Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 5

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1 v tmj g artmt jffrgg jprggg thuiujday july 17 1021 and let us bleep turn thou iho key ujhiii our un ufchts dear lord and l us sleep live us cnir pollun of forkntfuliiniis hlent und deep lily tttfm thy iul- t bund ukn our and cuidltilluiit iiel bncw tho vlsllmm sltd tho wtitidi of ifr titn rnntles uml i houni ilefore tbi tiny qult lh urn w tht ir vulii reared all i lul an fur fhto ihni wi my ijki i hil treu nut ut- silent land tint field win t ipl- blow hit ull thy saints und all thy sin ners too wtlt thndr nnrknrt kjtirn npt plono unto thy well inloved thou aivest sleep virna hhosrd twenty years aqo from the luui of the free press of thursday jury 23 103 thm farmers report tho new fall wheat ia a splendid sample every farm who cornea to town now has a supply or hinder twine in his rla as he leaves some ure cuttlnr their fall wheat tho general election in manitoba overwhelm i naly sustained the itohlln government five mtmbcrs of the haptlst bun day school were baptised by itev mr moalplne at the public service lat sunday- afternoon a half doaen of the crack golfers of town went to georgetown saturday fend enjoyed the afternoon on the links with the georgetown players arrangements have been made for two baseball matches between alton the champ tons of the ijjr i league and acjon champions of hatton county the tlrst match u to be played ln acton undtho second in alton a week later i it is reported that there will be no the sunday school lesson for sunday july ib 1023 ilsthit h wkakfhh and ii1h hihknoth mutt 10 13 ik 1 33 jolleit text u thlngx tlu thee john 31 ijor i thou kt nwem kn must uml i love 17 hi vlcln r hit font caisuriit ii dlstlri i on lh of herod that i wjicius tlip this year hitherto the manitoba govemmant has interested itself in these excursions but the deputy min ister of agriculture has announced that manitoba will not need outside help for this years harvest ilev a e smith b x preached m carefully thoturht out sermon on sunday evenlns in the methodist church on the subject athletics and religion from the text found in 1 timothy 4 8 bodily exercise profit- h a little but godliness ts profitable upto all things tc t cleaning london bpring cleaning- is a glsantlo- taak fori a city ilka london ensland dally 000 tons of rubbish ore collected by b 1 130 vehicles at a cost of ten canu a hundred weight cleaning- victoria station takes six months anzt forty- fire tons of paint thirtyfour white lead eleven unseed oil at 309 a ton one of the biggest spring cleaning- jobs ever undertaken waa the daatlna- and renovating of tbo british museum library two hundred and fifty men were kept busy for fourteen months redecorating the dome and walls of the nnalxaadincroonx togjtjlw000 leaves of beaten gold another bur renovatm job- carried out periodically is spring -cleaning- tower bridge twenty tons of paint are used in the process which occupies roughly ove month big hotels ilka the savoy and the cartton are thoroughly apring eleaned every year although the work la so wall organised that few visitors to the hotels know that la la colng- on soft corns are difficult to eradicate but hollows ys 0om remover will draw them out painlessly simplicity of all the varied elements of human life simplicity la perhaps the one that charms us most deeply and perman ently there is simplicity in thought we like people to aay what they mean or it they mean no thins then to keep still not wrap up nonentity in cloudy grandiloquence which wearies ears sthrrawaarbora there ts simplicity in art- the ela borate has its place large develop ments of phrase and color and orosw ment magnificence and tnunfftoanob 1 but what pleases us and holds us most and longest ts the quiet simple touch that cornea from the hear and goes to it there u simplicity in life most of as are always seeking- complica tions wealthy luxury remote and subtle pleasures whtab allure us i and elude us and deceive lis- but when we are young- we are happy with very simple things and whan we grow old and wise i we axe likely to turn to simple things once tnpre and to ilnd that they content us there is nlmlpldty in character and it la needless to point out the charm and restfulness of it the infinite com fort and security and of course there are elements at excess that injure amuillelty as they injure other things in the old coun try phrase simple meant feeble minded and we all hgve a certain prejudice against simplicity in that sense also there is what the ptenoh call so aptly slplsase the effect simplicity the labbred affectation which is one of thd moat repellent things in the world the truth is that highly civilised analytical sophisticated spirits cannot v easily maintain simplicity they may worship it but they can hardly achieve tor reaohleve it in its exquisite white innocence and its adorable charm hut with a reasonable effort they can at jeast keep before them the ideal of eschewing the artificial the elaborate the pretentious and of seeking so far ss possible directness and lucidity o thought and the plain substantial sat lsfylne permanent interests of ite companion the text explained verso 13 rnrlsthut u ity of cuauntu itilllpul of mount hnrimn hi1ii phlllpnl by hi rod philip t guiah it from the cwiir mediterranean thn tupltul the aretit vnrtto 14 nn any tlm nluru otle or mom t iho urmtt hubrhw tiro photm wa uujvcmaliy oxttoijlej ut tlil time vurmi i kit who hy iiint a ifflnltn mid t rnoiiul iudm hon th1r oiiihi i kou i ntlm my would mtronstlu n tlitjh fitlth unit udvnnco tho kingdom vorwn 16 hltni n lt i unswernl hpeuuuik for each coiivimliiii of ull verso 17 llarjondh bfn of jonah which- le dm hebrew equivalent at john verse ik thou art potnr literally pet row a stonu a strong metaphor the mauiilng at which doubt eon was thou art genulnt true hearted unf of firm faith upon thla rock literal ly petra a cttn a rock upon this faith in my divinity such as thou bust inanf estnd 4 will build my church in calling simon burjonah by the name polar jeaus was thinking not of peter the individual but of fetor the typical representative man of un wavering faith hades the realm o departed spirits verse 21 to show unto ills die clplee for the first time jeaus began to speak of his approaching death the idea of tho messiah surjterlng and being put to death was very abhorrent to these jewish followers vho ex pected a triumphant ruler to appear verse 23 be it far from thee lord rclteraliy be merciful to thyself lord peter believed that jesus had power to deliver himself from the power and malice of the jews veraelb lovost thoiimet u was very character la tic of jrfbn the be loved dloclple that he should give in intimate detail this tender story of the reconciliation of the repentant peter o jesus new lamp facilitates night work lessen thai filter trn soflfif sug-ges- that man is happy who values honor and good name above riches who can enjoy the landscape with oat owning the land who- can face poverty an i nlefor- tune with cheerfulness and courage who has a hearty appreciation of the beautlrul in human lup as well in nature who has a contented mind liberally stored with th aknowledge that makes life interesting who has a juujniibggsbsa ff-nwiftraus- thought by millers worm powders are sweet unit palatable tonhlldren who show no hesitancy u taking them tbey will certainly bring worm troubles to an end they are a strengthening and stimulating medicine correcting the disorders of rtltfeetion that the rwonns cause and ifniwrtlnr a healthy tone to the system most beneficial ifi davsl- opmenl ot transfiguration peter comes first to speech with tlon which seems to some as the ut terance of fear namely that they build three tabernacles one for christ one for moeeo and ono for silas it would rather eeem though as if jcter poke in his great excitement out of the unconscious logic which might have been hack of the utterance of almost any man under the clrcum stances a good many reasons might have been advanced for peters advice but peters reasoning was apt to have flaws in it he drew a wrong con clusion from the masters word thst revelation had come to ulm from god peter did not stop to think that religion is not an aftalr of a hbjh mountain apart the masters great work was bringing in the kingdom or ood and this could not be done pn a mountain peter was always ready to talk apparently tls la no bod propensity but l is one that requires a good deal of control much think ing should to with little talking we are too apt to do much talking with little thinking peters cowardlce peter had boast ed before oethsemano that if all others should be qffended in the master he would neve he other men might be weak but not he others might be cowardly but he never and yet when the soldiers came peter forsook his master and fled the some as the rest there are maiy allowances to be made for peter he was surpiiseatand dls appointed in his master ieaua had npt done the thing that he confidently expected him to do when arrested and it looked as if alt were lost he had not been so very long in tho school of christ ad he had not the christian cent ur lea- behind his faith us we have behind ours and yet we expected bet tci things of him he need not have denied the christ but heifailed his friend he did it deliberately loudly profanely he knew what he waa do lnjf far he hart previously boasted that he would not do this very thing- it terrible moral calamity one that neither peter nor all the world will ever forget in spite of all hu subsequent bravery and usefulness this pot remains upon his record peters strenuous xjp-reachlnac- poor btunderinjcldyabl greatheart ed splendid peter he was so anxious to please yet o determined to please in his own wuyt so quick to feel was he and so alow to learnt he was all too swift to be angexedi and ysjjuery ready to pardon ojid humbly conscious hla ownneed of forgiveness on oneoccuakm peter thought that he saw llght his imagination had been intrigued and hla heart- thrilled by the mighty hortaons of jesus thought we will say that a brother dloclple perhaps james the sternly upright had hurt peters sensitive feelings peter had felt thus aggrieved before and had forgiven him the pre scribed three times now the impul sive tuaclpie had an inspiration the follower of jesus must be willing to forgive more than three times seven waa the more generous and more per fect number therefore peter deter mined to forgive james us we may imagine it and then hurried to jesus eagerly eypectltig to bring- the light of gladness to the master s eye because of u disciples insight und ready under standing ho he asked how often a brother should offend and be forgiven- until wevsn times t but to peters dismay instead of praise he received rebuke he had tried so hard to cape from the old llmltatldna and had not reached up vary far after ull a usual this dlscl in hud been too at ran uous he hud been trying to work nut a meohiinln of mercy instead ofjbe i lev bur the trun divine quullty of for- glvenemjf peter the ha hit u t possible tliat peler ph uiut strong and brave t yea verily this ts the gloty of tho gos pel lions ufterwurd this same peter published tpe wonderful tidings to us all that lod is loiigsurrerlng to you- witr i not wishing that any should mji uli but that ull should oonie rfpentance ho also warns us nut to full from tur own steadfastness hav ing prove i in his own striking xerl- ik the mercy ulul the power of lod itut liow did eler get to be a saltitt in just tht auiiie way that we all muy do st jy hourly rrp and earnest fulth in ktt for study and discussion r why was peter ohosen by josus for u mor intimate relutlonahjpj speols obllgullii r7is relationship mm dm he fulfill this johllgsilou in his later tifet what light does the story of qetheemane throw on pater s ahnraatert how far did the e teuton of four cor himself enter into peters denial of jesus v how did this experlcnc help peter to better understanding hunselft what evidence have we that u new spirit came into peter a lift after the rpsurrectlpnt pally rasdlnjs tor next week monday july lfl the call of jphrt the ap mark i ieto tuesday july 17 john at re tra n an u ration i matt 17 11 1 and 2 views w wires ss lllus trsted by lineman a lamp 3 looklno at the engl f the ssrne light 4 end s tha lamp in tht pout lull rruptlons to tele- ktliph m rvlci tjiunin by iumau to oihaldo wlrnu i ul i only h the ma jorlty if ua tntectlmotl by daylight when tho dumuii d mctlon t ould imi oually locatt 1 thoro lit ho loubt this wus a dlaudvuiitucn which ilulayel tho recovery of interrupted horvlces whorl- tho troiihlo iiih havn en any whern nlong the lino tmtweon points 20 to 100 ittlluit upurt it was to ututi can nf the inler- iuliy at night to over hudviintiilo u to night i itu urlrnil till rmn som not ikisalhli ruptlnii tii como tho intorruptloi adlun i iiclric luillway tultgrnphs pro vfded a npuclal nlo trio light and nil the 1 1 rut mo n on thn hystem worn equipped with it enabling thorn to suo- t rasfully lako care tif lute uml do their work ut rt i j i t a by day the simirlul light is pnrvtdnd wth itk iwiwor from um locomotlvi tiynumo turbines with which all cun udlun tiiclrtc locomotlvee ar bqulp ed the- special light in llelf is of simple timstrik tlon th nwt r in thrived from tho dynamo turbine fniin the locom tlve whlchpruvldou t ltrli ity f r tho illumination of tht heu lights und tab lights a headlight glolo u ued ami un especially di signed reflect r thrunu a beam autmclcntly strong u allow working operation ut a din lance of coo feet tht conducting wire ittiutihetl tti w socket in tho nub of the locomotive is of hiifnclont strength to enable thn oprrutnr to work any place within two ear lengths of tho loeomntlvi thoro is also a arm lermnnoiit stand to which tho lamp can 1m uimrhetl tpt convenience- of men working nt night onbrldges or in fat t anywhere stonily flow of light uuo i y lntt r r tinner- with hucii that remlrc tin lump of ulobom 1j donn nth t urinjt but gotxl effect as then is ko much that can fci t tho tehjtrwph syatcm such rv uurors ibxhtnincr snow wind and mln tho udvaiituge f imiiiib locate the source of t nm bio cannot lie overt sumutd und time und llmo aguln whii ih linos huvu tieett serl uuly dimuixl during the night it hum uni fj ui ttint thn lectrlc- hand limp whh u immiow usetl throughout the hystno liu inun of ureal bene fit ourltitf the i nut winter when the orvli-n- kperlftjili it tv nsldt ruble num lor of hit rruntlonu the lump was of ton u i during niiow und sleet utormw ulul not hi one instance is it kn w of lis having tailed to meet all nervlco put uimmi it there u no doubt that tile perfioihiti nf this lamp has been u ill rlrted progreanlve step in toh graph nulnluiiunco at night mans work today j is mea sured by what ho can do in c given rime with the aid of modern efrhipment the rriotor car nets todayo pace m you are afoot you euro v badly handicapped overcome this disadvantage see um regarding ford terms roes mcrrosi comiamv oe canada liu mm rontx omtajtto u33 wotlnusiluy july umh m jnn tijumi tho lntolor thuradny july 19 john the be loved niscipio john is v 21 am friday july 20 th bolrtness of john acts 4 sli saturday july si thn ilevelutlon of john hev i 141 sunday july 25 john- mcasuge of love 1 john 4 11 21 your home medicine cheal among is slandurd houseliold remedies that should always he on hand irf your home medicine rhost nono is mora important than dr thomas scleclrir oil us manifold usefulness in re llevlns aln and healing sickness is known by many thousands throughout lund always uo dr thomas eel ec trio oil for relieving rheumatic and solatia pains treating sore throats and chests coughs burns scalds cuts bruises and sprains r new york wet what ts the force of iharepcul of e mullunaago law uy the new york legislatur7 now yorks 1v ernor says after repeal there will still rest upon the peace omcor of this state the sacred respudslblllty of sustaining the vputead act with uamuch force and as much vigor as they would en force any state law or local t rdlrumcn i shall expect the discharge of that duty in the fullost measure by every peace officer in thlu atute the only dirtorenco after repeat is thut day the police officer may tnke the offender for prosecution lo the state court to tho ruderel court or to both after the repeal of the mullun ouge law the prouthutloii muni lo whore it belongs in tho kuderul court unloos worms u xpclled from th system tin tlillrt can be healthy mother iravea worm icxturntlnutor is nn excellent rncdlclnw to destroy worms no short cut there is no royal road to unytliliitf that is worth while having in this life nut long ugo tho writer saw in a newspaper u little advertisement to this oftoct violin playing taught perfectly in twelve leesons immedi ately there cumn 10 mind the reply of olanilnl die great violinist to otto who askod him how ions it would take to learn to play the violin ive hours a day tor tworty years together was the instant reply there l no short oul to perfection i music art literature or in any thing close that brings une roaj fume and honor to labor is the common lot of ull it is ood s wise plan for developing the puwor he has given us patience und persoerance these are the things combined wlb unfailing induatry that hv made all great what they ure 1 bey lost no time in seeklns for tho yoyul road thut exists only in the imagination of the idle und the t ha motor lei selthtd the family- physlolsn the etwd doctor ts always worth his fee hut it is not ulwsys posulhln to get u doc tor just whtin yu want hi m in muui uses common hoiihu suggests tli if tellable homo remedies thomas ijclecrxja oil derfully effective in eualtijf lnflummu tory pains uml healing cuts s ratche- brutses and sprulns the presence of this remedy n tt family metliolue chest uavus muny u toe lies such ai whlcti is the performance of grain observation ft dog found gold hiimi- ymirr- iijj t wiy i ay au investigation shows thut many farm- rs do not sow varletlos or comb inn tlons of different kinds whlcsi are best ited to their farms homo even do not know the namn or tho ins r form ice record of tho variety they are ing- a closer oluiervulion of tbi growlng crops thun thoko now enjoy on lfl farms would often load tho nor to doubt the value of thn var loty he is growing und to eubjocf u to a critical investigation lie would arrange to haye it tested out in com purlson with other sorts either at hla rest tsxperlmentnl h tattoo or on his own furm what should tiif fahmeii watch rort tho fuotors which datprmlno yields upurtr from soil furtlllty und physical conditions are strength of htraw date of maturity resistance to rust degrew of tillering and of shattering und per centage of hull and of double krrnnl lb the case of oujk the difference botwoun varieties in it gonl to thruo i raetlcul characters is ftn very market but unless one be curuful ho nay bt misled by up pea run out for instance many farmen- ure krowlng mits which appear to in large an 1 plump und uppunetuly superior to othor i attractive sorts were they to make a close examination of u jew kernols however thoy might ilnd thai plumpness of the former was due to un unduly thick hull whlch is with out value for reeding- purpose him uurly one might form an incorrect judgment of u variety on the basis at type of head thun u side or mane out appears to tie more pro iuctlyy thuh does the ordinary spread i us jflgj of panicle whereua the re i usually tin uisa as practical ly ul our btst varieties are of the luttui type actual yielding tests and careful examination or the quality n uie only reliable guides in deter mining tho true vuluu of a variety yield is ttie product of muny factors a vhrlety be suscipuble to rust the yield will be reduced if ho straw be weak and the gruln lodges badly ho latter will not lie well developed nd the yield will suffer no only will lit actual weight iter acre be reduced but the q utility likewise will be below pur muny farmers continue with thn bib variety year after year because the fact tbut they have pot com lure it with other sorts while tho busy farmer cannot be expected to curry un any comprehliialvu tests of varieties yet it is good business for lui to try out every two ur three oais some of tho varieties which xulid high in the hut of those tested ut tils nearest lcxpt rlmenlul station lie should remember htiwt ver ttutt the conditions oil his fuj m muy bo oonslrierably different from tho ut th lcxiwrlmenlat station as a result of which eorta whch do not head the list at the latter platp might easily be tlm itost productive when grown his own farm pure stied nf the var iety which seems most promising cu uauully 1m liad in quantity through the caiaillsii heed irowers assocla tlon which organisation now handles u good ileal or the seed bant out by the uxperlmenta farms und colleges throughout cunudu us well as tie progtny of this st ed null 1 by hi mutubt rs jl ii ntwnuiii pominloi ceroullst trapping rabbits und his dor erntrhlni ut u hole exposed a mass uh rock the boy who knew miry to lw gold bearing told ther thut ho believed ha had rich tho father however poohed tho lihu but when at boy tmniuudod him to go to ilot he ft und thut what his son w a mine was started since tht n it is nsllmated that 150 000 bun boon mude us a result of rt dogs dlsctviry one of the most luubln nnds muito with tho thelp of nnlraal wu in montana where a sapphire letlgn was reveuletl to the yes of a badger trapper the man its setting his traps one day when ils hund uncouiiumd omethlng hard in the earth thrown nut by the unt itle in their i urrowlngs closer in stigation revcali d a number of saliihlrta to dip the trui per u m rich man in africa a small diamond i i wus once made by a man who dls vord a diamond in tho glsaard of a cooho und exploril ufl its feeding plm iih till be found the vuluuble one ill ng of u smoll piece of gult in u dogs luiw vtsponslhle for the recent gol i rush in alaska recalls other nres of animals which have polnj jl out tlm uith f prosjierlty to their iienc in the surrogate court ofthe county of halton in ths mltr of the estate of henry bayers lets of the township of es queelno in the cotlnty ef helton rjsrmer dseesssd notice ts hurt by given pursuant to the revised utatutos of otitarlo cliap- ler 1u1 8ecuiu it ttmt oil persons having clulnis ugslliilt tho estate of the said hutiry huyurs who died on or about the aist day of march 1j3 at tho suld township f esquoslna are required to wild by lost or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the administrators of tho estate pf the said hsncy mayers on or before uo ulh day of july 1033 their names ad- xriesseri full partloutais of their claims ina the nature o the security if any held by them ull duly verified by statutory declaration after the said dato live administrators will proceed to ills tribute tho assets of the de ceased among the parties entitled then in having juujarri only to the ilalnis sf which thoyull then have notice und they shall not i liable for the aasuts ur putt of thum to naiy person oz whoso claim mitten shall jwt have liscn retelvud by them u the time ot such distribution dated nl milton this- xotti day ot june 1ps3 w r mctc milton ontario holloilaforlh1 a tliplnlst raters with will annexed a grownup piano a liewly rich jew buying u piano was concerned over the sls of um in strument ha itnpressetl up4iu tht sulosniuli thut it muat be full slxcd tho largest in fuct that they munufucturod it s for a young and growiiis girl ho laxplulned ulid 1 don t want in huvo to buy her another in u year or two horse ailments of mmny klndfl qaleldy xvmedied muk douglas egyptian liniment jtshjlljribn0 n ukavob llntmwt tor at an dealers ood dnsgglsta maaofaetatntd suy w dottglaa co evapankat ost akd ewteu iwiui lis riddles he dlrtt fence between nd u ktoetlf btiyt u uut un i tht other v what is tl hungry boy u no longs 1 loo long why did the ny nyt llocaliso tho spider spied her if a foottiall mutch were played be- voeit rolurs und curtw wliut would it tho rtmuu whut letter of tho alphabet is hoc sar jo niuko u uhooy the last why i- the houmo like tho uunt iuiuuiif it tuts tivums uound anl loun i it whgh not oiinte uml yt t it in u muiu17 a movralgii whut is tho ilirfmnco livtwuei firmer und u spuiiisinsst r hit tkno gutbers wliut he sowii alwl th otliti ut wn whut site guthora why hearts run why does the tieart teat faster when vi un exclktlt it is run by un il iluntury iiorvous meihunlsm tlial is huvo no onuiulotiu conlrnl over it t muillnuis lo 1m at will tbor we are iwuki oi unto i und wii cannot stop it ut wjii with tscltuuwnl htiwaver he ncrvti niuchlnery is stlraulstod and i ourully tint biuctilm iy of our body s speeded up our muscular tissues mining up liuiv ijuli kly an uetual hun go uluo diktu plu i lit our blood hloh i uh to h purltled mor by our lungs ill 1 no wo t riulhi uioro rapidly to kui i puct tin hrurt bus to do extru puntpluy un vo wo say that it txmlm fait 11 vt ths liospltals they now uho u iiiiiciiiih which register hoa 1 1 t x item ni if you wunllo know hksi tly in w milt h if girl lovt u you ink inr thin v last home of dickens placed on bale i huu4 umniih lust home in which be llvnl fourt- 1 n yuutx tiuii just been i ut on the tnuruet kays a londoi desputi tl 1 lit fumouh uut bar gave 0juo fr ludlndtlll u ret brick hou o i tho ol 1 lover touil hear cob um hi d h t nt nitii h nitiiioy hang nit it to iimkk ii us lleiiuintly ir uliir un i us vu u nlly m ptnied to ul un blli iii i i i us aw hnpi fyj nun mil i muni ii j he hpught on- uhe in isrl uml i in walk rtiero from ion dlhtume 1 si vnllil of of i- ll don wonttitliilix t night iiliuiuit twvnty mlfls iuui si j hbi bh ompliim thbut it was it wulku eontrll ii i ih70 h a coxe acton railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway 8yum oolnfl west jo i 81b ajn jo tl lojtiam r 31pm o 09 pm 830 pm 10 30 am np as no 30 nt at hui golnj eail no 36 no 38 no 24 holiday 7 08 nm 11 llcm 3 35 pm f 17 pm b 13 pro 7 08 pm toronto suburban eloctns rs iwsy 9 17 a 1 sss p 1 t 00 p 1 11 01 s 1 6j6 p 5f p 7 41 a 101 p slip dlbs a- going west polly ox npt hunday dally exceptlunday dally except hundaj hundfiy only hutiday only boiiday only go inn eat ijally except sui dally exoopt hupday dally except sunday sunday only r sunday only hunday only unday 6 4i p m s tie p m frehzht delivered by special expreea frelkht freight picked up st an ad dress in toronto k t tijtbonp agent acton bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock 0 m the government is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of the methoms that will facilitate our work in this direction let us hayc your cooperation ul this mtfve to secure higher standard and malcr hotter huttrr notice during july and august exam i nations for glasses on thursday friday andlssturday only of each week lens grinding and quick repair department operating as usual write in or phono lojlw or appointment a- d savage optometrist e mfg optician savage optical building- bight at the post office ouelph i acton creamery co t j oneil prop- we are still buying eggs open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto phone 53 j n oneill sons georgetown headquarters for automobile and carriage painting tops recovered or your car fitted with door opening cur tains wheels rcspoked carriage repairing of all kinds promptly attended to wc carry a good stock of new buggies rubber or steel tires lumber wagons and democrat- carnage rubber tires put on best grade of goodyear rubber tire always used 4 our prices are very reasonable weare distributors of studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for georgetown acton milton j n oneill son removal n after april s3 i will be located at my new stand on ualn street in the store formerly occupied by moffat s confectionery prompt attention to repairing of all kinds will be nit tided to as usual at our new store just around the corner from mill btreet t e gibbons mill street acton ont ecartavlnp h3rcmoostwnt acton elevator near 0t b station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8try rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and drain grain bought and hetnued alex l noble henry awrey mahaer castoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria this stores policy w to represent goods ox actly aa to their quality to aell to those who know and to those who don i know at m uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweller gutelph 0ntaki0 net copy of wrapper yhk cutmioowawv mwm get your job printing at the free press j castoria for infants and chlldn i in um for over 30yeari always ts the- tilsastute jl

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