jle art to titmomvv nov iju 1111 o 00 mm to g a littl song urn heuil u wnry mm duj l irvury illll tnia ri will lur h win imllui wbi l hiiu h song twul m ihrllll huiishlin with 11 bringing ii will wuu- lu htlllltf ready willi- hfc 1 iuruii tho who prints j should starely try wo jl i day bu u i fr the mourn- t i4ii lit ru to ny nut rvb lul llmugh off l rrruy himslf l huiklai fully lualr t salada green tea wml it ta groerm tea inperfoctlon flresh clean and flovory superior to the finest jehpnn9 you ever totd soll y h grocers jallalf auklbthono lutd nevef rhlrxl herself un llilglng i it ltiilng vine uetf- when h married lum armstrong shouldered her half r the teak of tnuklng u homo vn shouldering u ho iiii workfiiu ily after day in the iteliu willi main managing uomelww to do the housework night and morn ings with 11 coming of the chlhlren und they mm ft eight of them uhn lurnixl her attention tu rulalng ithlokuna lind melting milk and butter stuoo tin liable prevent her aolng- the hfavlor work a befoi bam nllowad her to apply the brewwik from hir chickens and butter on tb living a pens vim no indication tha lie mount tu b- selfish it uaemed tha only way ti meet tell the bills while they worn utllntc their start- tltlrty yours lutr however when tha rm wua fell paid for with u nlcw liulanoe in th hank barah a butter and orf kl kulntc tbw mama wuy tend u mtlll tlunlod th iiuu tliutkm uf frill unit tuncy ovwry vronwlt lung for in tuunm form with brh it wu th vink fur iilctur btxtka wrul all uilujtm bautlrul but how littlo aha hail known bvyuml ii10 cvawaam toll of frm lifol on octolwi- mornlna bam htrhla into ttio kltchn whr alia u buay moldlnk buttaf for tba ruurkat oot anytlilna 1 ntr in the vutr tbla wtrt h aakfmt itrbtel thouht 1 j drive over to link 111 thla tnorn- inif and if voutb k1 anythiryf that knight fetch u phu 1 ii tak it a ion could wa all o jnt tr mw day bumt thurti wm u timidity in btuvha vole itit indishlnd hr wtll- tncnoan lu withdraw hr raqunat tha moment it waa mailn imi bam haat- tatml lutfoot raplylnc and her lonsins tu l trea for luat oho day from tha andlaaa nund of dutlea ahn had knowd for thirty yra nude her vnlur rurtberi ivn alwaya ban a wantln to o bum wp never wont but one and that waa tha day wo waa tnarrwd you know kvery year alnea lim i1vm1 vr that umo hatipy day hopln wev sot to go aiculn dont aoa how wa could today ma ttnwnml ham ttln t sot tha ttma i told tlra to hoa the kardai out thla morn in baaldea dont ynur incubator baln liatihln off to- dy t tfou onuldn t lonvn that- id terkot it aald sarah color leaaly with realsnatlnn in her voioa llerv ah went on tut if dlamlaaluj her dealt from her mind 0ln tha butter and baeket of cmk f tha market ickon youd bettor take tha tnonay and buy tim a new nalr of ahoea not coin to bend any 1 hill to tha yea ill o out and katob my pret- tleat white orplnlona you can tako them tvlonk and t they win a pruc you tan 1 buy nut a new ahlrt and tie atuncealed bam uurerly lie had already fonxot- i ten saraha lonkatandlnc dealre to no i to the fair yearn of srlndbut toll and claee aavlitif had made of bam a man with little patlonoe for any thine outaldo hui rosular routine and hla routine waa all work and no play that a man could poaatbiy be dolnf anything bat merely waatlns hla money when buylh ticket to a fair waa mors than he could aee sarah watched him drive out of the yard and on down tha highway her handa reeled on her hi pa anna akimbo aid in her nyua win a wistful llftbc aa alto watched bam and the car out of alaht u aeemod to tier that all the burdenaome yeara of her peat life up before her aa an impaaaable barrier betwften her and the outaldo world sarah armatrons they aeamed aay you oujcht to be aahamed yourmelf the idea of belnc tired nnd wan u nit to set away from the aood home we havo brousht you i what more can you wan it yoa i buobh 1 oucht never to want anything but what ive trot anawered sarah meekly urn abe atartnd baa to tho houaa and i am thankfu for the trood home and the ghllldrej ull right uvlng tight in one count and never gut tin out of it rei yeura dont bothor bam but ti roe nlit added flnroely ive been wantln to go to that fair fer thlrt yearn und today did mmi uch trood chance to go with nobody home but tno and tim soraetlraea 1 jeat want ta rlae and flyl anything to get juat one thrlll anything that would aend mo buck rested and freshanod up like for ah thla thicken tend in and butter tnaklnl two verybuy houra paaaed by sarah hud juat boon out to the malte- houae to adjuat the heat on the lnoa- bat or and waa closing the mnoke tioua door when her yaungcat aon tim ten ynunt of age ran breathleaaly through the buck gate mb mai come hero quid ita a gain to llht in our meadow and ita the auroplune whata been currying people up far ride at tha tlnkvuln fair i haruh lookpd into tlte fluahed face of her youngest won you have lrt thrill all right mho aald with u minlle unjoy it all you can honey thrllla come mighty row and far be tween when you get older tim wua too excited over the great aeroplane that was slowly circling over tho meaduw to note hht moth or b an bwer ma ho burat out again can i go aee it go ajt funt au you can fly tim anawvroil boruh i know you have not flnhthod ymu hoeln but it can wnit thouul- litaubutoni lit il abort wtillw tim waa back more hreuthleaa than ever initial between gaxpe for breath the man that is a flylti that maahlnft la goln btrpjim from hero to plnk- vlllo nnd haaid hbd take tno along fer five dollars mu i got that much in my bunk please let me go i i could coma hack with pa lie wouldnt let mo go thla mornta but lr you aald i could go hed not wfttp mo anybttw there w a dreamy ook in harana eyea aa she smilingly gave har an- nwer- its your chance tim toko hi joh mal cried u10 happy box t1i lt rlotlt wliert tly luid ihmii tully ltrutl tu4 til wuut u wkihkia nf uarui l ua l thhil hrtnly trupiml l 1ic i u wmiu l-v- bovll lirl 111 irll whirl wh tho mhtt ili lhv itftyy motlwr r vwuu eon tlo uwwr f kiuihlna wae umulib kinuihiment ih khl pair iwint try tu rtl up itr du i ihlnif if you t rl wlien w i id rlae hfl bdinonuhuil t tjttle kmmi it would do us to try lti barah in a vln tluit lrli ltard to upixar hatuial it wuif alauutt harp with ull thu alrappln ihw1 all w 11 ib is jel to mm tht uuropuiif tnovvd araorfully up ward and swiftly utrtmm the grii limhulow iheii it mount- hlwhwr utid hhihr tlui aviator glauwl slyly ut hu puiunmiw now awl tlnit 1 how tly vnra huuullna tho ru into ih- ulr tvsky funny folks he raultorcd that old udy ads uk itlio mlgbt ihmio riding in aeruplaoea all bar life 1 ii wt behind that tot auru fact ahes cal in ait litrh of her itr but she auroly dotnt altow it u wmmnl to barah she hud mcaroaly gotten bar breathing apparatus unuw twutrul after ttu tliat jump of bar heart when she left the around before ttm nudged her vigorously bbu bent iwc hhad and caught his excited words deepile the roar of the machine ma there 1lnkvtlla areadyl bute nuuglii far below lay th little town und though barah ciukl scarcely believe they hud oome 20 ml low a 1 julckiy she knew that array of tvrvd huusve and wide irregular streets waa thnkvltlewhors the count vnif held each year the aeroplane was dnacendlng over u wide open rehl barah could aee tiny dots of people below great crowds of them and she and tim would land near i the valr grounds when they were but a abort distance above ground tim idged her again look ma theres another aeroplane flxln to hy uee i didnt know they had two over here aln t it grand to rwmt to the fair in a swell soropluno ilk thlsl it certainly is son when vouue been wantln to oome fer thirty year- answered barah look that otkw aeroplane is a rutin reckon they are takln somebody up for a ride the second uoro plane was rising but sarahs thoughts won auddenly turned from 1 aeroplanes bha was about tu land and despite the ex citement ahe felt at romlruc to the fair what waa ahe going to aay to humt it had cost ten dollars for her and tim to fly over would bam ever forglra her for such wild atra- vagancet vwrveny she prayed he would not be one of that multitude below who was watching her come down to earth if only ahe could slip through the crowd and gt to cm aide where ahe could think before meeting her justly indignant husband ma ma cried tim breaking in oa her troubled thoughts that other aeroplane is goln to pass ua right close what if it hits us mat aa aha turned to look at the passing aeroplane which really did oome very near ahe had a faint impression that there waa something famliar about the bulky figure of a man in the grb seat bba could not bo sure for the gumpae was fioetln yet the impression haunted her as aha step ped out on tha ground and passed through the crowd without seeing any sign of bam when ahe had tramped about for an hour without running into him anywhere ahe began to feel tooro freedom and t enjoy herself thoroughly the day at the voir one sarah loved to tell about long afterward it was a day that almost rivalled the una she had spent with urn at the vlnkvllle fair thirty years before she went from booth to- booth where tempting jollies were aet forth resplendent array ahe gloated over the giant chrysanthemums lovely autumn roses and oldfashioned flow- dalnly bits of handwork held her enraptured gas at last she gum to the poultry section ytm coon after coop of fine chickens held her inter est and ahe searched 1 diligently for lief white orpingtons when mho found them at laaf a blue ribbon wan waving from the door of their coop- she jln- gered it proudly pine chickens they were they represented something of what she had done the past yeeur and they had brought a prue she thought instantly of the ahlrt and tin ham had wanted and felt she would enjoy pur- lhaalng it for him though when he had tnantioned it that morning aha had resented his aelnahneas thais what a thrill dotw for you though she explained to herself makes you glad to do all tho things you hated at first why i reel like i work plum joyfully to- morrow at the same jobs id beep mi weary of hall- she was still elatedly stroking the silken ribbon when mho lookoj up mtiil itraight into tho yea of hr husband lie waa the one to stammer and look surprised whyer8arahl howeddld you get herol ha blurted in ustoitlskmenl tim and i hud a ehutice to drive rr anawered sarah smoothly and ualvely us ahe mentally made plana to find tim ut once and tu him to keep quint for a whllo about bow they had come tha boy would not likely to tll it anysruy for bo much feared his fufhers displeasure it was only u piece of temporary ceptton juat to keep her day hupuy for u while longer if possible course in the end she would toll bam ttxactly how ahe hud coma mubjoctlntf herself to his bitter criticism of hor foollah conduct hut bam waa puullng gentle ahd time aoultl- poulii to b lwk with hint of riiuiiw euiruh woihwwi at- hot ul u1u at iimliiir so tinar ihn truth witlmot roveullaa ihu wltol of il 111 fliul tim if youre rudy h- want oil happily fhixa its imiui limn tu nurll they rrrkl homo uttout dusk uttuini ihhutm nlirr1 in barah hfrant whrii sh uught the first kiiioihh of i1h riuer id houwu l ihig lu th hlg ootlonwooda it u u pretty old plar aint itt ulto said to bam content billy ullil ho kiuwiirl lark kfvrkoi thr ulnt noiia to leal it in thlu wui ountry to glvw tha iuxim u nw coat of palot hrkt fprlug urn und fix that umphi mru mu trfn nwaitlnt rlw ulout doing th nlt work us soon aw they could dlveat of lhlr llumuy clothlng burah went tlrt tu the sinoknhouao ut tho hiculiator und bam follow bff t woro hutching and iww of lie mtv uttlo rti seemed tu havs nltrfem trpl sl0 lm glad none ttt ttm is rieufli ihwlarml barah ml aha gathered tha on lilllu things into hvr sprun hut i wouldn i b sorry uf this day if the last one had dledl 11 n buid you went too barah faltered km wl uiff was surh a loik of kuui un hla honaft tiarlt ulmuet laugheu i luidnt uuallt to m ivft you this monln like 1 1ii vlias i itud jes corno down fiim u ride in uup vf ihent glrahlis who it i ran into you ht tho yalr in l ywlr hot m lolo ii it had lu feel tnetlr than ever t think i lutd left you ml home and then ahtnt tlva dollars to dq a uitl alily rlyin uaylx it want mlliy ham ham looked hit kalonuhmnnl for ho tiad without doubt rhrrthl barahs illaapproval ham did you pass tnothif jlr tilana coming down as you wr aolnfl questioned barah suddenly ves s i believe t did it looked like ouh rvlf rce davtj ukn tlpupr llfo ow y y if ukdl lluilnhntn who drink ua a atfutrr 1 ulll hi 1 und fumlno lib r- cn liu lr uliy or alltil id llml tin jivl lllralllii ypi uwuy in uii itrtfy of drink nhow1 thai ll drink bill id would wiw out the enllrw itilal wttr wllliln yt- ilia lht ihlilvd hlulru udoptl the ohlbllun aytxm md il up llu nilutil of hiimuii illhirty pruiuully ory law loaklnw lhly 00 uarth has upll with llie llilior oututloo iii not one of them jurri ithiklng lo tlie iia td it 1 l woman in it it did have and u little boy tpu waa me and tim barah t you flewt ves iow taint hum the man unded out there ip our meailuw fer roialro and b told tim who luul none down to a the ueroplann hod to jlnkvilio for nw iloiiapm each und wo went 1 gusss f loukk plupi fool but 1 calculate tha money wasnt wasted tmt this day has lxtei worth heap to both u us you ham a gaiiulno thrill or aon thing nw oiim in a whll giro poor tired body wliath fed up on thv samaneas of events such a new grip its bettern tan dollars worth of stum bought tonic i hod a grand lime today myeelf and i fel klnda like i did wlien wo got back from that day ut the kulr thirty years sgn jeut like 1 won ready to begin butter makln and chicken raisin all over again to- youra right surah ogrvl ham and it alnt goln to bo thirty yoart before wa go again eltuor- tlu tltutmlard tliimt duyu lruhu im that yalnlay unit tu mor- w take up or tiwj luurll u our ihotight und to day l ovaplaed and biuw1 out vvt to day is iy ttul uuy ily wti hud yaalnrday imtik w uay tlut imll whl il l wind us out had only to 1h mt hi this vy or that and thui would have lhn il 1ou hilary und many more tint wo cull moo it hjutly wlil it u too late hut tlui mmtre of that inuli ii is ctlmed now and yeswrduy t rl u you li ln k whoi vuu hfl ion you will not t lh mgal it in pluaunt twas dim hours lu irnutiih of tohii tuimiuw yllh ihn tusks and ilulus which itelooif to the prihtil i tot tu morrow never ixund it u uk u mlrukn in the ijumrc which hover ihoiocs regl tomorrow mmks us n auyui youre a flue shniiletnn lo waste your time looking ut me i urn out of your rwirh und shall he for ever you ulwuyu hear of me you will uuver rear it hie thera is still tu day that h uut la ours yet we think ihtu t u while it is with um w hkt o dream what w mluht htvo thhm tnd vlut w homhl to do hut tli oo day for iiimhih l toduy it waa the word of tho muster tlf mil oihhi men that un must do tin- wrk glyeu us to do while it is day whm the day vnds it completed story not tu bo re- uknh vi any to ourselves over time to morrow but when another day duwos it wings with it lis own utnds it is vain t cupeot tliat w mhull catch up in home tomorrow th lint a ore which wliould have been coy- nrtid today tito days tkarch muat lj oyenh in tho iuy it u not by oui dreams of to-mor- mw vf uuf imaginary triumph of yea- terrtay that wc wi o place today wa cu giv build sulmuttrki to ilmim we cru lay foundutloiim i and firm on whloh rasllos can built us huh in ihn air as we lk thr is u witty man lu america who culls himself hufod the sage and this lu his wudonv kilison nchlfvt iurcees by knowing when it wfim time to kt put of immi if hmim wolut i mmiceasfml in life rlsv irly m jl fcnomlng with u mmlltt ko ut tb luy n work vfltl vutor hut without wnsleful hrtlc no tho bruins miwt thy conimllrjnow ttfl well h tlilno hnuds unr foot take rnasonabbi care uf thy punhh do a ded pf kind- hnas ttf homihine v ly trust oil und do thy duty tbnt in tii hbht 4mrnrn iul it hmm mi hitui ifi vrlnlity hd it u not nommrnthl wui ttnt there is no ivfrlm ullowm in he hushuhu of life let uh do wlmt v lutvo to do toduy luw has lnw11 iwiuwl it hu ways in the illroctlon of lln rotfraglng or pixjhlbltlng tnoiw or leas romplelnly k it is nlaawil um u liilslii uiental to uoolety bapctjtlulcs for cooking and cleaning 1 lion t le lug la iwlng 3 ihut t hur waur use earth auiu flour 3 nvnr lot u slove ktovu whllu broil ult 1 mtu b twl hot 4 its tarru not to u stovu imillah on u hot utovo walt until it is 00ui c dont use uny kind of stove polish uiitnhk you know what is in it buy tho auto kinds tl toont leava mwiplnas in a ph paper put thoin lu thu utovn 7 in cleaning fnriilur with oil wui use only small uunlllui ut burn the polshlutf fuan arts like a fuisjf resulb guaranteed a good flashlight assry article to every heme ivenunti lsally carried rsfsr- tlsn msules juhuler- utylo willi lurv innulit llurk or iiukl rum u7 r llmiry ilry coll with hunttol uuo jillid lu murk nr iilcuol always a phesh stock op batter i es the itoni hardwalek co hu wd liuvi wh1nj111 want t hiehe 1012 l quelph bronchitl xoldav bronchitis imixture at all druggists solo in acton bv a t dhown why anybody cam hav money thern is no mystery about getting rich anybody can have money a millionaire invited a young man un- ploye lu lunch lie led the young man to a plain lunch place ahd or dered two plates of bread and cheese when the bread and cheese come on the young mans plain was a silver dol lar tba millionaire said t am going to make your fortune during this lunch hour if you will hit me now tha kind of lunch you expected to eat with me would have coot on dollar or more for each of us a man gets as much strength and pep out of flftoen cents worth of bread nd rheoaa or fruit in season aa out of five dollars worth of fancy things you can make a better use of u dollar than eating it i come with me to tha bank start an ocooaul and begin your fortune with that dollar x know advice hi cheap hut here hi the gocrot of my getting rich 1 never spent- 9 dollar who could make a dime dvi rich man asked a ulgbbor ay income was ho larger than g furusenr day carpenters lacoras tlow uaucb spending money do you grva your hy each weelr tho neighbor rcpuad tliat he gave hla boy a dollar a wv how much docs he save of that dollar t aakd tho rich man nona replied the neighbor tho rich man aald i give my alxyearold boy only tuttn cents a week und i make him save five of it thu rich man knows tliat aw moon us a hoy is old enough to understand si wind in money ror rifle lm is old enough to be taught to lake mfp of tha money he receives considerate lie never on ttm d her for icawfng the mouli for allowing tim to leave tho hoeing instead he gallantly showed her around to all the exhibits and sarah 1 was bo proud of his gallantry that reminded har of that other day long ago that mhn never ont lime intimated she had aeeu practically nvwrytblnif already ua uctod bo much like the bum of their courting days alio cume near dropping tuara of joy in her ice cream wheji he crowned his gallantry with purchasing cream at tha refresh ment booth all this loosening of his purse suinga confounded sarah im mensely sam seemed actually to be trying to make amends for loavlngher nany praven ta that 0pimum fffl hour 11 ounoss one pound and cents one delwr help ma so to 1 that 1 can he doyo at night with a clear ronaajenca without s gun undc my pillow and unhaunted by tlia fjujes of those to whom 1 have brought itaja grunt tltut i msy corn my meal tickoi on the muunr urul tlwt in earning m i may da unto others as i would hart theni do unto me deafen me to tba junicle of tainted money and to tha ruatle or unholy skirts ullnd tns tha faults or thu other fellow but reveal to hie my own outdo nm mo tltut whenever i look into the fuoes of my friends i will have nothing- to conceal kwp ma young enough to laugh with little children und myntpathetlo enouih to imi considerate of old ago and when the day comes of darkened shades und the smell or flower the tread of noft footsteps und the crunching of heels in the yard tnaku the cerem short und the epitaph simply here lies a man me ui ill go puf 01 in no urn trim a confession met u tho us fitful mcholar aald llishop wmpplo who told me ho hud read every book he could which uhsiilled tha religion or jesus christ and ha muld ha should liuve beoumii uli infidel but ror three things first i am a muu 1 tin going somewhere to- night i um u day nearer the grave than i wus luat night i have road ull such hooks can tell me they shed not one solitary ray of hope ov light upon the dftrknuau they aludl not at home that morning it olmoatlinadql t y tha guldo and icav me r motor sup plies limited proposed bvlaw to authorlx the quarantea of the bonds ef the above mentioned com pany to the extant of 110v00o by tha vho of aoton synoroofbvrw the punhmto of the aald uylhu fg p authorise the guarantee by th village of acton of bondm to be is med joy thorn aon motor bupplles umlted to the extent of 110 000 with interest ut sl per cent maturing in twenty yours redeemable by the said company at its option after ave years on any in terest dato on al month not loo on conlit iflp fhat the said company spend the uaotuy m fyhifd h the intnbuh- m4 of ciry wlfbiu f mlu of thu v1ivwv pf ajcijq iff jo of manufourtuf auowjfjo and aaocaworlm lb cprpor acton to b ncatinpal ggoj through guaranteeing th pntfd ltou hy u first mortgage to be given by th ild company in favor of the corpora tion on all the asaota of the aald com pany existing in connection with the ild factory the aald company muki to be glvon a bonus in the form of exemption from taxation nicept imhool use and local improvement rates for s porlod of tap yours julnrrif p th alhlvo tnelltlonvil bond lh h x4 hy the uulit tllomson ajnior bu1is iknurd anil bo hlnk- lnif rndsunyurdlna to isifis in each year 1 1 bv imttd to the avumiwr of ivu of inveidmmit to rehire sold bonds iftfsu joy niuh take oru- fluux ih vw 0 ibn vtuapuyer of b w vllgp fff afw will b taken im h kbovo inolvmed propoaed tiyuw on monday tb j day of deoemher itl at ti time at th sua ptao and in th upi tnunner as the voting tn th annual municipal elections also lake notice that on friday the atth day of november 1912 the itoeve will attend at the council chamber in the town hull ut ten oclock tu the forcnooutrgdpolnt u writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of tho vatoa and one prun 0 of tend at each polling plana on behalf ef th persons interest ed and desirous of promvtn ibn hflfl vl log of th aid bylaw jtf i also take notice that th clerk of tho council of th aald village afaall attend ut the town hull aoton at s 10 1 m on the aald fourth day of december ills to sum up tho number of votes given for and against aald hyuw why are lartrvure tirol increasing in pularityjawun our cuslomeist why are we so enthinbihtlc about lartrldoe tires ami why do we strongly recommend them to you 7 because in actual service iartrldje tires ore demonstrating their ereatnerl what we have been nnd heard about these sturdy handbuilt tires convinces us that for allround economy they are unsurpassed vartrldge tires are not only substantially reduciuo mlle- age costs but their rugged wearing qualities eliminate frequent and expensive repairs partridge tires came m their nome wirx avfoju you compturu satisfaction this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to thoo vho vnow and ta those who dpnt know at uniform fair price to rulnl all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweden guelph ontario to see better s ee avage ight pecialist ploht at the post offle quelph ont her fe unoomfvrtame about that holgj titonwind i in her batter and egg money but ahe decided o postpone confessing hsr sin for a while anyway it waa mld- afternnon and time to rstum homct when bam aald timidly reckon youre goln to ride back with m aint yout whod you oomo tstocj on mrtafwtrt be xit 1 anw her go down into tho durk valley where i am going und ahe leaned un an unseen urut aa calmly n a nhltd goa to sleep on ito motltera hmuat i knew that wus not a dream third 1 havo three mot tier lean duugtitern they have no protection bur myself i frould rather kill them than leave hcra in this sinful world if you blot out from it aisttte taaohltuja df the coapaf motloa u hcrhy b that tf tae hssent or the ratepyr i obhad thereto the nld hyiuw a syrwp of which appears above will be taken into consideration by the municipal council or the vuluge of aoton fur one month from tha ninth day of november isij being the dute of the first publication of thla nolle ii k kaiimbu clerk or the vlluge of acton dated at acton november 0 19u fred blow assuring your business a policy of advertising is a policy of life assur ance and the protection thus secured is well worth its annual cost 0d c ih4niet dip pp noye away they mus be replaced j old customers are subject to the influence of temptation tliey may he induced to divide their custom to do some of their shopping at a competi tors new comers to this community will shop with yguhecomctcgitlar custouiers if they are invited jfo do go yuf pttlpiiitiojs adverjising is an 1 influence wllith plist b5 offset- if y to maintain your trade not to advertise regularly to the reader of tlui acton free press is to leave your business unprotected a word to ttte public it is p0 sigh of wakeft8 fo follow the lead of advertising youbwei to yourself to get oil you can for your money the best goods and the best service and if you find that your inclination is to shop where you are invited to shop rather than to continue being apji8tomer of a shop which never solicits your good- will you need have no compunctions of conscience shop where you are invited to shop i grand trunk iv ithe double track route ultwickn montreal tohonto detroit chicaoo itnexceljott dtolntf car aervloa hloflping cars on night train and 1 1 nrlor car on prhiclpal day train 1 t lfull lufprmuthm fropa rn mrand i trunk ticket agent or 0 w- hornlna j dtstrlnt sapnuer akthl toronte h holmes agent i acton ontj phon is jalex l noble at grand truni stan tho follovrlnnrdes on hand manitoba and pastry plour oat chop and rolled oats bran and shorts peed plour and oilcake hav and straw at lowest prices alex l nqbt hknhy awitpy minfg only a youth but never knew a boy hoof oeorue adalns is a very weak boy lies so weak he call t even turn thn pages of a book without faellng pain its has a kood many brotbsrs and sisters and hla parents are very poor bo when ueore put on long trousers he was just l at the time he boiiamo a hi an and took upon himself tlie task of varnlug mpnn tor tho family lis i went lo toarii n trail tn st uoh f whar tii fjud hard wa imlnfiil nod a wek system and sowed future trouble now and than ons other working member of the family would cease- uaruliig thronith sloknsas or loss of job and ueorgti would have to keep his hone to the grindstone a fewmoru hour each day to make up for it ulamlfe was juat work work work until one day he drop ped on thn lliior thu company physician who examined him pre scribed a year or two at the muskoka iloapltal ror comunititlvss lis can t understand why ho navnr hsd a boy hood nd nono of the uood things or life but hes fairly hapnyrhe ufa but tie fairly imttoyjhnknnwi paratlon from his famm alojuhwl them is tfortlotit aneru sluihe thsre ere many juat suoh dmervleg cm in i need of treatment at th lluskoka hospital will you land a contributions may be sent to hoe 7 a charlton 111 c rt i college btroet t v