith beet hound i mr 1 a smith 3 clan mie anil rson 3 mr g green cnrrot 1 mr v a smith 2 miss l tlray 3 mr g green celery i mr v a hmlth cuoumbors1 mr v a smith 2 mitt il u or gory i 3 mr g green onion white 1 mia a clurke larwtilpn 1 mr l a smith i mr t marsh 3 mr g green 1cii 1 mm i a smith 2 mm 1 a smith 3 mru h l gregory lmtatoo i mr t marsh i tomatoes 1 mr h l gregory 1 hlox drumonoiv- display 1 mr wun modonauta mis a clurke speola ribbon prison coluctlon house llunt mr w j held mr n moleod large veruliduh mtaw a clarke small verandah- mr j kenney small gunloii ml 10 m moore collection amutum huawr a mochrla speolal prlxai 1 lior kxhlbltor winning most 1olnta in lllbhoil classes mr 1 a smith 30 points best ourden kept by umati ur divltl- e i into 3 classes large gurdsn ji clarko es i and h 1 mimre ksq tie bmull our ion w m cooler eaii mis 10 m moore best vcran lab in town mrs jo holmes three best out bm mrs il iu gngory 3 mr t mursh best collooti in swuift peas mrj t r hejidersoii table houqitot mrs dr neuoji bent iu autei 3 distinct color mis a clurki best b bplkii gladioli mr mgo mqdonul 1 ltest collection bulbs for kail want ing oils 1q m monro bunt col ctlon of vugetubloh grown by act in siioq lupll angus kon- hvd jtest collection tt lfouso lluntsmtj c wo idhull best colli ctlon v getahlosrmrs t a mmtth ltest collection v rtionus mr mac mcdonald betit u hplkm hnup iragon mr a moohrle boat collet tlon yellow cut 1 lowers- mr t 1 hetitli rson ileal indivlduul a mr t d llondersoii beat display glutuollrmru j hi gamble best hanging bawvot mijl j 1c qumblo best whlto gators mr a bishop si 10 m moore bofl aspurugui gamble lejjt collection man itodoijul 1 mr j w- b lower mr ir will hold o their rgl- a v and j hi eleailng uuillou snh tyed hluirthiirp horsos slvsi i eto at tholt funn on tho firth luo of wrln an tuesday september is j 4ukiiktf

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