Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 2

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eftr ftrton 3tee rrga tllouhdal jiuy help a fallow forward until h help h riuw t ml lilt vh when cnurui whmi when bit morn o glim i 1itttilt i fnl 1 ihur ki will yii li-ilui- korgt ithtiitl wl will vm tikm lie tiltlht illlt r in itiu might i i tit um iitind it ft uhjnd 1 qup jtofia inrl tnrg julia wideawake alnuh miinit il wivij wj i mnmonr hlop i ik lp tiln hot ktt- h grim 1101 fuiii llf nl jrkm jb blrll ijil 111 jul la help it follow forwii homnthlng chmrful hornethlng thiil will lir iiim i htill hi- will mid self oontiol uravnsl heart will moinmlniea htrongeal spirit nomllmn u and u friendly wird pf oheet on trunsfotna a whnln utn have you nut yourself hn u h in limns punt hy wm klnjj to alrongcr effort llll7 thc undermining of england acoordtng to an kngllhh paper jsng- luntl scotland uiijl wale logejhor huvo prottuood mim soq 000000 ton of roul hmull wonder then ihut these countries ur full of hag hole muml by th abstraction of this maa of mln l and ludnod u muny hole iro tliuro so much h the land falling in ml in i he west hiding- ot yorkshire tho local council seeking power from parliament lo miiko mine and royalty owners pay something towards drain in tho sunken district doncter coalfield i comporn lively recent dam but so tiadly has this dlalrlot boon affected by thi minlnm operation that expert any that doncoater will aland on ft morass in tn year- time even now a large area of land ha boon marked off ua juitc unql for building purpose krom wakefield to cjoohi practical ly along i ho whole oour of the don the country la more or leaa flood und what might bo fruitful land almply go to waste hoods too in thla part frequently suffer and they coal some thing like 117 000 a mile to resurfai naturally the illack country hu suffered b great deul from ubtrran ran working they have often caused whole districts to sink and a few year ago ilia high street of cradloy heath ilrpupcd ailildnlyjlyoiej the ffolutlop ot tha prablom reala mdeqtia t t r iireaa mining la proceeding all the time drainage ought to follow counteract the bad effect of boring and blaatlns if i oems of thought i call education not thai which smothers a woman with accomplish monta but that which tend to con solidate a firm und regular ayatem of character that which tend to form a friend a companion and a wife- hannah moore an old wrlur aaya those that ael- dom take lawful pleaaqr will take unlawful and by lacing themaelvt too hard grow awry on one aide william mat hew tba block of granite which waa an obstacle in the path of the weak be come a atepplng- atone in the way of the trongv carlyte the glranse thing which are dom tn the world which are aome million dally are juat what keep tho world alive klngaley tba groateat obatacle to being heroic t tho doubt whether one may not be going to prove ope self m fool hawthorne v i hate cyplclam a great deal worae than i do the devil unleaa perhapa tha two wire the turn thingr u stavejwoo conscious guilt unnerve tha urm that ufta the aword agalnat tho inno cents j warren to think wjthout reading is difficult l to read without thinking la ridiculous some men poae a the under dog for the purpose of exciting sympathy a man wbo know no foreign lan guage knows nothing of hi ownv ooeths an ear for muato 1 u very different thing iron a laalo for mualc if europe ahall ever be ruined it will b by it warrior montesquieu dont bite off more tban you can chew chinese proverb j most peoples gratitude i a wiah for favor to come pjmt even ovpsies chanqinq to defend her race from the charge that they are ugly dirty half idiotic veneusj smith a gypay princes ha written the first- genuine romany let ter to appear in tho english now- patera bhe 1 gifted womah deeply versed in borrow gypy t lore and claiming descent from the injtu- ungro family mentioned in borrow book which to gypale 1 what nor man blood 1 to the arlatocratio eng lish families prince smith con- 1 tend that real gypale lire handaome clean a clover a their critics and give evidence that the mysterious vagabond race u changing its tradi tional nabit under the influence of the modern thirst for knowledge nqwaday in gypay camps here her letter continues it 1 not unusual lo find the rootbec squatting beside ber caravan teaching the wwurtny brood of children to read and write 1 why nine lives the saying that u cat haa nluu iv i a tribute to that animal wonderful t knack of escaping early death iu body flexible a steel give it remark able agility it padded puwa en- able it to land safely after u fall that might kill a dog its spine i tougher than moat animal whit its looely fitting akin unable it to take many u nip with no injury to the actual body the cat tribe too ha a bettei bulunu- ed muscular sygtemlhan moat even- ture and su perfebcly u iti btwiy under control that even when thrown from a height a cat will generally msnuhe4o fall safely on thoae paddedjvawa the saying nine uvea however 1 only derived from the ljup3uuan which regarded tund7 aa number having mygucat argnincanos ho they used say it took nine tailors to rnke a man dali8thbnic8 and housework physical uulture i awfully interest ing cried the eager glrj who had just come back from boarding school for a vexation look papa to develop the arms i grasp thi rod it thla way and then may it slowly froa right to laf l xo yott er- k wnaderfiir replied ber father in djblrmtlon what suutmoroiinary thng tocher- have dioowdl it alld in id uhr wonder t irylx wliliiawukil hlm iiivur tonmixl niy ut ull themp wholn four youra grnduutlnu with nutrk uhovo utcli fessora ulntply ouldit l htr nupplngl d you ninnbor that ul hat id itnnuin malory whon ah mihi nmiid the book tho wholo rin and dr tlreer naked ht vvhat uu llm prlnoliml orcupjxllun ff tho itthuttltanla of the in liualn durlug tho reign of tfborluht bhe inetantly agriculture and when he kept to tiume crop alio wuld drain and then ollvea without hesitating and do you remember the day ah hnuriod orf ur jenkins from culling on her in kngllah by volunteering uii unawnf to a ganerut uucatlon alout tonnyayna dramaa which shed never ria7 ho aakcrf why thny were iwttor read than performed und ahn mtantly ald ilecauo they tmvi little action what wonderful telllgent queatlona julia uaed to uak and those- poor profeasorn never uj pected herl and what a wonderful poaltlon hhea going tot research work for a encyclopaedia julia archer at her urtak ir alllpo of mr hurtley the edit the encyclopaedia ami led dreamily a she seemed to hear again thoao voice of a month before on the flowering june caropua especially clear were the tinkling acefcnta of little amy wood iter most devoted admirer among the large number wham jullan fine jooks warm manners and ready tongue had won her at ilormont col lege a passing frown of perpli clouded the bright intelligent face which just missed perfect charm by missing perfect openness u julia wondered why she had nol heard from junyalnco cqtfunenoemoqti the little sophomore who quoted julia constant her-a- faithfully aa sweet perhaps rmthet dull girl could imitate a dashing eparkltna one had promised more than once lo write juat u soon a she maobed her summer home in tha mountains yet four week had gone without a letter hut julia had little time to dream or to wonder for the manuscript of the first section of the encyclopedia was almost ready to be revised and he wo completing her laat contribu tion to it a piece of french biographi cal translation which ml raw lea typewriter was expecting to copy be fore luncheon julia of course did not typewrite her own manuscript re search worker wero destined for higher things it seemed to her a she worked that she had made the beat possible pre paration for her career literary work was her chief jntereat yet ho was ao full of vitality that o very thi i interested her her broad course atudy in language history aclenco and literature aeemed an excellent aundatlon for a compiler of brief article ttor a new popular encyclo paedia julia thoroughly enjoyed searching for her material through piles of reference book and combin ing her choice of facts into striking paragraph her kaenncs and good memory for general information which rad made ber o able to foil tnqulsl live professor seemed also to tx winning hoc favor with mr hartley an experienced elderly man who high ly appreciated welleducated w bred assistant julia wondered how he endured with such apparent equan imlty mum rawle bright rfllk bui- ies dress and her extensjvo slang mr hartley returning from early luncheon entered the office just as julia put the final period on her translation tve finished my assign ment jrfr hartley aho announced enthusiastically shall i give it to mlsa rawle nowt yea she nearly finished what shes doing ahes a confirmed apeeder re plied mr hartley pleasantly no dlf flcuttles yet i auppose ml archer r no replied julia amjllng sv never had duncullle then the nrst section of the work i completed very welj go and have luncheon julia put on ber hat and carried her pile of manuacrlpt into the steno graphic department ml rawle a harpeyed girl a little younger than julia glanced np a julia approached her desk hello glrllel she said youre jut tha person- i want jo ee listen did you leave out something herer she pointed to the voeetof paper wet in the carriage of her typewriter and julia concealing her annoyance unduly familiar form of ad dress read the following sentence out of th prodigious oataolyatru en- ulng a catastrophe in which em pire were lorn asunder und throne overturned a new atar of hope of the first magnitude appeaped on ina horl- xon to rule the shattered destinies of mankind wbuteem lo be wrung please inquired julia coldly civil i didnt know just what it was ull ubout admitted ml rawle some time the research worker uuve out something by mistake und i juat speak to them if i notloe u x connecting parugraph in thai historical article you ure type writing of course said julia with re trained superiority iferhui mr hartley will understand it v all right aald muurawlea iuuo unperturbed m loudly and cheerfully ahe rvaumad the description of the atur of hop while julia went to oiijoy her dainty luncheon which was marred only by moment or two of recurring worry r amy wood failure to write what in the world could all hert julia returned to her desk in her uuatomary good spirit a new as signment relating to un urtleuou the american shoe trade wo lying there write census figure only for th following deade said a note in mr hartleys hand jua wu rather as tonished copying atatlatlc w usually tli task of some humbler member of the surf however he prumiltly tarted work ua directed careful not to disturb her chief who at his desk opposite seemed deeply engrossed lit a pile of typewritten rnsjiusorlpts the statistic were dls- trmtngiy dry and julia wa relieved when ha addressed her mis aroher did ypu vr hear of oeoeral ban marti n ft thlruf not replied juff smiling btit you aeern to have heard of ttollvart oh tr you rpmdlrur t gwgrii- phlca article on vuamwtat ys i oerujnly hgve heard bolivar ft vvtmtmmmi alk martley wltlh hi flrg lnt of irony viht gcoount for tblajtwnlntjur grtlolat oniy on mjjutsty r boilvtr jw ubm4qv w ftbu tha li h xvlthjirnfrmyu font thnt m l titnpllaird jji 110 i 1 1 ilnk urn dnl u lorred tulla it ix ho it thp ta i that lloll piismpil the andew with hm urmy you look either of thone fantii up7 why no i know them anil you know rollvur wu only ganuru who over performed thai ezploltf why you cortwlnly did imi know ihut mlsx archer for lt in not so mr lluitley resumed the girl tulmly in mt nflncml y martin the tiatluiiul fio to of argentina led an army uuros the andes into chile with strategy nt extraordinary that i bellovo it ltt atllt studied in military school 1 nm not blaming you however for navur huvltig heard of him hi peronullty wt spootncular i could urlttclxe howovcrj for making an offhand i lnf- menl without ovon trying to vorlfy it iad you done so you would ut one have found reference to the argen tine general for he and uollvul were closely connected im sorry i made a alight mlstuku julius lone waa wounded and even u ulllo donant mr hartley looked at her hard though nut unkindly some of your atatoment is correct he auld at lust in college you wopld bo graded on it possibly ju julia flushed with anger mr hartley again rcfcvnxl to thr manuscript and turning to tho lronoh blogruphlcul sketch that she hud translated that morning inquired you fouid no difficulties in till trans uitiont no french is an easy language indeed i fed i quite at homo it myself my rather was viae conaul in a french city during my boyhood said mr hartley pleasantly listen please mia archer to thi aontonoo that catches my eye tho vessel commanded by the murchanj cuptwli vldul wa proceeding upstream aflor hnvtng a- cargo from sain- doux- now thla idl cxpreblon thnt you have itranslatod uptream dot you recall mv i julia gave it correctly with a utll air of triumph you didnt look that upt why no mr hartley 1 know l ye that time you were right how about thi expression merchant cap tain 7 capltalne uu long oouret julia quoted vivocloualy- why jterwlly that would be longvoyage captain so i decided merchant captain wna a good english a any 1 could think of it will pus that time you guess ed pretty close to the mark now mia were going to hire a lot at now typo writer to rush the copy i know be cauao im going to bona them jullu looked profoundly respectful im oleurheudod and know how to work tbut wby mr hartley chose me for the pine explained mli ruwiom nulvoly h ores he lla you start right in going to the busi ness school whore i wont it awfully strict und learn typewriting q quick ml archer you can learn it soon and itll head you right no bluffs go on a typewriter then sep timber first you coma here and pas tho typewriting tost and ill got a position mr hartley wont want archer i see that this veaael waa pro- you7 wm too f you j n ceedlng up thrloire river thorn a large map of france in that atlas yonder will you please turn to und find sqlndoux several minute passed during which julias pencil traced the jongth of the loire nervously and in vain it laqt here perhapa thi map detailed enough she suggested anally und her face wo red with annoyance try looking up tho word dictionary directed mr hartley whoae expression showed that he was by no means enjoing hi assistants di tress julia did o gave one glance at the english equivalent closed the book and aat down salndoux ia the jtnjnch word lard isnt it 1 think 4 vessel had taken on a cargo of lard aald m hartley wltb astonishing mildness why did you suppose it wa the- of a placet jt looks something like a kronen proper name i thought it was juat nalaprintcd wlthqut a capital replied julio why didnt you find put is that the way you atudled i guess its the way you didnt atudy id mr hart ley shrewdly im afraid you have that american ideal wbloh 1 decidedly not one ot our beat the ideal of get- ling by julia felt remarkably foolish she wa juat persuading herself that any way she liud made no more error when mr hartley burst forth again this time vigorously what in name of sense 1 all thi about ulng cataclysms and hope of the first magnitude a connecting paragraph eh were youever ordered to leave out fact from connecting paragraph these are jut showy moanlnglea phrases i leople arent go nig to pay ten dollar to read about that tared destinies mlaa archer youll have to give up thi work julia looked o utterly bewildered that bar hartley was sorry for her though ho continued te shake his head ftrtniy 1 am very orry ml archer id the more so because you seemed full of promise but ive sua pooled for some time that you were not dependable see here im going tell you why you refuse to think honestly you wont make a return fur whut 1 expected of you you want to write an encyclopaedia hut you wont look up a word jn a dic tionary i that fair yoq need lo wuk up and atop bluffing mentally honest people dont want merely get by they want to epter in triumph well you may stay until the eod of next weak and copy figure that will give you time to look for another ikisitlun what a week had dawned for julli though uo one mentioned her failure or her coming depurturvto her she felt am if she the pride of 1lermont college hud leeri publicly humiliated her first reuutlun wilwoundid vanity her second wa angry disbelief in mr hartley criticism anting under them she deiertnlned to go who abe would im hotter appreciated literary work was nut tha only career in which ht oouirt shlnel ill write to the dean she decided she know what a lfcr 1 wa ut college and that im good socially and at game i hhnl uak her for u loiter ofieco metidutlou to community house where lot nf imermoht girl have worked i could do club work very well julia dlspaiohed to mis trumbull tho dean of ilormont a moat polite and skillfully worded nuf and aftur send lug it somewhat recovered her spirits she copied the detestable oan- u figure with ue rsnw aud hinted lo her associates that she had more deslrublawork than their own in view hvr renewed oliearfuln reached it climax one morning whan she found on hr dek th long- looked for letter in amy wood handwriting picking it up eagerly he wa astonished to see the familiar postmark how trapgo that amy should be ut jler montl julia tore the hitter oimn road it reread it and thlm us nine odlogk struck jul managed drag out thqee evcparcualng census re port and pretend to be working on thtm but on paragraph of the letter h between her and the flfuraai 2 i didnt writ be torej julia because without ut inly i he last term thn way you alwaya did o lirlllluhtly i guess only llnvnr pnnpla can do it i flunked till ontli try and siimiiimi and im utklug thorn over in mimmr hcho jmre will you go on liking mo n lltlhi if i i thin tlmift ikr ioir jullul hui oyna wiirc w hhi hud tenlhly mlll a w i whom mho foully ouird for and ii loved hur no hllpdly tliu shn till iruslol hnr thn liltternens of self u wrm almost u mi ncl tn uhlti her ono hoi wuh that thn dean a reply would bring her 7iiiullirr flmncn to nvit in r own flutntiim thn inttrr mn on huluiduy ufternonn when r hartlny had taken a- half holiday ip only iiound thut itruko tho stlllneau i she fuvarliihly ipenod mm tnvnuipc un th i lick of minn lluwlen m typ- rllnr jullu rnsil i my drai mia archui i ulwuyw take tho grrutoat lntoront in the raroors husoii by plcrmont glrln but i luii- lot ronaciemloukly grunt your reiuat o retommetid you for i lub work at immunity hoidhu frankly you ur- not yet fit for tho luiidirwhlp or young folks because you make ymi wwy in vlro rather than by inmost work the fuaulfy here although obliged to voji bjpra uu of your mnrka wiri r ut laded with your indutico ilouno bulla vo that 1 toll you thn truth boiuuse 1 um mua that if you iltitvnnln to ovaroomo your undii tilmed rritotol habits you run become a dlstlogulshed wuimtq i althfully yours s harriet trumbull olrlle what tho mutter the holm that julia hud thought no nrofuly suppressed tjroku forth in wild rush oh itobliod julia irwan agony iiinonn am dlauppalntmenr vou wouldn t underatundl olvn mo credit for something a mlsa ilnwlfts crisply and with economic sense horn of nvn years business out of lyinly years of life added ahrewdly you- havent found another jab no und p dont know what im giinr u do hut thats not the worst then leis hear the worst right off the next minute julia was con fid lug to n girl whom she had always rut hnr dosplsod the story of her calumtntphe hur inaccurate work her injury to u friend tho deans rebuff und her own tetter discovery that no mlntloniihlp business or social ws he thoroughly acceptable mi row- iph heard her out with a womanly sym pathy that wus both oonaallng bracing now luuii to me alio said us julia ended tho worlds not coming to un nod becausn youve lost your first job but you must make up your mind to think straight hereafter now ivo n plon youre fixed enough tpgtttthr sun hindi i and t varus i lllllillle of dog ai leant to inii priu n loving yes m look- tx llk a niultltii1t what on ntrth kellup- do aosuiil of tin nil u fulib in- upied him nhuriily its tt to point where eillmr wiv git lo itiovn out or flluc tho lain hav tltey inciuasln lki tubhlt soums to mitl trupn tlotit thin satisfy tho reuulreroent hell pect you kf ypu sturt doing your best and keep it up everybody will then i could still help a tiny bit an the encyclopaedia aald jullu i junt hate to be pushed out of here a failure thats tho girl go straight ana with your tine ability youll rlao high yet ure und how how aald julia well rofwlu how kind you much you knowl we fall to rlaei poetry inquired mia i love it soy some more tv fall to rise aald julia stall ins like an april sun through ber last teardrops are baffled to light better bleep to wake unfailing memories there are soma things that you forget which you have earnestly triejt to romemlwr bo mo historical facts and dale which you huv spent many an hour memorising grow vugun course of time and perhapa slip uwuy from you altogether you often em- barraag yourself by forgetting the name of some acquaintance and when tha time cornea to introduce her you are unable to recall 1l out there ra sometimes you will never be ubju to forget when deliberately wound the heart of the one that love you when you wreak your fretfulne and irritation on those who accept it without protest becauso the ovo lhay bear for you then you hav made for youraelfanunfall jug memory yqu will- forgot the thing you learned at school- the pleasure that qnoe meant so much to you will grow so vague and dim that you will rind it impossible to recall just what it waa for which you oared o much rut memory at the cruel word that hurt a tender heart will burn on in your life beware how you triortguge your future by those bitter memories do nt dodge motor cars the ontario safety league give the following hit to pedes irian act dorrtially when a vehicle up- tffouche you trying to dodge con fuse the driver and makes him more likely to hit you cross tho atreut ut thn cross wulk if inclined to be absent mlndod wake up when crossing an street und keep it- of the hospital walt until a cur stop before getting i or off olve t driver sufficient apaoe in whloh to pa you remember you can not tell wnat he 1 going to do ue aware of traffic dangers fam iliarity and contempt of them rnvltes kcoldent renumber uakte ruckles thoughtlessness and carelessness cuuse most accident do m you would be done by 80 ftudden tiir ardent youth had taken the girl of his heart out to tba who la that young man who ha jut com in he uskod iris companion see he nodded to you t you know him y answered th tauidau i know him weir- shall i uak him in join ua aull tho young hiun after u pause oh deiirv murmured the girl in infusion thla i so auddun kli what do you mean he asked urpilse why juk she ivplled hes our mlnlsler the obbt collector a japanese wjio obtutned a situation with an tfingluh nm wus asked to u customer who had owed nome money for u long time write briefly aald the cash lot hut let liltn understand d 1st hint ly thut to hm pect him to pay without tuttlujr- ililuy thn letlaiwsa written und on th following day came a ch for the amount due the letter ran thuat idear gb if you do not send at on thdnlohyou owe we hjl bo obliged to mweaup hlt jitzi ubhtokra fbu tijasgj t i wa gahint will vouver whlcb wu cause you the utmost si- gjimi oo nudlm banmtlnf rjiom mublgtwuslblotcbt wf fmmit apjnl l avud lfl get bar wnlanffljitrsjjsaotfutiy your fed u j wfev rrlr peablee on careless charity ii ulhlg iii ul wo i6 bat kin g mid amir lijl in lob ll mloo a yard dun- hnio tn idu iih mu 1 illtm e to- will it tii hi tld rly nan v vith i rhm mall kn l till muk ha found ijwenty uses for lemons lew itpople realise lie value isinor itcd ho i udvnrtln nil tha bin 11 glvo tvo log- i stink niirglng many llum for i a itotio down in lh irnl ty boforo yuit du y and t hi i imoti of 111 the douion loold ut t uss of dogu i dont amongut nm that id pu k ltrs l7 remarked dlsiwiraglngiy that hrlntilod one evr thtire looks big enough and ublo onough to pull dtrlvu mi ox and that hlackand whltn mm thut just run bntwlxt your ftwt and iiuq to huvn th rowed you i near ua big- a a toll hooms to me ho fnlks that trudn yotlr notloo dltln how uny atrju judgmunl in unwar n it thoso dog are all too big fov ullni ml didr they iih ilaishx noddi d ruefully ui howqd uu much judgment aa l udmltod with u rreatfullen i id uught t ud bo llko this if i advertised the ordinary porson thlnka unytlitiigll do advortlhu you just notice somelimt how muny of im tlo you mak i rount lo bt uskod tho flnucon thures fourteen of em hero ll i yurd calob replied it looks mora like forty i know but thats oi account of their shirting round t likely and therou anothci one tlo n tha luirn that makes flftopn im us good at rigger as that my olf said tho inucuii it kind of put no in mind utld caleb ignoring tho duonm irony c time the min later give out 1 church a dee tutu family over hank holler way tnurn wa a bedrid father and thn mother and seven daughter ho the minister said and whilo thoy could muko out to git bout nbugh to cut thuy hudnt anything lo weur und couldnt ufford to buy now say he im mukln thi appeal to tho men members of tha congregation the women have been called oa onough in tho way of dona tlon part im and most of the work in charity falls on thorn anyway lt tho men roimi forward und do tuelr boat lo relieve this naody family bear l thnt is appr two or threo wllie of it inon li a up of hot hlroug ton will mim a noi- ous tn ada bo a tnuspoon of lomoii julty in a up of hlark loffno will rullavn a blllms hrndai he thn jube of half a lemon in a tup if hot wilt or on awakening in th inornlng is nn oxt ollntu orrectlvc a dash of lemon julco in plain wutt i m u kits a oleunslng tooth wnh a lolun of itunon julco antl i osn water wllf romon lan and whltmi thti skin iamun j iii on with olive oil is ton- sldnrvd by muny a fur superior to lncger for salutl drnaslng leraon juice and louf augur lire good for tioursonees outward application of the julrn allays irritation caused by insect hltcs of reshlng drink la made by add ing a freshly beaten egg to tnmonadu ntitl thf sum mlsturo whon frosen muhm a delutous he if when boiling augo or rlio li teu- ipoon of emon julc la added the ornel will imi whlur and u dnllcuto flavor is udded n ol fashioned remedy for n lemon julco honey upd avim ove ull know the value of lemon juice and salt for removing rust stall from white good after the juice i extracted thn rh dipped in gall clean bras beautifully und conveniently it also remove unsightly nlul from the hand for flavorlhgoookory lemon julod la unexcelled aflor the pulp 1 removed tho ailli make dainty receptacle for serving salad ice etc tough meat maybe made tender by adding a teaspoon of lemon julco to tho water in which it is boiled slices of lemon garnish fish of kinds tou la greatly improved by the ad dition of a- slice of lemon either lead for summer use or as russia tea a winter day yd t ttiry mnn tin n tgl ms way he tulked on for u spell mighty movln and told what he knew about the condition f tho fumlly talklo ull tho time to the rnon and im free to say hat 1 for onu wa ubout ready to givo away anything i owned in the way of clothes and that my wife didnt forbid me givln i tlggered id pick up some few thing whut times i could ketch her out of thu house und uy nathtn to her about it ihored less urgumunt ovar what 1 could spare and what 1 couldnt tho min is lor hud sot the comln thursday for um ull to moot at the housu in ranks holler and lay offerln out in the shod so when i drove- up to th liack door i want ur prised to nee eight or ton house hitch ed round tho place und about ua many men gutherud round the yard and whilst i wo mukln my hoaa fast to a cherry tren i tiotli od that the gath- ertn snttmed constdnblo tickled over something however 1 thought no th in much ubout it and went round to the tall of the wugou and began to hjtul out tjjo truck id ftuchsu th fust thing i got holt of wa a heavy blue overcoat thut id worn for mebbe five year and when i hauled that oi in night cyrus ludd thut wa standi right handy to me snickered right out ana turned r to haiem osgood whatd i tell you balemt ho aaya and hal cm mgun to laugh too though t didnt see anything yet to laugh over dut when 1 got my urm full of clothe and gut to the shed door oould see plain enough and wa ready iq laugh too 1 didnt need what cyrua hud to suy to muko thing plain to mv i venture to say cutob say he that you didnt consult your wife what you should bring how did yef and i hud to own up i hadnt well ho aaya it jvus the utmu way with tho ret of u leavln out amos raker we ull figured this was ns donation purty arid wetook no counsel eurh com nl to th aama con clusion aeprute and the net result ho aaya luokin at u slip of pr he hud in hi hand 1 that wwve got twenty- two men overcoat ftftoen pairs ofl overull thlrtyfour0oul about the unnia of vnst and over forty pair of punts und onu dress und one cloak which amo raker fetrhed on account of his wife udvlaln him to take so try thing u woman oould pointed out with degree of reason cyrus went on to ay tuit a man pod fast wouldnt have uny great use for an overcoat and that wouldnt havn any more use than he would and if wnid ull donu a amo did cyrus suy lookln stlddy ut us und redden in up bo mo wed have showed more souse whllsl cyrus wa tulkin id done aomq thuikln und by the time hed got through id got into ray wjrkel und fn toned out my colfskla ind ot u nvedollar bill out and when the real of em nsw that in loy hand thwra wm a genrul pulllii out xt wallet und cyrus pulled off hi hat und went round th cln le and when ho vi 4 thbluit unto thu shed door there wu rlsln seventy ilollurs in the heap there aaya he wlpln hi ace und gathering the money up im wlllln tliankful to puy my lwrt of thut to realise how hltw judgment ive got in aonia thtugh und how much im de pendent 6n my wife aouae now hu aaya svell loud those thing buck lulo our wagons and take sim but k hontu und ill bund this money to the miiilstui and let him giv ii ov i tn tha womeiifolks of ttilu fiuly to buy wuinou ulotho with not inuuu rut ht uuys kind of gilunln wtdro h tulcho m cnit of litis he got tti unawti liiu onu ninmllon muii fuhhlou whutlul lin ilggokvd uutbr- furcband how woil uut in plokln out rtttln thldkk and if hu ituril xvud bo willing to puy juinmy to have nothln said ubout it ami it turned out ufsrwutda said ruloli thut thu mlnlwtot grinned and owned ml liumuum ha wn un uwful itnjart mlillutet caleb udded thoughtfully j s every iof pckoi of wilsons fly pads clean to hundj sold by druggists grooera and geoerji stores vyhlrh taniiot tin had humble start it im not a matter of gen era r know ledge that hi lordship justice rid dell at one time tended sow the scholarly judge will admit it doubtless with honest pride to anyone who doe not believe it he recalled those day himself in open court and with di dignity in the progress of a case he waa trying about fifteen year ago a railway train had slaughtered u doxen or more cows being driven across tho tracks by a tonyearold boy the ibonamilhy7 waa jubg him uhuij he had of aucb matter by becoming reminiscent and digging up the happy day of long ago when he roamed hi father farm in the neighborhood coboutta one who was present at the trial relate that his lordship cut ou all the unwleldly whereases and ina muohe and stated simply when i wa u jy on the farm driving cows i am sure l did better by myself than when i had my brother with me he didnt want anybody to monkey with hia cows he hsd his own ida or driving cow just as he bo a presiding judge and he applied tha knowledge of his boyhood to the i at tho tltooof that trial ho judge wore whisker of the muttonchop variety but even then it boomed rather hard to imagine him the little chap in overulla tickling the lasy moomoos with a lung stick forked at tl while ho drove them up the green latie 0 the milker but anybody who la acquainted with vilm will gamble thut he mudo a thorough job of it he thought it might do when dennl received nn order he followed it tmpllclty a far aa ho could sometime even farther than h celtic brain realised he want a pane o windyglass tin inches by fourteen aald dennis day as ho entered u shop where his employer a master carpenter traded in the shop wa a young clerk who never missed a chance for a little joke at tho irhuunane oxpense ir we havent ny tenbyfourtecna he aald may have to give you u fourteen -by- ten r lennl rubbed hi houd refine lively thenofie stood pondering for a mo mont und at last remarked iles in a great roosh for it apd there novo the r place near to get it otve me wvn o thlm fourteen by tin und if he turn it aide way and opp- slde down there not a aowl would know the difference give love a chance how the sunlight aeema to watch for a chance to get through the small est opmilng in the cloud i love which forgive because it i love and which walt for every opportunity t manifest kindness 1 not going to wait to be uskod in forgive ignore tha wrong you receive and think ovwr tha good that ho beep r yot may be und the evil will dwindle in to nothingness register piire green te is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name salada i t h ma famous for it flsvorjutft ttry t sfllmpl irishman always there nn an irlaliimn a hwtxh row wont in ought to i itlirt w wiui urrottl for alfttilliig hwotln for touting a hoi irishman for hit tiling a wagon uuld -thi- judg turning t w wherrf did you gut thi a ml a 11 tin lit b a iw tl um thn v ii tho hob vw 7 it waif r huvn lljd jt vuh thi riplr whoro did u get the 1 mkod tint hwodj ivb hud t ninoi it w a tho rnplyuf thn hwodo and 1utrllk whom did y wagon uskotl tho judge of tho thief 1 oh you honor ivo hud it hlnco it wus a whi nlhurrow i got the drlwss asthma llk mqla i ho irnmtitlltitv hl from or j d knl- luggs asthma remedy seems like magic novorthnltn it is only a nat- urul remedy um tl in n uuturnl way the sniokn or vnpor reunhlng thn moat remote puaaugnof thn ultoctpd tube brusheu tisldn thu trouble und opbns u way for fresh ulr to mi tor it lu uold by uuulorm tlirouguout thn land evil heretity here1 ltfh iut ithl of tha ntoilt jllst 1 h ft hoinn lust hoptomlxir u mttlix indiuiily lame into u room whn oi in wati a llttlo iwy uor movn y tm old umi juunii that ijttl boy trylnu to kill u baby two ynum old with hi- n liu0111 and she said to umi child what urn you doing and hu aid i w to kill him it frlyhtt in d thi mothor unit she talkutl to thn futli r ulmut it untl the fittlier look him ii n tuuitifr and he look him to a uptflillut who wuw my friend ho iiutninei tin ililld thoroughly und suiil to lilni uliy io you wnt to kill tin tm by it dot it not hint you and tho hoy rnpliid i want to ulll uomodhttly all tlk tllikrj ami the dimitor tin in to tbo father und said arc mu a tlriuktug maut tho father naitl well i do drink ll is mm but i dont often drink- lo nxcobk tho tloctor r pilot avell you drink thnt tty will kill somo- btwly lamv day it in in his blood and your drinking habit is thn uuh of it you reap what you sow loni forget it oypsy smith c millers worm pqwders musvg tsg rcgruaa oonorrion baouoht ojbytmgkuaaiotor amd nsbtdflc tmexhil0 to npruai huuth no narcoticsphasant as suoar 1 womtt 1 aj is your corn crop infested the european corn borer leaves no question of doubtas to its presence in a field of corn guard carefully against the infestation of your crop beware of these signs the first easily observed sign of the infestation is the breaking over of the corn tassels later the feeding of the worms begins to show on the stalks which being greatly weakened break over finally the cobs and shanks become infested and the entire stalk col lapse to the ground the borer then seals it self for the winter in corn stubble or corn stalks which must either be burnt up orploughed un der before june 1st of the year fallowing write or pamphlet on the control of this insect dominion department of agriculture arthur glbsoi dominion entomologist hri1 amnm wwtrim to u dmui- th-wrtfc- iwtod bnumk otfem ta mw umtuctlw u ma kmtwmuralvku xkwmt btrtkr9 omlmu f1mui kto dlvuion ol field crop nd 0rden liuectt kntomoloicml bnnch ottw ont failure to advertise resulted n collaptse day martin thlmamoub englibh manufacturers of shoo blacking who have been in operation one hundred and fifty years are being sold out the manager explains that up to 1912 the firm held the leadership in this trade through advertising its failure to adver tise since resulted in collapse ithe linn that quits advertising soon learns thut the public has a very short memory dont let the public forget ypukeep in the lime light by advertising vly c tf tk inv ii-r- t

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