j r s sqr the home op lje artnn 3xtt tyvtse umlr sltd town wsckllo of ontario tiik acton fhee thlss u rmbllalied ayr thuradar tnarinji at tha fic vraaa uglldlptf mill mraat acl6n ontario the anbacrlpllon pflee 1 fjcn per yearj to advance poalaa charged aimluoml to offices in i ho united statca the daiq to which aubacrlprtona axe paid la iodic tad on lb addreaa ubcl advertising ratestrnalanl advarth want i 10 canta per una agala measure for firal insertion and s cent per line tor each luhaa- qucnt laaerllon contract dlapuv advrtlaa- mrata tor in inch or more mr annum 16 cent par inch etch intcrtlon advcrtuemeota with- dut leeclnc direction a will be uwrted oil forbid and charged accordingly 1 h p moore pruott aad editor g a dills manager and aaalataaf editor teltphones- edltorul and buatncaa ooe nw kealdanca of praldt u everyone entitled to welcomed this is in these later days n change from the -old- way of domgiiungs it tiscri tn jjqihojxhcilgc for political party representatives to come to a private compromise regarding the names to be added by the several parties and when the voting day drrived there were all sorts of challenges and trouble nowa days the judge takes complete charge and the spirit of those bringing forward the names has altered 1 hey seemed pt almono to be desirous of seeing that everybody who is entitled to a votq gits one a montc gazette this is also the experience in this county there seems desire on all sides that every mnn and woman entitled to vote should be entered op the lists for the forthcoming election what canada has accottphuhed for industrial research there has just been published a complete reporr of the proceedings at the national conference on scientific and industrial research held at ottawa in february the book constitutes a valuabfb record of what has been accomplished in canada to date in the interests of reasearch since it contains state menls of the wprdone by practically all the organ izations institutions and industries whictrhave tak en up the subject of research and have carried on investigations tho book is also of importance since it presents tho ideas of the leaders 10 research work as to what is necessary to enable canadians to devote more adequate attention to the subject and to provide for it the facilities which its increasing importance demands thursday morning june 7 1923 editorial belter times are at hand what is the truth about the bopm which seems to he so much in evidence in the united states rasks a high financial authority has it come to is um a foundation or will it be hstatyr t3ytttsclibd6tcrettatlfln theresgrwr activity in nearly every line of business factories f running overtime and railways preparing for a record year most people prefer not to call it a boom they say the country has ascended to a higher plane of prosperity this they account for upon the theory that the buyers strike which followed the deflation ot 1020 the agricultural crisis of 1021 and the industrial troubles of 1022 curtail production and restrict credits the demand for increased pro duction the general inflation of prices and all the signs of a great business revival they say follow naturally upon a threeyear period ot depression how some councils do things there is one great advantage in having a town council which doesnt know its own mind when a mistake is made one daymt is just as likely to be corrected thc next in granting chief fyvioa request for additional policemen on thursday after turning fjown thd same request on monday the council is gjinot exhibiting any noteworthy amount of consistency but this may be forgiven in light of the discovery that it can realize when a mistake has been made the old proverb that it is never tqf lato to mend holds just as good now as when it was first pro- ijy pounded and now that the town council has duly thoug better of the amazing decision of monday vh chief fyvie was told in effect that vice con es dttlons could continue to increase for all the majority of the council cared gratification may be freely expressed that the council can change its mind even j- though there are times when it hardly appears that spit has a mind to change sudbury star predicts prosperity for canada a neighborly and very interesting prediction is made and published in the press of tho united states by roger w babson the well known statistician he states that while conditions in the united states may be better on the whale at present than in canada ho predicts that unless we take caro busipess will bo better in canada in 1924 than it will be in the united states continuing he writes the arming condi- 4i0n is better its farmers did well last year and the fruit growing sections had veryprofitable yields a more hopeful feeling is developing however in the prairie and other agricultural regions better prices for farm products are helping the canadians as well as tho farmers in the united states as the canadian farmer was slower in feeling the good effect of this increase in prices of farm products so he will enjoy it longer the election in halton election matters in halton are still very quiet ev neither of the three parties are making much noise over the election as yet but quietly organizing their forces and preparing campaign ammunition to be fired off later as tho polling day approaches a big fc effort will be made to get all available voters on the newi lists- to be prepared under the ontario voters fust act of 1022 no one is able to predict how v tneseadditions to the lists will vote as hundreds if qj not thousands j will exercise their franchise for the ftrat time and in many cases especially among the ypilng men they will vote for the candidate that nukt appeals to them regardless of their politicatlanings jtjlnder the new act it is possible ifnot probable that 20000 votes will be cast in halton where under the old franchise act there used to be around m o000 votes cast in one election under these circum- vitafices there is a big field for tho candidates to work 4lp and ground to cover before election day where t former yjpjti i y one week was allowed between nomina tion day and polling now there will be eleven days on account of the extra number of ballots to be sprinted and distributed throughout the ridings milton reformer boys nat now learning trades an interesting discussion took place at the board of trade meeting recently iji regard to the serious falling off in the number of boysvho are jjow learn ing trades while in years of tho past it was the p general thing for a large proportion of boys to plan for tho future und upon leaving uohool enter as an apprentice to some trade this is now very seldom jj done and in almost every business the number of apprentices is yery very few just what is to be dpne in years to come for experienced mechanics zs is a pblem which is facing the whole country and is as yet unsolved our educational authorities have fe feaiized the difficulty and have made tth endeavor in a small way to do something to overcome it by the c establishment of technical schools in the larger cities to assist boys in making themselves proficient me- fcvchanica but technical schools will nofer solve the problem and take he place of the oldtime apprentice- f ship system they can greatly assist a youth in ac- fc quiring theoretical knowledge in regard to his trade jl nmttbsy alone can never mako real mechanics even iufppigh the course given is aujaclently practical con 3jj dltlons of work are so cleanly and ideal that they te a youth for ordinary work in in ordinary jfe tabiofy and mako him too ambitious for an o ww id w m mcmeilenl fltlntln it w but t does not bovq the problem ov providing ttygpfttt mettoatc for tho futbrerndusttrv a immigration likely to be stimulated it is expected that immigration will be stimulated by tho recent action of the govcrnmentin modifying by- orderincounch the regulations governing the admission of united states citizens since february 15 immigration officers were empowered to admit the latter providing they gave satisfactory proof that that their labor or service was required in capada lost month this regulation was changed to attow officers to admit such persons as could show that they had sufficient means to maintain themselves until employment was secured in practice under the former regulation only those having definite em- plovmcnt to whichto procccdcould entef while what will it com wium tho hrlcet what will it conltf nr quailon wo inynrlabtx dh mwah tiuau tm jnmii- thing ur trloh to intereat ua in omo novel mcheme only tho rorkloa iirw will in to joopurrilxrt tho future by binding thitmaojv t a contrnct be fore tint iwtcnrtutnuiat oil that it in volve itohort hnrvlroln u abort iwm cull- 1 tho llockiinlnir romlnil uh tttul it in nil very well for urn to indulip in u jikhi tlnin if wo uru tropurii to 1ny hid inflfltiihlo bill that mimt iki ull ut the ond of ovory t fcumt it ih ix kindly warning wgnlnai iim folly or indulglnc li tho tlilnu wo rnnnni nftord unil n uungont ro- mlndor thnt ull oxexutaco qtul tfv puld for ut an oxhurbltitnt prldp illllw bill iil wlv inrrt uuliijt in no rlichl to d nuld huvo don 11v uii to you tiinn iiuh iraj while you mu tho loin nldun tnomt ulurmlne v tim thnir you lv thn thlniin yui timyrt all put dowi to liny jfor ovory one hpaj drink and bo morry hav ood tlrno ir vu will hut lud jielp you whon tho tlmu cui tttul you foot tho bill which rvmlnda ua that aho of tho universal luw of life damanda that wo pay for all wo awl men do not act anything for nothlnc in thla world j ii tint wo huv und ull that wit enjoy hu4 ihidh paid for or muik bo paid tor at noma tlmo if wo jtaraun- ally imvn not imld for what wo havu it can b taken for brntol tiutt aomw- ono elao hua paid for ua for i in in im vary naturo ofthlngb that nothing can lo obtained without tho prloo of tt lw- ina colloclod aoonor or later educa tion health wealth uower nucccaa ploaaure dtaalpution indolence in a word all thlnff have their own prlco and cannot bo ownod except by thoao who iay for them from payment t intro la no eacape trun wladom therefore lloa in tho flrat oountlna thn coat not only la thl truorogardln our endeafvora hut uuu of our noallaoncea and anlflah lpduiaoncoa whether wo uol or fall to act wo muat pay juat thn aamo and invariably wo pay morn tor in dularonco tho ahlrkinff of duty and aelltah indulvonoa than for unaolflah nduat conaotjuentiy what will it coat may tint prove am ian a a form by which to kulate our uvea kor if faithfully applied it would not merely nave ua from many follies hut would holp to curb our eelflahneaa und to hpur ua on to wholeaomo action claaamato under tho new regulation any united states citizen with meara 10 support himself may come to canada in search of employment editorial notes nominally the dominion government has not a majority yet when the vote on- the budget was taken last week it had a majority of eight to all appearances it is always safe ona division there is one phase of tho political system that is all wrongand that is in the insistence of putting up a candidate whether one is really needed or not and whether he has the ghost of a chance at election or not guelph herald loutt fall wrltea a correapondont i apent a weekend in the wllda of new ham pah ire at tho camp of a friend tho afternoon wo arrived wan clear and cold but wo found tho camp cony with log area in every room amid tho caretaker cook and man of w work had overlooked no detail that would add to our comfort ho la u turdy bcot andjin tmueual man in aptte of hla many dutlea aa tho only aervant in a larso camp he flndm plenty of time for jtunntnff fin hi rut and olhur aporta he la extremely rond of anl- mala and haa a ffoodalxed menaaorli of pota laat fall there were four hol- glan police doira a bloodhound throb cata norne rabblta a parrot and u baby ruccoon he hnd cutujht the raccoon only u few daya before we arrived at the cum p the little fellow aplt und anap- pod at ua in un unfriendly manner but andte ttialatod that he would auon become ao fond of hla now horqo that wb nhould be able to remove the collar and chain that faatened him necuroly to the kitchen door andlu invited mo to watch the coon hnlah hla aupior and the little animal amuaed mo by lapping milk from a bowl und thoii licking hla neck until ho wua able to allp hla collar off when andlo waa locklna up for thn nbjhl i naked whether ho had left any food for hla pet yea a bowl of milk he replied are you afraid hell allp hla collar uguln and encapot h no ho replied he waa juat in or and beaidea the doom are all locked he cant get out t tho next morning andle waa ioiiimi and dlaappolntod to tlnd the kitchen empty tho bowl of milk ulao wum empty the tame coon had cleverly allppod hla collar und eacap- ed through a imall hole in the floor never come back und andle felt hurt for that waa tho oral wild crea ture that had over foiled to appredatu hla hoapltalltyl mr druryvisit tothe ottawavalicydur7ngtho week had something of the nature of a triumphal progress and there is no doubt that he has knit his party together around here more firmly than ever almonte gazette the addition of thousands of womenvoters to the jists in this county will so materially change tho complexion of the vote in halton that politicians of all stripes will and it absolutely impossible to arrive at the oldtime approximate forecast of the results at the polls andrew hicks late chief whip of tho farmers party in the ontario legislature failed to be re nominated by the united farmers of south huron at the convention held last week w g mcdd of exeter was the choice of the convention there was only one ballot the leading stores in guelph are now closing at 0 oclock on saturday nights and why shouldnt all stores everywhere close at that hour on saturday night thats lato enough in all conscience to keep people at work at the end of the week howgreat a matter a little are kindleth has again been exemplified at a little town in northern ontario a lighted cigarette ws carelessly thrown away in a stable and after the smoke cleared away ft was figured that the loss totalled approximately one hundred and hfty thousand dollars guelph mercury altistbn town council has passed a rcwjlution granting a fourmonths extension of the pool room license in that town and providing for the can cellation of tho license at tho expiration of that time a deputation of citizens waited upon tho council last week thanking them for this action the moral courage they evinced and pledging their support against any effort made to secure a recon sideration of this decision tho doctors of the province evidently regard with disfavor the physicians who issue liquor pre scriptlons in large numbers or n a powell chair man of the advisory committee of ontario medical societylcportsthat about one per cent of physicians practicing in tho province exceed tho government allowance of 60 prescriptions per month it 1s- n umber of physicians who rescript i ops is do- andie8 clever raccoon the pruning of roses in ihocuitur of roaea tho quality of bloom depend not only upon good varlotlea and rich vol but on u cara- ayatem of pruning one may tihooae between a crop of many amall blooma or a amaller number of one flower some varletlem require hand or pruning than other but no roae buah mkould be allowed to daaa the aprlntf without pruning- llrunohea that hkv boon damakod fey the winter weather urn no longer of uae and ahould bo removed tho amall thin branch do not produce bloom und they ahould ulao bi tukon out if left on tho buah they will take up tho nourlahmont that ahould ao to the atom producing roaea llealdea removing the dead wood and urn weak gruwtha tho bmnchea ahould bv ahortepejl it la a very good rule with buahea that are well eatabllahod to take oft all wood that la amaller than a load pencil in young buahaa audi hard pruning la not dealrable when removing limb they ahould be out do to tho main atom that la without leaving ntump btrong growing hy brid 1erpetual require lea pruning than aomo of the other aorta aa if heavily pruned they tend to a morn vlgoroua growth or aappy wood mak ing un even larger hueh than before moderate pruning i therefor bettor for roae of thla claax under tba head of pruning ltul telln no 1 of the department of agriculture at ottawa entitled hardy hove axida ln that roae of th hard i eat group nearly ull bloom on wood of the previous year growth or wood aeveral year old it i recom mended that til addition tp heading back und thinning out it la well to remove aomo of tho older wood wauh year cutting tho hrancho out aitlm ground thua making room and letting hi ulr ao tluit tho young atoma will duvolop well just mv luck if you ai one if thn young folka who urn rnd of aawoa ju my luuw i la noli at 1 an tie that you hwvu no don many of th thing you hi hopd to liltoiiipllnh no urin who 1 vonvintod that hn la unlu6uy tin make u wucoea of uhythlng our llfo may nut fully niaaauro m to our itiitlolputloiui but tho tomtom la in ttjut d i mot ion it we expect dla aettr we are pietty auro to got it if we look foi aulcea wa are likely to kuril that one who atari out li life with the iflnvlootfoil of hla ii lutk la iteaicn before he kwglnn pleasant to noto int- issue morctbari that numbel cmsfdi steadily jfce atatpd ljgahufeagw c the best is your hiqht bomu young pjoplo aa m tt think ll conceited to uaaume that nothing la too good for thain apparently tluy heltv it mora aultnble to inloit doprecitlory uttttudu ua if every fually good thing waa hottor than thoy it aeivud uut if you olti not worthy or tlm rood thing of life uk ynuraelt in hand and muk youraulf worthy oluim tho hual ita your right and lve in auch u way ua to prwti yourself doaorvlng utuv mr- peaslee8 day of rest aln t yrm workln bualern common odny calobr demanded iobcoii xlyno t eatings jilii elbowa uoliia- rail fen vtt tulilh tcaaleo htralghtoned hlrruielf enough to bring hi chin to tho end of hla hoo and inquired what the dea con dud naked i naked you replied tho dcucon frith no nip inmcuctnna what tho rtiuuoiila for you hoeln lulo the work no todny7 youve bean rnovtn from iiim hill of corn to unothor aa iirlwk ua if yu wuift moron twenty inatoud uf bill n well rlaln alxiy aa 1vu rouaon tn know you aro i i vii boon matin replied juteh movlu from ono hill of mrn to an- ilhr hiunoa ive boon doln la aoothln nf tor tt day llko i put in yonerduv ii ut onteiidnd tin drtuon mxhiiu to inn it wum night before laat you wnn inllliik you iotlol nnjiuvln u day to youraidf yoaterday didnt you auy you wag goln to lay back und loaf round homo whllat your wife waa ovor to ihtdhum for the dayt i thought you did anyway und if i hadnt boon o buwy helfhn my wife with- tho carvln id havr come over and houod you loaf i afurtod to como oqco a it waa tun alio novo mo to with another orm- rul of ruga to b beat fcf r jleualoe noddeo i cold you that nbt iih yoyvo rocltod u ho agreod hut i mudt thir mlatako of tellin my vitn loo if id alouped abort or that un bw 1 d huvo had an coaler day of- il yoatorday rorn bnothnrtpdon ho wnflt on w noticed ahu waa buy with a pencil and pupor i flggored he wa putt la down u hat of things ho wanted to trado for while hho waa gone but when ho waa ready to atari ahe called mo into thu kitchen and pinted out tho paper which ahod pinned onto the table cloth m there 1 ahe aaya thoroa iomn odd joha ive been wantln you to get about doing for a long limb now today whilst youve 1 todo you go a and do look to aee em all done agalnat u i gat bick and to mako euro thoy dont allp your mind ive put era down thuro in black and white where youro bound to aeo em if you eat at nil through tho day and with that aho waa i j ut of tho ho uae and into tho atago foru i could may a word not that it would have done any good will an id caleb tho fuat thing on llm paper waa clean up tho bark yard i wont out und looked ut it und it looked clean enough to mo already but i knew alio didnt think l aot about it und o of that lottr-j- wliiioibarrorloada of louvca utii dead knihn und twlga and allvar of wood und chip und a atrip of fence wire thirty fool long und barrel hoop anj where a water barrel fell apart corner of the ahell ell i cant bogln to tell you all the atuft that t omo to tlglrt under that rakln hut i got it done at laat and went into the house for a drink of water and to get another look at tho paper tho next thing aho had written waa lil up tho front fence it aaggln if id ikten called into court without u chance to look ut that fence id have toatinvd atrong lhat it waa aa atrulght ua a rukeatalo but when i went out und atood at one and und afghted it x could itoo tlmt ll wua near an crooked ua u hcythe anuth it held up by iron rod aot into atono unchora in the ground and t found it a job to pick and ahovol and for a heavy crow bar it waa a job id have hired a alout man to help mo with if id known i wam golji to do it by the time id got tho foc atrulght it wm noon and paat mo i went in for a bite tn cat x waa hungry ua u wolf and my ahould era uched ao bud 4 wum glad to real era whllat i wua cut in in tho meantime i took a look uf the next little job ahe had laid out for mo i found out that the gublo inl of tho old henhouae out back of the barn needed aomo ahlnglo i didnt huvo u ladder ahort enough to go under tho- eavea ao i hud to build u atagln to work on and it waa nil 1 did for when 1 got up there found that what few ahlngle waa i thu bulldin wua ao looee they tnlghta well come off so i made u wwoop of it tore em all off and hlntuid the pluco new and id never mpch a known a ahlnglo wa looae ore till aho told tnel then i follerod down tho lut and nxud u aland for tho leach hatrel to makn jo op righted up tho bluoatone a lib wo uae lor a bock door top put up two tihelvoa tor bor milk pan in thu milk uoue and dug up a patch of yuller dock that ahe wanted rooted out of the comer of her twwy gflrdonr und i buove the taproot on that dock wum nrteon foot long and then waa four or live more job kind or put- tuhu thing id got em all doiua but ond when tho atago drove into tho ymd und tot her out t waa a tired oa ivu boon for thirty year atter wod got through auppor aho wii i out with mo and looked over tho buck yard and all tho other thing id ilunu hho never aald a word ao i know id done moron u common good job of all of- em and when wo got back to tho houae alio fetched up mtln ull ut once and lookod ut tho well curb didnt i uak you aho aaya to fjx tiiut hinge unto the dover uf that curhr yep aay i you did but i didnt gtt lime to get it done today ill fix it lomorror didnt get timet ahe aay with u whyu day to yuuraelf jeat to met tound in you couldnt ood time to put it touple ot ai row into that hlmray well hho ay nrmllko toraorrer ill bo here aid youll totnirrer aay i juat a aettled um aho wua im guln tq do n htfl in tf you want uny odd- job done ill hire jottiam vrtgglna to do em ju of all i aaya ivo got to do my farm work i nd horot he mr ioaala nnlaho tukln it oaay and gettln my work do iiu i dont want to loaf uotttur duy fur a long lime if to hard work tor a man of my year the question of a nut liar la a ilttlo hint that might ho of value in looaenlng tho next uut that you and atuclu put a goodfitting wronch on thn nut pull hard oifd atoudlly on it und if it duna not budge rap the und aliarply wltlr a honwper kenptng mp thn pull alt thu whllu htoady pulling and amnrt rapping will looaun mo4t nutji auto i took uut wo deiil with untno nut that no wrt nrli will ni iuil a fiaminor ngulnal their hi ad huh no offool in uplto iif u htuady liulllng und amnrt nipping thuy um tho aumo old no 1m illi hmond advo cate ulrivi hiqhly honofled illmtlllglllahixl tm allul ht ttirlnti vftiiirirnn dtlmi un llilngn jhlniu him riilladolpiiu i um indeed phuhod in bu with you weak liefore luat i hud uio plonaureoc addnaalug ho llterarl of ilatoii ljmt week i apoko boforo tho pronignil of now york and hnw am glud to ho among tho aarcnphagl of rhlladolphla from tho world out look too much service wultorauld thu fuaay od rfontfo man ytajdr ive tnatio tliroo dlfforvnt uttnmpta to tako u tliutv of modlrlnri in half gluaa or water lcuoit time i got tin water reduced i tho right mimillt you rualnid umund and filled up my gluua hluy iiwny from mo until wiint you ihrmlngham ago herald how each of ub mav be qreat the grvnt recogithtv gi edtllaa in ntiur whuil you hour aomo aett- uppolntd luudr aueurlug ut humanity loll lnwy ho huio that h i expoalug hln own itlthmoom duo of thu mutt hti iklug thliigm about lincoln ehai ui lut 1 tho fuel that ho yav full viihlo to thu greutiioaa of othor peoplu illlllu irrvmpeoitvn of tliolr attitude to ward hluiaulf jt did not affeot hi i opinion in tho leaat that aone ono hud ttltlulaad hlni udveraely or anoer- t d ut him ho wum able in aplte of that fit u to do hint full juat ice v utnnot all be grout thero are coihttutionu llnittutlun whlih muat koop thn majorlly of um from achieving anything lemarkahle hut all of u can ut louot poaaeaa thut ohuraor ialln of greutnna which prevent u fioin tteltltllng our fejiuw which inukom ua ready und oven auger to give people full e rod it foi what they aro uliil what they do ho fur at leaat iual inalgntncaiit ulid wnakeat of uy b groat tho i atasnsml wrmz- my ii thy m itch smut or bam u bora urwd to- hamd orfinsubth namteml6lar infntoc4alt fttinprntgjmwhia proof that the ford is recognized as a farm necessity is shown by the fact that when the committee- on agri cultural conditions investigatediuie prices of things entering into farm production they investigated the price of ford cars to the exclusion of every other make of car hagoxe acton roatomoroai company cm can a cue umitco ioi itx omtamkk tires master mileage makers tbactkuv blow cuppa sons of england lodge woodgreen no 302 mmttlnif nrt anil third thurwuy in ach month nt b p m in 1 o o p hall umlmni antl vlltlnc mpmbara oortllalty invito tu attend j precious j littce w p 8irtiry rt florence automatic oil stove now thut the warm weathor 1m here umim r ooklng will need to bo mudo ualer wo have tho horonco alitnnuttlc oil htove in two- throe- and fourburner elxriir can ulao tie had with high nhulf ovmi aupplled wlthall alxnm safe clean und economi cal coinn in und let ua domon- utruto thla utovu to ou boforo you place your order no wick iu burn out und cannot amall or amoko w d talbot acton ontario 120000 lbs wool wanted it it hurlxiur huyer for the tiuelph worattd und uplntilng co will bo in acton at thu o t it ututlon und irlu 011 thu following datva to buy wool v acton june 6 13 and 20 erin june 5 12 19 and 26 highest market pricc will be paid farmer trturkwt your wool dlruut to tho mtui nd got tho mlddle man profit gramophones at a price everyone can afford plays all makes of records this gramophone m well worth double the price wc aru nskiiij for it it will ivc perfect natinruction itb tunc l plcusitik und the volume of nouiid can be tcgulutod to tuit uny blzcd rooni it hui a rcliubla motor which opcruics stciidily und practicully noiselessly tho cabinet is utrotikly mudu uf genuine walnut 100 uitei rtcetlleh included with each machine and forthe next two weeks we will rive with entlt muchfiie purchased 10 tecords tree price of no 1 gramophone iuso prieu of no 2 ramo phono 6250 wili be shipped c oi suiuect to examination changes prepaid vit1hn a radius of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 120131 wyndhttimstrcet guelph oh t phon 584 business directory medical dr i a mcniven phyalolan and burgeon offlott and realdence corner ho war avoriue and kbjln btreet ill on f3 8r dr e j nklson i itumuicit hi ltuirr aeton ontario i dr vv s laird ok fllkupii b0 wmlwh h hi net kye icir numi und throat leqal photio no 2 i a box j3j harold nash farmer m a barrlatar soiiquoc notary public convayahcar eo perrvman block acton ont monks lknt on mltti aoes hour 0 30 ajn h g meir barrlatar bo lie i tor notary pwblla oeorgtovwn ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dantlat honor qrmduat of toronto lfnlver- alty the la teat onoathetlo uaed tf doatred ofuoa at realdano comer uui and frederick street dr f g gollop dds l ds dental surgeon oiooo over dank of nova beotla hours 9 80 to 6 so evenln- by appointment account book of all kind made to order periodical of ovary deacriptioa carefully bound itullna neatly ami promptly done wyndham stroet quolph ont over wllllama store lodge directory acton l o l no 467 mpola on thn hncond thumiluy of hulii month in tho oddfellowu hull at 8pm vlaltlnb tiiombor of tho order blwuy wel- como tiiitfoiii w m i v kunnuoy r j kerr auctio and real estate 1 agent 17 year experience acton ontario hales entruatod to h j kerr re ceive attention from dutqiof ltattntf to date of aulo llat your aaiea wttb ma hnriulcmca bowor avonuo acton phono 36 acton call at my expenae jfiasf spravfnjg isjrxxuohdsrvter j e cheevers book binder quebm 8t eaat ouelpk oni hooka and tnaxulna bound to handaonie and bubatauitlat oover name lettered lit sold on ulbloa lymti lluok and other book all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil enolnaer burvey hubdlvtatoua tjaiua llo- porta deaorlptlona ulueprliit etc certlriotttea for purohaaer and tttortafavoe murvoy for arulilteota hulldur and municipal count iu j drainage lleport katimalea eta molean pullolno dougla bt ouelik phono i04 ont the old and reliable crunjte und marble vvorlui w are tnanufaoturara and direct importer of all kind of monumental arid naadatonw work wo h direct lo our ouatomara at wholeaale prlbea thu avln our cuatoraera 40 l oant wa hav tho boat appllanoe and tlie 4nly machanioa in ibe dominion who oan operate pneumuo toola propariy wt cvn rafarenoaaj from tiundrada of our ouatomara in toronto and other nbumm where otbara have to hava law kulu in order to pollool we uve the larfeat 4id beat atoox of oranlte la tba dominion or mora thaw an hra daalara in tha- woat wo r letfltl- mala dealara and amploy no aenla ajld do not annoy or peat ouetomora by mndloc out 1normnt aent aollalt- lc ardararw employ ly uwohanloa and dafy ooropauuon hamilton sons vv v