Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 4

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mip jkri wrahr- rfetw e2rfvv j- z- v jtvua iw t s jwjvjvtsx ib i rjff- asisrsfyjswzbs tim home 0 if r artrni 3tor jhrwb ucilf lanxiun wk1j newpapcr aaaoclalloa ucrabr sclcttml town wetldfea ol oslaflo j i tba vfo uuiijib will strral aitua ontario the aubactipttoo piiceu uon p 7r in ulribm poiu w cbenttd additional id officn la tb united hlitci the dale la whlcb aubacrlptloes are paid la indicated oe tlto tuwrcaa label abvebtkknc kates trsealcat edvcttlaa meat le cent pr lln abrala maiiere it firet inaartlon and s ttola per line lor catch aubaav qucnt insertion coetratt diapy edattie meat tor is inckea or more p ajinm t cent per inch each lnurtlon advert lata eats with out ipiclfie directions will be inserted till lorbu and chars cd according telephones editorial wd doiiitu osca residence til rrealdeat the hydro shop for service people continue o complain that the hydro shop in town fsottjcn closed wbn tiicydcsrrcsuppic5 or fixtures very urgently citizens generally hope arrangements will soon be rnndc to have tho hydro shop always open for service of the public in business hours drury for leader of the opposition strong pressure is being mode bt the members of the u f o to have premier drury remain in the house as leader of the party so far as premier drury personally is concerned it is believed that ho ts wilhng to remain in politics as leader of the progressive forces in ontario on certain conditions the primary condition is that he be endorsed by a democratic convention which shall show him to have the support of the rank and ale f ho party tho other condition according 6 those who are privy to tho p rentiers views is that he shall bo subjected to no dictation from any quarter outside the hoqse mr drury presence tn the house at the head of the progressives would have a very salutary in fluence his experience and ability would be of value fo the province as a whole the proposition that is favored at present is ta call a convention have him endorsed as leader apd open up a scat for him a final decision in the leadership question is expected to be reached at a meeting of thq party to be held in toronto on july 27 thursday morning july 12 1023 editorial election language do scoundrels and imbeciles rule in canada that is the question any innocent bystander might well ask after reading the preelection speeches and literature that arc poured forth on platforms of various kinds and from the press of alt parties for issued he must question the mental ability and the moral integrity of almost all candidate for parlia mentary halls provincial or federal why cannot men differ decently they do in daily business of regular lands but when the issues are political fhc man with the serpent tongue and a fine mastery of invective and an ability for mud slinging is the hero of tho day opponents forget the real issues of the- campaign in heartless and unchristian hayings of each other true tt is that much of this is for gotten as soon as the battle of tho ballots is over but in not a few cases some cruel scars are left forever canadian baptist othiiuj doing there appears to be an understanding among a number of the wots that with the change of government in ontario there would be a loosening up of tqc hqoor laws of tho province and that is the reason they voted against drury candidates let them not deceive themselves in this matter premier- elect ferguson no more than any other head of a government in ontario dare to trifle with tho prohibition sentiment in this province where there are probably as many prohibitionists among the rank and file of the conservative party as there are in any other political party and who would just as emphatically condemn any attempt to make the sale liquor for beverage purport tiny nur thnn it tfl time jaftkeob mistake hpr the new provincial cabinet premierelect ferguson has been fortunate indeed in having so many men of experience and outstand ing ability ejected from whom to select his cabinet this will rend to ensure stability tp the admin is- tradition in tlus respect he has been especially for tunate in liaving a man of the marked ability and force of character possessed by hon w f nickle k c for the position of attorneygeneral the most important portfolio of the cabinet- it is a striking coincidence that mr ntcklo was offered the position of attorney general in mr druiys government be fore mr raney took office and it is understood that it was then only his disinclination to remove from kingston and the social and professional ties there which stood in the way of his acceptance of the portfolio the call now comes even stronger and he lias been persuaded to accept -mr- nickle is known and esteemed by all parties and is eminently qualified for his new office have faith in canada canadas prosperity is a matter which every can- adlan should have an interest in and a share in ac co whenthe war was on and this country was putting forth every effort at home and overseas to aid the allied cause a great spirit of confidence and faith of willingness to t economize and sacrifice filled- every class of the communityfrom the highest to the lowest as a result canadas honorable war record has set her high among the nations with a puee at the imperial council table and a voice in international affairs canada must and will come with equal honor through the troublous times of postwar adjustment the only question is will all of us help or some of us hinder by pessimism apathy or class jealousy to the canadian farmer this question comes with a peculiar force agricul ture must be the economic balance wheel of this or any nation it is an occupation where nature herself demands energy courage economy and efficiency these sturdy qualities radiate from our farms to industries in other walks of life where so many leaders were couritry born and bred tho farm home and farm life as the source of what has been and is the strongest and truest in our national character is interwoven with the history of canada from its infancy tho settlers on the shores of new bruns wick and nova scotia toiling to dear a patch of forest amd sowing their grain among the stumps jjebert and the pioneers pt new france fighting indians enduring privations wrestling merely a rude living from their small cleadngs but full of faith in the future if not for them then for generations yet to come the men who rescued upper canada from tho wilderness the red river colonists who after two years of complete destruction of their crops sent a party to the mississippi for seed grain for thq next year and wont these men m ado possible the canada of today the farm ore of canada then have a rich history and a noble tradition to live up to upon them canadas progress has always in the fnajn deponded upon them it willalways in tho main depend what then is necessary for the farm era qf today simply the application of thoso qualities we- have referred to energy courage con amy atvijsblcicncy and under presentday conditions tne return is sure and speedy a very high per- cents go of farms owoed by farmers in this counfry j have been acquired and paid for in the farmers own lifetime for the present and future generations f there is- exactly the aamo opportunity true with each generation and perhaps qftener we may have to change our type or crops to meet changing market requirements but surely that is trifling task com pared with that of those who had to oatabiiah them selves in a new country create their farnv their community their marketed and their civilization and dont make any mistake about this either that mr ferguson will be in no hurry to bring on a vote doing away with the present ontario temperance act or even to any appreciable extent modifying its provisions in halton at least if anything or the kind were attempted ho would find both liberals and conservatives lined up against any such pro position the o t a is here to stay and the wets may as well make up theirrninds to that fact milton reformer marquis waeat mun hfli our nod to do noma ro- titnrlnxtim thrrnrw wtttr onmntirttfortiotli anlmul and vcjqtiiblo 11 muit do tho work 4ierlniaii tally for nit hough ho hna ftiuntl out much- about tho iuw that envem hortxllty ha cannot oc- ount for bo mo of thn thing that huinwn or full to happen whon living utocka um hlmidod llul ntlll ho uau- iilly finds tt way to irot what lm vrunt from mftthar nuturo iot u lonnldar for un rxumnle muniula whout njrthwotnrn clinuda in u land of wide miircad irulrlw wdl udantod mi far ua will la roncnranil tn whout farm intc and too fur north for uny oihe crop that 1 nearly no pro flint in jn wheat hut you c i unit j grow winter wheat in canada or even in the north ern i lor of atatea in fjnltnd btuttw the aovere winter urn mure to kill any olanla thut have anrouiiml and licgun to crow in the full canada munt liavn u nprlngttowii whout ani if itw pooule r to tuko ml vantage of the field lliul npread up to the i o4ee hlver valley wlthjii u few de arena of the arctic circle it muat imi a rapidly growing- vurloty oho thut- mature wlthjn tan wnnkhtof planting- there am other uuamtlen that a uaeful variety tnunt have it tnuat be able tn racial drought no lr lhui old for wonleni cunodu la often both cold nnil dry if it in to aell at n good price it mnit mill well und haka wall mid t mual produce a high iald to the ucre there liavo alwnya boon varletlan of wheat that have ono or two of thoae five unnentlul iiuuiltle but until recently them wui none that comb i nod nil of them that thorn la now in owing to tho long and patient labor of dr william abundant of ottitwa and hla two aonn ueidnnln with a ituoalan wheat that will ripen in a lalltade of more than alxty degrecn north they croaaod it with tho wellknown lied fife wheat which haa superior milling pjaltie when they hud sot a hybrid variety thut would ripen within aevonty duy and make excellent flour they brod into it a calcutta wheat that la notable for product i venewt and for tu iower to renlat drought and bo year after year they worked awuy trylntf onft comblnutoln after another aolectlng thln and rejecting that finding that ono hopeful kind of croaa brood ins would not anawer und that another tried on the offrhance would unawer very well until u laat they had pro duced a a table aoed tbnt would pro duce wheat wltji every dcalrubla qual ity for aubarotio culture that wheat they call morquio lnldntallv thn bnunilcnieii eathb did you ever stop to think that tcnnyaon i oil id lako a wnrthloau aheet of puier write u onm on it iuhi make it wort ft ihiioqot thnla genlum home men tin nlgn n f htok und mukn it worui hoooot thath tapltn the dominion oovernmnnt mn take un ounce of allver worth 0n und muko it worth 1 t thatll money a muihanln cun lake mulerlul woith id und make it into watch mprlntii worth sor thute nklll howard chntnller chrlut ctn take n soc piece of cunviia and paint on it u picture worrh h und redd of dollum thatn urt a merchant can take un article canting 76c and nii it for 117 that bualnnnm hrl mn buy u hat for fi 10 hut prefer one thut otita 20 007 thut n vanity tho kdltor of thlu iuipr nix write u diock for 100 000 hut it would worth u eit thuta tough l diot think many young poop in nuom linden the i m prowl ion that whoiv thny any they did not thlnk they have offered u batlafuctory oxnuie on ihii contrury they have aad aomethjng the moot indulgent find it hard to excuse you didnt thlnkl and you way it blithely an if thut fullure to think wiih not acoounlablo for u lutgif nhure of the trouble in tho world you didnt think und yo you huve been favorod beyond the majority of created hu- ingn by u euperinr thinking uppnr- if tho driver of up automobllu ahut hla eyea and rum into a pndch- tilun un the aldewalk ho doen nut help matters by extltumlng i didnt aea it wa hla buainen to aoe that in what hi eye om for aiid otjuully nbuurtl un an pxcuva 1m tho htuleinn i didnt think if you urn guilty of thlu unpunlonuble fault do nut lm irt a hurry to exeunt yournelf crops and caution his sad life editorial notes in the rural subdivisions of the county mr drury polled 1060 more votes than mr hillmer the farmers certainly stood loyally by premier drury in the contest knatchbull the oldtime liberal stronghold of nassagaweya gave the largest majority of any poll ing place in the county for premier drury 180 mr hillmer received 44 votes and mtttjale 20 canadas wonderful resources are surprising the world no country in the world excels canada in its electrical development opportunities or in- the potential wealth of its undeveloped water powers the personal defeat of premier drury is a loss to the legislating power of the province honest and aggressive as he is at the head of an opposition he would render good service to tho people col- itagwood bulletin the ontario mothers allowances commission since its inception in the beginning of november 1020 up till april 30 1023 has paid 2045 1 84 to 3771 bene6ciaries this is one of the finest benefac tions this province has ever inaugurated the effect of the drury governments four years in power has resulted in so mo good legislation and some not so good but it established the fact that there were many able men engaged in agricultural pursuits in this province who were well equipped for public service refrew mercury it is surely a compliment to canada that the irish free state- is considered canadas foster- brother by the irish cabinet irelands high com missioner to london is planning office procedure similar to that of canadas high commissioner thq irish free state will enter the imperial conference under the wing of canada the reformer says although mr hillmer car ried halton by a plurality of about 800 he is never theless a minority member by over 000 votes and had it been a straight right between him and mr drury it 4s possible he would have been defeated mr hillmer polled 5251 votes while the combined votes of mr drury and mr dale totalled 62301 fortyfour years ago the wiarton echo was in troduced to the people of the bruce peninsula through its first number dated july 4 1870 throughall the intervening years the echo has ably represented its constituency as a wideawake local newspaper its present publishers are men of journalistic instinct and business training and are making the echo a suc cess ajt tho meeting ofqakvlllo council last week a resolution was passed thattho usual grant of 1000 to oakville fair bo made and that the cheque be made payable to the treasurer j lots see did some onevfrom oakville say at the county council a couple of months or so ago that oakville town council hid not intend to make any grant to the local fair this year in an official statement made by tho united states it is shown that the consumption of spirituous and fermented liquors has decreased 250000000 gal lons during the last three years of prohibition from the previous three years under the liquor license bure tbe total withdrawals of alcohol whiskey and other spirits during these years of prohibition ag gregated only 563164 gallpna compared with 304i8iallona during tharttipee preceding years ilahed another variety thut they called rreiunu rr mum m mm wwim und huu been rutncd at dawaon wluiln three degreea of the arctic circle may perhaps be grown even in tho lower yukon valley it dooa not pro duce heavily however and for that roojon la not worth pluntinjf where any other varloty will grow the aervtco of tho saundera family pot only to tielr native country but u mankind aa well la worthy of recognition than it hna received thny are men who havo dona btlr than thoea whom dean hwlft pmlod i highly tho men who make two blwd of grnaa or two earn of corn stow where only one rw bo to they have caued whote acrun of wuvlnk gruln to hprlno up whore beforo none would grow thny have puahod for- wurd the domain of clvlllxed man in tho face of cold and drought and given id canada new home for it itooplo and new aourrea of inoxlmuatlblo wealth hon ton companion- a false alarm a urlnua thing unco occurred in it muu village near bhoulold knglutid ono of tho villager awyw u contribu tor to country life thought lie aaw amokopounng rromtheiipire or the parish church and ut once ralaod un the village ttv brigade turned out und in u few mlnufea thu brigade from a neighboring town came ruahlntf to the acene liy that time many othor people agred with the villager that they too oaw amoka but oddly enough no one could find any truce f 0re aa a precaution however the to roon drenched the apire with water then they went home the next morning everything waa quiet but a i evening the at range clouda again began to aacend from the aplro and there waa talk of aummonlng the are brigades for tbo nocond time then tho vicar had a happy thought went homo and got hut field gluua through them he aaw not amoka but beeal a largo awurm had settled at the top of the nplre und from u dis tune they looked exactly like clouda f amok ihldylng in the current of oro upper air a jollv game thla bi a good indoorguma for two pluyora kach player muat have 21 rblea und nn these mar bins are supposed to be enemy urmlea the t of each player should bo of a dif ferent color the pluyera tuko their places at either side of a txble and urrunga their soldiers in front of them n three lines o miven and each about two inches apart x starts the gitmo by picking- up one of his pa i ill cm und lllng it at ba army if a hits any lit ba men these inuh am considered prisoners and must bo handed over to a with his own man if as sojdlor liowever stopa before ho ruuihes us mnlu be must remain in no alun s land until he ut hll und tukun by side or the other whichever ald hits him may olalm him if as maiaitst without hitting anything runs behind the back eiiamy llns umuy lake him prisoner ii now utkea tils turn and so o tipaces must be filled in by moving- up the soldiers from illher and of tbo lines when you a8k a favor when you ask a favor do not pre- jiidico your case by the way in wtildh you introduce the subject dome people imri to think thy will im prove their chance by assuming- un injured attitude others ure rut her dqnajit i suppose youll want uvdo no and so but i really think and on when you uak a favoi usk us if you expected to reoeive it ask aa if you hud every con rid once in thu kllidtlnesm of the ops of whom you tire making the request ask it um if you fully u4preolated the oost bf gruittlli it and until yuu can bring- yourself into this tnqod he careful huw you usk u tuvur will they ever btopt the ocean liner hud just ouniu wilh- tn halltna distance gxjjie liueruld isle an irish traveller gflttlntf his tlrnt gllmiiae of the oldcountry uftof a lung abaenoe abroad threw hla hat up in the air and yelled enthusiastical ly hooray for old ireland an kngltshman standing nearby dis pleased at tha others suddnn burst gloomed luh himray for ii thats right tlualuid back the irishman every man for hla own juountry duu whin your eves feel d ouuwabtamwtfluw the lady of thu houso wus viry soft- hcu rt imt and thn tramp who hud ven tured to leg ut ttur front iloor oti- tutulutnd hlniself on his sort touch my poor man uuld the ludy notic ing the tramps thin und woebegonn face here u a shilling for you dear me you muat have hud many trials vnn mum repllei tho tramp l have and a heap of convictions tool thb modern farmer confronted by weather hazards on one side and rnarlceting conditions on the other is forced to act with caution if he is to come through the season successfully np orie knows better than the farmer the ne cessity for conservation the economical handling of time material and money and no bonk knows better than the bank of montreal how to cooperate with farmers to the end that their financial affairs and busi ness interests shall be placed on a sound basis acton branch l b shorey manager bankof montreal established over loo years business directory medical dr j a mcniven physlolan and burgeon oftlfio and residence corner 1 jo war avenue and iqlgln htroet jhonr hh j dr e j nelson vmzoizmnc hiulict acton ontario oj dr w s laird op auiclvii k0 woowloh street iyo icar nose and thruat l legal get your job printing at the free press nmr owes a cheater tomwgcar sedan 1195 coupe 1095 model q withlonillinesbifihooaiousear no other car anywhere near overland price offers the manifold advantages of this new model it is outstanding m appearance and appointments its body lines are long and graceful with high hood and imposing radiator drum headlights set off tojtd vantage the fullcrowned fenders- fenders such as you find only in higherpriced cars its body is allsteel with baked enamel finish low seats odd to the buoyant riding ease ensured by its triplex springs an exclusive overland feature important mechanical features to be found hi no other lowpriced car contribute to the dependability of the new 91 as for instance the new floating typo rear axle with shaft of special nickel steel and removable without tearing apart the housing a rear axle shaft 27 heavier thaun in any other ear in tke overland trlee weight elese j n oneil son qeor milton acton new japanese bamboocraft selffiller fountain pen sold in stores kok t2jm agents sell it kott 275 hp arttm iffrr has secured a limited quantity to use as a subscription premium with tho month ot juno tin vmi fxusb completes it 48th volume many bjibscriptiuns expire on june 30 to murk aur birthday wo will lvo to ovory subsciibor who renews his subscription beforo july 10 one of the line now sclfhucr fountain pons for 50c this is a great hargaln tho pen is well made is a novelty because of its new uuu improved construction und ilia puur imss is glad to give subscribers this evidence of esteem any boy or girl may act as ugout for tint fkii ihiv vfe will present one of these fine pens to any boy or glrj who sccuicsthreo now subscriptions and will also give each of tho now subscribers one otthe pens tar- oalysoc additional to tho subscription price i call at thb irm pmiss ofllce and examine the pens youll bo delighted with them- send in or call and puy your subscriptions promptly as the number of pens sccutottjs limited and they come all tho way from jupun i1t cuuiukku to uk ukjjj 1jv mail allow tln olnlh lxtha kolt 1ohtaub stl7x airttftt 3frprj0fi phono no 33 i o ilox ts9 harold nash farmer m a darrlatar bolloltor notary public convayancer eto perrvman block acton ont uonbv lrnt on mlilctoaclkh ttoura 0 30 um tu c pm hattimlayii li 00 p lock h g meir barrutar betloitor notary publio cearaatovwn ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s pfptlit honor or ad date of toronto urtlver- ulty tho la teat anoathotlo uuh ju deelred oflloe at roaldonce coroar mill rnj fre4eriok fi treat dr f g gollop dds l ds dental surgeon orloe over bank of nova beotlal houns- b 30 to 1 10 evonlnce by apnolntmont miscellaneous fhamg1s uuum bookbinder account tooka of all klnda rnaje to or dor periodical of evory desert ptloa carefully bound itullns neatly ana promptly done wyndhnjn sireet oualpfa ont over wllllama store ixdce directory sons of eng1and lodge woodqreen no 302 mmtliib nmt and thlnl thuimjay in ujh hinntli ut h p m in i o o f hull mmnbrrm ami vlaltltiif tiiumberai ihully invltud to uttund j precious j little w p secretary acton l o l no 467 xfonta mi tin- anoond thursday of ul1i month in tho odd foil n wh hall at v h 1 vutthik itiembera of llm ordor ulwuyy wol- i t thlti ohp t 1cunnedy w m h h r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yearn llxpurlcnoa acton ontario haled tmtruated to 1l j orr re ceive uttantlon from data of llntlng to da to of nulv iut your aales wltli mo itosuttinoo hdwor avunua aclm ihono 30 aulnti cull at tny epflfteo ekgravfng i33iicituotobtva3r itouonro cawad4 j e cheevers book binder quebeo st eaet quelph onl itooka and maxjna bound ul llandaoroa mod bubetaatjal oovera nmoa lettered tn cold on kllblea hymn hooks and other books all work promptly cxeeuted d albx n1ven jjurvey rig i nee f iyor and civil ontario land uurveya hubdlvlelona alona ka- poru jjeatrlptioua llltiurlnta rfto certijleatoe fof purolianwn and mortsaseoa uurvoya for arohlteota hulldara und ilutiloluttj counolu drainage ituporta icatlmatea etc molean building oouqu sl oulqlih imiotiw 104 ont 4 3pz 1 the old and reliable ranite and marble wokkd we are manufacturer and dlreot importers of all klnda of monumental and headstone wtrk we eell dlreot to our customers at wlolaaae prloea thus eavlntf our ouatomera 40 per cent we have the beat applanoeaand the only mechsjuca tn the dominion who can operate pneunwtlo tdola properly we oaji lve referenoee from hundreda of our auatomera in toronto and other ptaoee where otbera bve to hve uw aulu in order to ootbmt we have the largest and est atook of pranlte 1 the bomltilon or more than any three dealer- in u weet we are wu- mate dealers and employ no asenu and do not annoy or pest ouatomera- by aandlne oqt lfnortmt en eouolt- c orders wa amplor only mechaooa ajl ctf oonpstitttm hamilton sons oor morwlio a woolwich m rhwldr u

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