Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1923, p. 6

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latila v uura lu i iv 111 arr hf ix ilirtlia 11 v- mrrfwiai 1 ot p born iiillllklttln trv 1 tiay july 1 lj3 in ultown july 4 id h methodist 1 arson altwrtu on thurwuv if v and mm j ilal- ii a u win alexander married htiwaittaitriiinarn murk hum htjot torci july c 1dj1 ly llov mimim by itnv ii k onolph li 1ele tu mlaa mury a at c on friday amim ua abruham i htuurt of luolph ardillwlil torotiln died iiavky at 660 king hlof t hamilton on thursday july gtb33 itov itobort lavey aged 09 year mrlam at iulnt kdwurd in hun day july h 19s3 tdlui jntirt wutwu wife of humuol miluin on lr 73iil aftltt id ouledon uil turmlny ji fl 1033 murgurol akltt widow- of tho late ilolert akltt of uulupafniv in her 7ath yfur uthe attflit 3trefebf tltuhhday july 13 1bji brief local items cherries jira ripening thn don days hove come tho fall whrat la yellowing too glorious twelfth to day hi- re again for hlrawborrios sold ut i0- hi town during tho weok vacation joys many people now potatoes ami brwn imna are on thn home bui of faro again wild raspberries will noon bo an objective for the pickers mr alo cripps now house on frederick htreet la up uml enclosed i dont forgot knox church garden party in tho park next wednesday ovonlng tho orungo true illuos ucccm- panled tho orunccmon to onto today ouaph district preached at bel wood last sunday a now coating of gravel ha been put in tho baptist church ahd a fine improvement watch your potato crop tho bite arc unuaually numerous and destruc tive this year the boat place for u vacation la where you can be moat cheerful and have a genuine rest dont regret too much your and downs after all the only man who haa none la in the cemetery sl john iload toronto hup list tfunduy school will hold it annual pic nlo at georgetown on july is tho now thomson j motor suppli factory la about ready for tho roof the brick work la about completed- acton orangemen celebrate at went torolnto today tboy will be accompanied by acton ci tisane band news of local import tha farmers qardan party tholl f o ami v w o will hiihl tluilr unnuul garden party at mr j k llotnrtsono ln the iioeond lino tin wtmlinawlay auguat 1 the jimimim hrallior kcntllsli troum and arthur yuiv entertainer win furnhili yhirtaan chleka from twalva egai m 1mki of mapln avniun bought u nulling of ihlrtiiii gga fropi cliurlny nuidr mim lugttl tinlerthr lo hqvn uf fggh onvryvil to thn homo or hr- ulwtcrlnluw mimm n iagot nour thn 1 t it intlu utmut a mllo away rm- of tlm cs waa lrtknn in trunatt liuvlnii tho lii nn or which pn- tlu1 twin hilrki tnkvlllfi itkhfl how th honor piu around to tho luelph tiwiwra bton vory proud t artordlag hiuth wolll liiiiuml with tlm now provincial hf rtary whlrh mwltlon mr u floldl imw holdo ktimi wellington hud tho honor nf having tho atortmyoi fur u morplkjr in laat parllamom llulrvin tho r4uintiiury adjoining both lhj uoovf hm tho diatlctlvo lionoi t imliig thf mrat 6f tho irlmo mlout it la rood news to cltlxens ally that church street roadway la to bo recoated it need it badly enough tho face of tho mm street road way la beginning to dlalntearaba in apota ttopalr abould be made at t once after september oleomargarine wlu be prohibited from entering ca thla will naturally tend to increase the price of butter work haa commenced at main street in putting the flnuthlng courae on the new highway from acton kr crewaona corner bj kerr haa negotiated tho aale of the main street houae belonging to the estate of the late henry bayera to mr chaa holme knox sunday school plcnlcked at blue spring park yesterday afternoon the member of the school were con veyed to the park by motor through hot july in field and town a helpful eoul 1 parmer brown tta good to give a man a lift to make a friend aay ho la thrift automobile parties on roadside park or grove ahould not forget that leave a place as you like to find it has long been a rulo with gentlefolk pour thlrtysbclnch tile have beei put in where the frederick street water tank formerly aupplled the steam fire engine and the tank la being nllod np the annual ptcnlo of the proa byterlan sunday school was held yea terday afternoon to moo spring park the school was conveyed by motors ti the park at laat the frederick street tank haa been repaired and thb barricade renloved with a little necessary grading the roadway there will be quite normal again the post office department ha nnnounced that on and after heptei ber 1 next the minimum siaa of post card within canada will be changed to 4 inch by i inches the minimum alae for international card please find enclosed cheque for 160 for another years subscription to tu vjbj pamas we do not care to do without it it seem like a tie that bind in our varied uvkm thanking- you for its regularity james o moffat st paul minn twenty- nine year ago capt u pelan was the first man to cross the aberdeen brldg loaktdlte when it was opened fortrafflo thursday ha was the laat to cross fho old structure before workmen commenced it de molition preparatory to erecting tho new highlevel brldgenm the hamilton highway bav mr wllaan t bramnton in ronnrtlon with the old homo wot laat hunday at the presbyterian church hoy jamea c wuaon h a- or woyburn haalc a native of tlm handhll dlmtrict and a former mom- lxr of ttio congregation wo thn prcucbor ho waa welcomed by many former frlnnda and arqualntancea rororrod to the dayn in which he had sat beneath tho pulpit and learned wisdom from it brampton times fairview place being restored tho contractors are getting kauv view placn into very presentable con dition again the roof is on and work la now in progress on the interior of tho flntt old homo the dtdtlme archltccf tural linos are being preserved but some ira prove mints are being effected in haher pitch to tho roofs of some uf tho gables an plazxain keeping with the character of tha building won mercury cup at guelph in the guelph tournament last week an acton rink composed of w j gould ii tu harrison b j hoaaard and george hynda jr wbn the qbelph mercury trophy cup from w j tub man rink from stratford in addi tion to tha trophy each member of the rink was awarded a beautiful stlvfar th irt tho pnfijw was a fjlrmr- ono and thfj washing bank notes the united state kuchequer saves thousands of dollar every year by washing dirty bank note and m- is suing thorn the process 1 very simple the notes are washed with ftoap scrubbed rinsed in cold water and ironed the actual washing 1 done by a machanl- cal contrivance consisting of set of rpuer in the fjrt place the dirty note are placed in a series of copper rouata srttch revolve n a special kind of aoap the continual rolling bairward and fotwardj paakas tbevaprcaa tbej not are than put between roltara i rvnsobir in dean water in th laat prone tba dajnj note m plvmay in a aat of heafjid rallar whiflti 40 tha ii i and turn out tha- not ataitihad and troaad v y hir 7 score 1310 the attraction of tke country a poetess from tho city who waa upending holidays in tho country put her impressions in this poetic strain give rao the bonnle country with it stretch of wide green field with its hills and voles and forest and the joy that hatureylelda give me the horf- eat farmer with his tollworn harden ed hand with his faith in god the father hes the king of sll the land give me the country freedom with the countrys constant charm charm of aky and hill and river free from citys false alarm a june weddlna at georgetown a quiet and pretty june wedding waa solemnised at the manse georgetown on wednesday afternoon june 27 when eva irene youngest daughter of mr and mrs j a lindsay lot 7 conces sion 7 erin became the bride of wil fred john harding youngest aon of mr and mrs john harding th aline issquealng- the ceremony was per formed by bov r- f cameron im mediately after the f ceremony the happy couple left by motor for a trip ta toronto and through the niagara peninsula on their return mr and mr harding- will reside at the hard ing homestead cth line ksqusslng m y judo fined for speeding brentford police court was bo no red on friday by a visit from a new york state judge he did not alt on the bench however a la customary for a visiting justice for ho was an offender hailed before tho court the hamil ton highway had tempted him to speed of 43 miles an hour when the law saya 2b he explained that at home the speed limit sg mile with five mile grace a well he complied quite willingly with the re quest from justice of the peace w o buakard to contribute s10 to the ex chequer ln appreciation of the good road available he paid the money to the treasury and a compliment to canada road and law th will of or j f urm to my beloved wife mary j uren will give all my estate real and personal to be ber own absolutely 1 knowing a i do that she will use it i wisely in the beat interests of herself and our dear children read the will mode april is ltl0 b which dr john franklin urea of toronto who com menced hla practice in acton a httli over thirty year agp and who died in toronto march s his estate wo valued at 9tbu the inventory in clude 17t07 in a joint bank aocojint i104m in war- bonds 9ut1s in mort gagee 91300 in other personal typhis home at tlq chnrxh street toronto valued at 1100 realty in klldonan itm0 a summer cottage on lake slmcoe of which dr urea and hi who were joint owner 4700 and enquity of iious in 1i0 dunda wesl pelle amy beware lyuvindal constable atkins tuts been advised by the district inspector that a couple of fakir are working ontarlu with phonograph racord and needle their method is to approach some bus news men in town or village and advance the chance of their making extra money by 0011100 phonograph reoorda and needle they sell the needle at the time receiving doubt high price for them which goods they deliver 011 the understand ing that they sell a oextaln number of records and a promise to ship phonograph free of charge on which tost the records of course o reoorda or machine arn ever received the men use stationery printed with irtwln address in toronto the police and there is no such firm at address the two men who are 4q to 4s years of age are in a dark blue mclaughlin car u cylinder to investigate storms damage hon manning doherty minister of agriculture ha laaued instruction to agricultural represjentatlvca in wel lington waterloo arul flolton counties t make a complet o survey damage done by bo great wpd ami ralnatorui which awept through this part of ontario bn june is these re- present ives were to obtain figure on farmers losse and advise a to th neoosalty or aanistance the in- fbrnmtion la to be available so chat mr doberty can lay it before cabinet council today this daculon waa ar rived at laat nriday rguqwlnk an in terview with atr puberty and attor ney qensrol raaar lay lincoln ooldle sl p pralect sottbl wmrton an4 b defeatadu ra riaaljlr mahon1 in th 4vnt c oawnat funf that th 4ttars41oivatt hot ujta tip tha mjuaj of aaalatanoe a subacriberskindly estimate 1 have great ploiuiurn in lonrxwlng for yotr splendid pajjor j would not hji without it on any actuiunt it in tlo beat local puper i huvn road in thn bwrlvn years i liuvu cm hod canudu my home- mrs c b grorgolown 1 nonsgsnsrlsn vetara irf trafalgar ti10 oukvlllo ileoord hitya un unualial occurrence hapiiotiod on om tlou day in wunl a towruthlp of trafalgar three in i n ovnr 00 yearn of uu oxorclaed thlr frnnhun anil all wore ubli to walk to tho ikillhig liooth iiul mark their own ballots they were- cupl maurloq fclftiij j mutt dtihnrty und joseph timythe i knox church annual garden party tho iudlem aid of knox cliurvh will hoin their annual mrtun purty in tho juirk next vednojduy ivvnlng july id an entirely how not of ontertalnnra have boon ungaged for thla function and the evening ahould provo u hlalily entrrtulnlng uuo tho hltf 4 hill uroa with u mulu piuiiimi will put on a vurlod prog rum mo of iquurt n uoiom uajcaphonu nunibora ott 1h 11 alton cltixaiie manil wlll 1 slut with 11 aoneroun rravnbor of antorlionu change of bunerlntendenti mr kllkon loft lustsreok for aurora wmy in taluia tha auporlntcndctlcy of the shoe factory of that town dur ing ttolr resldenca lioro 0i ttial wo yoara mr- and mru kllkon have t mn good tltlsans and their romuvij l much rogrottod mr lungavlii 01 jiid of j ho largo shoo centres of new urk htalr has arrived in town to take mr kllkens ioaltion mrs iongnvin accompanied him and thoy are now getting acquainted lif their now homo camghell a amos wlh in manitoba itoan lady owned by cam bo 1 1 a amoa of moffat wua awarded the grand champlunshlp in tha fomali hhorthorn eoctlon uf the manltobu irovlnclul kihlbltlon ut brandon lost week with hor alallmate jealousy 0th capturing second prise tho junior and roservo championship fa- male was found in emma 4th from the huseell herd of downvlew ont it la certainly a distinctive- honor that animals from our own county of hal- tan win first placo at such u represen tative western fair as that of manltobu provincial the loreased high school staff tho trualoa board has manifested wtadom in the decision to ongugo all additional teacher un tha illiih bchod btajf the nrty odd candidates who lia uaaaed e t mr t ijobwrq- luat- hoaiu gbai latudenbjin acton school and this large increase will require tho sorvicce of another teacher the staff at tho open ing of tho school will have three new teaqhers mis knap p who ho given such excellent aervlco oa principal for two year ho been engaged on the staff of the uarrie collegiate institute largely increased aalary miss james has alsoreslgnod family gathering in eld home town lost saturday afternoon tthe smith and cameron families held a re- union the spacious lawns at falrvlaw place the members of these pioneer families and their children and friends gatheroq frfim various points a num ber of them had their birthplace horn tho gathering wo an occasion of ifu- torio family interest and of genuine pleasure to the participant mrs sidney smith was glad to be the host ess of the company und in thla she waa ably assisted by hor son mr allan smith the pic nlo on tho lawn was a delightful affair the weather ideal among those present weru mrs c h smith mr allan m smith acton mr and mrs 1 ii arraa and children mr and mrs win mcnabb and children toronto mr and mrs j d brown and daughter mr and mr john a smith and children and miss mary smith acton there were about thirty in the happy company bemin- iscence of the early days were num- nqmerous and interesting pretty churah wedding last weak knox church was tho scene of a very pretty wedding lust wednesday when mia margaret eluabeth burnley eld- eat daughter of mr and mrs thomas llumley park avenue waa united in marriage to mr klchuru bluxey of now york n y the bov a c stewart fflclaung at the ceremony promptly at 130 p m to the strain of the wedding march played by mlaa viola burnley the bride entered the church she was utllrod in whlti satin trimmed with chiffon and wort a bridal veil caught up with orange blossom and carried a bouquet uf sunset rose und lily of tho valley mloa rebecca burnley wu bridesmaid and mr boy burnley of toronto was groomsman and tho bride was given away by hr father during the sign ing of the register mr victor bum ley sang q promise me atlor the cere many a reception was hold and a buffrt luncheon served at the home on park avonup tho happy couple left 330 p m train for a honeymoon trip in maine by way of tho st lavrenoe they wul reside in new york the following- outoftown guest attend ed mrs luchard bluxey and mrs k kalbwaeer of new york mr and mr jo cornell mr and mrs sldny cornell mr end mrs edward cornell mr and mr edward long mr and edward mr ejid mrs g atkins and mis ethel mr and mrs jupp and mr and mrs tttoy burnley of toronto 8l aban garden party the ladle of st albuns church had a trying experience during the week in carrying out their annual garden party in tha park on thursday even ing after everything was set for an enjoyable and mucceaaful evening with the talent ready for the pro- gramma rath began to descend in showers and continued ull through tho evening a poslponementwu neces sary and monday ovonlngwa chosen again toward the time for opening gentle whowera bcgap fortunately howuvor thay ware of short duration and did not deter u largo attendance the cltlaens bund paraded to the grounds at sight oclock und u large oaaawnbuige uooompunlod and followed them th programme by the fax fun co and the aotsn cltliena band wua a moat worthy and enjoyable one jimmfnaimnuieir waa hover in bet ter trim und he never pleased an acton uudlonon njoro than with hla numbers on this oocaalon ills selec tions like those of tho other artist had the rare merit of being new in tact tho repertoire throughput was of a very fine character und tho rendition were greatly appreciated by the lurgs audience mss una cruliia ooprunu haa always been u favorite in acton not uloua becuuse she had auton for her birthplace but for her exceptionally fine voice pleuulrig mun- and happy selections excelled her self on thla occasion all singer know that singing in th open air is most trying but mis cralne prove herself a real artist a a garden party vocal mr charles stanley also acquuted himself splendidly hts 1i umber were all enjoyed aajvere also tb duett and trios ti which he sang wuji mis crl find mr fax mia mason the accompanlal not only made pleasing interpretation of the nurnoei aha played but aho gave several solos which muohehjoyed pev mr baugh ladles teanj wins atrramnlon boys ball team loses to campbell vllhrapootball team wins at credltvale it waa thn ijdleaj buaebult toam who hrought homo the houora thla wtiek in their a to iranuton to pluy in tho tournament they defeated ton inn that huvn been organised for two und three yours und their win ning la ohpeclnlly nommondlblo as thla in tho girls aral ycaer at the game thr drat game wua with inglowotm mid acton was victorious with a srom of 3g7 this gamo brought thorn into tho flnul game with tho borkwood liuni whloh defeated them earlier hi the iieason und haa hafl conaldoruhle muirosa in their playing at varlouu plucca in the province thoy defeated tliulr opponents by u score of 104 und cumo homo tho winner of tho tournament tim lox nooro of tho flntt gamo wus uh follows j inoliowood i hurt l hheltlold 3 i ii iynus 1 h m kaufman r f u ulewurt 2 h i knufmuir p ii maxwell if 1 mccoll c f s 13 wyant s s c ai 11 it ro a k 1 i z 0 0 34 7 u ib 7 7 ah it ii io a k k johnston 2 b 4 4 4 1 0 0 1 lindsay 2 3 1 1 4 0 0 m muaaloh 3 h p g 2 3 0 2 0 m ryder t f 6 2 1 0 1 0 ii mason p 3 b a 3 fl 2- 1 l i afitaon 1 b e 3 1 b10 u mclaughlin s s 3 3 1 1 2 1 j kennedy s a 2 0 1 2 2 j anderson r f 4 3 2 0 0 0 j morton r f 1 0 1 00 0 v rumloy 1 f 6 3 4 1 1 1 o armstrong c 6 z 1 32 0 40 35 2 n 12 4 rvoro by lunlngu lugjowood 0 0 0 1 4 0 27 3 4 la 0 35 nummary homo una k johnson ii mason o mclaughll 3 base hits k johnson v irim ey crlfieo hits m muaulea hit off h muso n 3 in 4 innlngtv off m musalun 8 in 3 in nings of i kaultman 34 in 9 innings strurk out by ii mason 2 by i kauf man 1 double play v rumloy to mrs tl lindsay thn box lrorn of tho uooond uumn wan is follows itockwood au h ii po a k m kowll f 4 0 0 3 1 it blchardsun 1 ferlerljilraftnn r m bolton a a m dodds r f m locker c f m clurko p v lltx 3 b l blchurdson 2 h 1 o 0 1 3 0 bi r acton all r ii po a k k johnson 3 b m ryder c f h mason p a a mclaughlin j anderson r f l mason 1 h m musules 3 b v burnley 1 f o armstrong c 43 1010 31 l b 8 3 11 10 hit v humloy o prefded in hi usual happy manner urllngion meidajjoo i aiuoa jor partuaj t ladiaa church ra to be of the enure oopjjrauiuttd apon ih happy eon- anfan h ouiia jbui function score by innings rock wood 0 0 acton 3 3 summary 3 base m lock or m clarke 2 base hits armstrong hits off it muaon c i innings off o mclaughlin 3 in 1 in ning off m clarke u in 7 inning base on balls oft m clarke 2 strurk out by h mason 2 by m- clarke double ploy v burnley tu m masai on lo e johnson when thoy nrrlved homo by tin 836 ik n train that evening tin cltlxens band was there to meet them with a crowded platform of cltlaens a pr occasion was formed tb the town hull und u formal presentation made of tho silver trophy and medal mix olive mclaughlin also secured ttho prlxo for home runs councillor harrison on behalf of tha acton council congratulated theieam un their success and speeches made by mervin kennedy the manager of the team mr bobl scott mr ostrunder president jed ryder the umpire mrs d h lindsay secretary treasurer mis lottie muaon manag er of the team and others councillor harrison was chairman for the affair the bund enlivened the evenings pro ceedings with a number of selections the ladle this week will play the mlmlco ladles team in the park hare on saturday afternoon this is one of the best team in the city league df toronto und u roul snappy gumo exitectod tho trophy und inodula won huvo iwan on exhibition in mr d h li ltd says window the post wk a pio turu of the team appeared in tho tor onto telogram laat saturday evening the team playing in the halton league was unable to bring home any luurels in their game with campbell- vllle in the park on saturday- after noon campbollvtlle had them out classed at th way through and only once did bobble jsarty loosen up and allow the locals u couple of run th final score wm los in favor of camp- bellvllle acton is still at the bottom of the league and from appearances tholr chances of heading tho list ure njj result of saturday guinu camlbbllvlllkl ab it ii po a k l 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 3 0 4 3 1 j 1 o crawford c f 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 10 1 karly p i 3 0 culms s s 0 1 1 3 r 1 1 0 0 44 10 is 17 9 acton ab it h po a 4 0 3 10 4 0 0 3 3 nelson 1 b 3 0 duo u beardmore 3 b 3 0 1 6 1 h kennedy 0 f 3 0 iso gibbon 3 b s 4 0 1 1 3 j kentner u 4 1 3 73 mcdonkld a s r f 3 1 10 3 u drone r f 3 0 i 0 u lelahman 3 h 1 b 0 0 0 it- 31 3 037 11 hummuryr 3 base bits c raw ford crawford karly s stolen hueas masulee s kontner huso on bulls oft uuyur 1 hit by pitcher by tjoyor woods by marly nelson und lteunlmoroi pass ball kentuer wild pitches cloyor 31 double pluy calms locarrwrtgrt tauenderson left on ion 4 cumpbeuvllle ft hkhulttt oh batubdays oamk8 the gumo in tho league on satur day reauttsd afouw mlltbil 4 georgetown 3 burlington 1 csmplteuvllle 9 ac ton 3 thbluaquu mtandino wotl l i c llron tu georgetown cam pbejlv ills milton oj aotbn t 4 760 836 00 doo 444 t8l3 all acton candidates paaaed at the entrsnos etamlnatlonk and 20 of th 20 out ids pupils alton iulilin hrhool ha again the aiutiruutlmi of afelngall the pupil who wrote at tho examinations for tnilruihft to high school puss eleven of the auton ruifdldutns passed with honors this roaull is a high compliment to mlus mlnnln bennett tha principal of tho hhool um well as to the pupils wpo applied thomsolves no earnestly td tho studies neensnnry for tho exam inations in tho result this year miss ilntinott is ably suatoliiliik her ropu- uitfoii us a siiiiessful oducatlonlst for several yours lu aucccaalon her pupils who have boon candidates have all nuertnd und received their diplomas tho following urn tho names of tha successful nundldutes ut tho recent ixutn1nntlons acton k atlouhtuh clikfouil hon iron 13 k dunn uuno john ic oambli- llun atjdricy tlhrvais him maruabidt b ub1ndhll hon ii gobdon huffman hon frank ki2lly hun mab1sl k kknyon hon maiuohik m- lawson hon wild a m mcmullisa hon tlwbn madbook ilotil william a babcook florence e babr j franklin baitbr dorothy m combiner ida m coht1cllq john w chipph james c cuhiub john m dlton cilarleh e gibbons frank gibbons clarence j henderson joseph w little wilitlam g mason olive precious ktfowleh t schbam mona c smitlf thomas h st ati am buhsel l weadgb jersih y youno doris i wheeltr outside schools rose kaiser hon lena kendall hon neoma noble hon john hicilabdhon hon ethlyn boyd james pr1tton let1t1a bbitton maud budbky edward w dreboe cecelia duooan dorothy fletcher 1karl foster l all raj frank h james uliseauklu khum bobert klkasbuhy duncan moffat charles mclaughlin douglas robertson elsie storey myrtle stork curtis watson chribtjnia wallace ebwin wilson mary wilson tho highest throo in stun ding at acton centre wero gwan l maddock e augustus clifford and h gordon huffman all pupllq of miss minnie bennett principal of acton public school tho honor of the highest atandlng in this nxamlnatton in the county was won by ivuashbury pupil of b f sanderson principal ofouk- vlllo public school cases of illness und other special circumstances are sllll being consld- oreil and result will be announced lat er murks of unsuccessful candidates huvo- lxor forwurdnd to them und rcr- tlncutes will im sent to those wlio pun early in august fall fair time approachlnir the fairs in whloh our readers gen erally are interested the following uro full fairs of 1023 li und visitors of this chtelll anion aborfoylo alllsuni 1 arthip ancestor brampton bolton burlington cajodon- colllngwood cooks town cooksvlllo erin freeltau fergus calk georgetown grand vulliy london western ia markham mtlton oukvlllo orangevlllit ottawa central cat newmarket bock wood rock ton sholburno strutfonl toronto can nut weston wood bridge the date of tho 1 which exhibitors auction uro inler- october 33 october 3 octobor 45 september 1h1b september 2538 september 2123 september 181 september 1810 september 2837 september 1114 october 13 october 33 october 12 october 1 september 3031 september 2121 octobers ko september 3728 ir heptumbur 8lf october 4- sup tout ber 3839 soptomber 1316 september 1314 luitu sepl 717 september 2739 soptvmber 2638 october 010 september 1819 september 1812 aug sfisepl t hoptrunber 2839 outober 1313 neighborhoodnews- townand country v terra cotta mr jus stringer spent the week end with mr and mrs c mckeown and family of acton mr f donnfsmi is on thn alck list at preaent haying la now the order of tho day miss lois illuk who is tiurhlng in new ontario is home for tho holi day mis wllmu talbot in horns from guotph for tho school vacatldrl two valuable horses belonging tu john rood and austin mocutchoon worn instantly killed 4n the pasture flnd during tiia savaro electric storm lust weak corry martin mr llor- topn horse whloh waa with thorn mlruoulouhly oscuped with n singed muno churchill ml olive boblnson of cwksvillo spent tho weekend with mr and mrs albert bmllh the two funerals of mr matthew mccutcbcon and mnf wimanuwarno laat week wero largely attended moat of tho farmer have a good quantity of their hay wifely cut nd stored mr w watson of orton visited friondn ham during tho week some road work ho been done it will require considerable more- to bo done to put some of tho road in shape where tho heavy rain have washed tho gravel oft the stones ballinafad the farmers of this entire dlstrlrl ure busy those days harvesting thelr huycrap t f mciiugh of this place but formerly of hornby u member of union loyul orange lodge no 33 attended the annual church parade service ut acton on sunday ight mr und mrs john boyd eth lino visited friends at hornby a few days ago blnoeroympathy la felt fv mr and mrs robe warno the mlaaes brown- loo mr uml mrs wesley warno mr and mr robt kerr und other friends of tho lute mrs wrn wnrne who puasod uway lost wodneaday crewson8 corners school aaction no 8 and 9 naasagu- woya held a plcnio at blue springs purk saturday afternoon june 30 a thoroughly enjoyable t time was spent in races games and other recreation no 9 school wo winners in both tho boys and girla baseball teams a bountiful lunch was spread to which all did justice everyone returned home tjred but happy knox church sunday school acton held their annual plcnlc ut blue spring park yesterday miss clara lent stuart and oracle lantx acton via ted mr 1 millers last week mr and mru l mcdougutl eru- moaa spent sunday at mr d a crip pa mr und mr hosxell hlllsburg mrs wrn cripps and mr ernest cripps rock wood visited at mr m cmw- sans on sunday games next saturday acton at georgetown milton cutnpbellvlllu burlington ut hroutu acton kanoeuh vs credit vale ho ranger jounivd to crvdllvule saturday lust for iholt- rlist match fluy wrrumat by thj wtecutlvo uf tho homu toutn uint motored tu tho grounds at 630 p m tha gumo was started thu auton toutn lined up as follows j turner j bltohu b houtlay t savage mcouohan a trotter r bulley a mochrle u llreeneil md- cuhln d proatoii thoy lost tho toss uml played ugulnst a sun auton showed good form throughout th gumo tho scoring 1 opened by brooiiun 10 tulnutos wftur pio sturt ctadllvalu roottaiiod the play uiul mudv if dash for acton goul but wet a tepulwed by uuhlle j aeiit tho ball to midheld acton re incrouaed iminudlutely by ires- from that point of the match credit vale did not puss actons da- fonue autnil forwurd pressed the credltvulo defencot thn result being preston scored after the ball was trod- mid a few minutes play pres- ugulli bout credltvale goulkeeper aftor ropluy oponad up acton broke iy und mochrle scotad just bo- fur hitervul brodmut und afocuhln wer slightly injured and wore unable to roaumu pluy at luilf tltne tho score lood acton ft credltvale 0 auton took the field with malt lu the second half credltvala started the pluy nluklrjg a good start hut o checked by aoton dsfansti the acton forward took the play tu credlt vulo goal and modulo scored mojuua raud total of 6 goals ut fuvut uf aoton fu time result acton rangers 6 credltvale 0 our play is iqjaiit thoy were rn- dvnd und ontortalned royally m much so that thay llngumd ut credlt vala inn where mr fred walker pie proprietor was their host too lorn tho credltvale townapoofile ajjoko highly of the team and their play a return match viii be playad in acloo abortly limehouse d m gowdy is at grimsby beach where ho has been engaged a super visor of uthletlcs miss howard who resigned her posl- tjci as teacher hero before the holi days hu returned to her homo at lyndon sho is attending tha sum- qmr school ut slmcoe this week mr und mrs john kennedy and irfrr und mrs c smith of ouelph spent saturday afternoon and even ing hero andlenjoyod a plcnlc with mr ma mrs william oowdy on tholr lawn tho rth loft in tho creek and dam here after tho tannery bed broke awuy lust fall escaped to tho stream below recently when the tororllo lime company found it necessary to repair the flume at the w mill- mr il molmes of guolph vultod ut the home of mr wm gowdy last week mlaa iroiio follett waa homo from toronto over sunday mr oaklay of cold water visited friend hero for a few days lust week mr und mrs w l mllliere and bhile took un auto trip to niugur another points over the weekend mr wm marahaji and ralph mbiuui 1 olive und edwlnu were ivoma from i toronto ovor sunday mouslos are getting tu bo wry com dion here mr dredge of guelph is vultlltg friends hero a nunilwr fronfhereattondod thq orange tuirudo und band concert li aiton on sunday evening while helping mr ifcmghty o thursday clarence follett had tho misfortune to tall off a loud of ltay unit diiflocato his shoulder and broke hla arm libova the elbow 1 i 1 july the month for bargains ihack paihettb silk- thit silk is 3d inchcb wide with a nci satin hniah good value al 225 july iriro si70 shantunu kaw 8ilk this is our rcrulnr si 15 yurd bilk july clearing price 5110 pr yard anderson cinciiamk at 401 c good value and worth more money in stock toda in blue green yellow medium sized heck july price 40c yl i mens blue chamilltay tooke shirts reduced from 125 to h5c we have ull sires in stock m4 tp only 5 dozen in tho lot call before the sizes are broken july price 85c rjens penhansheninosox reduced rrom 50c to 40c for july sellinj mens cotton work hbx reduced rrom 35c to 25c for july selling menp usle sox in black brown grays reduced from 85c to 60c forjuly mclean co mill street acton ont 1 11 saturday treat 1 orange lemon or lime crush the wonderful drinks madefrt three flavors just the thing to have in the home on a hot day let us give you a price on a case vanilla habshmallow 29c lb everyone knows the quality of our marshmallow a nice fresh fluffy candy just the thing for that sweettooth r 40ctt saturday treat 29c tb weekend chocolates 32c lb an assortment of jellies caramels nougats creams and peanut ousters a wonderful assortment of strictly fresh choco lates regular 40c and 50c tb saturday special 32c lb ice cream to get relief from that tired heavy feeling drop into our parlors ajid enjoy a fresh cold soda or perhaps a fresh fruit sundae a complete stock of brick and bulk ice cream always on hand h v rumley i phone no 3 acton ontario fall term opens monday ausrust 27 sikkjiui individual instruction lu ull subsot write f or full particulars guelph businea college hrsld bldg quelph orrfu v d bbilott principal in the surrogate court op the county or halton tn vi mattsf of th ett of henry say era late of the township of rs- uaalnnv in th county of halton farmer dsosaseas i wv- svrswsv iladattkittilih- rarj notice is hsmby given pursuuneep e rovlkcml mtatute of ontario chap tr 181 uuollou 68 that all person having claim against the estate of the said henry buyer who dlod on or uhotlt th4 mat day of march l ut tha said towushlp of ksqusslng are renulred to send by loat or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for th administrator of tha stale of the said hoiiry bors on or before the 14th day of july ibis their nam ad dresses full particular of thslr claim and tha nature of the security it any hold by them all duly verified by statutory declaration after the eold date tho administrators will proceed distribute tbe of tho da- luood umung tha parties an titled thmeto liuvlug regard omy to the cliiims of which thy shall then hava notice upd tiiey altalt not be liable for um nsauts oi any part of them to any person of whoao claim notlc shall not havu boon recolvod by them at tho ftnui uf such dbitrlhutlon uutod ut mutun tliht 10th day uf j un una w i nick mtltqn ontario holloltor fur the administrator with will annaaod ill ril i lawn and garden tools now is the time to keep your lawns and gardens in shape wo have the necessary tools garden hose in fiftyfoot lengths withnoixle and couplings complete woodyatt king and cometluwn mowers in all sizes grass qipers with both long and short handles let us know your requirements and we will help you fill the needs phone 95 w d talbot main street acton specials for this week at pattersons meat market smoked meats 300 lbs smoked rolls whole ornulc per lb cottage rolls whole or half per tb smoked hams whole or half per lb side bacon slab or half per it ueepclith prime rib roast per lb thick rib ruastj per- lb shoulder roast per lb round shoulder roast pur lb boiling beef per lb brisket boll per tb several 3 and 5 th pails snowllake shortening per th ciwl vnl nr it ifl 2se 30c 32c 3c stowing veal per it stoe 15c iso go 10c anil 12c be ise 10c and 10 watcb our windows friday und saturday forspecials w j patterson corner- mill and main streets acton ont free pre ft jof printing is edone xiyrlju al jltta cl

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