Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1922, p. 1

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efar jvjdtjcrtt jfctt tftzl i ortyoighth yearno 18 100 phut yh1ar acton ontario thursday morning novhmder 2 1022 1jm in unitkd btate8 single copies five ccnti tiie methodist ciiubcif acton rev cha8 hackett paator- piruius willow bl lqoon m quarterly love tuat iloou iti tin aflilidr hubjol thanksgiving x so i m h in lay l lioo too p m4th mliiulir commun ion hei vlri a wiclcqmk to a1ld vresiiyteluan knox church acton minister rev a c buwart m munaowlllow htreet hkkvickh 11 do u li hvv w wuddell liullltiurud 7f0 i m llv w waddell f h linufud hiiwlny school uml rlhu cuu at 3oo p m htranger leaving address wllh th ushers mill be called upon by tha pastor ald ark cordialx 1nvitmo new advertisements for bale flood cheer oust htiilr with oven it good ndiiiou aim ly t kukd mcmlllan krederltk htreol for bale cabbage good end harjl by riosan or hundml et 36 tim crreecent hatur day until- 13 and nil day monday orders booked any evening after ipm fox heat wanted did horses animals with broken in calve tilo and anything ault able for tax meal phone g r si uflnrgalowili i1lakk vainattkil ib- 4 georgetown ont property for bale number of mow farm listed per sona intending to pnrrrisaw awe n j kerr ha kimw raaktape agenl pbone m acton aeton lodoa 1 o o p no 20 church parade acton oddfellow will attend divine service in sl alban church on bun- jay next at 7 n m the lodge will moot id the i o- o v 1111 at cio p nv arid al resident members are requested to bo present c a mooiie recording secretary the furniture repairer ifor an cabinet work jupholatsrtng rafniiilelung or repairing chairs re tad picture frame room mould tag mantel book cases clock shelves serein tray medicine cabinets din- no- wuwm hall rack tables stands c we are slao able to supply plate anaaa shelves furniture sliding shoes i iowa cushions coooe and rubber mat tin and many other article not mentioned tour requirement prompt ly attended to b v kknyon box 37 wallace av- 174 acton out- farm for bale a ahort distance from acton 17 aero iis acre under cultivation travel and free of atones clay loam 36 acre of heavy timber worth half the prion of farm splendid item and tables- cement floors hog- pen poultry h quaes driving ahed blontj bouse with tea room water in the house and barn 20 acre fall wheat pall ploughing done hural mall and telephone price lf 600 1 60 00 cash balance on easy terms good reasons for mlllng your choice of thirty- a va other farm for sale jf a smith ileal tcstate agent phono 106 aeton onl village of acton notice or registration of by law notion la hereby given that a by law waa passed by the municipal council or the village of anton on the twenty- fourth day of october ims providing for the issue of debentures to tha amount of 144000 for the purpose of defraying the coat of construction of cement sidewalk on the northwest aldo of knox street and that much bylaw was registered in the registry office for the registry division of the county of i la ton on the xttu day of october liu any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must bo made within three month after thn first publication of thl notion and cannot be made thereafter dated the znd day of november a ix 1is3 ii n kattuuk clerk wonderland friday november 3 good provider good provider a paramount picture with vera gordon and do zavldaoi featuring com edy ttoonervlllo trial kox nowo 8aturdav npvemder starring llerlrart luvllltm leather iuhher round onv featuring itrglnuld denny a happy combination of sport so elety and romance hoeitea in canada iarudlse itetllacover- ed- mpnqay thankbotvln step on h featuring hoot oihaon ulue jacket hoi- or 1 reel drama tin cans reel brownie comedy tuesday november 7 human heart the big super apodal you have been wall- in for look for adv le where in paper with utanloy in axrlca eputol fl waaon orchestra admission adults 17a children 17c 2 show each nloht com me no ing et 7m p m coming chaln llfthtnlng j c silverthora aimouiieing another big demonstration of furs to be held at this store for three days this week thursday friday saturday november 2 3 4 a special representative of a largo wholesale house will be with us for those three special day to assist in the demon stratton and ho wilt bring with him samples of the entire output of his llrm the demonstration will he conducted in the same manner as that ot ix wee i a ago which brought such a largo range of selections to many women- in this vicinity who invested at that time orders may be placed from the wholesalers samples on display for those three days only and the following extra special values will bo featured limited also to three days selling 13750 beaverseal coats at the extraordinary low price of 137 50 three days only november 2 3 and 4 8198 frenchseal coats at 108 trimmed with beautiful col lars and cuffs of alaska sable 400 persian lamb coats of splendid quality priced for demonstration days only at 400 00 425 persian lamb coats hand somely trimmed with collars and cuffs of alaska sable if you need n new fur garment olany description what soever this will bo your best time for choosing when you arc offered not only our own large selection but also tho nttre showing of a prominent wholesale dealer come to guetph thursday i ritlay or saturday november 2 to 4 d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store weekend specials assorted chocolates just arrived a fresh shipment of our famous assorted chocolatest a lull lino of both hard and soft centres week end special price 33c lb assorted cocoanut cream a vefy high class confection in three flavors strawberry vamlu and lemon regular 40c tb weekend specul 34c id marshmaixovs we were sorry to have to disappoint our patrons last week in not having our marshm allows so we hope they will take ad vantage of our special price this weekend which will be 34c tb the acton jcafe for a real meal or light lunch stop at the acton cafe ceiktrally located appetizing food and the best service our motto i cleanliness and quality h wiles we wish to announce to the public that we have opened a ladies ready-to- wear department showing all the latest models in ladies and misses sport coats ladies and misses dreaaes homespuns and house dresses at the lowest prices we also wish to state that we do bemodeuiing cleaning pressing and repairing the royal clothing and genes furnishing store c c speights old stand mill street acton ontarip news of local import knox w m o thank offarlnd bervlo tim umiuul thiitik otyartiur morvloo of ho women m lanloiiary koclely of knox church waa held lust veiling airs horns of toronto dlvrtd uu linj rthwlvh a idriuua tim mmlrm of the oilier church were invltod an 1 u turi iiumlhir mttdided quarterly communion next sunday nmmunlon mrvlm will be held 111 the mathodut hurrh nt hunday thn iove veuat will i obeorved at 10 u m lit the evening after a ser mon on th nnmmunlun hy the pa a tor uv xlr hackntt tho hucrnnieiit of the iiurtl tl hupper will be udmlnuterod pound guilty at brampton lllln i nmoro of roikvlll who hiiu r tin ii lh for i rial at itrampton i y lnlc uaglatrnte uiiani wa tried by judge joatln last friday an 1 ftiuinl guilty he wa tllnrutnl on n tpeii 1- vd hun i bih a under a bond t j 000 lo utibwer when called upon during two years and to pay ull costs civil at hon will lm lalcru ngalnat cameron ktlil hunter for damage by william atgln father of iockl who wm injurvd new editor for canadian baptist hev iwu v klpp ii a ror tl past several years olty editor of tito montreal hlur has lteeo appointed ed itor of the canadian llautlat um muo ceasor to tr uckuy who died last april mr klpp i i a graduate of woodstock college and mn master unl verslty during the interim after ir mckay a death mr il 1 warren acted as editor for several month lit addl lion to hi other dullu ul tho lluptlat ilook i loom toronto two minutsa slhinec armlatlo day the two minute of silence will by the ea press wleh of ilia majesty tho king 1m observed throughout tho hrlluli kmplre on armistice day no vemlnr 111 the lrline minister of canada lias rmhilved a ubu to till effect rron the duke of devonahlro hecretary of htate for the colonies the hrltlah lovernment will alao hold u apoclal service in commemoration of the cessation of hostllltlua and thl procedure will be followed by the can adian flovemment three men fined at hlllaburfl magistrate hellyer of kenllworth presided over a special alttlng of the police court held athlllaburg on tuoe day afternoon when charge which had been preferred by xjonjee lnneo- tor iraiit agalnat islle overland joe van wyok and hubert itennluk of lib gaily punhaslng lluor were heard all thra of the accused pleaded guilty lo the nlmrgo and were fined jto and coal vuh it i u n ilt ra tooi 1 thxt tho ina motor huw heveral other cases from tho sumo miictlon which will bo hourd in a uhort time service at st albans tho ttev h tl u lluugh who haa been enjoying a well earritvd vacation at lupliitiuuvllle que will lm homo to coiidunt the thankaglvlnx hervlc on hunduy noxt when holy communion will lm nmehrated at ii o dock in the evening aoton un i o o v will attend divine aervlce ut hi albans durlnif the rectors atwence tho services were conducted hy hev mr lleluiett of wutenlown and mr jteouroonc lay readnr of olnuwllllam mr ileau- mont kindness in helping rt albatiti on so many oocuhioun is very greatly aiipreclatod by it hienlinra h lad way blast cute off hydro current 1jil hatunlay forenoon rontructor of the new ivovinolal hlkhway at crow sou a cornors discharged m iblaat in the rook under tha hydro trana- ilaslon line between aoton altd ouelph the flyluv rock out on all the heavy wire and oils resulted n dlaoonnectlng the current ut ouelph acton and llock- wyoil he pa irs were made by tho ouelph linemen in about an hour and wheel bogan to revolve again 111 factories and street car and the dinners in tho electric ranges to rwumo rooking step are being taken to ibvlate the rep i tat ion of such a tmimuy v preabyteran qulld halewen3aay the yiiinif leuiile oullit of knox church held u very auocesaful h loween party in oonneotion with their rerular moetlng on monday owning after listening- to a flellghtrul pro gramme of vocal solo by misao iteesor and cordluer piano suhj by mlsa jean orr and reading by ula fyanoes hurst and ur wm coleman the uudlonce llatenetl to a very intvr- eatlng talk on mlaslonary work in japan by mr alex munro who has recently returned from he orient tho meeting then took the form of u social function and aftur a musical aonteat was played u pie eoolal oonoluded the liroopedlng 1 a visiter from japan mr ale munro who with mrs munro haa spent severu 1 years us an evangellnt in tokyo japan ryi been renewing acquaintance in acton uttd vicinity during the week mr and mrs munro are working under tha chrlatlutt organisation known as the assemblies of quit umong the japanese bath in vancouver and japan they aooompllahed the erection of a gospel luyi in tokyo and hud very successful services after a few month in van couver where mr monro parents reside they intend to return to mission wuik in jupnn alex i very proud of his sevenmonth old babe lie uddressed the ypung aeople uultd at knox church where he wua a mem ber before going wet on monday evening a pretty toronto weddlna a pretty house wedding took pluoo butt wednenday in toronto when mia murjorle 1eurwon lllnklo daughter of mr und mrs w j dickie indian hoad wua married to mr henry ayleaworth lfl iuge aon of mp- t mr ii t iu iage urenudlor houd the cere mony wh ptirformed by tho hev j b todd ii a of ouelph brother- in law of the brldo mis helen johnston of oahawu played the wedding music the ceremony took piece in the draw ing- room under a big wedding bell of white rosea and smllax the drawing room waa decorated with rosea chry santhemums und pulms the bride who wan given a way by her father looked pretty in a gown of cloth of gold draped with amberbeidfid geor gette bhe wore a wreath of gold letlvo in her hulr bhe auto wore brocaded shoe with gold stockings llrr bomiuet was of sunset rose and violate and who wore tho bride groom it gift u diamond bar pin jho brides itible with the cuke in the centre whm iloifetltlt while flower and pink roue mr and mrs lo page loft for the hoy craft inn buffalo uirt on their return will live in the nuunymede district the bride golngaway suit won of brown mlrvt twill with hut to mutoh ajid cinnamon fox ura obituary itltv a 1 toiuiikpkku a ii d hrv flnorgo 1 1 cobblnllck m a ii d lalor of lit lulil churoh ctlkry allhrta w fatally injurnd ul illllhurut allmrta laat thiirwuy win it the uiitomohllfl ho wa driving mlulhot u lh aiieet ur tracks i wuu utrtuk by u trolley 1uv m cob- lil l u intend the mel hod 1st ministry in 1um iii him rlmign was dungan- non i ho following yr he wn hound ut ociorufliowii and in till he won ti puhtor of 1 auloy hlreel chun h fliipli a liumlxir of ynajr uito he whm tranaf rred altierta t onfi inni unl whs the palor of umiio of tlii hading i hurojiu ibere jonatiian h unk iiy tl death of jonathan h ij whlnh 11 f lirrod ut hla in toe at tleorge- town till tlitturdiiy ootolmr jl unother yi oil t lit n of mil towi l aone ti hln t will ii doct uu wa a son of the i it john m irfitui an 1 mary veomai ijiiiii ul il www born hi icstiuealna ynira ugo llu win twlcti married hi iiimi wlfn hi lug luulhd hwanaton iluughtur of the lutw walter hwanaton f kiiimouu whom lm knsrrlt in ll4 hlld who 01 il aonie year later in 1d0c hu liturrlod jennie waser luimer- vllli of at on who ulao redeceaaed hlui kour nhll iten survive they mr- lliuclulr of loronto ada helen mill john ut home nlao one slater mra j 1 wuuton oeorgelown the fllunrul took plure on tuesday after noon to i lii 1 o iao oenvelery th- a vlct 1 olilif roi i1ictl by itev w fcrf duv 111 kill pmitor of deonuaed who wam u memlhi of the methodist church iliruld i uludkitick ii itobh kittytwo year ago neat jsnu john ho nllrrim lm lloliert uttle prlncltutl of acton 1 ubllti hthool brought hlu fninlly from inmbton their fitnui r houin und tho eldeat kr derhk thou night years of mr llouh r mill n ltd in at ton for nine yeurw unit thmpri ittavzslt te hamilton lo luki ihn prlnrlttulahlp of- victoria a v mm ttohool at that tlt lrod m ho wuh familiarly called was an uppr titlco of tlim vhmm 1wtaa in those duyii the polmr was delivered from doui to dimtr to the subscribers and 1vtl iuuim had hi shore of thb work wh n hi father removed to ilumllton kred left tiitf ttsi und wt ut with him in the oourse or limn ho drifted lo toronto au at mm death luut wednesday hemst at tllii huull of u large real etaw1uslnes iwurlng jiim unme und one of the oldest t roki rn in the city he wo well known in muuonto ulnha huvlna been timif u u nilu r of dclng kolomon idge a 1 a a m ho also twlongwl ut ihu cuuudu ijiwii howling club and iittonilod llloor lit rent i churoh ho lu survived by two son hulrnlm u roronlo und frederick id wohlitrii canada a fawn beet in helton nihoii townnlilp furmir were eur- prluod the other day to see a young fiiwn ritlinluif ot large in that tllstrlei there hiih lmui no effort to kill it and it lu im1iovh1 the fawn hnu wandered from northorn ontario it la h great many your ulurn n live deer has been heti rminnig in this county in the ih r day however tliuy were very oakwllle brldq end the county council a metitlnu tlt county council wilt ne held tomorrow when the jiew iblioriu bridge ut oakvillo will be up for conaldt ration oakvllla will put up uonin strong arguments- the oonald- rntllin of tho amendment to the tor onto i iitmllton highway act passed lust uetiulon putuug that highway on warna tuisjx uu mii other provincial hlghwuyh may innuenoe the county counoll to look favorably upon the ptanohiil to usaoa 110000 of the cost f tho pnimiaod now bridge upon the the lsanoea halleween party thr halloween evening given by the ixagiin in tlut methodlat rchool lloom monday wus attendtxl by a large company tho re was u spirit of hal low n nbout tho affair from legln- ing to did the uaher were di to simulate ifhnatly characters the diyto ruled with pump kin i olord und black ribbon and guilund black cat reposed here and there hud tho dim light of jack-o- hint rim wuh ull that dispelled the usual hullowouti gloom a programme it1 o uougn and reading appro- pi into to tho wolnl uiinlvtiraary was given by mr oatruuder the hal- lowomi quurtnttn ubwi cnru bavage und mikm ieleit ostrander the witch m cauldron und her fortune tell ing wau unluue tho cafeteria lunch i ill luttronlsetl feature mia lcapl the piwldeut of the league had nhurga tamvwu umtiato1 by miss illimlez itnmielt a church weddlnd et hamilton of esceptloniil beauty and interest us the wedding on tuesday oc- toler it in the church of the as- ruiinlon ilumllton wheri the principal wyn ocruhllno morgun daughter of mix c t orunthum und kdwln mc- iaiiiii pllkty sou of mr and mr a k 1ilkey of chathum accountant in tho ituuk of montreal acton llnk chrymuuthamlima and pink and white roarnom with massee of greenery bunking the chancel and tho front of tin church formed the floral uettlng for th nuptial of tills uopular young rotiphi the pew being marked on with adornment of white tulle and flower ml a o alexander played the wwldlng music vwii archdeacon honlson read the horvlce in tho presonoe of u urge number of friend who hud assembled at the church to witness the marriage of ouu of mto city s most charming glrhl the bride very lovely in her vk luiultu bridal rottn watt given in mm ring by brother in- w it- col 13 m dalhiy und attended hy i mliitor mrs j c hl u matron of houoi pmt tiur nmull niece mu llun anns huthuiluud um fldwur girl muue on linim ot clutwilc ulinpllcl tlui brlt1o m gown was of cloth of silver rhhly licuiled in ullvur und crystal and having oruumeuts of rhlneitonea hur vol of cmhrohlored tulle we worn niummod high ut the buck of the head und hold in pluco ut tho front with a wnath oruhgo bloasoma slippers of bhirk and ullvur brocade completed this ooatumi a platinum wrist watch tho gift of the bridegroom wa worn- und the uhowor hounuet was com posed of romis of various colore and illy ofthu valley hollowing tho oere- mouy the bridal party and guests re turned to the home of the brides mother where the reception waa held mr und mra pllkey left la tec on a ahoit wedding trip the brjda going uwity in ii hetomlng deui of tetn de in bio clinton orepe brown hat with coilllo fuuthnr graceful wrap ot brown valour with heaver collar and cult mi i fawn shuns and stockings mr and mru iltkoy will retildrf in mr it j km r h newly impnived rtslleme on knog avenue aeton wins the junior championship uy ihfcatlnjc mulon in a came at campbtuville on saturday aoton tiow lum a junior ball team to 1m proud of they easily defeated the milton aggregation at campbellvllle on katurday by a aoore of it to 4 rather a large mirn for a championship game but proving beyond a doubt thn lie liar milton wa the first to hat and only four striker ruoed fllhhon in the hrst innings anion in their half got right after aiken for a bunrh of hits and a few errors by the milton inonld allowed aoton lo ki x run mllfon felled to shove u- run acroe in the aocund and anion got 3 more the hoy were hitting aiken and there wa some iihhhi fielding behind him so whan acton had piled up i niiu to two inning manager tnlnakl gave a i ken the itook and little took up the duties of serving them up but the anton aggregation liked him belter then aiken eo in the 4th frame jllkens gain got in the bo for milton j jut un error by clilshohn a bunt by dore und u walk ror masalee asaiated by a two baae hit by kalay soon sent hli on hi wsy again and eacjtck went in the bo for milton the anton team found peaoofk the most dlrqcult to bit ut upat fur tha neat few inning hit wer kcarrrr milloii aoornd their fimt run in the third atwl two in th sixth arton gut to ivaoock in the th frarne and lilt him luinl and soorwl 4 more runs making a grand total of ik run milton had many chance to make it a tighter game but failed vor ii slanoe in thn ninth allen hit through third kyn got a walk alkenm filed to inone hill iiiihi to drxtne leaoock got a life on mcdonald error putting three toon un the sack and merrill the heaviest bitter of lb- teem wo struck out hy gibbons who pitched just a good ball at thn rtnuh as when tin started the game it would be hard to pick nut a star in tha acton llneup dmno playing cntre field for acton turned in a liar k ling game itoth in the held and at bet master at first base also turned in a good game kaley and dors played good bill while mcdonald had three big juicy error against him they were all tough one and murray handled more grounded ball than any other of the inflnlderw jtggln also caught good ball and had gibbon working well maaalee drone white und llauer all pluywl good ball in the outfield the lonal clan easily outhlt milton had lose erron ran the base better and had a better pitcher than any of the three used by muton without a doubt the better team won neighborhood ncwb town and country mi- in jail for lea lino farmhouse kor breaking into and a teal log jewellery valued at luo from the farm home of adam douglas cedar creek road near call frank walsh aged si elty wa sentenced by mag i at rule 1 tin k in that city on haturday ut two years lea one day he had i reoord in orangn villa kitchener and waterloo talk i rig union kitchener and waterloo are con sidering the matter of the amalgama tion of tho two town the two town have the bams atreet railway hospital high school and y m c a while waterloo dally auppllea kitchener with u proportion of the water used ii thn latter rlty it united the new city would have a population of so ooo ten lashes fe- theft gregory lnlummn of kitchener wax hentnnced to not lea than alx month d not taore than two years in the ontario lleinrmalory with 10 lashes at the end of so days jmprlaonment by magistrate weir in kitchener luce court saturday ho waa convicted of the theft of 11 from a friend whom he wam visiting with hi brother new orders for billiard room the ontario government has issued i order in council providing that license for billiard hall and imwllng alley may in futue be issued only to british subjects h also provide that auch places must tie closed between the hours of midnight and t a m and all day runday municipalities may how- r at their dlsrretlon nx hour for business run en golden rule prineltnee the printer chapel of the dally rxpoaltor presented t il iveston proprietor and editor who is hhnaelf practical printer with a gold com- poeilor rule suitably engraved as a token of their esteem and appreciation of the golden rule policy followed by him i meeting the situation be arntere o aa well as tevin folk at a special meeting of the hal ton kiinnora club held in milton on sat unlay night it wu decided to collect and forward a carload of oats to the farmer in the lire swept district of northern ontario two members of fered to donate two carloads of baled straw while several will care for a number of cattle during the winter it the herd are ahlpped to haltoiv county arehy moqlbbwe bygo meal the annual report of the helton county jail has just been issued by vrchibald mcolbbon the governor tho committal for the year were 101 mate und 3 female it coat 16 x5 cent a day tu feed tho prisoner last year it waa about ih cents a day this l governor mcolbbon seventeenth an nual report while it costs the county only els bej- meal the prison em make no complaints archym meal ant plain but ree1 wholesome omalal maaonlo vult of d d o m il w hrt hemphlp d p o m of wellington district no y otnolally visited walker ilndge a v a a m at the regular meeting of the lodge on monday evening the district deputy was accompanied from waterloo by several brethren of the lodge in that town visiting brethren were a lap present from georgetown preston and other outside lodges after extending a cordial fraternal welcome to the d d g m tha second degree was conferred by w hro n p mclai the master of walker lodge and hi o ih cere in a manner which called forth very complimentary comment from tha represent all ve of the- qrand mauler at the close of the lodge proceeding refreshments were served by the mir words and n urj enjoyable ho hour wife aifeut erin mr unl mrs llereon 4n gullfolyl ut- prlnnlparof th here of lleotun called on krln frll last week itev o flallaher of toronto hud xliarge of his funeral of the isle mr churrh of alaract mr wra itamm bottom has moved into hi new store in tlm old hamilton hbwk next to dr gear nasbaoaweva mre c lowere of moffat who on wednesday laat wa round guilty ol assaulting her twu adopted children lorbf and alfnnl maddlnk im jui ii laat wsh glvon suspended eantcnoe and hiimi i by his honoc ju kjlloc last week he also gave prisoner some timely advlr nn earn uf children mary jane hewson wife of john king of campbellvill duil last thurs day morning aged is years una king had been 111 for a long time and had undergone an operation laat may hho is survived by her husband and six children all in nassagswey crcwsonb corners mrs j w bmlth and daughter marjory of london spent the week end at mr and mrs john alrdri mr and mr robert alrdri of mof fat silent laat week end at the home of hi parent mr and mr john alrdrle halloween passed over quietly with but few of the old time pranks mr and mra w van norman children ouelph spent lb week with friend here mrs latilx and granle anton spent a day last week at mr j gamble wilson returned tu her horn luxkwood altar spending a i of wfeks st mr d cripps georgetown mr john terwln ef barn la visited hi rather mr robert evwin hr who has tteen nulla ul last week mr hurry wright gave the first prise for uta best lady driver at the fair but say he haan t seen her yet hmith klone limited electrical works are uults busy these day grad ing for the new railway aiding into their i nuntae- th a it c class of knok church held a halloween party tuesday even ing pketdm were devoted to the aid of north rn ontario lire sufferer mrk w cole ws celled to toronb lust week uwlnjf to the aerlou i lino or but brother mr john h cole of iturku vulla wlto wa in the hospital mr kd mewhlrter au perl n undent uf thn provincial paper mills has ar riveil homv rrotn luelph hospital and hi rul idly recovering from hi reftnnt operation herald limehoube mr w wm mlno and rhll- or ouelplt visited at the home of mr g w mlno over bunday miss llltli folletl of toronto visited frlonda hero on sunday mid mrs linton kenney of klt holier visited friend here on hunduy mr and urk wm hall aoton visit ed at mr wm koott on sunday mm juine drown of anton is vultlng ut mr j newtons mia wlnna lven waa home from toronto over the week end mr wm marshall and mia kdwln oi home from toronto on sunday mlw man mllllere was home from toronto over the weekend the womens missionary society will hold a baaaar in tha hall nn vrlday november s mia lull and son visited at the home of mrs il w johnson on sun day milton operating a machine in the worsted yarn end spinning mill here on vytday john pearson aged 17 was badly in jured when he had one of his ringer taken off as the result ot getting hi rghl hand caught in the machinery the toronto hoard of control has approved of the appointment of mis gladys a uaatnda formerly of milton to tho public health nursing suit of i city olivia klelcher widow of the bite joseph armstrong died at the homo of her brotherinlaw john hunter last wednesday peona sc a wag one of milton e highly esteemed citlxeng some lime ago mrs armstrong fell on the cement walk and broke her hip an accident from which she never re covered bhe waa a lifelong member f the anrllcan church while cutting wood in mr jasper martin buwb at ash last week mr il j i lure had the misfortune t inflict a nasty cut in hut foot william kerr ot hamilton inspector t game and fisheries ror tha hamilton district which include halton hoe been in mulon arranging for better protection ror game in thl neighbor hood the four allege pickpockets who wurn recently sent for trial by police magistrate shield have elected to bu tried by a jury at the december seoul on here th following deer hunter left ror ie north last week d mensles w randall llert and george duck cheater knrt and charley leoooq r and mra- c d mcgregor ami family who have been on a trip to the north weal and who also spent a few weeks in vancouver il c returned home laat week the older hoys conference i the uheorblng topic around the ueihodut church now november 3 4 and n will ace more than 100 young men in oon- corenoe llv wank lang ford head of the department of young peoplu borluts of the method ut church wll conduct the conference i the i o d tt ahlpped to the tire sufferers nineteen boxes and etx targe biles of good conservatively eatlmat ed tu bo worth ic1 last week they uiho tveetved tt in cash to add to the vh0 voted from their own fund william webb and leo dritton both of toronto appeared before judge bl hot last thursday having been sent lip for hrial by police m agist rate tlhleldo of oakville nn the charge of entering and robbing patterson gar- nge at ibxinte webb waa convicted unit sentenced to not leas than months nor more than eighteen months in the onlurto jteformutory drttton who bus been in ml hon jail for the post 20 days waiting tu be tried was naiiltted reformer i the mystery of pretty celeetlnei fmpty grave he nest sundays her j aid and examiner chloaooe beet newspaper buy it to day a t dnnnaa e soeial and personal mr robert mr i herul i und mlau iorotliy vlaltnd gmirgotown fri nd laat week mr amol i unlti mil i hi vl iltltig h lalive in ouhawu f r u vwf puffbt weeks mrs i low mm of kprvul uul hun duy at the homo if mr i lob r i 1 rlci young street mr und mr htunly itium ii of oukvllle w re ru si of arlim rlutlve louring the week mr a nlrklln uj ent u f w day if cuilph luut wwk with mr and mr kurolj it nlckliu i mr unl mra icruesthiott xfr hurry und mia annln up nt itun lay with frl it lu in itockwixnl mr juinea iji u y rtiuiovwl frtkm eirgclowu and la nulllig with mr huiiiuel ijlr1 young ktieet mr robert ml i hi inoil vlallw1 hla mother anil other mlatlvn un 1 rrlcmt s lit toronto ovir elm week 1 nil mr und mr puiiiuii alknhead ef ilruoeflell vllteil with mr und mrs john camoron klglu ktreet lust week mis anau a lituuy n left luat week to tuke a mmii1oii on tl infirmary iltun of tho d utul college toronto mr d hwuckhumor who lum heti with frlmul lit toronto ror a v raj week i now visiting mr uml urn n 1 mclam mr und mr g h uu spent hunday with fricmlw in ltoukwooil and attended the alxtltth unntrereary oer- vloee in the i rouhytorisn churrh there mo and mr william johnstone at tended the umilverwary aervlcea of hock wood preabyteriau church last runday and wore thegunsbi of mr and mr w lloyre during the day the lujigest in lis lib lory aoton fall fairs directors receive secretary trees u re re report a meeting of the dire tors of anton fall pair was held lust thursday o veil ing to receive the report of the hot re lury treuaun r covering tie detail of the pair of i1i uecrutary ilynilm in hlu report chur- aclerlsed the lute fair a bavin- the greatest reoetpt and the lurgtu nx- itendilure of any youl allien orgauiaa- lion tha receipt totalled ii vl 00 and thn ax mind 1 1 urea wnre a few dollars over thl amount kviul illrvclorm havtt not yet bunded inthelr reoelpts for sales of tlrkets and when thaea rwcoiv the aggrvguta will be to that extent liicrcajmxl the gate re ceipt conciiloi in race entrlim to lulled 87h the government grant and al- lowuitnem und the municipal grants 17 doriitlonu mt mwrv tlrknt and apecial prises nmoutithl to 3u4 tho assembly committee returned tloo as thn net proceeds of tin ir v menl the increase in expenditures is due largely to tho largely increased entries homes cuttle uheep and pig and the trial of speed the total prise money awarded was i 040 thl included thn 13 to 00 paid for the horse races track expenses were 33 sb labor during and preparation for fair 74e0 gate keepers and coiistllblea x7 00 tha amounts paid for secretary a salary printing judge and sundries were ibout the some us usuul president mclean who occupied the halr expressed uathifuclhin with the luceeam of tho fair and tho fact that ex hibitors and visitors were all pleased with il it wa a good ull round show there w re to irotchtm and no com plaint llo auggeatihl that tho hoard in xi yiuir should see that the parade of prise animal waa better organised and that a inult lie appointed to give hbkwhohi time tothu supervision uf motor cars v 4 tile yenllng was gimorul among tha members of the hourd that the fair was highly satisfactory and that in fluence were ut work which would result in nven a greater auccoa than last year the bonlety has u- hiihutantla i balance in the bank which will against oontlngencui in uuy future fair continued the merchants who have been ob serving the wediluaduy lialf holiday throughout the mulumnr montha huvo agreed to continue thl fonturu and the various buainism pbioa of the town will remain closed on wednesday after noon throughout the ypur with the uxoeptlon of tho month of december iluriug which mhhtli all the store wll be ntmin eight pases ot the world beat comic all b0 laughmakere li next sundays herald and examiner chl- csijoa best newspaper buy t to day at a t browns rockwood a set uf now community weigh acuiem t the o t il yunltt u being inalullod when completed tlui farmer and other luieremted hope to have u miklent and tip todatn building wlmro produce and llvo a lock may lm oon- fortubly wulghed and nxcihungetl hook wood tnnnan club will donate hay and atraw to tho northern on tario runner who an fin rod from tiro thla will lie baled nnxt week free of charge und forwurdod by tho railways free of fielght churgiii tho diamond jublloe mrvlcie of kockwood iveubytiirluu church were held on hunduy lvofuor guudlor of ix college i reached inuplrlllg unr- mi und mr krnout kdwunla bf heumsvlll hhit tholr hoimynioon with mr and mr lfruiik uihire mlsa sybil houklug gruduuto uunio uf the gem rul hoanllu humlltou vlalteil at her pureiitu hfimo imri luat week mra jumna gray wuh ho fur ro- ooered um to tie ublf to return hoi to from fmlph hod pit ul lust weolc lorne school the following im tha oatulu r honor roll ftiryornj hchoot jr iv lunlndu gran vivlnli wlg- gln ethel graff muty xtclcuohcrn jr ii leslie hwuckhumer leona waller george gran wilfred mn- kanhem hoc lor guthrli hr ii verna murray chrtnale hwackhamer harbarn guthrie linn- ettu waller tom troup jr 1 ruby murray thelma grntt roy denny i hurry murray curium xlucdon- ald cheater motlaln lcthcl tniup merlit anderson uuno mitchell ilowunl graff hr primer rob andotsou agneu maralti f jr primer wallace swuckhnmer fjturs jnhnslnn idihio aiulcrsoti hoi lie anderson annie uaaonekt teacher m i s

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