Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1922, p. 1

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eht jvjttim stn ttss rortyokhyrl t juiktay ajohning ihclmkiiha 1022 acton ontario canada thursday mouning dlcpmblr 2h 1022 bin rid copies i ivc cents thk mkthodlst clwcu acton hdv chab hackctt tor- lamno- w1iiw ut i 111 i i in maij ii to n in i ih mlulutir ii uwth lu i um s 20 ii in i iinluv ii hui i 1 00 in i ii mir lull r lluljmt till li i hlik f umln j a ttllf ll ro atl pkksllythulan knox chuilch acton mininur lutf a c ulwrt u a xfntibi- willow iltrt iii itvjcl tl ii 00 u in i h viuujr lliihjrt llin i irwi r i ijm l 7 00 i tii ll mlultr tlutjwt tl wolllu jr ulj1 sil tluitduy luliool uil ijhili ca i 3 00 i in fltratiiam louvfuk u llniw with till uuiri will b rjtlhl iii ly tin aim auk coluilally inv1tku i new advertisements 11 no green cohdwoou tom bale oood wkiwihhi lit 0 ion aiy j il iii mill utiom 24- ii no j alton flat to ltt hultuldo fur omen ijmiuo ikwii 1wflllnif al tn lout nil uy i nvi imw niiituhihitf mom y vi iili nuniii if iwiir u r turul u 1lti 1 1111 ih oikiokj woop foh bale llwwh uud u 100 corlit 4fwit leimth 000 u nrd ilillvrml 1- fi uinulli iii 00 bdlv id aily in viianic iioiuui auiu out tor sale unit ol jtnulir wll 4hi condition amdv to j u ituimick llnwk aymiiu aui maiogenttral wanted for iwlnln hum with xmul fundi y iwimutiniit poultloti auitlufuatory wukh anoly mtsltllk turiuno4t uuii imcliialilk i fuuuai it jfl3 jlox 41 htkh 1ltluhh oki ick property foh bale kumbor of tiw fnmi uloj 1w- tonl intnndh to- pun- ana atoa r j kerr h know haal icatuto au nut thone 14 a atop fox meat wanted i will puy good iirlrtui for old tuirmm in inwul ondlllou uiilmulu with brokou ha or anything mtiltuhlo for ux knout hlaki- vannatticu luilllnjfud out k vhono ooorotown otrsi 23tf farms forbale 311 antrum in tli ooiiiitliu of ifaltan thiil ivalunutiiii vuryliig train 4d to 200 urrm fj t iim tnnd you our hut a numlwr nf homm uud iiumiiioiui tilafn in acton for unln j a hbj1tu ni ttnt auant ihono 10c anion out a new years present that will benefit all the family tim aluilillii i it emu i hint muntlo coal oh inmp 1 ri trial llu 04 lr ijit mm tl oo mm in your ham tlnllvsrihl nilutl vlllt noutl owl oil for bhoum full llulil accmrlok for thw lnmim limy now tm olituliip wt symontt liunlwurn hi ore 333 j v havaow abont i o iux 4su wnln htriwt atuuu no more caster troubles your ulttiio ikhk clialm ntu whon ntted with our ovirumt injf kioim or fttolal kiumu can ha innvml with com unci without injury to hoor or runs immutlfy your homo with minn kmwly framed plrlunk our mrvliitf trayn make oxcuont icirtit tiinu umultt your bathroom wltlinut a ittmllolnn cablnnt in incomplnto if your f uml turn bo- comw nlmbliy wn uin riu1r iimolil uphuiatar or nrtiilh it to look llko anything in llio 11 no of eulilmit work im our npkilulty wo will uiihi bt tuhl to film lull moat nny at your homit rviiuliantontif innluitlnjf tho bust in uplmlnuirtml dim- tornm nhulra elo ulvn mm w cull th6 kullnltintlfl ithdailtiait wmiuoo avmiun lio sy anton ontarii notice to fanners aiho i mu paying tup pruk for tililt i- 1 mu kuw by mnll ami 1 will ik irlnlit ovii tur lutnllumj i ulun null nil klniln of ilry kom1m nt tint lowuat prlrim alex gildoord 100 actoi wonderland friday december 20 tiihougii a class window j a litllrloiiu romuiui of n prvtty worklnit tdrl who rmintl lov uml u imw world tlnoiiuli u uiiimm vlndow uoniiily torthym saturday december 30 rttjl we meet again a drnmu at u ulrl who wnu rohboil by lini- uuulilltill mill in frtondiml by n oiook htit rlouk kolnirt hi a cu of lihnillty tuesday january 2 oint toiilit your wlfo tli pl lur with it h huoii kplmnli- no 14 nf with kuiiihy in afrlu connly khoi t wlht j a mccluke son plfflllllluji jimt like getting another christmas present is this chance to save hy a lowered price in a manufacturers sale of linens splendid invcwtmtnu for ttuwe voriunut- 1olk with chrmlsnuh money u kpvnd ami tut all in need of table ijrvcrt ufpleniwhrntubi savings average 2s per cent uc inilim involved imvo coino frjun u glubii tnunu fucturer with u rcpututiou for hilt kratlc products iht- c jiorticuiiir liiicno sctit tit directly from scotland urc lines krudtd by tin timnufiicturcr ns no i second a hence the twenty live per cent reduction knowing the luh quulity of the inuiiuhcturcri regular product mid beemj how slight the nature of imperfections in these lines tlmt could not pobs his hlgll sundnrds as 1 lirtlt we lindortook the cleuruiilc with the thought that nihiiy of our c u si onicr i would up predate such an oppor tunity zvcry imperfection it nmrked in u tpcciul way in fact if it were not for the nmrkmjt the tliht lluwa could not always he detected by the tfveruge customer wd huvc counted it therefore un unusual opportunity to offer our customer a mou uituiuiil vulue and wo arc confident tlmt ull who vanillic the linens will be delighted with the quulitil mid thu suvinjb purfilineii table napkins sies ioy10 inchct up to 2727 inches 325 to 1500 per dozen double damask table clotb siyci 17x17 iiiciich up to 72k i2g luetics 22510 11 00 each d e macdonaw bros ltd iueuirs lkau1ng and lakftest store candies for new years mixed candies our christum mixed proved such a fnvorlto thitt wo ro ovtiiiiding it over the new yvur at the special price of 25eb- l assoltted chocolates our ruinous assorted chocolates in both hard and creamy centres special imce 32c lb i salted peanuts just arrived u frcsli shipment or salted peanuts special price 25c lb wd wish our patrons a very happy and prosperous new year mill street v h wiles -11- u m special for new years a great selection of every article at u reduction of fifty per cent t suits overcoats pants boys bloomers mens underwear all wool uud lleocollncd penmans underwear childrens twopiece underwear ladies underwear ladies stockings mens socks mens collars mens ties ladies dresses ladies coats blankets we wish our patron and friends u happy new year the royal clothing gents furnishing store m ukown acton ontario mill street christmastidc visitors to the old home i numlx- w our citixeim vkltd fvientl out of town j chmistmab jovb and burphloeb wehe evehvwhgr exchienced i lullluiii ili mu llnly cu ur w a nli york fur tl hll1i mlui oluilyn ilurrmui nt m mlliln j lumtti inri nw rron for ctirlti mi uulvlii lliiiilntr i klltli iu tar ii iiullluy mi uml ur v h life w klullvu iii ii 11 ill i ft on mlri irut ii wlw til tuiuii ni ovtr hi jibhduy ml4 mvrtk nilu w- hum ofuihi mr th lulutny miucd uniikii kn1 cli uruwhl viii in mu fitini toronto ml- oolnii if kuiillloii vultil ur ltjiw o h iwltkr ur uml mm john olvii hi fldlili ut mr t 1 xlurtli- will wau nf tnninto hmiit nn hr t wlml-l- hmilt if toronto spoilt mint williir hymlm urn luilmuy kt lur hi mr ouorttii akhmw clirlxtmum ut 11 hit mrm joliii mllur llu iollliy willi trivial iv mluu mu l wltu ut tortml i ihu luilliluy ut li liouw lir mr cliikih muiit ut oultvlllm uiwnt lhi luilliluy ut lilu liumrf hrv mr 1 ififti knny ut vmm1 k 1m miwiullinf 110 lutlliliiyn h rv ml ijtll1 rwiiy ir riiiiii vuki rrirnu litiit ovr ihn liulliluy mr itny llrnwn uml ixtmi llprtlm lliown urn ikuim fiitt tinnilu mr ltoy1 kiini y if toronto finnl 111 lioll 1 ut um imiiii ltr- ml u kliiih 1m taixukllihf lit imlmttiu it imr hmt in q1u mr i a iauliy ut llutitlltuii vimiimi lilu iidiiik liitrw awr tlm liullilwy ir uml mru ji win ml nut if it nf rnnlo wir with arlmi frlmul- ji uml mru c u lllky tjwiit tlm lljty willi frlmiil liillumlltxi jluu icttlt lllu if tinnlt li nml- inirdilu wmk with imr iwrtmlrf lini mr uml urn jnlm citu uiul futnlly f tnrtiiitn wro ut mr n v u oil -urn- xrw llriint ii toniiilo niht tlii luilliluy ut hi homo nt ur u vortt f uml mruciiwilpri w munxi uml ii 1ci tniioi vor- l ith rrm kttolmn- mru jut no uimir i uml mibm ijiung nf lui llli vuiull 1 iri vfr tint hh- ilnr r jolm it wulill tf ulrtlru im uwinlliilf mm liollitnyn ut hlri hom liuro mihm huliru nloii of lumllton normal tluhuul in iioid fur th holl- iluyrt mihmom itkiru uiul ihmim1 iaiiim aint tluy willi oon- rruiidx thin tml uiu alfril fbitu r uf luibw mm hi in in vbtltliuf aoton vuimmi of toronto ruirw tu utuiml the tmlhluy with hu lotil mr un it mn churlom a a uatr f rorontii wnrv hurt vtr le lh and tbr hem f rarl i muh w lo tk kou tuw ri bn r wry wywofr i i whn tk ut kl upon 1 wrnulj ftrll rt 4i tm vr mm lr wuuld t hv y knj ktmba vnrnvatly wilt hi ought ii oij vf td u hia dnd rl a botri ilabnt ant nllnj liia liru u bln hai rj1 bright ur iki i u tb tliril nw lby haw bn vary munlnij rij frli ury mit tuu kat lnil irum my karl a jrjn uprvlj r thai 1 hd ilahted thrai with thalr clutflnj buia tkay fall knd w rvfi tuuuan again utit i rawd wail mnti tk- rur ly ta my tll n nj th bttaa lht nthuu ha i ill arul lunlr a hldd from my aubt th rawn upct thaif fta hay nma khat thy mad ao li- knuw lham no mur thn mlaaion unto tnn la dun m th jou of th aapulohr yar bymj th flood the standing of high school students at christmas closing iiuiiunii from the kxaminatioru covcrim th mrniuis of n- vtmli and december wa laautlful if rnl m ujffrw i ul upii i w hrw tind t would i r bwot wy th auw hory tnuua hut h ularl m ht and atrtoliaj out tu di uy ha ad i hnu and al oh dprtuo vr rwi i bahld h airull foldd unh hi mlltl what wittwa ahall it ur of m 1 th jddgmant luw and aoumn war hi l wii thou ahlt know wln th book hr ud and th dad ll wn or i land haiur cod th midnight luik airuck and t cvrd my fo and maurn ad it hi tllh who hd mt haan to m frland i rimtrri hd with pain huw ofln i had ahuhtad hi warnlno d th cuitunitia k had tvfi ma uf dolnj oood and had bait i th wii d li that prku boon frm th i thcuum rum th dyioii lip cam laably a algh tai wh thk traaaion uf waphrj fall upon mi nd whan again i i fld uw my fj lo tha nw yaar tooj in h plo of th 1 dprtadl amlllnui h urt tn with quod wlahaa and wurd of tuf whit round m uy many tukana uf frlandahlp- and lova but i wa afraid fo t ma h wu tror attd whin i would hav raturnaxf hi wlctm my llpa wra allant than ha a id pur tiitl i hav berrifv unta th from th owai uf all ouod and rffc uifta nlav var whjhf- wilt thutl laad ma art hull appolntad to wlnj m ay orrsv lif ur datht w rap had i kna noli ndhr doth th angal who aittath naaraat th thrort how only him who aittath thrn oiwa nk thy hand nd quaatlan tvol anough tat thaa that i acoompmh ml will maka that will thin own and thoti ahalt tat an angal happlrva ivin hala lalow i prmla nothlnq p pontant to folluw ma tka with th m prayr for voadom hla wlogad momant th mmt may not bo mln to glv vat if wa walk onward togathar forgt not that thou art a pilgrim for eurnlty if i bring thaa a oup of joy l thankful and pitwl fr tho who rnuurn and ut all man b liitla th a brathran if th dra0 of butma olav unto thy lipa b not two aauaf a raoalva ranaf uat thotl batray th waknaa of thy faith ooda larfaat dtaolpllna olvath wlldom ikaffor tounl tham happy wh andura whan tha morn braakath in h- cat plrd thyaalf in th holy spirit atrangth for thy dutt with una ttiankaglnal fur ood la naaf to thoa who truat hm and rajoloa in hi way and whan th nnjht puttth on hr ooronat ofatara knaal and ak that th day uln for ohrota aaka b forglwan thaa and vthan 1 my a if dm thou mayat blaaa ma a frund hnd a hlpr on th road t havan g mr klirtiurtmy i murlul cii clut oumljli t all hi kta iy muiui m k uu ioiimiiii i lulu iioii k hiiro 1 lwmkiiuiii riuuu iii mumlii w-lttii- ithiigi illihonu oiutlu liidolhiriiukh cluua c mlltn 11 juhiht mor ion multi w lylir rvlllu whyt aniihi liitiiti pori ii cluiu i muritirt voiiiitf klin miu in ihl wiiumii kilil liulitt ifni- liiiii aund himiioo ll lllulr clmu tlnvnu lv cth arthur iii- y uw i iii kali i ltd in hi hrhluy nvi iltif r uml mru uiuuo wullatu uml it liortiihy of ititliih uiiiilii aolflit fr i v1- u lrkr vuu un htttioyy mr john mr fuvlh who had hwi vrul inondtm with hlu lrothor junim t tuinu iowa hu iturnoil ith mr imwunl twidaln uml ml llt 4ru wllluin 1 oiihl uml iuu t on itll wrl u ur 11 u uriryn h ihniklu- mtklnmtii tf ilullmm cul muilii mi tiiijoyiillo oliuhnut oi ltiv uml mim lllrwurt ut tho mmiiw r uml mr alv wyl- uitumra john uiul will of oolili mixmt tho hallduy ut tli- homo of urt ii muu- lioimw v jvul l1u jr wml uu1 dungh- w to hiraiforvt toe ahrthtinttii aml will vllt win f thr for a otih mru v 11 mucullouch mini ohil- n of vulrjtll alu to vwllo- ltal- nwtllirr mr jainra urt cliurob htrwot m uaoi i ialll karuley uml alllp ltrown of toronto ntit a iluy or uo biat wwik with mr huimirvjllw uml uu adu r uml mm tlmtf tkttwir muh uhld uud mr othruw bjiuf jr utmiit cliruhnuu ul ur c ic auiti in tlmwi hiiiiiluy mr wllllum joi hi of toronli luilliluy mihuom jmiti uml ahiiu umlauy wurn liiikin from toronto fur tlm chrumttt liollilayn mi uml mm h 11 wordii of lorkttowi wdim in th nlil homo for chi latin m xfitm muikurit j mucdimuld tif cold wuti in uitumllittf tho htilhluy- nt her lioinn httiwt mr it m modaiiuld whm in wt ivr ohrluiinuti vulttiiif bin ulr yho wiim vmy llf mr lludatoiitt 11uimiui of ltor- lur n y hiiitchrlatuiua with hu linn n i ti her mi oihi mr 1 a molouti uml mil ul or hilly of wutfoiif ktoiit tbn holiday hpii mum fjotih lcimnny ituni urrlvd lionik luut wk ffhti nith lifiy fur llu holhluyh alii iml mm trdoit lluywlhl toronto vlulttnl with mm ouyvr cookv ijvir hio mildly me uml mm ii b wilkin wra vutimtm of mr lllmtild ulnkmiin tlmnto- towi on hitiidny- mu- atkllimon totichil tit oubhn hiihoo hi mi mllnir lh ioidny ut huf livtno it diimlulk mm jucw holrnrtnun uud fiimlly uml mv hi h wilmm hmnt ohrihtmiim in ilimult mm jurno u w lah iiuipii uml mr tnd of toronto w wuh frlviidh in tlm old hoiim minn mury k milhomot of th col 1 1 uk wood unrut lloaiiltul u uom diiyiiiwiit hr homo ppv mi- uiul mm mukoln wcktrra of ovolacutowli htullt clirlutltium ul th homo of mi ii h wlaon miira mloltlmil vlt ttf chlnilfu uml aiuluw ohrlpii f now yofk wunt lioiiid for htt luilliluy mi jiim mint mli dualu tttimhui nf tahhioii uttmidod ihp 1 thltvl at homo huro hiu wniv mr uml miu tilir ihinnatt wl the mlhttun jiniiinit mtditi thirltmui with filoiil li linirurtovil hold mowut urn lati ojiui mr uml mm humid k aiidroii nil liulw of toronto vimiuhi ut trip horn w ur miwrnivr hultuinl nviir tlu holiduy r uml mm it j kur nurt mm oalmmlr uml mia llolon uitunt chihtmua with iliyuiid mm motuod wmt hill ulam iunnu clllill of olofttl- wii vlaltml hor mint r j 4 numhlii whlli in town for tho luil hohwil at llonw news of local import plngr caught n qiruliir bw 1 lidla llhnu httd tliu nil- mr fotmiu on whuv 1 huvlnif hlu rlicht i mmif hi luintuit with u nlroiilur in ho hflhiutwi tahop nf llanl- m tullliniluri tho tlv4 of lh iliilru wrin iilnfuly lucrwtod th wu of prayar i tin moutimijl uf th imtljml wneu iiruyor will b utaorvul by union rvioph in ttiloe of tha ohurch naxt wnu on tiiuadny avatiltur tho ai- i will l hld in knox churiilt on widiiumibty tivutitiur in tha mothoillat chuih unit on thurlny in h alhan iiuiflh tin tnlnlntum or ihu tlirva hiiroho will huv chartfa of umw m rv a what a olorloua chratm it w thw wuttior nt chrlatmam 10m will liaiu iw rammswrud ua lduul it wn ilollklitful in ull nittit thn urouml wum oovirod with vbouutlful whllu ik title lirrordlhk uxonluitkt uldhliif lit tooittarutut wuu ubovo frui aliiu laur mil llimlliur nml tlm uuu uhono hilaihtly imtal ull duy it wuu u iflorl- chrlmtmna uay umt added in tho uutt of thn duyu imjoymmit c p ii train darallaj at milton ivtit hm thn liouvy tnti chrlutntuu urtdiut tlm 7 sil j t it liiihinitimvr triht to dtotlo wua trhll t m1ion tint vult of tlm vniiii hut itoltiif t lo iuia lini uiirnuithoro wldoh wum tho uikitu uulnif to mtou tlt utiultm iml unvaful oonohoi4 loft tlm rulh iuit iiono jf th tulmutiiiurm on ihu x wml junjil unij oioy wr utl trunmfi vm o unothur tratn tho will lit it old tuiuottvii wont lduod on tint r it h lyitooi hhl roopdol t gty mr outrun hymu w wtiitntwhttt aoriouily 111 tlurhiir tho w ltt hv 4 coviilitrf uml luiima kmin t bit rtuiiiin tnutlnomh unj mm w m uuiiiiuwiii uh 1 dtitilitt uf hutnutthi hnlii chrutmuu with mr ittmt mu- kmiitiawln wulliikiii htrlt liihiutcinr uml mru vih mtwitr uhmiui mtrkuriii uml mury uml mualrr hwirtiit f mul0i itttoml thu llluh hlool at horn uat wlduy ur ttid mimi uliinttliiti of hlxotur mid mr uml mm hurold m niokun j mury of lnidjli woffl rhrlntma4 k of mi uml mm a 10 loklln mi uml mm 0 o cum i dial 1 uml mhu iiuitii tf flcoricotowii mr unit mm m ii ooulttr uml bat n tor- onto nitimt cliltnia ut ur j 13 ouiiihlih fetyiniiuthv of tiih rum tnuciut i natallilid to mr wblto nf thw milton itofonnm tn tit death in i wva tf hta brothar ml uolllaol whit of tomto mr itoaa alluit who iiiim boon on tho tilurf u tm llntik of mtiitioal tw mo vi nl y um untl laty bu oooulad i im imwlt ion of lullai bun bou ti-ftitu- forivil in thi hlutioh ut alun crula mra jiitik moor khl uium cloru wont to niimliih to i th- homduyh ut tha homo if mr o ji moor thn tddent on mru krd ynu oc llliuf- humtoti n y who hud boon jmsndinir tho wutik htrtf accomiunlod thorn mm w q run- of ohuholm u l v ft wum u doleuitl to tho u v o oonvontliin n toronto hib wok hha ulao vultr1 foulor ohlholmltw l middiiuf hi tho vlululty of aotofi ntul uttvodml tho wthhiv of ml- unlay hilllnmlny ilummbtr of mr mid mm john lilllliiuuloy whoho munlukfi mr iclwrd tutikht wuu uolomniwl in ht allmiin thurchr aotun tua- duy tint ilmiikhtir mlhakdith wlto hud boon vmllon ht aoton uooom imtlh lyir in hr ctiini honw iniwui0 ntwn inapaallnfl avallabl factory slta mr koy thotunon uud ur ulrohall of thomwoit motor uwim llmltd worn liorw on tnoduy lookllis n tho uiud uvtillublo for thalr iirojiousd now fiiototy uojvo ktirbui- uml coun- olllor utrilhon ffocomiiuiilatl tlmm on tholi tout uf litbitoothnt thy fouml uovoru ihtjlrubu ailh unit wjll iwm- inunlouto with tho ownum rtwpotlnic tint prliw ut whloh thoy ut hold in thw luuiitlon of tho oomiuiny to mouro tho alto huvo building iluiia uml uiiualruuuon cnntiiktid uud ootn- budjiiitf uu uoon uh um lnu oimiiim cluun i wlllurd mnilllt jun orr n 111 hall muttftirltu ltydr ciuuh ii j c uiiduuy mudflulnu oiiimhiw murh kluikmun 11 vn m ijitluhllo kiliiu mu ill raou clua ill aiiku- kimiy atftt munn viit iltiml jiuti li4irlr hv nli i hold will mlkhi ml dr lllulr c iuhh c antilu murtln uiimm homh juitit u i muiulwh unvti clurriiltc kdnu hmiroit clutt- i wx or ovr ciiihm if till to 14 rink iii cox to clou c b0v6 to toy thoao niuikil with uatorllk mla oiirt or mom nainltiutlonm k id knuiiit ivinolnul k julilih ahhimiwk the county couneil m nearly all in by acclamation kimjuralnif nuiuuifuweya nckon and trafaljrur ltttvtri nil klectcd by acclamation bomel tlcctiowb roh council loiiu and hchool tmuuttcs iilillil inly wi 1jiqul illno i- uu follow urn miini 1 i all w cliw nahmailawiva fowntllfll llvw i chluholm un lun cm i uto fl nut wbll- difta for th 4 id iii nto viu ing ii tin mid kollla t hun mdhool in hnmluy uftoriunni witllo lift for thu kiiik will in uu it ml iml thro will l oilru mi by tint unhnulru nw vara conoart thn youiitf itooiilit or km guild hiivo iniuiiitrd fof u commit of u hlwh ordor to ho ulvn in tho oiukii on n w yvurrt nlifht whn it u ululrd tlutt tho urtlutu an 1 rof jciiy mlurf kully miatr hurry klly muot junto mimji mllhr mlau morton mtd mm moini u ktaluxy of uunlnha miu luhnitod itarforinurd alid mr lloirt- itirr of ltklkwtod u itrotfrittiiinn wf ritrf till rlt im uaiirod vitcul mid itt- htrnnioutul boloa duidtu uml trhm will ho nh talmily int ruh rd inif kidly will luy hlu fuinoliu tftiltur i turn in i lho tlimnluh itlrout whhih ituolf im vorlli tho itrioo of uiiiiiihuioii pcund btlll in eramoa on u rvott hittimluy urteruoon idriiiiuo i iuuotor irulit urconlunlfd hy huiut huiiok uml coutuldo iimun little jullllt illto llm towltahln of kiuiiioil tlmy wnnt rlnht to th lltii imtwcaii lcruinniia uud lortc- uml vlriltfid tho ftirm of wm art i i looking u round u flttltf dutiovuritil u 4ukiioii hurral of tjutuh mini ullo u brrid of molu ntlty of uorn uml othur mutnrial wjdoh m uiiitlly uaud tn oonnootlon with tho muiiufuoturo of liquor thny ulurod ituo it odor urribt and dumped tiiuh ut on th farm mimiuy ins t ho 1ollno court ho yloudi ktillty to suvliur in hi lhmhututlon wni ltd moluaimui muwh unlawfully and run llnod itoo uml cold tinirku- nwultoconl praparlng partial for th mail an hour hahlmt tho wlokot ut tho 1ont oinii mmilta in rvvahitlonh thu lu vhtltxlilly trim in tho matter of tha liitroilu amit uud rimlvotl tltroufth th liuroi loul aootlotv thn muulfoat eurolohhiudri in irimtrliif ttuniolm for mufo irotoilt uj aitnrlnlu iaroobt rim- ttiliiluu vuluablo artlcloa un wrubmtd hi tlhmlio iwlmr in aouiit liiatuninui uml othorai i iv- uuht wruititlnic 1 uud ry linnotirily tud wuh illmay twlno many luikoola thuu trtiurihl riulro tho tlmo tf ihu buy ttturf in thulr budkut houru to rvllo an tlmt thaty limy huvo miiiih oortalnty of rouahlnnj him uddrmurt thuy ixutr lsivoelu com hi llm iniillu dutliitf chrlatmavu wmtnlioil romlltlou hrtnuai had coma oiri iaur rovoru bud woo mo broken tho oiitnuth oflmi jtrotnldod uud h mimo dumuitd- it ouyu wonilnru for tho pouttt ftorvlon tlmt imurly ull tutf oolh ro irlibd thfilr dual i nut inn thi work of pout oiiloo uturfa uml iwmtul olork on tho trulnu would tx arvutly funllltutod if ull whit aunt imiroola would tiai in i wo duo earn hi proporly ituokliiu oovorlnu uud lylntf thean pur- oolh bofoo ihdtvoilnu llmm for dtatrl- liuilou ibioiitth tho tnului uimw juu aklliu v lrdcu iklim wlthilrtw uud thw couioii vvmi horfor1 lil d liy uirliituutlou nkijiun llwkilllll ihrtvvw lrvlutf uiiluinutlou iw imiy ii iv w hi- kou uo- lunulloil tilakaljjait townhiiii ltif w ii moru utcliimution iloiioiy hv ir jolmwit uo- cotn all illoi ihu a lat hy uo- wuldlirook ulauiullon icliktrlo ijifhl comttualouiimmr- vlo anuatronif uml j huillh un- ilulnullon kiiamoha townflllll- itiw du kion u luntutlon ili nil lorn o kimtto h ml nubb wm mwhiikin uo luntutlon lnv a i ltuly ltw ruwiii count lllom vho11 wn i j hlltluir- uml 1 oruhum i ramlmlktlviliic thu rolliiwluu irutdm for tint lolloa vtllnyn of cuniilhilvlll wttii ulvolod by umluiiiutlon on i rlduy luat lr i ii curtwrl wllllum molurou and ihinlol lluitr milton muyor- john irvlnif urgluuiutlon itflvi j w dhthi uicluinullon counclllihuj muxdul i runk tiur- wi k ttyt c 1 mrflroiior chto ilmlllh 1 d itohlnwon t coxa und jm tj turnd roon llydio ct iiinihuiloiiaruh it llawa a armttionu und w oumhl- puhllii hthool tiumlitih lutut wuro a iltiulittm w aumiw ami 1 w uiko uoutb wurd flnm iloituou und i micioudy north wurd w itobltiuiiti oaicvilu3 muyiir a h forutor noclatnatlon hbovo duoruo hllhunr uroluntu- lon 1 ljnily ilvnv xi itoblmiou uo- umullon j wuli r uid j-lt- lit cnmuilmulnner at llttir hllluiar ucoluiuiitloii rouucllloru thoa llluknlook 1 w liumlttm il v p william artdur- n wultttr onvou w wurd wloo itowrt m trh chuiltl ii crtuoi thou llhlolin k a mitvlu it m nihuou uml hurl ii krr hrlimtl llourd wurd two mm w ill jiutrlllhoti ltd k ii wllkau uo- luttnutlon wulii omi charloa lil torklnu uml it 11 holnnmtiuiil wnl thiw w a inslohurl und a q tllotlo hnkuln lrlto on ifoaaa thin frl- ii ura nhtiidliik itw ilny inn ftuliipdny tt itillitrhohm munt homo bero ahoit tum udvoratomaiil if looni ut their homo bero nw botfka at proa library tlm ono huutlro1 diid nfty ituw hooka rvauiitly aelctiled by tho hook commlttna lot tho kro library will l0 tivulubl to the niibllo on wtiliutu- ihty wonlaif nf intit wouk lho uiip- itloiitoutitry rutulokuiui woro iluoid on unit lut 0vinl iim uud will ultiq ho viillttllo on uuturdwy owiiiiib thin i tin uddltlon eominlitoi ttto bout worku itroourubla in iihllonoihy huturul jfolenro uhoful urt ituo uitu utirutlira hutoiy uhuiruihy und tinvulu udult llotlon ami juvanllo notion nml iion uulhjii icvury riiilor uhouhl mxmro it outulojun ut titicu married fifty- rv yrln anton lhro van inorry-mubluu- wiitl htnuiy fumlly rntjiiloiin in tho ho f mr und mm uuvld wililumtibn ouolidi hitcut on tihrlatmuu luy uml ttliu- tluy on olirlntnmu tbr wuu u iuth- oiliiy of bvll tho ann untl dituuhtcrm huh wlvax und hllmltiind und ohlh ut tho turn it till homo uml it wt it i out uujoyublii chrlatuihu luy they ntont t o jo tilts r on tuuwduy ovanlns tho flftyilfth wdtllhir umilvornury uf tha ddoily oouilo wuu oolobrutod ut tho homo of llio 1 1 uoii john who- r hhloa next door thin uluo irovud un ovvnt of grout ilauuuro mr und m wllllutnuoii huvo himnt tho wholo of thuh luiiirhd lit in aoton ntul vliilnlly uml tho ooinuuiiilty oiitfrutululo thtii iilioiriunhlnic llnilr lirtytlfth wuihlhju ttliiilvurtmty hi rood mnumtin of luiilth iiul uummmipd bl tholr ihlldron und cltllatoiia tih1utai chrlatnima and tha foot offio without doubt tho hurdoat workod atartlli town ulnoo tho tnlddla ooounihor wuu tho ololnu of tho pout oiilii an unuaiiur vohimo or intturu iciotitluif tttidn und chilatinnm uuroobi duiiiamlod tlioh oonulunt uttoiitluu foi nil tho out uolnu uud liiioomltiaf mull thw volumolncruuiiad until saturday whon uu onfirnioum umpuiit uf tiiiill uittoi wuu humllud on buturduy lulit tho th od utuir bkun to bruth anoi ooiiohidtiiff tlotjl tho ruuh wuh ovur foi uiiothor your in thl thy ro ttiuoh mliilukoii however tha lit mull it uln on gjihattnum mornlnu hioiikbt tlftoui lartfo mail baa which wiro jul n mod with cltrlatmu lottom und chiudniuu itaroou ttioro wfw ltirally tliouhiiudu of thoni it iiuliod until noon to uuaorl ill ft und hand nut thlu urout tnuw ull nuittor tho utmioru liubllt tu u iloht of htutl hutu in tho moiiilmrii of tho inul ollloo hturf tlu vonortiblo toat inuiitoi iuiiidh mutlhoww tho daitutloh mr j 0 how i ir mutlhow- alid minn loin hi awn uml tho uiojlutunt juitifh mutilinwu ji tor thttlr itrtimut mid wrtftil lutndlliiir of ull tho mnll mut- hi uml hit lr unlfoim cotirtoy to ull uliiloi tho liyliiif olniuinatunoeh of thu loiiuxioiillmufd chlljnnuu lurib tho ohiluttiiih t unit ulno tnudo muob mom iiltluouh hu work of thu oourlarn ul tho vurlnuu i uml roiitou througji utornruid wild thoy fiilthfiilly imr- roi uu d thtdr oati a wot k tm t ul nif hoiim of additional wntvloii it lu urutl- fl ltf to iuqtn thut mitnbm of kind tod rm in ira 01 ihu ruro1 mutii luitutuitl uiiproolutlon of nt fulhifnl hrrvlutn of uto i ourloru uhuf tho yitai by clulhtmux itlfalii inittijiuiti of vtiy dm mil huiuh death of jamm mahon ort of tha laadlng cltlzona of of naaaaguwaya in t luth of jnmiri mulmii who imattihi uwuy uuddonly ithout 11 oclock luat ttiiuduy tljwhl ut hlu homo in ihhukwwyu ttto oomntunlty bun lout wollkaowu und itroniluuitt oil i son r m ihon wild wuu hi iiim 1ath your uunvnrtd n imrilytlo wtroko n fnw non t hit uuo tho uoooml ono luut wou ttumlnif hki dith o0niiul wuu ivorn ut curlluto but luiu boen n rohidoiit uf numtuiiawoyu tow null lit kiuoo ho wuu is youru old mr malum wttw it utnuoob tdbtrnl uml omhytorlan iioiiik up wlilnr ti nu- hiiuuwuyu churih foi it vorul yourw wum u faithful nunihii of nun- uawoya towuhhl couurll for a cgn- idwruhln ttnit llu htntvo for two yiurw uml towuahlti tinuuinr for uovnral youm c r iho luto mr million u aiirvlvml by thritt uonu cuitlulu j k muttbn untl k 1 muhan cumtibollvllli a h muhon nuiihukuwuyu uml four duuh- ttm mihiuim uuriurtt uud nunoy ut homo uml mimmu marlon uml olivw hurftilo n y uml ono luothor john muhon of uiu grovo culirorulu tho fuuorul wuu hold on lluturday uftor- iithin uml wuu hiruidy uttondd fl i mm a i lu knox the hitch school u hotaxt annual punotlon wall attamud and 8nlhdld progrumht wn qluan llm tnuiial illub uohool at iioduv iflvni by tho nunum hi tho lowu hall inut kildav vonliif uddod unnllmr uuo- cumm to u ioiid uu uf hrtlllnnt oul iiiliiulhiua thut huvo uttoiidoil thn hold lau r th yoarly nvtuit tho uttaiul- uiioo of fnrmor huldta und iuirnilu thu your wju tho luiuoiit that huu ttooii ronordod for uomo youm imat nit iiroaniitimn wuu utit on by tho intnll uhnout out holy nml wua a moat onjoyuhla ono iho choruuou by thn i itiro notnol und by uohiotod imoitwm hid tho tilnuliik tumhouilmo dunolnif uu woll uu tho indlvlijuul hiutt union tal voual and ijuiioluu iiuiiiboiu ull wont to ihuku ut u iirtmrumino thut iirovhtotl for tho oiijoynuuit of tho uobolur vlalt om thn tilay iuit on thlu yoai wuu uu nutatuhdluif foatuio uml wuu onitottwl wlh a duroo of vlllolnnuy that murkod tha you n a- uotoiu uu udttu in thttlr line thlu liluy wuu outltlnd illti moiiim wlfo an urohvmtru uf lllwh hchool nuiilbt udtbiil iiniit uud unjoyniont to tho af fair uml tiuvo it minihor of woll- mmlnrnd hutootlonu mr hoy llrowu it ronuor tiilllll vory ilbly ooiiduotad tho lnttoi i dluku oti ihalrmuu tho iiroiiuuadtim ut tlm olouo u f tho itrourutninit woim a foil into thut ullowod tho nn o win u of uotiunlntaiinou biilwoon fanner uuillu uiul wtiro in- tlulao1 in unit uujoynd hy ull a dulnly luut ii wuu iiuvtil at un jnttiinuriloli in thn iiroim iiiiilu muolj or dlt in iiio miioi utul tho iviiioi- ltl ttuttmhot jumih hot tiiutliitiiut foi tho uhla nullum lu whlth tint unction wuu carrlth rlatl 1 if aiiutsl ikrilwitfc

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