tilljllhrjay ootoihcil 38 1bij appleplckin time im yoi thi lyiu tt uuv fwhn in uh utr ll wul urlin hiulthy worklu duy a pukln thin uhl vhit tho rlki 1m full corn un i out bin riinln nvr an ihu rluets nnuli ollrpln lo utruw utuik ul the i vtt then ihu echo oil tlm mountain wi your vol w u ulln txtnk an yon hur llm fr off rmnliun tliit fniiult train on dim truck in tb himwin wliro vai tniiwl tli oowu an hurry an tlm lurry an tlm hunkln up thn holme an you ii luuxh t wlml un wtl when tlm unowu udrlrtlu 111 jf the irtowri am full fodder ihere apples in tho bin ait tint hounds nit uii hi mount un tlm woodohurks in hla lulr an tlm squirrel nils his no her in tint hollow hemuxk thore an ihu slnglu and thp rllkl o tin ion on the hijit mottln ready wnrkln steady all tha amply llnu to fill an when youth bus crept behind you un your life la tost urn prima you feel your boyhood oomin back in uppleplikln time while ha dajirodutlons from mloa anil rabbits in winter vary from year 1 another depending on scarcity or nliundbtio ot rood the number of mloa whjch ere in tho vicinity ud the character of winter tbe injury u always greatest whan the on hard u in sod and whan there 1m rubbish lying about bonce the liit tor should tm ramovd before the winter sets tn in mixl cases it is not necessary nor advisable to nave the orchayd in mod particularly whei the trees rn ypunff although it 1 highly important to have ml cdver crop which also may sometimes ttocome harbor for tjmlce as mice may expected in greater or leas numbert every winter young tree should be regularly protected against thelr ruvageo mice usually begin working an the ground under the mow and whan tbey coma to a tree they will begin to imw it if it 1m not protected a small mound of oil from eight to twalva inches in hat lit rulad about tho base or the trtta will often prevent thalr injury ihk th trao and trampfml about tha traa has boon qulto altactlvn hut tha chaapaat and auraat practlca 1m to wrap tha tr with ordinary bulldlruf pnc tha price of which 1m merely nominal tar papr- la ntaouttecttui but traoa have ban injured by ualrur it and it la wall to uard mcalnat thta whan build i n paper will do m well after tha paper u wrapped around the tree and tied a utua earth houd be put about tha lower aod to prevent the mice from bfurlnnlna- to work there u if they et a atart the paper will noi mtm thalr way it may be to tad hoi that amorur aevaral thouaand youiui tree which have been wrapped with building paper for year at the k- perlmental farm ottawa there have been practically no instance where the mice have gnawed through the paper to nt at the tree the use of wire protector or one mada of tin pr cejvankted iron la economical in ujo end a they are durable there are a number ox washes and polaonm recommended for the papl uon of rrult treea aod the daetrdctlon of the mloa and rabbits but noqe- of these is very satisfactory as if tha mloa jor rabbits are numerous the poison has not suftlolent effect upon them to prevent injury altogether the following method or pobronln ha been fbund fairly successful for mice but rabbits are very difficult to deal with slake a mixture of one part by welsht at araenlo with three parts of meal mall two places of board each six feat ions and six inches wide together so as to make a trough in vert this near the trees to be protected and place about a tablespoon fu or the poison on a shlngla and put it near the middle of the run ranewln tha poison as often as is nnrrarwry w uaooun dominion horticulturist for mother he i i only a mite of a boy dirty and ragged and he had atopped for a jltue while in one of the dtya free playground to watch a game of ball between boys of hla own and a rival neighborhood tatters and grime were painfully l evidence on avery side but- the little follow attracted the at- urtlon of a group of viators and one of them reaching over the childs shoulder as he sat on the ground gy him a luscious goldon pear the boys eyes a park led but tho eves were the only thanks as he looked back to see from whence the gift had come and then turned bis face away too shy or too much aatonlahad to apeak hut from that time on his at en g on i wa divided between the game and hla new treasure he patted the pear ba looked at it and at last as if to ammure himself that it was as delicious a it appeared he lifted it to his lips and cautiously blt piece near the stem then with a ions sigh of satisfaction and assurance he tucked the prise safely inside hla blouse why dont you eat it tanyt de manded a watchful acquaintance eat it all tncseirr aint i savin it for motherr the tone with its mingling of re sentment and loyalty made further spoocb unnecessary whatever tony lacked and 1 seemed to 1e nearly everything he had learned humanitys loftiest lesson he had another dearer xion self and knew tho joy of aacrlroe 10 it worth concentration hack or nil achievement la conoen- tratlun pauls thla one thing i do largely explains hla record the suc cessful inventor the auoeessful writer tbe man who makes a fortune the cltlaep who posses from one position of trust to another may duter in al most wtry thing but the ability to oonoentrate on a single olrn concentration is the price of achieve ment but our aim muat be worth tho col the only one who knew wily was in tears when he cams homo from school teaohnr whipped me because i was the only one who could answer a ques tion she aaked the class she aobbed hu mother was indignant why ill sou her about that i what wam tho question billy t him eyes lighted ramlnlsoently she wanted to know who put tb glue iniisr ink bolt lei if k jvtf clu hah or the ssshl big cjlocfi jbbmmj i 9j 1 iltlllmi 1 sjwhsj bbbbbbbbbbbb nsbbbbbbb f 4ssbe0bbbbbi tjih ma towtalt ctclc it ibiim th hours by duy ulid rilllhl vivin tha tils liwgr m oxaltnd helttht and u ul u rrlsi 1 um hull uk ot t i thut tbno is n tliitf whoii anion town in liuuhndlti wp htlll do4 the ulimik it vikiim kiii cliu lit ills to mhipla wllfil swakliik tlmt mtrn bus ouma und duy is brvakr ink fmu uoiim uml whutl testify that on this tmaplaco mii rely ami turn huytt lo his nxt door nelgh- lor rim lowrt fllimi mtym its tlmn for lalwr and whan urrlvtm tha lunilioon hour twlv strikes tli hla olock in tha and thus tha intimation rlvatli thut not by brud altma man llvntli ho it culls tlmirt ull from lulwm uon am it annoutioxl thu uay ixigun and whan all nvenlntc dull vulilsh laya urm tho tower clock tris to imill a wefltern reader recalls mem- orles of uncle ezra adama in a letter to tho fluts iuem mrs muy ul dun wilson or wnyburn bask makes the following kindly rttfnrenoa to uncle eru adutnn f the odllnr has kindly handed tbe letter to urn wilson who by the way is the wira of llsv j c wlluon who was for fourteen years tha mtwimwl min ister of our 1rosbyterlan church h saye tim fasm ivkss is always read with much interest by tlia wholy lamliy and the joys and sorrows therein set forth are keenly felt even after an abaei of two years itoadlns whit the old man says about the adams family from time to time carries me back to the first yaur i ttlmght school wkl i had the wonderful bih fortune to board in the home of mr hansom adams ha was one of the h rot he re at drayton who inherited a share of the hardearned fortune of his name sake hansom adams 8r of acton uncle kara who was quits a oborf acter visited around amongst his nephews and won ulwayavery welcome at llansoms homo where ha waa loved and honored very few men today are as well versed ln scripture um was undo kara i remember quite often that instead of reading tho morning chapter at family worship he would repeat it from memory without a mis take he was a sermon taster of no mean ability and woe to tbe mlnlstnr who held or at least who spoke out views which were unorthodox i remember bains at cburah ono sunday when the good mnthodlat par- spoke from the text halt is good but if the salt have lost its savor wherewith shall it be sailed r after we came home uncle tsra said tha minister was all wrong it 1m quite impossible cor salt to lose its savor so his line of reasoning and oonolumlonm re alt out he was a most observant man vry intelligent possessed of a keen sense of humor hut to my young mind his godliness was his outstanding char acteristic and i am sure he was a blessing to the home and family of his favorite nephew wall well its real good newm to mo to have this testimony to uncle jxras real goodness of character froai one whom i hud no idea was ever ac quainted with him uncle kara wan a wellknown character here in the old home ho was a friend to all of us and an example to us who were young folks when ho was ln hla prime uncle exral and his wife jerusha word en lived in tha cottage on fainlew avenue then called hansom btreot rare itonald mann afterwards lived and died and where mrs robert nick u n made her homo for u number of years they hud two sons joslah and abner abner died between fifty and sixty years ago n that house a rest was the sorrow of unolo kxra and mrs adams when this bright boy died in his fourteenth year jos lib lived to manhoods estate and married jana hamshaw lie was a carpenter and built their first home on tha lot where the town hall stands josiuh die in hlm young puitmood but think his wife 1m still living and with son or daughter ln toronto uncle tcxra was a very fine repro- mtatlvn of his fathers family who were the founders of thin town u never was very rich lit this world i goodm hut he hud a big treasury of tbe riches which urn imperishable and i am not at all aurprued that miss mary b duff was mo greatly impressed with this whu in her young school mistress days speaking of the atlummi i have junt been poring awr some old records und ttnd that both- era adumm br and his brother ictrnns two of the founders t aotorfj or adarrmvlllo aa it wum first called entered the mothodlst mlniajrytlri 1m4 issm commenced his work at anoaster anil long lnilnt and zenus at new haven conn these two and their brother hufus bought tho three furrow on which acton whn first surveyed lit 1837 in 1833 zenus wum appointed minister of toronto circuit it was thrwo hundred mlloh in extent and had thirty prouohlng places it included toronto- township und the townships of tmfslgur lcuquealng nuouaguweya woolwich erin cole- don tocumseh albion und weat gwllllmbury mr adams died thut year in his tlttyelghth year 1840 itov kxra a damn wsm up- pointed to toronto circuit und he hud hev john leaver aw his asalatant exro adama lived until bn wum h years of age he died on mew years eve ln 1171 loth slonus and tcsra wara buried in tho old cemetery in acton and norj for u few mre memories of church btreet the double house at tha south east corner of church and willow h tree in built in the early days of actons history this building was erected between sixty and severity years ugo i remember over fifty years ugo it was the homo of two esteemed and ugod widows mrs phoebe yeomnns oc cupied the corner house ami mrs ftrstbrook grandmother of the first- brook lliothcrs of toronto mode her homo in the other i have the impression that mrs yoomnns wax tha widow of a minister but i am not positive sho had a noti joaaui ami n daughter iciiaa the daughter married mr cennbr or or- uiltfiivllln hlin intibritod the propnrty u uruklihlunxhtni- jiiil hiurt llv- ih with mrs yihirnaim and attandeil u himil liri klin wu vary fond of uhs in furl so fond of uim was slifl thai mhm uki to tak a llttla tin pullful ot tlm to bcikmi with hr lloiiik if til inlstlllavous ixiym got ill to thlu und nlrkitumwl h r joutmihliia apiilu rurl juat u eiirtnmi oorrup- llon nf lnr iiuioo you mot mn klrsthrooks hiiiluiiid iiimi lt ihlu house and his widow lived thr quit u tow year a uf tnrw urd hli hlotly llvod t ullilla hill mima- jlinutt lirr grondduutfhter jtaala or muno of tho ynuiiitor girls uf uf win iriilbruok fu lolly stayed with hr tho old lady wum i urut friend lo tha children they sll llkod bar and would do unythlng for her i rall onti winter iver fifty yurs sgone wtiod wum k uriv in town slid mrs klrnltirixik m utqr of nrwood uriima cxhuuatoit jimt imfura the iwid lti hud ordmwl wum dalverl this loud of fourfoot imkii und niuple cordwootl wum dnllvered on kuturday mor iltia john vim out who uury uawwl her wihhi wus buity ut his wurk mm ju iltor lit tli unhool und ruuld not kooiu home of the tiighlorlng boym haard ulxiot it und orguiilud a- 1 flv or alt of thorn ware nuuii un tin mmne with hurk uuwm und akas with com- innmltlil- hvul tin suwml kmf mplll th wmml wild pl it in the woal ihj for tha ilur old luity in thu tn uli- tllnn mho wus busy in the kltrheil ulld when the boys were thruugli with ui wikki uh liivltwl thun in and lo ind tx hold u aplundld hot dluiiar wu i set for them and they did it full justine i lull lull you right through to tba lurrunt pudding for which grand mot hr firethrook was famous and that was u rwul uimm haturdsy for thoss boym they did mrs first brook a good turn thuy hud a good time togethar they enjoyed tha fine dinner spread for thm utul they imvk lievsr ruraottan soma at tlnni at laaal the incident think this houaa was the nrst home of mr und mrs hlafyord when they ruino to acton from calatorvllla mr liturford condutad un aahary and made ktuxh in a building mi atiem htreet whn re the roughcast house stands whlrh john nlcol and smlly lived in until u few wmks ago 1or many years this ushery occupied tha only hulldins in the block bounid by church john flgln und agnom hi rests mr huf- font a eldost son john run tha teaches and boiled the ly while his father uttie red hard wood ashes from all uyi hornns of the tuuntryslde giving in exchange therefor aoap pins needles thread shoe lsoes and other everyday huusshold hacesslllaa one day what ii in old man wam loading as has from a yard in town his team became fright vnad and ran away and there was a grvat spill tha wagon upset and the ashes the pins and handles and thread were scattered promiscuously along the treat it was a real loan to mr htaf- ford the stafford family was a real old- fushloned one soifar as numbers go there ware john peter cyrus alva and hsvey amanda cells hannah und fttla altar leaving this house they moved to the house mx the corner of frederick and agues street which char lax allan leoently boukht from councillor ball later thy trulu the first house on the lot where mr and mrs ueorge hsv ills fine residence jiow stands vlnoe they laflmhexda double house on church street there have been tenants innumerable the front of the property now belongs to mr john c watson tho rfar was purchased a number of ye is ago by mr honald sinclair who erected a splendid cement block house there um a home for him self and hui sister good night i 72e a mistaken sacrifice the a social gathering not long ago lentre of attraction was a young whose decidedly brilliant and at the sumo time rather startling sayn versa lion kept his listeners in a state flutter he advanced the radical ideas and defended them vlth skill and daring among the listeners was an older mun who took no part in tha im promptu debate but gave the clever young iconoclast grave attention when at length hla daughter hla side and slipped her hand through he moved away with her leaving the young man discussing pro vocatively and entertainingly itslph is in great form tonight hint hot remarked the girl glancing over her ahoulder he does so love to get people stirred up dons ha often have these ut lacks 7 aaked the father dryly oh you muxtnt take him seriously kulpb likes to shock and startle people dont suppose he belle veil anything ha has been saying lonlght and then as her father preserved a rather rrltlcul alienee the girl added v ilalph is a great social uael there is any stagnation when he la aroun jt wus several months later that thu same girl coma to her father in soma distress father is it true thut italph applied to you for a position when mr morse resigned and you said nor yes my dear it is true hi slater tqld ma so but i could lmsdlydelio it apart from the friendship between the two families he 1m such n brilliant fellow xjsten to me tny dear the father uald authoritatively i dont deny that italph is brilliant but its not the sort of brilliancy that gets a man any where in business you say tiallkos to mhook und startle people what we want in business is men who will inspire oonlldonce ha llkus to appear erratic wo want workers who will impress tha beholder us levelheaded ha may make himself a hoc la 1 asset by keeping thlngethrd up but in busi ness wc have a weakness for the man who nan hold things steady borne other clover young people may benefit by this suggestion in order to entertain a crowd in somebodys draw ing room it is rather foolish to s orifice the reputation for bovine a level head bo necessary in a practical world marie miller neighborhood newg town ad country h gueat wfmk iiov y of frleiulm hi during udilii yt wellaud whm th b of mr mid mrs j a htiihoiim luut wink muu noll i miller t ontario llou- pltul whitby vuite1 with hr rutlnr mr john millar last wik mlu k and mis kuilxm of lluf- falo vlalled with thalr flthar mr j ouwthrouim luul week fruinds received ilia sujj ttw her on thuraduy uiil ut tha ulblueh death of normuti mcallister win wus in- tuutly killed in a molol ucrulnt hoar ulaiutvun musk ninniki wum ull slimed realdant hem ontllit want waal mr llimry ltael mlmouu llio huu ixxil out weat v li tin wlui rlltlvam rotliriimt hoina lust w u hxikrta and hearty i mis khyaart of iltlu vafw n y utidlmra f haven of lnjffulo h y war th auets of mr und mrs w hull for u fw days luat wtwl mimm irls lllutoii unilrwn oporulloii fur stlodlltm at tho of bar puraiils mr uml um j i 1iimmih hvra luat wak klut is dihi us wrll us i all ixi imhh ted ailvttruj geohoetown tha nrut inatulm ubu luut monday i wutk flneal in tha ashxruvw ry will axes tu lsy new arena it will be the wunty when wimpleled mauimllt churxli annl- lw held oil flumluy oo- tuber ut s l clock itev t ii ttol 11a o milton will prauui leore- lown uathodlat oholr will provide the mies aluilm u ut huntington ouo vlaltd frionds iii town during tho week mrs om murth uud duuhtars uf wontreal ira visiting vltli mr and mrs clifford crealman this wk mr 1 c mackuy who has bti the rourteous and obliging toiaiiiipir of tha hank of hamilton her roc the past sight years has bean promoted to ba manager of the main omon m nlugsra fulls liy the death of janet cation lnw- son widow of th lute luvld iluweon laal weak flmirgetowit loaes one of lis moat highly mitnoted clllsans mr itourt kerr of madison wis aiuohl la4irgtiwn ixiy i hi id a brief visit to mends in town last week mr krr bus jujit returned from a two yiuirs lour or the world which he enjoyed very much anniversary services were held in knox church last runday hev al- fred amllar 1 d frinclpul of knox college toronto preached eloquent wrmnm on monday evening u ohlokan putty u upper wum served tu a large crowd herald milton xust friday bs oeorge idling was picking spplos ha fell from a tree and three of his ribs were broken the four ulleged pickpockets tltta thompeon oeorga miller alias ssmuol green frank carter und geo hicks charged with operutlng at the- fair here sppaared on remand un tuesday before lullo magistral hhlelds and were committed for trlal judge elliot tried wm webb and ioti llrltton on tha rharge of stnallng auto tires some timo ago from iuttor- son m garage et ilronto webb wai oouvlcted and oeqtenced to not lesi than six months nor more than alght- tean month in tho ontario lie forms tory itrltton was acquitted at the cloalng meeting of the 4tth annual convention of the lrrvlnclu thl hearty handorip tin uslom of uluiklug hands llnutid during that proiturtlva lriod town uh tha mldilla agow but th tuotlir ut inrtli graaiiliig huiilt with sintiiir dates from antiquity thn baiituhokxt is not such a futile in nllt v um iiiiit would uupuo yinlhillr in tha flrat inatannp of paac r trlamlahlp it la ulao u valuubla guide i churutcr thn illtterant klmlm of luindahaka ra many uml vurloua far too num- iiiua for tlm vurinty uf forms to ba j hirw the notlctid hrt tliiru uf novarthelai u ffw dc nulla type 1 of hant alia whlth m us ull amclt guide to t ihunonallty ut thoea wno give them i tha firm vlsor- olix haurty grip of filondahlp tndlcs- tlvu of hiw uml good wilt the kynot of thla imndahuka is con- ililpno- mora orian than not it u iclvan by u hard almost horny hand u tru- uign wrote riiakeapeare of tha hruvw lulnd ihaii there is its until livrila the uiiiruld luka wurm ilsbhy touch this iumhutlayn wiiilii rtrvaals ar- voiihiimm mint j lnloouiiil irreaolutlon of mind uml infirmity of purpose ho iluar u ajsii la it uf uhuructer or ruthni lack t haruutar that more thun on applicant for a pout lias lost his upimilntmant by uffarlng t the hi wi dlaornlng employee the timid hultlitg iiundahuka it is nver given by the man of mettla and detarmln- utloii tlr is uli tho bruf hasty halul- uhaka tiltrl buuully by tha person of reatlwut anlmutwd tamiwramant and daootuig un lutlllaent aolv- mind it huu neither atrength of thu hearty grip nor thu weakness of tha irresolute una yt u trua delineation uf rharacter may imv drawn rrom it by th man of lihirtanca unit perception teatly there la the liusring long- irswnout tull -of- falllig ltandahaka tha upiklul premgutlvv of the lover if not alrlctly indtcatlva uf chorontar jhlu hutidahaka doe ut luut convey b irunlug mora ubly und mor eloquent ly than mere winls ran do tha handshaker uurh b nunmoii everyday ant us it u lias thus b usf of more imihirt than the simple act of uulututloli llehlnd it 11s fha geal litdlrullon of cbaractar mvealed throuah tha moat prlmlllv of our llhor i dodging why handkerchiefs are sqpare a hundkerchlef means literally a kerchluf for thb hand the kerchief it self bolng a small aort of u shawl humlkerchlefm originated in ltoy whence they graduully spread over europe all nhapea und sixes wera used till una duy in tha lent era of tha glories of tha old french court queen marie antoinette remarked how much neater it would be if only mquareebaped handkerchiefs were muda bo on the znd of january 1716 a itoyal decree went throughout franca thut tha length of handkerchiefs shall equal their breadth and everybody still obeys that de- tree without knowing- itl a oooo excuse i domnstlo from next door il ease mum mlsans sends her compliments und will you let your daughter sing and play tha plun6 this afternoon v why oertalny tell your mutreaa glad aha likes my daughters voice oh it isnt that mum shes ex pecting a visit from the- landlord and mhu wants some exuuse for asking him to reduce tho rent 4 ienyes milton wbm reelected superintendent at the department of hclefitlrto temperance instruction una denyes wum also one of tha four delegates appointed to attend the worlda convention to held ln philadelphia next month there is a strong sua plot on that tha burglars who have robbed milton hard ware atoms and garages repeatedly the post year or so have an aoooroplloa in towri who tips them off whm considers conditions favorable for raid at tuesday evenings meeting uf tha town council tha matter of rowdyism on our streets was brought up by the merchants in connection with the pro posed appointment of a night watch man it was stated that night after night young man and but boys loaf on the mtreetsalt on the doorsteps window sills and squirt tobacco juice on tha sidewalks use profane language and insult passing ladies councillor featen said tbe complaint was just fled that the matter has been brought up before and the constable instructed to act but there had been uttlo action and there was no abatement uf tha nuisance champion uhmnqton mrs an pi nail has registered for u year course at toronto university where she is taking up publlo health and social sec vies study in connection with tha victorian order of nurse mr a w eraklne has takei tho law business in burlington known by tha firm name nlblett hharpe and icrsklna kmix church ladles aid society conducted a very successful rummage sale in tha wonenu wei rare ltulld- ing on saturday afternoon as a result of which about 100 was realised mr geo mummers wlfn and family arrived from winnipeg on thursday last to take ufa residence in town on tuesday evening a truck loaded with grapes vu struck by a o t it freight train at the rrant house cross ing one of the occupantjad his leg broken ujd the truck was wrecked mr fred warren has nurchased the horse shoelqg and buoksmlthlne busi ness or mr alex ttoclee at freeman the dominion cutuient shipped a tar of pork and beans last week for relief to the sufferers in the recent northern ontario fires mr aleck lltch the local representative of the company left on tuesday evening to look utter ita proper distribution j the beach canal is to be deepened next aprlng on monday government men were busily engaged taking- sound ings of the channel and their report will undoubtedly favor deepening op erations the marine department has hud this work undar consideration for soma tune mr u w plngle haa bear confined to his home for a few days as the result of an uccldent mr dingle was dlug potatoes at the home of mr mutt wlluon iluka shore itoad whun his truck i started down a grade mr dingle ruahed to apply the brakes but the truck continued on ita down ward course and upset und ho receiv ed injuries to his leg uoxette a difficult question nothing less than a publlo school education wus oonsldared fit for the sou or a profiteer 4 uttlo moneybags returned home from his first term full of importance well clarence and what uve uioy taught your asked paterfamilias french father and jermnn and euclid ah aald moneyboys joyfully that la the muff now junt tell rrto the kucha for ooodmorulnar la this world b man no un uuvll or a lumon- tuklng things us thy not wur one out uq fuut ieuderm are ordinary mivim with extraordinary determination the man everybody likes generally hkom everybody to indulge in selfpity la self de al rut ion hard luck is a polite name for sleep ing sickness an optimist is one who makes the host nf it when ha gnu the worst of if from the mistakes of others a wise man our recta his own tbe greateat thing that can lis aald of a mun is that ha has kept his record clear you cannot cleanse a mans heart by wbhhlng his shirt futieure and up plication will carry you through dont drift with tha thla like a dead fish tha rusult of a kind act is never lost it will aliow itself soma day soma form tha habit of doing what you are told whim you am told and in tha munnr precrlbd the jov op friendship if you could become a tnlllonalre with haul tit and good hoks thrown in for good measure on tha sole con dition thut you renounce all right to huvu friends you would not cloos with the bargain monny with which you could not give pleasure to muh one deur to you would be dead sax fruit and health and atrength would only mux a things worse slnrv thoy would only protract the weariness of an un loved ufa the greatest joy we can know in this world is the joy of friendship there is no trouble past anduranoe if we have a friend to help us bear it there kho pleasure that bt not multiplied by lendly sympathy a scholarly young man a student in an kuaterrt college received word that he hud won a lthodee scholarship- the evening t that day a friend found him ln his room his head bowed upon his arms and in answer to an inquiry he sold in a choking voice oh if my mother had only lived to know this it would have meant so much to her many a one in a similar hour or triumph has felt that half the joy wam gone be cause it could not ba ahared with father or mother tho joy of friendship is the greatest and sweetest of all joys and no one u too poor to gain friends or too unfor tunate to keep them farmers jots whlla thn milkman s prua re uo high om ml lt t xxouaad fo r c ills over uplllod milk kowdikloim till um that onlor good for til luiikm thny oertli ly string than tlm hrratii if you don t rula unythlng in your rdeu in thu hummer it will do you gimifl to ru fuln ut th gncry ore in th wlnfr a i hut hum huuher found u 10 0 ld hk hi u ulauglitenhl utu r whirl nnnns um hi our opinion that them when tha cuatomer asked tba tfthcr if the vssx ware alrlt tly fresh he lil- piled thut the tanner fivm whom hfa got them urnnnad thut bis liu did not lay uny other kind thut u hii couruulng fult itllu drops of wuter on llttla grulnu it uuhd muka a mighty dlnwir ill ilia priu of und the luck of proeverancc i liaver buw uiiylxxly iuivb such lo l uh r huut it lalnutl nurriu when ha leariiud tlist toru had bii ual l- ed for a piurrtiitloii u iiulfdoaan wora eagerly eyeing it unt luile ohjte1 luxlerkk sugaly it a peranveiulicat id ka vnj tq guaem bow many ilinam uaorgs wont after that job first hi was lunul down for luik ut rixominendatlons i i went right balk with u hatful 111 wlt ing telephone perinualims itaaldns vef- ahlaa verba next doubt was exprhui- ed um to his ability to do th work tigjln ne iulueled opinions from every employer he ever hud und he took mrv to ltesura in every i im tenon that he had lytt u clean record behind him when finally thy heal tat ad just be- suae they thought lie would not take b beainnarm salary fleorga tooled them agultt he was willing to begin low with the pmmlae of inrrwui as be mounted up in experience of oourae ha won ha hal decided to get that promotion hefora he ever made a move und with deorge to dec ida means to attain for he never stops abort of get- tlrqr what ha utayts for iont muke a mlataka young men all th sucreau in lire is knoila up uf nlnetynlna pef naiib perseverance and perhaps one per oenl of happy clr- cuniatanoe which you call luck cm ready for the chase special train frw hunters the 0en season for bunting doer and moose in northern ontario is rapidly approaching south of the french and mattawa 1 livers november b to november 30 inclusive north and west of these rivers october ib to november so inclualvo north ot tbe transcontinental llallway line the season la from september lt to novum ber ik inclusive r the canadian national itouwoys traverse tha finest bunting territory in this country thut fact with their special anil regular train service makes the national way the premier tine for the hunter tbe hunting grounds are uo vast there is game for trvaryana the selection of grounds b a moat important matter and one which re quires careful study tha territory reached by the canadian national lines north of furry hound is already a favorite one but tha near country eoat and west of capmol is as yet comparatively llttla known to tba hunter and should therefore be highly attractive to the follower of the doer and moose the canadian national hallways are providing special train service which with regular trains will tnaat all de- mui ds special trains will be operat ed us roliows lueava toronto union station 11 ik p m october 31 for cupreol and intermediate points and 11 ib p m november x 9 and for kny junction and intermediate points the usual utnplo accommodation of bleeping cars baggage car and coaches will be provided thn annual hunters leaflet issued by the canadian national hallways la how ready ior distribution and may be obtained on application to any agent of tbe company or write cen- eral faueenger department room cat itoyal hank ilulldlng toronto p juxj fimtt or duiitb p if sonv uiltalcxt ba- tabaaoradtit argjr4manabaafc writo balsarme coughs and colds a taw doees of halamea cauf hm aivj colds disappear amv pletoly ilsisocaa luuacns thephltifn biul cjeora line luasa an bcoochlal ri irocn all hanav ful drugs cbildxesk tsks it wiuiaadt lciauae ic tastes good rouglgoarantecdoi dotttlb today a t brown druggist acton ontario a slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use egg0 baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer every thursday 52 tunc a yew the youths companion for bajt lot gnb or paienli for die young mheutof all ago ouu less tllan an ctmu a w i i iawjblpiaaof tw patck mm i the voutira oqmpamon boston uassaou3ct1s i ti vnji r i f- lfrzil ah zahlbe v 3 tne compejuon of 1922 cor 1923 1 tbeyootlcorntnirsris 25o 2 mccji mgarine vt fdba wmiiii loj3- hot cold wet or dry get there eli ford sedan s78s f o- b ford ont completely equipped eucl us we of tux i m lenient wnathe winter plcuuurif if jou drlv the huaklng ih bant dancr purty ur picture uhow will carryon dimplto rihl or uiiowo will the wiim ijkoan tho vttrti tidal currus llvn comfortably more in u plhch lt us plaou your order now for full delivery ha coxe acton ont reading between the l1ne6 loor old jones hud met just a few old college rrlends and wand log his uncertain way homeward he pondered ways of concealing his condition from hlm wife til g home and read ho decided list y h drunken man r u bookr ijiter mrs jones heard a noise in the library v what on earth are you doing tn there t uhe asked when she dlooovered it was her husband jtuadlng my dour jones replied ihocrfully you old idiot uhe said scorn fully aa uhe looked tn at the library door shut up that telephone direc tory mhd oomn to bed i irish blarney a lady reader reports the following neat compliment paid to her by her irish gardener having called him into the house to give him some in structions aha saw him looking at a photograph on the centre table yes its mine she said tul i four it natters me a little fihur replied the gallant fa trick it would have to natter ye a great deul to look as well aa ve do in my t mum womton transcript horse ailments of many unrig rmlckjy ramexued with douglas egyptian liniment arrora bunrimi iwsthtit rxsvbkn blood rotaonincl curiia th atan vibtula antaina and aaingaa ia eeu all areaae tuabaest fer uw srftsit4r at all tmakta oad drsnlaw why why are partridge tires increaslrp in odularity auoiur our ctuiainecs why are we so cnuwsbstlc about artxitlg tirem and why do we birrjxhrly recoiniiietm theni to you because in actual service partridge tires are demonsiratino ui4r greatnebs what we have seen and heard about these aturuy handbuilt tires conviisoeb us that for allround economy they are unflurpaaaed 1 partridge tired are wt only substantially reducing taile- age costs but their rugged wearing qualities eliminate frequent and expensive repairs partridge tires game os their name will afford you complete satisfaction fred blow is -k- hi v s fltwii 1