ship art nti jftrrr jlrrsa j uimcmiai nivlsiili thankugivin mvmfj hi i lntlut lit- fun in iiiyl the hiu yvitl kiliir bilght uiil urtu ui in th tlilloiliiif imtvihtm ylil ilu uj mii in ihwii hi totoiiu tin- hihiru of our bund willi pi nw itn1 will lha ami li hi word of mix mmuiwl muki nil mir kiuuim in ruw lit- till mil ifurmru tttl full oijr jtiirhiiie ruimitli nw ami for lie- hi -lug- whh h h unu whu ii n how ully ami h ugm in oilld ii full hm fruitful ylllu u fur f rifucil ui 111- kill hi ii tlir lilly i ullcl rluhlt will i plui iw tii fi- nitur iiiit w mm iriy iur lighted h r til- uitltl lli hunluy uftr thuituaglvltig i uiu- lmvf uuy w mlult w tlmnkful tor u llr- alio thought whan lliiu folka ihul iuvh lo u 11- hut i iicvrr coull ounl thuhku llmt wy ilit thiough itlug ihuiikful for t kllrh ul-v- whii il llko u milk droua uiil mii lthlrtr liuitr r und u jnurimy in ikulh am rlcu ml lllount mul tho pu tor whhb klin wuu rulnouw uiil itukd thum in u turn lhy wi cooling hi lhnhuttt ry in i il ium knitting wikmi lucy rmuu itin tho the kltiiii l tmkt jiir ouii- lui iimr pita luri ii uv luty uukmt lit rtmri luy 111 im uolug i wuy r lliul ymtr nilutukaii thut phiiop 11111 llll lll iii o fev sftsi i aunt ihclhvi lgan lucy from lit if wuy up thu atalm and tlixii humiiw i1utlrliig- mi htoppwl dubbed hoc dufr mt tho bunlatt hurmlng picture tf kiiaidanly wll aunt lloiw wluitr ilmuiiawl ulul lllouit lutuniiiif oil hoc wuv u tli mltlw ttuitn hikuik iul ulia liunt tiluliil thr pln ilka u uhlckan with tlio fll i vrum wondciliik limnmtnl luy ifullfmmmi ivu icut li wll ilnwn to it culil um it im out hnr in thn iimii ulwunrwl aunl llniwy nil oh hlbn4ml- y ilrudihhl tutu ttiu ruatilotunuhl rlulr now it uhouil und woniler if yuuvo rot n toieun in your huul tii ilo t with im tlmnkful lo iy that ivu o whim i u umijiua und known how ti un it nun ill timo t wiut born i wua wiiiitlorlnu wiiather w oould unit john ituratuw to ttmnkmclvlik dlnikir nnlahwl iucy with a ruah 1im n ulmiif- in town mid i thought hiuylm iim bw londly tin tlurnkjucwintf mim lounlytkl ljicy knly joh liurwtowt llcn tlia yoilntf buui that bouni to utiitiou kiul tliut wulkod ionit rrom irayflr meotin with y lont vodiitmhlny t a vory tiroparkt- himrlnm yuunjf tiaan ilo illtoj iilb mt autar utt hi houd to nfa on moil utrtmit ynitcrluy oh tuny i oak him 7 cried lucy aunt lluy kvii dry cbuoklo auk him if you want to but all hall rvtli imi bollod potatoom und plckodup odrlah uuna u vry thurdy tbarviant iioinrf to lm siitf ttuuikm btviiuc dinner oh aunt ilopayl now thercv ho utta rauint tho multar tar thank roodmiiuil i know my own tnlnd onoe 1vo mnila it all i hvo to im urutrul for ive r turiuhl uutnkmfor ovnrn ovr bsbii ull i hnvo new la trouble and o ive doclriixl to rivv thla thunkajciviiuf uv tti moby im not even coin church 1 lun outwornl luny with ahlu- j jiik eyt im thwtikful for uilea vviiutr dnmundml ubm juount im tluinkrul for you that all rirht tin atad youro liuro but youvo boon horo tlw ytutr why ahould i k down on my knooa ulmut you any mom than becauim lw ot n wall to drink out ofr im tluinktul for my bomn im not mild muui lllount call itw u hionnvnlont uh any houaa iould bf ive ulwaym wan tod to rad ultout tho world ho why ahould i b- brutvful for iwhiif coopod up in a nlao hkd uiltf hot in uumtnar and jo id ii wlntort wuit ulao ure you icrataful forr vtir bainb woll unawmd laioy 1 im too uattd to tluit to atop to t tliunkn for it what tilaet juiay luuuhc 1 cant koop aottlnar up nine- plna for you to knock down but im thapkrul all the a thankful for vary thin im thank ful im allvw youro younif and can bavjituiwarod him lllount grimly im kottlns on und lnu m joyouu over juatdrttwlnif in brdutha ttterom no uao la 1 kin im nw thankful tha year and wont uct m if i wm tm jml hypocrite im thankful to uay aaoft hitlit f lauiihtur danctxl lucy huaal y lvo boon talking to you juat four minute aunt llapay and in that four minute youvo aaitl youro thunkful thrwj tlmoa i dont know what you mean uald llahalbahillodal you bjild you were thankful for tontjue und forkiiowln your own wind and for not blnir a hypocrite youre ttmnkful for thlna downia of tlmea a lay aunt ilajkiy you auy mo unyhow nonaonaul i tcuwa xjjtow wliat i uuy lv not my tmumoa yvt thank i hho mtopiwd abort ut lucytt mock in i nnitnr you aeot cried tho airl luutjhlng au h roao well if tm fool ub unoubt to aay wluit i dont feci lt hlsb time i broka myaolf of tho habit if butwoen now and upper ume i any unythiiik about balntf sratoful oven ua much oh one logon tlmua you can ntop on your way to prayer moetlnu tontjcht und ordur 4i10 beat turkuy you can find und ill cook it tomorrow and you can uk all tho younif tnnn in town to it if you xvunt to and ill muko the plnn todayl ront count your ohlokctia bafora thwyro hutrhed im u burnuolo ut burbuliim hut make tho ila if you ilka theyll kep till uuttday well out thnm tomorrow and ill uakonly oiw young man dont build up any foollah iimy aattl aunt ileiwy you know whan i aay a tblnif i do tt if ive got a ad habit i didnt know i had ill hreuk niytuvlf of il im not in my dutatkt yt thank oitcal urlwljfwk joyouuly aliaa iitihynnuj9 krlnily in apt to of hoiholf you ao on now ahd red up the it 1 1 im room youro jiryer than i am and wont mind the cold room und ill bo into the kitchen and nke thoan hu inlay plea myself you cant laai me on pie cruat yat im thankful to may twice 1 oouutml lucy und aunt moptiy snintoi if ive not to ktwp my tonsue be tween my tvetli all day lta juat aa well tow you und ma to work in aepur- a to roomn that unt talr protntodxuay hm rutr unough declared viae a loom- im not bound to put temp ting inw own way am it hut ill phiy fair t i find any awol litis oauae m v- 1 1 ai va- out wll au ami if you think n liiuiikfol fin itm jul uk hlnk yiuro w rt not ul lh lk my klntf inn ami him did in uplto of iuryu rtiol iuitla trum ulwl lllount cihiiifi h mill only to vat hr lunclimiii iury kcl dtkldixlly milr uh nh il uy thu lulu hr iihiii tlmro v y ula lwu lft bofoiu ullpiuir r of tlumi iuuy muat wihmi v ijiu- aid aunt iipay nvr mt lo lh- inbothibrf any mora a fuut at out th- avullahla tlmii in half only aha could h ixmil lo k thla tvrmhiiil in hir ihbirioatf iuny rinib round w ijutakly from tho allik ut ahn arnt two platim rolling to thu the itiiiest green tea la undlovubtedly salada it ig pure fresh and wholesome and the flavor is that of the true lreen leaf u1 niw ynum fin kull john llr- uutly hit utlll u m in u i till you kcl uk- hmi youro uk un houtif lhii mil wjk ilownululra lo tho rit lit u- 1 un uull aunt llmy uiiylhliia but blund llll nny oi r iii lookil ut ut lnk uu thuy puil ti u mliulj to huy h tamrf to tlokintf but it liut huv uiopimm it wuu lwunly0v inliiut lo wl whoii i wnl up attb und ivu lwn tht uu hour ut 1uhi it iiiit h-v- uwimxl a yj uurnwl iu ill nvr ily ii t inuk mill i ltuv if y low id 1 uium klpay crlnd brutkranilinolhurii h ua avr it ullt hiokll t thank no i didnt auy lruk ull th plula for ul llmr iji11 auk thuta plal uorh woll it l i rar i did aay it ancbilnlod luoy i four thnaal aunt lfpay wont you omi to th ldlou aid tlila uftr- iioniir ulaa lllount amlled think youll k m talking and relluc off the ilosen ilka luftitnln do yout im hot kohfb oit thla urternoon ita too cold iciilnb tu llaht tho fire iii the alt- i1h room and alt by it und knit thay mlax you at the ijkiw am aald ltny wlatrully nolxaly can rut ot llkn you ura inwvll aaid ho laat time thankful aomo one kuowm im ullvn btuwnrml aunt llviiay and did know aha bad aald it until laioy nted five then aha ahut bar tlpa with a dnturmlned anap and it raa thu laat word iucy could sot out if her except a good by when aha went i wuy quito content with her unthankful atate of mind ulaa lllount knitted pear fully und uiiwlod tho atttltufrixin tire for two hour iwforv aha found ti her unnoyuncetliat alia had not unoush yarn to tlnlali tho tharea nolhlnb for it pow hut for me to put on my wurui blue home- miun and so downtown myaelf for it i cant be all day thankablvlnb ouv with no knlttlnb- i doc tore i hate to leavw thla ore juat uu ha ettlntf a rood imhi of noabt itm cold u irwin la lid out her ixnlroom felt qnwnulid nrtor the tropica of the bod of coala that mih lllount mhlvurad ull the time aha waa dreaalna t believe ill o up to tho uttlo und cvvslown my winter cloak ho decid ed and up the attlo atalrw uhe rreakol her cloak carefully dona up with camphor in a linen aheat waa hanslng by a abort rope hbih on an attlo beam mia lllount jerked at it onco or twice but raillnk to dlalodbe it ahe ifot a little wooden cricket that lay under the ravm and placed it beneath the chink nail then ahe a top pod up trolcho1 for the cloak and tout hi balance aw her foot ullpmd tho wood en atool turne1 over ami wont aklddliltf tairk on itm face under the eavea mhuj llepay- wa only aaved from fulllntf by the fact that the tight cuff of hur tout homeapun dreaa cauaht on the nail that held th cloak thank koodneaa i didnt ut a bud rail aha ekclaimod aa her tuea touch ed the rtoor und ahn awung haif round and then muttered i auppoee ive got to let iucy count that in the nowi whath the mutter i cant undo thla peaky curf thla la a pretty kettle of rtah im hung in my own attic that waa about the truth of tt her arm atretched high abovn her head waa held faat her toea barely touched the floor the footatool waa far uwuy und without it ahe oould not rulao hr- aulf tn dukmsage the aleevu uhe could not reach her left hand with hor right j ahe coud not tear the at rung uturf of hor dreaa ahe could not jerk out nail she tried all of thoae thing utter another hut auooowdod only in wrenching her pinioned arm ho ahe uettlod down to wait for help laicy would bo home in half un hour und lucy wimid look hor up it painful work alandlng atretched tiptoe minute after minute the ottlp wum ua cold aa outdoor and aoon aunt hepuye teeth began to chatter tho memory or the bed of coala in the hitting room mocked her in her ley isolation hho clumatly managed to draw the ping from the linen aheet uryt to wrap the cloak round her aa minute followed minute hie ilopay- hecome daaporate aha waa be ginning- to feel faint and oonfuaed oho tried once more to jerk heraclf but the null hurt ier wriat ao laidly that ahe doalated would lucy never come lloura und wnnka and month want ly ucoordlns to ula hemyu fount uu uhe atoo1 hooked to the celling thore waa time enough lo jog over her puat and look into her future before aha heard tho front door alum that the beat bound i evur heard 1 grunted aft mount 1 couldnt havo mtood li much longer iluoyl lucy waa too far away to hear tho mint ull but ahe wua on tho trail mmm itlnunta halenltik followed tho girl from room to room on the drat lloor up tho htalra through th mocond hoor liptil ahv utojl ai thn attic lloor iucyl callml uu lllount uvuin kur pltyu aakel lucy nkclalmed und cjtmo lwtterlmf up the narrow utalrcumo with her lamp whero uro i aunt jlepayr im here im caught ive 1mm n here yeara ana we rod mia llepay i uuppoae you think thla 1 aomethlntf clue to be jhankful for olve me thut cricket an i can get down with another exclamation lucy brought the footatool utaa lllount tried u htep up on it but ho effort brought o much weight on hr arm that ahn gave it up with u groan john itarutowu dowtiatulral lucy cried call him hold on una mlnuto rooro tho girl aped down thu mtalrcaae and hr tremuloua voice called john come quick ho came uimoot befora hho hud tln- uhtxtapcaklng and racel with her up to the nttle all right mlita mount ho culled ri will have you down in uotlmnl- let inegex hold of you there mow lunyfwhttn r lift her you allp uiat tool i under her feeli thtta iii thank goodneaa for a nbni mur- muiwd albui illouitg and lucy in uplte of hur agitation counted six ikit luck ur lluri ploumixl to huvvi you ulay i uuu uiuy thought uh nupmr but whou john luitow hud built up thu lire in the hitting- room and rollnl th roucli in front of it whu wa gl ooouiili to ilo down und lt lucy tuck in r in under th rwlund brown ufa ha it tlh biy tharw while john und iicy it huptwr iii thu kltrhalt tby hud loft the door opili that tlioy knight hr ih iuillo1 hho did not call but tivr kren our cuiighl u goo1 dual of iholr clmltor l aupiiove thl ul where i low a illnlior totnorrow john uuld im afruld it 11 ulghod lucy aunt llnmiy hu only aald au thank you und i cant go ut bur now to pry out tho other alx imforw uupper run iy uhl lo u good daal ilka hit ting u man when be down agreed hihuw ruefully and you couldnt pwt hor to ciml very grate ful after thla una wared iicy and uheu like u barnacle at a bargain mhed i in even ir ahe wanted to oat likely uhn aaknd you to uupper loaiiae mho wouldnt uuk you to dinner to- iiwrrow well mukn the moat of thu auppr unywuy moment biter john peepo into the hitting room to aee whother mia lllount wa comfortahln uhe w alttlng upright toll lucy to coma hum uhe uttld lucy cama hurrying john ilaretow ihigerwl in the background dont you feel woll aunt llapa thu glil ukd unsioualy im going to tell you uliut my follng aald bar u union too john ltaratow im thank ful for my home im tlmnkful for my heauh and utrength im thankful for life itauttl im thankful through and through for a niece that lovoa ma enough to look nut up when ahe doeant find in im uiankful for u man elrenglh und gumption that rot me out of a fl that five thupkugtvlng innt it und with the one ivavu while you we away youve all you need to mko out your toll i could give more if i didnt huto to keep aupper wuit- oh aunt ilopayl rrlixl lucy with her urtui rouml htir there how dont go to hiiueealnif my arml i waaalway on tot iwhig honiiat and im free to confea thut thing look different to ma now after hanging on a peg ull the afternoon im ready to go down on my tomorrow if i walt uu long ua that and thank the lord for ull the com mon thing ho been aendlnb unit nver for firty yuru- and t guea ill never be too huy or too atlff to nay thank you for em ua long a ho chooun t hand enl oh aunt heuayl aald lucy u ahe khtned mu lllount tih there child dont take to being ulmtit innate before folk ht the table in hnre by the lire und woll hay uup per io ull thl moan im auae1 to dlnnor tomnrowr demanded johi huratow i gllea it doe una wared aunt lloiiay with a twinkle bargalu and im a hanmcle when it come to luirgalna lucky thn plea and cranberry aauco reudyl after upper you can go down to buy tho turkey im thankful to auy to rook it ho um i anuwered john thu two young people laid thn table by tho fire wbn they hud taken i heir plucea 111 llepay uuddoniy bent her head for gruce wo thank thee o lord for u day for giving thank aho nuld hor old abrupt lieu hho looked up und amlled again i ublu inspired expreglonb op pbaie kow therefore our ckxt we thank lluxi uil pralae thy glorlou name 1 chron 3t 13 uiub unto the lord with thank- giving alng prulae uvon the hari unto our owl iaa ut t olve thanlfa unto the lord or he i good i for hi mercy endureth forever lau 107t 1 i will aucrtdoe imto thee with the voice of thaiikagivlng i will lay that that i have vowed salvation i of the ixml jonah a your mucrlflco civory morning your tithe uftor throe year und offer u aucrilloe of thaukaglvlng with lfmvon und proclaim and publlah tlie freeofferlnga for thl llketh you o ye children of laruel aalth the lord ooil atnoa 4 4 6 now he that tnlnnitereth aiej to the uower both mlnjatered bread for your food und multiply your bread aown und incroumo the fruit of your rlght- ihuihhwa imihig enriched in every thin to ull bounlafuiunea which cauaeth tiirtfukli un thutikagtvlng itf ool cj car o lo 11 juhi think how one huh month ugo wo ull did much peraplre now down the oullur atop wo go tu light tho tumaou fire vhc thankful heamt one ahould give me a duh of aand tell me there were partlclea of iron ii it i might uearch for them with my clumuy hnger and uimhhi to detuct them but let me lukit a tungnut through und how it ild diuw lo itaelf tho moat invulble purliuu the unthankful heart like my finger in the auudj dlacoyer no clc but lot tho thunktul heart hwimip through the day u thu magnet find tlia iron im it will find in every hnvr uomc heavenly blealng only iron in ood aund in gold oliver wimull llotmef the poor mans thanksgiving im thankful juat fur chicken though turk may beat ul im thankful or thoupiietlte thut hnlpu mn eat it im thankful with a dollar aa with u hunkful and mout of ull im thankful forbelnii thatikful uw the whlakey pu hlbltlon lnw tukpuytr u uympulhy ho iluy j of getll thr ty wooim uloud ovoi lug the pr- ihhir ovurburiloiithl imd unrh toilchuig iliu in ull hlw born llltxl ullo- lltlo the tests dp intelligence tho lufoiinal i of iliullluomo ii woll mtllnl by u utilvorulty pio- oaaor iii tho fluiwhlg uallliiu unit iliimf iiuu in utlin uivuii you uympitliy ivllh ull tnud uuhou und hiitili yon upon i y hue it bmle you u hrilhor to tho hukt k ilu it inulo you pulilloaplrlfodt lluvo you uumd how lo tnuka frlomlu und to kwip uieuit 1u yu whi uuything lo lovo in u hi hllit will u lonoly dog- follow you hi um root 7 cun you i hi happy ulimot cuu yon- look out on the world and uuything but dollur und noiitut tiiom uro tho hhutl loaull hot up i the and of the olloge tikporienoo tluy uro the lloalw of i ollogo traltit und women hut thy run im ul- luiuoil by unyono who ao the invrlt living for other inatoud of fur mlllaolf atliatloiim ktutu 1ro- lllhllloii ai tilo llilu uui otn un- igulliat tlia vurlllu lmmltloggeru u totul of 1 h 3 mo that lft uu to the kmmi in tho treuuurlau of thoae count la ultogithur s0 736 tullmyur ult not contpluhllug ly wopui wlo tlud hut prohlbl- iforcemant i poiilv uro tho itootlcggoru thxiiutelvku and ofoouruo tboa1 who puy high price und rial tholr vry live for thu rhaup joy of drink with a klik no ahibuiou lumitleggor wliou itiod 4t0 und held hi a itoud of llooo uguluat a hoc tul violation which 1 otfeiiuo would monl him to tho atlanta pu1liillury aald to thu court rough j ml no you wont be liothorod with in again and ho not thu only bootlegger who 1m through they uro quitting voluntarily ur on toiuuit literally by hundred a wont rnapo t for th tefth of thu luw i developing- i tuarter where not long ago nothing wa dlaullaae1 aavu the vut profit of i ho buhluou ailvhuto would have no quibbling in vermont thay toll a atory of uu aldorly judgo who cr little for legal nulhhllnsr if juatlom control your vordii t wi hij fuvorltn rhargo to jury you will not mlu tho go nor pilnolplo of tho law at one trial whoti the ihuutoaulon a farm wuu hi uuoatluu tho dofonibi offared u tlao1 of the promlanu to which the plalntlftaluwyor nbjvcto1 liecauao it hud no uoul hut your client aohl thu laud wa luill for it and m i mind the dood did ii nott uhko1 lo judge i that tnuko no dlffornne your honor aal thu deed h uduilttod in ovlloico i there uuything oluu wrong tlu doo1t uukttd the judga 1 dont know thut there lu air dork mu ii the judge give tnv w wafer und u throocornorod piece of paper the clerk nlhiyo1 whoreupon the jimlgo with grout dchh ration mudo ur d uhlxcd thu ucul there ulr uuld ho to the lawyer vhn imhi in ull right now it tnny bo phi cod in evidence a tnun i not going to he chouto1 out of hi farm tit l hi court whin there i u whole box of wufor on thd clerk dunk a frleml you have to buy wont ihi worth what you huvo to pay for him jtwirgn ix lrontlcev the neward op love one hot aiimtmr day u little rubge1 mirool a rub utood with u icang of hoy watching u lock of uhoop loing driven through tho bliwul when the ahoep mtippid ut a wutnrlnif trough to drink one of thorn hoc mod ho oihaunlo1 thut it could not crowd with the other t iiuonch uh thl rat timo und ugulu it hud vainly trie i to punli it way to tho trough and fliuilly dropped to tho pivt miint uiiuliht to movo the boy noting the aiilmul dbitre wuu mov- with pity und taking on hi oh ituttorml hut llllnd it ao vera i tlmo with wulor und timik it to thu poor half fulntlng creature the water quickly rovlvnd it und enuhhul it to go ulong- with ii compunloiim oiin of thu iwtyi oomradtui thou luiguti tn twit him for hi kind no ami uukivd if thn ahoop aald tliuuk you pupa i didnt hour it aald hu but thn wua a light in the imy fuce um on who hud wlttibauofl the incident re marked which old the hyatandora that he felt the pie mi re tlutt ulway comu rrom the performance of a kind ant love in ulway gnnerou und repay u thoukund fold for uny aervlce lu it how furniture sales are beiiu increasec by long distatua stun quolalion front reoen report i some of our commission travcllcrg have made a hlfth aa 50l0 a day by uslnp uie telephone with out leaving- their chain- wo ronpbnd to very let ter of omjulry with a tele phone call n it enabled ua to clone a deal give ttdvlceor secure informa tion immediately w l x in an essential part of our system for both buying andbeuln almost as irood aa a personal contact we use ll to make collectlonu much of our furniture in bought by long- distance w can ml you haw io apply long dlstonom io tttmomt any buminmm0 q h lantz u answer kenney bros boom and shoe for everybody bctuhl siiokh a hikculty latilst stylus mlin and women fuom canadas best makeks wc have shoes for sunday and for every day in the week and loh evenings too mens khoeh fuom wjtt ul rcpairiili noutly and pnimptly attended lu kenney bros imiu stkebt acton ontario national tractors limited slogan contest 2500000 in cash prizes wijll be given as follows 1st priw ad prizo 3rd prize 4th prize 5th prize 6th prize 7th prizo 8th prizo oth prizo 10th prizo 1000000 ii th priio 500000 12th irizo 200000 13th 1rizo 100000 uth prize 70000 15th priio 50000 lath prizo 45000 nth prizo 40000 lath prizo 35000 loth prizo 30000 20th prizo 25000 25000 250 00 25000 25000 25000 20000 20000 20000 20000 an addition prizo of 200000 in cash will bo riven at tho time of announcing the prize winncra to tho winner among them whose entry bears tho earliest otncial date after tho board or judges has considered the slogans submitted prizes will bo awarded as above to whose who have submitted tho best slogans and in what is considered the order of merit a good trade blogan is worth a great dearrrf monoy to a manufacturer we want the llesad the tractor in the lleat prizo- winning slogans will be copyrighted and will be come the property of tho company example of slogan national tractor uie world over national tractors never quit- no olllcer official or employeo of the company or anyone bearing relationship to an olllcer official or employee of tho conipany shall bo eligible to enter content tear out a no mail todav without obligation of any kind to mo pichsa send mo particulars of your slogan confcsf l namo j 7b national tractors limited address milton ontario j l g giimbi signs of good printing wliether it is an auction sale or other poster or it may only be a small folder if it carries the mark of being prhilcd at tide free press office the piality of the work is assured we pride oureelves on tho neatness and dispatch with which we can execute your work and the price is always the low est consistent widi the quality of the fin- ished product 1 whedicr your order is for posters or calling cards for one or for thousands of copies wewilluse die same care to execute it properly and on time send your next order for printing to the free press office and forget about it until die s 1 date specified you want it and you may rest assured of it being there and done the right way and the next time you see work uiat pleases you just look for die trade mark it is quite likely to carry one of these marks if it doesnt enquire where it was procured lc3ssa v printed at free press office actou noah was commanded tu pul illi h on tlii ipulde uuil the llulli u thn ark why to kuv miirfm i thlu gr ul lilnlorli ul vtit ok puo in th yjir j1i7 ii c the him mill fui 1h down ihrouuli ull the i ty 42cv yium lulr w urx k lour utnitlil to ihn urcut i of ihhi ulvlr lt into the f hiivlug your liui millie ii uifuluat ullur hy tho turn of thm- lu u miirtlnbiiioir kin luh foi vry aiirfuro conh lu we will glul- ly fiirnlali you with liiforiilatlon uhout your purtlriilur job lurtfu or amall in- aide or optaliu dv lh surface unl vou suva all thu bond hajidwauk co ui wo ltuvo what vou want phana 1012 quelph this storeys policy to represent poods ex actly as to their quality to sell to thosn who know and to those who dont know at uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario facts about the coal supply we havo on uie road a car of each of the following alaaa of anthraclto coal 1ea nut fur nace und isgg th va coal lu bought direct from thn lime company and the price per ton la i1s0o other ulsoa are lought from indepen dent operatora and the prtoe per ton la ik 04 ordorw for inm and egg alaea will b taken for any quantity hut only one ton of nut or fur nace will bo ulhtwed nach houae- holdtr aa thoae two alaea will be acarce all winter wo are nxiiecting a car of canol coal and the price wui bo 114 00 per ton j a mackenzie acton and georgetown mr norman mclood manager to see better- see avage ight pecialist right th po1 onto quelph ont grand trunk the double track route uictweion montreal toronto detroit oh1caqo tlimxctiuod dlnnk oar aenrloo tiloeplng oar on night trains and rarhn- cant on principal day trains vutt information from any drand trunk tloknl agut or tt to iromlng ixatrlot ivaaouger agent toronto il a holmes agent acton ont phone is alex l noble ai grand trunk sullon tho following grades on hand manitoba and pabyvflour oat chop and rolled oats bran and shorts feed flour anb oilcake hav and straw v ut lowest prices alex l noble hknity aw1u5y manaser children ory for fletchers cj a storia ul wtca to iy fift v iohttwwdwr