wfrt jttjortt sftt ft 1orty cirli tli year no 11 3 0o itck y1ca11 acton ontario thursday morning october 20 1022 160 in united btatkfl single copies five cents the methodist chutch acton rev cha8 hackety faur prwno- willow bi 4 1100 u m tw mhiller hubject the tiiiiruhr oulhuik 1 30 ji in hiimftiy 1ulihji 7 p m tlt mlnhdnr huljot t tho luiiglnu nf jeuu a viaoui to x1x musjiiytfjuan knox church acton mlniajt rv a c btawavrty m a mullaw will httmc uhlllvlckh 1110 a in tim mftiluter ttubjiwi tl kimiitutl thin lit ufa 7 00 t t thu mlnulr huljct thw hyhuinls of true itadlgiou nunduy lit htuil und illbl- cln mt 300 i l ht ranger uutvlur addreu wlthf the uaherm will b culled upon fay uw wtr alxj auk coudraixy invitkjd all ready for a cold wave the goods the values die serviee lo meet everybodys needs new advertisements dressmaking lru uid uult making for bale coal hauler iti rood condition mi clarya vumuuh apply lit if mainpillzw uuln fttreat heifer btraved a twuyurold tml heifer ut rayed to tha premlue of tha uiideilgnwl tim uwnor may iwvi taiim by pvlnr property and ylntf liwiiwi klltao joiinhton sod line krtn foxmeat wanted old honaeu uulmul with broken lca calv- nlr und anything euii- nb for ta meul phonn if ii georgetown lllakifl vannattk1l 154 georgetown out property for sale numw of now rum hated inr- son intending to purchaaa ao4 r j kerb h know ileal uatato asnl phone 16 acton clearing auction bale 1 jgrval wilt hold b clearing auction bale of ranr atock imple ment a rumlliire ntr on thurartuy novmw x t 13 oclock at lot 14 nan 7 koquealnr a lot of good atock und ilmiwt now implement will be wild bee poaort far particular 11z 1ikn phttoil auctioneer r winter apples lota f rimm winter- apple for mala tit tho orchard good windfall ut koti pur huahol drive down the luelph lloud to itonnlfl l lrult farm three ml ion below mawiwn uuut hide good alone road w v moikina llurllnston v o villtaqe of acton bond for sale a dtoxinture for bs with internal at ror twcnty yerm iiuiikhi to do- frmy the coat of conatfuctlon of ktwx 8trt aldnwallc uard will in old to mshnat itltldar hut hot for una hull par all tiil rnuut tta in writing and aaaled and btt hundnd hi to tlia trcjut- urwr not later than twalvn tiolork noon on thunwlay novwmlmr 2 itsl v il v kahm tmaaurer th etub nitu r erepatrer kor line oablnat work upholatertnk retnodelllna or riwlrlne chalna rv ana ted plnturo framiw room mould tnak mantela book cuaea clock ahalveit avrvlna tray a medicine cabinet a rtln- nerwactuia hall raclui tablea atanda etc wo aro alaonblc to aopply plats ihasa mhelvea furniture alldlnic ahoea pi i iowa aoahlojia coo and rubber mat tine and mnny othor urtlolea not mentioned your requlreraenta prompt ly attend ad to u v kbmsom uax 37 wallace av 174 acton onl notice to turnip growers to contradict re port a being circulat ed to the contrary wa lm to announce that we will he hippln turnlpa at ac too wa uauul thla und we hope tor mmfiy eotnlna aeaaona mr jaraea lutpahaw la our mprymentatlve here we will pay the hlsheat market prlcw ua we hitva nlwayx done w take thla opportunity of t hah kin those fanner friend a who luwe aald un their turnlpa for the past thirty yer and we reaimmtfully aollclt a continu ance of their patronaeo- ui u i iiaiuiy a company farm for bale a abort dlatanoa from acton ns acrea 13s noroa under cultivation itvel and free tof atonea clay kutm 35 area of heavy timber worth half the price of farm splendid turn und tablea cement nxn ho pena poultry houbfta drlvlnic a hod btune houae with ten rotnnm water in tbu hauae and larn 30 acrea fall wheat kail ploughing done uural mall unu telephone price 112000 36000 cuah llnlanoe otl onay terma o004i reuaoim for aelllnjr your oholro tif thirty nvo other furma for aule j a buitii ttool katata agent phone 106 1 acton onl wonderland i friday october 27 the lotus bater featuring john llarrymoru anno nlhuwn jnd cnltean moor a picture where mini pluua hut- plncaa und womuu brlnga woe comedy the ituliimaknr vix ncwa admlaalon ho und iflo saturday october zfl french lleel fenturlii itih cbmud from clurtinun lluddliur- ton hellandm otory jkncta und wtndahakea comedy klt quietly svenea in canada ooitueman cadola admla alon lflo und 37c orohvatra tuesday october 31 old dad unlveraal rem edy bplaoda 6 of with 8tunley in africa admlaalon uo and lc coming good provider j c suyerthom mens overcoats hundreds of them in n wonderful variety mens and younji mens styles ulster ramans slipona cheater fields styles to suit every man at prices that aro cresting a new liijjh peak in valuegiving specially attkactive at 25 30 and 35 worth coming to gudpli for that now overcoat for you are sure to find the style you want and the price you want to pay at macdonalds special value this week in womens and young womens trieotine dresses 1500 navy blue smartly trimmed with braid and buttons sizes all ttnj way from 10 yean up to 44 bust measure silk dresses at 82s00 a special sale making this price possible dresses that have been regular up to 3700 clearing at 52500- tho majority in canton crepe some also in taffeta charm eusc and krcpcknif womeirs new coats hats furs blouses skirts a wonderful range beginning t low llgurcs and going up about as high as you will wish to go wallpapers clearing many lines that are now reduced in quantity reduced also in price for clearance d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs reading and largest store r weekend specials assorted chocolates assarted chocolates weekend spedjl 32c lb cocoanut anovlain hotter puffs a fresh shipment of the delicious butter puffs in both cocoanut and plain ncgularly 40c weekend special 34c lb toasted and plain marshmallow toasted and plain marshtnallow just fresh in regularly 40c id weekend special 34c lb the acton cafe v for a real meal or light lunch stop at the acton cafe ceiltrally located appetizing food and the best service our motto cleanliness and quality h wiles rjr special sale h for thursday friday and saturday wo are offering to the public n special inducement in mens and young mens suits in brown and blue stripes regular 4500 tor 2750 mens checks back overcoats with leather buttons regu lar 4000 for 2750 mens heavy melton overcoats regular 4000 for 245 young mens ocoats regular 2200 for 1295 mens khaki overalls regular 175 for 125 flannelette blankets regular 300 for z25 mens heavy tweed pants regular 500 for 325 mens all wool combinations regular 500 for 295 heavy twill towelling regular 25c per yard for 17c the royal clothing and gents furnishing store c c speights old stand mill street acton ontario news of the police court c in acton and drimpton hoarti onu tuy luat wntll a loot lkort laid mi l lf-ir- uuautruu wwr- itkht 11 ihow phil kortw fihurgtna htm wit i u ult uol doliir him b lhllly hurm after th dnfniidhtil und t wltiiiiul war aervwl auk wn olil and fliwilly tin dmldd l wlutdraw the rhran tuthf itiau l tl atihi ut a mllu in futility urralrm tl coata wr o awtunlty imld und ii wiitt- ioml thu pll uatfulrate mftr hud hi llrat futtfm ut ih court ilouhft ltintn wm tntrwduoed by il u crawford who well onithl him aw a vollox unalatrte for lwl kind wurtu wont alw apukan liy ciiiwn altonio uttritiy and lir- llil- m khiwii ut iramavllla win w- rt l i1fnd rllotai anlnmt whom had ihhi laid kour hr ti ii ih-for- mugl- ttl uwr ut llla fltllok tf tl court lrl nul if thn itljillui iulullwl hy ijh-iii- aiib if li mi on w news of local import acton contributes 282975 in cash clothing comforts liiy hu nth whlw riding u hlrynla hy a luiinlna- inlt him i-k1ii- hd imh ronnndod in ihh from lha tlm ut th mnldool until m rw daya imforr lilt trial w ii llunw wtd llllloti camamn imiiii vf whom mrm alloaoil to huva 1hii drlvlna- th- ar wltlnh raul th an- tildont wr dluir with lct and with wilful allaniix whlrli roaultwl in imtioiliia- txmllly harm through tllr ttunaal mr unuxiwn lliay nliwtwl in ua trlod hy jury icvldii for hm riwwul ion waa lvn by ijmiii alau iv lirydon und idiom- lor utxtily and th dtriiditm ware rommlltihl fur trial un tha four atiaraaa tikwi r will romo bafum jod joatln at llramiitim loday ijhiu alalo who uttkrwl thn in juring from imlnar run vtr rtvt wnflka ttti waa aurtlribntly lrmvd aa in ithlu to altaitd mud it hiulnnl ihui thirty atltfltimt to mid th ound nu4la t hla tutm hy tlia brokan wlndhlld through which ida hnad waa fnrtii a highly rrttdltahl laoa hiirwry wuk hirfnnuhl on ihl wound for iimhla fiur la lint aartoua- 1 dlnflard hod and oun tlimirtmnoii and lovnrtf nf th out- iluora nuitht to llnd u lot f milld laia uri in tbtdr imruaal uf tha novvmw luux of kihi und oun in canada the uauul tuilloxitliin of alirla art lei a and f mat tiro la tint only vxtanalva and ctin- la ua uauul hut it la uf itartlcmlarly hli fiunllty ua wll ltl und dun in caitudu la tiuhllahod monthly at wo4h ontario ly w j tuylor umllthl bailiffs sale unditr w warrant f dlmtr- to hi tllroctrd und hy virtut of thn twwr nontuhi in a artulil cluittal wrt- bse i um tnatruotwl to boll ly 1ulillo auction ul labbvs hotel acton on saturday november 4 1822 at two iirlihib th followlna cxmmw 1 thruhlnk kiitjlnn toill h v mali- ufunturhl hy wa tor loo mr co 1 klbhu karutor 1 illlirf cutllutf 1utx maay- ilakha 1 wtitr tank und wuon tkhuh apitrovtul jtihit hotna ror ik montha trrvdlt at t x annum f not for raah r j kerr auctionaar itiitna 10 acton out chichtkii mamk clnrk auction sale farm stock etc tim undfiraufned tuta rthlvcd in- atruotlona from john bennett to uoll hy fuhlld auction ut lot 32 aavnnth oonooaalnn nf naaaaanwayu half mlla outh of crawaatt co mora illua hprtna atop on priday november snt 1s2 1 do oclock ahurp- tha following j cattlk 8 wallhrtml bhorthorn rown auikawl to ha in calf o t aula 1 teklatrrml halfnr 1 yttltaavauplhtaad to h in calf tiwlfvr 1 yaratahklhlo for rautratlon bhorthorta hull 4 mttmni i vaara old wclahlna 60 tha auoh 4 atoora rla- itik twoytara 11 ytwrllna attxira and halfarv i aprlnif catyoa ah tha oattltt am wtoll brhi and in ha pink of condition uh1cup oxford powna ib tiraodlna ewa aoma re uttered awxt onoal 16 own litmba 10 him lumlta 1icib s good youny york aowa oltain loo huahalm mlxd crttlti 1 pair fillvar uuok koxsa tbjmh 1q oft und undr caah or that amount is montha cirodlt will ba given on aipruvwl joint not aju ittt tor caati untlil cuati poaltlyaly no ra4rva aa tha propria tor haa aald on of hla farm and la ovaratookad r j kerr auotlonwr a ritua s acton out jmsstku muank clark auctipn sale un kluuqru townhiiii feeding steers and heifer8 cows younq cattlk and berk9hire hoob tha undaraumod haa rttoatyixl tit- alructlona from r r rudd son to aell hy puhllo auntlnn mt lot 3 can 1 kraroiw b mtlo eaat of qunlph 1 mlla woat or icdan mllu aloaa to toronto bub urban hallway htol bf an tuesday november 7 1b22 nt ono oclkk ahnrp tha following 40itbksllay horaa yra old buy maro 13 yeni old thu la a good furm tnum cattlb hbfjlbtkhml buoiit holtnh scotttah ulllnu slid 1u- with halfor culf ut foot trln naa of a von lea 1h1 rd halfor duo to rjilvs december 1 oltauia cattuc white cow duo tteopmbar 54 utottod cow hrod aub 10 mllklna wall jery cow frcah roan caw tnllklna wall rod he i for due tlma of aala mod butcher cow kkbi1ino cattlmio atoara from 10 to is cwtl7 wtrn from h to 10 owl halfora from h to 10 owt 6 younff cattle thcaa ijattla ara mostly hhorthorn aradea in aood condition wm nf thorn fit for tha butcher nicaitkrud 11khkh1hu1d hogh mown duo tlma of twin 3 uowa dun in january 6 now utxhit mix month old roudy to breed 10 ahoultf ulwut 100 tha ouch oaltlvaly no raaarva at wa ara ovaratekd tkhllis huma of 1d und under cualt over thut amount 13 montha credit will be riven on approved jolrit pnlaa t off for ouah rov hinoley auatlonaar it il no 3 anton jaou mlnar comlno dao 7 th yollnif iila rwlaty u klii churth lmv rnuugod ju u miller tl finnoua blid loan to ulv oi of hi ihutunurlatl uillir w thurailuy lnlt- t a btldor monumint at fairvuw ut john nlnl whm hr fro lltaliifltoil iblm wk irw tlntf th iixiil nifnt to lh iiiory of kutr hurt id itiitoaiiiuw in kttlrvlfw clnotxry whhh lh muillu ik iturtmuut of can- 4lu blllllil oaath of john mooown m r itr john hiroowun for muny yuru u iironiliint htiiirn hi thu imtllthul and himlii hu uf of rloru luiud uwiiy kriduy uriitioou ut it fumlly rl- dunrr hflr u imudhy lllti mr mtuowon ytiu u imhr of th rai- thankoulvinu fowl buppar on thnikhiclvhiit voilna th lidi aid of klin clmr h will hold u fowl miiptr hi oinucllon willi wlil h kuitu yluh of toronto will i hit ihmtiilur tiuvoilokiix fiur iom and rortljfti ijiikiu illimtrutod with tliin tit4iruoilliuii tilllirf thlw litituru hu ihvii uivil triufl tin- in ciiiiuda flrrut llrltulu und dim unltul ittut thy liu mr btwrt at milton tho uiiiilv ury mrvh hold in kmiif clilirt h 1u it llunluy wr a uraut aurcaitit l in i ii wura luraa oouifraigu lloiu imiiii liouilttir und nfunhur at th lutltr fctvlr- ivti rhalr wort iulrtl to uiu th4i rrowd iimaont tho pru ht ww idiv a c htwrt of anton who dllalifjd ii congr- uitlou with upltndld uormonm dollvnrnd in ihi4 wtylti cliuiitploti mora troparty chti mr churlf a11ui hut urohu1 from colliu lllor iu1i tho hoii und hit on fi mtrt wlihh it tuirrhaa- rroni mr john jonnlna lut hiirlng k allmi lutditil to lniirov the pro- irty llf will iit u brick front und put t1w lroinlhu throughout in u liiimo- ilka condition ua told hla proporty on arthur htrt in u tnuh who rmtmitly um to anton from hamilton pramur drury at mr culdwalla funrl lrnilr ihury ihu iihmltr for thla county utlond th funnrul of thu luto job- lib culdw4ll ut crown hill on kunduy mr culdwull wua a naur mdithlmir of 1mmlir iftrury ud hla futlntr tin luto hon charlna ivury ror muiiy ytjiru lln wuw un undo of mr ii v ruldwtll for ytutra u rllnt of a ton vniiilsr ulid mr rury umilulcd tho rholr ut thu fuuoml aur- vlo vlaltlnu churohaa of tha ditrlat ituv churlxu lluoketl nimi of fluilph l urtnliilutrd with lb nut thu liuhht 11 on muuiluy ovutilnu of icrlu ouplnd ltv mr iiuoktta pulpit luiro uml prvurltkil u ftmil utrmon on tho tntonulon or the king dom nurliitf tint w4k mr iluukott hiiw vlultod thn uhuroliat ut naaoniaa- wuyu itonkwimul ouolph vorgu or- tou itpd lulwtod bualnaa fallura in oaorgatown aloviindor hlraltorn deulr in ludti clothing omiiiiwii oifnrtd it otim- ihthltloii to hlu crudlton lu wwok of 3ro on tho dollur ho uretmiitcd it htutimiit aihnwlnif ut f tlhio3b und lluhllltha if a4t07b tit hla aaaala only u1 10 ik uhown to m duo mi cua- cru uuoounta a intitlng of crndlt- wlll ho held haxt wndnnadny no- vmhor 1 ut the nmoo of tha union truwt cotnininy toronto hr lllr- ahoru nppnrd to l ilolng- u rood huuluoxai llt win ulwaya obllglna und hla coodu found much favor with tha hid in qualph dlatrlet mlaalonary convention th twelltymuvanth nlinluil oonvmt- tlou of the womoua mlaalonary socloty of out iph ixutrlot wuo htild hi norfolk htrett church on tutwduy utiarnotm und nveulnif a proammma of ktwu tnlmilniiury intertiat vim uirrll out mr ceiuld hull mlaalonary from weut chlnu guva un inaplrlna ad- drumj tha report from tha uuxlll- tirluu clrcleu und ltuhd of thu dlhtrlot wrtt very oiioourughiit mm a t hi own aumltalunt kuiierlntandaut ami- ducted the pruyor und p nil mo orvloe in tho urtornoou mi john xlumhull uf nuaauikuwiiyii a umrli tended the oon- tinorutloil aorvloe ntul oloaluif woid wm upokeu hy utiv henry irvlnv puutor of thu church a good dtletu- lion from acton uttundud dr and mr- mak sdly braft on werttiuaituy uf taut week aaxun- ilr mukeukun tbo ynunauat hon of lh und mia u a mckeuauo of wlu- nllifg wua run nvor hy u heavy motor cur and totally injurwl thla bright younit lad hud hiieti ut high hchool durlntr the duy und want out for u ltdu an id hliiyclo haforu tuu at the htteinechon or two olty mtreati ha wua mtluck by u cur und ono wheel puaand uvnr hlu utidotneu no ivone ware broken hut inturnul lujuriou ware avlduutly ituhtulimd tha injured lud llvett until llduy moriihiic und then iwimhud iiwuy an itwrutlon hud lmn mudu hi thu hiuuutlina with u uys to kuouiinif rellfu from u liraaaure ml the ituln alukundnr hud hnu opnruted on a fow wevka pruvloualy for the miuovul of hlii tonal lu utid udeuoldu and hud not fully recovered thnrafrom muuh uyuiputhy will bo fut hure for ir und mru mokeugue in tholr grout vlrojit mackrnxfeh 1ianlnft mill dlaoovarad early tuaadlay mornlnrj by harry btathamv alwiit u qiiurter to four oit jtuuttduy nioiuluu the itro nlurm rmir nut um unwelcome iuuh it wua aum dlu- ovrrd thitt thu phiulntr mill of 3 11 mnokeuale cliurohhtroat wua on ii ro tha tiro wuh tlrut ikitlcnd hy hurry httithum from tha imko uhup of m laiwurilh ft co uoroii thu utntet mr n molmd timimgor of the planing mill wti tin ihu henna lmmml lately with ii uuppty of wuter yttloh he ul- wuy kinpafiir lire purpdueu in tho iibop ho iiuitlully hulmlued tha flujiicu him duughtur jtiulu ml luay kd wutiih uml howard htulhum kupt him uuppllud with wuter und ufter u few mluuteu thu tlumo wcra quenched a coiinldtmibln yunntlty of dreuued lumber mouldlngu unduothor mutcrlul were burned und thu jilunlngr mill mutor duhtruyoil thu fire originated ut tha eleotrlo motor ii nil it in uuppouad dofe9tlvo wiring wnu tn oiiumo of the ire the motni hud not heou running fmm three oclock on moftduy uftertimm the loaa 1 eutlmuted ut ulwiut 30 nnd i covered hy liinurunoa thhi wuu n nrat nre ulurtn iiiiidu thti ho ut mm ijihdm rvuldenre laut eprlnr lor distribution amonjf the fire l sufferers in northern ontario people of this community f qenerous in their gifts thu rhm ihu ull fr hlp to thu tlm uunirm of mot thorn ontario wu tnoat hoarty und kiirmj iiluiikalu inillth undttwuur tock- lug hkk awnulira dap loiua uulta ooul drtuo4 unit ull klnda of wurm clothlna wr brought in on hvlduy l tha muimltt hi tbufga ut thu counrll ciiuiiiihii vuluel at a low uutlmutu th ug- r guted l4tki0il worth tlmy worn puokihl and alilniail to thu biu of wuit- m1u uf olult tlut ihiihigiiinnt wilglihi iooo d whllu ull did wl phlul thuuk itrw dut to tha wouibiia orguuuutloiiu of tb dlitartiot ohurohth ih woiuuuu lutltut nnd thn womuuu auxiliary of thu j w v a mr c c hmlr4u tha truuauroi- tf thufund ulo r4lvl duhii en- trlhutlonw to tha u nouit of 3170 111 a hiurknd chtmjnu for that ulnount hum lntt uut ihruugh thu hunk of mon- tru1 iti th northern ontario vtrm lullf commlttvu who huv ieu uuthorlal by thu oovarnmant and by thu rourta to udnilnlater th fund thua arw ruaponullila und aurnaat limn who uto he rullwl uhin to huudlo the rumlmlo lha boat advutttag tbr uuiti of ttboo wua forwardud pravloum to lb alwtvtrauluicrlptuiu b- lilil- tukuti by ituv cbarl hunkatt uw u t ontrlhutloii from mmbitrm of thu mothotllut churoh thla muk tha totuf of 31sb7 ouah contribution from anton lluloa of kooii vuluatl ut jtoo vie uluo mwiiirod und nilphd on thu 1th by tha muiulwru of thu ubove ohuiclt thn woiuuuu luatltute lnt ut tha ime of mr 11 h wlfuon thu pral- umi i on lrlduy und duo unit live turgo lmculiitf eiih4u of good nlothlutf to hulp thnua northtirn buffomn tlilu tmntrl- hutloti wo vahiod ut 4l thu totnl cuuh oonlrlhutltinu und huluu und ihikoh of olo thing aunt from aotou lo data uggragutu therefore ua followu ounttrul contribution f 370 7g mnthodlat church colloctloiim 60 00 muthodlat conti ihutlouu of clothing- 600 00 j no ml contribution of ulothlllk u0 0a acton woman inutllutu con tribution of nothing- 400 00 tlrso 75 in mldltlou to the nbove tint furm era f lha vicinity of acton will cotltmit ml forwunl u cur loud nf fuel for thu horthurn furmer whom hum und futt1 era dtwttrvyuil hy the nre the hut of cuah douutlonu from aoton und vicinity will ih glvniifln next wteku luaitu of thu i imwui mlllon wind second game the barua to dacliia tha junior daaaball leagua ckamplonahlp tha ueuoiid gumo of th aorlu with milton for thu honor or tha hal ton junior league wua played in milton on ttutuiduy und the reuult wua a win for thn boyk from thu bounty towil thla put both tuuma on thu uumii footing- uirnju und mukea u thin rumo auury thu third gmne will lwt pluyod ut cumpltellvlllu on buturduy weather iiormlttlng thn gntutt ut mlltoii whu vary good id on the duyu pluy tha tieut tautn on tha local wru ugulu uutltlt by thnlr rival in tho ttret few in- nlugd neither teuma ucord than up went the hulloon unit milton nhovad utiroh s rtinu liefore it cumo dowty ugulu our locnl toy rume right buck in their hnlf of tha inning und evened it up hkuln am tho ruina proceeded hooth became lurgor prt ono tuunl would ubovo a run ucro and tuka tha lud und then tho other in thn oth bluing mluon ahoved two ucroum und thu aoton lud failed to uhow the gimidu und milton warn proolulmetl winner to thn marry tune of 11 to h although thu rumtt wn of a ueuwuw vurlnty uoiiim very rood bull wuw pluyad vor thn looul kuluy um muttter rymimud to tw thn teut in thu field conuldarluif that olhbona pltoh- iiir for acton hud u aor urm he pitch ed hi1nmtld imll uml wuu relieved hy mum tern in thu htb who fdao turned in good rume in the i mix kuley ww kpt butiy with ulow rroiiuderu down thn tll4lihan line und tlnhled thatn with tho exenptlou of a wild throw lluuoru who relievo muuulo in cantin flnld hud a lovely cuteh thul brought him the uppluuan of thn rajia the ruat of thu tnum pluyed fulr imlt jlggln uurrlng wuu not whut it ehould have lieen und he aeamnd xtf luck hlu uul pop fotor mol4inuld and ilora pluyad rood ball uleo tha out- flu i dor n turnod in a good rume hut milton turned in u itetter iitmo crawford of cumpbetlvlllo ugulu uiuplred a good hnnuat rume hi due i ion in both of the conteata hiwe baeii tukan wall by all the pluyora und he huu hud uoma chmo daelalona to make oupeclully ut the plate milton all u ii a k iihi v 4 1 1 10 ii 0 ieuoook 1 i 7tt7 3 0 114 0 morrltt 1 b x i 3 1 1 chluholm u h k 4 4 0 3 4 klun 3 h basils llruoh i f ti 1 1 0 0 allan o x r 0 b 0 0 0 kuyt r f sooioo little p 1 0 0 it 1 0 alkin p und r f 3 1 1 0 3 0 30 it 14 37 13 7 acton all it h po a u ma liter i f und p g 1 4 1 0 mcixinuui 3 b 4 3 14 19 albbonu und l f ft s 3 t i 0 kohtar 1 4 0 1 11 1 i dora a c 1 3 1 3 0 jirriiih c 4 s 1 3 3 0 kuhy 3 h 4 u 1 0 3 1 mnuuluj c t 8 0 0 ft tt 0 lluuor c f 0 0 0 1 0 0 white r f 300001 81 h q a4 lit g tlummury u buao hit modoiiulil koafar kulay atohui huneu muuteru modonuld tllbbonu jirriiih kuley luuor mirrltt 3 ohuholm klun allun 3 alkanu hltu of alkeim in alx tuning buit little in three iniilnua t off o i boon in nx innliigu 0 off mu terw in two inning 6 etruok out by alkunu 7 by llttlo 3 by qlbhona 3 hy muatera 1j wild pitch alkunu olh- hoiih puanml bullu hill 3 jibrih 4 ua or i hoe hltu kouter kuley 1uucook a hit by pitch by alkeith white utnptie crawford nf campbell villa neighborhood newb town and country khin mru j c tlaikwool of llrumli who llvd hi krlu until thrau y uuo llwi on humluy in hor 70th y mru huickwthhl wu a daughter aribuld miimllluit oiiu of tha tuu or- of thla vlllugu j a igunl uml hla wife of 1 onto diaoovurod thut thnlr ut wi tlru la mukliir thu uucnt or culatlon mouutulu on tlnli- wuy klnuharloii un huudny und jumid of it the cur wua completely t social and personal rrannal cttlumu of u lmpr la it moat intotdhtlnr ftvilurnu i imiui iukuu wlahou to axpnaaa rflutloti of ihu wuy tuba rlbru oihiruttxl with u in making liituruatliig wm ulwuya crewson8 corners work la progrvawiliuf on tlia litw lrti luclul highway th dinger i now orkjnr on nlnkolla hill whun thl nnd u omihtad it will bo out ut un niieat in ihutountry thu work ji not llkoly la ilnlehed thla full at nnt lime it 1 vry muddy if to iln mr umirgu iixwuhy und fumlly mov- ad to aoton thl work ml ithnu crtiwuoii xtlltou hpont th wnnkund ut her hnitia hura mr end mr w j aluxundar who huv htwn on a extmidl trip through the wthtiru htutt for tha uiat trrh month returned hom on krlduy tlmy rtitfirt himudlng u yry puuitunt tlma nabsaoaweya ituv ltlehar1 ll ltowe a minutar who wua grnutly lnlljvtd hare dlod ut hamilton hint vrlduy uge1 mo yuura th fuiiorul wum held ut ht cutharlmta on mouduy nuaauigawnyu wuu llav mr ilowu ut circuit ii auperuii- nuulad rrom thl charge in 1v0g mr itoww wuu u good preacher und llvntl hi tha heurta of the ihipl hor h rnuplnd thu pkdplt ut iclmiuexar church number of tlmea after hla ret in nent und wuu ulwuya grthitnd hy lurga und upprclutlva congragatlon mr fruuk 1uvih wuh urrojilnd ut mlllon on monday on thu charge of htilnr inuunu und diuigerouu to itu ut large mr touvl wuu at the llnm- wool hunltarlum fluxlph until elmul thrae wtxku ugo itillon mugutruta plo took tha inrormullon uml tha rortunula womuu wuu uent to the uuylum ut hu mlllon on tuesday rockwood turnip uru vomlnr in in vry lrg juntltlou the prloe howvnr hu gotten down to u very low fig urn mr art hlu oruy und fumlly of tor- ito vlultd thnlr llivokwotid frlmwla luut wuek mr jumeu 10 gray huu returned rom wont or n cuiiudu und reivorh un njoyuhlo trip ho looku wall tho county of wellington road nuchlnery j ut preuiiiit oparutlur on mulu htimtt from the omlnton hotel o tha o t it tut ion when thla i implutud ibvckwnod road will ui in plmidld tondltlnn llev john little iiocouipuniud by mihh juuu llttln wniif tit mornlngton in conduct thu uiinlvvruury aarvicem tin humluy of hint wank mr lltllo i u puutor of tha mnriilngton clm oil oakville mru timothy katim und mru w v uutoii loft for nnw york luut waok mluii lhtly pinko ring hiiw returned o oklahoma uftar u pleuaunt holiday pent in rnviultliir the ucineu of her milldhood in trafalgar it wuw nlpciilod luut wank by the lloiinl tn udvertlun for an uaalutunt ulu teacher for tho hiriv hchool ataff un lultlitl anlury of 1300 it your the hoard of icduoutlon la up urulnat pioblem in odnneotlon with thu ilurle paid to home of tha older ucheru mi the utuff tlmy- want blgll- iiy arthur q hnlmoatead who for uuv- erul year wuh uutant to thu lute hmldy morgiiu u huperlntendent of tho loreutttr orpbanuge hu iteeit up- m in ted uunerln ton dent of tha luutltu- tlnn uecnrd l1mehoube eight paa of th womda baat comic aji in cohere in bundaya herald and ewamlnar chloagoa beat nawepaper ordar it today from your local taumiur tlt- brown aown mra alex wright of toronto i vlultlnr relative hem mlu mlllu oku of toronto i upend ing n few duya ut mr it ij ilrowia quite it nuintmr nf people frnm here uttwtidcd the prcabytorluii church nii- titvcrhury uiirvloeu ut fleorretown on hiinduy mr wm imuq of toronto wu homo from toronto ovor the wuekontt mr john dowdy ol ouelph vlaltmt ut thu home of mr wm dowdy on friday mr oeo hall unit mru t cunm- ulmti of artnn vlultud ut mr w w hootth nlxth luiu mt haturduy mr ilulnin of quelph in vlultlnr t mr wm oowdyu mr und mr ttd hill und percy of oihirgutowu vlmlted rulutlveu hole on flu nit uy mr hcrimuger of ouelph vlultad ut mr noughty over thu wnakaiid mr icurl murwhull of acton vultutl tha lutrentul homu nm im bunduy mr und mr alek trotter und chil dren of aoton vlulted here on bunday va ure very uorry to heur of the very louu iiiikimu of mihu margaret bwuakhumer and hopu for har recov- ry hhe huu mnendloltl uml la un- blu to int inovetl to the hohpltul a number of furmuru uruuud hum mo hhlnplnr turnip ut aoton obprinqe an uftui muth of ono of the uutnerouu huntliir excurulouh which intent uiir awiimpai uveiy full wutt n cntio in cluelph police court on satunluy morn ing in november 1131 u buuula hifund htruyed to the furm nf matthew wo- outchuon mr mccutohihiii hud no hue for tho iihlmnl iihd udvartluoil in tlim aotoh lino isuca for the owimr lu pitive piopurty kuiy axponito und take tho uulmul heme he 1emulnod iinolulmd durlnr thu winter he wiim unutid with a dlteinper und mr mc- ciitcheon nulled in dr conu tn pre iiurlhe for him jmui hprhir tho uuce uiir cutnu u round nnd uuaoaaed the dog t mr mccutoheoii in octohur h lavuiunu of ouulph culled ut thu miicutohnoit farm uml culnted tha dm mr mocutoheou ut ouco auldl if ii i dog u yuure you mny take him but you tnuil pny for hla kuep thu uoft of mlvertleliir him the li bill und tin dor tux in ull 11000 thla mvir- hoii refiiued to do hut very unfairly charged mr mcoulcjieon with uteujlnc thn ditir thl meant u trip to quelph to ilnfelid liliiinnlf in thu pollen court the imue wuu finally uu tiled by bver- min puyliir mr mrcutohaou ib 00 attd tnulur the dog 1 till lu rather hnubhy incoinpanua for curing for the dog for ii year kurmeru hurculmutm wll ha riithar chavry hurcuftnr in parmlttliir hlinteru und their iiorh to ovei ru their forum wttli uxuruly- i i not of hi und fr town or itolll of icoln intore mr henry col of toronto vlta4 friend htira wovk mr uiurt tiiulir of cult vbilml frlundu lion thla vwk mluu ituby clurk of toronto w tukuhll mr w ituyc kotkwothi vlalti mru 1 ii luntx luat wutik mr loy kumlay wu homu from to i- tit i over the wotkiiid ml wuu i und uvu mrlliull ui4mit tn day mrllh mr h h wllwm xii 11 hi jupp of toitmlo vultwt rrln1 hr tvr tl wmkttid mr lrintt hniwll or toronto vult- cl ut hlu homu hr over hit wtttkend mr cllrfoil kmter of toronto vult- 141 ut ml w th r of uloru vlaltatl mkhuiiuir wthikniid mum icttlu un torontn vllll ut thl woik mluu uurl wultx her friend mluu jt the w04ikud mr und mru w ii y uikilt u day r mtl luat week willi frlundu iii toronto ulaaea iter thu ilrown und llu uci- curtnay uf thn toronto tturhhig utuff vljto4l friend ham mayor irvlnr und pollc mugbtr nicu of milton vlaltnd thn hon iwvll honderauin un tlumluy mru wm mcarthur und family and mra wm hull vial tod u duy luut wk with holly vurdan friend mr und mru jor llranurw nf hu mil ton vlalted ut tbu l of mra hurry mcdonald uu humluy n mru lr lttilxl of llutllmruok michigan upetit u few duyu with bar futher mr john holtlngur luut weak mr und mruh p moora uttandetl tho wthldina of ur hurry iapaga uml ml murjorlu lllnkla ut toronto ytut- tnnluy mr lred wllllumu of thn toronto gauerul pout olflca uit wuu lu iwn renewing uctiuulutunruu on u vuak- unit vlult mr a t ilrown uuhrlntnnlat ox thn method ut humluy ftthool b at tend i nic thu provlmlul huuduy hrlmol convention ut tonitu mr llarlhrt ltouuu of hymruae n y mudn u abort vlult with hlu alater mru jno iturr utter uttmidlnr thn runerul iif hlu brother mr arthur itftuae wlurton mrmnd mr purk j ihu left thla morning ror thlr home in oplilr col orado after upending a month or at ut thu puruutwl home hcrt und with relutlviii und frltnd in new york ututa dr huv id ulflwiirt of toronto apont monday nt thn home of mr wm hall mra a1x rvhhle of hamilton and mru itobert lane of llmehoimti apnt ii ijuy inat week with tholr altar mra wm hull cumiriiix johiiutou who had beam in guelph hohpltul for rive or alx wonka uliioa the uflvero motor uocldant which iteful him wum brought home luat prlday hh lu convulouelnr nlcalif but it will he an me time yrr liafora ha lu ubht to walk mr und mru c h hurruon entar- tulnetl utnut forty nf their former uelghhora und friend from llpckulde ftutmduy ovunltir the nccuulon wam hiiudktirtdilef uhownr lit honor uf mluu dorothy mcarthur couuln of mr hurrlaoif whoua marriage to mr mor- teetur will tuke pluoe tha llrat at novcmwr uefuctica from halleybury dr w bamrvllla who breught hu family lat week telia vary pathatlo story ir und mru w homnrvllle unilchll- druti urrlviil hero luut week from hulluybury am they loat thalr homo und ul itu content includliir nil tholr lothlnir excepting whut they wore whan they hurriedly ecuhh from tha flru uru m homervhie und tha chil dren will upend thn winter hero the hr tell put lint la utoriam re- tuiiitlng tha ohmii uwihip of the lira the rapidity with which it uivalopetl homeu the vcry burrow eutuiptt of hlllidrudu of thn reulilunla the loaaen homo- home comfort uepturutlon of fn ml i leu uml thn fullurw to oimuip f mo large u numlmr thu iv wum angurml with many otheru in nghtlng the lire lu the aea- tlon where it originated on thu woat aide of thu town heur tile railway ututlon when it aoumett to go buyund control ha hurried lloiiui got out hla cur und removed hlu family to u ttolnt beyond thu nre urea when ha left hlu houi the urn wuu u huiidratl yurdu uwuy hu imuiiullutuly returned u help otheru to aucape uml though h hud not been gonu ton mlnuleu hla htniae wum kiivoioihmi in llnmeu upon hlu return it aeemu tlmt thu town wuu uwept over lu tho courau of all hour thu uurferhir thut it rut night wau boyonil doorlptlou thu iimiplu liatl nothhitf hut the clothing- in wbloh they eacumul fiom iho lire untl hundred who hud gone into thn lake um tho only plucu of uufety went in thnlr wet nlothhr for houru uftarwurd whan night came on with hie ttml wind pravulllitr thu hurfarlnr of thu women unit children wuu pitiful and them wu no hhulter for hundred of thuin dr homervllla upeuk in hlghoat tuim of the prompt runiuiuu of thn peopla througbom ontario in uundlnr relief lo thou4t in dutreu naturally for u few duy thoru wuu much con- fuulon in the distribution of fotal und clothing hut tha orgunlxutlon ulfectatl by the itotl ciimm the provincial lolltu- und other fmctim noon ruruuitud thla today them i u reglutrullon of ull who ure refulvliir help in tho wuy of food ulid nlithlnr and ull uru hulur ayuteuiutlruliy uuppllud the iieed for wurm nlathlur oa- peclully for thu women und children nil through the flru urea 1 utlll greut wlulur 1 on throughout thut country with uevcrul inohu of anew with only tent und nhuoku for protection there will be much uuffurlnr tlirough tho winter month all tho warm clothing luiota uud a hoc und cum- ffirtu generally whloh ure beliir eent forward by thu klndhoarted poopla tha municipal counoila uml tha pro vincial uml uomlnlon oovornmoiitu urn hrautly uprealutel und with tha oooo to hooo amhruceil in tha mulynrar who lout thnlr ull everything uwtt nun ih kent will im needed r why kind qaarae at england may have to loaa hla baard in bundaya mreld m examiner chloaijea beat nawpeper ordar it today from yaur local deajar a t brown aeton 1 vw