Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1922, p. 4

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aissajssaasm 55tt5ri tiik 1iouk tiv sift a rtuu 3flrrr jlrrfltf i mi ro advewtisint hktv tim m inch reul nt out ibig lrl hi ai t ii cia uii fbu thursday mokning august 24 1022 editorial bead book during your holidays how much reading do you do some people make it a part of their vacation to read a book througlvand it is an excellent plan it is rcgrettabe that so many young people after they leave school never think at reading a book tha whole year round they do not know what they are missing nobody can be lonesome or feel the time dragging on their hands if they have a magazine or good story book to put in the spare minutes farmers and townspeople musi unite hon mr drurys policy embraces urban as well as i oral population in one of his pic nic addresses last week he stated quite positively that the u f o was never intended to be a political organization it was intended to work through tho old parties nevertheless it has become a political organization and created a government that being the case it must extend beyond tho farmers and seek support of tho urban citizens class consciousness tho fremier said applied to legislative bodies is bound to be a failure a concession to home investors in offering ia renew the five and a half per cent canadian government bonds maturing december i at the same rate of interest as is carried by the maturing bonds and allowing a bonus of one months interest the minister of finance is making a material concession to thp canadian investor as this rate is higher than was paid on the recent canadian loan r in new york tho high class of the security which is the very best fhat can bo offered in canada and tbq liberal rate of interest should lead to large in vestment in thaoakdominion bonds attention is directed to the official announcement giving details in another column 1 r weakening of parental authority the great trouble nowadays as attested by num- 1 croug authorities- lies in a weakening of parental authority no outside agencies can take the place of the natural guardians of youth and what is wanted more than anything else is a reassert ion of old time parental responsibility sentimentality is a good enough thing in its way but a young man of 18 is old enough to distinguish between right and wrong con duct and ought to have sense enough to eschow bad j company if lie hasnt a little wholesome discipline on the part of his elders would probably do him more good than making excuses for him on the score of his youth it is the duty of parents to bring up their children decently and it is dangerous to condone any failure in that duty hamilton spectator la the school or the home deficient is it lack of home training want of better em plinnts on character building at public school lu difference to the decalogue or absence from sunday school thai nccoiints for so many juvenile depreda lioni in toronto u it the moving picture show over go ensci arc reported in tho juvenile court rlready this yenr and some of them very acrioui charge afioimf youths from 1 to 10 years of age the situation calls for an investigation hope newmarket hoys are not affected in this manner at least they hnvo kept out of court recently it is the children who ure disobedient and destructive at home that get into trouble elsewhere it requires constant vigilenco and caution on the part of parents to keep boys and jtrjs in tho right path newmarket fra value of vkllw motoristd to canada a remarkable increase in the volume of motor traffic into canada is shown by returns compiledby he department of customs according to thetr registrations 017235 automobiles entered canada for touring purposes during the last calender year this figure compares with a figure of only 03500 for the previous calendar year of the total number of cars registered in the last calendar year 015074 remained in tho dominion for less than one month and 2 211 for more than one month but less than six months the parks branch of the department of the interior lias calculated that this motor traffic represents an expenditure in canada of more than 108 000 000 and it is estimated by tho same authority that on a basis of 5 per cent improved roads are worth more than two billion dollars to canada without taking into account the service they render canadians them selves wise words tor kvetlv day hiy tiui itiiu llxi ri 1 1 ii fur imriet tll1rl with y ui itont with y ur v ii i itfiiorttnoa r ir lu until iu t limn ihiiikri it u i lit i 111 iii lit ui tllut 04imdloii 11 rrninl fur ilolnif u rriml ilond 1yu kroutuht malata in imltiaf rrtwt lit mtu thin th i f m rmury ksntla laalle liiuii whi ohllilhthhl had rouuorf tlr u itlwnya a nhr lbh w lounhad to i cant afford to marry is this excuse reasonable and sufficient to keep young people of marriageable ago whcsctwo hearts btntt as ono from setting up a home in a country i such as this canada of ours with its multitudes of opportunities for winning a livelihood and providing modest homes i cant afford to marry is one of the main reasons advanced to day by many young man for his failure to take on matrimonial responsibilities perhaps be reinforces this plea with 3 the remark the girls to day expect too much jtad ha is right in regard to many of them but ono might well add and so do the young men a tt chicago judge after hearing upwards bf 0000 dl r vorco trials said of this tendency nowadays folks es7 wajt too long to get married they insist on having bjutk accounts furnished homes automobiles and overythlng all ready embarking on the sea of matri mony is not an undertaking without hazards but there is scarcely any undertaking of business science jjo pleasure that does not require some preliminary i effort and risk it is thepart of those contemplating ftvnew d important steps to take reasonable means v for aafeguarding tho future but they cannot reason- ntty- expect the future to bo assured from every jjj n standpoint the mother of to day who brings- her i daughter up to believe that hpr married happiness jjjj depends on an outfit similar to what she has iq the rt hpme nest is making a grave mistake better far let r the young people start together in humble surround fogs so far as their homo is concerned as the parents aqf both of them probably did there will bo more m real happiness and genuine comfort for them to make j tjbeir way together with such an outfit as they can reason pie afford and aspire to the higher position lajtdtjnor elaborate surroundings as a result of their jjown united efforts as they spend their years of marrl- w together- f irovlslond of the new stamp act many persons arc enquiring respecting tho re quirements of the new stamp act it provides as follows on all bank cheques receipts for money express money orders postal money orders express money orders or travellers cheques promissory notes hills of exchange up to 50 the tax is two cents if the amount exceeds 50 and does not eitceed 5000 for every 50 or fraction thereof the tax is two cents if the amount exceeds 5000 the tax is 2 on stock shares or bond transactions for every 100 or fraction thereof of the par value of tho stock shares or bonds sold or transferred the tax is 3 cents the first delivery by a corporation or company of such shares or debenture stock or a salo or transfer between any recognized dealers or brokers is not subject to tho tax on each telegraph or cable message be a tax of 3 cents the tax on receipts does not come into effect until january 1 next but tha tax on cheques is now m force having come into effect on august t honor in the teaching profession carleton place is pot the only town having diffi culty in necuring teachers some weeks ago our board of education advertised for a public school principal and among the applications received madc a choice and at once wired the applicant that he was acceptable this man wired agreeing to come here and later confirmed it in a letter in which he asked some particulars regarding houses etc twoweeks later be wired again resigning his appointment stat ing ho had accepted the qrangevillo school at an advance in salary if this is the teachers idea of honor the school is better without him it would appear from the above that no application was made for the orangevillo school until after the acceptance of engagement in carleton place which makes the case just that much worse looking for the teacher and the board is to be commended for reporting him to the department of education as well lis to the or- angeville board of education what would any teacher think of a school board after engaging a teacher gave him a curt dismissal because some other teacher came along later offering to accept the position at 100 or 200 less in salary thats how it looks when conditions arc reversed carleton place central canadian editorial notes a san francisco man writes that he will move to toronto so that he canenjoy tho betting privileges of tho race trad toronto could wiah for a better advertisement globe warnings are being sent out to the jubllc against investing their savings in wildcat radio stocks see ing that this venture is as yet very much in embryo the public generally should require very little warn ing so called prophets predicted a brief reign for the drury ship back in 1910 though constantly sailing in troubled waters the pilot has decided quite cor rectly to weather the storm until the autumn of 1023 many who scorned an u f 0 government are boosting now slmeoe reformer there is evidently no good reason for a panic n regard to next winters coal supply the dominion government is in touch with the american authorities in regard to the situation there is a shortage of coal at present but if the miners return to work soon in the united states as is expected it is be lleved that there will be no failure to keep canada supplied with coal during the coming winter importing coal from wales for canada ought to improve the situation in regard to return cargoes usually there is the difficulty not only that our importsfrom great britain are much teas in value than our exports thereto but that there is a still greater difference in bulk and weight we may export a bushel of wheat and get back a pocket- knife but when great britain exports a bulky article like coal the situation is radically changed globe ui i hon f c biggs is certainly no sycophant at the official opening of the newly paved road between sandv mount hil and talbotvillo last week he expressed himself as perfectly content io stand or fall in public office on the success or failure or the gotfd roads programme spoaklng of policies he said once yptt adopt ope that you think a good one stick to it dont pussyfoot around if tho people dont ljfcpft they have the ballot to put you out itlwt attitude iuretraighfotwsrd atlttfeariesv i what we usually forget pretty wort tor thut tnun ho i1mih luit hv u thin to worry imul whr that kntyhulroil wttnllonutn ovr thr ha htim ull thi money ho ii awr lluml oh do you know mmf jut hy reputation well he worked atendlly 4tf yetim day nntl night eumlno til tight to ftat viow jolly din follow who hi down to day fjlvi him u nmlli r i- hm m rrw vr hi i- oil worl i hun runny way and you may imi down to morrow uj l lu ull th honor- whl ii xm to tin nv you know that you know them inakm you in a aoiiae u partner in ihxlr rm that y u rehire with tliriu hrlntiu you hair frumlahlu wt nt vi km w for what ool lreuilitg lia in ml achoou tor what v rk on eurlh fir work in tha hare our hilalnna 1 to do ur work wall iii thf liraaailt llm whativof that kitay he uw ii imiiiiu uukol ly hi mother why ha wum mo ihotlahmut the hoimful mtfe aeveu llwd1 1 watf tlilnklnx how awful it muat be to be doaf funny whattlng your aunt every day un i itavor gotui afany ihxi out of tham thinking ahead it 1m toil i that foola ruah in whare utijial four to tread and many of ua are fool in thl aenae we do our thinking too lato we allow olreum- atutire to nontrol u lnateail of oon- trolllna thorn x tirudcot man fore pfh the evil an i hldeth hlmaelf but the aim in taaa on and are lunlahed n urn mud who never eeem to leurn tho oommoueat inaaon of ufa they keen making the aume mlatake week uftor week month after month and year after year they truat to luck to brills them through dldloult inwtead 1 1 ulannlne and work lug to brln euotea out of adverse condition it i eatlmated that lea i ten 1 1 f oont of eotle in bualnee wl and th main reason 1 that they take the aorlutural lnjumttoit take 11 thouaht for the morrow too htm ten commandment w will he found th ten cm 1 ul trxli mla tna 3 ibvery few lin mui itieatlou ha tw hi l y ii 4 hludy your men 1 ill vault where h ran do il tet work 5 never ehow lumrj uragemunt a tout uurl will nver any die 8 1h t hold i he rrtwit when i rcemmry but forgive uflerwur t 7 n lire good work u well a 1mm fllve im th rrodlt an i blame juatly h to fair a foremun rimi ha tp art a ju lgn an i tl ref re miulj le ralr control youraelf anger u tatt valuable to uw ekrei t on mw lal raalou lo take your full hure blame hharlng imth i luma un 1 ralao with worker i a i lf iwrt of the aerret of managing men v illy fall fair time coming iutea of fair to lm bald the coming fall imvn lnnin announced by the on tario imrtjii6nt of agriculture the following will in tore t th local realtor anton octtbr 3 4 aberfoyln october t itockwoo i heptembef ik if tramp ton kept ember s xx llurllngtou september 1 10 culedou u september xf x7 krln a october 10 11 kergu beptember 31 23 georgetown oatober a t qalt beptember 12 xi grand valley september x 17 ullton beptember if bo oakvlllo heptember 1 to u htreetavlllo beptember xs toronto augut 3s to september 0 one use for a head two negroe war arguing you aln t got no aenae h aajd one no aenaet den wha a di head o ine forr headt cat no head nigger bt jea u iiutton on top of o body to keep backbone from unravel i in ready to oblige i want a uhave ull ui iietennli il looking man a he limbed into rhalr in the i re ibirber hln i li n t want a hair out nr u ahatniu neltl er lo i want any bay rum wllch huaet hair inula hut ttiwel i t f tijuuhhge i id ii t want the immilhlai k to f mdle my fiwt i juat wunt u i lulu ahave with no trimming xut yi u uiv daratund thatr y air aald krv i wltr yf u tuive wiiiiii lulbef on yuur fuo wlrt great news ung jordan had jut g t to knuw rnault of hi final examination deal utohthl a wire to hi anxtou iarnt which rail a follow hymn 34 a m verae t laat two line n finding the hymn the parent read honow vamiulahed lulfor end ed jonlan tmaeel all make por bucceas what you thiak and how y u think what you do and how you o it what y u auy and how you y it will havei much to d with you truck utility car speed vi regular v r i c ur hui lmly give y i tl e fu lilt 1 fu f r mlall ilellvi ry purh au v u k rl car ild th- im v r iaii lllng mult mer i an 11 ying lit lkiikiniii hi tool murki t with lunn iroluoe no i uh th krl 1uii lellvary f llirm ui i 1 ullder nt unl hn kort hapl i yur to itf the lutuinre h a coxe acton ont the store of quality tannery cooperative where one blade grew r is not always the best soil that yields the ndiest harvest much depends upon die nun who cultivates the soil and tfaenieasure of his success u tstc measure of his intelligent tndustty and thrift and ability to make tfie tnost of opportunity the successful farmer cultivates his money as carefully as he ouwates his and he gem returns from ins crops and he gets returns from his funds tlus bank in any part of die dominion adds interest to the money saved by industrious farmers our nearest branch is at your bank of montreal established over ioo years acton branch- l- b shorey mon to holders of fiv year 5 per cent canadas victory bonds issued in 1917 and maturing 1st december 1922 conversion proposals c rphk ssinistkr of flnakck offers to holder x of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in dominion of canada securities the privilege of exchanging the nuiturinf bonds for new bonds bearing 5 per cent interest payable half yearly of either of the following daises five year bonds dated lit november 1022 to mature lit november 1937 b ten year bonds dated lit november 1022 to mature lit november 1033 while the maturing ibonds will carry interest to lit december 1022 the new bonds will commence to earn interest from lit november 1923 oivino a bonus of a full months interest to those availino themselves of the conversion pfuvileoe this offer it made to holder of the maturing bond and b not open to other investor the bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing except that the wmptlen from taxation does not apply to the new issue dated t ottawa stfc aw aki holder of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds as early as possible but not later than september 30th to u branch of any chartered bank in canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for tho bonds surrendered containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue holders of maturing fully registered bonds interest payable by cheque from ottawa will receive then december 1 interest cheque as usual holders of coupon bonds will detacl- and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering tho bond itself for conversion the surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the minister of finance at ottawa where they wil be exchanged for bonds of the new issue tn fully registered or coupon registered or coupon bearer form a carrying interest payable lit may end 1st november of each year of the duration of the loan the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st may 1923 bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of tho surrendered bonds v the bonds of the maturing issue which an not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the let december 1922 w s fielding minister offi r j business directory medical dr j a mcnivin physician and burotan offln and lualifc ifrf tiow- avofiua and klli htnwl tin rld- imho rormarly oooui lol 1 it xi lun laraoii alton ont dk e j nllson phyalolan surgon oultrwun acton ontario hucrwwor to om lata r flray offliw and iimiiii tn krdrlck ut obi 1 fount 3 to 4 l tti hiul 1 ia mil bl dr c f w hoss phjfmlolmn and bummn oorotnw pkom zz murunvi oruri 1 capital hhk1ui taltoiithiii lo tl uhm or wo- hxnai an i ci ii iran unl infunt vwdln dr w s laird ov qui i 1 ii tin wmilwlclt lri kyn icmr muhi an 1 tliniut legal 1 bona no 13 p o 1u iis harold nabh farmir m a barwaur bokoltor notary public convwyanoar etc perrvmam block acton ont honks to 1loan itoura sj0 un to t titn ii g meir barrlatar sollaltor notary publu omfottown ont- dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dantut honor gradual nt tronto tnhrar alty tli lataat anaaltiatlc tud u daalrwd dr fj g gollop d d s lds denial burgaaa onl ovor i tank rt horn boa- iioullh 9 lo lo tjo 1- v incrf ly appulntmant miscellaneous francis nunan bookblnda acmtunt book ot all klmlk mad u ordar pi rtodlmla at vry dnachptioo carefully bourut llulln timly and lromiitty dooo wyndhan btrt oualph oat onr william btor r j kerr auction- anj baal eatata aqm 17 yvajt eprlnr acton ontario haifa nnlruatoil to it j karr r- ewl mttantloa tmtn jala ot llatliur t data of huu yjat your akm wltb tai rtum m acton call at toy 1 roy hindley auctioneer comaalklatad piwha enact 11 h tt 1 acton j e cheevers book binder quabm b- eaai gualpk onjl booka khd tnaamalnaa bouod td klmndaoma tuad tubatantlsl covr- num uttarwl in ild on xtiblaa hymn book and otrwr booka ail work promptly ekmuu d alex niven ktlrvya subdlvlaloujb plalut iu- parta daacrlptlotim ulnortiiia ato cartlrloatoa tor iurcruiur and rnortfukm hurvu for aroliltocta bull rw and municipal council lhimswlupoirta fcjtlmnt ale uelean building dou bl uuiclpii lhoi 10i ont lgravunlg tmbcnuohdrvnr ttoiiowro canata4 the old and reliable craulte and marble dealers w aro manu factum a anil dlrwct imivortara of all it in tin of monumental and lloadatona work wo well dlraot to our cua torn era at wholaanto prio thua avlna our auatomora 40 pr cnt v hav tile boat rnpllbtioem tt 1 tliv only maohanioa in th dominion wtx opcrato pnoumatla tooui paoporly w can alvo rsferttno from hundroda of oar euatotnara in toronto nd othar lilac wbtr others hava to hava uw aulta in rdar to onllval w liavo tha urtfsat and boat atook ol arniilla in tb tlomlnlon or raon titan any throq daatora in tha waft w nro uu1- mate- doalen andtwploy no anta and do not annoy or pat duatomora by mndlnv out ignorant uwu aollclt- inat ordara w mnploy only mechanic and dty eomnatluon hamiltron sons ftm hormub woolwich 8ta oualpk

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