Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1923, p. 4

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vw5w i- a ttik nomx of 29lp arfcm 3ffr jrb0 utmlxf canadian weakly mcwapap asaocutioa uetalrr sclcctnl tows weeklies ol oalailo tlle acton kree prkss u bubluhed u thsradar taoreisg at th c iv bwlldua mill stri actoo oolulo the aubaclplioa price u aet pa is advaac post w charged additional w office in uoltd states- tba data to which rjubaciiptloaa are paid u indicated an the mhml ubcl advertising uatestrsnaw sdwrrtua aeeta ft ccnla per ilea agate aneaaure for first taaefudo sod j ccnla per ilea lor mch saba- quest iaaertieo contract display adwllm- cacata or sp lachae or nort per aantua t cmu per lacb cmch lnaertloo advrtlaeiau with oat specific directions wul be uacrtcd till lorbld nd charged accordingly ii p moore prcajdent i4 editor g a duxstvfamjrr sad aaalstaat ksuer telephohes- editorlaj had uualaeaa oslo beaidcticn of prcaldcat how communities grow communities grow in proportion to the support given them by thur resident you cannot boost yoir town by trading elsewhere or placing business in other localities that could be placed at home folks who try to save pennies oftentimes lose dollars tho homo merchant is generally honest and offers honest values for your money ho can t afford to bo otherwise he depend for his living from the community and must give tho community what it wants at a fair price when you arc tempted to trade outside and purchase just as good merchandise at greatly reduced prices you should think twice bo for buying if you are stung by your home mcr chant he will no doubt be glad to make an adjust ment the out of town merchant is not personally interested in you vie is intent on selling you this once and probably docs not expect to sell you agajn he does not have to take great care in preserving your good will more than owing it to your com muntty to trade at homo thus keeping your money at home you should give the home merchant first opportunity to serve you from a sound economic standpoint winchester press thursday morning august 16 1923 edrtorial w the liabilities of municipalities the liability of municipal councils for keeping f streets and highways tn safe condition has again boen proven judgment has oeeir given for 200 15 or kite plaintiff in tho case of charles neilson v the l ty o gflu t i gunrliujjlmil is beard some time ago the counter claim of the city was disallowed and no costs given in the counter claim full costs were granted in tho original case tbc action arose out of tho accident last fall at the irner of water and waterloo streets mr neilsona was damaged to foster a canadian national spirit the information has come that another organ ation has been added to the lengthy list of societies ft tills new candidate for popular favor comes with the deral incorporation of the canadian daughters league with headquarters at vancouver 8 c the ramft of the league are set out to be the providing of a non partisan nonsectarian influence in the ninistratioq of affairs in canada the fostering of ssdistinctly canadian national spirjfand the develop- piaont of canadian institutions literature art and flnwaic v pratictkm as to actons future acton celebrated her fiftieth anniversary as a ltfuago on saturday sunday and monday by hold- king an old boys reunion when hundreds of old gjfvaicjenta returned and observed and admired the i and prosperity of our opulent north halton htrc the village was looking its very best and ceadodi real welcome alike to former residents 4 ttsitors at on deserves its prosperity and its t ambition is to become a town the necessary ttpulation is there and it is only matter of ditiea by the end of tho year acton will no ubt have acquired the rank of towndom which demean five towns in halton and not an mcor- prated village oakville star g that unabxfatly damp in the park the attention xf citizens was called to the use wct end of the park at the very edge of the ndld driveway there and emphasized by the lia ble comments of homecomers during the irecent jubilee celebration numbers of citizens have walk to the scene of this desecration and rre of one mind tn condemning tho outrage of nltting refuse being dumped m a place so public regarded by older residents as sacred because tiindciatjons of earlier times places reasonably con ot to town are said to be available for dunid- 1 grounds where the refuse would be neither un lightly nor unsanitary as where it has been pped for some months past two things are due i the council without delay 1 the immediate ring of a proper placo for dumpage of the refuse gfrcfebe town 2 the immediate removal or burial jfcf the refuse which has been deposited in the park iptbe ensuring of sanitary wholeaomeness in town fcdupanda a proper dumping place the chairman 2of the park committee will earn the appreciation of jratjptcns generally if ho will forbid the further dump plagfof refuse in the nark and further if be will after v tigation recommend to the council a suitable fcplfbe for the deposit of all re fuso- hereafter q r- cfjtnaacncing and finishing things there are a great many people in the world who fruro apiendjtideas about commencing a certain t of work or of launching upon some laudable pnaa or undertaking who lack tho stick to it- ttr finish what they have begun -a- com atjvely small thing carried through to definite nentjs worth more than a really important aking taken up and dropped after little jaijd the reason is that nothing is so dangerous as to jr4bjt0 the habit of beginning things and never finish them there are some people whose lives are only taccoajon of false starts they havo put a vast anrount of energy into beginning things and at the they havo nothing to ahoy for it all the worst kjhis hfbit of starting things and then stopping at if gives a misleading idea of activity most b people who fall into this dangerous course ly believe that thoy are doing with their uvea as i as anyone could ask and it is only when the years are gone that they realize that they are jijljieit with fragments of achievement and that mfgimg is whole and- complete if the thing you hw started seems less important after yo upstart did bof hm ia no ra perpetual care- at falrview cemetery the desirability of tho reorganizatton of the ad ministration of fairview cemetery binder the per petual care systfcm has been repeatedly emphasized in these columns during the jubilee celebration scores of former residents who have plots or are interested m the old home cemetery vuuted this interesting place they commented very freely upon the general beauty of tho place but expressed regret that so many of the plots of non residents were uncared for the need for general and perpetual care was spoken of by many and some offered to contribute to a perpetual care fund if the council would make provision for adequate and constant care by efficient gardeners or caretakers it was pointed out that the towns where the cemeteries wore found to be in the most satisfactory condition had appointed boards or committees for the oversight of the cemeteries in which the council were repre sented butwhich were largely composed of interested citizens appouited for a term of years this plan njimflrifcy to the board ajid continuous ad- the future of the film mr w ii maxwell the novvlut who hut just returned to london aftr rvpreaontlnr tho author society of england nt the international cancres on tho mbiloi ploturg art in new york bellavaa thmt tho turn play iwit ministration of plans calculated to be of a permanent character fairview cemetery requires the constant care during the spring and summer months of an efficient man engaged to give his whole time to the work of trimming and grading lots keeping the walks clean and the drives in proper condition if such a board or committeq were appointed with power to engage competent caretakers and have all plots kept in a tidy and presentable condition hundreds of people would gladly pay the amount required to ensure perpetual care and no doubt some men or women of wealth would donate or be queath substantial sums to make this very laudable work a permanent success a native of guelph now resident and prosperous in chicago donated 10000 to be used by the cenjetery board of the royal city in tho care of tho plots and drives in the cemetery there with commendible foresight the cemetery committee at newmarket composed of citizens ap pointed by the town council adopted the perpetual care plan twenty years or more ago the committee now has a fund of over 35 000 deposited with the government the interest of which is devoted to the perpetual care of the cemetery if a similar system is adopted tor acton as a result of the recent jubilee celebration and the suggestions of homecomers who attended the celebration was certainly not held in vain editorial notes the attorneygeneral s department is giving no quarter to the violators of the new anti betting in formation bin violators are being prosecuted where- ever evidence is forthcoming the city of gdelph old36300 sewerage deboh tures last week at 10321 they are 54 pec cent twentjqyear debentures there is evidently nothing much the matter with the financial standing of the royal city the breach between great britain and france on the question of reparations is widening rather than closing grave warning of this was given by both premier baldwin and lord curzon ip their statements to parliament lloyd george has announced that his visit to canada this comlngiallia efrtircly in the nature of a social visit i simply want to drop around to say thank you to the canadians for tho magnificent service they rendered during tho recent war it is a remarkable compliment to tho province that dnly a single protest is made against all of the members elected at thq general election on juno 25 the once exception is in the case of south- waterloo where the election of ft homuih conservative is protested those who were so unfortunate as to invest in the l r steel concern have faint hopes of receiving much out of the wreck for the receivers and lawyers in the united states engaged in the l r steel bankruptcy case have already entered claims totalling j25 1000 for personal services the requirement that inland rovenuo stamps must be used on cheques does nqt come into effect until october l notwithstanding the announcement in the daily papers that august 1 was the date the special war revenue act has provided explicitly that postage stamps may bo used in the payment of stamp duties under the act but after october i this per mission ceases to exist fefclce a change of plan take into account also imperative necessity of forming the hablt of j things v the demand for land in ontario by bona fide settlers shows a marked increase with the result that ft has been necessary to open new area according to a report for the year 022 issued by the pro vincial department of lands during the past year 804 persons purchased land from the government t over so in dditton 29 locldrti tsjis zssi nf lr7 atjrjrft greitrl fri rntmpf mnn nr jhe tiatf r o a bem i something about radium juat about ihla tfane twenty flvi yearn lyco m and mm curio wore making the px erlmenti yjilch reautttfit tn tho duavery of radlyrn while our knnwlodse of tlin why and wherefore of rndlum hue not ma torlnllv tttcrt aawl elnce m and 5jmr cutin uni ounrod their momntnua llr en very wo hnvn 1 named room par tlctury during u o lut yer or two jj x t rinul of lt vukarlee hnri k jjilbliuita i f nrtaln brnnnhoji medical rfmnurch lta poientlatttlnm u u whole however are a til i latffely matter of npoculftllon few pot pie have uen radium ui i orhl a fewer mtlll recognise it at elkht a tuba of radium conurlane piece of lajg behind which le flxod a tluyacren in front le a masnl fylna slaaa through which may b aenn on the talc what look like an lnnnllealmal yellow stain not much olgaer than the full etop at tho e of thje eoiitnnce thla ultle epeck radium and it may be worth anything up u 80 000 at night the litlle yeflow ataln aeen to glow brightly enough to bo noticeable yurde uway uut although tho phenomenon remlnde onnai phoe phoreaennce tt le very dire rent li charaoer phoaphoreecenco la itnper manent whereo the radiation from radium may continue unimpaired tor ymre and poealbly centuries 1 hum throws oft eufnolont heat to hrluwt its own welht of water tn boll i no point ovary hour for a thousand yeura andymor tts emission of heat can neither be increased ncr dlmln lehed it has been tented in extreme of temperature ranging from liquid air to super heated bra si ere without affecting its radiations in tho slight- est degree vheso are facta which while thoy ara unknown to moat people havo lately been ascertained by scientists who are now busily engaged in trying to find a way of harnessing the apparently in exhaustible enertry of radium probably in ten year time we shall not know much more than wo do now of the reason why radlnm possess these astonishing aualltlee but it la more than jucely that we ehaj have found a way of adapting them to our needs to death with the hospitality of the local firemen and cltlxons generally reached a critical point so for as its afluanpals concerned he ays if not it will do harm in certain inferior fllm productions there is no appeal to tho tnlnd no uplift of any kind one can guess tho end almost beore the play statts- wbere tho fllm is good and does stimulate tho imagination it confers a very great benefit to society the pro ducer must make the mm play simple and easy but tf the film play is made too simple there ia a danger that in stead of klnenia audiences being edu cated thetr intelligence may be dead ened iult you may got as the universal type of the klnemji patron the large blonde girl who alts suck lng chocolates holding her sweetheart a hand and vaguely watching the film play not sure whether she likes best the taste of he sweetstuft the pros sure of hec lovers angers or the sen satlon aroused by the phantom pic tures on the acrwen- mr uajrwell believes that while great fllm writers may aulse thetr art ts not to be ranked with tho novelists or dramatist s- tratned authors who write direct for the screen will do the work well but they trre likely to work on ma chine made lines losing the really fine 1imiv httluv wi0 uid w14 ihi1 m whlcli ium ueruadxl on b lcln tllm on tho hoimw will expressed on the- screen you wnrt the real literary man as the creative artist and the highly trajnod producer- as his interpreter what a ply did ir james howard of walker mar rteoairtmorestlnc ywina l4y named symonda about a year ago and they have lived cosily and happily together ever since but the ether mornlo at breakfast an inquisitive and hungry fly dropped down from bis perch on the coning and stretching his legs began skirmishing around for hla breakfast- he crawled slowly around ifr how ard s coffee cup one or twice snlfflng tho delicious aroma and wondering how he could manage to get a drink when his foot slipped h lost his grip and jn a moment more was floundering around tn the liquid his struggles at tracted the attention of james and ha pmlled him out and playfully tossed him across the table the unfortunate fly alighted in a wet and bedrastfed conditio on mrs h s pute bbe in dlgnantly grabbed him and dung him back into her husbands plate james gaaod steadily at her for a mordent and seeing blostd in her eye deliberate ly picked up the fly and with a hand trembling with suppressed rage threw it back on hr plate then began a regular game of shuttlecock between tbe two and that fly flew back and forth untlj he was completely worn out then the young- wife bursting into tears seised her bonnet and rush d from the house to tbe residence of her parents vowing who would never tjomv back and james went out to the barn swearing to himself in an hour or so the father of the much abused wife came over witn a team and re moved all far baggage and now they meet as friends no morel they have separated for good and thus two llvaa are rendered miserable by the single misstep of a fly on such small things dq our destinies depend like bbokts like when a man becomes bitter and sour and begins to think and feel that every one is agtunst htm ha will inevitably begin to treat them in a manner so hut they will be if he thinks and acts as though everyone is a friend unconsciously he will so conduct him self that an will be friends if we put into our relations with our fellow men a full arid over flowing measure of cheer and fuvd wlll we may rest as sured that evn so will it be returned unto us blncerlty la the very foundation stone of true friendliness it la also a human trslt that is hard to- counter fait s the elnoere frltfndly impulse oomes from the soul of m man and not from the calculating mind think kindly and friendly thoughts you havesaheert soul why be ashamed of themr bring- them into tn shop the offtoe and your dally ufa the hand may be cunning and the head may contain the brain that can conceive the most brilliant thoughts but evrtry good and worthy impulse oomes from the heart strengthen your faith tn men think kindly of them believe hat they ore your friends and in the lung run they will t- u p tti ol 640 acres patents were granted cover ipg 4frju6ftt to 328 settlers who had met the kick th bucket did you ever hear the expression kick the bucket it arose in the days of the great gold rush to call fornta and australia in ho 81 his tamed buoket he would adjost the other end of the rope round his nook wheni all was ready he slmmy moked the liuoket from under biayeei neighborhood news- towfi and cotintry oakville on rriday jtvenlng august 17 tho oukvlllo 11 ro hrjsarto will i old lliolr biff annual eturdan party in vlrtorlf i ark the making ft imsknls wus begun on tuesday in the rtw ttro roof building of tl n oukvlllo ilasket o ai d all this week sumo forty employe have boen busy tho halvatlon army tom lo hand toronto undor tho loaders hip of dlv dsndmaster king will give a concert here on august highly satisfactory work is being done in completing tho dundus btreet pavemnnt through halton county und the residents ulong the linn are wear lng smiles broad and deep manager j ii d jrout and all the mambdr of hln urf were kept busy all haturday afternoon and evening showing hundreds of visitors through the fine new bank building on the south east corner of colborno and thomas btreeb after being ln the grocery business in oakvtlle for about eight years harry smlltl has sold his business to tho lrfjbhtw arm of toronto who con duct a chain of groceteria stores tho nev chos ii stewart d d of huftalo n y preached ut the morning service in knox presbyterian church lost sunday the huge east concrete abutmont for the new highway bridge has been poured to above hater level and forms are jip for pouring another eight or- tenfeet this abutment l poured on top of piles driven between fifty and sixty feet to bed rock engineers dlalm a perfectly satisfactory found man has been found and this will relievo anxiety on this point last week mr and mrs win j fisher and daughter miss margaret ann of peternburg va were in oak vllle as guests of mr and mrs w a daann tl oy were highly delighted with our town and tho nourishing districts news burlington a motion of sympathy to lleeve v ti ghent and family in the loss of their son was passed unanimously by a standing vote at lost aesson of the council tho good ol 1 town never looked hmiir and thm rlclwgntfh wexc m on friday evening the locat a team journeyed to stoney creek ani defeated the girl of that town bythe score of 16 to 6 in avery good gome of ball nmlss muriel barker of hl calhur ines la the guest of miss marjorle speers ilev and mr barker also spent a couple of days with friends here during the post week miss sylvia kerns is spending the month of august with friends at worth bay and italleybury the burlington horticultural society wul hold its annual flower fruit and vegetable show at lakeside park on wednesday august s3 mr and mrs archie mcolbbon and son of winnipeg man arrived last week on a vacation with her parents mr ajvd mrs oeorgo w alton and other relatives in the apounty the council received from a ij coleman a fetter requesting that ha be reimbursed for damages sustained to his automobile as s result of an accident in front or the basket factory when the road was being repaired a by law was passed providing for numbering the houses on the streets the council will purchase the mim bore and the cost of tho numbers and o charged to the householder miss farley of th bernardo a homes london england was a guest at the rectory over tho week end miss farley was mrs tebbs assistant in dublin ireland she now baa charge of one of dr bomardo s cot togas gaaette milton mr and mrs u j maude of hen frew ore spending holidays berosvlth relatives mr and mrs j m maokehxle left by motor but week for flint mich where they will visit with friends for a few days rev s w hann and family of ethel are spending- holidays here wlh mrs hann s parents mr and mrs r j hare mlas dick and miss si m dick of john hopkins hospital baltimore md were visitor rlth their brother mr w r dick lost week quite a number from here attended the acton jubilee celebration satur day sunday and monday which was great sucoess the flog on the post office was low eredto half mast last saturday follow lng the death of president harding of the united states mrs h o heaven or oakvtlle has been visiting her sisters hare mes dames c w and p j martin she leaves shoruy for richmond virginia to visit a sister there mr w i dick crown attorney and mrs dick and the family have gone to wllberforce haltburton for the month of august martin street- has been treated to a fresh ooat of torvla this la one of the most frequently travelled streets in town leading as it does out into the country end is subjected to very heavy vehicular tramc the town hall is being treated to a new coat of paint but not before t was needed atnolortnis now pliee between mil ton and hamilton making dally trips to and from the ambitious city about all that there is to identify milton ctvla holiday ts the fact that it is so named other than that there ia nothing and there wom very little doing tn the town those who left town either going to burlington to the are men s demonstration or to the nearby cities for the day c ed holllnreke of saskatoon bask formerly of mil tori arrived in town on thursday last and left later to- join mrs holtlnrake in toronto they are on their way horns after a visit to ijolllnrakas old home near uaaa and hpendlng thy greater part of their vsuatlon on the maine sea coast reformer mrs 1 jiosua hb is my brother story of ay uhlld there is a story or ay uhlld wit was pltlet by a stranger fur being obliged to carry sround a baby almost as large as herself thut baby must be very heavy for you the stranger kkld and the child reeiitm led tndlj antty why no he isn t heavy llai my brother r instlnotlvely she resented tho idea that her utile brother ahould be looked upon a k burden whether a thing is a trouwe or not depend on the spirit with whluh we undertake if a mother iloes not niu it a trouble to give her little otvss 0i meat exacting service a saleswoman who wants to sell a oustomer u new salt does not find it a trouble to eltiw her t 81 many her everything in tbe store unfortunate seekers after gold toeing woroelunes a person who is thanked 1 y a friend for tr pains he hits lake i to do same service replies oh it s no trouble and hat la not u intra laurn ufjiaqh we cannot ih salt to take trouble wkeitwe urnkftakit eervlce willingly and gladly wlthmit exaggeration we can say in such n case it s jo trouble unearned pleasures y tie gool thhiru th it y u cum f r yourself am not llkoly to iln yqu any injury fmv inuu lqyr- nyir l n hftrmo i ly f n m h thi y mado honest ly but th m i wl ir lierit tb he f r turns urn ondntik r 1 ty iviry loll ir tie tr ul to with tl i rose it erase for lousuro 1m that h inuiy wail i inumurn wltl ut trnh k it fvury lay shoul i i iv r m f r re ruatl i an 1 injoyu m i tn 1 if tl rlttl l 1 thcfin tl li iru is ntin n i ly i tr 1 w rk h nrktlv i i ti rr t r wl olo umn i umuri wltl i whnl si m hut 111 yout u i in wi try t nlitru u li g th w rk tl t 1 1 i un j tl t in in orlnr t uvl in ri ftn tl un tl oy imvn any rigl t t un i un i t lnl that lensurt injurl un lit wuie tha good things of wtuitcvtr lurt thut y u have not ournn i id i gojsiderate yiih serfd the tjnlegute i said i wis the working man e friend hut you dr n t lo any work sun k ntn i the man jvhii lhn i rny hands n not ut prnstnt ani you never dl 1 any w rk thais true you koti wl at the w rklng mun m i i m 1 in work und 1 nni too much th w rkh u in lu s frlrn 1 i run any risk of tukh g w rk iw y from him timber lands owning umber land t i y is 111 hnvi km i y in tli i unk u 1 iy in i nn rs urn hue i uudlng u nlr roaourn li tl o shni n of trees a w odi may b meagre but with intelligent troatmont it can be mudf t give a go 1 return either in yjtarly growth or li the ithai o of fire woo 1 only dead r full n trttus should b used for the llrj plucf ir tho cooking st vo internal and external palns r ara promptly rellavad bap db thomas ecttctric oil thatit has otth solo poll htal ftfty yei and ib tooav a drcatcrl belufl ithaw ctftb- ona is a tebtiuonihtmat amaica ron rra to help you clean up wo helped supply your requircmenta for decorating and now wo can help you with tho clean up garden hose txck pullers brooms rakes hammers etc and all other standard lines of hardware jit tbe lowest prices of course w b talbot phone 95 main street acton bring in your cream iy early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m the government is anxious to securo higher standard- for ontario butter and this ts one of the methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us have your co cape rat ion in this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j cnkil prop we are still buying eke open tuesday friday and 8aturoay evenings quality our motto phone 53 speci august terms on toksksts silos startling big off tar makes it easy far any farmer to own a silo i know thai many farmers need altos but can t buy them aghl away but they need them now to moke it easy for every farmer in my community to own a silo and mako more money i am oateiinffiepcclal terms for tho month of august only i can do this because a toronto silo nays for itsotf before you have to pay mo the alio will have paid you sou me today for par ticulars don t put u off this offer ts for august only turn your corn into more v beef and mux experiment and practice have proven oior and over strain that tho biggest returns from a cornfield come from feed ino- tho corn as good ensilage to beef and dairy cattlo thousands of farmers have proved that good ensilage is made in i toronto bilo toronto silos are mado of wood tho best nonconductor of heal and cold selected spruce staves double- tonirued and grooved and impregnated with creosote silage juices do not affect wood ensilage does not freese to the walls of a wooden silo you gafn 15 greater capacity through our special hip roof construction li unif si ill wl iii llllli iii jill- hill iliri mi niu in mi in iiiii f limp ii iim ii i bill ess bautlucs r wrtbf aeav chas e- parker acton ont uhdnnri when using wilsons fly pads dim t 1 1 or in in i ami j i r in n there is blithe flies this la it daraen thm room mm muca j pooijus c1omtb ihodowmt raise oju o th biiodm wnsre tb sua mhiai in mbout might iacbm pace as mny rvisonj fly psdj j poub7 on aatea praptrly wetted with wtter but not hoodtd on thm window imdgt wbmrw th ugh tion lv thm room closed tor two or thtmm hoim thma sweep up thm dsaod bora thmnt put thm pis to away out ot thm rasob oi ohitdrma uatil to aired in muothmr roomi 7 the right wawtouse llsons my business directory dr j a mcniven physielen and surgson office and hftsldonne c nr 11 war avenue and plain htreel i j ion u 88 dr e j nelson kju dklik l hi 111 it aoton ontario dr w s laird on auki i ii b0 w iwich hlreet rye knr nose and throat legal phono no 23 o ho us harold nash farmer m a bsrrutsr bqfloltor notary public f oonvtyanur eta pehrvman block acton ont money itnt on moutoaoks ijaurs kio am to 6 p baturlaysi of uu k i h g me1r bsrruur solicitor notary public owrgrlown onl dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor graduate of toronto 0nler- elty tje utest anesthetla used u desired office at residence corner mill and frederick street dr f g gollop dd5l da denial surgeon office over bank of nora bootla hours j0 to u0 evenings by appointment mi8cgllaneous franos nunan bonsttrndrr account books of all kinds mode 10 order periodicals of every dfrrlpfwui carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street qaalr out over wlluomsv store lodge directory sons of england lodge vvoodqreen no 302 jltine first and third thursday in each monlh t 8 p m in i o o at hall members and visiting members cordially invited to attend precious w j little acton l o l no 47 moets o 1 tha second thursday of pocii tnontb in tha oddrull mi hall a 8 p m visiting members of tl o order always wel k t thetpohi 1l s r j kerr auctioneer and real balaie agent 17 years xpahonoa acton ontario sales entrusted to ll j kerr re oelve attention from dataof listing to date of sale lut your sales with me residence bower avenue acton phone 3 jloton call at my expense ekavlnlgg j33 ikjiohp r vor jtodonto caklaqi j e cheevers book binder quebee bl east quetph onl books and magaalne bound in handsome and substantial covers karnes uttered lu gold on blblee tlymu books and other books all work promptly exeeutad d albx niven ontario land surveyor and clvtl engineer burvoye bubdtvlsloui 1 lulia lie ports darl tion ulueprhitai eto certincatea for purchasers und mortgagees hurvoys for architects builders and municipal couuolut lratnage reports icstlmatea etc molearj duildinq douglas 8l qoelsph ihone t64y qnt the old and reliable granite and marble work we ate manufacture direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we su dlreot to our customers at wholesale prlos thus saving our customers o p ot we have the beat appliances an 1 lje only meohanlos in ths iomlnlon who oati operate pneumetlo tools lroperly we oan give references from hundred of our customer in toronlo and otber places where others have to havo law suits in order to oolleol we have the largest ahot best stoak of qrauilts la the dominion or more than any three dealers in the wesl we ers leglu mate dealers and employ no agents and 00 not annoy or peat customers fay sending out ignorant agents souolt hmt orders we employ only mechanic ejultefy oompetltlon hamilton sons oor noitum woolwlob uu oulpl

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