Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1923, p. 6

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i- hirllia its j hln ilr mahiueo kintntit m ipoi at 1imi rtrniiiitik ailim aitht 1h 1021 ly ihn iluktt john w kfnin minr lo marlon josephl of aclort he tiirhfn 11 tie iiuou mchmvhallimnt ant lixirrtitowii uu tui ut 1 luja hy iuv her h t i muricunrilo loortmowii to itottert j tllonwllllums moakttfjml m ikoi o day alirunt lb 103 htrxt irenhyurliiii chun li tnnin- in by ilnv i a lnrohmaii niiuiii mflood mlttlkhoii to john m- arthur uocksmo huohxilloakjh tin tut sdny joly 17 iuil3 nfi1 home f the bride imntith by itu llov j h i wllwn il li i mr kuhurd hhnrtlll uf iirfuinnfad and mum ililit maturlu luuutitr of mt- ami mru ioorun 12 ouk- of uriirliloii i moiin buy -willis- al aun mi weinoduy aukuxl h 103 by llov ctmrloh llackott mary kulcllu daughter f mr u nil tr ii willi ilolfouittnln lo lfcmald alcx- undr younvoht mm of mr llnhart mrknery crln ajililunfiicli a i tln met ho llut church itockwood in tuesday au 14 1043 hy jtov lr prefl c htephvnnon toronto irnn j tlqiid eldest son at mr i- ii cuild hock wood lo bdna iauru ilaunhter of mr and mr j dunnold of win nipeg- vmilkkbnldkh at chiiirlu wmi china on wednesday juno 13 1923 by tho iiav r m ilreckei m a ll li and w small ii a miss idu holder a al ii cl lent daughter of iiov n w hnlder toronto lo llov albert ii klshor of iho hrituh untl poroltfn illhlo society died lihown at lrrirt hanlnrlum on hunduy august 19 1923 hottl mi- known beloved wife of uulmrl u brown in bar tilth ymr fawcettat tho homo of her daughter r wallace omngevllln on thursday ausuit is mm ur- tlno thu niton pawoetl ngod 7h years mrniciiol at his daughters resi dence mm c hon wood win t an on baturdayj august ib 1923 john be loved husband at isabella mrnlchol in hu 68th year v in memor1am lovmtr mr ii and joan savage who died augujit 17 1sss aged 1 years often we think of you dcn eon when w are all alono kur memory it tho only thlnr that erlcf pan call til own father mother and lirolhor 3fa artou tte jgresfl thonsday august 23 1913 brief local items cloaollne la llkoly to drop to 15o in cajiada wolkerton bond han boon pnylnp 1u loader bqd per year btiday august 31 will bo pros day at toronto exhibition the rnin which apou tho plonlo may bo splendid for the rowing crop milton mold during the week l6f00 of 64 pr oeirt boualnjt debonturoa at par doitonn tax rata or thin year la 3 mlllo a decroomo from hut year of c mills tho high court of the independ ent order of poroatara is in session in guelpb the majestic gladioli and the graceful asters are now at tho best of their blooming harvest festival services will ix hstd in the methodist church on bun day september la in the days before the motor csi the bull was considered the most dan gerous thing with horns the graceful golden rod la now blooming in riotous profusion along the roadsides almost everywhere tho town clerk f palmemtoiv mr hugh hyndman bos resigned his office- which he held or twenty years annlyersary eervlces will bo held tn knox church in connection with the re opening on sunday september fl the ladles bll olub defeated a team of married men in game of soft ball at the park last wedneaduy evening the score was 1417 mr davis of toronto who recently bought part of tho joseph luithy pro perty on bower avenue is erecting obituary tilomah hiishv waikiir t idttlth tlialli ot tiimiiuui ho wujkt ai hiiriy wulknr us l bit fmtnlljail the flpt n ii whm i kil i had tm inc hlmt h 1 juu-iim- null mr vulkr iu thi1ui wltli mr urd mm john hurniw by vdmm ln wtm krtutiy tttimiitl a lay or two ufir artonti jllbllno r brutloi wiiu iikii 111 xinl itihin thu udvlo or hli phyiililiiu vu1 liiki n in hi jniiihti itoupllul liilph a i ojxirulluh wax iifirnnd bui bin htinit provod uimliltr to wltlihliirul tbo nbodk unil bn dunl on hill li nlii y iilkht of in ml vtek tito fuiifiitl wiui iikm from tint hornw of hln nou inuiw john llvin to tho union iruti ry luljb mr wnlkit win iximi in won h htrr ciiulunil ci yinri uki mid unto to on nil da vlt hln wlfi itiul fitnitly itbout nuloni iin niio llvlnu hrnl in toroiittj on ui ouot of hr poor lirulth mr wiilkor luid to rl urn to ib homo luud tuvlnn all tho fiinilly vilh br but mrs john hv ii of ouoluh tlmi u liain iflrl of i wo i vi who would ikit luuvo father tihui thty rtima to alton w1m ho luiu ulwuyn niitiln bin hnnio iflhn yearn uito hln duutrimr cjiirii fiuuin lo oiniidii juiid rldih in tor- uio ltil two otin li inn it nun 1jimii out i iiiiw llvlnu in tho vtht tbo hliih entimn in whli it ho was buld win uhown by tho many iluml trlbutuw a bcnullful plltowaif nosne utid uniurtt wuh uniii by hi follow workmiin tf tbo artou tillilnif co tho fumrul nrvloc wiiu oinludfed by ltv mr i i inil nun lor of the uuptlut churrli tho pulllhiarare wore msmr krd coiwm irebton j 1 hcurryw ami thomnn man n acton a oroen h mutthnwh nnd ii walker ouolph mhh cauounv thuhhton fawcett thoro was laid to rent in tho family plot in kalrvlew- cemotury beiilde the h uu bund who had prodocaasud hur thirty yoani ugo on saturday uftr- noon mn curollne thumton fawcolt u fortnar vstoxunod resident of acton mrs kuwrott bud rourhoi thurlpa age of movontyulght years she was takun iu in her homo at klmborly a your or more ago icarly last eprlng eho went lo orangevllle to tho homo of hur daughter mrs a s wallace with loving are and uoliclluuo mm wal lace ministered to her wantg jtid in this alio was asttletod by mrs tho chown of uurrlo the eldest daughur her ailment was u an innlrtloua char acter and ho gradually grew worse until on thursday hur eplrlt took itm night mm fuwcott wu u daughter of tho into albert hall of trafalgar nrjohtrhe flit huehsnd wus pliucmoii dannockdutln lluniiik khurn womunu inhltuto hi hi tbilr inonllily mootlnu ul dm houm of mlkif ituwiull fourth lini on wolitos- duy afternoon august 15 thoro vun ii fair attondanre aflor a abort tnumlrul progrummo u tlinnly paper wim n ad on ilckllng and cannlnji e0olubln it wus decided to eund a in ik of irtnorvd fruit to the hick clihdreiin unnpltul in toronto ouch nidinbin- giving what uuntity utuf kind uliit can i mitt diure th noxt tnootlnr will bo hold at the home of mrs i obi do i my on wednuiuluy september id v and mrs david mckeowny throe houses on the avenue frontage wm ttqm thfl hommtclldi wonder if the people who pass through here in the three and four thousand dollar automobiles huvo any worry about next winters coal supply after ten daye of ideal harvest weather uninterrupted by storm any kind saturday evening rain very helpful the corn and roots were greatly benefitted ileduoed rates have been put into effect by the railways fur the can adlan national exhibition from auguet 34 covering the country from white imver to the atlantic mack hostage stamps will appear on letters from tho unltod status in a few weeks these are issued us u token of the nations mourlng for the late president harding mr and mrs a ii illsbop gar donors are generous with their surplus flowers during the summer and from week to week mupply otto or other of the churches with a profusion of bloom a number of our ultlxous accom panied aoton culaana band to thu tattouat milton tust wednesday oven- ing they were quite proud of them for the splendid part they took in the evenings programme over 4000 musicians will take part in the muslu iay programme ut the canadian national exhibition rnclud- lng 36 bunds 3100 choristers und many troubadors opesa slngars ituttrumoii- lullats and other artists tho audience in the cwnudlun national exhibition brand stand will look into the streets of alexandria in b c 31 when witnessing the cleo patra spucmaelu whluh wmi imi sented from august 37 to tho cluso of the exhibition september v no wonder so many newspapers are going out of business or amal gamating says the swift current herald on nothing have tho trust monopolists such a stranglehold as on printing paper and printing machin ery and the oonts of these essential publishing requisites have mounted beyond all previous bounds i reside atwut forty years ago end mr thurston died after a hhort residence here twuntysoven years ago sh married alexander knwcwtt of klnr beriy who survives her thro chil dren ore loft whq gratefully romenv her- a mothers tonder lovo and self- oacrlflce george who is manager of the lattloton n jl journal mrs thomas chowa of barrio and mrs a b wallace of ornngovllle mrs pa wee it was a woman of a very fine typo of character a sincere christian whose religion was real and comfort ing to her always she loved acton nnd cherished tho many sincere friend ships formed here the funeral on saturday came by mdior from or- angoville and was accompanied by hov herman i xartrldgo u a the pastor of tho methodist church or- ungovillo service was hold in the methodist church and ho v c lino- kott tho pastor i a laxg lumber of relatives from trafatgnr quelph and other places us well as acton friends attended messrs john cameron j c matthews w sl kon- nsyn p mclom howard maaales and q h brown were the bearers mils bobbrt g brown tafler years of tedious illness borne without murmur or complaint the spirit of mrs robert o brown took its flight in the presence of her husband and daughter on sunday mrs brown had been tn poor health for several years but was token seriously 111 with lung trouble in the summer of 1931 for nearly a year she lived in a tent in the orchard at ihe family residence thoro being no improvement she want to tbo sanitarium at sreeport in the hope of receiving benefit from treat ment there her ailment continued to make insidious inroads and she gradu ally failed- the end cume rather sud denly last weak she was feeling some better and was able to take a short motor rldo from tho tlma her illness became serious two years ago her daughter clara the only child of the home was her devoted companion and nurse her loving solicitude was a constant sobtco claru is a usachor by profession and held utgood position on the staff of toronto schools but her filial affection was so great that she relinquished her position that she might be ablo constantly to give her whole attention to her mothers noods mrs brown was the uaughter of th late- mr neighborhood news- town and country c rtw gcng corners mltinom tlortlu iriinth uml mur cum run f weuton mm wolf ami fiiil1y of lfmjon mli b mid mm j llolloy of vnnrouvor ii c hnvo bong visitors dtirlnu tho wok wlrh mr uml mrji j 1urkcr 1 churchill llov ir borojt of torontov jimrrhe1 nt tho congrncatlonul churoh tin sun day tho acramnt of the ixirds supper wus ultio admlnlutured by dr kllc mu oilve itublnson of konilworth vluilot frhiixlu hum over the wuek- ond mr imd rs w h walker of arton xpotil the wuokeml ut the home of mr uinl mm alitor hmlth mm thomas mrlcvoy and her di igh- tors huvo movod from tho trout iondn to toronto they wore highly es teemed nnd worn good nolkhbors their removal is much regrnttod but tho city off on especial udvuntugen for lh tul nntod da ugh torn ballinafad a very pretty weddlntf took pluii at tho homo of mr and mrs georgi idwurd oukes ontario street oi tuesday july 17 whon tuiilr yoking est daughter itlta maturlu lxicum the bride of mr hlchunl shortlllof bulllnafad tim ceremony ws lmirformot iy ltov j h irving wilson h a k u in the presence of tho immediate friends of th bride who looked v charming in her w odd ing jjowu of cun ton crppo ornumonted with bond it und hat to match with bandeau ostrich feathers after n dainty luncheon hud b served the happy couple loft for their homo nt ijulllnayad follow by the heal wlahca of tlicirmanyfrlcndufor i sss ssssjs brighton ensign 08pringe on thursday uflernooii augunt tho osprlnge and brisbane branches of tho womens institute met ut home of mm ewiytt hunter tho weather being ideal a largo number unworn bled tho president mrs 1 voy proslded tho meeting upounl hy singing the institute odo and buxl ness literature was road then tho ilrlsbano branch rendered a short programme a splendid paper on making tho most of our op portunities was read by minn horry ulso two humorous recitations by tho misses marshall and some vuluublo information and instruction on hot lunches in school by mrs muruhull a hearty voto of thanks was tendered to the ilrlsbano dranch and also to mrs suntor for- tho use of her homo after which the meeting closed by singing the national anthem after a half hour was spout in soclul intercourse und community singing refreshments were served on thibiiu tlful lawns when snapshots were take of tho group dmehouse townllne between jcrin and km mosa 67 years ago twenty six years ugo she married ber sorrowing hue band and the newlywedded pair took up their married life on the brown homestead lot 33 concession 1 hs- ipjeslng the birthplace of the groom and u mile und u half from tho birth place of the bride in 1908 they retired from farming und have since been s teemed residents ut acton mrs brown was u godly woman and i a keen interest in tho churcji her choice hho was a very capable teacher in thu methodist sunday school ut cmwaons corners and also ln the school at aauui sho enjoyed her religion und ratal nod her faith in her saviour until the sunimons u oorpe up higher bonifies her bereft hus band und daughter tljero survivu thu following ttialrs and brothers mm thomas ktllutt acton mm james wilson hamilton mrs john steven son toronto mr w v colemuu peler mrs william plunk acton joseph of mount purest und it j british columbia tho funeral on tuesday afternoii which was private uoaduatud by ilev charles lluii- kett intvrmuitt took plac at falr lew cemetery milton people in motor aooldent an automobile accident occurred on uonduy neur viuprls in- norfolk county in which a party of motorists including ft wilkinson of milton were travelling tt a fair rate of speed when the sedan struck u piece of loose gravel road the steering rod broke and the earwarved to one ride and want ovof s steep embankment turning over several times while the on fiher fysssgjm n h ss phw w ohsjurig up and mlotu cuts- and bruises mr wilkinson wag thrown through the wlndghuld and betftx fiuttrapve- lauj qua atom the hti tttte oo4 arm 1h day trip around world on 5100000 ht here in current chapter pioturs speed mil s minute new york city on u certain day new york city eighteen days latet and the world in between that isllto itinerary of u young man who wagerod that he could go around he world in eighteen days he msrte it of course for he was an ambitious young american with a brain fuu of pop und a heart full of love for a certain young lady und determination to make her like hlra william desmond star uf perils or ho yukon and many rtlm features und serials during the post few yearn is the man who goes around the world in eighteen days starting from the wonderland theatre on tuesday august sb he in accom panied by laura la plants spottls- miss icphlo ivena was homo from toronto over the weekend miss ports oowdy is holidaying with friends in toronto mr und mrs a l marshall of detroit are holidaying with friends hero mobsrt win and ralph and tho misses olive and edwina marshall were home from toronto over sunday mr and mrs b lepoldlvon of toronto spent the weekend with friends here mr and mm it ii smith of tor onto spent the woekend with xjmo- house friends for some time the trustees of llmn- houso school have been greatly annoyed by wilful and nithy damages porpo- trated in the sehool building lut sunday an onslaught moro thaj usual ly damaging und offensive was com mitted on monday provincial o ulcer atldns of aoton was informed of the outrage and at once proceeded to investigate he discovered that on this occasion gordon mcalpino a boy residing in tho neighborhood was im plicated- gordon confessed to smash ing windows and throwing filth on the blackboard and signed a confession lo that effect he gave as his reanon for committing these serious offences that he had been blamed for doing things about the school und decided that he would liavo tho fun of doing it this time officer atkth laid a clmrgo against him for the offence and his trial will be held in community hair ut 130 on saturday afternoon another striking victory for bfwa the famous herbs i remedy on bottle effects msrksd improvement in condition of mrs wm bonsnsy eroenlanda favorite player a chapter photoplay baa been filmed at universal city that la sold to be wbode attken william welsh oordon sockvule wade boteler boyd irwioj william devaul and many other orf regulate tho organs to their mr william bona hoy uf a menthol o hamilton orit was greatly rorrld over the condition of hi wife who luid suffered for years with tnmuch kidney und liver ailment tluso organs simply would not do their rk property resulting in many dls- nslng and weakenljiuyiptoqitj huw readily tieso symptoms yield lo tho corrective innuonco of druco is typluod in the caso of mm bonutiuy for yours my wife lias suffered from stomach kidney und 11 trouble declares mr bonunoy j wu very constipated und had rh mutism in joints und muscles him lost her appetite and foujid it almost lm- ihmnilblo to get a good nights sleep everything she ate would sour in her sumach causing bus shu hud pains roes her buck from har kidneys her joints ached and she would get stiff with rheumatism sho had u sallow complexion and at times would- get dlasy spells situ tried almost everything but nothing seemed to help and site uon- tlnuuily became weaker until sht hoard about dree and decided to try t sho has only used onu bottle but w are surprised how different she looks it i doing worlds uf good for her and she is much stronger when the dlgostlvo system gets out of ord or it means that food value are not properly retained sod distributed to nourish the system nor is waste matter cost of such a condition rspldly undermines the strongest oonx stltutlnnl let the corrective tles of flreco nomjktundwd from na- medicinal herbs and roots a costly joy hide these highway empjoyssa hire car oet boois smsah car collide with buggy end cause serious injury 4 1jjlll mitklstruto moore who had u 1 1iupiirullvi ly ilittn ilockul on monday morning found hy night one uf tho ijiihii ut iinyn of his muglaturlal oxperl- etn o u uvor iuurtor of u onlury ai 7 30 u in chief jackson arrived front coorsoiowii in company with mr h v king of the llulton uarugo lo hi cure wurrnntb for the arrest of three young riion who had rented u ford iur on kunduy uflornoon for un hour and u half and who hud kept it nine hours uml returned it in a hudly dam- ngetl condition provincial constablo atkins usslnted chief juckson in exe cuting iho warrttntsi miottro three young men were in the magistrates ointo in acton u stand their trial qlwmt tun oclock thu three pleaded guilty to being intoxicated and wore each flneil 110 und cuutw at infurmu- ilou wm luld uguliml tbo young mun wlm hlrtl tho cur or willfully and negligently aiming durnugu to the inutwr jr this urfimko lie wup hned icuu und limlm uml ordered to pay uf ohtlmnted damage to the i uv 33 tto the tiul l f ho joy rldo wiut shi 30 of whllh hurry s mumb paid 127 10 hurry freeman 427 00 and john mcoirl j7 10 but this was not all when driving along the unvoiilh lino the trio run into tlo to run and buggy which thos htoddurd oi hliwirttown wuh driving uccompunlid by a ynung lady the home was injured the buggy smashed hiotldurtl und the young lady wore thtow out and tho youuglady hud throe ribs fructured her head cxjt and sustained other injuries she la in the doctora care tho joy riders will bo obliged to settlo these damages as woli when put on oath as to whore they obtained iholr liquor thny sworo that when aluiuljng on the hide of the road un hit llmohuuso rossroud a mun with u big mcluughlln cur cumo along i lo mopped am said you are u prntty good looking hunch would you like u drink ho produced a bottle wlib h look ad like cuso goods but the contents uf whlh tan ted like moon shine they uuch had sovoral drinks they did not know thu man never huw him borore and hope nov thoyll uitver see him ugalil before this trlul wab concludpd in- sihictor ploody uf thu inland uevonuo dopurtmunt up poured to luy an in formation against u rusldnnt ttt erin township for having in ills possession a quantity of illicit liquor after un uurly dinner thu magistrate went- to ilrumptun to hold court at t wo oclof it for the- trial of- two- 1 tasfsatsd cooksvllls here on saturday afternoon by s oeor of 00 ii h iui ui ii mat uiu unlawfully tho crow ii was not pre pared 14 proceeil owing to tho- nbuenco uf two rniimirtaat witnesses howevur two other charges crop ped up urliihig froin u ruhor serious collision beswunn fwo curs on dundas street during tho rulu on saturday evening william lieu t tie was charged with npeoding ujittnlso with driving in a tsoless rnuiiner dungurous to tho public melvlncampboll was driv ing dr clements m arm on oar on dundas htreet and was unublo to got out of- heut iuh way owing to his excosslve speed und skidding ai result thorp was a collision which dumaged both cam uo badly that they were unable to proceed further host ile admitted ho wus driving utt a hpoed of afteust 40 miles and all oye witness estimated tho speed at bo mllus beat- tlo wus convicted on both charges fined 10 and 2ti and costs and order- p to pay fur the t e pairs to lit clementh ear nino cases having boon adjucatod upon since morning tho police magis trate decided to knock off call it u day und pick his wuy home in his own cur uvor some dolours and some bad roads and hoping tho new high- wuy will soon be completed und thu dotour signs laid away steve finch uk un austrian who was several times previously fined for being in to leu tod in u public place came mi fore police magistrate moore on thursday evening on u similar charge chief mcpherson ten titled that ho found stuvo intoxicated ut tho can adian national itattway station on sunday ufturnoon ho led him to his boarding plucu in ono of the board- more houmus and ho wus so drunk that ho fell several times on tho way a fine of 25 and coats or throe months in jail was imposed kuurnust thomas and frank staus- bury who were charged before ix i moore police magistrate with assault ing members of georgetown baseball team after thu gamo at bronte on tho 11th itist were ulso charged with assault by chief kerr uf oakvllle be- foru poll co magistrate shields they came before mr shields last friday pleaded guilty ujid wur lined 31 und costs the churges which were to huvo been huurd by police magistrate monro ut milton today are therefore withdrawn a creert rlvaj tttthg juleayerno caap perfectly by uroco jwr ina mm i ihurmtbvgpotavrf ihefgoe of the globe andate oomjn to wonderland umtrfmmry proper functions th end of u rigor- oua winter llnds thousands hi need of tonlo and restorative tnis need is t iffrnnrftmf or habitforming drug dreeo li pecially at introduoed brown and la geld druflofei everywhere the band tattoo at mutorf very largo uruwd from the town and outside attended tho tattoo at the fair grounds yesturtlay evening ui von by the acton georgetown und milton bands seventy l pieces whon massod the tattoo wus even better than that uf last year ana delighted all who attended it the acton band played its selections splendidly und inglug of tho uuorgutnwn male chorus vfruin tho bund was u treat the local bund oxcullod itself tho uslc by the mussed bauds was really impressive duncan it cowan con- ildered by litany the host of all tor onto estertulnem was ut his best and miss wilson pianist a brilliant player receipt wore it87 tbey would have been larger if thosu who climbed feneo had gone through the gate i chump on 40 bush is to th acre ml tho ylvlil of fall wliuut has lluon exooptloual aays tho conservator llanry tloamlsh tho first to thresh on ide avuragod 40 bushels to tho acta off 14 acres james 1l fallls lit the until od la to vicinity of brampton uvtrrugud over 40 bushels taking 820 off 33 acres und selling direct la tbs mill mrlains hud u held that swept by the storm uf juno 3c and from thufc itu took 30 bushels per acre acton lungero und for wfllker t s cup club latigud for urn oilers e loss i all utilvole slight wlfitl nlowln cooksvlllo football a ion on huturday on the huhurhun wits lluirowoio u lit i go towd of ravelling with iho visitors m sharp the teams look the flelil n the home toutn was as follows turn hnuttltiy grant trot i or moo j in k cutum ilrannun 1eriy ha vugs i fore w thompson toronto acton won to kick with thu play then started and antim wus on the held and curried hie ball down tho hold onto cooksvllle side actons left wing savage k inked u bedullful corner and resulted in perry meeting tho bull with his head and beating thu visitors goalkeeper and scoring the opening goal for anton mochrlo brought tho hull down the fluid itijjils half jainalng everyone und snoring with u beautiful shot into cogksvlllos goal in this period locker of cajkijvum vus unfortunate in trying id tluul the ball with his head und lolllillttg with trotters boor instead rocelvitig n nasty gash below tho eye the result in jhln half wus ac urn hunger c cooksvirio 0 it started to rain abour half- waythrough the tierlod iii tho second half playerus rosumot and soun the players wrro working hard to try and keep thomaolves warm for it was awful for oveiyonu was drenched through cooksvllle wore playing luirdur limn thoy hud before but acton took n chances and the play was givo and take until trot lor took tho ball from the visitors inside right and brought it down giving jt to brannan who shot it across to ravage who shtu a stiff ono along the ground anil tho goulkooper allowed it to puss through his bunds when play wus resumed it wus all givond take aoton defence watching that th visitors did not got the final result wu 6 cooksvllle 0 tho games for next saturday are htrnetsvillo vs acton i cooksvllle vs oakvllle cheltenham vs creditvalo nrfthii grounds of tho first named club through s acton luuigor in ist arton itangors have boon successful in urrunglng a good gamo to imi played in acton park on labor day with ulster united with the kickoff ut 3 p m this is expectod to bo u good hard game a mooting ut the league wus mild at streetsvlllo to consider tho protest ugulnst oukvlllo put in by tho hamil ton unij district football association a motion wait carried that oakvllle on th trrwri ague on condition dial tluy do mi play any of their players who ore now registered with tho hatton and district football association until such time as tho hamilton association informed tho ilaltonpool leaguo boernturythat oakvllle had flnlshbd with tho ham 11 ton nnd district ieaguo canadian national railways 6pi0ial train brvi0k onaooeunf of canadian nellenat ishlbltlon august 31 hflptemher 1 a 4 fi o and 7 special will loavn iurklaln at 10 00 p in slitndurd time for htratfonl slopping ut inlurtiioillute points for full particulars of hnlunsd fare apply in citiiiiitluii nalloiiu1 ticket agnl john v savage htoui main htilwktt acton p o bes 49 br inorprnoint of the goal and wood mrrchants hum i out oil in htandurd oil burner companys oil burners for use in cook stoves heaters und furnaces three limes tho heat for half the uont no ashes no trouble no risk money buck after ifi days trial if riot sullsned can bo seen in han at iho stora balsa attended anlhaoods bought on cemmlaelen goods wanted notice to creditors in the surrogate court of the county of helton tn th estate of margaret vmolaaao deoeased the creditor of margaret mo isaac late of the vlllugo of aoton in tho county of hultnn spinster deceased who died on tho nineteenth day of july a d 1023 at tho village uf acton in tho county ofllalton and all other tiomons having claims against her estate urn roqulrod o or before the twentythird day of september a d 1027 to send by mall postage prepaid or othorwlso deliver to harold nash farmer of tho said village of aoton barrister at xmw tho solicitor tor tho admin is trustor 6f the said deoeased their chhstlun nnd surnames ad dresses nnd descriptions full particulars of their claims und the nature of the securities if any held by them and notice is hereby further glvei that immediately after tho said twenty- ttilrd day of september a d 1023 tho said administrator will proceed to dis tribute tho assets of ho said estate among tho parties by maw entitled thereto and ho wi n be responsible m tee inm at the time of such distribution dated ut acton this 23rd day of august a d 1921 1eteh mcisaac administrator h n furmer solicitor for tho said administrator exhibition visitors eyes examined glasses supplied ir necessary prescrip tions filled replacements made hay blooil and chubch cails to dooll george dowung registered optometrist and optician phon hlllorest 2297 40 ulooit stih2et w toitonxo charges reasonable excelsior pastry flour try our new excclsjth pastry flour manufactured in our ownrmilla here jt can be secured at any of the grocers 1 in town d h undsay mill stheet acton ontario harvesting implements v the harvest is on in full swing and of course you want tho best tools wc can supply you with all the implements forks etc the pricesarc of course in keeping with tho quality of tho goods get your harvesting tools here w d talbot ihone 05 main street acton mclean co weekly store news special price this week on mens odd panth and boys bloomers now la your time o buy that odd puir of pants for ttu week wo arc giving a discount of 10 per cent boys bloomers in a good quality tweed sizes 28 30 and 32 our regular 250 bloomer for 195 big shipment of monarch down wool this week holeproof silk hose hoteproor silk hose at si 00 125 and 175 i wash satin in white black pink and blue at per yil i raw silk raw silk our regular 110 value for mclean co mux street acton ont 100 puir of mens pants to be cleared al per pair mens combinations penmans to be cleared at v mens iwoplocei underwear to be cleared ai per garment hoys i looms rs to be cleared m per pair hoys cotton jersey to be cleared at each hoys combinations to be cleared at per pair hoys mouses in all patterns lo be cleared i hi tzto its ma us ilndlt htlk iiom in ilrxivrn and hand to b etesml tr pij- 75e ljullo hvrt o t ctarl at 40e ladlr sweaters and pullovero- lo bo cuimd ot each us ulnahams to be cleared at per yard 22e dont foreei to come in lliese ore beal bargains the royal clothing and gents famishing bil brown phone 01 mill street acton saturday treat our saturday treat went like hot cakes lost saturday to spito of the bad weather for ihis saturday wc offer you chocolate cocoanut pubge 29c lb direct from the factory to our store a rich chocolate fudge with just enough cocoanut to make it tasty the fudge that everyone loves regular 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb each saturday wo find a greater demand for our weekend chocolates a large assortment of highgrade chocolates in assorted hard and soft centres regular 50c and 60c a it saturday special 32c lb chocolates chocolates ask for a pound of our handrolls at our candy counters or let ub show you our packages ofchocolatcs all strictly fresh and at a price that will please you v rumlev ihone no s acton ontario a tax notige1923 municipaltck of acton thu tax notices far l r uw vh l vetilence if all concerned iwvmaiits vp u two 1 nsts lm utils at th llank uf mpntratil the oou- urruuued to be kuudo with the cool weather you will need more meat kttu lltics gjt tho very choicet of meats wo ulwaya have tho cuts you want and can supply your every need in the line of moats cooked meats beef pork lamb homemade sausage veal first instalment seiteftumcr 80 second instalment november 23 any ratepayer may pay the wholu uopteinber w but one- half the amount that dute pal lur 10 comply with this expense and trouble f his taxes en or before nusl be paid on or before urrutiirernsnl entails satr an attdttlon uf ave per cent will bo made lo vry to rat or assessment remaining uniald fourtei days aftfcr th said 10th day of heptembsr for the first instalment und tlm 3rd duy of november tor the second instalments aiulk will bo the duly uf the uullstvrcnmdt atly sfr the said several day uppolntud or payment to collect tit unee by llstsiss or otherwise under thu priivulons uf the htatut tn that behalf all such taxes or instulmorit of tsjtos tlhowlno at th worfdsrlsnd thsstr evsry tudsy commonoma august zb for twslve con meutv wosks please take youf tax notice with vqu totht t 9ahh wmn iii w j reil collectiir c canned goods wo carry m line of tio tfnet ctinttetl gools am t0 prie ro the loweal connietent wit tio uulity juit phono your ordor for tloae ilnea and have tlicin jolivcrcil ulun with yoyr met ordor phono 10 watcli our windows friday und saturday for specials w j pxttersotst i qortntb mux and main btkkets acton ont w ms

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