i rl fir r the home or ijp arton 3itrim rm0 ilmwr canhas vaakly npf aitocullott irmur si ipl town waallita ol oliliilo the acton ihke imlesk it puulliid a if tjiuracy wnimt 1 h fr wi uuiuiii uill strcl aciuii ontario tim titacriptiofi dtlct u un per yui in advance postage la haiil t101li t the unit 5tala th um l which ubacf lotions are paid la lftdkid h mraa ubal ituni dverllm- agate mtsaure lor scat pti una lo fh auhta- cl dlapuy -edvcrtlm- r per lunm 16 cnta adv rt i acmat 1 1 ioacctjoa and s qnent tnacrtlos per inch each 1 in h p uoohe rrldent sod edjtor a dills manager and aaalatanl telephonbs- edliorial and ueameace ol p tho passing of a sterling journalist the founder of one of ontarios leading weekly newspapers passed away last week when death came to william l hale the talented and successful editor of the orilta packet in flftythrco years the packet has not changed its name its policy itsproprietor its editor or jts home mr halos editorial writings wore perhaps the most widely quoted of any weekly newspaper in canadn it always ma in reined a high- class moral tone- and though its editor had strong political feelings these w of c never allowed to stand in the way when the interests of the state or the j community were under consideration the packet will be continued by thonepnews of the deceased who are experienced newspaper men s t the hydro shop for service 7 the freely expressed desire of many of our citizens is to havo tho hydro shop open for the convenience tff the 400 to 500 patrons who uso elecj trie current during the day as well as the uyee even ings per week as at present operated there is much to gain from having the hydro shop open when the other business places in town are open many patrons of the hydro electric system and it most incpavqn- ient o make special trips on one of the open ovenings for a lamp or a fuse plug o to s new fixtures or appliances thoy desire to fco able to run in to the hydro shop when they are down town shopping in the other business places tho hydro shop for service is what our citizens very greatly desire the merits of tho suggestion mjist surely commend itself to tho hydroelectric commission when they give tho natter due consideration money or oouqhnutt thursday mokning may 17 1023 editorial utilizing the waterworks system last weovs watford guideadvocate says the main street pavement was given a good washing thursdays fternoon of last week our waterworks system cornea in handy for this purpose bre hose being attacheclto the hydrants for the work those towns without waterworks do not know what they are missing in- cleanliness arid health forest free press canadas population half and half an interesting compilation based on canadas census returns shows that the population is divided e equally between city dwellers and country dwellers the- total urban population is given is 4352773 and krv- the total rufal population 4435710 in prince ed- ward island the rural population is as high as 78 per cent of the whole and in saskatchewan 71 per cent in only two provincesontario and quebec is the rural population smaller than the city- population the total rural population of the three prairie pro vinces is now given as 1252753 as compared with 848042 in tho census of 1011 horse radng at fau fairs declared illegal at tho fair at wlarlon last foil sheriff jermyn took his new motor car to the grounds and was crossing the track when onoof tho contestants in he horse race collided with his car the sulky was considerably damaged and the horse sustained injuries it was claimed at the time by those interested in the speeding event that the sheriff had no right to bo on tho track and accordingly he was asked to pay tho damages he did not do so engaged counsel and it was discovered that the horse speeding in the ring had a pretty fast record accordingly it was held to be a horsb race which is jlcya1 atfalt fairs and besides it was not proven that the sheriff had been negligent in any way judge greig handed down this decision and as tho echos report of the case last fall was published in practically every local paper in chi tar jo the decision of judge greig will be read with interest the sheriff will now- ask the agricultural society to pay the damages to his car wiarton echo canadas new budget for 1923 naturally there was keen interest in the how budget brought down by finance minister fielding last friday some important changes were made the decision to levy sales tax at the source of supply will relieve retailers and small manufacturers very greatly nd save the government much expense in collecting the budget shows that the government is trying to save the small manufacturers such as confectioners printers milliners etc who manufac- tnre in a small way tho- expense of keepidg track of their sales tax items the reduction of the duty on sugar and of the 5 per cent super tax oh candy and soft drinks is afppreciaiated by the public generally it is unique in canadian parliamentary history that the budget just presented is he seventeenth prepared by thepresent minister of finance in fact no other minister of ffnahce in the parliamentary history of the british commonwealth has been responsible for seventeen budgets fifteen in unbroken sequence warniag and example there appears to be a spirit of reckless indiffer- esce on the part of many with reference to behaviour in public places in the matter of driving cars using profane and indecent language oh the streets and in other ways young men full of life and energy are bound to give vent to their feelings fn some way and that ig all right hut they should be taught if they do not already know that reckless and in decent behaviour will not bo tolerated and when warnings do not suffice then an example should be mado of them there are certain laws regulating the speed of cars and the side of the road they skall take there are also laws regulating behaviour in public places and probitlng profane and foul lan guage those laws and regulation are to protect the public and to maintain order the law is lenient in respect to man such regulations and tho people jueuongsuffering but there is a limit and the proavtmucs this friendly word of warning- that omc of our young men- may have no excuse when they will have to answer for their behaviour be for a magistrate winchester press the election race in halton so far as halton is concerned there will be ut least three starters in tho big race to tho legislature which is scheduled to be run on june 25 the con- 1 servative entry is george hillmer or oakvlllc the liberals have entered lcroy dale qf georgetown while the progressives have chosen premier drury to run undor their colors betting on tho winner u not as yet very lively or pronounced but will possibly stiffen up as tho campaign proceeds and trials of speed are watched were we to judge by the size of the meetings that duu the entries the dark horse from crown hill appears to have a big backing from the rural parts of tho county based perhaps on the fact that he has already been ovci- tho course and won one raco previous to the ono now scheduled with them he wlll start a prime favorite as he is aald to bo sound in wind and limb and ablo to make the pace the liberal entry while not so heavy a horse is said to bo a good goer and may give the other eptrjes a good run fomhe njoney tho con setlvclntry is of rather heavy build and may be alow 7n the 4jctaway but may not be far behind at the finish if his wind and leg bold out in any netheraoe is bopndtotean oxcittrtg ono may tie beat horse win mhtbnjefonner editorial notes w h easterbrook warden of wentwortn has been nominated by the liberals or north wentworth to oppose hon fc biggs minister of public works in the coming provincial elections uoar mothac i bayo pnt allmy monay pleasa atond mo aomatblpa to omavhotnawljv your lovtriat tod phf i bhatl have to biure twp dollora tadj mother robd the poirtal canl lowly and nor face wu aobr but hla father inushod hoa not pften ox tmvujrirnviu aald f know it but 1 want to fool tltut my atonn word outi tm truated ho puved hla own money to pay for thla trip to llm country ho put down ovory llnm anil thtfn he aald moth or hen ive mild all oxponaea i aha ii iavr aomtithlna left i think youll find that im a good bualneaa man and natvhabju ieen caraloaa tad rot u mod browo and happy on tho rtrat ovenlna of hla homo- coral ng ho entertalnod hla patron la with an account of hla ad vent urea and now tell un about tho crcu hla fnthnt tuod welt yon mv ii m llko thla dam ford bad a two- dollar bill given him by hu krundmottiof the day of tbe cltcua h my money mbtll n quurtera and tencent piece aud ll yrtf aortod out into different pockets wovontoit feellna rich and able to aeo evorythlha when wo ot to the itatothero waa a arraut crowd puahlnf in and dm i had juat the rthl chanro i told sam to keef hla money till wo got lnaldo wm rumi txmt tq to anlmalf and there ull in a row wero alx sreat oln- phunu all of them but the hut one in thu corner worn belno red but looked very hungry ao i aald i would got him aomethlna- i oot flvo obuah nuta for ten cent bun u chance hla bill but the orowd ahoved him alonf and aoi paid and told him we would mtue later inataad of puttlna tho twodollar bill into hla pocket he hbld it in hla hand when wobroiiatht back the dough nut to the elephant sam and i each took out ono for htm he atuck out hla great long trunk and ate tnjr dough ut flrat and then horeaohed buma doughnut- and what happened t that old elephant took hold of the twodollar bill in saaii left hand and moment it wni down hla throat and there wu no more hope of chang ing it 1 thought that bam waa going to cry hut 1 aald that i had quaxtera enough for both when we got out i had ono cent left to buy the poat card but i ahall aave the money out of my allowance arid pay it back mother to ahqw that i um a bualneaa man well a my boyl exclaimed hla father while hla mother amlled con tentedly that the senate of canada is a detriment canadas progress morally and materially js again demonstrated the senators are taking action to nullify the vital clause of- sir lomer gouins bill against racetrack gambling the dominion parliament gives notice to com bines and trusts to let up in the work of defrauding the public in a bill providing legislation for their investigation in the house last week tho vote was 138 to 21 for the measure arc times hard well not so very tho people of this province own 234547 cars of this nhmber 21033 are passenger cars tho farmers are at the head of the list as owners we are not so hard up as we think we are mitchell advocate the increase in tho consumption of candy prob ably has an intimate relation to the decrease in- the drinking of alcoholic liquors says tho mail and empire editorially even the mail and empire now admits that prohibition is prohibiting farmers sun the approach of canada toward the goldstandard duringthe year has been remarkable and very grati fying a year a the percentage of gold to dominion notes was 334 at the end of the fiscal year just closed it was 517 in january it was as high as 547 turlington tcwft council recognizing the valu able work of the horticultural society in beautifying the town last week voted the society a grant of 150 no organization in any community does more to make tho surroundings of the place attractive than tho local horticultural society in the vote in tho house of commons against combines and trusts last week billy maclean voted with the government the biggest trust in this country is the sugar trust of montreal declared the member for south york and i would give it until friday of this week to give relief to women and children in the price of sugar tjio town of renfrew is now added to the list of onenewspaper towns of ontario the mercury so abjy conducted for years by messrs smallfleld son and later by mr w r davics has purchased the journal which for thirty-seven- years was a worthy competitor the mercury will cover thb field to tho advantage of the community the oakvlllc record which has been conducted with ability tho past year and a half by w nelsori wilkinson has been sold fo rom sine l taylor- of hamilton mr taylor is a practical man of ex perience and the first issue of the record under- his management prove hla ability to execute a newsy andattractiue paper thb fhkk press regrets the removal of mr wilkinson from the fraternity of haltona newspaper men but it cordially welcomes mr taylor to the ranks of theoountys journalists it is not an uncommon thing to heap young peoplo making censorious remarks respecting their homo enylronmcnts thoy complain that they can not make anything of themselvoa in the place where they are their opportunities are so meagre that their efforts are frustrated and their aspirations stilled but our place is really what we make it no work lavao high thttaun wo will not degcadajtmnd none l so humble that one cannot make it great why they are flldetracked they waited around for luck and legacies that never came they longed for victory but shrank from the tight they were too alow opportunities would not wait for thanv they could not discriminate botwnoii important and unimportant thloff pent lain and nonessential after a few disappointment vnd failures thoy lay flat and made no of fort to rabound from uulr fall they worked at haphoaard building up with one hand only to tear down with the other their ambition was negatived by nursing vision at impossible goals and working along lines for which they era not adapted they thought the world owed thorn a living without any undue exertion on their part they were always just going to du ame thing but they never managed to get anything done thaytiad fntermlttent attack of en thuslasm when they longed to do great thjngs but they never could decide what to do they saw where they could improve themselves in the future but never saw an opportunity in the present they lost some of their beat chancea because they could not bring the tri ad vc to get up early in the morning or to get out in a atorra or in cold weather they hud no faculty for turn to g de feat into victory they bad never learned to meet hard times with hardier will and more determined pluck they did not realise that the years they spent in laying foundations in youth constitute not only the shortest but also tho surest road to success with enough ability to do something worth while they kept throwing back an empty ahutue and the web of satis fying productive life wma never woven they wer forever looking for soft places and smooth surfaces forgetting that the friction of struggling br e- aentlal to our development just as the friction which the train encounters on the track la essential to its tocomo- tloiiao sllardan in- success we won one have you got any place to ntay ntt naked the tall gray man tho- four young man who war at tending college young mens chrla- flun association convention in a south ern city answrod- that they had not through some ml take they had been directed- to a house nlrpady full bo tiuy wore going back to headquarter to 1h roasalgned dont you do it said thn elderly man yon pome right along with me wovo got samo aready but raokou wa can find a place for you and u enaak to eat they event with htm and on their ucrjval found four other ahead of them but that did not lo the least duujit their host und hostess mother said the old man this is a lucky day foruar wosjl hove got twice as many a we oaked for you reckon the hoecake will bold out and can you give these young cello u placo to sleep somewhere mother was sure that she could after supper the eight young men ami tho boat and bis wife sat for an hour about the fire i never got to finish my college course wistfully said the old man who was a minister n tho city we hud a convention down here in und there were more northern del gales than wo expected and 1 had to my morno and helptako care of them lty tho spring of is there wasnt onnugh leftof ma to go to college wu a splendid convention and there was u great anal rally of the oollngn boys on suit day night the old milliliter could not go for he had a sorvtctt in hut own little church lata in the evening the group assembled round the fire and the young men told him of the jreat meeting they had attended of the stirring addresses and the enthusiasm i would certainly ukv to have been tho re said tho old soldier old you have a good meeting at your church t asked one of the young men wo won one tonight modestly replied ihn old man yu won unut yes we got one to tho ultar he bmm a bad man hea a gambler and hua broken his wifes heart till take ull thn grace of qod to koep htm we huve lcen laying siege to hla heart a long while and the word of the lord cume home to him tonight i reckon his poor little wlfe hasnt got done orytngyat for joy hes been a bad mun hut be had a good praying mother and his wifes never given up hope und vfro won him tonight the young men went to bed rq lion millers w worm powders w taxicvbtink ftcotum conoitofl bpxmjomt ofl by th1 mtscnob o womts aujdrnurrom thb ohil0 to hoftwat hulth no narcotics pleasant as fluoar useful furnishings for spring housecleaning wonderful values in wilton carpet squares 12 squares 0 feel 0 inches by l feet regularly 460q ftrr- 3675 s 12 squares 0 feet by 0fect rcgulorly 0000 frfr 48j50 i 12squarcs 9 feet by10 tect 0 inches regularly 6750 for 5400 brussels and tapestry squares similarly reduced i- -i- ifly yir fiamlm- lion for the old soldier had grown into aftoctton after they had blown out tho lulhts one or them spoke boys he aald im not sure that ir good host didnt have a greater matting than we why is an egyptian perfume like a letter from africa t because its sent scent from afar why did the window sojct ilecituso it saw the garden fenoe why is sympathy like a bundroanm bufft itecuusa it 1m a fellow fsellng tar u fellow creature i sign of spring com what la a ml ingt whan u cut i why bj the letter t lke an lsundt uecauae it la in the middle of water which people ight to be good sing- canary those who live on island- when urn flannels like rhd l when they do not shrink whiit sort of u have t a watch dog dog should n jrwlur what fragediui is the difference between a i a washerwoman and a verg- rhu itiigmllnii wrings hla hunda njurwomun wrings clothe and thn vurger rings imiu why doo the rings ooacjimaii wur tall hat i to cover his head three opinions i um u total abstainer from alcoholhi i mors 1 ulwey felt that i hud ti better use tor my head thumaa a kdlson he who drinks is deliberately oif- qusllfylng himself for advancement rerwonell 1 refuse to take such a rlk i do not drink kx president william it tft the liquor traffic is a oaneer in soolsty eating out its vitals and threatening destruction and all at tempts to regulate it will prove abort my there must be no attempt to regulate the cancer h must be eradi cated not a root must be left behind for until this is done all utasaaa must continue in danger of becoming vic tims of strong- drink abraham un- ooltt mch civ hanq8 a tale he used to dream of painting tilelur thai would be hutui tn th louvre t i ills jrsrn mv y no tjot he hadrfhts ploture hung in the roguea gallery and he himself oems op thought tht true realism always and every hero la that of the poets to and it where joy resides and give it a voice fur beyond singing r 1 utovunson inquisitive people are the funnels ol conversation they do not take in any thing for their own use but merely to pas it to another steele tito two chief things that give a man reputation in counsel are the opinion of his honesty and the opinion of his wisdom ben johnson wu often boast that we are never bored but we are so conceited we do not perceive how often we bore others itochatoucauld tho true springs of all human ac tion are generally those which fools will not see which wise men will not inuntlon klngsley the ungrateful son is e wart on the flit her face to leave it is blemish to cut it off pa ln7ul chinese proverb hook are men of higher stature and the only men who speak aloud for future times to hear elisabeth b drowning so if- complacency dies when we try to holp others and are confroqted with a amine of our power i essness it is but a poor eloquenoa which only shows that the orator can talk blr joshua reynolds humility is a virtue all preach none practise and yet everybody is con tent to hear selden an idler is a watch that takes bojh bunds a useless irit goe as if it tirt cow per one ruddy drop of manly blood tim surging sea- outweighs emerson wo urv ull strong enough to bear up uiilr tho misfortunes of other people ittrsonal liberty ends- where publh injury baglnsi sherman itogers a lira that give out no heat is love that never manifests itself tho heart has reasons that reason knows nothing about rascal tla always morning somewhere in tho world home for your rlouseclean in g needs you cannot do better than to buy v simmons beds springs and mattresses come in and see our beautiful displays of all kinds of fuhn1ture smiths furniture store 120131 wyndham street gudph ont phono 584 b tidiness directory medical qr j a mcniven physician and burasen offloe and itaaldence corner uower avenue and elgin htreer p1ionis bh dr e jkelson khkdehick hthiict aoton ontario drfw s laird of aunlpk 0 woolwich qumt eye kx nono and throat phone nii 23 j o vox 1m harold nash farmer irf a barruur balloltor notary ttubllo convyanor eto pgrrvman block acton ont monkv lent on uoutoaoeb xloura ftlo am to x pjai boturony poo oolock hp me1r barrlur balloltor noury public oooraotown ont do you like real good tea thats the kind an smp enam eled ware tea pot makes try it there is no discoloration or tainting with smp enameled ware no joss of flavor and it is sq simple to clean ask for smpware dr j m bell d d s l d a dentley honor aradtfkta of toronto lnlver- aity the latest anesthetic uawd if desired otdoe at residence corner mill and frederics street dr p g gollop dds lds dental suraaon office over bank of nova bootla hours fso to 8j0 bventngs by appointment j miscellaneous franc nunak bookbinder account books of all kinds ma to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and prdlnpuv done wyndham street gluetpn oat over williams store lodge directory twas fsaitrl wrjtwo coats of poorly a damnnd ware three coats ligt whitsj oolslda ifajng crystal wsre tkreerc white- lqsjd and oat wftli roysj bias edging the shot krttrtal products co uzsef a complete line of s m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton x neal eton the first time a rnonopuno- like a great dragonfly sailed over a certain ihtyy scotch town a couple uf old pars got the scsra of their lives lord eavs- us bandy i cried one guslng upward in terror weel weell and can ye see it too tammsst returned the other ughitsf ahm seein it varra plain handy breathed a sigh of relief alid no ilka tt see jt by myssl obsacved what tsk ye it to be bandy lkvii weel if a sign all what kind o a sign sandy t what kind o a sign munt blnm yv vn1 sure its a sign you and 1h whus tummus must out out iskey children and fttram- upa idwvyt agree on ttierpleuure of lulrux tefants light ome to toronto motor car co um itee for used ford cars sensational prices au these ekr hare been traded i as part payment on hew fords we guarantee the title model and year and protect you aralnjt observable defeets every ear guaranteed to be as represented the lowest prices ever quoted on used ford cars 4erk cash pdu down ford touring in good cowuuon 6srmeatk essa guarantee ii yea awaet tuafc ut car yea esrtsais iraat sals wertll um assary arfaglt la witsai kos sstsasjw wm allew toe ndl u mlasa uw sajrcssmela tvm 54 cash down wukpt ford roadster balance 850 moat 1 cash 8 x- down oltd ught deuvery balaian 12 moata tra cv tkifltjr a waac will efid m m cdmkiwmhj msal rotto mur a romo tvis tkam 105 down aoodtookln ford coupe i7maatfc 72 cash dowh rllabl ford roadster balaaca 11 aiaatli 129 cash down ford sedan lialb coodluoa tllq cash jpllp jwwn aaj tism aioata aw par for ford couee tvh set of tools and 17d17i7 i driving instruction rfviijc 2450 pee month buys thla ford sedan i50caaadowa tsrrt cash t ats down uoodloklaa bllabl ford touring balacail awalk 62 ford touring cash dowh balnea 850 mtk ford trucks poo dowk tarau 9 aioata fojm row tmuoc cash dowh tenullliuat romo ton tmvck zpo x down tarau 12 aioata romd to tmuck 67 the attove easy larms are for twshfe monthly paytnenu and tosjiwis latarest bmiuurtm somtaatlal atrd savings for all cash wbile we always have a ged toskof used irords at law prtsoavaw u la urae lo bay when wa are at the peajtafour flprtag bastaess tbrpb car ltso lmrgmmt forat pmrnttrm toronto nmul main mi freepresi job- print i cdways jsientlm sons of england lodqe woooqreenno 302 meeting first und third thursday in csch month a 8 p m in i o o f hall mm und vlsltlnc merobera- cordially invited to uttaud j precious w p j little secretary actonx o- l no 467 touts on thn second thurstlay nf month in tho odifmijw hall at h p m vutltlnt momberg of tho ordur ulwnya wel- 12 t thetkojuj w m k k kennedy l a r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoara experience acton ontario soles entrusted to tt j kerr re ceive attention from da to of i la ting- to date of sale l4st your sales with me residence itower jlvenue acton 1hone 36 acton call at my expense rortchuohdsrvrbr trwqnto canada j e cheevers book binder qifsbso si east oaelph ont books and tnagmajnes bound in handsome and uubstantlal covers wames lettered in gold on bibles hymn book and other books all woru promptly exeoutsd d alfix nivbn ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys hubd visions ilaus he- ports descriptions hluoprlrifs etc certltlcates for purahasers and tnortgagaea j surveys for architects itullders and municipal councils t drainage iteimrts estl mutes etc molean buildinq douglsa st ooijilih ihone 1084 out the old and relublu granite und marble woflu we are inunucsctursrs and direct ntiporters uf all kinds of klonunisiitsi and headatone work we mii direct to o oustomura at wholesale prloss thus aovihsy our customers 4u per oent we have- b best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who con operate pneumatic tools properly we oan slve references cmim hundreds of our euatoraere in toronto and other plaoea where others have to have law suits tn order toooueet we bawe iha urgaat and besit stock of granite us the dominion more than any three dealers in the wajt we ore leerfu- miu desjers and employ no agecta and d6 not annoy or past customers by sending out brnorant agents souottc isst orders wa employ only meohanloa and j m haimdplton sons oaav mondon wooiiih nu aiiu rt