Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1923, p. 3

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s v jsypr v7 j ghg artnn 3fcgr ffrraa thunhpay mav 14 192jj love lightens the load thorp lu nh nrfut t tho tor iho uuinire in invt 1 1- rujht uil and uiiiirih f i ih kindly rtwd tor tin nv lltut hirhtmin lit limd nut judilttilldm nw h p in a msti fwhgn dphiiuir liuit oiikuuml un wirtkd niiii and trlut hf wtul that u tn hrliik ii in vv uml hnor ntruturo to niiiiut wlwii i m hnt stood- aml li um lu kivuit th thane 1ml tt ruirlllr lovi w should u nl i in llin jutllim of lovf lad l whan ymt hnar ft call anil h or ii 1 ii 1x lis imiui thul pates tuil that i tin wpfn th ktunlown fall nl kin mbr urn in too short huh i f our days tn hato vh n tli hnurln of u all want lovn anil wvluima its touch tbnuch lata ho tikitln i inljurn and pray you to lt lo the child its lov an l form t oi tho lonely neighbor nor mint wlm watches alkivn charles ldn the birthday present it my birthday tomorrow aald mr jomy as iunch declares wck us ao it laf maid jeremy you m thirty 1 or twenty ten or homnthljik jeremy 1 m only twenty six you don t look it darling i mean you do look it dsr whit i moan well never mind that ll talk about birthday presents think of sotns- thlnjc tremendous for me to slve you a rope of pourl- f 1 dldh t nuran that sort of tremeti- douniim aald jeremy quickly any on oould alvo m rope of pear in simply u guostlon of ovordrawlns noujrh from the hunk i meant aorae thine difficult that would tnsjly drove my love for you bomethln where i could kill homebody for you first um in a very devoted mood thu morn ing are yofitreallyr mr jeremy em ii od ilscause i don t want you to jlv me anything- 1 wanl you to hpw your devotion by doing soma thin me anything- aid jeremy grandly shall swim the channelt i waj practising my new trudgan atroke in the bath oils momlnf no najtilng like that 1 want you to bo in for that physical culture that every one a talking about who a every onet cook hasnt gold l ma n word to me on i upjeci neuna tl uaiij uu1u1bj hub mrs llodkln wni talking to about it yesterday she wasjaying how thin you were looking the acandal that goes on in thi vlllaasal sighed jeremy and the vicars wife too let us now my dear wife talk of something else jeremy not for my birthday present amid his wife in a reproach ful tone the vicar does tbera every morn in ho added casualty poor beggarl jeremy chuckled to himself i ahould love to see him he aald i suppose its private though perhaps u i sold press you are thin you know mv dear the proper way to get fat is not to take violent exercise but to lie in a hammock ail day and drink milk besides do you want a fat hus band t does baby want a fat father you wouldnt ilka at your next gar denparty to have everybody asking you in a whisper who la the enor mously stout gentleman t j ian t only thinness the exercises keep you young and well and active lo mind tike the vlcarr he only lust begun aald his wdts hastily lots watt a bit and ae how it works on him nuggeeted jeremy if bis sermons really get better then 111 think about it seriously it only takes a quarter of an hour before your bath jeremy i am shaving then i shauld cut myself aritt get all the soap in my eyes think if i ahduld swallow my ahavlngbrush through taking too deep a breath before beginning exer cise three i when you were widow and baby and the pony were orphans you and mrs hodgkln would be sorry but it would be too late tbo vicar tearing himself away trpm position ave to conduct the funeral service jeremy dontl ah woman now t move you you ore beginning to see what you were in danger of doing- when t sow i wonted to kill some one for yot i didnt think you would suggest myself least of all that you wanted me fat tened up like a chclstmaa turkey first to go down to posterity as the stout gentleman who inhaled badgers hair to be billed in the london press in the words curious fatal aecldent to adl pose treasurer to do this simply by way of celebrating your twentysixth birthday y when we actually have bottle of apolllnarts teftnlarllnf you eannot have been thinking his wife patted h la head again gent ry o jeremy you hopeless person she sighed tltve me a new sunshade i want one badjy i no said jeremy baby shall give you that kor myself i feel that t should like to kill somebody for you lloyd george t no f e smith t nno he rubbed his head thought fully who invented tnose oxer cisest be asked suddenly a german i think theji said jeremy button in up his coat 1 khali go aid kill him a lrf 3iro mt awk w iiatoib mmlmkmw onee upon a time i mind me of a plporianl time a ncoson lung ago ja the pleaountfat i ve ev r uhown or over now ahnll know iloes birds and little tinkling rlllh so merrily did ohjme the year was in lis sweot uprlng llo- and i was in my irlm ive never heard much mimlo nlnre prom vrv binding epruy ive never plucked such prlmrowim sot thick on hank and bran 1 ve never smelt such vlolctw as in that plaueant time i found by every huwthnrnu wm1 whnn i wuh in my prim yon rnoory down o burk and luiro was go rg eo uk then uixl guy with golden jpr bright blnosomlng as none blnomu liowndjty the buckblrd slngii but mi idom now up there in the oh llm wherw hours und hours h uuvtl to sing when i was in my primi buch cuttltuc wlnils came never then to pierce one lhrouih and through more softly fell the nllnnt unowcr- uore balmily tho tlow t the morning mint ami evening base unlike this oold raw rime beemed wirm nf ftlf ttliw when l w in my nr and biackberries so mawkish now were finely flavored then and nuts such reddening clusters ripe i ne er shall pull again nor strawberries blushing bright rich as fruits of sunniest clime how alt is altered for the since i was in my prim it rained cats and ooqs and other things frequently after a hard rainstorm some one will remark it rained cats and dogs last night ueceptly a tourist in pregon a man by the way who was in the habit of using the phrasemet with an experience that tor the moment at lasst may have caused him to wonder whether the phrase did not sometimes express the literal truth he and ills neidiaw were riding in un automobile when a severe c lea trie sturm overtook them fllnce there was nothing in sight to shelter them from the downpour they stopped at the side of the road and waited for the mtortn u expend itself the rain was so heavy that they mhu hardly wee through the glass of the wind shloldl but with each flash of lightning thvy were able to observe that large dark objects were falling with the water while they were wondering something struck the top of the automobile with o hud when the rain slackened they discovered that it was a duck and that dead ducks lay scattered all roui them apparently a current of electricity hud struck the wild fowl while they were in the air those that the tourist examined bore nu visible injuries crbwsois corner memories the form an the erin corner of these historic corners is the home of the family which gu the countryside its name j the crewson family settled here away back possibly in the first if not certainly oarly in the second quarter uf last century and i think the head of the homo was morgan as the later occupant of the rurm was too who son morgan again did not retain the farm but is tho wellknown driller for things hidden below the surface of the earth however some of the others still i believe hold the ancient property on it a re built the stone house and barn which were n guide mark for trail hunters making their way from toronto andother places on the lake through by way of stewurttown nqd acton or adamivuie lo where john gait bad cut the trees to prepare for the embryo city of ouelph the crewsons ware a family uf no mean proportions- any of them that this writer ever saw had large avoirdu pois and the third generation u main- ulnlng the standard fairly well the family like that of roost early settlers was quite numerous at least i can recall seven four sons and tbrec- daugbters one of the latter became the wife or squire robert l little campbell who was a man of large proportions and lived up tho town line they biter moved to ualllnafad where the later duff or ieurcn farm mr campbell died about llxfi mrs campbell died in toronto at the home a daughter in ik93 tho family v william und robert sons and daughters who became wives of david moore richard sherlock matthias lambert and thomas thompson an other of the crewson daughters mar ried john sopfr carpenter and died at the coenera in ims i cannot recall any family the third daughter was mr hugh mclaughlin und died t think on their farm east of the corners i cannot recall the year reference to the mclaughlin hpme may come in a later aeries sons of the crewson homestead were john william larenxo und morgan john was a carpenter und lived many years and died in a httlofrnmo house in the village opposite the church i cannot recall his wife s name there was no family he was u good work man it was said of him that uhythlng umlss about tho frame of a building or elsewhere in its construction would be quickly detected by that uagle eye at a long range i in his later years of comparative retirement he ocuupled hltaseif making wooden brushes fur the scrubbing machine in the acton sole leather whltutq tlurney now a prosperous farmer near kergus may testify as to tht ir eftlolcncy william crewson lived too for year in a home on a rear street lu a small survey in village lie taught schoolup at leslies at any ratebut ploctpje preacher as well and luter had a charge up at hunisvllle loreii- so hud tlie farm on the uauulslug corner but moved to luther i did nol know him i think t will leave further details ol this corner furjns hlnlory as to lis vll lags srrangumentm until a later issue humoe ut present o say that about all uf what might bo termtml crnwaoi corners us u place was on their pro perty i may further say that map of ontario coming into tho boy hood humn of the wrltur in ik74 was u pluc the o tlt bf acton und rockwoodr whurw the litis ut the four owtishlp corn am ilgmttbd us moiituhtowii doubt honor uf the name of the foun the place there may have been rail iho ministry und netllm in acton farming ninny m vv f rh mlslilpn by hl j i ulul jotii1 nuinnui uml urni i qlirlnt ufa om o out ut u auruwi party st i uji 1 1 mmoii ii lawn jlmmi ilouuiim www m wiling many of iiim ntryn pl n forth thttt ntfl in hie i us hi pitujltl link lint iii lludltl quhtly mi 1 1 who inn ti n with 1 hi for i hlllll i hob i- rank kwunn ill h i chutibpd to itoiltwoot iiuutl kwunn nun iwili d ml i llllllp mr i hllllpx mit in iii urh been wtutluihht in ac lou wl hftn mr in ihhfl lulnltitry i ii u lin bad nu fi ults of hbi mlndiiry thuru two lads of hilt miui ntly nilurgod um ful prse tu x av imiii t r ninny yium u ittudlnb jhiitliit inlnbitur in tin htnk and now llv l onk of tmlth wash thw othtr if i in tdlloi will jkirmlt wwn ii i mimift wiiomk work as editor of lunlt vvlmli muni- touiitry woekly in wdl knnun n ui4l ot bis ion service lu udvuind hu iduy school work atvomi ami in nnnii umi willi rrtivinclnl onvontlooh benldcs also gront hiuiifulmss in ulhi r hutch work lie hits utun in r tt voark ax a tniibisrate trlvn to im h t ixor lu nvil doers uiuf a i rulne l thetn thut tin wl mi hwnnn wns the son or id v matthew hwanu who liv urly il iy iiycfl in acton ulul uftnruruhlh i 1 h minister was pustor ln mth sm thare um part of iipomutnwn r 1 nil hiv rank prxuchvd lh rst ktinmu in acton in the old ohurrh jwwl uftr yjyrs of lalvor in inuny onturlj held went id ilrlllnh columblu 1m now retired ut victoria ii c at the ornrs he baptised on the hist night of bis padtoratn two little ones one of them lu now mlntrmm in a north wiiut panwnnun uu imlp moet to u won f one of thn oldest acton fumllieu the uthnr in un intolhgnnt furm f imjitnd tmur icvi rton and so tlnm moves on l for farm drainaqe the ilrnlnage of farm lurid iihnulif rc ive itirmam d ultiiitlon muny farms und evnn whulv dlntrlct um not um fertlte und prxxluctlvo us thoj would bo if drulnod a tlmlnoko wys tem i esncntiul lp this humid tarn peratu sone uf heavy mlnfulls vor nnrv ib t oui g ioy4 natural drainage tlvn lund is rolling or hilly the surfuco formation morv or loss prous and water after thn heaviest rains of unmn disappears within 24 hours from flic surfaco of the so i j there ur many farms that huve fairly good nuturul drulnagr but sulllclent to remove tho water quickly after heavy ruins and spring freshets theku can usually be gruatly impmv ed by a system of surface drains in cluding the plowing of fields in lain so that each dfmrurrow may ui t drain with a d runto outlet heavy sails and lands that llo si thut the natural drulnago cannot le easily determltwd usually require i dor drainage a uolt m frequently cotd und wet of account of an impervlai subsoil other soils are of very little agricultural valuo hecuusa of seepage the tlln draining or such us tho is a valuable xrmupetlt 1 ml rove ment to the furm h will enubln th farmer to seed his drop earlier und to grow healthier and much larger crops it will be better thun insur ance against drought aid spring frost it will increase profits und suvn valu able fertilising ingrodlents from being washed from the surface of the noil for any drainage work u sketch map hi essential on u vhouid be placed the data obtained from a sur vey of tho surface of tho farmtnn tours mnrkett and drulns located thei it serves as a prvtnunent recont and will save time and labor in futuro drulnage work a number of iwr- manant landmurk should lm located and measurements marked on tho mai from those to the undenlralns in laying out systems of tile it lu important to keep ho slope or full us uniform ud imsslhlu it should not be less than 3 inches per 100 fuel und where chatibed suddenly a silt basin should be built three inch tile is the smallest prnfltableslxv and us the volume of gat he rod water in creases so the tllo should bo increased until the main drain for a twenty- acre field having a fall of 6 inches per hundred feet should be laid with alx inch tile the distance between the tile drains is governed largely by the depth at which they ura laid muob tile has been laid from 214 to s feet bo low the surface the present tendency is to lay tile shallower at these depths or field crops it is usual ly sufficient to- plane drains 100 feet apvrt then should h be found noces- aury others ran be laid between mak ing them co fset uiiart thn efficiency of uil drjns dapamlw largely upon u sutlsfuatory outlet it must be largo unqugh tor the purjiose und tow end ugh to drain the tile dry when thuy ura flowing j a clark buimriniendoitt dominion experiment nl 1 arm charlotte town 1 1- i a8harp lad an eager looking urchin approached a man who was hurrying toward the rallwuy station carry your grip sir be asked no snooped the muu i ii carry it all the way for a quar ter said fhe boy i teil you i dont want it csrrlod doo t jrnu r no i don l aa lfust the lad broke into a quick trot id keep up with his victims hasty s aadu acaao mnocwntttrrjs oally asked them what or you carrying it fort way prlvllogns ut one umo in fun i on one or mora occasions 1 t ii passenger trains stopihid here to uu commodate rowde from aolun attend ing temperance functions in tbo tent iwrunce hall hopi nearly sll trains sopiied in the early days to take wutvi kt the crewsous corners water ta uy rirst personal knowledge of the chimera church was in the ministry uf ltev won dryers of acton ijq was u good preacher und had a remark able ready irish wit at my vary nrst entrunoe u large dog wus elng expelled as mr ii had said h 1u ndt bellevo in preaching to togi when be first oamj to lite upihilnt- ment be waw grsalky surprlasd tu flmd u fellow vlllagef fnnn hlti native county of armagh ireland i it the congregation mrs wm bmlth mother of w d smith nowof toronto sbe used to recall with great enthusiasm bar impatient waiting tor tu first subday after learning that the now pruaohar name xvas b mwt liar childhood aoqualntaucu of many many years bono by mr oems of thought f u inuh ui costs our und tulkw you ever so dully or frivolously it lx worss than rudeness it is brutality t ahqw him by u mutdfest imltteution what ho says that you think hi in a rottl or u blockhead und not wort i hearlna chostorfleld late planting ok garden veqetable6 v i i n 111111111 uf our ra ihl i r- pilrlnu i i nil mnlivfli mil it hc on for di vliiiumiit ufn ntli i uml iiml mill oix i ilurliu tho uoioxiji ih tho iv log kin it 1 1 biirdm i si nl nto in n hwi thut u mim mlon of tlmai muu lx h tji i iiihi1 uml imtldil i iilthiiush on inily vim tiilim nmy it in a initimiii j- j in ml l tin hitrr in hill lug riw tin y un nnnrllili u uiiriiiiti i if iivllii1 lu iriff ihi tntlio muhii hplnixl l iih utrt tihli dlilllik a uk hi ftn himlifr ua in jinx rlup frmti i tut will fhukc jiiit good hhln i lo iiutumu uu in tin irly mimiim r pmu luuis uro u f voi it i lii it ut liny tlnh of tin yoir nut luji kuril n ik i tu and nnrroth ulwujn miii lo cijiii in l the i hjhl tlui iiv up- it urrlllgimi hi mini i hulco if th ha- lit vuibliom muii vtgitublm nmy im rnult to follow u ollur tliuh miiklnu the ward t mot ii lluctlvo uml ntlmlltutillb th mktlllt n ui h imu tuhbut nut i hi truiift lilulitrll llll the vikuiit mpums it tj bl nury pc tu splnui will follow rud dlnh or littuir und ihiik will uulriti fully fnllnw y of tho tnrlust vogo tuhles on hi vljomlnlnn kpii immlal 4tu hon ut ijiiii xh it him hi n found hut th m hi hatisfarti ry vsrfntliu fur lute plnntlntc anil tho titloat dgtcn ut wtilli tiny may t in rositfully itututui tiro- im fnllowh hpludtli vlcloriu auburtt c ttuddliih rviu it iff ukfusl aiiguik t ittute lruml iiplilii july lfi lard n k at trolt unfu it 1 july it uanli n currol chanletuy july u loa thus uixton july 6 cubbuki copt nhugnu urkt juno 20 caullflowir lurly knowlwll juno 20 in all hi tit howlngs tho mod requliiui ii dnvptir ovurinb than if miwrt lu the spring during thn mummor months the mirfaco of thn soil jm often qiilto hot und usually too dry o p rmll of k rminufcjoii bciki phi n ted uhullow will therefon k rmlrmln prly and uny omiiii thut inuy i l started will usually llu iluriiio th rlrnt dry hpell nq u rtmiilt of tin young nmts not bilnif iibe to ruch moiulur ai rlliirly th ilnpth ut which th stud should ik ilm is kvttnad by tho dupth ut which mo bit soil muy ixi found this will usually bo from win to two incli x for furthor juformutlon on this muii- jmt write to your near bx rlmontal or hlhtlon v h urnwtie a plihrrif rliipiln itdont bserlmental blamjin u llflnvlllo uu the good fellow keorly ovry mun has umnng tils tieighlmrs one who lu conspli tiously thn gootl follow the ufa of th purty the gonlai joktr onit who is good humoretl getmroum quickwitted jiighhplrlt d opular with men und vmun ullkc hurely tho gooi fellow is m umlublo character always having a good tlmn und always helping other people to huvu u good tlm umj sun ly thn phuisant thlnm ofhifo come more readily to ihn thun to ftlhers dqfljl not his persoimfy t hurm gwlii for him oliontm or cuhtomers and contribute hsmlsqnrly to bis worldly mtictmis in llfnt well dooii it7 wvuro unconvinced other things being nual w probably prefer our doctor or our lawyer or our broki r our cocar or our market man or our plumlmir to im u good fellow in the sense in which tho expression is commonly uhi hut nflon the other things ureu t uiual and in i ultivutlnb thn qualities of tho good fallow our plbhbor iium alighted tint demands for thorough noss study und hunt work thut i ompetenro in uny business or profession make coed fetlqwholp that in so enviublo u trait in a frland subjects u tnun to strains uion bis charucter that the less grogsrlous mun lu nut likely to undergo tho good follow who wllh- stunds them sucteasfully is likely to be u bettir mull titan uno who is nv r put o stirli a tent but often thn test is too severe und tho kood fellow of the neighborhood bvoumiw the rorn less father und the llidlrfiirent hutf bund uunerosity abroad und selflsb lions ut homo sometlmru churuoterlm lb initn who souius lo um inwtilil ucquulnttincu one of tho bcht rllowk in tho world viola dana sliiw ijiiiiu in ioim- non haturduy ut tho woiidiuhm 1 prnutr in her luiuut metro plutuio thuy i iko fm hmifh with h bun lo with a girl who paid u mun to iimrry tier without icullxliiif he i nji hi lplt upon being htr husband thn story and scctuulo ure ilex 1ulr null phliiee u tliiiry liujlinoiu profttfllon for metro ih tuns orporiitlon whv the salmon is pink mi ii of mil in wtr lonif puxzld to know why tho vurlouit sulmops and lioiits huvv i pink tlfnh now th y imjiiuvo thut ihu oolur mmu from thu food thut tiny ml all of the siilmun family uro parllculurly fond of shnlirtmh smil irotit eugerly feed un frosh watar shrimp it lu well known thut whin lobslrfu prowns und shrimp urn rooked h iifnii turus pink similarly tho proenwu uf digestion turns shilltlnh pink when a shrimp is fouiul in th mtnmui 1 of u salmon or a trout tho uuiiirlo juice of the fish have lurnod it almost us rwl or pulk uu if it hud hi on loltod thoro- fpr v ii if tvv luiil no definite proof wo might lw llevo vhut tho color of the tlh or uulinoli und trout results from tho co m lilum tilt iiimntltlut of various smell ehclllsh thut thn fluhis eat hut thwn is dnttlilln proof heveral y rs ugo irofcssor logir uf the 1ls- i- leu rural luliorutnry ut orenoblo runt mu dn nxporlmeiilk with trout to ditnrmlno whut gave their flesh its oiiir ii s liarutol the oggs from one rout into two lots and hutqhed them ilirrruiit troughn ho fod one lot luh oxculnlvlly on frenh of ynupg wnii r stir mim to th orhrr luf hn iml whun vor at thu end nf tho aucond yuaj tho uiut thut bad fod on mhrlnlps hud hulmon colored nsti but tjlo lb sit of tio other troyi wum perfectly whit hut omo oik may uuk why im tho flesh of uholllluh rd or pink that is ahurdor uucmiloiy to unnwr ler- huvw tho color oomes from the food the nholliuh oat sot long ago chunlstu of the dq purttnaiit of agricultum ut washing ton i xumltii 1 onw pink oysters that hud ixifln found in inik inland bound and dixiutred tlial limy woro delicious tho chi mists huukcm thut iiosslhly ihn bright bu of tin tluh wus causo1 by food thut cotltulnrd wihlyeast burllli und bthur similar inico orguli- well what else can a switch engine dot a suffinr who hvos close to u rull- wuy yurd says tho luiston ololw wrotii this tuttir of ompluliit to tho compuny ounthiniu why im it that your hwltch cngiiiti bus to ding und doug und ilxx und mli miki umiif und bang und blwm mill bull mu wall and punt and runl und howl im i yowl und gruto und grind unil puff und bump und lick und clunk and chug uiid moan and hoot uml tootuud i rmi und grunt bud gasp und groan und wbutlo and wliiii und squawk iuid blow und jar und jork uilul hutu und jingle and twuiiy uml lack und rumble und jungle uml ring und c jttur und yelp narl und puff und growl un 1 thump und boom iish uml joli und jostle- un i shuko und ro h iimf unort und simrl und slam und thrtb utul nink und uly gnd yarns ofvestehday on one occasion hh lltrtiii ii i bouitta was induced to pluy u uketch at a wnl known iniloti itiisiln hill und went thrro om iiftoi noon to n bourse aompanld b iud lim ah bo wundnrod ubout tht unfum lllur utugu faelliib vory bop d upd h h lug like u flli out wu t u i mph of tjtiockuliout lomnihius wh huil just finished tlulr turn iiiioichl him well met mir lrh exidalini 1 th trnt one slupi lug hlni hiurtlly in ih 1uck t 11 uil to wrlilnii you ro oh deltithudf in u ring iw i tr t vaguely this is my mut arry utlm d the other i loasod lo mint you dilurd till the second comodlun dellvri line uu oquully vigorous ulup to treos ehoul dor wehomo to thn ulu i l rouiius showing with you7 with a magnificent guttun tn slguullod ii his wlf muu i h snld allow mo to lutrodui o my now friends lady trim tho two hmusksl another good story told by mr htk natd auleroii in tho nlni t oil i inn dreds concerns hlr cluirles wynl hum wlien hlr chures wait uiin pluyliik in david carrie k ho used to go to thn qarrlck club in th uflartioonvand tukn hbi scat immediately underneath u jnr trult of tbo origin david garrlck thut hung in thesmokrtigroum ono day a member uniang hbii lu his customary chair lured hard ut the canvas above his houd upon my word ho uuld its roully extraordinary i think yoit grow mor like oarrick nvory afternoon vnry good of you to suy ho rotum hi wypdham hugely pleased tea was the roply uml i own llko htm every evening i ere la a characteristic anecdote about andrew carnegie the dour old scotsman onto r liv ed a latter stating that an old school fellow of his had fallen on evil duyh that although about sixty years had passed since they wri boys togetltdr it was possible that he still romom bered him and that doubtless ho would be glad to subscribe to a fund that was being raised for his bennflt and so on and so on in tho upproved stylo of such cplstlos but carnegie warn t having uny i remember yon fellow you mention he wrote back i ken him ann wo were at school together i dotastrd him then and i detent him now und i won t give him a bawbee i f i m i i i i i i i i 1 1 i i i 1 1 f i jlssssee4saseeeeeee 91 11 dunlop the worlds most envied tire record mileage faultlessaniiskid santiskm j im cream cream l cobrect wbigflts accurate tests payment on delivery wc need more cream to supply tho demand for our clover den brand acton creamery butter give us a trial acton creamery co t j oneil proprietor we are sijll buying eckb open tuesday fripav and saturday evenings quality our motto phone s3 g umhlp und im uitukkt night und i ulghf hid uttle und yull litth wiui all its iko bodlumyil th ifordsoi t 395 fticc is fob dearborn mich nuidl of si is hard labor and i luccess them is but and th who will tint pay that prion for dis tinction hud bettor nt out a dudlcufo hlmaelf to til ptllsulf uf the fuxv bydney hmlth lluppy art the faliiluus when the government of aranth lu thn lulgn aftim linn und ubedlnnuw of the child tho suhmlsslon of lovu ltuligloum excjtemmt is tu tlm ssady lufluunuu of christian prlnrlnlo us is lhu flush of feviito thu uniform glow of hlth murruy l t umi uro uu iopstltutld thut wvory ono uild takes what ho tiutat unothot iitortriful in whttthir he bus uptlt foi it or tip ooethe bishop has bio problem tuny good storli uro told alout the rvudy wit and rruedntu svum oun ventbulty of the ulshop of indon hure 111 one of the tst at a dinner party rocoutly the lady whom hn took in was bvuuly under tho impression that she was obliged to koup the uomverwulluu at a high level with grout gravity she began 1 j my lurd bo doubt you huvu ttiuny lous question to doul with in our oirti lul capuolty now whlit is the most dirtloult probhni tirut bus con- fronlid yog since you took offiror at ihuf preeitm moment tbs bishops sfirvtte waa sllpphig utf his knot keeping u servloltn pron ty of boispasw uh ol tractor i wor f f ssssassal busiburrrdbion hkw and you vwh get your crops in on time regardless of the late ness of tho season i h a coxe 1 acton ony- he renlled with eauul bolemnl- worms tuuio peltulnea nd the lufaut uf alaaurib great nrurtfttior mother oruvus yorm kxtnrminator wul ulvar um ktomaiih and in too tines dryers at later period retired from restore hoaltbfulboss fertilizers for fall wheat a chance to inspect this fjooda we produce v free of chakge scottish fertilisers umlud uf wt i lund ft i otiiin lul outsi l furmi rw lu us htuttuh hi oul 310 j for tbolt full vjuul thu sousoti huuruntuud um follows 2 water soluble nitrogen 10 available phoaphohc acid 2 watr soluble putuhh lhe goons in uuulity und ondltioii uro uhiolutly thu itiiust munufuturwi in addition they urn shlppod in u lit tlui imrf uml lit lellintf you thfsn things wo liuvtt uitont thouhwndii nf dolhns in tliwn lisp r ml vtirtls ills a nw idiui howovui h im iiuummi tu iih and wi huvu runovil lo tiut down nur okpouiutur in liuwiipip i udvi rtlslng upd uppfvprlute llvo liundrcu dolluts of tho mom y int mlm un his puriioso in giving in humliod ontario furmru un uppi rtunlty uf suultitf for thumselvus tho uuulity of thu goods wi ui iiulliuf out k hence the following offer wo want ujents in all dlstru is whwa w uro iit uli uily ktpi- sauted 11m ideal man ror us is w- fanner owning atil uikemtlug mm humtred uures of land und upwuru and whd liitiuds lo put in ut luust tun utiles or fall vyhliut this scuson and frrtllun muiue ku must be danclally respotisihlo and have thu goodwill of hj iiolghluirs xt you msasuru up- to our utundurd us uimivs wedm pniilired to solid yoii ouu bag of our goods without hurg und pn pay freight to your hournsf station lu thlswuy you mid youi lielghpurs will sto thu iuullty of the goods we inanuftictliw usd sutlufy youisidvi trnjuit thu olulmu we put forward uro lust rim oui priuts also will oompura fa volubly wltfi anything obtainable alsevvhyri now ptuuu iiiulerutaud that absolutely no obllguuon rusts un you in uonilug id us wo know ttutt in using our goods you will gt yout inouey buuk in un huruusud rop with good pronf wi muhn inuiivy by hotplpg you to uitiku inunuy ines howsvi r ton uro sutlntlxl flrr tctlng oui uoodu but tuklug up uu ugeiuy fur uu will bo worth y ur while and lienaitl your torn tuiiiit ihsl lif un end of the matut it my ittrfn ajy think ink uboutlfsll wtieat but it talos tlnu to arauiige thut injattis und it may boipocessary for our acnraltjuunmaii to mj you rberefure dont dblay write at once scotvish fertilizers lim1teu department veixano otaiuo a girls face is her fortune was and ovius ods hotmwg mhs git4 mthtns grm color ff palmohv soap because il i the creates t of all womanly charms a slio which is fresh smooth and almnnff with the radiance of health prcducta a happy future dont lie content to have a lifeless sallow and blemished complexion begin at onto to remedy tlicac defects ivery girl can havr a beautiful attractive km if she will only learn to give it proper care thorough cleansing with a fine mild-aoap- once a day id the secret cold cream ibene- fictal when applied lu 3 clean skin andvroaan and powder are harmless beau tifiers- but start fresh every day on a clcap foundation keep your skin active and it will be clear fresh youthjul and attractive soap to be thorough need not be harsh the mildest tpdet soap 19 the most thoroaii of cleansers as you will know after youjtry iaimoiive t nlts mildness and thoroughness are dne to the same source the scientific blending of 1alm and olive oils the natural cleansers discovered thousands alvarpgty in ancient lgypt and made use otny cleopatra ialmolivc freshens livens and stimulates the skin leaving it delightfully fresh and rosy vou can buy palmolive soap at all first- class dealers volume ondeffciency pvojmco zoeni quality for 10 uatuhmcamoda hows business advertising backed up by the right spirit the right goodfeand the right service can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous business more masterful in iu itfwn community when john wanamaker the prince of merchants began business he resolved to force matters he was not content to wjottoiclouiidauthe determin- ed to be found oul in short he ad vertised he threw on his business small as it was the light of publicity and the public of philadelphia entered the shop u on which lite light shone in this community the public is entering thoseshops on whiuh the light of advertis ing is falling a wbrd to the public lie hum of thla those who are twin ouf roluninh weetm after week do hot give you poorer tfoodif or hervtce or have higher prices shops which are ulumliwj by lulvrrtinliui cmirt with full con- hdence your favor 3hop where you are invited to shop issuail by canadian wsakly nawspapors aiocutlon hsad 0hi toronto canada 2s

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