Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1922, p. 5

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guyg artim3foghrgjbffl tiiijiuuav athhiht 2 1b23 aid ilrlvc lin ilthila mwuv ru- soul grown u1 i hut limn alul fiu hi turug f f a luiiglt u juat lilii miimhlnu tr lmdik folks along a unci 1 jual i1u iiiuu u hiirtim lii tun bi uri and whrn its tnnhtdy lu hurl the ills of llf liurt ami hai y tl u rt m rniw us joyful tu to tit ifriit a luugh u jit hlu miialti k r tuuu itf living wl twenty vearb aqo i the ihim of the free pre thursday august ss 1boz plulm utl ulls of mr- ih hlivll u lurrsoalng his i linlinmj mi 1 will rfllly both loini on mill htrel xlf wm coop- r the tuyk f moving into mr km a ml w north rurnoi- sltxw tim ladles alt ij kuan church lield h urifij garden party on uun day evening on tha obi inanim gioundil the ikhihi f uf hugh wallace snd lib family tim evening very favorable and uuub wim u good rniwd and a growl trntgniinnxi ajyn by the uiwm itohertaon of yjutrlown acton cornet hand ltv a h- ibnlu it t utun a t and john umiii jhil and a arthur john c hill lbs orchestra itev a lllulr it a and lluajma smith n from pan 1st tim following tmldenln of acton and vicinity tort last thursday for liutil- lobs and ow northwiot on the hsr mlmv mounuw ur und urn wm kamiton albert kdmulnn and uluh jennie us hie and icurl kdmuton w harding and ulu allnnlu harding uuw amelia husband kate hornby end jennie storey and messrs htaphen hornby wm crawford tt tltorey jr arthur iwwa john lelshmsn itobort ucfhnn john arthur jr oliver cook wm ld harry meed mr and urn john t davldeon laul kennedy jr jiuum mclnald owing la domestic ainlrlliiii miss if j btarr ot the high kehool depart ment has round it necessary to resign that position th hoard met on krl day and altar aooepting mia- starr resignation requested the heemtnry tn idvcrtlw tor m tetuher asking that aalary be stated tho hoard mat again on tuesday ovtinln tn conalder tho application of which thorn wore altar much ounaldarallnn it wu rtn dcldd to anajm iflu kmnut r kuth it a of klnton at tha aaury of 1u for tho balanoo of tha ynaf the sundav school lesson poo sunday august 27 1022 llkmla h i uayhlt ntli i 1 rl kk i it oil lit i in u historical uttlnd tlm ut 11 c i h tlhihit luon cotnniinia v 1 nchkitilali wm iii itcutir ihn klnir or riu i lif hiillitlt ri- ikiiuu tirurly i ir mhw tlu nitueh yir at ailuxuriiat ibntf- ili v j tin utfh nfhflinuli imtlonsod i- llili 1 or fi ur uiiiulli ii iiiui- th rttivlty h wmm wiih nml ulmtt jr m titid hihiui tin jwm wlio wnrx lhr iritfl 3 th t kihium hutt hot ieiii til ihii umikulrui nttrtatlnrm t ihow whi rlrnt ret urn ml tha jnw in jaruaulcm hut mil 1hii auuul to tho illu th tho livwa wm avlilailtly u aiirrui to nrh muli ili wuri u trut tuttrhil thhi im whm fur tiinn hn lull i i t um fullidf ilia rihoiiiih to ftuyt bllowm that lid wam ilwoul viriw i ita lm thtt hlatoiy of hlu iki t uiul or how hnl hit 1 bit hla rovnhiitrt willi tlxiu voni li ntilu inluli rtm lilm 111 thm till lh tnuri y of oim und hot jimhi lha urt of ihtv ihioiilu how tlioroimhly lit lilntttlrhut hi man if with tlm kkipla for whom ha ihuilat vrw 1 nilmmlult looku liaok ovur ui hulory ut tlm j mla r- huiiik lmth romiut all wurnlnk lat tlo1 had mnt to thtm v rw u tlila liuiilahmnnt hud lltaf- illy rimo ujum tlixm thy lmd ihhtii mtttacthl from ihalr own land rtovar ti wholly ntuiu to it varna th- romlaa whlrh noho- rnlah tnakoa bold to rot nil 1 found in ii- ut 4 19 wild 30 4 e a an oilaitipla of tha tt to clmrantrlxa unsqnes and cars await grain rush lnt toi the efficiency of a happy mind wo am jual bevlnnlnk to loarn that hvarytwhjf whltartf uajwa tho kmbd and which nuuua ua unhappy that ii worry and all anxiety are rank poladna and that uuif at thoao fortunate oondltlorut mr dua to lack of proper nutrition to m aamlatarvod brain nij praon can bo normal un lojm healthfully nourlahed whatever tho brain acoompushoa it muat aooompllah by team work and when there la unhapptnoaa and dlaoord in the mental realm from any cauae from fear worry anxiety jealouay mry or from living a dlaalpated ab normal life thla wtll upaet and defeat the mult of the team work there muat bo harmony and all the facuttlea mint work totrother for one and which la efficiency and hnppln unhawa thu a done hum will dot exiat one roaaon why mo many people a urea are ineffective botched and their careen rained la becauee there la oon- atant anarchy in their mental realm deetroylnj the eolciency of tho mental team work whatever lrritatea worrlea and freta ua depreeaee ua and deatmya the of fectlveneaa of the brain team work we should avoid aa a poatllenoe every thine which will dlaoourmc depreaa and irritate ua or make ua unhappy dcleny la the reault of a happy tnind tho barmonloua ooordlnatlon of all the mental raculuea tho mind la creative and productive only when it u positive and it la only positive when all of the tacultiea work in harmony discord mental depreaalon worry and discouragement will kill efficiency- x s warden m macular rheumatism subdued- whan ono la a aufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than co have the region rubbed with xr thomas eclectrlc oil let tho rub- bine be brisk ajid continue until ease la secured there la more virtue in a bottle of it than can bo fully eatlmat- i french florists in lead some of the moat wonderful floral ppeclmenn hall from bvanoe where the ardanera are found at their beat that country holds first rank wnonf tho countries for the development of methods for tho improvement of aeed uncm for prosraaa in artlllclal fertllbia- tlnn of aeeda and for the fixation of new species before the war franco exported isoootjoo aeedllnss per year the chief reason for this la her tee ixatlon that nature cannot bo trusted to mate tho best with tho best but that this must be taken in hand bs much by the florist as by the animal from each sort of seed the horti culturist chooses cor reproduction pur poses those fro from ovary bieniuh 2vow it often requires much tlmeito fix a variety and to recognlu in u aeed line tho dominant blunder u which identify this variety as soon as the plants have flowered it is neces sary to isolate the specimens show loa the marks of tho desired type this is done by mettn of a lh suse net coverlne thn flowers in uuo- tlon and preventing insects and other cnta from ofurrylnst out tho processes of natural fertilisation then the seeds are athared tho subjects for the creation of tho now kenarauon are carefully selected und at length after several years a worthwhile reault wlu have been achieved llany infanta are infested by worms which cauae ftroal sufferlns and if not promptly dealt with may cause constitutional weaknesses dubcutt to remedy millers worm lniwdars wtll clear the stomach end bowels of worms and will act upon tho the ayatem that there will bo no nwurrenou ft the troubla and not only this but they will repair the injuries to tho orsune that worms cause and restore thetn to soundness had her suspicions a younx man und maiden were play- tns jnfx the maid quite a novloe and bad reached a hole which was on top of uttla hill tho youth ran up first to ee the lie of the balls a stymie ha shouted a dead stymie i the youna woman came up i with a sniff j j wjbll do you know she aad 1 tbousm i amelled somnthln as i wua walklrur up tho bill argonaut the moat obstinate aorni fall resist u olio way a corn itemover try vrrwi 11 nttimiali tnlnd has bean matla up lie lias rnuilvtml to offar hlm- lf for tha savlna of hlw brethren n rtiallaes ikoukii that t verythlns on the uttltuda of the kin llluatrated truth heal love manlresls itanlf in the passionate ilealru to aliure hurtlalilfm with those to whom it is bound y 11 1 11 ulratloit whorl itntila hum do cldnl to iit rm of thn utuirchlais and ilolahavbils wlto wero loldly advocat- inir lha oviirthrow of tho lovernmant and the duplication of conditions in ituaatu it lookixl us though he was clvlns these nien nnd worn tin what they wanted they werr slven tmns- portstloil to their own people und their own land of idas conditions now we ini told tluit they want to ko hack they ure not wllllntf to ahum tarvatlon with their own if there were pulscwt und crown jaweu to be distributed they would ho wllllna tn rlalm m share but they are not wllllna to surfer teples for reaearoh and oil 1 bad tidlruj vs xz 1 who was neherolah and wlist was his of lluw dill hews reach him oonoamlna the jews in jerusalem what was tho general attitude of tha jewa who remained in itabyloi wards those who returned t 4 what 1st of thn report nehemlsh received t 6 why had the returned people hot prospered f iyr confeaaloii vs 47 what dtes nehemuih s sorrow tell ua about him 7 what was his at titude coucerntnir tlm wina of hut peoplit why old he include mm- dlft hi a 1loa for mercy vs 811 uow does nehemlsh show thit he sa fumlllur with the word of oodt lwhen lutd this warnlnic been ifiv- ent uv ib tm 11iweaae s fuinilment of it ut this timer 13 on whut oondttlou wus tha protnlsti of their restoration hnsedr lson what did nehemluh baae his own plea what had he in mind when he aaked cod to pro per html dally readlnos for nest week monday august 11 plottlna en emies neh 4 711 tuesday august 2 nehemlsh un builds the walls of jerusalem nnh 13 31 wedneaduy august loivuushans walla ieut 3 11 thursday august 31 jerloho s walls josh 1330 krlday september 1 tho bun- of the watchmen las s3 110 saturday september 3 watchman of zlon las 3 1 b hundsy beptamber 3 the qlory of zlon im 48 1 3 b14 i reason for caution our romance begun at the headi kurt is the girl who is now my wire uvd mo from drowning hhe s n magnificent swimmer to i noticed last summer i also noticed that you were pretty rureful not to go beyond your depth you bet you see i dont know that she would aavo me again alt mothers cun put a way anxiety regarding thslr buffering uhlldren when they have mother u raves worm ux- termlnator to give relief its otfocls are and lasting speaking of vitamine8 a warning la issued by hiedlcul tnnn mnected with john hopkins univer sity aguluat the exploitation of tha itsmllje ides by patent medlolnn m0 ifsoturenck a languishing industry hokst to flnil u revival through the popularity of vlumlnos the sdleil- inlnts nut thut it is imiknuillilp to derive these health giving properties from a few mpoonfuls of uuuld absorbed front a 1st t tie they come more cheap ly and eftlrurloiimly through tho proper ilertlon of foods green vegetable especially imuda contain more of these life giving elements than oun be drawn from any bottle no matter hoy big or promising the label may imi prime dressing for woundeln some factories and workahops carbolic acid kept rnr use in cauterising wounds and cuts sustained by the workmen var bettor to keep on bund v bottle of ir thomua lcolectrla 0t it is just as quick in nation und does pot scar the sliln or bum the flesh said it with milk ist your 1 sturted going with u farmer hoy whoso motto was not bay it with flowers candy or muslo in stead it seamed to be bay it with milk fresh milk was very hard to ret in the town where we lived so ory tlrtio thut he come to see mn i would bring two msstin fruit jars full of milk und present them to me rlth n grin from ear to ear 11 was ii right until some uf my mends found it out and began to tease me about it this was mora thun i could stand but wo surely did miss tho milk- chicago journal choked far air home little irrl- utnt becomes lodged la the bronchial tubes others gather und tlm uwful choking of asthma rosultsnothing offers quite such quick avl positive relief ass or j d kellogg asthma itemndy the healing soothing smoke or vapor penntmtes clears the pass ages sjid gives untold relief it hue behind it years or auooess it is the lm remedy cor every wufferiu prevxrstiods upon a monuments scale for the msrketwxrd movement of wwro oamuug 1022 grain crop have been made try the oanadian national kauweys hundreds of gunt looomouves and ua of thouxahds of rrelght cars have been put through the bsilwsys shops gt winnipeg and mads at and nidy for the greatest traction effort of the yer and of many ysarg this mobilisation of equipment hag been in progress alnce tbg beginning of the yegr with the result that canadian national tullwayi im now folly propved waiting eud even eager to get to the bualueas of hanling grain if all the engines ready for mrvieo were placed end to end they woalevetrstcn oat for a distance of more than tan ntuae while if an the can preparsd since the orst of the year for the movement of grain were placed end to end they would stretch oat approximately 330 muea the history of tho preparation starts with the desire on the put of the hanagenient to ease the unemployment situation last winter and at tha same time accomplish some useful purpose the management conceived the idee of putting into the maximum of efficiency all of the bed order equip ment on western lines pull staffs of men were set to work in the two great shops and yards and all ing locomotives and freight cars headed la for treatment f tha locomotive ready to move th crop have an average length of fts feet boms conception of the enormous power represented in these iron steeds may bo gleaned from the statement of fact that assuming them to be equal to the mikado capable of drawing 4 mo tone the hauling capacity of these locomotive woold be taujoa bushel of wheat if all the engines ware qtim capacity trains at the game time in other words the mottvepower prepared by the oanadian xfgtteoal for moving the crop u tattjatto the task of banllng about onethird of the total crop of alberts sask atchewan and manitoba at ence- crltlou of lymilor urury who in put to him illver fonnu of uppuwintly undesirable pnlltlt il umtlitntiewi uppoui to imvn ovajlimihol ami tlttull mc lrury u u hon sniokor und who cuts ronoelvo of ye oomph ut politician without un uggrouulvo olgur protruillug from his mouth 7 tho jrltmt milliliter liliiimilf tixi1uliiii his utiatantlnn from tnliunro uh fol- lowat my futlier in hut yotmgi r duys wuh quite n rugular hmokor when i was a imiv howovir ho guve up tho liublt ruthr than rink my utuulrlng it from him it mit nill k aaurince for him slid i ulwuys foel it would be a low down trick for me to start thn habit noyr that im is dead and uf course not knowing thn joys of tohao i don t mlum tlimn worked doth ways lewltt yuli look gluni whatw thn mutter jewett mutter enough i guvu my wltti u ticket to tho town wlinio her other uvis for a present hewitt thut wum nice jewett r it thu o ii fo milled ticket wus good iii ultlior direction und my wife went it to lu r mother to coma here on and i m on my wuy to tlm train to moot liiir tempting the piq rimy w n ut mippt r durliitf the iti ou i the young lumi with thn hearty upihitltn talked eloquently on things in gon ml lit imi uilow mlux illunk h r miirktid i liilitthert im a wry lu- tlinuti lolutlou batwtaij tuir food and our cliumcurt i baliuve doit you know that wn glow ltii niout fond of llio fulr gill hinlled mwfttitly how lutoit utlng whti murmured muy i offor you uotne morn hum lont j wsiat wilsons fly pads kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druffffists grocers and general stores canadian nah0nal exhibition auo 2o toronto sept 9 prince of wales durbar gorgeous production with all tbe mystery romance and splsndotlr of the fsr east 1500000 in new bulldlngg nnd gcorew of other new featurea and attractlorui v never on a bigger scale rduct rtjiot on alt uneg o travel root fleming rtul john g kent heat makes things expand in thn uummnr tlmo lump pouts lire tullrtr thun they ur lu tho winter for likn most other miihstiiiicoh iron ex pumlu win ii lioutnl on juut tho nurnit prlnnlple the bltf gimx of u luiuluuhlp run throw u alu i weighing ulhiut liulf u lop to a du- luiioa of iwt ply mlliuc you ut win it tho powlur lu rtrnl it inhluutly nurus up and hocomou gwu id in lilting torrlflo lliut nl the uitin tlmo thin turrlrto temperature causee ihif gas lo grow tliiiuaiitiilu of time hligtr lu u fruotlnn of u nenon 1 ah it grows bigger it oxflrt enormous prexmiire und trlou to muki room for itself tlnih hlnoo tlm ahull lit the only movable thing there the gsh drfvis it along tho luirml with wuoh upeed that it nltth for twenty mllns or mum from the inouth of the gun fxaotly tho sumo thliik haptens in tlje rnglnn of every motorcar und uero in thn ry under tho mixture of iwtrol vapor in uir burns ho quickly like thn pawdtr lu u gun that wo iay it tixplodee tho quicker thtt thing burnj tha hotter it gets und the hotter it gets the more it xpatuls tia expanding lrlvts tho pleton down the cylinder no tuuses the wheels to revolve yir is praotlraliy no limit to the foron with which uolld material sx- luind win ii hohted ihii liquid in n thnrmnnietar bulb expuiulm und puuliuu its wuy up the tube when hunted uml oontmots when von ttm bulb itself grows rllghtly lurgtr mid thn tube gets longer when hoi t ml clock nnd wutoheu have lo be ad justed ua thut the o hung tut of tempera ture whlali ulter the length of the pendulum und tha else of the esoap- inent wheel may not make them go fester tir slower j electric washers blue bird a bc 155 135 miss simplicity wo aro now ublo to supply nnyane of theae tlirco lines which gives you a cholco when dealing with us qt any style of wnsher that is on tho market easy terms of payment may be nrrangod for and there is no need of you waiting until you have the ready cash let tho washer pay for itself each month a machine will bo placed tn your homo on trial without any obligation or oxpenso of any sort on your part norman h speight georgetown dlstxibutor for georgetown milton acton bramjit preferred daylight an old ho u thorn planter once mli rue duvy suld to an old negro well tony this is our birthday u ga hi e van ty- five yours wafb been logutlur us man iintl imy three quar ters of u wntury and on one ptanta- fllio nun hit im iwitot uiul peurs lk iikmv liurn yawnt is u traveling uroun h hi up pertar dun tloy hater that h whntrf mi my mltul topy uml lit l ho tourmi tif tiveute we rant aitpeot to remnlit hero muoli longer un i vn into u thinking sorlnusly tony merlouuly ulukut thn grave unt tha iernfter wuttf dat bosh well 1 wunt to make u iwrgulit with ynu touy u solemn bargain to this orfent whlohuver one goes first lie will come buck from the spirit world and tell the other one just what kike like ever there tilts a bargain suh out suite me udsackly 11 ut reflectively hut munto duvy if you goes fust won t you come back lu do daytime a ivviiih lady wut mhuwlng u visitor the family ihirtiults lu tho pin turn gul lery tiiut ofllrer thoio in the uniform mho ituld wun my freitt griutrgruiid fntlmf he wuh qx bruvo us u hon hut one uf tho mut uurgrtuimtti of men im never fought lu u hivttlo in whloh ho did not hnvi4 an arm or it kg tlod uwuy l riitn hha udthid pitiudlyi hn took purt in twpiity fthukn in a bad condition a limn iiihiiuii uxoltedly into u uinolt- hirt iiinipiirtim nt of the triilu a liidy iiiim fiilntit in the next rur- rhign hu iii id hum ntiyone gut u droji of wlitmuey hundyr iimluiitly half a rtn bottles wero thrust out to hiu taking the nearest ono hn turned lio bottle up nnd pur took of a good drink t 1 hunks he nnld hundlng the dusu biirk it a 1 wuy a dd make me feel kc to wompn who do their own work suppose yon could nsve hi minutes every day in washine dots and pans two minutes after every meal in a month this would amount to a savinar of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work this savlajr can be made by using smp enameled kitchen utensils as their smooth banuary surface will not absorb dirt or grease no sera ping swearing or polishing is needed when you use diamond or insirl ware ooap water nnd dish towel is all you need aajc foe smpware diamond ware tat throeroated ttpt teel sky blue and white oubude with m anowy white lining pcsrl t ul enameled steel with two casts of pearl grey enamel inside and oul sheet metal productcoj momtnealfttonontctwlnnipto fjdmohtoh vancql rc dt every ifanjivare store the store of quality tannery cooperative summer necessities screen doors screen windows garden hose lawn mowers garden tools oil stoves paints you aro invited to ell in and look over our stock water services how about having water service put in for the long dry summer months you would find a lawn service great con venience estimates on thisvork cheerfully given w want your business and guarantee satisfaction j w kennedy son kenney itlfok oll stand main stueex acton im10ne 95 kenney bros vuw lines of summer footwear in mens and ladles oxfords tennis and bowling shoes ijultes patent strap slippers buckled girls and boys and childrens shoes prices as reasonable as the quality is good ueiairtng muii i uml laillea sewed work and nil kinds of repairing all work promptly nnlshed hiring in your repairs store open every evening evoept wednesday kenney bros mill 8theet uta children cry for fletchers castor a fletchers cftstoria la strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is eren more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are sot mutrchangeable it was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infanut and children that brought castoiia before the public after years of research and up claim has been mode for it that its use for over 30 yearn has not proven what is castoria castorla is a harmless substitute for castor o0 paregoric typops and soothing syrups it is pleasant lt contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic bubstance its ago is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying foverishness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of s fr j e v ssj a in use for over 30 years vhk cameos comfamr now vow urrr railway time tables at acton orand trunk railway syatam qolnd west no 20 n 13 m no 31 no 26 hu idity co east u tir am 3 30pjn t oopm id pjn 10 3m no an r no z hun lay 7 111 a to j 11 iham jtl it p m ii 11pm icipn toronto suburban euulrle hallway coinu wt it o hi llsla- u hundsy 3 33 p in dally oxmpt hundsy u0o p tn ijilly humu 11 03 n in ifinduy only li w t ifun lay only 9 e p m l hiindsy only colttu eaat 71 u hi dally uiirupt hundsy 2 03 p in dally oxrtpt humlay 0 la p m dully ujimpt htinday 0 fl u m hun uy only o h p in hon lay inly k x6 p in hundsy only ti ilu no 3 which loft toronto at 1 46 p in on huturduyu now runt on daylight luivlng time and lffaves at 1ij6 noon freight delivered by special sal freight friiuht picked up at an ad dress in toronto ifl t lirifriroud agent aoton notice patrons of thla establlehment during july and august icxumloatlonm fo thurwluy wrlduy und huturdoy only of eunh week lens grind ing and lii pair ttepurtmout open as a 1 savage optomeirlet and ml j optiolan itlght at tho lout orim ouelph klihxiosdansrwwr tforomto camada e k cook can hpuiiy you shirts cojlars tics handker chiefs buttons and studs arm bands garters suspenders shoe laces gloves mitts in soles shoe polish and he lloesnt ask biff frohts either call and see ek cook milk trriiicerr ac speights hattdwauk cutlmhy bitvkilwaitk oltamltkmraltlt tinwaiua smutting goods gbamophones prices right batisfaction quaranted c c speight mill street acton m edwards co bakers mnln street acton nrtkt to w u toopor bread buns cakes and pastry wedding cakes a specialty a line of choice canned g0od has been added to our stock which vill meot with favor by our customers m edwards co i acton bud to n l lady fuiul free press ads bring results ahlldren ory tor fletchers castoria 1 11 j

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