Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 1

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kin jfctt j forty ninth year no 2 thursday morning july 12 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning july 12 1023 smge copies five cents the methodist chubch flev cha8 hckktt pastor pinngi- willow st tho t ongrrgutl m 1m invited to wor ship t kmx churth in both ear- vtlru imxl sin luy mil during ux remnlndor of iu nth of july t 30 ii m hun lay school a welcom to all presbyterian knox church acton mnltor rsv a c stewart m a mansewillow street 7 on u m ttn mini tor v subject tim mo no tony of life sunday school and liiblo- class at ut 10 00 a m strangers lea vine address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor all are cordially imyitbp new advertisements advertisement in ihu column ccnti per word utnimurs charge jpc pr ismihoo watches repaired first etas watchmaker will lak watches to rpalr at htutlon hotel can b seen after p m cvt nlngs and 1pm saturdays 3 4 office closed- pairing my vacation from july 14 to august iz my dental nillco will tx closed dr oollop mill street acton wrist watch lost a waltham wrist watch lq acton ts quolph hoad or the atone road smeuag to it from acton or on the otth line of niuufitwtya reward if retstrned to free press ounce house for sale nice 7 roomed bungalow with bath from for mlr flnflrt rcaltlunfiil ntr an bagaln for quick male n t ktonn fk real estate agent stone for sale good freestone in any quantity djrdanslon atone nlua lintels xmrs ing nbble bills mptela and coursing can be cut to order write dr leslie 11 georgetown rrno 1 money wanted on mortgaqe8 ta paid on flrstalass first mort- gages on improved toronto and sub urban property mortscafoe marabout 40 of the valuo of the property e q black 81 4 411 c p r bldr- toro for sale or rent s roomed oevnent block house on arthur street acton nearly nev nicely decorated electric lights divided cellar hard and aoft water oarage for two cars stable and poultry house immediate possession kor particulars apply to j a smith phone jos ileal estate agent t head of cattle strayed strayed from the premise of the undexadenad lot 3 eon 4 erin about june it 1 brlndle calves 1 red calve x bine calf and t spotted calves find er win b suitably rewarded for in formation that will lead to their re covery sitf austin swacroiamer telephone 8rl r r no t acton farms for sale m farms in the counties of halton t antiiweninaton varylnr from 40 to 100 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business place in acton for sale fire and lire insurance honey to loan j a smith real estate agent phone 105 acton ool john v savage main street store opposite the motor oarage dealer in second hand aoooa specialties in stock 1 ucclory beator in splendid condition 116 00 1 belle oak heater iti splen did condition lloo 1 canuck bread mixer never been used 11 bo 1 peerless steam cooker never bean used js 85 1 prince vacuum sweeper not electric in flrst class con dltlon 40 i ladles bicycle la good order with ail accessories 135 00 goods wanted to rill orders- tables suitable for hotel busl nesa iron bedsteads and sprint antique furniture wonderland v faiay july her gijde4 c with gloria sfvansun a rdrtreqm romance that carries ypt through glided prls oarbarj- ea nnd new york society revels oulurlna xhorla in more than 60 new town cbitmdy ureatlon no luck starrltia- uoyd hum vlan atwusav july h just tpny 8 tar rills tom mixs hors tony alwsys jinp lmuni tihltiq in th wind mn r the ah4 qt fate onp letaua l apod g his purmpnt ytu t the hunted horse comedy ptlon tresh mvra m tuesday juiv 17 touhond- aijrifr mlnrrlng earla whhntn ruh pf thriljlne seeneil usi the es- paue pt omar vanlahluii urdle pc morales comedy somqrj in betweeti uie aes tlie atcrennde nnd hie eajilitre contedj larry etlodo no 10 of i em untcli 0omjn0 asston if your homo has a rutf need you will not want to miss this july sale of wilton and tapestry rugs taking place in guelph at macdonalds especially ifyou knov that replacements of present mocks will have to be marked at an overage or twenty per cent higher than these regular quotptions given here before they oro reduced fr july clearing wilton rugs in sfcp 6 root 9 inches by 9 foot regular 03 00 for 5800 kogular 5300 for 47 00 regular 45 00 fo 00 regular 42 50 for 3500 regular 38 00 for s34o0 wilton rugs in size 3 by 3i yards regular 60 00 for 50 00 regular 02 00 for 5300 regular 73 00 for 6300 rogular 75 00 for 6200 regular 100 00 for 8500 regular 110 00 for 96 00 wilton rugs 1n size 3 by 4 yards regular 70 00 for 6100 regular 95 00- for 8400 regular 1 17 00 rot 10000 regular 120 00 for 10400 reular 125 00 for 11100 tapestry rugs in size 3 by 3 and 3 by 3vi yards rcgulor 1000 for 1200 it will pay you to choose now even at regular prices rather than wait for the fall season with its new lines at figures that must inevitably ho much higher come to guelph this week if you can wallpaper clearing this is iiouseclcaningtimc in our wallpaper department i the popular selling lines now naturallyrcduccd to short all the pop quantities must be disposed of at small prices for instance at- lsc- bedroom papers in chintz tapestry designs for halls mtf sa j 21 inches wide covering a sixth more wall space than standard widths values up to 25c single roll for 15c at 30c varnished papers which may be wiped off when soiled with a damp cloth nnd there fore are- the most mmrtary for bathrooms and kitchens clearing at 30c single roll womens suits and miixtnebv among other important economy items at 25c- and dens grays tans and buffs in floral and foliage pat terns values up to 45c single roll clearing at 25c at 175c our very best grades im ported patterns in plain fabric effects in patterns and in soft pastel colorings 75c single roll is just half regular price for clearance macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store weekend specials assorted chocolates our famous assorted chocolates in both hand and soft centres are stillbeing sold at the old weekend price of 29c lb fresh marshmallows toasted and plain fresh marshmalows something really delicious as a summer candy weekend special 34e tb four bars in ono i- variety bar weekend special price 6 for 25c our ice cream parlors when down town shopping come in and have a nice dish of ice cicam or perhaps you would prefer a light lqnch we deliver ice cream in brick or bulk mill street afcton h wiles the proof of the boot is in the wearing miss jf 1 hlwf news of local import the union churxih urvlcss tlip nrat of iho tjlht imndsym of union wrvlcnn of the irsbylirlan nnd motlfo cammcntjoni went hsjd in kiinx church last flumlny iu mr stewart preached uructlcul nnd hnlp ful mimnm them worn luntn con arit ions sscrsd band compear sunday evanlni after tlio rhirrti parade with trv orangeman ti hu altwin church on hunday ivenlna the clttasna lland gnwi a very fine cranoori on the lawn at hunderland huso a prorramtoo if sacred numbera was playttd and the rttyeront spirit of the day raa exceed jngly well malntahtod the numerous vlrtrs in town hn yod the concert ill i am nil men fed the und upon their excellont a laying a motor trip to quebae mr and mrs a t ilrown isxt 01 tueaday mornln on fortnlahta holl day motor trip they will motor to montreal and then to quebec olty then crossing- into the dnltad states will troceed homeward throuah ver mont and now york thoy navo a iampln outfit and when the weather in favorable will camp in the open in the motor camping i laces now so free ly provided on all throuah high way they havo a pleasant outing- before thnm tli orange parade to bt alban lra of iho orunao ordu held their annual rhurrh parade to ht albans church on sunday evening they wrr lod by acton cltlsens itand the oratigrmen ant the ljidy tru itluoa who nccomiuinled them numbered nearly two hundreil and filled the church to the door ttlro were quite a number of visitors from lodgt in neighboring towns and vil urge itev mr 11a ugh preached a very timely and interesting sermon which the o appreciated very hnmty summer footwear bargains for everyone all sizesin the lot coiibihujig of cunvnb footwear oxfortlb and strap slippers all new goods to cllar come in harry harrison the shoe man we will 8ave vol monfiy w church 8tret to be improved it is jule a number of years since there was work done to improve the roadway of church biroet thn street has an excellent foundation but the top is worn down to tho flake stones councillor harrison chairman of the committee on streets and walks has persuaded the council to make an al iowa nee in the years expenditures for tho repairing of this street the work will shortly be commenced and undei tho supervision of th nnorgntlc chair man tho improvement will no doubt bo mubstaatlal and satisfactory a dangerous habit by boys it is often a perplexing problem to motor drivers on our streets lo be required to bo continually dodging the numerous small boys who insist it coasting on the pavement in their ear prat wagons if the praotloe is no brought to an end there is real danger that some of the children may be the victims or a fatal accident as it next to impossible for a tnptortal calculate whom next the boy and his wugon is going to turn parents should new that their children obey the by laws of the town which are to the rrect that iio coaatlng is allowed on sidewalks r pavement the manlag of dr peter stuart the marriage took i luce at 436 mrkhttro street toronto on thursday afternoon of miss arn a archibald to dr peter staart of quelph the oeremony was perform ltd by itev w amos usslated by itev mr abraham of uuelph the bride was given away by nor brother mr james archibald and wore a suit of navy blue with goorgette jacquet grey hut with plume of the aamn anode and she carried a bouquat of orchids and lilies and baby a breath after the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was given after which and mrs stuart left for a two months trip to europe- on their return they will live in uuelph brown wudfano wadding quiet but pretty wedding took plaocr at the methodist parsons on saturday june 30 when lillian may wlldfang oldest daughter qt mr and mrs alamandar wlldfang of dunn vllle was joined in holy wedlock to albert wilson ilrown youngeat son or mr and mrs a it ilrown mui btret acton itev charles uackatt perform ed the ceremony the bride looked very charming in a gown of navy blue canton crepe with ooraags bouquet of ophelia roaea and black picture hut the bridal couple left immediate- ly utter the ceremony by motor to visit frlejids in toronto for a few days on their return they left for their new borne in kitchener ooysrs brother pitched for aoton quelph baseball ails are very much inoansed vsr tho despatch from mil tort llrh dpiveared tti saturday morn ings papers to the effect that hurling ton was pro tea ting a gsm won by atton in which ooyef uuelph s crack pitcher played under the name of held the pitcher in this game for acton was luwrenc- o yr a brpthrr of krd who itrhss for- the maple lvaftf nnd he did not pitch undsr arl uiwumwl name ni his correct name i peers in the published box score in ho ac tpn paper th fans in guelph want if understood that vreddle doyei hm luyed with no other team than tho maple leafs and are anxious thst lh fa lee impression which would be timlmt by the riesiuttch should be oorruo led mall and kmplre hoiwlng the old bcheoloastsrs memory a beautiful brass tsblet is being shown in the- window of mr w a itoas chairman at the fergus board of education which will be placed in the public school aud on which is the following inschptton in loving memory of james jtcjueen th tlrat sohoolmastsr or koigus a keen boot llsh scholar who taught from to llfit all hraticbes or i naming and who falthfujjy instilled into the youthiul minds of the nrst toys and glrli here the strengthening principles of honor juntlos and truth the lab 1st has been subscribed by wrgus old boys among wiou are the hev dr mo- mullail of woodatock james uf parry tleorge tower irergusuu dr t b webster of toronto and other sur vlvlnjr pupils of the od log school in which mr mequoen taught at kqrgus kfilora express this is a worthy enterprise indeed the pupils of gs late thomas t moore roould wry properly emulate this lis was jh principal ut acton for twenty- nv- years tae longest period ln history of th school and hundradji of his pupils jnow oocupy itoaltlons of honor emrneilcs and success the pupils of the lute robert ijttls marked his rest ink plane jn alrvlew censtsry with u apfendld gruiiltp qionumonl nearly twenty qve yvara gaje midsumhier promotion examinations the pupils in eight rooms of the public school who take higher cibbbcs will go to their new places when schools re open in september miss minnie z dennett principal of the public school has handed in the following lists as tho result of th sxambialluns for promotion promoted from junior iv to senior iv on years work cjladyh scannow ada mllth i itanclh wildh john mann kitank holioway premotsd from senior iii to junior tv on years work mac btpwart filank cook arthur hknderbon modd1e fordes maiuor1e3 switzbr psssed from ssnlor iii te junior iv nellie iialineil dorothy campbell iillen cook jim rilicilm ratmoni lambetit dorih untz walter lin ham maiuohip mann hi atricb mellon dorothy mnpherson max ktariobjw ooiuxn hm1txt fc1 len rypeu li lli a n y y lilt jean wfadok eva whejeleh blislahetir patrick moiuon mccallum obituary promoted n trial p eokx orkbn- htsjwa ivy little y chaitliu revoht haitold reid hiliiard price vflma mijitray mahel huaitd phylum cook uohdon modoooall hael tarzwell passed from junior iii t senior i phyllis howard doris maddock oladyh linham arthur lawson hazel smith violet currie margaret mcdonald uardaret pltlck wiliiam wilson kathleen kklxat robe watbiuiouse isabel lajstz j hyll1s tyler jebsie atkinson annie smith rohert mcartiiur jack reid 1eoiioe lrrtle jean smith hpt a mcnabu mildred holxjnukr dorothy smethurst luy ryrne ilda cr1pps sthwart- malcolm promoted on trial jimmie nodle recommended on years work eleanor clikfohd hazel coxb mulvii qhindell ivy holmes ororoe cook promoted from senior ii to junior ii on years work maltjory garden allan marshall arthur oamble tom ryder willie waterhouse psssed from senior ii to junior iii dlkt oiohens lajjra mcmullen thomas qiubons john mellon mrh wi i iam waune after but n few days lllneas rachael llrownlco widow of tho lute william warno dltd at her homo lot 7 concession b prln on wednesday july 4 mrs warno was nbout until a day oi two before jier death in fact she was in acton on the satur lay evening previous mr warno died about twenty years ago twn limn wesley firouelph and robert on tho homestead survive rev his hop wemrt of india is a bnthsr of tho husband of doreased urjd b always apprecjatsd very highly his visits to his boyhoods homo mrs warns was s life long member of the methodist cnurch at ilalllnafad the funeral was helti from tho church there lost prlaay afternoon and interment took place in the cemetery ut tho church mrs hamue6 mclam on the 6th may mrs samuel mo lam of point inward who had beei in poor health for mom time sustain ed n atroke orudually she qscllned from th time of this seizure and on sunday life peacefully ebbed away mrs mclam was a daughter of the late william watson of acton nnd was familiarly known during her girl hood here as fllsa watson she wsj in her seventy second year about forty jive years ago she married samuel mclom on of thelpte thos mclam main street eor ten years mr and mra mclam made their homd in acton but having secured a good position as a bridge builder on the crand 1runk railway mr mclam moved his family to i olnt judwanl mr mclam and heir two sons wil liam and uumuel aurvlve like their father both are railway men william is a foreman of the freight depart- minl t sarnja tunnel and samuel is n locomotive machinist at point ed ward mrs mclam was s woman highly esteemed her tiomo wus her chief concern in life she was a member of the mothodlst church the remains were brought to acto vn ninfi- and he funeral took premier fcrgueons new cabinet and their portfolios w f nickle chosen for attorney- general lincoln goldle for provincial secretary and cot price aa provincul treas the premier will be minister or edruojftion and hon a 8 henry minister of public works social and personal hni i iu vlultllig toronto viaitlng friends the ul nnd i ueaoay place from the rtialdence of mr idncw p m e noon tu three o clockv rev c hacks tt officiated pt the service premotsd prom senior i to junior ii john rar11er lloyd bruce l kathleen cook tiioha cook florence crosu tiioss chiiuenh cioiipon hansen john xurr hilly jones btuart jlant2 ooitpon lamrert lwna masse y loun monarii john maude jimmie iiuarp marion riury mar1f hu lli van hii i ie wji i iamm l clroitoe porhes atissilt fi exumhiutlon paased or years uik promoted on trial katharine stewart clara haukr zfvny tlrbfn andrew huchasan mil 1 1 ua smith pomotsd prom junior i to senior i isabel hwitzer maruaret ohhka esther taylor ixotb kenyon tejiy bluott may hlttjce joe kelly police court news provincial constable atkins picked two young men on the highway west of brampton who had been eels bra ting old home week and were budly muddled thoy came before it moons police magistrate on sat urday sad ware fined 10 00 and costs escb when interrogated on oatn as source of their liquor both of them whose names were given as c jones- and r brown sworo that they bought a bottle or seagram s rye whls key from a man thv did not know ti 0 a bottle was paid for the liquor they thought if they met the vendor again they would know him but they did not know his nunn phji forbes came before the magts trste on saturday morning charged by chief mcpherson with driving on mill street at a speed dangerous to ithe public phil pleaded guilty but said n extlnuatlon that when stepped on the gas the thine aluck nnd he was obliged to drive faster than ususl a penalty or f 5 00 and costs was imposed in the police court news lost issue the name james rallantlna appear d when it should haya been john rallantlne tub ftuta pxxsx regrets the error and apologises to james rallantlne if he has been caused any annoyance through tho inadvertent error g u police magistrate moure will hear six cuaes of infructlon f the ontarf temperance act ut rramuton next monday announcement of liersonnnl of tho now ontario cabinet of hon g ii r ward ferguson has leen mude following the comjiletlon late 4n saturday of th draft which was taken to government house and ro celved tho upi roval of the lleutenant governor the followtng is ents tho llml of appoint premier thd minister of edl on o ii ferguson k c b ornnvltlo cation a ll attorney general hon vi nickle k c r a kingston publlo works and highways- george h henry r a lld york east provlnci i rice k treasurer col w ii ll i purkdulo mins chua mocren k c bud bury hllc ileullh und ialior dr portxs oodrrey m n i r c j nnd 8 west york agrh ulturo john murtln ii a south norfolk provincial secretary lincoln goldle sooth wellington lands and foaflwwjame w lyons sault 8te jhhsh wlthqjmsio hon sir adam hock av f ijl p lond jnomus xv h north west tordli dr looming fjorr m uttumiitorr miss ilernlei friends master jack hell ih hulmuylng in alllston miss leonu hulmts in toronto miss m sayarw f t rone is hotl dnylng in town mrs a reesor via i ted kltchenur rrlends this week mr jfny hrown wim honn rrom hamilton bver sunday miss marguerite stewart of milton was in town over sunday mrs j n o nell of georgetown spani- thursday with acton friends misses jessia and murgnrot mcnabb of toronto are holidaying in town mr und mrst mac smith visited friends in town over the holidays mr a e nlcklln returned to the west on saturday on a business trip mrs annie johnston nnd miss hello stephenson nre holidaying at hurling- ton miss jennie whitley is home from mncdonald hall guelph for tho holl days miss mary e mu0phoraun of col li ngwood la holidaying at her home mr and mrs chos hyn la and chll dren of toronto visited atton rrlends this week mr peter smith was in urucebrldge on friday attending tho funeral of a friend thsr miss burubarn i lunk went to sun drldge butt week to vslt her sister rs church mra robert crulne un i mrs ful lis of toronto visited acbrili friends dur ing the week mr and mrs linton knnnoy of kitchener visited at the rentnl homo this week mr and mrs g ii ilrown spent the week end with- friends in hllls- burgand shi lob mrs a mctavlih was called aud official majority 811 mr hi ii mar received l2s1 votes premier drury 4440 and mr die 770 at the election the official figures of the- recent election in this cqunty have hern given out by returning officer ford as fol ahdie price palo drury hlllmer melvin lambert actoti x03 ibs 441 helen ostrander mm ton im 183 611 loia mcmullen oakvllle a m 4b1 hit doris mcdonald hurllngton 11 1b1 hi donald mann georgetown 7j iu 430 poreen masales naasaaaweya lillian peiuty campbell vt lie 140 13 clifford precious carney byrne brook vtlle si 16 101 knatchbull 50 32g 44 clarice morton nelson i violet woods freeman h t isabel smith nelson vi huge 4 las 80 olive hooker mlbrlde 7 116 es uohdon habcock lowvllle i aa 103 47 gorpon cooper hells school s bs is may elliott appleby 10 131 43 violet blanche htrutbcona 14 66 63 hill petrqsky prmnt hospital b- s 6s iifttv mccallum trafalgar promoted on trial newton hurst george green jamfri uabsey itoyne drumquln postvllls munns palermo 13 u 3 e t7 314 231 147 lb 14 81 101 b 6e 19 premotsd from junior ii to senior ii bronte 4h 361 1h7 tehence oshea sheridan 11 134 104 velma blair eaqueslna clarence anderson spruat s a 14 lot irene cross nqtvui 3q 14j 147 neil iatiulk blewarttpwn si iis v promotof dn trial dublin 38 134 43 thompson s corn s rohert hall ai fred uhown 1 760 4 440 bui promeled from senior 1 te junler ii majority for h1u ihahel hruce amelia evajs basil mhllon ella woods i george holmes gjcprob tyler nadbnta btuckey fuedena piujione promoted on trial jack mbmullbn jack waterhouse l willie hoixhns tommy elliott promoted frnrn priss to fitmi plats may cu18holu phyllis mackie victor elliott frances forbes fred wildes gordon mann nofri nicoiia- joe mocann georoe molozzi willie withers jack rh own louise latham violet white edna stuokby robert marshall margaret marshall j vivian mcmullen thomas rlouy ruth jenningh lillian woodhakl cla1rb oarden marguerite rohibll v maroajubt maude r cooke nor hasting speaker capt jpseph e thompson seal o north east toronto in announcing urn personnel of his government hon mr ferguson made n following statement the people or the province of on urlo have given the conservative party a mandate to administer their affairs for the next four years the lleulen ant governor called upon the leader that party to form a government as leader 1 accepted this invitation realising the great responsibility which the eloctors hnd placed in my hands probably never before have a province ipoken so decisively never before have any electorate sent to the lngls ns members of one party such ber of outstanding men from all spheres of public nnd private activity this has enabled me to choose a ptrong cabinet but that very fact nwuu unit difficult with patience and care i have cunvaaeed the whole sltua tlon taking into cotjslderntl in ull fun tors necessary in forming a represen tative- cahlncl there at ill remains number of strong capablo members who are iinu the loss worthy than those who will form the cabinet thoy will usslat tho new government ii bringing to lui attention their partlcu lur views on important questions the incoming leglaluture presents indeed a great opportunity for public service the new government eumostly do sires o be representative of all the people and consistent with the prin ciples of party government which are based on british parliamentary insti tutions will endeavor to translate into uctlon policies that wjll command tho support of all clussls i aak for the co operation of the press and of tb public in ordor that the new govern- mont may without fear or favor under talyo rs task in the new cablnot there are three lawyers bos idea the premler three farmers nnd one cattle merchant two doctors and three business men geo graphically the members of the cabinet ure well distributed over tho province the uew trans ornters of ioo h p capaalty blnfl insullsd st the hydro power house the use of hydro current for light heat und ower in acton is increasing so rapidly that capacity of the trans formers ut the hydro power house has become inadequat in order to meet the preaont and growing demand for rent the hydro electric power commission decided double the pa city of the power station here on monday three new transformers with w upuclty of 100 h p or electrla current each were delivered from tho n rv station to the power house by the hydro installation gang from kilrheitoi u will be several weeks irerure tie nnw transformers urn con- iipot i up to our present system n the meantime provision is being made for the distribution or currtnt through town upon mi improved basis new two c itmult oukles from the power house up willow strt to mill will installed they will carry 1 too volts und one circuit win serve the west side und the other the east side df iho town this will increase the nuiimiay of lighting heating und power thiuipraent of current users ull vr town to accommodate these new clnull ttlesnrty toot polos will erected at will street und others will be graded dawn to forty foot poles at the pewer house the development of tho hydro in acton is very gratifying the plant and oulpmogt her is now valued at 1st tilt it all extensions and improve munis are being taken care of by outrent revenues last year tho re olhal i 1 1 ailed lbfct60 after pay ing ull o barges for current main ten kiu w dtfpruclatlop etc there was a ut runt or 3 176 9 to acton s credit autmi lias iiow 3s1 consumers of cut rent uaors in the domestic lists 4 wmiuurclul 14 miwur and 3 munlc u powsr plants in connection with waterworks system we have 100 iet lights i im tailed ji rod and oun for july dowllilg uxteiuilvoly with the alt mil tlnns if ontario in the way of fish lug hunting und cum ding und point lug nut th nuinerbus advsntagea of the i rovliuie with its splendid ruada file h tel uli ommodstion und ull the u lvuntagrtt which await the tourist the july nvuilitl tuurlat lasue of iud milt guit in canada is una of the moat til tractive issues of the inagwalne with its special o mr us numerous beuutl ful iiuhtrutions and interesting ar ihlus in addition o tn6 bktru sea ti n the july usua 1m full of good torles altogetlmn- tho july us us is one which no one tsttrestod in sport of m nv kind should salsa rod and jim in cajutda is puuluhad monthly at i mother un 0topdstock ontario by w j tuylbr eaven weki uomkl da be dmily to searurtli by itkcrinatti of her hrother in law mr p byre mr d kennedy m p of dry den spent u few days with frionds in the old home here during tho week noel steele returned to kitch oner on monday after spend ir- a weeks holidays at his homo heiu mr and mrs h r hurling and chll dren of milwaukee wis are visiting t th homo of mr thnn statham mrs dr gray and mlas laura left this morning for a trip down tho thousand islands and to montreal mr and mrs fred rabcockand miss eunice of milton spent sunday at the home of mr wm landsbarougn and mrs j h denny spent s few dqys last week ut the hcmne of his cousin mr w h denny toronto mrs d c russell and ming jesat left yesterday to visit rriends at richard s landing manltoultn island mra r o brown who has been in reeport hospital for bo mo time is new reported to be jh n critical con tutlon mr and mrs w if lurncy und their son and daughter of wlngtuiro visited acton relatives during the week mrs malcolm mclean left on tues day to vlall at the home of ber daugh ter mrs norman lambert in wlnnl peg mf n mrs wesley knupp of toronto lalted i er ude miss emma haw thorne and other friends tare during the week i messrs norman drydenand ralph allan of toronto tirvi visiting at villa nor the homn of mr and mrs h s holmes miss ruth straaser of guelph and miss thelma btrusser lucnn visited at the home of mr thus stathum during the week the mlase leila and evelyn preston of alllston spent a few days with their cousin m4ss rernlce held dur ing thepaalwek mrs ads lawrence of high river alberta daughter of mr and mrs william gurney fergus visited acton rrlends last week miss myrtle soper went to roches ter n y on u short holiday when mr und mrs mckechnle returned home on monday mrswanu mr und mrs will wright maxllie and arthur of toronto qpent rfm week end at the home of mr and mm thou btutluim und mrs prdwihtumuaii und mr und mrs r wunsbrough of toronto visltear trlniids ut acton an i dlue spring park durltuf the week miss adu cbirke louvtu tu day uu u visit id montreal hit goes by bout from toronto throuhh thu rlumuuhd ulajids un 1 thn bt iiwruncv mr and mrs h r lupagi mr hurry lepuge mr moiloy lei age und miss evelyu carter if toronto wgru leau at moorvcroft oh sunday mr samuel mtxum mr un i mra william mclum jr ww lure yes lerday from point edward attending e fuiierul of mrs uumuol mclum mr gordon coleman of curt lor on rio is siteiidlng holiduyu this week the old homo furm un the f lurth iu tho gueat of mr und mrs hubert denny mihs eru keating of mauir dennis mius lang mrs o ciunpbel an 1 daughter lillian of toronto vlaited for a wk at tho home of mr john williamson mr hurry joimor und his dauahjju iss jennet und mr argot- in got of juhnatown n y motored to act it last week and spent a day or two with aoton rlends mr and mrs purk j dills who have been vlaltlng at thu home if mr geo pills fur thu pur few wnvks returned to their iu ma ut ophlr col on do this week mr and mrs f w irwin and mus margaret pol l uf lund tit und mr austin hell if strtttford worn wek end gupeis ut ttu homo of ml und mrw s l hold mr and mrs r j mukuilmh of hochter n y uhd thuir twu moiih tuotorud to artoil iuwt week und tito liollduyiug with mi und mis ouoigo super und othor frljuulu tllu rev 1l g u uuugh wont t i toronto on tues luy to unditrgu uu 0tiallon oh his feat ha will lw lill 1 up fur a few weeks the churui m1 vlous have kll been urrjinged f ant will bo held us usual misa harris andeisun bt oii iph fumiorly of nusaugawryii litis wtihn d from chloagu wier wi i bus 1 uuii taking post graduate work uu i hus sooapled the position bf night uur vlaor at tits uuelph omurui ibftipltul mrs kiilgil r ilnlmiy seiit u day or m last week with mj ulul mrs m mclean rower avenue hhe wus ueoompanlrd mi bur return by her mrs hklnluir who ut unt hh mm mduii ber berw w wtc- e rtjv vwwsijwrjtinrwpf y

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