a i nnc home or ullr artmt jfrrr tyre bs ntc sau trd jowi w ir nwpr cku tol owti till- attos i htfc i hiss la t ul tl fy rn li krcr i re mill si i a u toil tha sll ttry ii illluk t crh lion filatas tha lata i l whi i n if a unilad 1 ht plioa are labal paid lltillrmtrl n if a ilt advertising ratetraniltt1 advertl mcnl io ccnta pr iin aala mtuurt or but tnaartloa nd j ccntfc per una lor each tubte- quant loiertton can tract ill t play advcfuae mrou for stf incl ea ar mora par afinuni ill cent per inch uch inicrtlon advert lumen i a wltb out anecific dlracti na will ba inserted till forbid irged accor lingl h p iioorf preauleot ami editor c a dilis uanaiar and aaalatut tp lepiiones- editotui aail pualncia oaue kcimence o pre wont editor now and then it is rogarded as rather remarkable by the dec tor of the province to observe how strenuously the lenders ne a t f in- the parties proclaim their adherence to the ontario tern pcrnncc act arid intontion to sec itcnforccd in the present election campaign there is a marked con trust between their present attitude and the position taken whoncver the act was tinder discussion in the legislature thursday morning june 14 1923 editorial ij panadas worth wiu be in evidence canada will be well in evidence in london eng land next year the canadian ehibt at the british empire exhibition to be held in london from april 20 to october 31 j024 is to be rnancett controlled and directed by the federal government of canada the estimated cost is si 000 000 the two chief railways the canadian national and the canadian pacific are planning exhibits on adjoining sites- each with a floor space of 10 000 feet the money outlay will be well spent millions of visitors to jthc cot hi bition from all over the empire and beyond will have the opportunity of viewing at close range canada s resources and manufactured products must obey canada laws and all of them you and your countrymen must obey our laws or leave tho country whichever suits you best and your children must go to school declared mr jus tice murphy at vancouver last week in sentencing sarri chcrcanoft a doukhobor to three years in the penitentiary for attempting to burn a school ho use near grand forks b c in march last when people make canada their homo they must decide to bo amenable to our laws the statutes of canada and the laws of our provinces have bepn enacted fbr the benefit and protection of the people who live in this country and they must all be obeyed viola tlons of any jdt theni are followed by penalties or punishments the kinos pyjamas 1 wit spending tlia nlallt wrlteu contributor n the big omiha as miid lay alongside iter pier awaiting her dnyirftaarhlnf captain wafceiiiarnlnnr on twtwj irtisii ponun lmtlr of yjamas with payrnff our war bilk while there is need for simplification and avoid ance of duplication in tax collecting machinery there is little hope of a lightening of tho total tax burdens of this country for many years to come indebted nesa incurred during the war has made a reduction of taxation impossible between now and the com paratively remote future rather may wo expect an tncrcase in 4he total levies even if no considerable responsibilities in the way of new public undertakings are assumed the quite genera belief that we were paying for the warriitlo the war was in progress is wholly without basis in fact indeed we have not yet so much as begun to pay the capital cost of the operations carried on overseas during fourjong years farmers sun it was really only skim milk a paragraph in the toronto telegram s report of mr hillmers meeting in acton last friday evening says mrs mcniven moved the audience to laughter applause and cheers that died down and rose again ontario temperance act in hal ton the report of the board of license commission ens for ontario on the operation of the ontario tern perance act for 1022 has just been issued and con tains interesting information during the year there were 3071 convictions and 077 cases dismissed in v the province while for the previous year there were 4412 convictions and 068 dismissals there were 31 convictions agajnst holders of standard hotel ftcensee in halton county last year there were sixty flye convictions for infractions of the ontario act four convictions were made against holders of standard hotel licenses the snni of 2255 was paid in fines to the province and 5086 75 to the municipalities of the county as fol ldws acton 75 burlington 1683 75 georgetown 34000 milton 101500 oakville 277300 in 1912 there were 12 commitments to jail for drunken k neaa in halton in 1022 there were none in 1012 r there were 388 commitments for all offences in 1022 fiiere wtfe 100 it is yery evident that beneficial re- suits have followed the introduction of prohibition hi halton county candidates hunting in pairs a new phase of elect bneenng has developed in the present campaign it is stated that while can v vassing the men in one of our manufacturing es- s tabluhments last week mr hilltner would- solicit the a veto of an elector in his suave and persuasive man jner and when he met any hesitation on the part of 1 the man he was buttonholing he would conclude wjth tbis appeal well if you cant vpte forme give your sis vote for mr dale his most enthusiastic followers make no secret of this new plan of hunting in pairs fy on saturday an old time tory noted for his vocifer ous and outspoken utterances in season and out of j t ceaajon was seen cajoling an elector on the street jwtvr the post office on how he should mark his ballet h when ho burst out with the appeal well anyway gj v v vote for hillmer vote for dale any- stblng to beat this man drury anything to gcthlm as she epitomized his mr drury s speech in the words why you wouldn t think there was enough pulp on it to get out the actok free press the cream of this remark was the fact that h p moore an appointee of the ufo government is pro pnetor of the free press the telegram reporters gratituitous addition to what mrs mcrjiven said is farfetched and aside from the truth the fact of the matter is that h p moore was appointed i magistrate by the government of sir james whit ney the government of the hon e c drury ex tended his jurisdiction under the act respecting magistrates of 1022 the remark of the telegram therefore resolves itself into very blue skim milk editorial notes premier drury s majority jn halton on the oc casion of hiselcction in 1010 was 2 308 and that was before the women had the franchise whit is tho matter with that 2c postage rate that we were led to believe would prevail as soon as the budget speech was delivered it is time this war time burden was removed newmarket era keep sweet during the election campaign there is some good jn each of the candidates their policies and their parties remember wo have to live to gether and do business together after the elections are over this is nomination day for the general elections or the legislature the candidates premier drury reeve hilltner or oakville and mayor dale of georgetown will make their official bow to the elec torate at the nomination meeting at milton this afternoon under he new redistribution of seats for the dominion house a change will be made in halton county it is proposed to add pusbnch township to halton but no doubt dr anderson m p the sit ting member will put up a strong kick to keep halton intact burlington gazette have you the couraqet to moot failure and obstacles on every hundt to meet your enemies with love for hute good for vllt to move steadily toward your goal with n wrei tatnd whan yon know- that othsra rldloulo mnd consider you a failure to remain in obscurity to support a- parent or a he plasma later or brother when you have the consciousness of the ability to do big- things to bear the blame which belongs to another because you do hot want to brine pain to other t to apeak the truth when a lie would help you out of a difficulty to forgo extravagance mo that you may provide ton the future welfare of tl oaa dependent upon yout prime minister stanley baldwin of the british house of commons announced last week that the government js readyto grant facilities to lady astors bill providing for prohibition or the sale of intoxicants to persons under eighteen years of age brought me purple and while mtrlpea thiy ao alarlng tluit i could not realst com meavtlh- on them the uoly pair thut can beat thett i remarked thinking of uri t nicer we both knew m anottnr hlp belong to coomb dd be lend you thoaer captain wnktmnn nakml in uatonlahment cfomb let you uo ttietn you nliouj 1 feel high honored anitiiray whyt i naked whyt dldnt you know that th e pyjnmaa once pelonged to king oeorgor and captain wakeman told he tory how coomb happened to hove the king uyjamaa it hohim that xfurinatthe war coomb hud been taken off the bridge of hi merchant hlp to command a q old crock that floated about the channrl to lure mubmarlnea tim idea a to make the oermana think that they had un unarmed hlp to dnat with when in reality the q boat garrlrd a hidden gun llirther to fool llin hun a boatload of men apparently panic trlcken alwaya quitted the q bout an alghung a ubmarlne leaving torae one behind to work the gup one day a thibmarlne came upon coomb old crock und began to hell boatload of men got away and the whip teemed deaerted but coomb had vtayed behind while he waa ly ing flat on a hatch cover watching the german a ahell paoaed into the hold beneath him and started a are if he ahould rlaa the oermana would oe him and guea the trick o he lay thorn on the hat oh cover with smoke coming up round him lay there knowing that there waa ammunition in the hold beneath him and that aldce it would urely explode his chanoe of living were llm the explosion came in a few minutes and coomb and the hatch cover went into the air by a atreak of good fortune he came down on the deck of hi boat he waa badly hurt but atul ujlve for month he was in a ho pltal i the day that hat was dlaehurged from it hb wa ordorod to report at once to the admiralty in london he hart on un oltakln coat at the time and the rt of hi clothe were the worse for wear the admiralty sent him at once to bandrlngham whore jclng ctvorge a motor car met him and took him to iii majesty and wearing the oil kin coat coomb received the vi o torla cross from hu king then the king and queen showed themselves true democrat they jrefused to allow him to return to london that night the king loaned him hi own pyjamas even more hldeou than those which captain wnkraun had loaned roe and coomfes though he was grateful said that he simply had to swipe them riddles why in u beehive like u bud kjtato7 llecause a beo hive imiu bee holder leholdf im a mocuttnr un 1 u apek f what is urn t thin a pin of why d ih c- lll rtm dtt r onr llucaue it ruadn tflw ho wl ul 1 the ulffcrnt l tw ut an i a imklkt hnu i un 1 ni t wulkt ono haii claws nt thi iwn an 1 the ther hui li mi i of the claua- nnd or th li imtuko ul why in u nobleman like u louk7 ilecuumo he ha u title what d es avprylody glvt un i fp tuki t advlre it i called oimmin it 1 ijut though commoi it 1 not com mon enough what ih it common sense why are crows the monl ntentcd of birds ccauscthny nav r com lain without cause mwi kep mfe clean i m everybmly turn my back im nobody looking glass the 8inqinq wires louf i f iu h ivt wondered at the cikioub hliglur of tho telegrai it und tchuihono wires uttonh a iu lot a ui try ron lu i rcfessor meld f the unlveraltj f ottawa siiggeats tt at lie t ihoh ii ro dun to vihratli it trm umlttfl 1 to tt wlru ly the ik sis wl let tv olv tl cm fn m tha earth snl tl ut limy urn tht rultn pf eurth vlbruti i llrutlril wuh th that tin t litm uru h ir nurtti u tko dntec l r ro rlm iiim i of tha wires in fox i r i ll 1 it i is 1m the song of tho i un motor if it ih i iw a chung in tho wtiutltur muy comu in two days if mr it miy bo immediate wood and reentorced onciete til lias loen found that unuor cor tain rundltlons wood ls good sub elratefor th ro rods- ued tt utrnpgthen concrete liaami cement r ii ml in o a well with wood as with iron an i tl o cement coating affective ly ruled tho wood from decu ii is itell vmt thut by using nine iwtr oent if attrh ilno fir rn enforcement it u imuuilble i t make a concrete lieum as sin ng u ono tliat i rn enfidod i tl o nrtllnury way with us i or orfi r x is the flower qardemjn 0prinq to 11 lovers of flower tho garden in jprtrtg is n most enjoyable p licit here one meets old friends among tha spring flowering plants which per haps one has watched tho dev6lop monl af for years in many garden howavpr there is a dearth of spring nowors but as there are so many hardy aeslrabla plants thu oould tie easily remedied if there is the doslre to do so 4 a noon n the snow is gone otic may have the snowdrop hnowttuke crocus chionodoxa and sollta among bulb soon to be fallowed by the daf fodll and tulips hardy i rlmulos soon mingle with the bulbs as do tl e iculnn i ioppy trillium trplliu doroonlfum kplmedlum and other early mpriffat flower while close be hind are the- columbine bleeding heart sweet itocket and irises und many others a one looks ut the garden a it now is one can tile i urn how it would bo improtwrtmf m unuihw year rmrnr woro flowers whsre there are no flow nvre yellow red or v observation test a class in psychology at north eastern university was disturbed by clash between two fellow students i hot was fired one of the men veil and the other fled prof- milton schlagenhauf called on the class write reports of everything that had occurred out of the fifty students all but three insisted- they saw a revolver some adding u rash and some smoke the student supposed to have fired uctually held a banana in hi huhd the shot wa fired in the rear of the room out of sight descriptions of dress varied widely j xemions of the exclamation that pre ceded the shooting were equally in correct one student attempted to r the time exactly saying he had taken out his wutch for the purpose lie wa an hour out of the way and gave n dutn four day wrong irpf rchjagenhauf staged the in cldent as a teat of observation after he had taken the class to a court room where u witness said positively he could describe everything that happen e i in a burglary quite right wu bertie first day at school und the teacher aald to him well ilertle and do you know your ulphabett y yfts teacher i think so aald ilertle nervously well what comes after at asked the teacher all the olherst aald the little boy quickly 804ll41 could n would add to the general effect- where low growing plant or a tall plant would improve the appearance of tto border a one is liable to forget these things after tho at ring has gone a good plan is to write on a label or small piece of wood the kind of plant which is desired in each place where improvement can bo made then when the proper time for planting arrives if such a pljint is put there it will not be long before there will be a marked improvement in the garden in spring and this method can he fallowed with good results for the whole season let all who love flowers then plan for improvement in the garden next spring a little improvement each year would soon result in a great change an i make the home grounds much mon uttractive w t mucoun do minion horticulturist farm bookkeepings more 3nd more the experienced farmer realizes the importance of accurate bookkeeping the fcrmei who opens a chequing account with tke bank of montreal is enabled to keep an exact record of receipts and expenditure and to have the helpful advice of an experi enced banker whenever he needs it we shall be pleased io supply you with a tanners- account lionk free of charge business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolap and burgon ofllo and ileatdanro cure nr uonrar avanua and flgln htrcot phonf ii or b j ni lbon kuv im l k rill it aetot ontario dr w s taird ov oui 1 1 ir oo woolwl h htrcet kye ear noim un 1 throat legal acton branch bbhokfcy manager bank of montreal established over ioo years buukblnffsp j account books of all kinds made to order perlodiaals of vvory description carefully bound itullngnetly uj promptly dona wyndham street duelph onl over wllllaroa tore appearances deceive andy curried the mall to a neigh boring village in a small ono seated wagon one day there having been a death on his route he was bringing ihn casket for the burial und also hod a la ly patvsenger there was no i lace to accommodate her exc6 t the top of the casket so andy started out h his imissenger acuted thereon lie fore long ho was hailed by u man with iii there andy i the corpse is iutl the poor printer i i year prtae for lns lr type settlnir is awarded without debute lu y jmtaon responsible for the following u new york dally the government is interesting itself in u powerjeua plan aald to be capable of remaining in the air indefinitely detroit news f cornifatmlgalvanlztd steel roofing m 4 itftw phm mr t tit htota r co llmfuntaw tewwtte gramophones i at a price everyone can afford plays all makes of records this gramophone is well worth double the price wo are asking for it it will give perfect satisfaction its tone is pleasing and the volume df sound can be regulated to suit any sized room it has a reliable motor which operates steadily and practically noiselessly the cabinet is strongly made of genuine walnut 100 gteel needles included with each machine and for the next two weeks we will give with each machine purchased 10 records free price of nol gramophone 650 price of no 2 gramophone 6260 will be shipped cod subject to examination charges prepaid within a radius of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 120 131 wyndham street guclph ont phone 584- new japanese ramhnncraft selffiller fountain pen phono no ii jo dox hi harold nash parmer jvt a barrister solicitor notary public convayancar clc perrvman block acton ont toonky iv nt j mohtqaoka uoura 6 30 a m tu c p m j baturduyu or lock 1 h g mfir barrister solicitor notary pubtle- georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s r d s dontlat honor graduate af toronto unlvar- ilty the latest unetl otlo tiaml if desired oflloe at residence corner mill and iftederlck street dr f a gollop d d s l d s dental surgeon offloav ovtar bank of nova sootla hours so to 510 evenings by appointment miscellaneous pranc1s nunarj lodge directory sons of england lodge woooqreen no 302 ifetlngnrst aid third thursday in each m nth at h i m in i o o f hall uombor an i visiting mmbera cordially i ivltn i i uxteud j precious j little v p secretary acton l o l no 467 meotm o tl wvcond tl urn i iy f u h month 1 1 tin ol ifclt hull at 8 p n vullli momlere of tl or u nlwiyxewel i t ti1lt1 ol i it r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yours ejcpurlutico acton ontario baloti entrusted to it j kurr re ceivo attenth 11 from i ito of listing to date ot sale 11 at your sales wltti me residence ikiwor avenue acu n photu 86 aotu call at my ejt on lgravlhg 03rlcllhotd3tv3t i ol me way mil impasaioned appeal apparently tud fa lhue tnfluence aa ububi however for tho man went off laughing and was jeen a moment later 1 rebearaing the incident to a roup of farmers down j the street this new method of hunting in pairs fails lito impreas the averago thinking elector very favor his ensures adoption of the measure at the present session this is a step forward for the old land fy ably the prophesies or the leaden politicians naturally indulge in prophecy in re gard t the outcome of an approaching election 1 the leaders are as adept in this as their supporters speaking attnndon the other day hon howard ferguson leader of the conservatives prophesied san the return or twenty jlvecandidates of his party in vjtlie southwestern ridings on june-ur- in the last legislature the conservatives held only three seats jrom that part of the province huron north well- yjltagton- south and sjmcoe west tho rest of tho twentyfive conservatives in the house at dlssolu lion were drawn from the traditionally conservative district of toronto and its neighborhood and from v lbe earand northwest ends of the province mr 1 ferguson apparently anticipates as a result or his ohservatlona qn his present tour of south western zjf ontario a heavy reversion or support fromunltcd sfe pawner ancgiance- which was strong rrpm that part ifytjol the prsvlirce in the last house to 0ld party gffi aiandarda especially to the conservative slfle or the jfe v h he liberal leader jts well ji prominent libera supporters are equally sp ln thei expressed expectations or a turn of j1h tide in tbis province from what they call class f3fn oecupatlobal government on ttje ptbir hand premier drury speaking at petertorowexpteeeei wlh wnfldence that thrf government would be ro ifcrriej wb aa many or more erflgmt aupportirt la be hext legislature u in the hut the ftoottoib tjiahinm will prove wlilci bi najtt vuua vilification of premier drury and his colleagues in liberal and conservative newspapers must be accept ed as part of the game it has always beanpuyed that way ontario farmers however will know how to resent tho insult some of the party journals indulge in farmers sun and now we shall have with us again that peculiar individual who takes no interest in politics its top rotten but is always kicking and growling about tho country going to the dogs tho man who doesn t take an interest in politics is not much of a patriot people usually get tho knjd of government they de serve renfrew mercury the authorities throughout the province both municipal and provincial are taking steps to slop the speeding erase 6 f some motorists magistrate are imposingseverer ponalties on car drivers who make trouble by their recklessness in speed and handling the wheel all should slow down where theres danger or congestion traffic this may save many regrets later on if one cn judge by he stand taken by the poijti cat leaders in the present campaign notwithstanding the continual criticism heard in tho pant of the on tario temperance act the act must have the endor sii ton and support of the great majority of th people of the province or it would be receiving criticism from tome or the party leaders the question of its enforcement is another matter but all tho party leaders are maintaining that it will be best enforced onderthdlr administration so if one can believe all uit it preached frqm tho pohtcal platform there jltoo increased hope fox the opponents or tho ontario tetnbcranee atdundaa star the house mr w arnold of mt hamlltam ont tslls of h wonderful result ob talned through two be tilts ot draea hsr husband nad beoh ll for years htomaciv- trouble- indigestion gas iritis and the resulting constipation lugglah liver persisting through out several years had brought w arnold of a east 83rd street ut hamilton ont to such a oondjtlop thut he had not been able to leave the house for some time he had dlssy spell and all those other warning qyinptnm catd they responded to no treatment administered we hutl almost given up hope of nndlng anything to restore his health says his wife and then camu dreoo two bottles and he is tike a new man ur and urs arnold are eautualastto over th results but theirs 1 the sumo story that la told by every user of tlrtwp think dreoo a wonderful prn liarftjun says mrs arnold can t be twatan my husband has been sick fur levelail yars and hadn t been able ve the house for a long time ha started taking dreoo ills trouble wa stomach and7llver 00m 1 taint everything he ate would sour and cause indignation pas and heart burn tl had dlssy spell and spot- hosted before his eye he always medicines to keep his bowels open hu nerves were in had shape and his dystem was weak ajod rundown we heard about drecoand decided to try it arter two bottles h la much stronger and goes for daily walks we are pleased to recommend this wonderful medicine there ar many men well on the road to such a condition as mr arnold found himself in fast approaching oie day when 111 health will oonflne them to th house and deprive them of their power to earn a living tor themselves and ihslr families dreoo will prevent this eundltlon dreoo tone up the system and help the organ the toaiaoh liver kidneys and bowels to function correctly try dreoo today dree is being selslly intresueed in aston by a t brown ins sold by tv flobaj drugjihrt evavhevs sold fttstokks kor 2i0 agentssell it for 275 sty artim 3te proa has secured a limited quantity to use as a subscription prerpium j e cheeveks book binder quebec bt east ouelph ont books and magaaltes bound to handsome and hubstajitlaj covers msjme lettered ln gold on lilbus hymn tlooks and other books all work rromptly exaoutsd d alex niven ontarlt land surveyor and civil engli with the month ot jutiu tin i hi phiss completes its 48th volume many subscriptions expire on juno 30 to mark our birthday we will give to every subscriber who renews his subscription before july 10 ono of tho hne new self filler iountain pens for soc this is a great bargain tho pon is well made is a novelty because of itn jidw and improved construction and tit- fhlf phtiss is glad to give substrihtrs this evidence of esteem any boy or girl may net us uuil for i ill rwi iwij we will present ono of these fine pens to any boy or irl who secures three new subscriptions and wilt also givq each of the new subscribers ono of the pons for only 50c additional to tho subscription price i call at tiii fhblyrlsi olilte und ci amine the pens you ii bo delighted with them send in or all and pay your subscriptions promptly as the number of pens secured is limited und they tome ull the way from japan tiurveys uubd i visions i tuna itv ports deacrljtloi lllueprh is eta certifies la for i uihlmuorm and mortgagees hurvoys for aral itucts iluilders 1 aluiilalnal couuolls iraltumr heports uatln a us eta melcan bu1ldino dougts- bt oukl1 ii i huito 1004 ont the old and ueluuie granite and marble worku i3ijp artmt mm xsm k we are man u fan tu ror ut d direct importer of all kin it of monumental i headatoue wofk w sell dlreot our customer at wholeaale prloesw thy savin our customers 4t per cent we have the best appliances and thai only mechanics tn the dominion who n operate pneumatlo tools properly s can give references from hundreds oi our austomer in toronto aid other places where others have to liav uw ulta in order to collect wo have cbo urgmt nd boat stock of granite la tho dominion or mors than any lhrs dealers ln tho west wo art legiu mat dealer and employ no gnta aud do do annoy or peat customers toy aentllq out vnomnt aganta eoiiclt- tac ortarawtsa empjoy ottiy mocnamoa juj4 defy oobapotttlcuu hamilton sons 4 m oualpl- v s f x vtrmvi wfollrh wi y i ir