Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1923, p. 1

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rw j r forty ninth yearno 7 thursday morning august ifl 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning august 16 1023 single copies five cents the methodist c1iubch acton rev chast hackett plgr pfmiug- willow bt 1000 a m gnaiurly lnv hmit the minister subject iu0 b 1 the fruit of win 1 ilop m ilumujr school t oo in nmmuhion borvlro subject uf nrrini n iom we forael rnimnnt f tin iju 1 supper at the cidmi if wvpiiliie rvlo presbyterian knox church acton mlnltar rav a c suwiri m vanse willow street mhl llle loss und church service withdrawn while thn oiiurrh in t ml nit decorated sunday school um usual at 10 00 u m ite opening anil annlvethury ditto september tho pastor und official of tlm methodist church have cxtcndxl a cordial invitation to attend thn motho dlt church while kno church la closed ajlx ark cordially invited new advertisements brick for sale 4000 nro flaah brick for nolo apply j uefj 3 main street house for sale or rent enquire from irh waterhoiise scene street acton found an embroidered baby carriaxe cover owner may have nntn by calling at tiiefrek press office nottce on and after saturday august 18 the blacksmith afaopa or acton win tw closed each saturday at 13 o clock noon until further notice found an bveraharp pencil with name in scribed on barrel owner may have una by calling at the prbe press office wanted at oncv an experienced farm hand klderly preferred good milker ap ply in person to miss haixett t lot ix rd une kriix wanted qlr i or middleaged woman to do general booseworlc permanent posi tion if suitable apply to mrs morris saxe 7 3 georgetown onl lost last wednesday or thursday an embroidered pique baby carriage robe finder please return to for sale moclary coal range good as new hall rack and several small article apply to mrs alice flkury mu1 sycet low i bl lot mt for sale cosnfortable brick bung lent location fine corner be sold at once ask tt j kerr real estate agent strayed to the premise of the undersigned bout the end of july a jersey calf with whit atar on face owner may bare aaxno by proylna property and paying expanses jambs mccallum third une erin township card of thanks the acton jubilee celebration com mittee dealre to thank all the cltlaena and visitor who co operated so splen dldly to make the cejehraupn welm auopeaa the whole affair waa a mtf nlteeat example of cooperation and the committee- feel deeply indebted to all who participated in any way farms for sale 31 tanoi in the oounuea qf ualtoa and waolnaton varying from 40 to 300 msraa letua send you our list a number at homes and b place in aeton for amis fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith real batata agent phono 10s aotao ont card of thanks children aid society peal efui helton to the cttlaen of acton on behalf of the children si j society of halt cm i herewith de to thank the acton friends foe thj very generous donation of 183 49 t thechlldrene shelter milton bcing the proceed of an offering taken ui at the community bervtoe held during- acton a jubilee celebration w 11 stewart local hupl c a scloty ullton auguit 14 1k3 all the summer dresses half and a third off smart summer fashions at newjuow prices plcnrjof warm weather yet in which to enjoy these summer fashions that arc taking lower prices warm days arc pleasant or impossible according to how you dress for them so guelph s big store is showing fashions for high temperatures at low prices dnd many thrifty people who need fresh new dresses tor rounding out the summer in and who like to have a saving ready for another season arc taking eager advantage ratines voiles ginghams reduced prices ranging from 238 to 1l50 worth a hajf to twice as much again all the childrens dresses all the mil linery all the womens 5ttk pullovers and silk blouses all the wash goods practically all summer goods involved now in clearance movements at merely fractional prices many unes of wallpaper nearly all eioes of mens summer clothing and furntehlnjfs at v v sharp reductions too thrifty people who must or wish to paaenuino and personal allowances go as far as possible may reap a rich harvet of golden savings carpet sweepers 20 this is one of our big valuesonsations this week in fact the biggest of many weeks if yoa can and it ppssible to be in town over the weekend dont fail to get one of these de macdonald bros ltd gaelphb leading and largest store weekend specials assorted chocolates dont forget to buy a pound of our famous assorted chocolates the stock is always fresh and clean regular 40c tb weekend special 29c lb cocoanut rocks coco a nut rocks regularly 40c lb weekend special price 34c lb variety bars variety bars four flavors- m each bar vanilla strawberry chocolate and caramel weekend special 6 bars for 25c icp cream when out shopping come in for a drink of chocolate royal a banana split or one of our appetizing sundaes h wiles it friday august 17 under two flags with triciii tfeun a- tj a ret to the duhtt of the rl ront ha most rtiajrninoent nil of her career taken frojn the immsrul novel by joultla we are proud to nroscnt it to fol lowers of the boat in photoplay ntertalpment comedy a penny howard x weekly ffewa admission 30a ami sdc saturday auqubt is curence starrma wjlc held nu ayrea and may mcavoy taken from booth tarklnalpn a vreat american novel a uve story that urfm the luahllht uttun he avrajf home a paramuunt produotlqii comedy la ou of plaps beenlo admlulon jfic and se tueaoav august 21 m aotnda htsjrlfur alios brady in the inapirihjf le in which alte aoor pd her bbraost atas auooea comedy hweet und lmtty bplaode no u of ooot km hula sx a mcclura son x the proof of the boot 18 in the wearino special sale this week some of these linear are travellers samples and some are window samples odd lines broken sizes but mostly all mics in the lot u0k them over k 40 pulrs of womens vlto canvas slippers and oxfords all lcs in iho lot l6qptr pvt v a row pairs all sizes 3 50 and 4 00 black and brown trimmed mostly sles ij 4 and ij to clear at 1 6s womens leather slippers samples only 3 3j and 4 sizes worth up to 4 00 150 womens samples cair patent and kid leathers all sniajl sizes 3 4 and 5 for 195 and j39s mens work boots worth 4 50 for 395 mens boots oner lines worth 4 50 for 396 bargains in oxfotds and welts alto boys 1 and misses shoes harry ha the shoe m we will save you moniv news of local import co motions in jubilee celebrstlon report ill tltn at ur ilunont lo thn jubilee colel ration sltorts fund the ntunte of k k uloetn a h mcli un ami chaa moore wrn inmlvtirti ntiy omlltnd thn prlao fol- thn lot deroratoil rfhldencn wnti kiv i to mrs joaoph llolmtfk nol mlsn lkrenia holmes an titatiml in tlm ju lice h report sudden illness of mr croft muwii rtitiched at ton lusl vesk or the auddottvand critical lllndnn of mrst htrnchan crbft of jurhnrn duualtter pf mrs 1oler mcljonold ikn avenue mrs croft waa nt once removed to ha ueneral hohpltal toronto wliore a tl in mm in biiiiwimi that trouble to lxa luwo on the urn in an operation follownd anil the reixirta this wm u nm ultn fuvornbln union services in methodist church durlnff the month of july tho motho dial ronarckutlon wornlilppod in knox church their pastor twine absent holidays lst hunduy the second month of union services com mo need in the method lb t church itev mr hackett ixilne in churne llcv mr stewart is now nnjoylna his holidays and th churrh is bains repainted and decorated next hunday the resulnr uiirtarly ndmmunlon service will be hold in the methodist church the eon g regit t ions unite in thn sacrumanlil service melhodut sunday school pie nl the annual 4lonlo of the methodist sunday bchool will be held nuxt wol nosday afternoon 22nd inst at- luui hprln inrk the event is lookod forward tnwltli pleas urn bio anllclpa hon this plo nlo la not for the chll iron alone alt the members of tho school are included and in fact the whole coiistfton the members of the home iepartment are especial hnvited now- it is hoped that the harvmrn so wellfadvanced that the farmorn wlll nttonfl with the whole family all the rotor cam in the con cremation and friends of tho school err bpodnaturedly commandeered for the afternoon by a t browtrt buperin tendant and his plo nlo committees the new thomson works the new factory of tho thomson motor supplies limited is about com plo ted a quantity of machinery or lived on tuesday and a car load b being- shipped from bt catharines this week in a very short time the wheels will be turning this now acton manu factory will be la operation m it- thomson the managlna diroctor wan here this week he la quite enthuauui tic over the enterprise the 10 000 bonds of th comititny um being quired for by local investors they baar six imr cent interest und aro guaranteed by the town no doubt when thiy are available they will be speedily picked up by cltlsen of moans who aro aookunjr klltedgod invest men la knox church in hindi of pscorator tho stoneman crawford co churah decorators have tho work of painting and ijoooratlng the interior of knox church well in hand tho scaffoldlns waa erected lost week and the entire interior has received one coat the terra cottn shades which previously prevailed are being replaced with very restful shades of olive tho decpru tlonn will bo ohoalt and appropriate and executed on unas or which this experienced firm of skilled decorators are noted tho work will be completed in the second week of buptember and rn opening service are set for sunday the oth of tho cpmlng month while the work of decorating is in progress knox congregation wilt worship wit the congregation of the methodist church messrs stone man crawford co are also engaged in decorating st george church guelph our jubilee impressions on visiters the editor of the milton champion who attended our jubilee celebration last week makes the following kindly comment the celebration of the nftieth anniversary of acton m incor poration began laat haturday and end twf on monday evening there waa a large welcome banner on main struot public buildings business es tablbviments and dwellings were de corn tod with flags and tream the wn looked very bright and precty id a large energetic rooeptlon cotn- ittoe was busy welcoming the boat ex roatdents and other friends who gathered from all points of the com pass a notable feature of thn cele brat ion was the tattoo by the milton ac ton and georgetown bands 7g players when the three war massed the programme was pronounced splen did the attendance at the celebration was about 4 000 aotb waits two motoring partlas meat li the borne of mr and mrs lamb knox avenuo has been tho moat ins dace this week of rrlandi widely separated when attmrtr re spootlve homes lrof and mrs uerry and two children of itochester n y motored to acton and here they tool ur and mrs jamlcson of nee pews man who had motored from that dralrle province mrs berry and mrs jamleson are 5ustrs daughters of the late robert lamb of crewsuns corn and nieces of mr walter ijtmh they are granddaughters of the lute sam mcgorman w vl dents will remember as a leading farmer at crewsons corners wpo re moved to manitoba over forty year ago mr berry is pturosaor of psy chology in rochester university und or jamleson ha u rfno practice in the neepewa dtstrlcr their visit hits leen vary pleasing and they have comelved line opinions of acton did nat manifest spirit of sports ttu defeat of bronte on their own diamond by fleontetuwn on saturdny put thatlean out of the running for the championship of lis hon leugu georgetown wwii by a score of 3 lo 1 in a moat exalting game this result practically gives georgetown i lie cham plonsfilp and puts them in competi tion with outside leagues th eiiqlng of ths season in this manner wu evidently not to the uklng of two o three of the leading players of th llronta team the ninth innhigs bad not bean completed before tlny at tasked several of the aeorgeluwn pleyerm assaulting them in a most un sportsmanlike manner there will be a sequel to this fracaa for charges of assault have bean laid against two of ths bronte men by the captain uf the georgetown team these charges wi c before police maaletrwtb moor t next thursday aftor- polico court news on uuuday gth hint four yuunif fol lows went fat a motor drive from oonrgatowp to nprval as thoy real ed the root of the hill nilorlng norvu they met a qliort man with a hump on bin bark who asked them it they would llkn lo buy some liquor they nuked htm what kind of liquor he said wine they rvpltlid they would hn hii id follow tnp und in about five mlnuti s i will gt you same they followed to tho corner pear tho hard ware store tho short man and an other mart it obit ft mclhenton wore there mt ihorwon said he could got them liquor they ordered throe bot- tloa of wine paid mclberson 3 00 for the three bottles ho went wllh the short mao to a house across the corner and they rnturnod with the three bottles and dellvorod them to karl thurston und joseph hugglna they ouch bud u drink on thn stroot and w unlit un 1 1 given who wuru with tljim itlso hud a drink oach chief jackson mjiw tho iwys when thoy got lack lo goorgitowii lie luld mn tlonn iigulnut them und they tefore j ollco muglstrutn moor thursday afternoon ytcarh of them pleaded guilty and waa fined 110 00 and costs fujb in all when put upon oath as to the source of up ply the young man told the ubovo story inn poet or iteovely who wusj present ut the trial took two or tho young men oad proeeoded to norvul to investigate ho found mcpherson and brought him to acton to satcurc hall when tho boys rehoai ed their statement in the presence i hertjon be pleudad guilty said ho had aecurod the liquor as u favor to he hoys they tmm him thn money md he pali the rook at nerval tla van tlnvd- 1200 and costs the in pectur then went uftor the cook police magistrate moore found ilnv- self in the sumo iktsltlnn au some other fortunate motorist the othor day is afternoon during tho jublloo cele bratl u he wan driving up main street o turn at mill on the way tolh6 park when the sllenl uollocman was reach ed he found a eteofea thresher outfit blocking the right side of the silent policeman bnthgnod umhera by a welcome street banner which caught thn smokestack the magistrate turn ed to the left and proceeded down mill htreet and on to the park upon reflection even under the clrcum stances bo concluded that he had violated the law and must take the consequences as other motorists are obliged to do ho therefore fined him self thn usual niuumont of s3 00 and costs and the municipality is that much better off henry a may of rsquoalng was charged by chit f juckson before police mug bit rule maoro nt georgetown on i rlday morning with violatlmr a town by law by leaving bin motor car with ut lights unattended for two hours on a main street purt of which was instructed with building material in isc in the reconstruction of the o nelll block chief jackson requested the car to be removed when mr may placed u there becauaa several uccl dents hud occurred there during the summer but his request was curtly fused a conviction was made und penalty of 1 00 and costs imposed it was somewhat of an unomalty that muyur p appeared for tho defence the defendant who had violated town s by law and refused to obey reasonable request of thn town s chief constable mr ii q melr was counsel for chief jackson session of police court will be held this evening to try a violation of the ontario temperance act and a couple of motor vehlala cases ino or 3o was imposed on clur n carey or georgetown for rock- driving in toronto police court monday the police oald his car i going nearly 40 mllee nn hour gtobo li me ho u qsrden party harden jwrty will be hold in the park llmehouse on wednesday august 23 the programme will be given by the hanna heather troupe nslstlng uf seven artists the pro grummu will consist of scottish and national singing and dancing and they ihj ubly ussleted by messrs 1l iugby und- a shaiid halton peel foot bs 1 1 league at u largely uttonlod meeting- o representatives of tho different clubs ut credltvula to form the hulton pd soco r league thu following officers were elected i resident mr alox trottec aaton vice president mr allett cheltenham secretary a iotte brreotavlllo treasurer v walk- credllvale kxecutlv- 1c lluin- brldge credllvale g brennan actou marsliall cheltenham mr pett cooksvule a ielper gakvlllo t wrii- dell sr etrvtitsvlllo hefereoa for tho league mr ilalley acton mr nur bridge toronto mr thompson tor ito mr hulabrtqtc credltvule vandallem and theft ae mitten aimjui two months uao tiiimi mc- mnntt and ilert jones currlnl five wooden benches to victoria purk und left them tluiro for use ut bund con certs und by the motoring parties who camp in thu park on tho invitation of the town authorities thuy were appreciated greutly by iho ialiipers two or three put side by side made u good table off which to lunch with others us seats they are gone ktrst they were em hod by boys and bter the fragments were curried off for kindling it la sunpoaed it is said t pome or the guilty partite are known also boys who ulltnli the trees in the park und break off tho brunches lfn thot should be proseout ions- and unlsbment champion coigravf ths fugitive cepured iviiowliiv u bunt wuloh titus lasted for rive duys jom cosgruvu slayer of kuthir tolhocy of pruntou und fugl- frum the ontario reformatory guelph was captured wednesday evening by superintendent c v nee lauds an i a burly uf guards plod ding through a grain told about one utile east of the irour corners about six mile- eaat uf guelph coograve surrendered without opposition ifrom the time at hla escape on saturday morning until the arrest mm diet had ctmnlafcil solely uf borrtsa und peas the uharm capie to the reformatory by telephone at 7 u clock half an hour later gosgraye wus ju un automobile speeding buck to the iteformatory abd he is once inure behind the bars while an entire countryside ex perl ences u feeling uf great rvjief ti jim a peart wlfu of tho postmaster ut nunosa u the credit fur the in formation which reaulted in the cap lure shortly utter 7 o clock aha noticed a man who corresponded to the descriptions which have been aant out wulklng east ulong the eramoss road just behind j he crossroads she immediately phoned the local police und thn meeattge vas relayed to the liafurmatfiryby cunstable reeves and nepessary repaii arc to be made to principal streets a claim for itamages lo bicycle damaged through fuledin trench orock avenue frontage to be surveyed before cstment is laid tho rtjulur si union op the council wus held- n monday venlng councillor belt holmes untl harrison irosont and rcevv ibtrter in the chafr tho jlnumo commltltm presented their seventeenth reixirt and recoro mended paymi nt of tho following ac counts jt osnersl account hydro loctrlc 1 ower com mission trh t llghtliik hyilro fcleclri lower com million town hull lighting hell telephone cu si rv ices n6a71 and 7t acton fiuest rxk printing und advertising preoport snnltorlum i j ii mnckwnxlo nupplies bell telephone co no 01 four months services a e crlppm ixprwxh und rurt 3 oo an 1 20 48 so i 76 10 03 2s 08 waterworks account hydro electric lower com mlnslon power ut fire pump ib 75 hydro electric ower cum mho ion powi r ut spring 40 34 bell telephone co noh 78 and hi s rvlcns 4 10 has till labor 33 co j ii lackensle supplies f 4 30 bowman nunn lulxir s4 oo w it iishbrook lulxr 13 c6 a e crlppw axproui und age si o tho rcpari was a jtimmiinhallai 10 e rirnrjict w as- meal ve1 froav mlaa marin lantx is holidaying torpnlo friends mlsa ollvn coqxer is holidaying with friends in kitchener mrs anna mud lock vial fed friends in toronto on monday mr f lurvneo mnlntyre ietrolt is visiting friends in town ulu fjlna oram of st catharines is vutlllng acton rrlondn mr w c ilonjr lefj on monday on a business trip to qunlxx- mr michael o brlen of chicago is visiting at hla homo here mrs u s wilson and rdmlly nti sunday with friends in gait mr andrew otjrien now york holidaying at his homo here mrs mury huggarty left yesti rduy for her homo at rden man miss kate iluuslaugh of milton visited acton friends last week mr rudoli h splelvogel left on mon day on a irip lohe north wo mr austin iteld of stratford was home for thn jubilee celebration mrs malcolm mclean returned last week rrom her visit to winnipeg mlna clara lanta returned home after aiendlng a week in toronto mr and mrs john ainaw left for their homo in winnipeg on monday 411ns margaret kennedy left on saturday to vlalt friends in rochester mlsa annie martin has returned from orinia whoro she spent a month or mlu allen mcgregor of guelph holidaying ut her home in mr and mrs it j kerr left yeater day fnr wlarton to spend few boll duys there mlsa helen sluvln of toronto spent e week end at thn home of mr j kennedy mrw u good and family or kltchan- er spent a week at tho home of mr ft v knynn robert c masse y requesting damages ta his bicycle to the amount of 10 00 mr massoy claimed bo received the damages from striking a ptono in the centre of tho roud where the water works trench hud lxm dug ncrou the the juylng or iho cement nldewalk on brock avenue la causing a little difficulty an the street lines am very irregular the services of thu engineer will be required in order to get the proper line at the finish of a discussion on the repairing of thi roads in acton it was decided to order u car of crushed stone or chips un i fill thn holes and depression on mill und main streets thn stone will tm mixed with asphalt on mill street and gravel on main street thn clerk was instructed to procure lht car of stone council adjourned at 0 10 p m acton blanks cheltenham m perry scores 3 goals in this away from home qame the acton rangers football team plujed tholr second gome for the walker cup at cheltenham lost sal urday und came homo with a score h to 0 the rangers lined up us follows turner withers buylis healley grant trotter mochrie mccuhon brnnnan perry savage re ferae e tylar league oltlclul referee acton won thn toss und elected to pluy with the sun at their buck they were soon in full command of the ball bringing r up the mid und from u nice puss from the left wing bran in opened tho scoring for acton on resuming pluy the home team made a daah fur artqn m goal but found tho visiting teams defence too strong for them acton s forward line played some nce combinations which reaulted in perry scoring- u goal the home team opened the pluy uguln but before they had reached far over mid field grant took the ploy and gave the half to brajinaii who set the forward playing again und a pass rrom mochrto allowed mccahen to score cheltenham men then tried to break through acton s defence but were repulsed buy lias sending iho ball tt mid field and then tb forwards showed fine combination which brought the ipluy close tu thu home goal and porry jtoeing u favor- uble opening moored another goal cheltenham aguln opened thn play ihpwlng great do term nation ln a goal the centre forward sent tho ball to the outside left who was soon deprived of u by trotter who gva a erry he in turn sent the ball to llrutinaii who brought it down lo the opiktuont gout und gav mo cuhun a good upenlug und he dd not fall to scorn when about to re play the whistle blew for half lime with cheltenham 0 acton esumtng play cheltenham for- wurds brought tho hull down the field and marshall their centra man took beautiful ahot for goal but it was saved by turner und ut on co clourod by liayllas who giivi the hull to grant brought th null down the field sent a atlff shot into the opponent s goalkeeper and heat hint soon after the play hud started again the home team did ull in their power to break through actons defence but were re pi used in evury effort heat ley gave mochrie a nice pass and be beat ull who came m d him and from u ixnuutlful lung shot beat cheltenham s goalkeeper worn thlm hjiu1 ai ion lmpy had rulltunlut of un galim when tin willtie blew for time the results worn gin keithum 0 acton i tan gun u thu uoxl mutch fur the walker challenge cup will ut pluyod hi the purk hrr with c hiksvmle nn saturday uftol thu luugun utapdlg up to data us follow acton 1u nicer 3 3 0 14 1 oukvlllw 3 3 0 t 1 streetsville j 3 0 t cookavllle j 0 3 1 credltvllle j 50 3 s chettenhum j tt s u lu noon isrd liuit a number of wit- itaformatpryby cunstable reeves ant neaaee who saw hi uasuult huyu ienn suprtntendtut nee hind quickly or oh vesl its easy job anyonu can run a mwpupr all you have to do is to buy u plant kuqw how to tun it frint end to back end then tiuslin u round uiil gat copy klrst you must get ull the local und general news you will find the local news aiiimud almost everywhere about the tnwjnsltet und you are expected lo be tnpst everywhere tu und the fleet ing item aud another impartunt thing you must ur ure supposed to iiutlto up affurt to collect thn money pay the bills and keep everybody n good hurpt and thn hlng moat important 1 uever to leavu put of the paper the name uf thu important one and also never lo put limn in wheu they shoitlr be left uut ofou will learn thu trick uftor you have been bawled out a fdw social and personal j aflt m and mrs v mclailljihint sunday with mr and mrs charles e i la l ley vergua mrs prank kennedy spent a few days last week with friends at c island toronto mrs dr gray and mlsa laura have boon spending tho week with relative at illyth mr and atra w m cooper left yes tenlay for kitchener where they will pent their holidays mrs moycr and children of brant ford arv im- tiding a week with mr und mrs b v kanyon mlsa edna mccutcheon returned home sunday after spending- the week with her uncles in erin miss murguret garvin left on satur day to mjmjnd u two weeks vacation with frlen is at north hay miss rose sullivan of guelph is pending a few holidays with her rlend mian frances hurst mrs w tteesor and children of mtchuner visited at tho home of mr und mrs a ileeaar ast week mr j ii markell of brampton la at the cumtoms house relieving offlcer mcdonald during his ho 1 1 da ya und mrs john mccausuml of niagara fall v y were guests of acton relatives during the week mrs fred peavoy and mr wllroer pnavoy motored from toronto and ape nt a few days with acton friends jtev if w avisan m a u d and mrs avlson of iteglna are spending few days in the city guelph mer ury mrs tho mcevoy misses mary nd rose of the trout iond left on jonday for their now home in tor- nto mr and lira hubert smith and little beatrice of toronto ware guests during the week of mr and mra a bt brown mrs blelby and children of niagara falls have been visiting at the home mr robert wutstm and other friends mr and mr alrfx wylie john and will of guelph motored out and apent 8uniy at tho homo of mrs h mac- donald aibjc mcdonald and family und mr sam itobert and daughter of toronto are visiting at mrs george storey misses nellie uoeaor and jeaaie morton loft on saturday evening to pnd a few day with friends in hamilton mr fe b itlce returned home from burlington last week after a prolonged vbtlt with her daughter mra wheth- un there and mr dunle tollon and mr smith of winnipeg were guest this of mr and mrs r j kerr bower avi npo master freddie tbiy of itockwood 1 indlng hi holiday with hi grundparcjita on luke avenue mr and mr wunbrough a j uatnemand her daughter mis elate tlsrns of toronto returned liunn uftor spending u few day with friends in aaton and erin missus annld ma donald and jeaaie mcgragui were in toronto on monday mr croft of durham who i very 111 lo the general hospital mr stephen gqest ha resigned his kmtitlon a tulter in the bank of iontreut and taken a position in tio men of the toronto daily star mlow emma luiblifson visited bur parents homo ut kenllwortb over thn and she was accompanied by tier iititttfr mbui olivwofookwvllln mr und mrs harold mcarthur and babe of toronlu have re tu rood home artur pendiig a week with their ootuluu mr and mr bert davidson mr norman hannah of niagara kail und mr and mr frd peavoy motoied up from toronto hd tenl week en i with mr und mr w coleman mr and mr joseph orison hur- rutou mr and mr john kennedy toronto una- mr j duke ilurllnb iyn visitedmr tho ramhaw dur nil the week mr und mr latigevlu mr c c ulmilgbl mia iter tie and mis frti brown motored tu kitchener ul thur duy urtornoou uhd pnt the evening with friend there mr amo mason who wa tuk nu innly lit lust week and removed to guelph goner hospital l making line pnigrvss inward recovery exitects to rutum home thl week mr and mr jams bell and mlsa i uella mr hliakey mia hukel und mr rotmirt storey mutorad over from 4levplund o and are vinrlng ut the home f mr rteorgy storey bower aveque mra gordon muckuy and muriel of toronto returned home accomtahld by muster bruce mac kay who had wu spending wttme weeks at hla grahdparenu mr and mra it wnn- broufsh lak avaiusa ladles rowling tournament the flrat annual meetlno of central ontario lfdlee qowlino assoolatlai the greens r acton athloflc a soclatlon wero honored lust thur day with having tho find tournament or the central ontario ladle ilowllte association tho weather was queenly tho rinks in tho pink uf condition opd tho day wua greatly unjoytod by the fair bowlera seventy two elocl ludbu fmm brant rord stratrord weston high park kow beach oakvlllo milton htreeta- vlllo georgetown and acton comprised tho pbiyer thoro were eighteen rinks each rink pluyod throo games and noon of them defaulted two rinks of georgetown bowler were successful in capturing drat und second prixen and high 1 ark won the third four cut glass dlho were the first prlao four pair of candlnatlck for tba second team und four ullvor dishes for th third thn scorn of the eighteen rink worn as follows 1 m t mrshot h oou b 0 b- mr coffon georgetown 17 0 17 mrs harrington high park 13 o is mrs bunage weston 1 4 13 hiss moffat milton 3 13 0 mr mcdonald kqw beach 11 4 7 mr shorey acton 2 q mrs cllperton slroetsvlllo 1 mratumer milton 10 7 s mrs ludlow brantford 0 10 0 mrs mcllveen oakvlllo 4 b o mrs lindaay acton 7 7 0 mr wilson brantford 7 6 1 mrs kennedy high park 0 7 3 mrs mckay georgetown 2 12 0 mrs nelld stratford 9 6 3 mrs colon brantford 19 0 mr lulng kew beach c 11 0 he club house was beautifully de co rated und the greun wa in perfect mdttion and very keen it in not nocossary to say anything regarding to tunc ho served by tho acton ladle undor the apple tree at tho east or the grounds they wero dainty and moat appetizing tho visiting ladle expressed them selves as thoroughly enjoying the days outing and were loud in their praiso of the athletic association a grounds fuid appointments and the splendid hog- pllallty proffered by the acton ladles obituary mihh sarah hinciair the diuth if mu hruh sinclair occurred ll saturday morning t the home of her lter mrs victor vun nailer at itarrlu mlu hlnclalr had been in ioor health th pntit two years for a your hn hail r nlle i with mr vunnatler her ltw hhn was a daughter of the lot dun an sinclair of lot 3 conceiutloii 10 kln mbt sinclair resided in acton fir a numbo of year and bud many friend hem ucaldr mr vannatter three liriithcr survive alexundir at altflnjlfbucan on tho bomostead and male- bin in frln townhlp 8h wa a inumlter of the prely rinn church the body waa brought from barrio on monday ntiil the runornl was hoi v to provtlotioo com lory nt 3 30 o i lock nv n wuddeliof balllnufad oinclat od j georgetown heads the halton league defeated bronte on saturday by score of 3 1 acton loses two games at milton the finish of the halton baseball league la almost hero georgetown occupies thu top place and from all indications will win thl year league acton will finish at tlfe tall end thl year on saturday last arton ployed two game with milton ono was u league flxtun and thu other waa an exhibition puon both game wero close and wero won by milton the first game had a score of ll9 and the second a 64 score and it took until the last innings to decide both acton a heavy hitters in those game were mo- donald and kentiier gibbon and labdunan were the pitcher for acton the following 1 tho lino up fur both game 1 ikbtj game actonskennedy a s macdonold 3 b leuhman 1 b gibbon p kent- nor 3 b drone c f jlggta t kaley 3 b holloway r r milton albvp 3 b stewart 8 a chlahqlme c kennedy l f uumo 1 ptolmey c t keuney p little r mcmullen 3 b second game kennedy a a macdonald t f and 1 b leuhman 1 b und p qlbbens anil r f kentner c drono q f and s b white i f und t f kaley 3 b holloway r r and 1 b ml 1 tonallan a b stewart w chlsholme c kennedy i f llumo 1 b ptolmey c t konney p llttlo r t mcmullen 3 b results ol games played saturday campbellvjllo a burlington x milton ilk acton b 4 georgetown 3 ilrunto 1 th13 lkagina standing georgetown 10 3 7 bronte b 0 671 milton 7 a 638 campbollvllle 7 fl b3h burlington 0 7 41 acton j 10 1b7 wife at premier lose father mr ferguson father died suddenly r g uowanl jeiguou wlfu ut mler ifrguoii wux b r ft by the dm dath uf her father mr j alexander cumnihiic which oi uurred last friduy in huiklughum quebuti tho ileuth or mr gumming occurroi ii br i imumstuucu that wm pocul lurly huddaii ifo hud jut boon to the local burbei uhop to b uhavod und he drotipt d duad an ho wn luuvinir llo wa in hi it 3rd yjur but hud biiloyed hulth that wa unuuiially good ur hi udvuucad year the late mr cumhiliig wa wll- known in rifakingltulil during loeoilt year lt hud been rutlrtd frotu uotve tlfe but prior to that bo hud for many year been mwioclutud with tlju fo tjamn lumbering nturprlue u it klore munukur onu nop dr um inlng und two daughter mr j h hlgglnsou and mlu lilt hoi cummins ull of uuiklughuni ulso survive hint 4100 mil by motor in 21 dy mr and mr v m hill huvo utrtvtd in town from j ahgttu 1 uftof motorlfjg 4 100 mllun lit jl duy 1 hoy report r ud cin lltipn hi tho wouth very ixmr but in imlluuna un i ohio they um excelluiit on reut hliig nlu garu fulbt und t n shiiik lull t utuidu thoy wm ugroeattly murprtsul at our good road mi hiu who liu lvtf been in cuuuda lie firu u mm h lit pressed with t woudurful sue n ury oeorgaluwu uarald fl u tt

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