Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1923, p. 2

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ml fflhpartuu 3xee ykes f tllllhhua alkulht 1 uu3 wanted men trllti bu k illiliik hut nit tho hlttl llul dc it 11 t ull id tho hu who mll n hi war thinks through m winding in with llitm h r mow iui ith ih th h itixl lha will td hull iu umft jjirrp tyfvun wimn jo idtu paid in full johiaii mvirrr 1 uvsrjc- itr htuk jimmy un the f l thin- u unlit out iixuulm- j d ji mm nui rlu id iiiuk iotjbhvij hit n luhf y i iiuht on ilm lllllo rhups tho chap wholl hackr uitwti win n know ho is wrjmg und tho chap whou stand iial when 1 right anil tho chap who kou faith wlu n pledges hi won und will hack tip mm stand wjth light tho right ubov hap who forovor pud wrung und honor u r itlcho und a mo h h la th chap that tho world s looking tor tho trustworthy fellow dead ffamat junto kdward hungurford bringing up father ho much advice bus bn n glvon to futhor ubuut how lo trout ihtilr il urun that purhups a utile udvlio wit bo in urdur to children ubuut how rnunago father lot us indulge in iih pruluda unil got to business first of alt study jour father look him ovor und hjnk him u uuurna that you know ull about him und do not makolt u business to kouii away from him da patient with him he la probably doing tho beat ha can according to hla lights lie may not undorslund jou but then again on um other liano perhaps you do not understand him it takes two t do a job or undor standing hfirti 4- it t i m i t baby and it la a little difficult t for father to realise that you ur not one you he had to tell you every- thin to do and when one rots into that habit its vary bard u quit sympathize with blnu he la grow in old and aomo day as you will find out growing old la no joke you are full of illusion and hope- jje u full of disillusion and hla stock or hqpe ts nqt aa urge a it inu alao re member that be hoa to get odt every day and and something wherowlth to purchase bread and butter which omo different rom merely coming to the table wbon the be i rings jteapect your father he la entitled to that in any caae never seam to disregard hla opinion when speaks listen you may not always bo able to obey but at least you can listen you object to hi balrut lmpauent and intolerant with you and therefore you should not be impatient or tnlol erant with bitn bo potltft to him there u no place where courtesy count for more thai toward your father flatter bun say thins that you think wilt please htm he may not let on that he care about this but he does care between you and me there la no one whose rood opinion a father values so much aa lua sons be affectionate with bln if he makes it difficult for you to do this then be as affectionate as you can do not argue with him he may think that you ought to accept any thing he says without question let nun think it it pleases bus and doesnt hurt you we all have our little vanities and father abould be allowed trf have bis he nxy not know as much as you do but aome day you will be forty yourself and p then you will not know aa much you do now j do not contradict him well- bred people do not contradict each other i help him you know him perhaps as wall as anyone knows him and jtnow of many little ways in which you could moke things easier for him r that while yon are jho coll tud in the pasture father 1 tho pock horse and the load sometime becomes burdensome most of aih and moat important of all never show that he hurts your feelings he probably will hurt them but do not et him see it oat u grin on yourself finally remember that you uxo play ing for high stake to win u lather you will never have but ono father and when you lose him you tan not and another in excjianjen attracted by her hands rttooently i asked twelve different men what was thu flrsl thing that they noticed when they were- intro duced to a woman all were indifferent walks la life and i asked them all at different time isfjy manners writes ono man said tlur ankles on other her eye a third her cloth ing but to tny nmaaemeiit tho olhur nine anawcrod her hundsl i never before realised how impor tant the bunds of a woman ure in the oytm of a man u i aukod for explanation i fell in love with my wifes luinds almost before i hud seen her face one tf tho twelve confessed t6 me shewa playing the piano und tho way her llttie finger rippled vur thu key held me spellbound 1 felt lhat a woman wftb hands like that ovuld do anything and i wuh right i a womans huira ore o oxprtalvu of her personality u tivul ottlrer said i in title lively dlulriist u womtin with a fat pudgy hand sho l usu ally layand emty- hroiilbd ae for the young- woman with tho illywhite hunds prewvu in front her i yho i too holulu for ward ujt a rule all that shu u good ror i lift ing ohifoolutea out of u box und twid dling her rlnga qlve me said unother man u pair of hunds that look u though they can sow cook hold u teim rnoquot and a golf club play the platiu uf u baby drive u car put ilowors in a vue hold a pen nd best of mi bands which look soft enough to oareas an uehlng head and grucuful enough to kiss iaraceful enough to ida that lust sentence stuck in my mini t so matiy women forget that while thny deplore the death of chivalry they tltmlve have pmlleddown the ped estal on which they onoe stood bv many of them now get s hearty if ungallane sap on the back because perhaps their hands are not dainty and graceful enough to idas beautifully kept- hands or a sign of inward red n omen t ws oannot ill havs our hands oast in a classic mould n bltwd w l ut ruilnluful itll ho wftm w get wuy from jotto wutl for tho hit hotiiti mut h httno ilork llki lhl i mill id h whlth hud in t col m won t bofuro what nrw w nejr jinimi pu jljl ltd blti tu dot iua- o until thu lido iunuw i oh tun ho hlc bird wuy off thro crlfd jimmy uitdtuil pointing of l ttv0 moulhoubt thai ulnt i bird jimmy rupiud jiinu thutit ura urrowpluiio i sw u plcturo of one t other day what do they tall ulrt urrowplauos for juonilonedjimmy i b it cause thoy go fust an atrulght just like un arrow jooks us u it wu cumin down jimmy i bllovtf it i coming down jimmy you klay hero lu the boat whllo i go ehore nji maybe got a good look ut it i don t b move its moran two miles dqwn long the hore where its setulng down 1 u be buck long before the tldo co ill on jimmy offered no objections und u mom nnt luter his brother a boy of fourteen yours was trudging over thi- mud toward the shore as tor jimmy he hot july mn had made him sleepy and it was not long after hla brother tarted horewurd era be curled himself up down in tho bottom- of the dor and went to sleep the two miles which jonas figured un atretohod into about three miles hut finally ho reached the spot where the airplane had come down there be hud quito a chat with the operator of the machine it was whllo talking with him that jonas learnd that the airplane was one of eeveral wnlcii ws so bl wl erlng artlgtlo nngsra but ws can help nature by making the hand with which aft has endowed us tieeuiufal i wpsd ldjouvo o outdwun were being used for the purpose of taking passengers up in the air for brief trips a dollar a minute ejaculated jonas when he was told the cost of tho trip mm i guess jnay be its ull right for folks that like that kind of fun but i wouldnt go up in one of cm tf youd pay me a hundred dollar a minute no sir the around is good oough for me i fellout of the cherry irve up homo onoe an when i struck i thought my feet was goln up through my stomach ld hate to fall u thousand feet well i think that i would hato to too laughed the aviator bo i cant pursuade you to become o passenger eh t no sir you couldnt htro me to step board that contraption a mile or so farther down the shore was the landing place for the airplane and thither jones finally wended his way intent upon seeing a i juere was to see so as to tell bis brother all about them when he got back to the dory- v time passed much more rapidly with jonas that afternoon than be realised in fact it was nearly four o clock ere ha started up the ahore toward the spot where be had left the grounded dory halfway there he noted with alarm the rapid rise of the tide tho oats were entirely covered as v ran along the shore he was astonished to ond that there was nothing to be soon of the dory his first thought was that the flood tide had brought it in to the shore but look sharply as he woutd be saw no sign of it then it came to him that the brisk offshore wind had undoubtedly more than offset the tide wending the dory out to sea jonas studied the sea closely and it was not long ere he made out what looked like a dory far off to so though it was so small that be was not positive about it jonas looked frantically about aim hoping to see some boat drawn up along tho shore but saw absolutely nothing along that line back alone the shore ran jonas ut top speed he was crying and it was opt strange that such was tho cose tllnever see jimmy unlnl he nob bed i went an left him an now hes go net as jonas ran however hope again began to kindle- within his breast hope born of courage courage which came to hlro in that dire hour df trouble it hell take me out there ill get jimmy yet he choked i i aint afraid to go i can swim good hes got to take me out there i jonas made record time hack to where tho aviator with whom he hud irst talked was stui ut work adjusting hi machine forgot somothlngn queried tho uviator i i forgot my brotherl crlo4 nlu he drifted out to lookl 3eo that dory wuy off there it jut a speck dont you see ut just sew where im uolntln mister hoe ut the uvlutor oduiiod u llttie pocket in the ynuchlno und took therefrom u pulr of murine uiusbbs adjusting thniu ho looked off ucross the wutor yes my boy i guoas that your dory all right he suld there is evidently a boy aboard of it mister 1 aint got no money to psy you with but but wont you pluuse take me out thir7 wubhtd jonas all you got to do is drop m somewhere near the dory i mu strong swimmer want you please take niet muytmi somojlme l can pay yuu i ill give you all the money i can sum tor the yiuxt year f youll only uke md uul well my boy climb in and well start suld thu uvlutor suddenly out ing to u due in ion you ur euro that you can swlnl good oh ym ulr 1 nt thu troiiuuut i mini r of uuy of thu full homii i tuvr gut the i raou nor im just like u nh in the wulur the uvlutor started up the uiiffltn tid it wu bui u fuwseooiuts tutor thut thu ulrplun begun tu gather apeod us the wheels sped ovor the smooth sund then ull of u suddon the won- werful mut hi no itegan to rlae and m it did so jonas gave u little ttasp i j tjnt sutred none mutter he suld moke her go just as fust us you cun and that was very nearly whut thu uvlutor did do up up up went the machine and lite while wen bo eyes of jonuv glued to tho fur rf dory th time imntb thut hti could see his brolhur plainly and thou all at once it soerftw to jonas as though the sea anil the dory uud jimmy were all oomlng up to meet him in the air he coming ud mister he yelled oh mister i hes coming up mister i jmlterll climb out of there and got ruady to dive boyl oormtaanded the avlatbr tersely not a second to- lose iirucofnl dl luiidod him fiat if tho llll vhim uh it tho wutir dory nirlkln uuu no tlmo for it ramphur wlui the kuhwuio olono a iloxit rou twist tt r tho ixtw nml i imfoly ulwmrd tho dory thou ho up- put his hands utoiit hi mouth am ahoutrd thu nw you mlstorl ho ytll ed i m goln to ron hack to v joul ilt king up h uiirn jiinim hr iilod for aim shore a hit mwod ulona he tuldvhle brother i how gmat fright i wouldn t huu cared if he d gone tin miles in tho nlr if he only got me out hiro jimmy ho said swal lowing hard i thought i novur was goln in noe you uguln well i guess you wun t uuy moi m until thun i was whn i netin thut big bussln thing comih straight dov mo x didn t you hour me hollort i couldn t hour nothln but tho marion the 80ndauqhter aiiiflhur duughtoi 7 knvon in ilttht lore than ton imrn what is to in iimv f tliut fiitnily m ixyomi mo ihlt und mollln iaiil ti o mint it ally nlnul huvinu n fnmlly mih i h havinq a qood time hoiniuiliiir is wrong with tho young i nilu vsiio do not wuiit to huvo u good inn in fact tho only possible z intuul- ii cf such un attitude is niuntal vi uk m fu linaltliy youth ilenuinds luiyii jiml tiu it dvmunus food und fioifully likjklrnf si 1 ii i in hor huiuln mins druvfl hi r i mi uk tin y i if thojr rfrmuii in if luiky- lilllgh mll tin ilow of 1 1 rot viil iliouui h n r ii iiifuifl htiyt huu imvui hud to iniiku of hill ha iuh just u llt u the 41 ml llll ys u i- ami 1 1 ml ii ho od ihiirty in the thin km of thut thing that wasgoln n bout u million tlmas a minute plied jonas it wus about un hour lafor that jonu reached tho sjinre half a mllo down tho beech ho cumti upon his uvlutor friend i come to tbunk you mli tor suld jonas simply thats all right my ixiy replied the uvlutor shaking hand with him you ure a brave boy ono of the very bravest- it was a ploasure to holp you whore will i sand tho money to fust us i get it mister questlonid jonas it in alt settled my boy replii the aviator paid in full tho msn ory of ucb bravery will cheer me in tha years to come it will be vastly better than money ooodby and ood uless you and ood bloss you mister cho jonas thoit ho start m bark whotac he hud come back to jimmy brother whom he loved potter than life ina dream jdha obeyed h wono ju tba aory and u swtpt parnuy cama up tm ujtqwrd him tjie time csuxs that the dorjmfulems afterharvest work against weeds the time to start fighting weedu is in the spring and among tho prere uusltt to success is the early sowing of clean plump seed of suitable varie ties in a seedbed that is wi ii pre pared as regards drainage fertility and tilth by starting the crop vigorously it is enabled to hold its own to the ond with the minimum growth und ood in of weeds however in eplto of the best of care there will always bn weeds demanding some extra atten tion in cultivated ore pa this can be given the season through and ospoolul- ly before harvest in grain und hay there is little opportunity until th crop i off if not delayed then loo long many of the weeds of these crops can still be taken in hand und some of them with the greatest of timelines some weeds like ragweed end rus sian thistle push up rapidly about this time where grain has been seeded weed growth may have to be kept down by the use of the mower but other stubble should be worked ovor by means of a disc harrow of cultivator or plowed very lightly besides pro venting tho seeding of weeds this ulso makes conditions favorablo for tho germination of seeds already in tho surface soil which can be destroyed in he later fall plowing some seeds wild oats for example do not gor- mlnate readily if at all the tlrst season but any farmer who has praotlsod afterharvest cultivation knows that considerable germination of many weeds can be induced in favorahl years afterharvest plowing of woody hay fields is also desirable at the first opportunity that occurs- such per sistent perennials as couch grass canada and sow thistles the hawk- weeds oxeye daisy etc are probably at their weakest after using up their reserves in he attempt to mature seed which timely cutting of the hay ehould prevent plpwlng at this season 1s not always the easiest done but the dryness of the ground if it docs not prevent thorough work is all to the good in weed destruction couch grass indeed might well be left alone unlosa tho ground is- semowharry the plowing at thl time need not be deep for couch grass particularly it should be only deep enough to get beneath the matted surface rootstocks after plowing the object will be to drag the rootstocks ihto the drying sun by moans of a spring tooth or other im plement thistles and sow thistles will tot be so readily dragged out und can beat be dealt with by thouse of u duckfoot cultivator to keep ull growth cut off as often as it appear the amount of fallowing thus possible ufter the removal of a crop sttould go u long wuy toward cleaning a field or at tho least preparing for a clounliig hood crep the following year rotation which allows of this procedure every three to five years will hold woods reasonably well under control many of tho worst weeds of crop are ulo commonly woods of waypldo pasture and waste pluoes and should bw cut by means of mower soyiii spud or handpulled uftur u rain if only to prevupt their seeding llm which run be broken up and ilouited luuy be luter roseeded if so desired using strong growing grass on und lovers which will fully ixcupy the ground neeldos removing the menace tutrops und often to goodwill among neighbor u llttlu puttering about in odd corners of the farm works wonders lit making tho old pluoo more llkublo artsr midsummer such wd rapidly become mmsplauou uiul muy oltilm somu of the hours or halfday when wt w oath or bus upset uthr pinus herbert droit alvlslmt of liot any cutitrsi tcxperlmanlul faun ot but rid could thnro in to wives llk molllt 1 iiuipohi lid in anyway liu uoutnlmj mud lo no no girl cun murry wll if shu is not woll brought forward hough i can joe- slbty do eomothltic if i llvu to sua them grown 1 doubt if ono uftlio flock will hfivn looks imtotigh on wit enough to make hr wotth my bringing out you i huvo id drew hoi uud ovary- thing liotir luhu would never stand for thut mis druvo said ro- llootlwiy mrs t i tnu cust up hor oyos sav ing piously life is uncertain nuno of uscsn iounl on it- v if there vfni u notu of regret over tho uncertainty it wus too well muskod to fill u caxuul oar i mr mo mo jiryson s solo rugrut ovor her seventh duughter wus that sho timsotf wus not likewise u seventh that would moun untold luck tor tho sntull udorublo mlto avon bettor luck than having come into u place full of loving wolcomo john had a fair sal ary they ownod a bit of u home ln- htmd of having llfo insurancu so with a triflo of savings ugalnst umergunues what nood wus there for worry t mrs port nor wus johns hutfslstor the rich woman of the oonnoctlon so of course hor attitude toward tho liry- sons sot tho family tune all jiands agreed thut envon girls like stair step wore next door to u criminal offence one that jato could not afford to loave unpunished hpuro visits to tho hry- iton houso usually mlugatod tho visit ors hursh judgment thu girls woro udornblo rosy rsdjunl reasonably muiof what he coulddo ho wus utt unknmptiooklhg fellow und he etoppod at the suburban rest dvnou and usketl fir arqploymsnt i wus spring and thu bidy of the houso win herself superintending the truits- pluntlug of the pniitts the door of the greenhouse wus open are you u gsrdenurr asked thu woman alu t had much uxpuclenc can you plant these bushtist id huto to rlk spolun em muum wus his reply then whut con you dor well muum if you h givo ma one o your husbands cigars he replied meditatively iii sit lit tho gteutihutlsa uh stiluky ut the insects thut m uatlu up the leaves o thtun roaebhds mere refraining ling iho ciillilx i t liny ilon i huvo to vf lount hit tlghtuiios asud mi ho no foot ur orumpod uklug hoi4jut whut kol john is just lis bud 1 hat unilur tha huh ho tx- i oinv of his family hu nil grlnmd uml told nit tiiuro might i u i fnol liku would it ask mi hip li uv 1 1 u b b allko yot ugreouhiy dlfferont it not after all so strange that john who had put by ambition to be an ar tist for a steady job and that molllo should pay looking ut the flock uouts everything i could ever have imagin ed hut onco eafo away prudence agulit prevailed pity kindly or acid wus inoutd out tu the rock loss parents 1rotty girts very protty girls with wiot homo voices udorablo dancing foot and madame molllo s knock of cookery sowing and homefnoklng thoy were mu rried out of hand us it wore before they coma to nineteen to thu rout und confusion of mm fort- nor by thatjtlmti a welldowerod wid ow who offerod to tuku lonure the oldust und give her u two years chance v marry well thut is to uuy rich indeed there wus u tiundldulo utmost in th oiling mujor liurko u man of millions just turnud sixty who hud divorced od wifn und burled another hence wus eager to ttnd a submissive and wollbrokon third john brydon wus so foolish us to rosoii t oven a mention of him euylng ho shun t look ut my girl us for unythlng elao hut think of the alimony if eh a got to dlsliko him mrs fort nor re monstrated with a result of shutting herself permanently uwuy from hsr brothers house with five married daughters john itryson chuckled ovor the fuct thut there wus neither a minister nor u millionaire among his suns- in- law true one of them joe calvtirly had expectation but thoy didnt hinder his doing a mans part then hymen stumbled instead of currying off miss marian seriatim hlu durt hit baby hemic just turned seventeen than for the first lime john and mullle cried hurd it did not in the least con sole them thut marie said trying to giggle cw dont xll your beuuty you know youve gt your ion- muughtor left jor bow long i wondart john said viciously marlon swept him u curtsy years and year and years she sold 1 m serious you must make ma the sob i ousht to have been you dont know it but i tn u real good stenographer and typist cant you um me down at tho orncot i wont tell rrrranirkin io you why there is u clutnao 1oor lucy ante has to go uwuy for six months 1 m wondering if you would fill in und hold tho place uh she is well agalnl there i can keep an oyo on you uow ubout my keeping ono on you t murlon asked impertinently dut us sho run uwuy from hor red nosed par n is they smiled hupplly their ono owe lamb was ufter ull utmost tho plok of the nook marlon filled the pluoo so beuutlfully that in a month sho wus set tho job of assistant lo the privute secretary hhe had refused to be v us u ilrysoit ull th orriuo uullod her mis la lie ho there ws hue comedy in keeping a strulght fuiu us she greeted hor futhor who by this time wuh pretty clone lo the tifp lit nil affairs it pleased fctrt did not in tho least sur prise him that cluyerson ui exacting lisunelor rising ftirty thuxmaln owitvi und court of lust resort suld oeuly miss ituno wun u rind on su ram thoy muut make rikin for her when poon miss ames came back miss ame wus indlspeiisuhle wit lies she wu getting well ut tho firm uxpmtso und undnr order to spare ho tiling uut sometimes when oayersons ovu icled on her substitute there fe in ore than a shadow of speculutlon in them certulnly his work hitd uevr before tieen bottur itona nur hud ho liot so dtuot cjulut uutlsfoiiloi lu its dolus ono ihtyhw got u mihuu iiuo llglil- nlng from u iimtr sky u mini dn up prhnly uddrksstid but nvnr so leiflhle in pirni us prim it thuukud him toi iiih trat cousiilnrulloii it wu too uilkh tliut uftrr so ci vitlillu foi her duughtei aid the writer ihilcys sal ary hud hwoii sept fortnightly to lucy mother it wus more than sla nee1ud hu hud sawd quite enuugh oat o it to hoop hor comfortable until jtvutry wtao homo ho would hu plsuwo ijult the soiullng it muds her fl like a iuiup to wku whut she illd not un- tuully need uuoikou passed the loiter over to ijrysnu usklng simply can you nx- plulnt whsruupon miss luiie incon tinently vanlshod leaving her fathsr pusbled for just a minute why ttu murlon doing miss iuim you know he is nslly my girl i lot hpr conn to hold the plucu he bogun 1leusn cull hor bufkl cluyerson interrupt ml there is urmthor pluoo waiting for heiif she will tuku it martha muwuuum th the slowness with which some peoph pay tholr newspaper subscription and blame it op carblrsaitessor neglect mind us df brother bogus vfau si re sail tu i o4hwii die jem two dollars i done loansd you is y de lawd ony knows when nuaasjil dlgnlflodly ruplled brotu- r vj dueant tsfuse i jom what bhe wanted iu old tinrowimiui tullod tu iio prubutn judffe ut tf turtulu oily when usked to stato tu r business th jbst ww iur1iiluflllk you the probate judgst ifio la ah wants to say that mab husband dlrnl and let me with fob jltqe infldou an ah wanu to be appointed as tholr axsauuaass huki i iii dit is i 1m th to dpsr ill i hut th ih i upation which mi uiiii liniliii to ono 1m uhtkiiiiii to an ollio inn youth minis siinrluj dit ll in mililuor sports anotlii i is iivi i hi hnity us when he hits into u iiili irjnr with a a lnok ami iintii tunattily tin n urn mix rs win n fli f u uond time 1 losoly ullltd dturudutluu wi mimjujii not try lo live without gund tltiiiu uuy muio than wo should ny in hvji without food hut just mi it itiipoi uut to select our food wihv ho tliut wo ahull be nourished uud built up it is important to select thu rluht sort of aood llmoi ihoso willi ii ull hu propel ly fullod rirri u ion i importupt thing i not to xtlueivd lu our good tlmo thft youth who onjoys hasobnll and bi und ukat liitf but doos nut rcud iok ftltni tho yeur beginning to luuu would huvo u hard time if ii injury should muko it impossible fui him to luku port in those vigorous outdoor sports and ho is sure to hove ur uird thru when ho grows older ono wlin dollbarutnly shuts the plous- 4tdlng out of his lirje has nog- leotnl to tuku out insurance ugulnst tho bored old i muny ung tooplo who lovo books nygleot sotlul pluusuros thoy would iher sit down in u wurm room by u good rending lamp and spend un evening with their book thut thoy grow in tlmo to bo rd in tho company of flesh and blood balngx but books invaluable as buy tile clinnot take place of friend- hill uud un old ugo with only books for ojuiuijiy is pubetically lonely jiuvu a good time of course man for it muko a point of it huvo u ghod uuod tlmo keep uwuy from everything that is unworthy of your- but lu uddltlon huve u vurled good tlmo leu r ii to like all tho good thlniih ull the pleasant thing all tho worthwhllo things with all the pos- ibllltloh of wholesome delight in the world do not confine yourself to one two the jwo murphies sioil story is told of tho irish coitiudluii jon murphy who was ap- pourlng in u nearby city recently it wus during the bluo ribbon ex citement of lust season and jqp was vicinity of ilttsburg aa the train steumod tno tho depot it was boarded by half a doxen men who after u hurried conference with the conductor approached tho comedian with beam ing fuio mr murphy x bellovo said tho spokesman hut in hand i at your wcrvlco sir replied joe dellghutd to moot you sir we uro tho committee appointed to tuke you in charge and thoy fairly drag- god thu astonished joe from thu car placed hint in u carriage und they worn whirl irti swiftly away lod blown us thought the orppnent of iiiwh locullurlxlos this is very kind never was in this town before a ntun reputation doc travel and thut u fuot in u uliort tlmo thoy reached the hotel und tho committee having placed joo lu the host parlor suite prepurod lo depart wo will call for you after uuppor mr murphy suld tbo spokes man ono moment gentlemen cried st jose ii hy as ho p 01 led ufa belloord vigorously waiter drinks for the parly urliiksl shrieked the conclave in u chorus mr murnhy are you madt mud echoed joo not u bit of it nume uur overages gontlemen oh th 1 is terrible backsliding sold ono tvuhol murphy ordering us drlnjts 1 runcla murphy l repeated ler- plexod joe j um joo murphy thu comedian t thuy saw it uh and rushed wildly from the room in search of the tem- peruncu upoajlo who wus oven then tolling painfully from the depot on foot totin u hugu carpet luig both the murphys draw large houses thut night let alone a guntlomun who went to take u todiflng uskud thu servant a remark ably handsome girl whether io was to lot with thn lodging tjhn- unswerod no 1 wau to be let alona an mdarrasaino moment tills is b ur it n n by to sham u gi is it hrr nyn it wus u i i struct from in ml amis that stp k un if ihn luush mtlultfllt mlutusv ule lion thut win kx uiul i kn w i imki 1 1 fully avohlod till mirrors for 1 w iiixltr um irmiim rrighifui irrt oppuitf c inially tiy liuilly i hni ihn mb hill iy up niund i it kh uid shop il th friend whom i hupi i pluiud tny shopping hug n tho floor in ii r tin lulle ut with h we won to sit uuotlioi bug exuutly llku my own wiiu put besldo h julti- nuiuntlly my glunio folio wiul tho hand and unit up to the fticn of my nclghhoi ami us i mot her look i sold lo myself hkn ha hair jtit like inlno slii king out in evury direction und sho hwks t v n worse than i do poor thing naturally my heart wont out u hor in u tf relit wave of sympathy wo smiled nlmiiltunaously as our iroilbhid eyes nu und i sub uloud und quito dliillnctly if wu uro lint ruroful wu ahull got our shopping bugs mlxinl tlio monjent the words were put of my mouth i wlshod very earnestly tliut ihn itoon would mercifully opun and jot mn tli rough it did not require tho subdued snicker from tho neurby tables to awaken mo to thu ralixutlon thut i hud boon uddrcsslng tho imago of myself in tho mirror of whlrh thn entire sldo of tho sltop was formod oipfehent vfbwpointb lnrnymil fwlm jutd ionuiliii tho i iy of tbn hkinlh l un so this ih thi nli th iiiiiimdiii i l llnvi r yuml inollxr ooi mifililns tho iiu if i iy hui imiklnu if in f riiul1y whj mly hi hi uh llll m- ihjmtatan bv sunwinddust cinders sjdommiseto tf ot sv pkvscittl 4 omiciam wsfis tm r aas n1111 iv uiusmi canadian national exhibition toronto aug 25thse 8th the show window of nations etlmatd attendance 1923 45th conakutiva yaar 1500000 prdgramme without precedent in it yanty and extent score of new features and all of th old that have re tained public favor georgeous cleopatra spectacle crowning triumph in the production ot supepsgent 1500 performer joh o kikr uuu oujuz fcomutt milxxh r mtrmssttjmisttmiiimm results sbsbsbbbbsbbbbbbsbbbbsbbbbsbbsbbsbbbbsbsbbbb with little effort i the fact is that a newspaper goes into a thousand or two thousand or five thous and homes without a particle of effort of the man who advertises in it the mer chant must pay forthe space he uses and write the advertisement that fills the space but having done this all the rest of the matter of getting this message of the town dealers distributed is the business of v the newspaper publisher the local newspaper renders local merchants a wonderful serviceand this at an absurdly small cost are you using this easy method of selling your goods vnmmmmmmm9mmvmmvmnmmmmmmmmm i enduring valuesr phe tradein price of a 1921 ford is equal to the tradein price of other 1921 cars which cost 30 to 50 more than the ford when new this is proof of the ford qfuality and the guarantee that the purchase of a ford is an investment as distinguish ed from an expenditure h a cqce actonon ford motor company of c a n a d a x 1 ji tbd v ford ontario i j- x ijl i l i if ij nivvi

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