Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 3

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or u gttg acton jflrgg ffrggg tillinbday juiv 12 wm fob he was jcotch and 80 was she thoy won with wlu npnut curort not a wtilt f lor hi wiii h nl ami ni il y i v l dour blltln i in thny llivr w rh lio in v jl t ii i m oiin utile 111 11 1 or ho wt h ti h lulk i r liurn lilt r it lit y llurnu uf iiim mmg ti i atrouu i im liber moo- li il t i wiui ulia iii i it iv you think thin pulr in in w nhir always fair will y u ktww in murrled lift will f um n mul i tn u tin jar tvnrt strife thoy t ml in i ujwliyu just agree i ir in vim h ut h mul no wu nlio hut n ui ut tiny i v r kept ljiuiit ill hi i r 11 fu thoy hioiii jiiht this i imy whtin jt wiu puat they lovid inch other to ihg lust riuiy in i iwlnif yot in imuvon may he koi hi wuu h utrli i ml h wiui oho wnn how much 18 a minute wqrth7 being ciyibiaplty runlnili d sjffibbvlwo of tlmo und of how to 1 r bust use uf it yot aru wo uuvih tl mi o thn i of our making propurulluu hdv wo can beet uhu air mtnutoti and lays th oolhigo gruduatn all others who hut nionlly liavn comptotod uiolr training luuam will now find tholr tttnu valunt ijltti ill finitely by thn thoroughness ond tho earnestness thoy manifest vi tholr c lax ob the preant moment may bo short but of o u promo value if its worth is determined by ull tho month and yearn of preparation tiiat tuim hint on before l the noted uslronomor who uni prised thq crocker expedition to north western austrullu not long ago had only a few short aepondu to roako ob aervutlon with tholr powurfql tele scopes to tako photogrui h and to study tho ium s uulpsu yet in tliut brlftf period thoy wore to determine the truth or falsity of tho much talked- of einstein theory of relativity in order to do thin it was incriiwy for them to huvo transporvud to the locu tloa they malociod on- far uwiy australia nvor seventy tons of tolo- scoplo photographic radio unu peo- trpcoptia instrument and nqulpmonl over five month were qod in setting up the equip merit and tn not ting tho instruments adjusted for observation but only rive and ono half minutes were allowed to uika photographs and i bkkb mlted by the dur frrftfr space being llmlfti by the duration of ho aun a eclipse in ihl short period the learned scientists and as tronomer wfpre to provo or determine the extent tu which ray or tight wore bent by the attraction of our sun when such rays are directed toward the earth from for distant stars it may require the graduate of medicine law or englnoerlnk just one short minute to dlognoao a case to prove a question of law or to solve a complicated formula t5tnr tf rosy have acquired several years to sain the knowledge needed for making such answer a minute i worth just as much to u as its value represents in training and preparation men who ore paid one hundred thousand dollars a year usually are worth much more than this sum to the companies who em ploy them if they did not actually earn it they would not ions be re tained but these mo ore highly trained tbey are roaster or tho par ticular line they follow u we feel that we aro wasting good tlnio when we wrestle with dif ficult problems in school wo may feel consoled in the truth that no expert training can bo acquired by any other methods than tthat of hard serious study just as tho astronomers who used five short minutes la observing the surt during tho eclipse on the northwest australian coast but needed almost half a year to set up their instruments and many years of prev ious study and research so does the student fn oollege or training school need to give on abundonp of time in making himself ready saving life by wireless many wiraless operator at sea know the call from empty spacu that pulls the ship doctor from his bunk and sets him desperately at work to help a colleague miles awuy who im bofdod by a puxsllug case few cargo boats carry doctors but nearly every ono of tbem is fitted with wireless and so we come to the latest development of radio science at sea any ship with a sick man on board can make use of the wlrelesjt to get that man well again if the illness li not recognised by the- captain symp torn are broadcasted i the surgeon aboard anw big liner receives the distress message per haps he will moke hi diagnosis at onoe hut at all events with all tho particulars he wants flashed across hundreds of miles of sea h6t usual ly able to prescribe r if tho vessels arejcloee to one an other lit the time and the case is serious they will meet then the doctor will make a personal visit but la many cases it is the frlohdly wire less spark that saves themanls life it may be that an epidemic has broken out in a tramp steamer some times a dosen ships will tuive men suffering from the same complaint at the same time influenu for example wlroless advloa is then often the only thing that saves tt dangerous situation a tough old merchant skipper r centiy amputated a leg of one of his men instructed by wlrelessl sometimes at night a stately liner flashes a message to the humblw little cargo boats whose trouble the doctor has tried to solve mows tho patient r pine i good night old man i and so there is growing up new comrades the comradeship of thef this oountrvs need what this o uti try noedm jsti t mot liberty but loss ueoplo who take utior ties with uur liberty what this iountry tiuods im nut a job for every man but u real inuii for every job what this luuntry tiuod lu t to gl more tuxes from the ikioiiui bu foi til people to got more from the taxes what this uouutry hoods is not ntoru miles of territory but more in i lus to ui gallon i what this uountry needs is mora tractors and loas detractor what this uountry neeil tun i uiorv young men making speotl but mote young men planting seeds what this ouuntry need im mom paint on the old placo and ess paint on the young fuoe what this country needs ln t lower rate of interew tn money but higher interest in work what this aauntry neotln is to fol low tho footsteps ol tho fathers in- l steaas of the foot top of what 1 a prntn culled wlib steulst asked a teacher but there hbi n answer w tesiber now hbrbert supuoso x were to put royi hand into your packet and take but fjve cents what would you call taav herbert yuuuf ah- conjuor old times whi n i rem umber tho oays of my uhlldhood i would hvn thorn again oh if only i oould nee my mother t iaco ho young so bright and fair i hour my fathers voice telling of gifts to share 1 foil my brothers lives link nd fomver with mine same toy same narncn and hooka same rules of speorh and time tfis iuure house end gardnti with fruit treos mid stnpo vine thn olematls and rose around my hourt still twine wwn i remember ajly little oneaj somehow i um glad ana content with tho blessings or now edna ktin chewson s corners memories lteiectlng the original icll s school i find i cannot recall much o fact or tradition of it but tho frm building was up to about 175 the nyi i i tteo hut tt n mo mr hhankn onnn taught in that acctlop for mrs crew son mrlaughlln whose girlhood homo wus in tha srcllon atlumlod on hln laarjilng and about ifll- whuu fia wiui on a vliilt lo the wrltur unrt tha lati mm llniwn who was n t imnboiinr- pupil ho i nil d nu 111 lulu lift vr john wjiiiumu wli wmi u nuhhiituw y i uptl nui there thin ii iw nm ill n lli kn lii nihu rumor tho urly m h 1 pi tlnl illr totttii win in atoii thn t ipt uruphy of tho rountry in ih h h rim ih hiii h that tin homim wire ml hi nutmroiii an in ul her llrootlolim fi r from ih holkhl of land ihnn ihf i inuiunlty tondml to acton but iiviml uf thn young t noph of mrly diiy wunt vtr u tho tuition of itobort i lltli unit othi r pravlous and luter mr john ilrown now living close to tin corn trn wu ono i t tho itobort ullli nub jnct i bsilovo abut 12 nnvnml of the luxpuyern f tho nnctlon itot tin ii hoa im turethor unrt tin onicomo wu i ttiuostabljshmont of thn ij rnn b liool uimivi afn tiiih mujlo ih mui h no tror frr thn most of tlm n hifl imipu lutlon up this wuy but mm win hn longed to thi niriilimthri anil vl toow acton did mil uk l hi to ootnt past tin former u himl this will bo all i muppom now ulxyt tho hello 1 doy bohihil diiyh dur old rural cn ol duyn rl hanveqtino alfalfa hav tho number of farmer in canada who urn growing alfalfa is gradually increasing an its valuo us n hay crop becomes mora generally racognlkod at this tme of year the boat methods of making it into first ijuallty hay um of prime importance to the alfalfa growers the first point to be considered in time of cutting tho mothods or time van widely with different ktowois ifnd ouch method has some thing to ri commend it most grawi rs auuun the i roper tlmn to cm by tho stage of blosaomlnjf of tho alfalfa plants and whlio this may bo an indication tho rraly prupor indicator in thn com mencemsilt of growth of tho ynung hoots from the crown whlrh will turn lh tho socond or third growth us tha case may be if tho ultalfu u cut baforv theso small shools start at nil tho sneon 1 growth will bo nlow in starting and will as a rosult tako considerably longer to rrjftko a second cut than t 1 undr historic intereol a race of sturdy formers is around who developed there as well as several who have attained success in other lines a teacher long remembered by many was mr mac pherson who afterwards i believe taught- in dalt he livrd in a little frame house on the corner of the second lot up on the hall farnv latur tho chlng farm mrs maephereon was one of the hull family a lady for many years a resident of acton ones reated how that as a little girl she and some others were walking up thn una at dlnnnr time b tho hall farm when mrs macpherson was going across by the field jath to her mothers and a little chubby boy ran after her illn awr back to tho hooso hughle and daddy ii give you some tatles this was related about the time that hughlo rev h a macpherson was being inducted jnto the pastorate of knax church acton his endeared relations with that people and later with the much larger ono of chalmers church toronto where he died show the wonderful future possibilities hold in times storehouses jlater teachers there were miss mo keowp who became mrs walter chlng and moved to dakota iter husband dying there she afterwards married mr j stewart and later living in atoton for a time moved to manitoba where she nuddenty died a few years ago mr wm crewson who was afterwards tho disciple min ister at huntsvltle and mr il il wansb rough at present a respected cltlxen of actdn another was miss bella cardan well known in acton followed by t james moore son o teacher moore of acton whoso sud den taking away occurred a few years ago while city majiugor of fluelph another who held the position for many yoars and still holds it with much approval is miss mcdonald of ha east of acton community several others may have been there whose names are not recalled into the pro fessions have gone from this school rev h n masales uaptlst minister dr john mcmurchy now of dresden and likely others crossing over to the eroroow slds i we find the school house there about the name distance away being near the old dalmage corner bnly on the maud side of the crossroad it is on tbo farm apposite the old hill farm from which the noted j j hjll went forth on but great career formerly how evar the school was held much farther away in the little roughcast cottage at dunbars crossing going into rock- wood this wuuld be around the road about four miles ony that some of the scholars came up tho track about 1179 or 1bt5 tho new school was built farther east and that and the new stone building out in lockwood took the place of the old one one of the old time tdachors there was a one- armed scotchman from lanarkshire who lost his arm in a naxmil mr il p shanks who served fifty yfars in ontario schools coming from mani- tqha several years ago to teacb in tho bruce peninsula in order to complete the years necessary for pension mr shanks taught over north of ball las fad adso at xlmchouse and schools down in southern ilulton and out in the flambpro townships at carlisle mulgrove and mounisberg for many years he was also u methodist local preacher with very frequent appoint roents nd thereupon hangs a tale i revlous to becoming such he had an exlierlenoe and this is how it came about when teaching near ilallltta fud a methodist camp meeting was held out somawhore on the east of acton the editor i think can give the locution and mr shanks camo over to it expecting to meet and have u visit with the lossmore boys uitd some nhr from ltookwood t1u pmuuhoi for the day was sanity hutherland i young printer from ouelph of out landing nullity who inter became one of mthodim s gtgantlo leaders t prvuuior pastor writer and admtnls t rat or hbvj dr alex sutherland for many yours itlsnbrul missionary beoro- ury the young bootih proaoher whs so convincing that hu young scotch teacher felt he inust surrender or re trout and for the time retreated hrta loft for honie ills con v lot ion how ever remained and sometime uftor- wurd he ylulded thereto uitd wittered upon u christian life when in munu tuba n lvtt the writer made a visit to him on his homestead farm near wheatland where u few hours were spent with muoh recounting uf place hint poison und events known tu mth his wife long slnuo passed uwuy wus of a uulllnsfad family auny teacher hays slnio trained the ung idea u lioot down to the present incumbent ui masales of acton 1 was related by one of them mr day by u pupil who hud atlutuod o b nilucroms uf a homo that ho would glvo object lessons in phynlosl geo graplty in the schoolyard on the ko cohered pool whore capes ba pan- loaulasand features were dem onstrated with lasting memory i canwh say whsreths nuasagawdya school was located s i do not ve member easing any near the crou- road jrotag out toward the aim rt tb i i new shoots appear in the crowns if on the other hand these shoots have stirtel and mode sufficient growth to be cut off by the mower ih second cut will be even more delayed tho proper time to cut therefore is just when tho shoots of new growth are first noticeable at the crowns the length of time the hay should be left in the swath will depend both on the heaviness of tha crop and the weather at culling time core should be taken however to rako tho hay into windrows while it is still a little tough so that tha largest possible per centage of the leaves will remain on ho slant as these are by far the most nutritious part of the hay after curing slightly more in the windrows the hay should be put up in oolls that are small 1 diameter in proper tlon to their hejghl this permits thn hay to cure much more quickly than if put in large bulky coll as the air can get through thenv better and there wllj be lass danger or moulding occasionally it will be possible to haul the hay direct from tho windrow to the barn or stack or in stacking in very dry climates direct from tho swath to small stacks but over a large portion of the country sufficient improvement in quality will be oh talncd by colling to justify tho expense sufficient time should elapse n the coll to allow the imy to cure thor oughly particularly if n targe quan tity is to be put into one mow in the harm otherwise there is serious danger of the hay heating con slderably in the mow and damaging the feeding value of it m this heating almost invariably results in u dusty rather unpalatable hay whlah is in jurious to stock particularly horses h d mackonale superintendent ex perimental kann indian head hask church union during u ministry of nearly rlfty ydrw i huvo been privileged to wit nee three unions klrst tn u7 when tho wesleyan methodist church wus united to the new con nexlon methodist church in 1b75 the union of tho presbyterian churches and in 1883 the union of four methodist bodies vlx the motrin dlat church above referred to and the jtmethodlst episcopal church the primitive methodist church und the blbld christian church as in the present union discussions there were some who had conscientious objection to those various unions yet there was no break practically all fell in lino and many of them were spared lb o that such a concentration of forces was well pleasing to the oreat head of tho church as tho unions especially that of abb1 were followed by exten siv rev i vials of religion and large accessions were made to the church and who can doubt that if tint mem bars of these united badlcajuln in prayer to this end a similar blessing will attend the church tn its united capacity j3od has surely honored us lu permitting us to place before christendom the astonishing exampli or men rising above prejudice und traditions to join heart and hand in a wider service i tako it as a prom lse that a weapon of greater spiritual imwer and influence is given into our hand personally i felt my llttlo world enlarged by this touch uf clods favoring meroy and as the shadows rapidly lengthen on the dial plate of tlto grace bo to ull them who love our lord jesus christ in sincerity rise to a more real 1st lo and blissful significance and tho prayer that thog all may bo one stand robed in u tllvtnnr beauty d itogars st thomas juno lfl 1039 neiglilorhood news- town and country erin mr j i jihiihtn t r iiiiiwiuidu s vliltiit with mr uu i mm ii ii nu vt r tin wi k i ml mr ikimit itdi i utly tint iw nt nil iiionitlin f r up i n ii till ul lid tlufti rln id m itul onniui v lllt- rt v john iii liny t ok thuigi of evening norvlii ut oulngsby hurcb on huilduy ovi nil tf in tin nil t thn iijik r ui v j a ullu j vuiih thp lutul orunun hot h hon in id their iinnuitl l ururto t i th mi th tillnt prlii i ii stiii luy vi nlim win n llv j aqujin viitpi prourho i it utln lug und vt ry uppn rlutit iinrmon fc mr uu i mr wmloy jrw if mtmjmi hit vi c in ii th woul to vllt with ihilr filtiulu ui t n lutlvn i tit thl re advi cl ourlinqton mi and mr jus iarklp left on suturday ior ii two works holiday at h nrrnw ijike ui dor tbo town by law all logs muflt i j n tied up or i mil or laaslt during the in iib uf july and aukuiu tin molhoilut huuduy school annual i ii nli will bo in id to dumluii on july 1 n m tndi th ii r hi igulln und 1 mil uiuimpiiiih i by u luiffii number if iiuxiih ji urtod tn dunnvlltn to utti nil ttui n lu burn it ulnsuls i ire iiiqii ii tiurunmnt in id tboro tin tilp wim muili by motors a vry nuccoanful tennis tournament wh i otului ti 1 ly tho local tennlu tub n saturdiy nd monday mixod double wri pltiyml und u winners worn mr j w ltnmnhuw und mr i 1 lulu i thoy winning thn two rac luci in iliuimuh by thu huntley co umottu oakville s tin iilfltluh tu tho high school will 01 uhout k opo tho council bu mudn the uhuui rnri f ft ino to oakvlllo fiilr tuinty ihotiiiun 1 motor outii pui u 1 ttvtr tho temporary hrldgo uvi r ho sutan mill f riwk on di minion dy ml m tuylm of mmtnal is tho gursl of in r mlruor mr douguil f tlm methodist i urnoiiugo one hundred und nvoii puplle wti t on tho wiitranco okamlnatloii ut tho high school imro this yoar dr churlou i i bsk of torintu un old oakvllla boy laid tho corner utone i uk hall tho now sunday school hulldfng of tho methodist church lust evening just baforv tho council meeting on tuosduy night mayor forster on bi- hulf of the town council prenentod lloove hltlnicr with a sold pencil the muynr und councillors ull rongraulutcd ho mem im r eloct on hln muccounful lection cumpulgn mr hlllmsr re- pllod thanking thorn for tho tukoti a record for- the town wm tutubllah ud lit building permits issuid during month of juilo it totulln 1 1148 3qd prlnlng tin fallnwlng methodist church sunday sohool t4o ooo li i gregory new moving plcturo theatre 3s 000 w s davis hunk und offlfo building tso ooo uevau now houaes s3- 300 ulterutlon to iroout build ings s3 000 heoord milton power was off afwlhc bwhnvm for fivo days milton sunday school unhid in an excursion o burlington beach ye- tnrday a speclul cnr trajn loft milton nt 0 10 a m und returned at 7pm the salaries of ull tho touchers in milton public he boo 1 huvo been in- reuaed tbo following is tho pay list principal shurey 13 000 slusas maine elliot uuthermtono and bowes 1 100 each und mlwi s irwin walker elliot denyea und marshall si 000 three representatives from tho bock- land rubber co toronto woro present and addressed tha council in roforaitco to acquiring from tho town tho textile building at tho c v h und turning it into a rubber factory thoy sub mitted a proposition to tho council which tho latter will take into con- j oration immodlutoly mlus huby cordlnxly uf tho 10th le trafalgar towmthlp oast of mil toil while returning home from school during tho tornado which passed through this part of ontario lust wook wus struck by a fence rail and knocked onscluu when nho recovered con sciousness mho was lying on the roud beside a oow whlah had heou killed by railing true among thoho who attended tho fun crul uf tho into ko s uowes lust woek woro mr j s doucou and col f h deacon of toronto and itov v w halllnrake of hamilton ull person- all friend of deceased mr and mrs c h stuart und daugh ter joan left on mini day for u trip on tho continent they with others make up a party of excursionist who will visit tho prlnclpul polntm uf in terest in europe itefurmur humorous ium alfred u kiss in tbo durk in one kind of un oloctrlu spark lo have youi untu st lu tu havi your cout first it wondtirful ullthn poopln wliu k nut lu tiu to lino tho horu races onnn doyh uuy tlieru aro horses in huiivou wo wondorod what hud in unio of them thun wan an incruuso in tho prion uf piipur homo tlmn aii but tho prim of u tollur bill romuljied tho samo if a fat womun oud see u moving i irtutu of horuelf running to catch cur mhfi would wait cor the next car tlto prion lu whi re tho shoo pinches no jiunuu in the price of paper and onvnl iin thoy uro stationery no profit is with honor unless it hr rounonubly small somo of the reform spellers do not up pro vn u iho ubbrovlatton klsl when liny huvo tho proper subject thoy rfnd own kissed too short thn outgo tux roully worries us mora thun thn income tax r a serious situation did you know us kod mr nut ting uf hi neighbor us thoy sut dls cussing tho uffulrs of the world on the neighbor h pluu did you know that tin n uro sovanfyflve thouund poo pie rhuhstt ull native boi armrlounh who ciui noknev kpoax mlf llo th english langunger mul ropllnd his friend that soom impossible are you sure of your flrun 7 iorfnctly uro and thoy rw ull american born you ayt yes lr tivaryunu of thorn native born und ovory onu of them under two yourn of ago reckoning horbe power why is hurst puwr u foroo tliut will lift 33 ooo pounds ono foot lu ono mlnutu this bull ftablishod by james wutt was urrlvvd at in a curl ous wuy in his usual careful manner wuttprooaeded to find out tho uvar lurrf whbh the horse of his dlstrlut could pfirform alid ho found tliut the rauing uf 13 000 pounds one toot u mtnutu wus ubout uu mutual horse power at this tlmn wait was m- ployed in tho muiiufuuturo of anglm cuatomars wr so hard tu find that all kinds of urtlrtulul nmouragements wnrw coitaldered hocesaury to luduuo power usrs to buy steam eutflnos ae a ftiqthod of eiiioucoglllg busliies wutt ortered to soil onglnus reckoning 39 00q foot ikiuiut tu u horse uiwer or una half more thun uaul alul thun what wu inleudiml us u temporary expedi ent- to promote buslneas hus been tho means of giving a fuus unit or 1m- ikirtant measurement to the world salesmanship how tin yuu manage to sell uu many qrulfsa cookurst its du to my method of uppruuui sad the smart talesman yesf i begin my uttluulk by saying madam i have culled to- enable you to spend wry afternoon at the mbtlsso georgetown itov robert duvoy uf humllti sutierunnuuted method 11 minister und father of dr j edgar duvoy school medical officer died at thursday morning deceased was 70 years of uge he was u native uf cornwall england he was u much esteemed pastor here und ut ash grove for fuur years mrs 0 quarrle of oult visited mr and mrs j mcdermld hurt week mr and mr krod korsythe und children of perth were gusstm or itov und mrs j ii mooro luring thu week dr clark moculluukb or new lis hount spent u day or two ut il c mccullough lust woek dr and mrs campbell laid law of ottawa visited- dr and mr mccoll iust week mr and mrs il d warren of lor- ortto spent sunday with relative 111 town and vicinity tho- court of itevbilon concluded its labors of adjusting th assessment on friday evening of tor four long und strenuous session over thirty of tha baptist youtuf pooplo bccompunlud by their pastor llev j h moore hold a pla nlti ut belfountulu uu monday und in tho evening uueiidod u mooting of thu eastern district group in lio i foil ti lulu church on saturday afternoon a purty of ill armenian boys arrived by special radial cur ut tho armonlun lulluf parm recently purchased from w t bradley dr o h vinlng uf tho armenian belief association mwt tho boy at quebec und accompanied thtm to tholr destination hero they will be tuught primarily to become cuuudlun cltlsens and undergu a louree in agrlt ulture horticulture und diituesllc sclencn all the children will bo given uu ucadamlc education until 16 yearn of ago und thue with tulont will ho uifordod an opportunity develop it now buildings havo beull iterne i fur the uooommodatlou uf th tuy including dormltorleu dining hull i ml mltidy the dormitory which t p rue t itally a nreproof structure li equipped with wash basins shower itathm luvutorln etc all uf the latest sanitary type jloruld spent hundreds of dollars mrs rice found reluf at last in dreco earnestly wishes all suf ferers would givs this wonderful rmdy trlsl mrs j hlci of si napier btreet hamilton hurroretl so severely from indignation gastritis pains in the back and illuiy ixll that for years she hardly knuw wliat it was to enjoy u well day medicine after medicine she trlol spending hundreds of dollars without the slightest improvement in hnr condition until finally sho heard of uruco and tried it lot her tell you what two buttlo of thl splendid herb und root corrective accomplished or your i have suffered from wtomuch uvar and kidney trouble i hud chronic indigestion und gas would ulwuys form in my stomach after meal would also gt t sovore pains utroiui my back and ut times got terribly dlsxy upd spots floated before my oyes my bowel were never regu lar i wu intensely nervous could nut sloop unjl my appetite was very floor i spent hundred uf dollars try ing different medlcliio but my suf foflngm continue d unchecked until i mturtod taking dreii it wus just what i needed for it seemed tu go to the wry root of my ailment right from tho sturt i um u now womun now und vi ry thunkful that i ran reoom mend dreco to ul who suffor us i did wonderful as hi r recovery seams to mrs bice it is but typical of the effect of droco on internal disorders such us hers drcco compounded of na turn own roots borba und leaves tones und regulates the system in a naturul way it quickly disperses ioxiuum iiassos roslure th appetite nd brings soothing restful sleep by making ntomuoh klduoys liver and bowuls funtilon normally as nature lutondi i no matter how long stand ing or jibuilnato your case is dreco will holp you dreco 1 being pealsjly introduced in acton by a t brown and is sold by good dritoaut everywhere follow this simple rule to have lovely gleaming hair never shampoo your hair without olive oil hair specialists warn i o do io m to irvr lisir dry dull brittle all its rich wirmtli of color and life gone no hair cm hi inuulidit unless clean thoy say nor can hair in briu tiful without the h bhecu uu much ud mlrcd tliefeforc ueeve oil rdiampoo ve see- prctucxjuir ckcrywlicrc tjjiy women have learned that the most ilclmht fu form ol olive oil hair wash ib 1al m oi ivi miaml tub palwouvb com pan v or canapa timltd umum1qi twmo qmt wuiow wrt palmolive shampoo the blend of palm and olive oils it is convenient for home tue and most rcoiiouikal njstintf hut fraction of what you d wy to have the kjiur trcatmrnt from a uptcljtist it cleanses away all dirt and oil thoroughly rrmiivri dandruff and it icavrt lutr huffy wift pliant as 4 huby with the h teaming ahem of new iilk clll coupon today for frej fic size trial hotllc or jcl ull bixc bottle at your desl- ii use h itchiilln will jinaxc you after oven one shampooing 5c trial bottle v ree j l nil in nuiij an i 14rqa snt mall 1 tb 1 hlinnllv a at i an 1 ill ipl b343 tufunlo oi t ir uu irlul loltla il n-m- j courtesv civility costs nothing und buys vory thing lady m w muntugtta the small courtesle swoefen life ho greator ennoble it uovol tho wise 11m pollto ull the world over fools uro pollto only at homo bacon there is no policy tlko poll ton wis inee a good manner often succeeds wher the best tonguo hus failed mairoon politeness i like an aircushion there may bo nothing to it but it eases our jolts wonderfully johnson great talent and success render a man fnmnni ertint mrtf hrbmli spect great learning veneration but politeness alone ensures love and af fection there is no policy like pot lioness and a good manner is tho best thing to the world either to get a good name or supply the want of it bulwer good manners are the vottled medium of social as specie la of commercial life returns are equariy expected from both and people will no mare advance their civility to a bear than- their money bankrupt chesterfield fulfils its purpose two irlahmen had visited st paul 0 cathedrml one was rrom the country and hud been taken to tho famous building by his friend who wished him to be duly impressed by its grandeur 1 as they came out tho resident of ie city said well mike und phwat do you think of it in t it grand t put said tho one from the coun try it bates the dlvll that said his friena was the intlntlon 1 gramophones at a price everyone can afford plays allmakes of records this gramophone is well worth double the price we arc asking for it it will give perfect satisfaction its kms k pli unu m vumuie ut auuud can be regulated to suit any sized room it has a reliable motor which operates steadily and practically noiselessly the cabinet is strongly made of genuine walnut 100 steel needles included wijh each machine and for the next two weeks we will give with each machine purchased 10 records free price of no 1 gramophone 6850 price of no 2 gramophone 61150 will be shipped c o d subject to examination charges prepaid within a radius of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 129131 wyndham street guelph ont phone 584 in the surrogate court of the countv of halton in th matter of th estate of henry ssyers late of the township of e qulno in the county of helton farmer dossd notice i hereby given pursuant to tho nwucl btatutn of ontario chap- it r 1h1 motion that ell persons having claims ugulnst tho estate of the halil henry hay or who died on or ubout tlm 31t day of march 1si3 ut tha said township of ksiiiueslng ore required to send by post or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the administrators pf the estate of the huld llmiry bayers on or before the 14tll duy of july 193s their names ad dresses full partluulars of their claims und the nature of the security if any huld by them all duly verified by statutory declaration after the sold duto thu administrators will proceed tu distribute the assets of the ds tiasod utnong the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the ululms of whlrh they ahull than have notice und tlmy ahall not be liable for tho uuwits nr any part of thorn to any inon of whouo ulalm notice shall not liuva houti rscslvvd by them at tb time uf him li distribution dutd ut mlltun this sou day of juno 101 w i dick milton ontario solicitor for thu aumluutrutors with will uutuikod kss clitnqx bug killer a boon to potato growers and market gardeners it destroys potato bugs without injuring tho plant as in tho case of parisqrccn it saves its cost in the labor of apply ing it stimuulcjttho growth and increases the yield it ad heres to the leaf and docs its work after considerable rain it is a perfect treatment for currant gooseberry and cabbage worms cucumber or rose bugs or any insect that feeds upon tho ipaf climax is put up m 25 lb bags we are the sole agents in acton or uik brand of buff kilter and can highly reconuncnd it k phone 95 w a talkot main street ahon vsasnkwillu i is your local newspaper abide from the limited number of singletrack minds found in every com munity the people generally appreciate and accord liberal support to the local newspaper that very intimate medium through which is mirrored each week the collective community activities your home newspaper bridges the gap its chronicles of local newsand views complete a circuit of information impos sible to attain through any other medium of human locomotion or mechanical de vice it brings the local community as vividly to the fireside as the monijng sun reveals the surrounding landscape it is a human institution and there fore is imperfect but the courageous and sincere newbpaper unalterably btands foursquare for what it believes to be the ultimate good of its town and district and province and country your home news paper endeavorb to radiate development in trade health in the hopie progresb in civic affairs and goodwilliu die intercourse be tween them in the performance of its service it is hound to run counter to the views of borne often of many hut if it hews to die line die chips of respect will not remain uncounted t your newspaper no mutter what petty diiferenceb may arise is the friend and advocate of every good citizen al though ilh paramount aim must obviously he the hotter dtbtiny of die citiyeijbhip us u whole 1 gjj u

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