Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1922, p. 5

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shirartnn 3rse jlrrhfl tlllltiiiav novi mill- ii 2 1dj tommy 8 thankocivino 1 m thankful fur u lot r 1 u thunkrul i in ullv 1 m tlunltful tlml liu ij 1 iihtu i i f mly tlv 1 in ihuiilful tor tny titu ami r iy kitty oruy llm thankful fr the hltf wl nkrul for lint ihluuu lkleu ultul t ii i y i rn whurw wt plumed niillnu r 1 mill uf am in u 11111m wiw1 lm ihnnkful fr llii- in juat lllcl u 10ii11 in and jack 0 lunluriis i i ttiumimt t wrf hi- ut ull in ilttiiuml for 1 huiiumtflvlnif day for ll 4 ull in 11 row im ihunkful urunilmu tnai uw4h i hhe kmiwu i iiu hum mi lm ihunkrul for 111 itnkey t iliw i rown it lu unl nlt ry jhiinhfu the sunday school lesson foii oundav november b i jijujh 1ii ilun g 17 j 1 oolilii tcl- ikldat 1 1ivhician- ihei v r mill uli 1 llwtuth u tli twenty vears ago frem the uu ef ik tr press ml thursday novimbir ttta do km iiuii ulesd linn tnlla a taf wale w ii hum- livery tuutn of li tt untied for u moment ut anw hole on tunwlay morning wild took notion i off without tho driver tly rsn to oe livings mid turned into th htel hwl her without ituli manas v there ur some innldents in ufa w6ih my in forgutleit hut th pesience which wrni of our youn peil had ut prlilay evening will ba rwrnsmbored fur tnuiiy moon about ftly imi drlvn out to mr josenh arthur on the sni una to enjy a uallow on party tvvrythlitftt wont w1i until brbuklnrui time wliun ilia report wui rltimluted mist u win i of the anion wuh misslnc baaroh wum md in evi ry tlliwutlnu hut in vol 11 tti wheel tu rn th ulu wum btkuht to town by una of wr arthur food nstured winn hut the sunt lemon booted ii- back the mhutln wheal ws found next mornlntf in the bush thtr itecresuun committee of eight met lest whk to oonalder the nrvihal creation scheme wllhwhloh ihny had bean commit td they round the question a bis one the coat of ft snttsbl bo inline to knout the need would be some 4 000 to 000 the committee la rlvlna tha ruittnr camrul thought and examining into the tiroa- on wednesday evtrajna- f but wk dr and mm makeakue ntertalned vary hoapltahly tbtseicra of the board of education and their lad lea ttm dra tbouchtful klndneaa afforded tb mambera an uppreelaled oppor tunity of apeddlns a aoola hour with nv 3 k oodden u a whuae re moval from acton neaeaaltated hl re- abjnatlon front the iloard itav j jf uadden who ha for ava and a half yean been the falthrul and oocaptable rector of st albanx fhurch aald food bye to the conarti- muon on sunday on monday evon- 1ns b farewell eoclel waa tnndured rev and lira oodden ut trto homo of mum uxslo moan wilbur btreot a larse number of ute tnctnbem of ht aibaia church and other trienda were preaont and apprenlated the opportun ity of pending a aoclal hour with mr and alra oodden prior to their de parture an interealfna event of the proomdlnsm waa the nraenttlon of an addresa aooooipanled by u wellniled purae ill find a way or make it o what a tanaled web we wtuivo whan flrat we practise to deceive by the atreet of my and bye one arrive at the houw of knver dont put off rfo earafuf of the booltu you read ttiey will become u luurt of you wemubt wet ready for plaoee before we oan get them and keep them carelsaaneaa and falluro are twina if you have half an hour to apare dont spend it with aomeone who luut nofl honk ins your horn doeant help ao muah a atoorlnx wuely notloa that two thlrdu or 1rorao- tion oonalata of motion thar la higher rank tlurn that of worker no title can ever make u loafer u uohleman iafoat uf often a apur to victory the beat reward la a miuw of worthy achievement procraattuatlon la the thief of tlmw failure ut only for thoc who think failure a tda dollarmwoek girl who aavea la better off than a codollaraweek man who apeanui all he earna for what a man haa he may lm du pendent on othera what he 1 reala with hlmaeir alone a 1 meet defeat with a unite and accept victory without boomtlng v there la no use watching for your ahlp to come home if you have not aent one out j dont worry yourself and othera about what cannot be remedied not well enough but in the beat manner poeaible i worm by the irritation that tha cause in the stomach and inteatlne deprive infanta of the nouriahment that they should derive from food and mat nutrition la the result millers worm powders destroy worms and correct the morbid conditions in the to much and bowobt that aro favorable worms so that the full nutriment of the child is assured und development in every way encouraged how to be loved in old aqe how seldom do you see a loveabla old woman whose age in um beautiful as was the bloom of her youthl and then you wonder how it has happened well thfs is howl 8he did not give way to her and inflict them on bt r friends she dd not expect too much of hnr friends bim mode whatever work shuvhud to ml congenial rjjhe did not loeu night of her lllu along and would not think ull tin world wloked and unkind she helped the miserable unit ym- pathiaed with the sorrowful bhe never forgot that kind won and a smile coat little and are treas ures to be encouraged bhe did unto others as alio would be- done by and hnr reward la lovi and consideration in her ohl to unit she has learned the secret of a long and happy life atrial 01i1 this rl hutorlol battlna time a ii 311 ldi cttoel liulim lesson commtnu ui 17 tin 1 burlaw wie nnlata li i only to luvc thlr own iradltluns in chrlata mlnlalry lhay 10 in form thamaalves v earning him unl ills uarhlnga we are hot to lnfc mm tlm luat aeiila ihul lhrial ltwr 10 haal wss inlar- mitltnl vara uiirk tall lia hut there wvrm luur loan in the company wlio carried lb kriylf jaaus was tea ing in tb b va is- a amai nvj was about lb a ee missuf m the court tit- ma4 abandon i hair wutlt amuaaa- ibe usual way we t 4 iaaaui ibey showed ill the tiles oould reason or 0olicitude mhmnlh nil i in llvlm link i 1 in il iii to iiulii ntlil be reyl 1 1 i ahse- law roe4 was open ed ibe aasllrae was ut down to th vi i fet uf j w j we taauet uluve that th fulib rrl tw was in the heart of the sick man as well as of his friend whsllier or but the man was the vic tim of his own sins jsaus attended ut hu greateet heed oral verae 31 in truth trare was no neutral ground o4iuoernlng clirlat lie uiin either who he claimed to be or he wus guilty of blasphemy thar is no conalatent ground for one who would buy trlbut to chrlat and at the asm time rob llm of his divinity arue 22 tim enamlua of chrlat imed haver to renlua tout their thought wre not hid from lllm hndonhtadly these fuult- rlnilnrm ware tilling themaelvea that it for lllm to suy thut ha hull forglvan tho muns lns thnn for him o deal with the in ull bodily u mill ion i now th luttor liowlwl visible oiio of the qoldn taxis of the lllblo chrlat hus lnwr forgive ains wt are hot to under stand thut tho healing of the paralytla for the sole benefit of the 1hsra- th miracle was used to con found than in their dinilualons it this wus no partial re covery the man wus nut only able to rimn but was also uhlo in una limn tbu liunlen of his imd h is litiporiunt to howoiut tie glorified ood erae 1 the mlnglo i hlmhoratnt il fear of those who wltimaaod tho ml do cuti bo imagined whut they liad wllmssed must have mused the words to which thny huil llateiied to make u detip impression on their minds illustrated truth agulii und uguln fulth ha hnlieil en to 1i11 whut coutdiit be done v ib lulrutitm we urn tohl llrst that four men 00 u hi nt dutch jeau ihinauae nf the crowd and in the mtnn is recorded that they did reach lllm a number of years ago young man jrfered him an if us a ilsslonury to jfupun tim examining physician said lmposalhlu und tho board accepting tho vnnllnt willi voll n not ilu thn work he couldnt go jfupun in the regular way but ho nt and for mom than twenty year 1 cunningham hus 1m 11 doing with grvut success a work of fulth in japan topic for research snd dlaeusalon i heeklng the healer tvu 1710 1 what seems to have tie tho purpose f the loaders of the jnw in seeking hu preane or jeauat 3 how do you understand thn statement in the latter purt of the aevuiiteenth verae how many mun were reaulred tu bring the lciil man to j onus 4 wliat dihis the fact tlml the crowd was lietween them and jesus suggestt k doacribo tho method of reuxhl ig jesus whut obieotlouh might liuve ieii urged ugalnfat thlut h tuith and lirglvenias vsso 31 whoae faith la refurruil to in tho twentieth verse t mwhy llld johuh deal with the mans sin irstt s how fur were the ihnrueo right or ong in their conclusions t 111 knlutflnders anuwered ve- 33- i 10 what did the critics evidently think about johust 11 whut did christs iuestlon roally meunt 12 which would have been easier 1 did jesus mean that he was healing wink man for the sako of these rharlscea u what part of christ- statement is particularly vital to ust ik what oitoct did tho mlraola have on the multitude dally resdinos for nest week monday november 4 jesus thn oreat teacher luke fl 1788 tuesday november 7 jesus teach es about happiness matt 6 113 wedneadny i november 8 jesus touches about influence matt g 13- 10 thursday novembua d jesus teaches about love mutt e 4348 rrlday november loajeaus teauhes about ivayor matt fl e1b baturdny november 11 jesus teaches about truoitallgon wtt 7 1333 bunduy npvemher 13 tho oroat teachers textbook um 110 d1s enforcinvs discipline while a detaohment of american lull of the appetites nf american durkles rrousod the rouil in front of ilium with much xtuil a noldhir liwke from the ranks und net out in pursuit hull bellowed tliu oirioer in charge uoth rowl end negro only ac celerated their imoes haiti halt rep uu ted the ortleer the dusky doughlmy made nne plunge and gmsplng the chloken by the iiuck sturrml it atruggllna insldu till shirt- there i he pitlitod ahll learn iomto hiilt when de capulu ways halt yo ills imdiont bird no moil to uiirfnr with corns or t run tho rink of tuning them ltvmov them surtly and mtnleiuily wlthi hoi lowus orn ho mover xe was riqht an had an announoenient at ting i come and see the great sawed flab a learned gentleman read it and informed tho showman thut he had mads a mistake in the word suwed that it ought to be iwunl l 1 better come in an wee fer herself the hudmbutlon is only tup- lenoa said the showman bo the learned gentleman paid his tuppence- went in nnd was shown a largo codfish sawed in half yr aint the fust gentleman wot has tried to teach nrn aw to spell grinned the ebawmnn th learned gontlamun loft doeply indlgnentwlth the world in gonoral we qo through respon sibility th young- peupui who iiro u afraid of rohiminalblllty utat tliny urn always trying to shirk it do not reullse thut it is tin k rente it of diivelnpers you nevor know whut youcn do till re- sponalhlllty comes to you io not tr to run awny fhim re sponsibility iorhupa you have veauon far thinking that you urn not big enoufch for il but the way to grow hlg enough la to accept it und do your best to measure up to it muny people remain dwarfs all their llvtis because thuy imvo never increased thelj otuuro und multiplied- their powers by should ering resthinalblllty 1 inviiui from 01 1 of ii ih lu how la h to day lie in till mhyly if li l 11 1 thioik yiu my l whit u thnuulilfiil ililli you ur nun uinl link i m 1 fill mrry jimmy la iii 1 hoy will dim liiithri wax tout in i uhe 01 unl no fui ib r words in uuj but ulmi ly uuaid 11m made hllll furlln rmuie of jilu gr mi i by hi ntlw ttii youbrifl ullr lit k low 1 th uuf at th 1 otm 1 f hi ul 1 a jn jjuiluid und inokeit if jimmy ulnmhl ill h uak1 ken i liuvi hlm ilriim muny inoihrm um tini virtu 1 f moth 1 jruviu tellillllutoi l iuhu tin y tx erli 111 1 low um flit it iil upto date an uiiihitih wiiu dying ovoi kngllali 01 iihhynli1 und tho pilot wm indulging in a uttln utunllng ahui tit mlndadly he lx jiwl liio ini ijulln fur getting that hu hud 011 laiunl 11 imicn containing a pair of i oota nuturully hy ilrnjijnil out um landed jut in fiojit of uti old womui hi lottlll um thn puckugo burnt ojum mi i out iiij dm boots uiiiili to hnr iiutoii lahliialit licking tin m ii uhi linlihlid in dhiia uiiil mil oil out to hut huuhunft kiv you at hu unl i lm ltt tu joit 01 laud iivu lame what wun lerflll thing till- wlrelulia hit i thought i nurd tho buss of otn coming through the ulr bhtd your shell of foi ii is f tin tklnmu 111 w 11 ully lint 1 li 111 ml mill miiiiii he mud fat ami hu thut wut nth uhull u wuteid ul 0 1 1 1111 if if you w wit i hui 1 y 1 ink ihlmu brlghti 1 fur 1 out i u- if you waul to li hl yoiiru if givi mm olli 1 f ihiw u lift it hi uhtin hhhilt haw soma of om mown r ikiitlonu 1110 lukltig ili and ii plying tho i hil hl a if inlll iniliims ui11 if jou huvo tirii otn of tin m ol i hldi jlmtil tun t iw tuliiih 1 uruhlxii who wl ti 1 1 nil unl 111i0111 llm doolrln1 of li okhig out foi 11u111i 1 uut out if winr ulu ii loin tin itolariuiim r ivlwiinluiiu if lour iiilrubl dlu i tultli n h in you fiiiiu in 1 ting with 11 idlglnih body ruwl out or 1011 will himrf nut ftoloiiiou in htioe ud initliur joiirnui what did he mean rjuuilly wlnn mi ilior m iki 1 r iiurliu ul out u puhlli ollldul it la muy t tdl wllhii tluy an fnvoruhln or ilifivonilil hut tin fillowlng ti mill in 11 mouth cit roll 1111 uuwiiiu 1 ivu mili r 1 mu whut in ion hiiim kiuiii ions ikiioii uturtml u 1 ut on tin utii tu ihut tin 1 waa son ilnif the nutttir with muyor tlnlji 1 1 ui uru ulitil to iiiiiifiinii tl till 1 1111 id iiu uv r it wuu an i tl in in lu nothing lu it thanksgiving i iff 1 lu r tin ilka li a hi li al in 1 1 y th hurl unl the ih11i only ihi 1 w ulul the ineull re fun tin i foig t thmiku imt how ili we tr at our k1h1 r in ilimvuif cuu wo mi liiitliiidy tlalnithut in iur h t piuyuru unl ut th family alt 1 i iiu u11 a ml thutiuuklvliig mjuiiy th liirieul uhiiru in 1 ur p tltlmist lu tha ilomlimnt note in our spiritual life th not of thuiikuglvlngt v w of us uluu lwll evr in that ww t frumo of mini i lu i uliion loiialy amu pula a lu i nun to th vr i liue1 miiutr rii wi rid lu too niuili with 11a utu u a 011 kitting und spindlng wi 1 wituti our powru om thing lu c lain mil thut lu tin womhlllty tlvuting tlm giatllule of our hut in tl ight wh 11 we ii wukful lut tktu ofrli tun unl v r t imulin we nu purt vmitrinf yon cmmo buy illher new tf 4tlw prumtsa writs for prae kre caratlock mai 1m tnlnab caaesbloal uresl cake t requlalt on th farm idveiy farm er and utoukritlhnr shuuld kuup a up- ily of dr thomas rcleutrlu oh on land not only hu 11 ready remedy for his li the family but tiecauuu it is a homo and cuttle medicine of groat po tency as a substitute for sweet oil ror homes and aattlo lifted oil by oolln it fur mirpussia unythhuf hiiw van ho ad ml 11 la 0 red woinvildfwitdchuht no matter what you buy in kitchen utcnsllo de mand that each article carry- the sfflp trademnrk shown below smp enameled ware is safe to use adds or alkalis will not affect it tt cannot absorb odors cleans like china wears for years tell the storekeeper yon want either smpware diamond ware is a threecoated enameled steel sky blue add white outside with a snowy white lin ing pearl ware is enameled steel with two coats of bear grey enamel inside and out sheet metal products co every thursday 52 time a year the youths companion for boys for gina lor parents for iho young b heart of all ages pass fen ef aiusilrts sad mfeem las haedrede ef bkert stohaal serial suvm tkx tu bo pases lb cew iva tke faaso iv tbe coneat er ta bdlleriab huti fcai ni 1 1 il all ika liar tmtmml la coau less than w cma a ww owljl ak w dl uul ul uu op li tow rl to 0m pubusheioop this paper or to the youths compamon boston mamachmgtt3 1 tho youths compwuoa 52 ieues for 19231 au fob 2 all the remaining weekly blue of 1922 3 the companion flome cijeodar for 1923 i 2 mccnll magaritw 12 huwrukn 100 300 ihewayfoa mans heart gvery woman knows toe answer and u tlcpcndublc ran go 1 the urcut- eat aid n woman can have to reach tlie heart of tho man in her uonw wlmt aatlitactlon to ttnvo n runija a that is a good talker tliut gets tho most out of yoiu recipes that coniumcs little fuel mid maintains d steady cvi heat happy thought ranges save your food your hack your time nndyotir tempcr they am easy to regulate and the big oven even lie at and large cooking surface make the work easier no unnecessary stooping because there is every nttacitment and device thut can be applied to help moke o womans work 1 1 kilter liiree hundred thousand liomeahnvo happy thought ranges hom y j w kennedy son main street r acton ontario happy thought ispcum furnace i run re warjnlli and conirurt in the small liomc happytlwiught heating btovesmean loss fuel and mora warmth 33 5 ilully prayer to a dnnlt 1 oultlv ri llul of our imilvl luul fur iluiiiufiiluih an i whnu niithin hlmlorlo and luiitlful wo nmy go to t hurh with our futiilllos llntil to u u rinon join with hu oiigngutlou in uhorul lirute and jllow nurui ivuu to i r intuitu i of ull lod u u xi 1 ulftu to iiu when i wuu a hlll i iruruel a lyiuii ly ur wattu in whuli wuu- thlu ntipl t i to labor i kit horn it llltlo aluv the uuu on tlm nijatlvu ul lu huro uro ul wuyu ninny thing in lw gratt ful for no lllm i liuu lulil wuutu our hnmiu ki lit tit r ohl n liuu huii turrlol out i f our ilnin no dlutrurn liuu tourh mil go 1 inniii no i illdof our hoiiun huu wiitidend into evil wayx 11 uu oiuiui nitu thn uigullviu und bliau clod on tlii idh r bun there ur our chilin ti growing up in iwutity and utriutii ihurn ulu tbu honeul f ui u tt our dnur on thu vmiuratml f uo u or uiid iiuroulu thhuhy fucs lu thu iiudto uml hovering iiuuu n dlxive tho homo thu uulntly fuiuu of thouu who htvu loni 1 rfo icvi ry hnu huu itu hui i of i uuidlun uugilu do we ihunk fin i for tliulr rum of us thut we wulk uo uuf ly through unuuupetml 1 rllut tho luirvmtu huvn be u ubuudant und tin ft ult uliuiuit un eniluirraa mi ul i or thlu ton w thank qod miu lliiugulur an oil th is pair i though cuiiuihi wuu not llw hlrthpbtce of ir ihoiiiuu llwtrlo oil it is the home of thut famous ooutihiund from biru noil inline wus spread to cantru tlolltll anmrloutte west induu aiiutmllu und now zeulaml that i itlli id i nmigh to ultost its ok in for in all thoun conn trios it i uiln and in d inulxl water dalwh fire and air kof- thu kumn of wuter klurtb flru in air thu iilldreii are divided into wo nijiiul groupa wlm alt fuoing each lln i tuuch group bus u lender or iiptulu who holds u knotted handkur- rhlf in hlil bund thn captain on unit hlu imglnu the gunic by nulling out wuturt and throwu thu huudkurchh f in thn lap of soiuii tluyr on the oppo- uldd ituforn thu rupluln countu ton plnyur tuiiut inuntlon uomu gnlmal t llviu lu wutr wo m ii variety of lull ikjimio plunt or inm of if thn ptnlii rullw luirthl soma mindruiiud land tinlninl vtgutuhlu or plunt must i mon oil if alrl uonte species of bird nr luuiot and if i i rot thn plny- tnuut ruinnlu ulluut und motlonluts llt tho ten lu luting counted if u player iiinnot think if a correct an- iwur hn may torn thu hundkurolj t to anothur on hlu own ulilo thu ahlfs- nir tlie riuponulhlllty but thu unawur mint lm given bufore tlui ton la counted t a pluyur miuunu twlcu or upeaku vhu lm idnmhl kiup ulluut ho lu llmlimtcd from tbn onutuut nitd tnunt wlthdntw iho roiihiluu on ouilj able taku turim ulliig olllmr wut m hlurth i iru r und in tusidng the handkurohlt thn plnyor in till form of tho iiio by uinvlug out the unsurcihuful dluyeru there la uii nlumenl or coulnut aide which uuccetulh in ulimnutj lug ull thu nipnniiuts wins thu game all nluht with athm 13vu ry into kijowu how attuiku of asthma often kuop tholr victims awake thu whole ik ht long morning tlndu him wholly milled for a day uf buslneu und yet iiulni im miiht still hu curried through all thlu night suffering abd laok of iut can ike avoided by the prompt use if 111 id kullogga asthma itumedy whloh ivouitlvely doe drlvn uwuy the attacku november ho hike gluanim through tho dreamy huso of indian hum mm an t fur up i hiuoh ruggud tnitllnuu of cllrfii art ftf nud and ethoreullsod a few hrntueu huvia utlll cling t lull ouk uml hum und there a map li persis tently hurna its scarlet torch in de- no r wiut pi- hllverwlngud gulls drift through thu mist crying harshly thoro in a panning flurry of unow und thu whtlo liuuu ulft ovor tloud grass uml ii ut for up instuiit on tho lake hoforn thuy dlnappeur uttlu rain pool id tho woods are oruntetl over with thlu loo that con- tiiuitu and crnckh uhurply uu tho cold uuuu a led hiiulrrel busily iunts fut ihieohnuta und ulorns aiiyiug dry louvt u nnd uoiirrinu back and forth fioin truo to ground with it grotesque ait nf worry lied wlutnigreeii ifuivts brighten thu brown grnuii in patches and in shelt ered hollows u fuw stalk of nrwwee1 und wild umtor utlll hloom valiantly lull uttulght plim trx trunks show blackly ugulimt tho red of thu hutinel uk i hun the awlft tlulumn duak u tth down und ulura appear blight pi hku of light lu thn darkness to bu drowned a inmnunt tutor in a glorious hood of moonlight lhu lake is like a uhoot of pilsty sllvui with unuxpuctud gllntu of tli it uu u riah limps to tbu mklh thankbqiving conundrums whun ih u liny like a till key r when huu a gnhhlur whut pint of a turkuy lltu into u unlituiwnt 1 ilu claw whore mo tho tiirkoy u bo mm utter i liuiiknglvlugy in tho tump wiul part of u tnrkny dm thu f inner ilkuy lhu crop whut part goes with tho nnnyt the ihuiuutlckh win tl doeh a luikiiy ooluhiatu bis l huiiltiiirlvliigr hie day itftur ourtf j wl u lu tin dlrfumnon butwuun u nininid of hay und iho iwiruyurd gob- hlurt out lu a hay pock thu othor is a turkey conk how do you know a turkey is u wluu hlml lb ii nnui bu nuvur ntu a goouo of hlntmutf wlint lu thu dlhiigiueatile pait of u lhunknulvinir luikiyt lhu bill tin inlnlllgiumr v specials 2 only 1 burner lorencc automatic oil sloven with succct ovens hepularly 30 male imco 2 00 i only a huron- i lorence automatic oil stove with succci oven keijularly 3h w sale irice 33 00 screen lioorr 20 percent 0 regular price to clear all iinci of llaschull good- reduced 20 per cent to clcgr we need tho roojn for 1 all good- get our estimate on all heatini pluniluiii and vlcclnc wiring work it wijl pay you now is tho tune to have uti put that i urnace and iho slovc m ihspc for winter when wc can tvo you kood service quauty goods iwasonalklk ikices x w kennedy son main stuket acton twai make bloom a mikmhtt hiniikhl hi i rruiiduhlhli for lu r old nilutross in sue thu tin uttlo darkle htnnl lu huu while muiuly litlkul about them i and whitt tin ihilruunn mundy iiwlid the mlit mm ih y i nil gut tlownr nnmnu inlushl i pth thu rrunilniothil ah num ihmn mumulf ln hlggu ones num um llmlltd ulid de nix oiio we done i ill i it hi trap vi iy pretty wn tho tnlhlross klnwti nomu uulu tnluulu hhu uln lommrtu and wlwtu lu tliiiil mit arttitlulull the store of quality acton cooperative acton creamery co will iay iiigiu st makkit ihlce 1ob cream and eggs open evenings tuesday 1 riday and saturday also wednesday afternoons t j oneiljtproprietor dodge brothers studebaker motor cars carriage and automobile repairing carriage rubber tires applied j n oneill son georgetown milton acton children cry for fletchers cast0ria fletchers castaria la strictly a remedy for infanta and children foods an specially prepared for babies a babya medicine id even more essential for baby retnedlea primarily prepared for growoupa axe not interchangeable it waa the need ol a remedy for tho common ailments of infanta and children thatbroaght caatorla before the public after yeara of research and ho claim has been made for it that its use fprror 30 yeara haa not proyen what is castoria caatorla la a harmless substitute for castor oh paregoric drops and soothing syrups it la pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic aubstance its age is ita guarantee for more than thirty yeara it haa been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverishneaa arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural bleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over 30 years railway time tables at acton r grand trunk railway byatem oolna west no niuni mo 31 id3cit lu go my ceat mo si llumluy 7 0k u t 11 luul nn i i b it il unid 7 uu p i toronto suburban dl- itatlw 17 u i x33 t ii 00 i it m u i j n lit f i ttlu oa t w11 n nta u kto t gelna weat uslly urpt hon ikully oit ituu llully tuo t llun iju i llundsy only celnfl eat lielly ukleiit hundsy ilelly uhfujit llunilsy lisity wc pt lloudy lunluy uuly hun lsv only walitht dallv rnl ty mmcil ljirw4 rrelsht wuliiht till wed up ut nil ajl- irtuk hi toronto it t tiiktfoim asnt anton individual instruction i auaurihl t atll lunts mrollhl li the gueuh business college quelph out wi11tu koll ialltcdaum v hwtotf ivlllrljlttl xltocmuohurvasr ttorowio canai14 j e k cook can biuptiy vou shirts dollars ties hsntlfcer- chiofs buttons and studn arm bands garter suspenders shoo laces gloves mitts in soles shoo polish and he doesnt ask big profits hither call and bee e k cook speights ulabbware cuttdfilly hilvkrwaltk 0 11an itbwa1uj tinwa1u0 t sihbtrng goods hocicfby tennia gramophonrs prices right sat ib faction guaranteed c c speight mill sueet aclon m edwards co bakery main street arfon bread buns cakes and pastry alwuys on hond und trcsh ab wo have addod package goods lo our slock will dolivor any order given to our driver or left lit store or by phono wagon on ltoad every day lhone no 77 m edwards co ubo the best millennia we can buy in our baking i th cmtmi dohrmr 1 txlwjum get your job printing at the free press castoria for inianti and ctilldrcii in use for0vor30 yers 3r2ws o v j i

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