Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1923, p. 5

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pranftffl tiiuh8day may 31 103 sprinq has came i he uwnwl u fancy timrlntf iur t rhl tn it wuii hcavi n lit ran uitimj aonin i rnkn luuu illll 14 07 ho lhk hi mo friends tit uif u tlit twn rood t 1 ulive tho rtirburotor threw u nt hill 4sh6 4 ho nturttmqn ix ii l tin lour the fine hurt f fin ite jj top md tx iulcl utlll trlppd bin rttftrn kill sd0m hn took hlu wlf lowiiimvi tu phop to mvn rurfuie win kruut he jamniid inl i m lumppout illll 1211 hn wm i uim ot ull lint ho hud anl tin n lu hikuikii cried i ii nut n tiiijitijutc oil tho jihuhh and luk junt aic inuro ride the sunday school lesson for sunday june 3 23 twenty years ago ftcm th lxu of ths free pr of thurdy jun 11 1003 june it k tire in ljktm mr ullllutii white lto of medlolne hut n w t has loombd mrs krcor1 i ourner morn for a term of year urn will ahartly open u tuirtlumro humnes there the luwn anil titirno of ex wurden hnvllt on aftnee street hope hill presented a guy tippearunco on tue day ovorjln with a profusion of cblnean lontcirna fins und bunions t wua thn tjccosltin of th first kolf tn at tho mutton and the forty mmbn und their friends who w ri present enjoyed themselves tu the full mm drown and master arthur ur rived from london h nlund last week and were me by uov mr ltrown in toronto reaching afon on -jwodnes- dey evenfn thn member of st alhan conjrreintlon have si von mr brown u vary cqrdlut wotcome hov mr brown and fumlly expect to take up their realdonco in the rectory on willow street thu week mr sunderland taylor preached a very impressive and helpful sermon in the mathodun church latjlunday mprnlnr in the absence of the pastor at conference shsbteen member of acton woman institute drove to milton on wed nesday to attend the annual me oft co property in acton hi chanins hand these daya at good price mr t ej 3c secord eoid uat thursday jjla residence on bower avenue to mr wm white for 11800 mra monte i th ha sold her brick noose on main and river streets to mr james reed late of mimosa for 11500 mra orr ha aold her houae vn main street to mr i smith for 1600 married gibbons -tyrhil- la st mary church winnipeg on thuraday jme w3 by hv father mc carthy 8 j- thotnaa e gibbons son of peter gibbon jssquealns to mis angela tyrcll of acton died meaetthur in kaqueslna on satur day june 8 1009 gilbert moarthur axed el yeara ramshaw at her residence bower avenue acton on sunday june 8 iioj sarah boston widow of the late wilson hamehaw aged ts years jpuiimiaii the imlol lilut ol ointaorjrt 3c c 14 if id loldnn tox wttlnll ye hlutl i tuhi in thn fulth quit you like mnn ite ntronir cor ib 1j the text explained c the ilechahl teetim lt ohubltnu wero vunderlns tribe of knnlte dnh cent nnd thus reld lumo jud 1 16 they woro noduutlo in their hublt of life und niild tor tbnlr rrfunnl io drink wine t jonadub jnnmluli uhhihiou juhu i klnrs 10 j5 3 in lit t vrthi thn wormhlp r ilual i or two oi hundred year the itrrhnblteh ware fulth tul to iila com round ul to drink wine thjjlr rut nin of life rnwtnblcd tlmthi of the kuxlnto nuni fl ror to uull hiiueim thla und imllur tllnctlwiih rcmultod jn the hrchobllrji luiidlnu u wunderlns life thoy lwt in movwbln tonln well uu nd tu thilr ooinullr lyiblu it wu llni uurimnit t oniukil that thoy klioiil 1 oinlnu uh fitutltrt or ehep li rd uml not bocumo tllli rt of th noil or ilwl ii ui i ul 11 ui w dwill ml jerumalem the roution that in thin inntanoe they chuiufit thalr habit of hfo was he in vualim of not uliudnexxur who came into the luml they therefore tobk refuge in jeruaal 2 then cum the word jeremiah dlrnrtul to nj ty the leapon the ituchttwwnmuirht it 1 likely oiut i uibtrvnsod them in the ndjucant lourt of thn 1 emfl ik hhnir nor want u mun jehovah not only uftprovoe the law of the koclmbltu and require them to be observed hy leruul but ulsojrlvne ji lub eaueoiul commendutlon leaaon themes the voice of tho prophet in the time of jeremiah the weoplnjr pro phot judjth wom paahlnir thro us h i period marked by extraordinary polltl cnl and ooclul chuniroe through his utterances we are able to see much more of the current even to and oondl- tlpns nf jerusalem than throuxb thoae 6t anysihei prophet jeremiah was a prleat but was called tu the higher oolce of prophecy he was faithful and fearless and yet a tender hearted man the newly discovered bo of attr active in blossom time railway timft tables at acton qrmnd trunk railway sytum ooinr wsat 39 bilajm 31 io3sam 3s 3 39 p tn a n 0 09 pjn- atu tla prt 3g hunday 10a thot4iwmantfa protdhnd impression upon him as la evidenced by the many reference to it and quotations on making allowances moat people make allowance for themselves much more readily lhan for others it is not that- they are x oonacloualy elfuiisubjent or inten tionally harsh or uncharitable but in matter affecting- themselves they are in poaaesalon of the fact and in mat ters affecting other they ore not when they are making alldwmnoea for themselves it la because they defin itely recognise aome reavna or mu fortune ot- unhappy circumstance lltat s to- thetn to warrant indulgence their adoption of a more severe or critical attitude towards others whose conduct on some occasion has fallen shore of the stahaard expected 1 ow ing as roticlt to lack of imagination aa to an exalted sense of justice when they themselves are brusque or unresponsive or irritable the know that it is because worry over nine in the family or their boys poor stand- ins at school or a bad turn in hualne or an unexpectedly large bill has made hem so bu they do not attribute the brusquejiesa unroaponal venae or irritability of another to a corre ponding- cause they take it aa a per sonal affront and resent it and perhaps grlvw the offender a bad name when they talk about him ma is a nob or a sour and grouchy character or at the least he ha no manners for men in public life the ordinary ctttsen 1 likely not to make alow- anooa especially when they are of the opposite political party to his own he is on the watch for compromises with conscience for votes and act inconsistent with the high principle vroclawed ha- judge harshly often on inadequate evidence kvm lapses tram perfect strength tralghtfor- werdne and courage n the leaders of his own party be does not condqne h finds n unacknowledged pleasure in the shortcoming of the eminent but although he freely and vigorously condemns public men fpr yielding to pressure h ptn eycuae hlmaslf for the weakness thorite hu shown under pressure and the excuse epi tu him good t least good enough cen sure no leas than charity should bu- gin at homq there is no polsopou ingredient in hoioway com itemovtr and it can be used without danger or injury laziness personified t the pilot of the cargo boat on which mr william l hall voyaged for two weeks down one of the principal river of chmawa not only a hard smoker but the very personification of u sines on all occasions say mr hall in aslu he preferrod giving order tu taking them and indeed oonsldered hlmoelf to be so cempletely tho lord of all hq surveyed thai one day during the de cent of a furious rapid he abandoned the control of the bout and turned his attention to his bowl of teahilnghut food which had just boen brought aft of coin th boat grounded im mediately but the pilot ropllel to ull remonstrance that he liked hi food hot and would huve it ko if the boat oho to get into trouble just ut the time when he was- tuklng food tlmt was not hi affair anywuy the coolie tracker were paid to wado into the water and push the boat u on another occasion foreseeing rti aater th pllqt shouted ihnt we wore going io strike a rock he was light ttia man who stands on the front end of th poa polo in hand to preyent its trlfcltig ooks might easily have turned th boat ttwuy hut he only elood there looking he almost rl overboard when westruvk regaining hi balance he calmly announced that we had struck the ruck just a he had predicted what la the use of stopping th boat befoi it runs on u rock or a sand barth the pllnt asked tho captain after a slmlluf dlsasur at another place 1 1 auy wait until hlopplng la uleurly liuljoaled to do dtlterwlso js a waste of streruib w might not shrike bottom after alt then all the hard labor would have been needless i covenant that hound the nation to god must have fixed itself deeply in hs soul now when the word of jehqvab come to him ho give it forth to the people with implicit obedience patriot as he was it roust have been a sore burden to him to tell his people that clod woe about to make the holy city a curse to all the nations of the earth because of the alps of the people yet thja was his duty and he shrank not from it dts tresslng and perilous a it was tho ratrlot peril a patriot is al way for his native land yet ome times he cannot approve of what either it rulers or its people are doing warnings muy be more needed than- cdmpllments and denunciation more than praise herein is the peril of the patriot much aa he owe his country he owes more to god it is good to be popular but it 1 better to be righteous it is not always italrlajlc to sound the praises of our people the true patriot never offers commendation where blame is called for many a thought- lea man boasts that he always vote for his town then there are others who enjoy declaring that they are si way with their pollj leal jugrty and never acatch a ticket it is surprising to find how many people confuse con fonnlty either in politics or religion with righteous ness it is well to con form to that which la good while toj conform to that which is evil is always wrong no matter how great che mul titude on the wrong side we can well understand the feelings of the people who heard jeremiah s direful words we can also understand jere miah courage and faith as he dared to stand against his people in d that- he might stand with hlgodx i the gift of duty the impost nm character of jeremiah task- is due ifl tb0 roagnjflcent circumstance of the whole history the same essential jupan haa o dintinthy put herself on thn mnp that tbw well ravelled pedson in n6w compelled lo out tho jind of the riiou hun lnu hl llfuti ltlneary improved trade rolutlonit and growing interest in think be longing to the other ldu of the globe make u o lower uludy of the rountrlon there of prime importance transportation trans continental and trans pacific has became so high ty dove loped that it in am easy to kit to japan as to italy ninety two bourn from montreal to vuncouvor trans ran ad a aad t f pmop ntront hawkers wndjene num hum of brilliant kimono olud thlldroi und utrlm ilruwn by men and in imin adding to tbt natural huuuty jutuii lu thu cultivation japanvse ui the hut ukrlcultprlntn und gurdanttu in tho world tome have boon writ t ti ulxiut mount fuji and tin moun t ilnx litki m and ntrttum of thn country uiko rhuxanji in the ljiko umuo of japan iqid mount lujl hn ilount itulnlor ulthough not so high the oherry bit nsomh nro not an wmuli rful a thou of thln rountry if ini paclflo a trifle more than nine days put the traveller into ynknhomu the chief part of the 1dtnd of nippon lght are unusuai jin rlckashn joatle one unothor jn their competition to get tho few cents charge for running the traveller in und out among the narrow streets amid crowds of strangely garbed people curlou neiiil u uui ullnf piird in nova rent la s cvutigollno jlind und annapolis vwjioy thoae who to conlemplutlng ai early summer hotlduy rplght wll select kvangullne n lund nova brotin for n trip i or mllbs and miles along thn dominion atlantlo rjtllway tho land la uo musm of apple tiloimonm c hurry blosaonis too dot tho ncecm muklng i nlht that la wonderful and refresh int tlo bulk of the nova sootla ipl l cup i h to great lirltaln but ti tt uuuiititluu of hritleh columbia it pj bit urn cjtortnj to tint orient i ho lurry trtuti in jatun ure raised fin their noworu and not for their fruit a i nlrungely enough they bear in fruit although thn voyage from vancouver 1 1 vokoliumu in longer than the four ituv ut uoa from the rastern sea boiwl vlw tho bt lawreno river jjytlr in hl a ii going wt dally except sunday tauy except sunday wdaqy except flundaj hunday only sunday only sunday only qofno eaet daily except sunday dally except sunday dally ixc pt sunday sunday only huiidny only sunday onh freight dellverodv hy special express i freight freight picked up at an ad- dress in toronto tiietpoud agent acton 42000 homes made happy pmtrfah fteamnra largeat and fastest i ii tho i a i lie are so thoroughly com- ftrtithlo that tho time slips away ciul kl all of these mteumers at e so f uij pi d that moat all of the atnuse- nu lit i to ix hud on land are uuo to bo f und ori board april murk tho begfnnlng of the i i ut kuiuton in jupun und even further d xvu thu chinesti eoasf to manila quality of hi work may pertain to our humble lives the same gift of duty is ready for every christian for duty always has its precious gift a well as its stern obligation no mat ter how small the task if the doer will is completely devoted to the aim of pleasing the master then the 1m- jiediate reward la given the gift of uty is peace when we are told of fluty categorical imperative we ought in the same moment to think ot perfect peace nothing alee in all world will give this sense of utter tranquility but he who day by day lives a life dedicatee to the highest ideals is sure to possess this inever- fatllng serenity of soul kor him no danger will appall no burden will seam too great no sorrow will be inconsolable for he has heaven choicest treasure the peace that passeth understanding for study and duoueslon where and when did jsremlah live nd labor t why was he reluctant to become a prophet t with what as aufance did he overcome jla refur lanetjt how did his life become iso lated from that of his people t wjut was jersmlah greatest contribution to religious thoughtt how did hi propheclv differ from those of- isaiah is it poaalble to bring about needed re forms by general denunciation t whstj elements of utrength wtsnd out in jeremiah character was he a hjurlott wus he so considered by hie fellow countrymen how far and under i what circumstances should a person oppose the polloy of his gov ernment tn time of nutloal crulst in times of peace t dally racing nxt week monday june 4 nohumlsh i ruyci neh k s 11 tuesday june 6 nehvmlnh he fore the king cneh 3 l 8 wednesday june 6 a mun who vm not afraid iwti 4 6 16 thursday june 7 nhitmuh re buking extortioners keh 6 t la friday june t nohsmiuh the com forter neh b v ii bat unta y june a rnehemlah the kefortnsr nh i3l 10 id sunday june 10 god our itofuga und strength isulm 46 1 7 tame in spots 1111 had juat purchased u inula but he did nut like his bargwn so he wended his way buck to thu horee dealer you ssld 4he mulo was quite tuniv t said to the dealer and he la tame ian t he replied the dealer in an aggrieved tons nut altogether only partially ho the dhhonsalnt hill replied ho i tanie in front t dure swy but he 1 desperately wild behind i always ready snd rl labia prao tlcally all pains arising from inflam mat ion can be removed with dr thomas ketectiia oil i simply rub ii on the sore spot and it is qulakly ab sorbed by the akin its healing pnwsr is oonvryed to tfte inrsraed tssue whlphlw julokly 4potiieil fbls hn old remedy also a vaefilfto for all man nor of cuts srratuies bruises and lpraloa keep a botus bandy always a hint to swimmers cramp is molly un jrwoluntary a pus mod i c rontractlon qf n muacln or group of mandles it is induced try irritation of tlio nerve endings which may be due to aeveral rniees ovor fatigue exoroleo in an unusual posl tlon a suddenly low tnmoralurc may each play its part a low temperature often uccounis for thocramp w mom time experience on getting into jmki between cold hoefs in the case of awlmtnur purtlcuuir care should of course bo tukun not to enter the water too soon aftjr moal as the digestion being uuddanly interrupted may bring on a cramp of the stomach muacln whether it is fnlr to say thut swim mtftg so often caubos crump l verj doubtful it la at leaat probable thut half the deajth put down lo wlm mer cramp are really due to foilur of the heart from th mental nhock with which he awlmmer dueovers hi predicament sparc the children from hulfering from worms by using miller m worm powders a moat effnctlvo vermifuge with which tu com but these limldlou foes of the young and holplom it lu an excellent worm dentroyer anil when its qualities becomu known in u bouse hold no other will be used the tnedf cine acts hy itself requiring no pur gatlv to assist it and so thoroughly that nothing more is desired an aid to lorq life when alexander oruhsm sell was a college student his health bruko down from overwork und he crossed the seas to canada to die na he i expreaed it june adduma in her young womanhood wu told by her physician that she could live only six months at once she riw ided that alio would devot those alx month to the i service of humanity and over since j she has been busy doing helpful things one of the beat unauranue of a lojig ufe la congenialwork when you have that and in addition tho power to i forget yourself in service you can rise superior to many thing which people in general would nnd crunli in no asthms rsmfdy liu u lir j d kellogg- aathmu ittmedy lu dls tlnctly different from other go culled remedies were this not so it would t have continued its gieat work of relief until known from ocean in ocean for its wonderful vulutf kellogg a the foremost and wit of all uathms remedies stands- upon u reputation bunded in tho heurt of thousuudm who have known its benefit thrift qone to seed r tlaylnrd wife of u well ti do retired buslnesa man in u nmnll vlllnge sat with her cupublw bunds folded in her lap uealde her lay the weeks mending with u needle purtrudlng from u paitly oomidutu i itiirn on u chair near by reposed he uuylonlavllu hugle unfolded na if it hud bm put hastily ustde hor kind face wtiro uu xpresslon of utter gloom whgt ia the mutt err i hastened to inquire my eye thry bitlnr tn so uml i cant mm to do imtlly unythlng thy feel do they pain your they uclm wvny ultigle mlnuto i uuh aew only u fuw atilohss at u time or read one lucul item and 1 buvu t lu you know it jut ills my imjnlri uhelf foliltd doubh am you aura your glntse nre light when did you mo your ouullat lost oculist x llrvel siiw olitj i 1tj churgv money tnvre wm un ilcun round here nltin yeara uu com- thanksgiving ho wun sulllng out und nathaniel nnd i ijouuht a dosoii ulrs teal reasonable they will lust out our lifetime igveit with uthunlul losing and break i nu of i in wn v got two patr ralrlmwhat we r wvttrtng now do they uiryour eyes they do well enough 1 m i w n t afford to go tn nny muit expensr when we haven i wore out tliueu und got two pairs ahead stuck to thut lo it all detpends a ilftl girt wo told thut polite people did riot tulk about their 1llns nomjwny or outald the ftnqlly so when u vlaito naked her if alic were wl alo utl wojl in the family i have th atotnaah ach but in cumpuuy i am quite will thank you keeping the weeds down it aonmod na ir te parting of tho way had ome the wuya of mother und daughter molly wn if teen up to this sum mir she had nevi r wanted to go uny where qr do anything without motlur now uho lind fled to her- room after u i old porftlnotory kl in plnun of th hug thut wus her uuul good night fled in uruy tcura bocnuao her motln r jmd refund to allow lir u apt nd the night with her chum the mother utoue duwiimtuira wun mot unhuppy hhe renlled that hir ohljd mumt imvo girl friend but mollys choice of u particular friend dlhtressi i her she knew llttl otf th girl or of hor rulitlvo but from lion free und utiy department her use of flung upd hr punfjral convorsntloii tli mother- nrgued that tho intlniucy coul i l ot be tmnmclal h long into the night ahe nut down atulm alone thinking hoping plun- nliitf the next day wus saturday molly belonged to a teiuil club that mot every saturduy afternoon hrlitg the glrlm home to tea deal uggatd the mothvr an molly very frenh and pretfy in wblte duck nuirt and middy blouso tennis raokat and shoes slung over her shoulder wu about to atart thank you mother said molly rather coldly she wus still on her dignity other girls alept about vurl ouply with thoir frlenda why couldn t ihe huwuvor the temptation to extend hoapltullty was not to be resisted therefore the mother watching tlo garden gate lue that afternoon saw with pleasure u group of gtrl very pretty lu their guycolored mweutor preceding hr ilaughter along the gur den path molly on hor lurt was frankly du ughtod und proud when ahj saw bur mether prettily nnd effectively drtaaud and tho urawing room at it bent gily ith flowers ehlnlng with care ihu tu tahlo sqt near the open window by the vnrandah was a plcturo it hvld hot merely dolloato aahdwlchcs tempting cookie iced tea nnd icmonudo but tho very best chlnu und the erfitiroidcred tablecloth ovcrythlo- thut was used jpr the most important compuny anil u rclend or hor inoth orm ulso rtrmmd us for tan lmportaht ooraslou wail pouring tea tho ltlu rhllvul was u it jjui- molty will imvo leu uvi y tiuui lay nnouiui 1 molly n inothei uh tin guest ilopaid wo ahull hiwum i glud tu yu you when thy wcro u ion it molly runhi i iu niothur und htiggud lur in in tlbtrlnit nt of her gown luurn uu uug i tnothur ju iriul tllvlt g my frlun u the i al of ivi ihlnwl so 11m ir w iya wvrti one uguiif tie dui lu wu mv r f r tho chuni lid hot ojtinc buck on uny sutsiueiit hit urduy the alight erfort ri d i p hur own lutiguafee mid depot i opt up to the htanlunllor moll h um win a tlltln ton muoli thus molly ft loudahlps were foim- od little as iu knew it by thu prill ipln if the survival of the rttteltt shi found uiusu girls moat congenial vh innd to flu into hei homo ymim intel ahi uitduriitood und hlease t in i inoiht rs wine ceuaoiahlp make moneys athom1- v moffat electric range in your kitchen means clean pots and no odors msrveloqty ennfred coking bll loofli iiu wor and lower cookuir blua there are rlffvtly aqflkci fuel carryinj woa i and lower cooking l 42000 now in daily use write for free literature to moftats limited weston ontario the illustration shows one of the new jm offat 1023 models a master- niece of range building moffats mcmcwses dont neglect your eyes take jtdvuntug of htlullnl her vices offered by this ltbllxhmont and know for uro your glosses are right expertsnce i good teacher 18031023 we have had twenty years of it and patron are here assured of the best in expert optical service a d savage optometrist a mfg optfofan savage optical building right at the post office guclph t doucia linimcnt s theparmehs friend retives malted baar ror- or infection of tho teat fco thrusfi in horses ft fistula etc stops bleeajngt once kc moves prood flesh ttorenewi and swell- at alf deakes sad dkda 2 lfaaeraatutl onh by d4hi0lab co natankb oa a 8pood of warp hhn i wua a child i went one day ti tho wtuvera house with rag that ni tnothnr had suved for a carpet fim i thoru i lingered u while tn watch uk weaver at lit work j n i shelf ut one aide of the room wed hpooih of colored string which in told m were spool of warp one h ol 1 hpacloliy admired t was u i up rol und thn lut thlngjm ui 1 turned from the door was that u i il utundlng thorn on the shelf a week later when the carpet was 1 inn 1 went back tu tho weavers hoiln t mindful of the pretty spbol of wurp i glanced toward the shelf 1 hu ni ool wus gone when i asked th i wi uver about it he mlled and polntod to the end of jt red cord in th i fringe of the carpet artei i had reached home with the fmrj ut u spread it out on the floor ia ok ut thst deep red thread run i ultig through ui exclaimed mother it 1m just the touch needed to set it off i hhould never- have imagined thut u halo bit of red could make such h differenon i whim told mothor of thu pool of ic 1 wurp ut the weavers und ussured lu i ihut the thmud in the carpet came fitnn thu npoo ahn traced the thread li ti it twltiod 111 und out and auld do you remember thu thought i wus trying ti impress on you uhildren lust sun duv the value pf if ufo depends not i n whut it 1 by itself but on its lllllug its proper place in qod plan riu hi ool of wurp beautiful lo color though it waa would never have inn ntnthl to knytlilruf so long as it utoud on the shelf hut here in ln cliritot what a wonderful difference tt mik a mr lli a will never amount to uny thlng if we live them elfin lily but if wt live otiraelwu tu god who is the l r it wmv r iii the world he will fit uu lute u placw in the unvero and wu miiuii huivo u noble purpose even tlumlih in uvea lire but tout run i tin thimigh the puttur of thn kin t m riddles wliit iwn lutluis liuiili u word iu mink not illtnoultj ii uiy h n u u mhlji llk u floor when ulu y houidd uhj lu u nut llki u riglnumt kucuuho it hus u keinfel cuiohbd in ui it mid du j n hungry mun llku illow h lu u liuvuflci uuo in 1 phuiitt ii uuh i 1m tukm iiim tnpik with lilm uhn la u boy kin i t i hlr ly uiiuii lu lu fond uf u talk whut httwv it un inxtctr ii llro w i ii wua tho shl iu u lu r d vi in n ttu tu algluil tnuuuiite wc make the world 1 uih uf uh im u follow wutkur with it i in cifatlug thu univeru we live lu ltur urn young ptuplq lu adjoin llu- hollui a who tivvoi thwlewn uto llv j t jv in wnri la which beat h raaem uljultc tu tuiik utliur i litsua- our w r i u mtniny beautiful joyful place oi i ilihinui und cliaerlea nno uoourd- lug to ui i it lui ciatlvu impulmi li nit 1 luim houii wr uiltalde if tlu wnld ym live in i not altogether i i y tn liking the ihnnra ure that jolt have criatlod ihe very things to auhwummh the oil far the athlete in tubblntf lwii the athlete will hnd dr thonut- 1 lectrlu oh hi exoellent uroci u ifiulors the muaolssj itnd alnew pliable tukes the aorenaa ay i of them nd lengthens tbt m fm atrulns thut may put uixm liieih it atulid pm- niltivnt fiirmhla purpoae und athlelvs vim tut years huve lieen uslnif it cm testify tu its vulu us a lubricant j ne oneill sons georgetown headquarters for automobile and carriage painting tops ftecovere or your car fitted with door opening cur tains au torrfoiiewticcis respoked carriage repairing of all kinds promptly attended to we carry a good stock of new buggies rubber or steel tires lumber wagons and democrats carnage rubber tires put on s grade of goodyear rubber tire always used our prices are very reasonable we are distributors of studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for georgetown a milton j n oneill son children cry for fletchers castoria fletghctcftfltoria li strictly- a remedy for infants and qilmrcn jooda are bpecially prepared for bablea a babys medicine ia even more essential for 3aby remedies primarily prepared for grownaps jiro not intorchangeablo it was the need of a remedy for the common oilmsnts of infanta and children that brought caatoria before the public- after years of research sad no claim has been made for lrtbat its use for orer 30 years has not proyen what is castoria castorla la a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fevxrlshneas arising therefrom and by regulating the btomhch and bowels aids the assimilation of pood giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort tho mothers frlontl genuine castoria always 4b use forever 30 years tm csktau cdhpany lkw vohh city get your job printing at the free press removal notice after april 2s i will be located at my new ntand on main street in the etore formerly occupied by moffat confectionery prompt attention to repair ij or oil kinds will lo attended to as usual at our new store juat around the cornor from mill street t e gibbons mill street acton ont edwards co mill street bread is a food that has a high degree of digestibility and requires the tnipimum of labor on the part of the hu man body to become avail able for vital purposes edwards co bread is loaf an energyproducing we also have brovn bread all kinds of grocorles deliver ed to all parts wagon on road every day give us a call or phone tt m edwards co yodk sympathy issolicfted by thai ontario division of the red cross on be ball of the people of the town of cochrane tbeae people tkeae bread- wirwera have autierej eveieljr by the ikvagea ol typhoid lever there re near 600 caaea an raergeacy hoapital ia being operated by trie red croaa but it will be montha before some of tbeae people catnearn a bviria again your help ia needed 75000 will be required on behalf of tkeae cjtizena who have buffered much aend your ubacriptiona to the hon orary treaaarer ontario rd crqaa4losherboume street toronto adelaide m plumptre tthiiiii u i imiiia aiirui i l ii j i iljiailimlllltl saljia juiv x j i trijlt ijlaa s i t rta-a-

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