Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1922, p. 4

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ink ilouv of ijr artnu jffrrr mj h ultr lii wkly nwiip auklumi mcmhr hll wxliu l uihwui till at1j illll v1u i ilhll vr imirlav mmhi11 hi ll iv 1 hillij ull i tirl ailm onulio til htllfccni lul tilif w t yr- ivmirr wluu u llaul u1mj l hw l wtl wllirll lplliu k 11c i ilftl ii alwkulilwd llatultftni ii ui fl ltr im lor t um jnrci luouy bdtoiih uflltirn wih uul mcifii iii lti will i- inxli till cuilu 0ij fcwllutflr thm-honk- ltm anl llmm mnt or ivomti the school pair growing in value lilt school iu in of ontario have become an im portant institution with results of n moil helpful dm meter i nur hundred and eightynine school pain were held ihiiycar with 4201 rtchooln taking purl no let thai 10001 s pupil last spring secured ish r dcili in preparation for thec fairs the tidilthts were hotter and contents keener than ever hctorc trom the standpoint of encouragement to ciccl thco fuirs lirp of renter value than the uvcr- njc fall fair- condemning llacc track gambling the bunlwl church p the fourth religious body in their church court to trongly condemn race truck gambling this summer protests will be sent torwnrd to the dominion government and a requcsr that tuch niiiciidmcnts to tnc criminal code be made an will climnmto the provisions which exempt horo ruce meet from the prohibition against the carrying on of gambling a a business similar resolutions were passed by tha prcsbytcriun aiiglican and methodist church courts the storage of i itn wiorua f vii uiihih tury in u arrit iwrmiifl tha limnrllin vei q eta bleb iluk thr ih hi on th ith im s uij lllt nulnluhi- tin uwrly if tlry ut- iii imiily iiuiti tr th will ioiiimk ur- ir ilk iv to luk lu tim dry worm nllur it tvrlil in thu unriifl uf luiiihuh uml iikimtiklnu only uml mil uuliahla for vfijcvtuhlim otlmr thiili thinn tkiiiihiiuuiiu im ritl- ly thn lirlmo feu tor in th uwuful uloruao vtbb11 riut a tm- rutur felltflitly uuv rrnsin will runy all vkutli in frh huhimi humraat ihirliwi utll willi tha nliilmu it u r i til ititvw tllm vlulln ii from iihi null thuksday morning november 2 1022 editorial caruuhau thankbgivlru y next aonday wo wilt have come ugain to that day which is sit apart from nil other days of the year for the recognition and acknowledgment of those things for which we should ho thankful- and when we have determined these great blessings these happenings without which the llavor and delight of life would be largely lost wo find them to be stch common and frequent occurrences of our daily routine that oftentimes we pass them by without special notice or emotion lot us then on our national thanksgiving day mako adequate acknow ledgment and give thanks to our heavenly father for these great but simplo and commonplace joys of life for tho wonderful resurrection of tho morn ing the awakening of tho mind from dreamland to all the innumerable memories and experiences of life for the joy of another day and the first glad look upon a world whose beauties and wonders though over old arc born afresh with every newly risen sun for tho first affectionate grcotjngs of tho day from those whoso lives have been given into our keeping for tho circle about tha common board where we renew our pledge of family love and gather new inspiration for tho coming day for the touch of friendly hands and the glow of friendly faces as we journey to our daily tasks for the preservation of our enthusiasms and tho vivid expectation of now adventures wtjich ho ambushed in every hour of our busy dayr- for tho labor of tho day through which wo may give expression to ho creative genius that is within us and by tho faithful rendering of which we may alone justify our right to bharo in tho fruits of the toil of others for our return again at night weary and content to tho peace mid love and quiet ness of homo for still another reunion with those jwho through tho hours of separation and all tho varying experiences of tho day have held silent communion with us and been over present in our innermost consciousness and finally on this day as we remember that wc ore also celebrating tho peace brought about by tho armistice of which this wcok marks the fourth anniversary may wo loyally and thankfully pay our tribute of thanksgiving and ap preciation to the memory of our bravo sons and daughters who gave so lavishly of themselves that pcaco- might be secured for tho land and homes they loved so well removal of the british embargo on canadian cattle the removal of the british embargo on cattle as promised by the government several months ago will mean a very substantial monetary advantage to can- 4r adian interests it is estimated that our canadian farmers railways and steamship companies will gain about ten million dollars por year when tho proposed action is taken our cattle breeders will receive two to three cents per pound more in great britain for thpir cattle than thoy are noy receiving for the surplus stock sold to the united states another direct advantago to canada will bo tho addition of about two million dollars yearly to our canadian railways and a similar sum to our merchant marine ontario hafl a ileal iveinler speaking of the prompt and practical supervis f aid to the lire buffcrcrs in northern ontario tho algoma advocate of tbcssalon says wo have premier ontarios premier is tho sort of man who will jump out of bed at night ring tho town bell have the whistler blow gather up food clothes blan koti and boots to fill u train shout to tho roadmas ter see that wo have the rightofway and to the engineer throw the throttle wide open bill and then to hr helpers come along boys they are suf fering up north and this frejnier of ours looked like a coal heaver after hod been working in the fire xoite among tho halfnaked the dead arid dying for a couple of hours wc have a premier complete border disarmament cynics may say that the removal nf the four naval vchscis of one hundred tons burden each which have constituted the naval defenses of the united states country on the canadian border is a matter of but small moment but this action which is expected to follow the signing of a now treaty between the united states and canada to replace tho rushbagot dgrcoment of 1817 will give an even gredter importance to the moral value of this unarm- d border it is true that tho fodr ships of each nation are merely a navy in form but if they are removed and not even a single ship of war is left on the border tho disarmament will bo complete n form as well as in fact carleton place canadian canadas dollar above ours this was tho heading of an article appearing in the new york herald the other day in referring to tho present position of canadas dollar in tho financial world tho herald says as measured on its home koii the canadian dollar is tailor now by a fraction of n cents worth than tho dollar of uncle sam but tho fact remains our dollar is below par in canada thrtt our northern neighbor should be proud of this is natural it it only a short time since canadian currency was at a discount of 10 or 17 por cent in united states money the change registers a story of prosperity and sound business conditions of which any country would have a right to be proud several things havo combined to bring about this happy state of nffflirs in the first place canada has turned an u4verto balance on international trade into a favorable balance and of course tho very found- non rtono of foreign exchange is imbedded in foreign trade balances again canadian govern ment and industrial loans havo mot very hospitable receptions in american money markets with the resultant low of largo sums across tho border can a da may well ho exultant over tho recovery of her currency and she is she is also proud of tho fact that today canadas money is worth more in tho money markets of tho world than that of any other nation editor ah notes- the opinion of some that women will get too much higher education need not give concern tho only dnngcr is that it may make them more particular about the choice of a husband kingston whig tho premlor of the provinco notwithstanding the temperance people of montreal and quebec do not agree with the government in running the liquor business for revenue or any other reason they want prohibition and aro working for it the moderation leagues moderation the moderation leqguc which supplanted tho erstwhile liberty league is at u again this time it is trying an old tack in a new way tetters havo been sent out to the trade unions and labor organiza tions in which it is said tho liquor system we favor is i the licensing of an individual for permits to pur chase from government stores spirits wines and beers for individual use for homo only and tho sale of beer and wine under restricted jicense and under government supervision subject to local option by this system every community in tho province will have tho right to exercise local option and at the larno time every individual living in tho province oven although he is in a dry community has the right to havo beer wino and spirits for his individual use and this is put out as a new system those of us who can remember fifty years back sea in this proposal practically wha prevailed fifty years ago mt r itis nothing more or less than the old liquor shops j of that date with the oldtime barroom thrown in tho liquor shops and tho barroom in their wideopen days had- nothing more to offer than spirits wines ud beers and in those remote days they were undsr government supervision through the license in spectors and local option was a feature qyen in those early days no mr moderation league youre hfty years behind the times nndym cant catch the hbor organizations nor any othor sensible and ob- servant peonlo with that kind of nn oldtime bar- room and whiskey shop proposition where is tho 9 moderation in this it is liberty and license with an ij unadulterated vengeance i red goulet the liberal nominee for russell inun address last week promisod if elected to support premier drury in all of his good measures manifestly thoughtful men who put country bo fore party are willing to take this course m col currios success in getting vnti0t a support in southeast toronto at the cost of a fow vague promises and the- odd wink will make hon g howard ferguson more satisfied than ever that ho can evolve a temperance policy to suit everyoni farmers sun ci llur tlilx tuoin hmiu11 iiuv i iiki tliiiim with ii miuilt thru whloli u fi- rlroglfton of tiuid limy im tnulntitliiwl liihutly un oihii llur wliuluw rr il willi f wnulil ti ult uiluraitury uiilll wuttior tenlm in when uf diuim ttit- illllonul ruinlln wuulil lw tx iun a ulwliiilw iiiimi on tl luxll u llurtjj mfl- ilk nrilt if llkvfiiim i limitulu tllm ttll ttlotll mill muulnliuf on urn ouuilu rir u in wurm klu hiili h ll im imxii folliwwl by dm wrltir in tnriiitf tlu hoinn kiily of vawtullmi unit imu ulvuii ivry im t ufu ion tli uixur tho ijuunllty of v j ilia twtlxr lh viutllutloii ritilrl with m lur nuunllly it tx lllr to havn umrutn iil for ilia root nli- lrilt un tha wmi ulr- oullt n ml u rutc liljt oii tl ollr tl fin j mutiny thn fntoi- rirrulutloii of th ulr u th- rllur u huiiii that wlltlna iii vkvtull i hky to tuba llucfl uwiuuho of thx ilryiimui of tlii ulr v lirolthitlnii ii twnd or uuwiluat ultoolji ih kivoiihim thr im mlllo dn of wiltlntf if u fr nlrulullon of ut- li ulr tlium kimmlnir hum hilly mulnmtnwl in tho feturua of 1 iuutttltitf 1 vrcctaotom lltlontil utloiitlou io m i hut ion must ixi alvuii x lrn hulk of vdkctaulv uaumlly unnriim t tnorv nuuikly iiibii it ruti muaimi oiimniuiktly hiuiiihi vmilllalliiif uhitrtm hoiihl ihi lurl kt tiinulir llrvwbi f ulxiiit four ft to trovtint itouillilti hltfti ummirutln utlil loimwiuaiit mit- ii n tn tlin lla two llvltiii jwialnlil for two of thn mllnm with lht inch 1ummm of liitlim uiuiftul m inch miurt for tlm olhr two uhlwi tnnko h mm vontlutliitf hhutt tor u root nil thin hurt tx thc1 on unit mftln on thn loot- thn warm mlf how riwillly to ui mtrulwi ihnrnhy lllnm four fwit i tnuiln of nv or nix inrh lnnnl njuiiml nii inoh aliurt uiul lioilwl to ui uliln of thn ti tmjllitf will imirvu tha kutita imrpomfl wild tn uildl- i will hkuruta thn vurloilri ultm kor onion mtiil eublhucu ntoruk nolh- ink mourn to ihi um nullubln um ulut- ihittomml hii1vh linn fihil lvoil for ilonm um two foot ror uhlmtki iilun- irik ulxmt tan nihm nt onloiul ur two own of rahtutgn to nhiilf culory dtimunoii u poo mojlnr- itnly iry utmomiihr or heat uloina thn hmitx muoulil bo nivrnwl with ilutuu hm1 unit thn whole no urruiiktml thut thn um ui inxy im wtartl tn uulonuliy in oritur to k4 th iiuittn rrom wllt- uu four hmiohkri totfnllmr may imi tilurml uiirlmht in u row with iwiul rlnir tha wwiih wiki u ntuic a fool whin inn imitwnaii thin uiul thn nift raw tii in miufl utfonlm u uultuhla liuth for wutarlti in no cuuo nhoull wulnr im imumul on tho iiluiit uu ilumimeun n tho foluitcx fnvorn thn iuvoimmt if rot a rooii rlrciiuitlon of ulr in imimirtiitil in mlr to iirwniit lumi- nmui on tho follukn an aurtli himr im much ltlr for tmlary uloruku hum u cmolit una coikmiiuiltty h oninunt rioor uhouhl tm wjvnrwl to u itrutnr iluith with mirth wi imtthia thnuo voktahlw thamon mmull lutlcih of lutriili uhouhl im left in thn uroimil for uiirlnu thtimft uhouhl 1 ilurf uu noon aw thn front im out uml utorad in u cool rmllur with a novnrlnir of utiwlunt or uutul ikm muy ihi utorthl in um uumn wuy uu roury xi mtch of thin uhnulil 1h lnft ulurt tor uttrlna utn it uhouhl tia ilua nurly uml utoril in a caa 4llur in dump uuttri in tha uuinw hiunr km kiivimm for utnrhi wilary in th full w h lluilr iluimtlntnnlant kiwtri tnfiiitwl tltutlon kantvllln n k lador notes- l im tutt nlu no il jihj hut wlllliitf to wmu for ihit hi 11m tiih l ulimi it i iik- tvry mrl of ih hi hut u of i iiiniit ill liohuliiif ii knm1 huu y f how out of it jili ii thuii wlolohnii for to roim ly imith uukii it it llrf r- miiloi y ur without u mtrll huy jim lo you know iiio r v ihiw itlul unl ljlir no wliul im itr- wul if i louii you li lolluru lliut id cuilui uiil if 1 wuiit lo u t ii hut k that u ijiluir tiioim who iv r ilo uny morn thuii thiy id 4li for imvur i- i iiulif for thu quiven op the deau i in hurt juut protwiuml thxirtitly uh hm vnry mimh olutthl ami lntoulo1 t tiuy yot avnlituully hut uhn thoutfht uhn wonll huvn u llttln uniumtmont hy ki4ilna him in uuwiimn for u fnw mln lltnm lui aim uulil in u uuit voloo tn ufrulil 1 nun tin nothlnir hut u hlur lo you woll thu im ull right ho wthi uuyly 1 thouuht thut ulnnn i iiuva ihmjii k- uit with you for a yuur now it wuu only fair tht i wouhl alvi you un onjvortunlty l murry mn if you rurail to hut ul non you tlont i mlitht um um woll roufnam thut im ruthnr im lirothar tit tin u hunlutnil mynalf iu thy 11 illlniol wa i collecting hen fcathlhu thn clirutluii worm l lln u uton hut hi wll wtrtli r iiutinu uml r tn mil inu- a furmru wlfi huil toll u uutruk nlory ulwxit hi r itutlor uu i i mrul throuuh thn wlmlt rouulry hiii alrout hulf u yjr uft r stability whem you are dealing with a branch of this lianlc you are dealing with a fully equipped unit of a trinlc with resources in exec of 0000000 and widi world wide ixmkmg connections and rvices- 11 jixlirt in all tmjkjuint centres in canada sjviiio ocikartmenu in all ilranckci bank of montreal batalhalmxl over 100 yean i ih 1 thut mii iul lt11 un uiitiuii utory win uh litt wll uhn want lo hr luolii uml uukuil iiurdou tim oll mlall4r muii i will tflully fur ion you if you will romly with n wuh of mln tin womuii ur t ih huin h r u hoina kill u iou hlui k inn iu k ih fuuthurm unl hit tl in tu u luiukul unit hrlnu th m lo hint tha wuu luirk in hulf uu hour mow h iuhl u ihrouith th- vlllutin unl ul tuih btr rorilrr lun- n f i w of thami fouthai unl t ii rr niliihitf onau tuko to th top of ii n 1i1 lowr uml u ult r thiu lo thn wlmlx hum rilurn mh ilhl ii r ui uml ulhr ull thn fnuumru uml ihhi i hut not onn wuu lhit thu womuti lookil hir uu- uuhlni ul tllm muhl ul coiili tuvr uft tham ull uluiu ami bo uuhl th tiuuihtar whlln i firu i v you lully ilo nit firu t thut you rli linvar uuilii thn ilumuic your untruw worlm huvn ilnnn tim wlw tnuuu wonhi uhouhl not im foruolt ii lyluif iliui urn un ilhiinlnnllou to th iirl thn 111 or roth ulmll im tiihluhml forvt r hc had one on the judge tim ii ultr wuu rhuru1 with uaiuiiu ilullirull milk uml tin plnuihil not tcullly tut mi 11 thn julun tho itl- hiouy uhown thut your milk cnitubiml twnityilvn ir out wulnr thau it iniiut im hltchmrud milk rturul t inulof if you honor will look ii tlm wonl milk tit your illdlonuri you will tlml that it cm- fulmi tiluhly to nlunty wr cut wutnr i uhnulil iiuva wlt inliin for mum a dovs choice th world if full o holhluyu u full uu it cull im hut if i hud in nhoomn juut lino thutikiuilvlnu iuy for mo 445 kord tourintf car v o it lord onuriu the last redaction of s0 on 1 ord louriiiji can establishes a new low level never licforo re qchc j jusf hoy lonj tlicc cars will remain it this low price r a conjecture it has hocii put into effect y the i ord motor compuuy of canudu limited in response to the dlinnnd- of those who want it car now at tho very lowest povthle price coik of iiialcrialb pro increasing and if there urc not a isunicteut iitiiuhcr who take ailvantagc of its purchase now the price will have to be withdrawn nkw l on au modklij cffctiv octobr 1th 1b2z chassis ltonahodt touring 40500 iisoo tu0ck chaksis 49i00 co0pk 69500 sk1an 78500 i ur f o q i orj oniri dtartinq and laotr ituhtlltj on chaaala lluoabout tourmfl truou clluaaia bjoo on coum und udatt atartlnu utuj olctrio l kr utandard aqui iuu- h a coxe acton ont christmas cards now in stock at free press office ramtmmmiffraramifljmczn new name for qoat meat tho itrvmlttru qunnui riortm thn tuloiitlou of th word ehovoji for itout mwtt thia follow tha uutiul mnthod of naming uu chovoit li tuk- oit rrom thu wen oh word chovm u bout nn mutton i named fnun mu- toii which mnaum u uhcei or vmther thu qunotta douhtu whether tlia new uumn will imnrovd tha dhll of tho tttout hut hukgeuu thit it muynll th mulo to ikolltlcal kantluman who muht houtltutn to ituy ilouao lutml thn hunk wonderland theatre acton house peters irr with a big special cast j tuesday evening novembar 7 at 730 j wt5ttiflgraiumhifflfflltoffl canada is surely coming back to iter own in financial matters por tha fiscal year ending october int our exports totalled 305000000 or 53000000 moro than for tho snmo six months last year on tho last six months operations the favorable trade hulmico wut 32500000 tha united stutcs courts havo upheld the order ngoinst liquor carry inn y ships entering american ports tho court dismissed tho potitlon of tho steamship companies against the ruling this looks us if the united sates intends that prohibition shall really prohibit an influential newspaper of this province which is ever on the alert in accomplishing improvements is tho carleton place canadian it has just adopted tho eight column eight page form and every column 8 crowded with matter of keen interest tp its largo constituency of readers mr p a davis tho editor and publisher is newspaper man or uptodate methods coupled with an instinct for tho best things in editorial supervision t a portable victrola no 50 6250 a real victrola with exceptional volume of tone as easy to carry as a travelllnft- bag and possessing all the patented victrola features with this wonderful instrument you can near ail the worlds most famous artists in all the glory of their art on his masters voice victor records a fflll will ftlmlly bo illveii at any his masters voice dealers jrfnr cframoplutm company uniitod montreal j will there be a victrola iii your home this chriatmart business directory medical dr j a mcnivpn phyalolan and bttr otrt- una itaulli nri fiirnt r hitwac avua am ub in hli i tin r rormnriy wtiiiul hy l u llu- luraun artoil onl dli e j niilson phyalolan buroaon ohatotriclan aotor ontario riuotwhii- to thu lut- lr iruy ofil mxl ltaailiir 1vi rcw ml olhra hour s to t unl 7 til 1 v hi jitt w s laihd v wimlwirh lllrnl lkqal 1al iikiiix no 21 i o ho 336 hau0ld nash farmbr m nrrlt bollcltur notary fublla convynhctr lie j ttirrvman block actom ont wonmv to loan hour- 0j0 uhl t c din h 0 miiu barrlatac solloltof nalry pluo oaoroatowiv out dental dr j m bell d d s l d s daptll honor lrluu ut tirttrt unlvr- ully th luteal uthtl uint if llrl onlod at rmmaiioa cornar ulll ulld dr f g goll01 d d s lds dantal buroaon onln ovw lujilt or nova ilwtu ifouiib 30 to 6 30 tevnln by ayimlntmanl ui8ccllancouu francis nunan dooliblndar account uoolui of all blnlrf iiina to unloi trlmtlcuu of tvory iioh rlptlon carorully houiiil lliillnif nuutiy mn liromutl dona wymlham htrt ouuliih onl ovm- wlllulna htor r j kerr auctlciiaar and maal catat aoant 17 youn liximrldiirii acton ontario rtulm uiitruutthl to it j kiirr m- cilvyuttntlon from lulu of hutlnif to jut of autld ilat your auhul with tall raaluwm bowr avanua aourl l 3d ac ton call ut my uxiwiiua roy hindley auctioneer corwolwaud puon rm 11 r r 3 acton j e aieevers rook binder qubo bi east qu ilph onl ihwtvw aul mntiublhixi twund in llumluomo bnd itnlhitntilul oovorx nutnwi lrurl in fcill on itlhlam hyiim itoobu uml otliir lwoku all work promptly eaouti d albx niven oortlllcatou for iiumhuu rf and mortjctta tturvoyu fai artihlttotn litiltdar nd muulolul ctiunolhai uraliuufo 1 to port icallmuto a to molean ruildinq douola 8ti queuh fhonu iod4 ont look here i um unlink nil kltiilu of uuo1 quulltv dry iroutltt for rull uml vl- tr ut thu lrtwuut urlmil dollvril to your ilaofl aluo im linylnrf ru klnih of rowl util hhhiii uml farm troluot uml livlilf top prlmii if yon vruut to buy ar will call mo mi hint i will jw ut ymir hiiic unit umhum th ihutt f mil lf thin i um wiiltlnif for ytnv unit alkx giiu00ud ron im aolon onl tho bid and it o ha wo grahlteund mafblo dpixioi vdt wo urw mrtiifoturrn mill h imliortord of birittnil f m una hmdtotw wick wo mill rtlrwit to our ountomar utwliohmul vrln thu aiivitf r aiikuiuim 0 nor ml wo tmva hi t- biultuon una tho only mmtunu in u3ivmlih who run omrut unnuratlo tml- iroww we run itlvo rofursmma trom humlwhm or our quatoinom l toronto mid ohr lilmcu wbaro ttuiaru liavo to buvo iaw uioi in ordar to oollenl wo huvo th lnr unl hwb ulook of urmllt l tho dominion or raorti tn uny tliroo denlun in tha wwit wo ur logltl- mut doalomand amplny no njinl nnd do not nnoy or it otiatomor by mwidln out tnorant niitnil woholt- inb ordorrio employ only anoohunlo- and defy oompoutlon hamilton sons cor wforwloli woolwich bu quallil 4w paitomjvfe

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