Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1923, p. 2

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v ivq tovv jaklfcssaitf ii j qjie arton ikrer rriefl tiirithav auoubt ir msa tl sir est e m kfl h bt hh j ffl 7g k i yj try it do i ulil wuulilng dlshim nviy itti who foel diut v fuunl km mi illtotililfrl li hi uuinu and like il lit i i big 11 hlxirn the tlr iih hull whlnh you un iilulnly uee iillvnt wiiii the forks mill uulvt l i tho i r formers und their wivem rhu in mil r ihllilrun true kor pit urn uduiuted it imr ii it giraffe u era ui tho juinlou urn liluki you immli it ci urn bourn the wo liljilmim big jsturd pots u mini it uiiiii u funny jig nd unil you lll and ull dim othui ttlshuu fioni ho win to kettlus old ilia kitm uml puns ujid hktlleis unlmuln ho ikw wo give il up ton j id prorrummo i times ruci rtsy you k and liuvii un uxtra sideshow wl ihoru la numtniiy it help uk through tho uupbourds urn lli driiialug tint a lo whleh performers uu att mkiii u thoy have dune their stunts w nut ihnm there you know and when wo clear tho table off thut in thu grand purude why washing- dishes is good aport since title sumo hue boon mmlc now try it do myrtle barber carpenter a floating crockery shop what a foluocu of tho nile in und what she curriea is thus dpacrlbad by art english traveller lit egypt writing cram cairo ilor huge canvas null bellying from tha curved yard forging on her way ilka lomtt freak iwullow wth ono whit wins a felucca sweeps down tha nile with combined seed of the wind und swift currant her crow consists of two men who squat like rnonkoye high above hor deck una of them holding the vmwii halliard in his right hand whllo hia left gruapa thoiclumay tiller hut such a ship ooveraullod on any aea or on the water of any rive aavo the nil her moat and sail supply her only visible connection with navi- gallon she looks like a- floating crutc anttp fgch i she is 8om o who ro under onmnnni ta tn of j her cargo she haa a hull of aorta but he la piled yard high into a redoubt of pink and brown earthenware jars and hundreds of similar pots slung in nets yards deep on either side of her bulwarks float her so high in the air that her keel can hardly touch tha water the felucca is egypts flouting crock cry shop she is on mr way to lower hgypt beating to cairo and to scores of villages along the banks of tho nile the broad oo no- ended jars wherein water is carried on the heads of fellab women from river and well her home port is kena nearly four hundred miles up the nile which from it possession of a peculiar varie ty of clay has been for centuries the home in egypt of the potter and his handiwork the- broad based narrow- mouthed waterjar or bsjoe whose name comes from the village near kena where it la made is shaped not to stand but to balance on a womans head it familiar in all pictures of egypt but the balas is nqt the only product of kenas clay though it is the chief item of native catering for natives the custom of upperclass egyptians and europeans la aecored by a species of olay vase roimd- bodied and narrow- necked which egyptians called a kulleh and we in felicitous ignorance a cooler it deserves it name and the abear bent properties of its olay make it one of the best of natorol niters stand one kulleh on top of another put your water in the upper one set the whole erection in a draught and drink from tho water that has filtered throujrn to tha lower jar is the reche for a thirst j quencher perfectly pure and of a- cool ness which can be appreciated only by summer exiles in the etas commandments for brides on her wedding- day the japanese bride is given eleven commandments by her mother these are rules of con duct which have been handed down from generation to generation and all seutrespeotlnst brides are expected to live up to them the moment you are married you are no longer my daughter therefore yoo must obey your parsnta- inlaw r once you obeyed your father and your mother when you are married your hus band will be your sole master be humble and polite strict obedience to a husband is the nobleat virtue a wife can possess remember to be always amiable to your motherin law never be jealous jealousy will kill your husbands affection for you do not get angry even though your husband may do wrong be patient und when he has calmed down speak gently to him do not speak much do not spetfk evil of your neighbors tall no iu do not consult fortune tellers be economical in your household and manage curefully do not boast of your fat burs rank or fortune never ulluda to his riches before your husbands relations do not frequent too youthful op clety even though you may be young yourself always be neully and modestly dressed do not wear vary bright- colored garments mt 3far hfbb hnr dlnrg gertrudes grove riuhcim ikonakd pj c arrtl v bundled without wu tiuikhril und llfty dollars on th t1r cf may nuld ctirtruilci wrinkling up bar fore ii cud apd linrn it 1m lok and wo huvo only mm und tun wo havo none nuw clot hca ull tho your km only wlml wo could vo cut p n only what we tould we vo boon uuut to ul tlio in how tu llvo on ten cents not ll urtlha i a wook indeed wi huvo yui old nick wji turlun rosluurunt o growled nftoon- lould run u ycaa- i our experience u turnip ugutn w i know where he is qoino when phulp henryttlio father of the celebrated commentator sought the oniynsaug7itbtiribr timreu or mrmt the we in marriage an object ion was made by- her father who admltlod that he was a gentleman a scholar and an excellent preuohur but hs was a stranger and they did not e know whera be otune from true said ths daughter who had well weighed the excellent u untitle and graces of the stranger but know where he la going und i should like to go with him they walked lifes pugrlmugt tu- gsther how honored would that re luctant father hava been could ha have foreseen that tits daughter would have been tlie mother of matthew henry and bow different would ln the worlds estimate of men if they were jttaged less by their origin and more by ihoir destiny there is une nclrtc of family highly commendable there la another pride of family ineffably contemptible w the irish coast an o fllcor on board a wurshlp was drtying bis men i want every man lo 11 on his back put his legs in the air and move them as if he were riding i cycle be explained now com- meaoe after a abort effort one of tho man topped why hare you topped aurphyt 1 the offlodr or u ihiwi of musli there a beon vnutigh mush cookod lit this houaa thli you i to float a battleship and neither of us aver did ilka mush either as for clot hen i cun save tlio farm the expense of a cdrecruw anyway and he hold up one boylah arm the shabby oout alee vo far outgrown by the mus cular icunif wtiit tho advuntugns of overty as a school of greatness ought to make up for it all of course but there was un eloquent pause ger trude began figuring again tor the twentieth time on u scrap o paper i wouldnt mind so mudls she said disco naulateiy if wod hod our chance and failed hut i cant gel uny chance there are tho chlckona she wont on if i could afford even fifty dollars to nut into settings of egga and weath erlight accommodations and enclosed yards i could make money theres i ha trolley line coming this spring right by the foot of the lane so that w can market the eggs and chickens in the city which wo never could do before because the horso is too old to drive in and out twice a week and do tha farmwork besides with your fancy vegetables and my chickens we could make this place pay far lself by spending a little instead of thut wo have lo strip everything to get tha interest on the mortgage together und pay off the notes- and eveti then yt an hi theres only fifty dollars left on tha notes said dick encouragingly get old suiter to renew them again hewont aaid gertrude- as long as this farm was off in the backwoods he didnt care liut tha trolley changes all that mr slater told mo last week hejiad waited long enough for his money hela going to foreclose be said as much unless we can raise the money for both notes and interest he wants the farm he thinks its worth having dick thata the hardest part of it it is worth havfng just as ytc have to lose il and gertrudes head went down in her bands lo desolr dick looked at hia sister in dismay she was only four years older than he but she had been mother us well as sister to him for so long that he looked up to her strength and ability hia father hod been a dreamy thrift leas man who had come back to the old farm from tha city for his health and whose creed hod been that things would last his time but qertrudel the place had already prospered better sfnoe mr hendersons death through her energy another year would have seen them through tho worst of the debts with a little indulgence on the old money lendera part if gertrude gave up if gertrude felt the fight was hopeless then in deed tho crisis was desperate i dick felt he must soy something we can sell the horse and and the furniture if it comes to that he said we cant tana without he and he wouldnt sell for twenty dollars either replied bis sister the furniture wouldnt bring anything to speak of one hundred and forty dollars more before one drat of may dick ive lain awake und gone over everything we have in the world to sell and seventy five dollars is the vary most evan if anybody wanted to buy we havent any relations that arent am poor as we are and father never bad a rich friend nor mother either all weve gqt is the form and urn hasnt even any timber hind or water right or anything on it to sell except the house and barn and fences that grove father planted might be worth cutting down some day but not yet there was a nun driving by yes terday who stopped and asked me about those trees sad dick sudden ly he wanted to know how old they were and bow many of them there he la driving in again look i a welldressed man in a light buggy drove up the lane and hitched his horse by the barn he looked rouhd the farmyard wjih lis lack of pros perity with a considering eyeiand then came up to the shabby house gertrude and dick met blm hospit ably on the doorsteps thank you i havent time was his brusque answer to their invitation to come in i see you have a few elm- out there that might be worth transplanting there are m great many round this part of the country and 1 sometimes buy several df them here and there that look us if they might live through trunap tan ting it u lot tery for you never can tell unul three yours afterward whether a transplant ljed tree will live or die but at a low price i can take tha risk im wltng to give tbree or roui dollars apl for good trees tha slxe of yours ycure willing to take my price its u bargain gertrudes he fairly jumped how- many would you wuntt she asked about fifteen or twenty if you have as many as that that urs worth taklni ill go over und take a look at them and off ho started with dick at bis heels gertrudes heart fell again four dollars for twenty tree to take tin highest rati and largest numb would be puly eighty dollars- that wum not enough then another thought tame into bar mind und as she fol lowed it out tier face grew deter mined she could look busjheasltktr wnwn she chosa it was bar business look well known of dick that greeted th tree mn whsu he cams back brusquely eutlafled with what he hod seen ill send my men out some day next week be said the tress are not aa large u i should like but theyll pass muster at three dollars apiece wo have not made any bargain said tlertrudo ipletiy the tree mair looked at her he had noticed only hor youth und dicks th tumbledown farm und the evident poverty of the pluos now he noticed gertrudes mouth and because ho was something of a physlognunilst be changed hia tone i maks you an offer of three dollars a tree for twenty ireee and i will put it in writing it you wish i represent i the arm or vyjllbuns ireudsrgast and be took final neea card out of his pocket andvrtatulad it to he jay name la button t wilt conaldar tit offer and writ to you wfthln week mr sutton aid artnia lowly f 4sds tree jnajj loolmd at hajr now harher thgn mr t very well wild gtrrl wait then till it we mr hut ton smiled un wall iir till next friday ho said ijlck stared and felt hb confidence in gertrude returning ii wus not urprlnd when uftrr th maik drove uwuy she turned a cheerful fum niton hlin utck those trou ureworth some thing t aha dried three datttw uplctu resin ided dick butt twenty times three i did that sum whllo you took him lo tho grove it isnt enough hut dirk the next thing i thought of was that there nreti f any other elmtro ukn those for u good many miles around mn button saw them ye ler- duy und asked you about them tlen he drove on to look for others i id hod to come back because ho il int find any others and if he wants l m j he will have to pay us five d llurs apiece at least what i wanted dick j was time to find out what trtwe are worth you hitch up rex and we 11 drlvo into the city dicks eyes widened youro u dalsyl was his brotherly comment and he hurried old ilex into the harness with boyish seat tho roads wore rough the wagon springs old it was a jolted and shab by pair of young peoplo that drove info the city two hours later but hope rode with them und mndo tho way easy 1 dont know a soul we can ask gertrude had said an aha jumped luto the wagon except the editor of the farm journal father once wrote an article for it and we always took it but the girl felt vary shy juwt the same whan she was uhred into the editors office lo find instead of tha grayhaired sage sha expected an en ergetic young man who was buay with u stenographer and a printers boy he was not oo buay however to give her attention in u fow mlnuteu and asked her leading questions when she did not know exactly how to tell her story hnjl three dollars how old ure the trees did you say t buttont five dollars a possible price t my dear miss henderson i know a man who paid one hundred and fifty dollars for a single eighteen inch elm for his lawn the other day he paid it i dont say you can get it for yours tha tree man needs the lions share for he has to have apodal carts built in sections with a chute to slide the trees earth and all into the holes prepared for them nd he has to know just hoy and when to dig up the trees and knowledge la money i wouldnt ad vise you to ask more than twenty five dollars apleoe for your trees because ypu might not get it you write mr button that youve consulted soma one who is familiar with the rates und that twentyfive is you price for twenty tress i think i can guess whom sutton wants them for albm the millionaire whose new bouse la just finished out by the lake in that case you might get more but twentyfive ts a certainty id be glad to know how you succeed you neednt thank me i wish i bad m few elm trees myself far sale goodbye mus henderson and gertrude went out to the elevator not knowing whether she wanted to go up or down the confusion of her joy woo so great but i cant believe it dick till it really happens she said over and over again on the way home nover you mind said dick you write tho letter tonlgbt and make it hot and strong about expert opinion bay dont yo uthlnk thirty would la worth trying forr no i dont said gertrude in ugh hut when i oak expert opinion dick j take it whan mr sutton of williams a preadergast opened his mull two days later he whistled dolefuljy over one letter wfcew whereyer did sho and out ho said to hlmsejf thata straight enough though blnarato elghteeillnch elms are scarce even at twentyfive and that grove lias uat ubout the same exposure and soil as allans place so the trees will taka the trsnalantlng kindly tho girl couldnt know that though shes clever thats all when a woman has busi ness sense she has it young or old and thats all there is lo it well if v cant get the profit out of her welf have to get it out of allen or get on with less and he passed to the next letter with u cordial admiration for miss gertrude henderson just think said gertrude u weekj later as she und dick were again drlv- into the city youre galngto get u suit of clothes and im going to buy a wonderful dress and wo cun have poultryyarns and an incubator and coldframes for the early vegetables and next year we can look mi slater in the face und pay his interest without trouble but one hundred and forty dollars is going in the buitk today diak so as to be ready for him there are still u doyen elms loft auggesteddlok if aver i have a crest gertrude it will bo un elm ram- punt on a mortgage gules with the motto treed at lastl arent you go ing to ask the editor of tho farm journal out to im if you do you ure a hearteas ingrata she wanted to qet married will cunulnghum trudging slnwly down tha treo- wintered rood re mo to a stop ut luht in ftout of a ahurtnlag little home whlri sat lach u little dla- uwku front the road there was a broad wullkupt luwn in front of the house with u nnut brick wslk leudlng from tm street to tlio broad purrh th ho iikn was vlnnravernd und yet now ami was altogether plousliig and homelike j a- slrl was standing halfway be tween the street und the bouse on the wulk looking thu pluro over carefully hho wun u ullm girl a youthful girl uitd aim wun ircsaod quietly yet in ihirfct t tyt ah she turned jpon arelng wills eyes upon hor will saw that she was ox oodlngly pretty in un animated intellectual sort of a way hor it moment will heal luted then the girl a pljuunt face lurod him he tlppod his hut might 1 gat u drink horet h quer ied its tjot walking in thu sun ho ulrl looked him over upprata- ingly apparently her inapeullon wus tlafnctory for in a moment or so sho smiled well emi she sold i dont live bora mywnlf but i imugluo there must horno ona at home cotpe- she ex claimed will hastunad up the wulk to bar closer inspection revealed the fact i thut ahu wus altogether lovely und do- i slntble wills heart beut more rapid ly hera at lust wus tho sort of girl hud always dreamed about i judged you tnujit live hero vitld will plousuntly you looked us though you mlght be considering u lo- ion for u now vino or rosabush or something j thu girl flushed u smile ut him i dont ive here yet she said onlgmutlcully perhaps ill never live hero 1 dont know n uxpmsslon of duep worry clouded her face for a moment do you know she auld tltld is the first time in my life ive evur seen this pluce i ho girls words indicated a mystery somo sort whut had brought her this housot why hod alia never seen it itefore if it wus possible mo was going to llvo heret you interest me suld will loots i here on tha porch whllo you tell e all about it it uoemod lo will that for u moment tha girl resell tod this upiiarent prying into her uftufra than she smiled ut him aguiu its odd alio said hut wo seem tu be like otdllmo friends and yet ive never seen you before tt riully would help to toll some ouaiha story value of birds omusly wagging its lull and turning its bead tclghtynlne per pent of the plioobes food consist of insects about onu- fourth of it food for the year junslats of diss our targeat flycatcher la the king- bird it bos u white breast and a white band at the tip of he tall the kingbird has beeen called the be martin becuuse it la uuuused of steal ng bees of 3h1 stomach examined only 1 contained be there wenj only 50 bees in all and 40 of those were drones ylyaatctiexa avce groat right era v- peetajjy whan defending their young the little kingbird will attack a hawk nftny tine 1u sj4tnd can drive a cow frrm lt rlclplty while the robins a tea i our charrlos and the blackbirds our garden peas the vojue of blrda fur uutwolglv their damage the numerous members of the fly catcher family assist tha swallow iii ridding the air or insects one of our common fly catchers is the phoebe it is a dull duaky gray bjrd a wee sadoolored thing as lowell says it is partial to water and to favorite nesting place is undsr a bridge the phoebe had the com mon flycatcher habit of sitting on u fa vorrtb perch und when ult insect appears dashing out ufter it then immediately returning to its perch when parching it has a imblt of vlgljipughl he waa as old as that horrid and aftertirtfrymn 0twu never mind the drink suld will id rather hcur your story thare were several big comrortublo chairs on the verandah the girl se lected a wicker rocker and will es tablished himself in a swing oppoalte her un guaed ut tho girl in u friendly way their eyes mat und sho smiled at him i its an odd thing for mo to be sit ting here und talking to a perfect stranger in this way she said but its really no stranger than thu things which have happened to me during the past month or so im orphan sho continued und ive been brought up in boarding schools it wus all right at first i had a fine lime und it wasnt so bad at thu holidays when i had no home of my own to go to because i had a lot of girl friends und was always being invited by them to spend tho holidays itl their homes but things have changed during the it two or three years i cant stay boarding schools and colleges and universities ull my life all of my friends have been out of school for evoral youru now quito a number f them are married and have rutnllles of their own so about six or seven months ago i decided that i d gat married myssir i wasnt in love with anyone but t fait if the right man came ulong it wouldnt be hard for mo o fall in love with him there wus u young profoaaor at the university where i was taking a postgraduate course who was fairly good looking und who seemed to like me a lot ho was always paying at- ntlon to ma and sanding me books id flowurs and candles and taking ma to shows and ma on i cant say was head over hoe is in love with him but i did tike him quite a good deal i thought the matter over carefully hnd finally i decided that id marry him although bis pay was very small and he didnt thrill me yory greatly l3o i had to do some thing i simply couldnt keep on liv ing the way i was and he was the only man whod ever come into my ufa to any great ojttorju had planned lo elope about two weeks ago and then girl broke off suddenly an ex pression of horror came over her face will followed her glance and saw that she was gaxlng in fascination at an old man who hod turned in from the street and wus laboriously coming up the walk toward tlio homo there wus thut in the way tho old man walked nd in his bearing whlah indicated beyond tha shadow of a doubt ths io belonged to the house oh i wont do it i wont do itl rled the girl miserably id rather be un old mold all my life come help me got uway from hero quick tha girt caught will by tha hand nd hurried him off tha side of tho porch und around the side of tha house a they run um girl looked buck ho didnt see us she tided we t get mwuy yet oh i must gel uwuy i could hovor miami it to nturry that old man there waa a beautiful garden at the rear of the house but thoy didnt atop tv admire its beauties beyond the gurdeu was a liavod street and other sldo of tho street was a heavily wooded imuk thegirl still held fra tlcally to wills hand us sha hurried hlrn across tho street and into the piuk and she did not stop until the fur side of tha park was reached there she dropped panting upon a seal and will sat down beside bar foru moment the girl was silent then she lifted a pale face to will thank you so much she said youre probably wondering what its ull ubout you see ive a guarding who handles all my money and every thing ive never seen hint that is hover auw him until- just a moment ago when it leaked out at school that i was going to elope bo herd about it ha wrote me at once thut hed fallen in love with my picture thut lve- eiu him and h asked m lo marry him he sent me pictures of that duak of a house und i thought it wonderful but he said ha wus older than i am htlll i thought id take a ohunca he sent me tickets and every thing lo come here but i never with il free hand will reached into his pocket and pulled out a business ciud this card bora hia name and his 1ms i liens address llo handed the curd in the girl without a word hut looking at her intently us ho did so llo saw the inlor die out nt her faro tiou rush ha k uuln stronger limn over us she looked at him in tho ut- himi astonishment why wjiat urn you doing with hli iiirdt who deniundid ii isnt uny ones iurl but said will im will ruuiilnalium your guardian jlut that old man ho very evi dently ttelonged ut that house lleumy ourolaker will cxplulnnt oh grasped the girl us she turnxd her fucu away prosontlng only a rosy urojue to will dojdo you think im the right maut queried win huskily do you think you could learn lo urn for inot the girl jumped briskly to hrr feet ihon started wulklng burw toward wills house turhupe nho suld i i dgnt think it will be vnry hard oems op thought thora boom to be but three vuj for a nation to acquire wealth the first he by war ns thb itomanu dil in plundering their conquered unlgliboih title is robbery th second by mm- merer which is generally cheul in jf tho third by agriculture tha only hon est way whsroln man receives a rnil inrreuao of the seed thrown into thu ground in u kind of oontlnuii mlrm li wrought by the hand of hod in hlx favor us u reward tor his intm ed hfo und bin virtuous industry 1mnkllii caleb fails to bid at an- auction i s itose suld deacon hyiiv draw ing his chair farther into the porch that you went up to llantons place today to tho auction after u sharp g tan nn ut the doaoon caleb reaslee admitted thut he hud uttended tha sale buy anything asked the deacon four- five things caleb replied slowiyafter a pause wat mobbe r a dosen if you count em ull snjiratsly i s pose said thn deacon you got tha hay tedder and that big w hoc i bar mom bar you told mo you was callutln to bid on them if you went iir pouslon nhook his hand slowly no he suld to in truthful i didnt get ary one of am i didnt even bid n em coma to that how ubout that wor grlnstunt asked tho deacon and ifldnt 1 hoar you mention tho runiiln gear to twnhoss wagon t i didnt get nillhir otis of m said caleb and tha double harness the deacon went on did you t didnt interrupted caleb nor thn wason eleda nor tho chain pump hor ury one of a doxon other things youve got in your mind ha leaned back against the post stubbornly wat sud the deacon wnnderlngly id like to know why not und why you ahftled your mind so alwul wuntlng em ho wrinkled hia brows and as in mnhaiutimi lo part of education is mo ityrtani to young woman thu society of the othur sx ut in i ilurnap ot a dosei jslxlsesif 5 f t b avwwsisr wtuvm it with iih- old man whe stalled up the wulk and now hare tears came into hor big blue ayes i dont knot what in tha world ill do will took her baud sympathetically in his she didnt druw it away poor little girl he said i dont blame you for not wanting to marry that old man of course you didnt wuni to marry any one so uwfullyj intich older than you ure now now wuild you think u fellow of my age whs loo od for vout the girl gave u quick any glance her he ska were roay why no she suld then looked away ahyly whut did you say tha name of your guardian waat asked will t arsis voittly u i i didnt say responded the gih tartly but ill toll you mia name is will cunningham i i did buy you suy you things or so calob smiled ruthar wryly from the fast of our bcln married ho suld my wifoe bean sot aglp auctions shes always claimed a man would go und hid on a thing even t he hadnt uny airthly uon for it jest to keep somebody else jram gettln it mobbe its so with other men but f never flggered it wus so with ma well when t come time for me to start up to bentons today i was sprlsed enough when she suld sho be lieved shod go ulong too and mebba bid on soma little trifle wo got there jest us they wus lug- gin the fust things out of the house and ranging up by petor maoe he was goln to do tho eeltln they was going to sell the bousln etuff fust und the farm critters und the form tool later took a look ut what thoy had sot out a lot of stuffed chairs und a sofy or twd but thevewunt anything to lntrest me in thut so blul moom und i loafed dawn to the barn to look at tho critter und kind of set u flggor on what wod think thoy ought to fotch i spose wod been there ave minutes msbbo whan my wife hove in sight and told ma sha wanted soma monoy aha said aha didnt know jest how much so aheaaid shed lake my wullet right ulong ujnd if i needed it i could come and got it so i handed it over knowln she wouldnt waste it she cab buy more with a dollar any day than i can with three blul und i looked tho cows over and then we wont out to thu wagon sheds to look at the tools und time run on thout our notlcln till the fust thing we know somebody hollered din ner und there twas noon wed brought a basket lunch sames moat of the rest and sot round any where we could find a seat i took the time whilst wo was eatln to ask my wife whut shed bought thlnkln id get it whatever it might he and stow it under tho wagon seat but she was gettln up to go for some more tea and didnt pear to hear me and i let tt go out of my mind it was two oclock or better fore i ketched sight of her again she was standln with a lot of other women und there was a pile or stun stacked up round em thut you couldnt have piled onto a team wason chain and snfys and boddln and kitchen stuff and wash tubs all fall of other things and dishes and fancy lamps and five or six rolls of carpet there was enough stuff lo set up two families to go to keapln house id have sold they wa beglnnln to load up tho cattle so i picked my way over to where she was and told her id like my wallet mobbe id bid on one or two of the cattle she give ma u sort of fuhny look but sha bunded the wallet over when i pinched it i had mlsglvln and when i opened it und took a look roy knees felt kind of us if id like to find a place to sed- ilown u minute hyne id took caleb slopped and shook his heud rnsolutely wal id look ull ului mo cons i culluted id ought tu spend even fur burglns whan i left tlio house i flggared id have enough to got mobbe ona cow und what other stuff 1 wanted und now whan i counted whut there wus left i hud a onndoluir bill and thirtyeight cents in lhutige lo do my blddfn with i waa mighty nigh gettln mad but i see a lock nn her face that sort of raada me think twlua 1 kind of watched my chance and got u minute with her tq one side and uoked her whore the moneyd gone she didnt show u mite uf aha ma when lie lylfun igtu uut aund been buy in things thuts what i come for says shn to get some blags 1vo bem tieodln wal for the lands sake i says 1 where be thoyt 1 hhu waved her huiul toward tho pile of stuff there by hor there they are alio says bonta of em two carpets and u tub ultd u wringer i bid in- for mis parsons but the rest is mine 1 opened my mouth tu say so thin i dknow what und hover win know for kha shut tno on fore 1 got u chanca to speak you neednt say a word she saya for fortyyujire suys sho youve been goln lo auctions and biiugln home stun to oluttev up the barn and wagon house 111 youve got mure stuff titan three man eould uao to farm with if they worked day and night i and she suyst for once ive gone and bought some things we can both use and i aint goln to llstsn to a word now or later iv and liar mouth coma to gether uolld nough so i knew bettor p to open mln but objected the deacon l un derstood you to say you bought the things yourself t if you think i didnt replied caleb simply ill let yqu look at my wallet if we ure going tt buy u rui in armaments for bombing robin tlior in dlscuaslng iioumc building wo ought to le alumina i ntf the ronatruotlon of ruhblt holes und dugouta hubert nlohol m i v all free governments whutovr ihslr name are lu roullty govtrninintm by public opinion and it im on the quality of thle public opinion tliut their pros- perlty depends j i lowell f tho propitious umlles of lnuvii mn never bo oxnooted of u nation hut dlwi njfurdh tho eternal rulnsf oritur and right which heaven itnflf bus oydulned george washington in canadian national exhibition toronto aug 25thsept 8th the show window of nations estimated attendance 1923 45th consecutive year 1500000 programme without precedent in it variety and extent score of new features and all of the old that have re tained public favor ge0rge0us cleopatra spectacle crowning triumph in the production of supevpargsants r 1500 performers john 0 kkmt msasslag thfsl robkrt mhxjcr rr free press job printing is always neatly done mm comes a greater where rubber qrows a travslur mn ride for seven boura by railway train or mare than soo miles between singapore and penungj lit ihe federated malay atatea andt not ones lose sight of tfle rubber i plantations yfrvv tbmingdr ik sedan sllm coup 1096 model ql lvuhlmuliiwsrhiiiixiijmjeds no other car anywhere near overiands prioev effef tfaa nwnifbld advantages of thorn new model ituoutstdmgioappearimc ll are loos nd graceful with high hood and tpnamto radiator drum headlights set off to advantage the fojlcttyvtted fcnd fenders such as you find only in higherpriced cars its body is auoteel with bakedenamel fintmh- leow seats add to the buoyant riding ease ensured by its triplex springs an exclusive overland feature important mechanical features to be found in no other jownced car contribute to the dependability of the new 91 as for instance the new floating type rear axle with jhaft of special tri steel and removable without tearing apart the housing a tlbtur axle shft 27 heavier tfuua in tny ottos car tn the onruuid prlc or wsigbt dssss j n oneill son georgetown milton acton iiuiuiiiuiiiiuiiiii bank on this times have changed since the bard of avon put his famousqueryr in a name in shakespeares day the most successful merchant was the biggest skin flint his name meant nothing you entered his shop with your eyes open and your fingers crossed you haggd and bargained and if you were especially astute perlfaps you retained your eye- teeth hi modern business ideals and modern advertising have wrought the change to day the biggest asset of any successful business is a good name huilt up through fair dealing fair policies and a good pro duct advertising creates reputation mak- ers of advertised products frequently value their names at millions of dodars they cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these nuiues by selling anything tjut good merchandise of full measure and fair price j i a manufacturer does not dart to ad vertise wares that will not give service he has his good name to protect bank on this advertised goods must be as advertised thats why it pays you to deal with advertisers and to buy adver tised goods 4 keep your name before the publif 5v eaftwiniyirjiwrhe

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