Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1923, p. 5

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y 0hlgartph3tog tb8 tiiuuhpax auaufiil ls3 the stayett riiortiu muny a runner i mi iwut 1 hold iti a hundred yards or wo who in home ho orst in 11 short sharp burnt and shines ut a until mihw jul whn the going li heavy iuiii hii and ihn rouroa n mutter ut mllnn the stayers ihn man wlm smiles tseasy to run mi u lnvnl truck with the wjtinlng post 1 vlrw and uv wild applause of a crowd thut nuirn through but when the ami theres then its nt thatll win hut hi hiui rnw mil utllilll llj jli shriut the sunday school rassotf for sunday auqu8t 19 123 twenty years ago prom th luui o free press o thursdsy august 20 1b03 new crultj is coming in quite freely arlun cornet lund gvi a free open mir concert in tho park last friday evening tho maidunuld institute m luolpli o a c will ixl opined to ntuclrutii on september 14 aoton playod ilockwood a football match on saturday evening in a score of x to 1 a baaabmll match between junior ttvni from oualph and acton was playod in tho park on saturday after- noon tho acton boy a won in a score of is to e cam pins parties uppur to be opu- lar at present kins icdward camp muds things lively on fnjry luke last week this week the camp at tho klah pond la the uttractlon tha trustoe of bah hock burn school have contrjlctd with clara tiro of preston toput u hot ulr rurnaco in the schost it will bo installed in time for the oool weather rev a fc smith paator of the methodist church and itev w b mc- alplne of the ilapttst church ex changed pulpls on sunday evening mr smith preached n tho georgetown church t electrician carruther has just in- taued electric light throughout tho residence of c f tloodeve merchant main street mrs sunderland taylor arrived li aoton laat week from rockdale eng lapd join her husband who hs iwmtlai t r i uf auuii md vicinity left here on tuesday on proa peeling trip to the west mr and mr alex ucorcicr and daughter to cart- wrlght thoa wren tp hartney al- tred boper to boutsevejn mra win lelshman and albert tilihnutn to ar- dern-t- chas gibbon to neepawa stewart mcarthur to wlnnhpeg fred williamson and thoa nellie to emer- oon sidney mocaul to wawanesa donald kopman to edmonton iaaac clark to winnipeg j bennett elmer hornby to wlnnlpog erneat wllaon to medicine hat the value to acton of jtho araauja- matlon or the w j chapman olove and tannery buelnesa of wlnhm with that of w h storey a son la already man feat today aoton ha not a alngle habltablo house to rent t any price born swackhamer in acton on satur day auput 1 10i to mr and ur prank swackharoer a son nslsonrm lakeside farm acion on wedneaday augtjat 12 103 to mr and mrs j c tfelaon a daua-h- ur good society many parent who have aona and dauhtr btawlna up ore anxtooa tor them to set into rood aodety thta la an honorable anxiety if it interpret good aoclety after aome lofty faahioa parent your daiujhter i tn good aoclety when ahe la with klrbx who are oweet and pure and true- who are not vain and frtvoloua who think of aomethln eue bealdea dreaa or alltin or tnarrlae between whom and their parent there la confidence who are uaeful a well aa ornamental in tbtfhouae who cultivate their mind and train tbelrhandeto aklkul work- manabjp if aoclety of thl aort is not to be had then none at all la pre ferable to a worthies article see to it that you impress this on your children and above all that you do not enoourace them to think that good aoclety u a matter of line clothe or wealth or boastln to be somebody a yon value your child aoul cuard her aomlnst these miserable counter feit and impress upon her that in telligence and simplicity and modesty and coodness are the only leaal coin the same rule hold for boy aa well as for olrls you would have these enter good society do not im agine that you have accomplished it when you have sot them in with a sat of boys whose parents are wealthier waj lost in hla mission ills converse- than you who dress bettor than your boy can afford to and who pride them selves on their social position oood society for n boy 1 the aoclety of boys who are honest and jrsihtro- warfl who have no bad habits who are earnest and ambitious they are bct in ft nurry o be men thj are not ambitious for the company of ahol- low heartless women old enough to be their mothers and are not envious of their friend who fancy there 1 aomethln grand in dull in all the sde of their heart hops upon auch jaded favorhes thar i no thin sadder than to see either youns roea or women priding themselves upon the society whdeh they enjoy when verily u la a dead sea apple that will choke them with its dust when they need some gener ous juicy fruit to oool their up and stay the hunger of their souls i- itegl tor when sneered the best of us mis take our own motives u we do those of the enemy who inflame us thackeray his secret what 1 like she uld if a imrson who la frankqgiie jho suya juut whut hs tnaana without betttln about the j bush wil then he replied ill straight- forward ttmru 1 somothlng a wanted to tell you for an hau more but yea she urged seeing that besluted what 1 ut thera is u big black streak down one side of your nose i thlr soot v natural infsfencc x butcher my son the one that used to help mn jn thn uhop hnre- gone in for boxing won w chunplon ship lool v cuslnmitr ay i remember nmi suppuse hell have won the light weight championship t the london msll i mllterm worm powders were devjsed to promptly relieve children who suffer from the ravage of worms it 1 a simple ureparsuon to destroy stom- ohlc and intestinal worms without book or injury to the moat sensitive myatem they act thoroughly and pain lessly and though in soma cose they i tfinn ynrnjt th lnalv cation of their powe7futcuontrna not of any aautlnst property hteimikn the malttvit acts 1n a aa 20 fjillov toxl who ulmll mpuruto uii from tho lovn of chrlnt7 hhull irlhulutlon or ungulnh or imtrsocutlou or famine tr nakodnoiui or nurll or word iltom 8 3fi the text tplalnsd verse fl htopbcn of the sovep deacons cltoaen by tho arly church stephen was the mont prominent while chosen for relief work ho ex celled in rellinotia uctlvltlfm his mea- tttgto und personal toxperlaliro vrere highly itulrltual verse d cortjilu of them this verso shows tho mixed population with which htephen had to iicai at least five nutlnnsfltlcui jojnml in the dlsputu tho libertines cyrniilais i alejtundrl- un clllcuns and hose froin asia htephen pcorotiljfche a notable work of naturullasllop ao to speuk verse 11 against moses agulnat dod this falsa chuntn is in tun co of what frequently occurred with jesus und ills disciples their enemies rulsejt u rajs issifa and then upon such ground waged u bitter op position verse ii titlrred up the people a systematic propaganda to stir up the people is not a now thing the onem- les of stephen were post roasters in the urt of agitation and knew well how to raise in turbulent jerusalem the hisnece of a mob verse- m change the customs the strength df convention is present in ages of history in this case thn protest against muchneeded change made in the- name of patriotism against moses und religion against ood verse 16 the face of an angel it is well known that under deep religious stress the face of a worshiper be comes radiant this sngello light in htephene face fascinated the members f tho council acts 7 fi a young man named saul was the favorite thought of the church fathers iufet the martyr dom of stephen ledges tho conversion of saul they stone one witness bub god is preparing another to take his ace starke lesson themes stephen the prosecutor hteph was prosecutor as well um martyr for ho cried out ye stiff necked and un circumcised t in heart and oars ye do always resist tha holy spirit and the great western stampede rdsectsi ul uil u1uj wefeb tu tl u har unyielding pride s a pitiful sight the broken will the contrite heartj ood will not despise when the conscience is stricken healing has already begun and soon the entire soul may bo made whole again no transgression can be pardoned until it is admitted no sin covered until it has boon confessed many a man has held out for months and- years against the promptings of conscience and the pleadings of his belter nature many a man has re sisted the appeal of the holy spirit and has spurned the great invitation from the father of all but the voice of conscieoca cannot be quieted the gnawing sense of guilt consumes nap plness and energy and confidence the day comes when the tension breaks man cannot hold out against ood for ever stephen understood something of this at any rate ha became heav en prosecutor and not without effect to be sure they who were cut to the heart gnashed at stephen at least some of them did andsfor the time being we know- of one who was glad at last to plead guilty the splrusined manthe chief thing apparently that the inspired writer would have u gat here 1 that htepbet was fllled with the holy spirit this gave him illumination power boldnessand made him invincible stephen conduct was unnatural in a way he did not ssy and do the thing that men usually do me seemed to forget himaelf he was intent on the things that belonged to ood he show- nd nn fnir ofthekpowerful enemies that fled without mercy and he went straight on to his frightful torture defiant or death hut let ua not think that every spirit filled man must go through exactly the some experience let us not imagine that no man can splcltual unless ho gets up and makes a loud speech most of all let us remind ourselves that it 1 not always christian duty to condemn somebody in public the spiritfilled man will do hi duty always whether this bring him into prominence or obscurity the way of the spirit is the way of duty so for as we can see mcstj ot the spirit of ood for vv y way stephens for us duty not loud de- nunclatlonr s stephen the christian in nanny striking thing stephen shows a close resemblance to the master lie was mled with hu spirit and devoted to his work the selfishness that is sntu christian he put far from him hon was- in heaven he became the ohsjnplon of the gospel regardless of who or what opposed him in vbe hoar that called for boldness he was as bold ss a lion hs hit the line and he hit it hard there 1 no trace of softness in the biting word with which he sought to characterise the sins of the prlestst but he indulged in no persona bitterness after su those wretched sinner ware men like him self and hs seemed to fesl npt the least hatred toward them his thought was not or himself in tbs supreme moment but of his murderers lord lay not this sin to their charge was his amaslng entreaty for his enemies and when ha had said this he fall asleep- it u written lhst the pure in steart shsll see ood we feel the beauty and the fitness or stephens experience when all below turned black he looked up and saw the gjyry or ood and jesus standing at hi right band with such a vision ood welcomed stephen home for study end discussion what position did stephen hold in the early christian church 7 olve an outline or stephens defense what was the justification of kjiltng stephen from the standpoint jlje orthodox jowl cite some mode tsnoes of persecuting by orthodox christians how did htophens murtrydum affect the christian church has hardship and persecution proved an advsntage lo the church in other tlmesf- whs in stephens character makes us ad hilrs hlmt dally ttsadlnos for nsxt wesk monday august 10 harnaboa chos en as missionary aotl li lll tu4y august 31 barnabas llo- friends saul acts fl hil wednesday august 3 hsrnabas the 0 rest- hearted acts i 3157 thusday august 13- ths apostle barnabas at antloch acts 11 ib 30 irlday august 34 barnabas lwcltlng to entiles ads 13 44- saturday august ji barnabas be- fuses heathen worship acts 14t i- sunday august it jehovah uslgn- ath iaaltn 110 careful e hud been asse4 to every tajile but uobbla si years plouo uf cake th lu one u the plrt bobble ill take please mother np dour banana cuks is too houvy for little boys 3r6hbie rarrcrmverj scoanrt 6f thought well ru use both bands n broken hflxuf top right mayor webstar inter rogates s brsvs cluttirlnc horuon of the oowboyn nodding beuddrcsscm of tho indians with their mtnlid hiiuuwm and futnllie cow outntu real oldtime chuck wagons ami other ftgurou of tho inut ld the modern motor great about tho street of culgnry during the grnul htampedo cowtxtys and cowglrts dock ml in all the bright colors which their predecessors wore in tho early ulghtlos these were tho prtgnlnent no tun in the great hvin- pbevy of color calgary took on the npeuranco of frontier day with hitching posts along the main afreets und thn old cow- town tones stood in front uf the skyi scrapers of tho modern city in tha kreat parade tn which sovurul thousand participated muyor course webstar struck tho keynote in his wonderful leather chupps blue silk shirt pink handkerchief and huge stetson hat tho stimulating con trast of the new and tho old wuh evident in tho rour of the big airplanes overhead while tho plonoers and old- timers section of thn parade venerable red river carts original hudsons bay vehicle hfiiionked their wny over tho ii tin irgfn ot they truvelad many years ago they woro driven by the men of 1860 1170 and 1880 und drawn in many in- stances by venerable iugn that looked us if thay too hud survived the day of that rutted prai tniuw to walk through a city that was but a dream when their work begun there was the real old time prulrle schooner complete with tiullur ttui move in the ancient wagon was galnif full blast and all tha lid use kix ping re quirements wore there on tha trailer wore a loud of ducks and geese soma siuire firewood and tied behind walked a white coat and a cow the sarcee iltackfoet und stoney indians resplen dent in all their feathers and wur- palnt bvuded garments uiul ermine tails were everywhere in cvlrtonte clerks in gaudycolored skirts tele phone operators as oowglrlw cow- hoy sports cowboy yells bucking horses made a week famous in tho annals of sport in the world ilack about j 00g alberta cowboys visiting calgary gave uptho practice of hitching their ponia on eighth avenuo but during suimpedu week tho chuck wagons ware parked in front of modsrn retail buildings horses were tied in front of dignlfled banks the cowboy it tardily pitched camp on tho main drag to add to tha great wlhl west plrture wnn to wee tony a iilhck ponyritirten uytypisnt5est enter make his way through a cafe or to io mrs dunk thief making her wuy ui hljjhth avenue just previous in winning ihn nmt prlxe for jtravol turnout the topet polos crossed over her horse drugging behind and tha fumlly followed oulto comfortable ex- ept for the car track crossing thi huttulo barbecue wuh u now in turns to ho present generation evei if oldtimers were unite ut homo li njoyjtiu ihtilr buffalo sundwlchos blve huffulo were ohtulnod from thp wuln- wrleht henl and the committee served ovit twelve thousand sandwiches of ull the striking pictures of tha old wild west thut huvo ever been promtmted to the world the great col gury stumitedo will live forevvr lrtho minds of those whose imngtnatton gruqiut in ignlnciinco of the passing of the just great l and it is thus luisslng in pictures thut are s daxsllng silccusslon of brilllutit colors the new banffwlndermore motor highway farming as it does a link in u 6000 mile rhuln of good roads- vr usud by hurulredm of visitors who motored from the western states and from british columbia und who after wards toured tho canadian laclnc jlockles from every viewpoint the grout stampede wus an unprecedented success are you man enough writing in the illinois teuehur mr henry louis a damn calls uttuiitlon to the numerous fulluras of collcuo iifud- ents li their llrst lnd second yunj and glyes a cammonsunso entrance examination which ho thinks nvory prospective freshman ehould 1hi uble to pass before he loaves homo llaru is the list of questions are you man enough to set up promptly every morning go to your meals und school on time every day nd go to bod ut a fixed hour every night all of your own initiative with out a wort of ruailndor from anybody are you man enough to gu off by jolr every duy und study ull your lesson till you know them without having unyonu tell you to got to work are you man enough to curry loose chungo in your pocket without spend ing it are you man enough whim unfit bur fellows uuswur is within vamy reach to rail un un exumlnntlon rut her thuit obtain unlawful uld7 corns cause much suffering but llol- loways com luunovor offers u speedy sure and sutlsfuctory relief very much so customer missing his favorite walt- wheres jules todsyt waller lies gone lf customer do you mean hes none defunct walter vus sit and with every thing e oould lay is uiuim out fall fair tim approachinff the fairs in which our readers gen erally srs tnisrettsd the following ore tho dates of tho vail pair of 1021 in which exhibitors and visitors of thht section are inter ested aoton october 2- aberfoyf october 3 alustou october 4c arthur hepumber 1810 ancastor september at3 brampton xseptouibor bim bolton september vth burllugtun september 1b1 caledon september 2t7 ootllngweod iseptvmher 111 cookstown oolober 31 coo ksv lite october b8 ttrlu october 13 freelton october vergus soplember aobl oalt september oeorgotown october 68 o rand vallo september 1781 london western fair september markham october 4fl milton september 3839 qakvllle september 816 oraigavill september 1114 ottawa iceutral cauuda sept 717 newmarket hockwood bookton shelburne stratford september b720 september 2528 october 910 september ibib september 1833 the many-purpose- oh both in on house und stuble ihii uro siirv of uses for dr thomas kuwvlf oil use it for cuts biuihes burns scalds tho pnlns of rheumatism d sciatl sore throut und ohest horses are llublo very hugly to slmllur ulhnshts und niuliups us afflict muiiklnd ttnd ur wtuully utnaimblc tu tho hiuhig innuehie uf his nue old nimulr which hau mads thousandm i- fiiunuu during the pair fifty ywtrs temperance jots drinking to u n prolongbd his life li wed to groceries homo m t notnl before tl lo nw health never ii eurllur thun loed what they wed wjiufthoy when moses dontroyol the golden culf buslnoos ho did not stop to on- tiulro how much money thiii wus in vested in it the duuklu aut wus the buuie then cumo the scott act which wu the our i now prohibition is tho full corn tn the cur walking u fkthrldgo over u raging torrent is flaky bunlnetirf but it is safety itself compured with tampering with strong drink ve hud snough of forging chain this demon drink to fetter oood bullets from tho ballotbox well sped will rtx him butler how did the reporter loua his jou on thut prombltlon pupur usked urown why ho turned in a atory in which ha usod the term a storm is brew ing ruplled jones old iuthor hubbard wont to tha cupboard to get his poor self a drink but as ho drew nlgli tim country went dry so hs got him a drink ut tha sink complete in itself mother oruves worm exterminator does not reuulro the assistance t any other tnudlcln to make it effuctlve it doe not full t do its work the art of adaptation to be uduptubli is olutiiceu of huppluess liuk the powur itdsptutli tuln things from life hot than ure muerul people run be liuppy ttehte you peoplu uhi falllug ailuplubl ywh ml their bund to almost aityoillig and can duuover the good in anybody lciurulug the urt of uduptutlon not only luctcmtrt your haiijilnews but multl- piles your usefulness lurep consider the editor lnl all the people break oth their ickii to hand him money a child 1 rn uulu the wife of u merchant in a huxuur the physlcluu guttoih twenty- ivo golden plunks the editor wribtb i nth k und u hulf uml toleth the nultltude thut tho child tlpeth the iuii tit nine thiunds yeu ho hath vun un u renturluii and the happy futher glveth him u cigar ittihohl the young otto groweth up und gruduuteth and the editor put- teth in his pupar a awctl notice yea u pouch of a notice ho telleth of the wisdom of tho young w6man und or her uxcuoding comeliness like unto the roses of sharon is sha und bar gown u pluyd up to beat the bund anil the iiruasinuker gattoth two score und a half ironimoi and tha editor gattuth u note uf tliahks from tha h a o tho duughter ifoeth on u journey und tiu editor throweth himself into the story of the furewntl party it runneth column solid and tha fulr one ra th him from ufar with a plo- post curd thut ooat six for a j una behold she re turn til and the youth of the puica full down and worship she plakath one and lo she plcketh u lemon hut the editor csllod him un of tha most promising young men uml getluth uway with it and they send unto him u- bid to ilia wedding feust and behold the bids are printed by a toronto mull order huuso klow ory und long is the wedding hot ice th editor prlntath the minister gatteth ten bonus the groom standath the elltor off with u twelve months si 4tlptulll all flesh is grass and in time wlfo is gathered into the alio the minister h his bit tho editor printetlt u deuth notice two oolur of obituary three lodgo notices tnihli of poetry and s curd of thanks ua forgetteth to read the proof and the huud of the pluifuey thing cometh out loua to her lust lloastliig lmso and ull hut unt uklulo the deceased jumpeil on thu editor with nxueedlng kiut jump ami they pulhwl out their lulrt illll ullloelleth thulr mubsui p- tlouh mid thtjy swing tha hummer unto the third und four umoiulijn cub you hut ity kxchunge do you like real ccapd tea iliafs the kind an smp enam eled ware tea pot makes try it there is no discoloration or tainting with smp enamelcfj ware no loss of flavor and it is so simple to clean ask for smpware rl were two costs of p inside and out diamond ware three costs light w three finishes p- lede sod out i mis outide white lining crvalsl wsrethree hi to issida sod out with roys iii so edgieg th sheet metal products ce tiig toronto wtnelass whit heduood by asthma tio toiutant struhk uf asthma inlng tht putloiit li u dreudfut state of hopeless vxhuuetlmi kurly use houul by ull tnuuns im mudo of thu famous dr j i kellowm asthma remedy which mure thun uhy other ucts quickly und suruly on tl ulr passugus und brings blessed help und comfort no home where us 1 1mm is present in the least dugrso should be without this great remedy blushinq slushing is u lgn of a selloiisciuus ulid shy nutura it is ulsu the expres sion uf u sausltlvti lagurd for the opinion of other some girls vunl blush idiots unit habitual criminals never blush slushing i often a sign of uiptneil uud mimlast dlspultluu it is a curious fact that shortelghtsd girln ura more llublo in blunh without ihnlc nyfgu than when wrsrlng tlvem a little while a little whllo lo llvo a iktlu whlbi to lutiub a little willi tu slug a little while to do good a little while to ihi of hsrvho a uttl whllo to riid goo1 ihouh a filttii wiil to 1ieur sod music a llttlu whiu- to lukcurleiids a little while to huvo lovud onus a little whllo to have mother a little whiu to sow tha sruln a llttlo whllo teul the harvest a little while tu rule a family a little while to right lifes buttle a utile while to be here a llttls whlle and tliun we drift off into that gruwt unknown i lluydeu if whitney a complete unfi of s m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton a tjerrtfic test in the porcelain eiumelln- furrmce n our factory electric heating elements oper ate a 1600 degrees fahrenheit 24 iaaurg- ay ispiloi ilk nil liijj i burning identically the ume elements are to be found in the ovens of all moffat electric range where the greatest heat necessary is only 400 degrees fahrenheit further information illustrated litera ture and catalogue will be furnished by tout electric shop or write moffats limited weston ontario- j electric moffats ranges gramophones at a price everyone can afford plays all makes of records this gramophone is well worth double the price we arc asking for it it will nve perfect satisfaction its tone is pleasing and the volume of sound can be regulated to suit any sized room it has a rcliabjcmatorwhichopcratcj steadily arid practically noiselessly the cabinet in strongly ma do of genuine walnut 100 btecl needle included with each machine and for the next two weeks we will give with each machine purchased 10 records free price of no 1 gramophone 650 price of no z gramophone 62js0 will be shipped c ojul subject to examination charges prepaid within a radiust of 25 miles of guelph smiths furniture store 120131 wyndham street guelph ont phono 584 ririlway time tables at acton no 19 no si no s3 grand trunk railway system going wsst 813 sn 10ss sm 320 p m is no 3d no 15 sunday g 09 p m 8j9 pjn 1030 jn going east no 2 no 30 no 3 no 3c no 38 no 34 hundoy 708 ujn 1118 om 3 3ti p ra s17 pjn 113 pm 7 os pm v toronto buburhan elsctrlo railway aelno west ijaliy except sunday a remedy lor esrsehsto have the earanhe l l vnduru tortura tho ur is a dellcjite mean and few u re tn dust wiyi it unnsldrlmm it work for a dentor lr thomas koleotrlu ull urfers a alintile remwly a few diops upon u pleue uf hut or medicated out ton and plavsd in he eai will da fnuah lr reltsvtng psnl castoria motiikr 1 i js o harmless substitute for castor oil putcgoric teething drops and soothing syrups preiuretl lo relieve infants in anip ami cliildreit till hfiea of constipation wind colic flatulency to swectcti stomuck diarrlica uekuiaty llowcls aidu in tlicasinjilttion l jiroiiumini cheerfulness rest ami natural sleep without opiates f to avoid mmulimw luaj lil i i lir ljuure uf l s iirrllo iiii wfnu iliii lit i cvtrywlierc lecoimneitd ll 017 a m 132 p m- dally elegpt hundoy i 00 p m dally except hundaj 1102 am hundoy only j6 p m hunday only tr6 p m sunday only going east 744 m dally except bunday 20s p m dally except hunday b1bp m dally except sunday dl ft m sunday only 4k u m hunday only k 00 p m j hunday only freight delivered by epeclal express frelghl freight picked up st snsd- ss in toronto xl x tiiktford agent aoton notice during july and august exam inations or q lasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lens grinding and quick repair department- operating as usual write in or phone lottw for appointment- a a savage optometrist ev mfg optician savage optlaal building i tight at the post qlnce ouelph f l tveunotfar after april 23 i wljl be located at my new stand on main street in the afore formerly occupied by juofcate confectionery rotnpt attention to repairing of all kinds will he attended to as usual at our now store just around the corner from mill street t e gibbons mill street acton ont b3rici4am3vbr tioronto cnad fl acton elevator near q t b station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and grain grain bought and betaucd alex l noble henry awhey manager this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to soil to those who know mod to thoso wno dont know st m uniform fair price to fulfill ill jiugrantoes and cheer- fully correct all mis takes to deservo your confidence by always jiving you satisfaction savage co jeweller guelph ontamo ij 14 get your job printing at the free press vi castoria antaand cbiulren r over 30 yean for infanta and childmn la use for over 30 years alwoya bot mi

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