fry the home of 3ip artnn 3tr jlrchs weakly nwipip wui ol onltrio tiik acton ikke rlleks 1 t1ur motninu at tl- fr hill uct aiih onlarlii tits prlc it aoo rwr r in atlvanc rliral additional to officer numuhnl wrr reas llulllhig illttcf iptloa iultlio 1 united stat pin data which aubacripllona jilj la iodic a ltd on he add tea ubt advkfatlsint uatkstvanlent advmtlw i ir line aflata mciiur lor aral i ccnla per una lor each aubae n contract display drtlaa rhri or mom per annum to cents insertion adrartiaarncnts with out pcifio dirlurn will be inaartcd till forbid and cnartl acrktlngly insertion and quest uaaclli mania 1or so li par inch telkiiiones- editorlal and dullness offiti residence of irldeal an alert find intrepid attorneygeneral attorneygeneral jwcklo is giving instructions that provincial iqws must be enfprccd ho has taken this ground relative to the ontario temperance act 4nd after the quosliing of itconvtcftonunder the ontario antibetting information act last week by judge denton he immediately issued instructions that prosecutions of violations of this act go forward pending the appeal of the appellate division which will be made jn september finally to decide as to the constitutionality of the act those who conclud ed after judge dentons decision that they could go on violating the act with impugnity will therefore learn that such a course will bring undesirable results thursday mokning august 30 1023 editorial united states experience for british consideration thtfbritish foreign office has issued a report by sir auckland goddess ambassador in the united states on the working of prohibition ho estimates the quantity of liquor consumed at 20 per cent of the amount beforo prohibition the arrests for drunk onncss at 50 per cent the deaths from alcoholism fat 20 per cent prohibiten is effective in the country districts and the email towns it is much 16ss so in the big cities whore evasion is easier drinking more inveterate and lawbreaking more fashionable its social effects ore indicated by the statements that tho increase in savings banks deposits is 40 pekccnftsuch a statement gives abundant food for thought for the consideration of tho british authorities beautifying rural school groiinds with all the picturesqucness of tho usual sur rounding landscape with all tho well tilled farms and beautiful farm residences and with all tho fine roads and thousands of automobiles travelling those roads there is one unfortunate blemish on the land scape of this fair province of ours that defect is in tho- condition of many of our rural school mnmds j fe yirrher h rtirn ihlng m kbe ihnrn rasfft displayed in tho decoration of these grounds some of them have not even a tree or shrub on the premises this is an uninviting prospect to tho tourist to the immediate community to the boys and girls attend ing school and depreciates the value of farm property in the section tho time has yet to como when there should be a general interest taken in this matter by tho board of trustees and teacher of every rural school tourists icomb and buy in canada tho value of motor tourists from the united- states to all parts of oanada is being demonstrated each season this is especially the case in tho west tourists who have visited tho province of alberta recently registering at the calgary auto camp have purchased lands in alberta and will engage in farm- ng there twelve of these tourists in the past month have arranged to purchase farms ln thar province and one of them has purchased four farms for himself and his sons over 4600 tourists havo registered at tho calgary auto camp a largo number of them having travelled over tho new banffwinder mere highway they arc all delighted with the sconcry provided in tho canadian rockies neighborhood news- town and country milton mr and mr jna hush of lo augele cau aro visiting mr hushs hruthur hubert hush uoar milton mr nrid mm waller whltlaknr oitkvlllo mill miss mj howes pt hornby returned luau week from motor trip to i ion ton ma an thq lh roo axperltnoed nurses who aro duusmnr of mr w iunton tho champion mikm jantun of f agricultural college winnipeg- knthloen of tho honpltal for hick children toronto und mis murli of tho military hospital 8 to anna do hollnvuo qua aro spending tholr va cations ut oskvllles- homo fool perhaps drunk speeded through milton in a car last sunday ovonlnv at tho rate of it la abu rod 65 to 60 mile an hour iio m wanted for prosecution hut unfortunately no- hotly jot hi nam her while playing- uasoball at manse wood on wodnosoay uf luat weak cllf- ford illll fall and broko hi wrlat lloformor oakville i li minion i lvurnmont live k department put on an ox hi bit ilk aouta in oukvllla on wednos- duy evening mra jaa iorter winning- aba boon visiting friends in oakvlllo and vlclnjty during- tho pust weak bylaw wa given it third read ing- at hut council moot lag to provide or the raising- of 153000 for addition i and furniture for the high school tho tax rate ha bean fixed atieo mill with an extra 112 mill added for gurbag-o- collection tho datea of payment worn fixed in two instalments september 25 and december ii shower was given laat friday waning at the home of mrs p w tlrlnharq in hono of mian wn 1rjfp daughter of mv and mrs w ward liquor violations by the manufacturers tho authorities are evidently getting after the higherups among the violators of tho ontario tr this actrsincer tho enactment railway crossing warnings to motorists commissioner frederick stuart green of the new york state commission of highways has directed the use of a distinctive method of marking roadways at all approaches to railway crossings which merits tho attention of every similar organization ap proaching the tracks from either direction of the highway the automobilist will first be confronted by two wide parallel strips pa in tad one foot wide and placed five feet apart these strips will stretch clear across the pavement and will be placed 230 feet from tho nearest track the second guard against carelessness will be a third warning strip also one foot wide painted 125 feet from the nearest track the third and last chance given the driver to save himself will be a final warning in the shape of a signal two feet wide painted with white and black diagonal bars similar to the markings on railroad guard gates and it will be located twentyfive feet from the nearest tracks which if the driver is not running beyond the legal rate of speed will give him an opportunity to stop beforo crossing the track a valuable asset to the community ithe canadian printer and publisher for august adds this muchappreciated compliment to the large number already offered this journal upon passing another milestone the acton free press has en- toted upon its fortyninth year under the present editor in some respects it is ontarios model local paper says the oshawa telegram we sometimes wonder if the people of acton and vicinity appreciate what a valuable asset they have in the free paess it is one of tho few country weeklies we carry home for our wife to read cqncjudes thu telegram jthe editor of the free press h p moore is to be con gratulated upon the high regard entertained by his fellowpublishers in respect to this excellent publica tion to be sure it is among the leaders in tho weekly field whether speaking of canada or the united 1 the newlyconstructed roads are not permanent it looks as if thero was faulty construction in the county roads which have been built from time to time in the county of halton the new roadway con structed between acton and the foot of the mountain on the second line is already badly disintegrated and in places the new broken stone has been thrown out by the traffic down tq the face of the old roadbed experienced road builders attribute the existing con ditions to oneor more of three causes too thin a coating of fine stone to make a proper binding lack of water during tho process of rolling or insufficient rolling with the steam roller to insure perfect con solidation in any event thero are many places on the newlybuilt road where the tho road is already as badges when the work was commenced last springs the- section between acton and the town line at tho brick church which was built last year and which appeared to be a firatujass road when com pleted is going the same way while the road on tho base line between hornby and miltpn which was constructed two years ago is now also in badcon- ditlon another reason for the stone roads failure in tho matter pt permanency is the failure oo the part of the good roads committee of our county council to give aufflcieirt attention to maintenance a competent man and team permanentiy employed could patrol the county road from acton to milton repairing each weak apof as it appeared and keep the road in gjood condition whue the cost of such control would be a considerable outlay jt would save thousands of dollars in repairs and at thesame time assure a degree of permanency which woufd bevcry coramendlble the county council learned tnojeasop of the cost ofmalntcnance ten or twelve years ago unfortunately their successors have not prpflttad measure there has been evidence over and over again that brewers and distillers were unlawfully supplying liquor to purchascrsbut ithas generally been the bootlegger or small seller who has been charged and convicted for the violation lately however a number of charges have been laid and convictions registered against the larger offenders last week the heuther brewing company of kitchener was convicted by police magistrate weir of that city and find 140000 for violation of tho act if the authorities will lay charges against the brewers and distillers of th province whom they know to bo violating the law the valuo of this preventive act will soon become generally evident ilice who leave thla weak for eng land where ahe is to be married mr and mrs tj l davl and daugh ter of aurora mr and mr bulllvan and daughter of frederic ton n xi were guests of mr and mrs wm whltukor last week tha children will 1m delighted with tho beautiful merrygoroiinii at the oakvltln fair tho directors are 10 ho congratulated on having secure onp uf tho largest und nnest in the country when prof a morley pllkey of the mmo umvanity ur uinne6ur ed back to the old homo town it only on u holiday vlalt to parents mr and mrs david illkey of park avenue it has been discovered that ho had other important business to tha home of mr and mrs a k nee and claimed their only daugh ter ruby lillian a his bride hooord some trtdljqhts to ponder parents your children happiness la of very great importance to you parent ow it to tholr children to provide for their children rood clean interesting and instructive reading that will help to make thorn inlplllgont and selfreliant to succeed in any business in mil gf a ffvrson must posseus in tell geiicn and good judgment 1 it is well that n parsons oduratloi xhould mean mora than iosunlng i lot of facts he should be aula t weigh values mujtfl quick decision uftor nixing up transactions thus ha must have an intelligent grusuof mat ters pertaining to hla duties success in any desired achlavarm romos ohleny by intelligent industry and concentration on tho matter in liund father with f ami ho of young chil dren should help along prohibition which ha reduced case of alcoholic insanity by so per cent would thore be a man uutu acci dents lr all mptnrlsts would consider that possibly some persons on tin- road or street may bo drunk crasy blind deaf difmli reckless childish rrlpplnd or in a hurry one of tha bad troubles in business life is- to confess failure und discus money troubles with your frlotula the youth who purpose in hi mind to be a big man will realise his ambi tion if he alms high and work to win canada has boen and is being made hy country bays and girl they may i crude and so they or jjut watch out they are on the way and a lot f them will got thore artist hkuca a boys success in ltk dopends largely the flame of deslro kindled in him by hi school master tt tuknp a man to enthuse a boy and ot him dream ing of future achievement ami eucco excelsior pastry flour try our new- excelsior pastry flour manufactured in our rown mills here l it pan lip secured at any of the grocers in town dhlindsay mill stheett acton ontario mr anderson walking in the furnace new york tammany i all oxolted ovar the grand jury tonort indicting mr william h anderson superintend ent tf tha new york atltlbaloon vllered- booatlngr the price of wheat both canada and the united states a re giving much attention to tho low price of wheat and en deavoring to devise means by which the price may be advanced to a figure which will reasonably recoup farmers for growing this indispensible cereal in canada we havo our wheat boards our wheat pools and the effort to reduce freight rates in tho united states a novel plan is suggested tho american farm bureau fedevation proposes to withdraw two hundredmillion bushels of tho current wheat crop store it on farms or in cooperative elevators and finance the affair by means of money made available by the new intermediate credit act farm bins would be designated as bonded warehouses by tho govern ment and the farmer through tho credit system could borrow up to threequarters of tho value of his wheat which he could hold until prices advanced to a satisfactory point tho president of tho federa tion thinks the plan would raise the price of wheat to 140 to si 50 a bushel thero would bo some danger however that the rise in price would lead to planting more instead of less wheat and conse quently to a still larger surplus next year until tho foreign market is in a position to take pur wheat at good prices whatever wo rajs in excess of our own needs seems likely to be a drag on tho market price editorial notes tho panama canal respecting which many pro phesied when under construction that it would nover pay its way is now yielding a not profit to the united states of between 00000 and 7000 per month after announcing that tho tax rate of tho town for tho present year will be 48 mills the shclburne economist makes this rather significant comment r it is well to remember that tho town with tho very low tax rate seldom has much else to blow about tho montreal witness is manifesting real pract tical patriotism by publishing the attractive slogan make canada a fand to lovo in affiliation with its heading on the first page the witness has endeav ored to do its full quota along this ltno for over a quarter of a century yes we havo no anthracite was tho caption of or the leading editorial of the mail and empire on monday on the rather serious coal situation now existing in canada wasnt that trillo beneath the level of the usual dignified treatment of matters in tho editorial columns of this metropolitan journal it looks as jf toronto were approaching another real estatetybom of rather hectic proportions tho city papers report tho sale of a 14 acre block on pape avenue north of dan forth near the vlllago of tod- morden for 420000 the rate is 30000 an acre as compared with 10000 an aero asked three years go much disappointment is expressed in all parts of carradv but particularly in tho west because the senate frustrated sir henry thorntons plana for the construction of branch lines as feeders for the main lines and to open up tho country to immi gration the vancouver world eaya already the canadian pacjflchauwayis taking advantage of tho obstruction of wr henrys plans by building hncs intbftho cerrijtories be intended to drainprcaby laaasssswffllgs -v- burlington utsses moron e and annie hondaraon at west grove farm have left on a trip to buffalo castile and cleveland unless the fight which is being put up to kaop tha lirunt military hospital open succeeds the brant military hos pital will be closed on september 16 the ucarthur engineering and con tracting company completed the pav ing or ontario street to maple avenue on friday lost and have commenced work on locust street dr c v emory of hamilton dr j h emery of toronto and w a ktnery chairman of th pub 1 la school board left on tuesday on a fishing trip to klllarney mr and mrs ieray dawson are visiting friends at detroit und cleve land fifty years ago on the tl of sep tember next burlington was incor porated into a village it was then railed wellington square el il cleaver k- c- left lost weak on a trip to prince edward island mr w d sutton left for london on tuesday where he has purchased a grocery business dr and mrs a h speers mid miss mnrjurla spoors left last thursday for lake of bays muskoka- for a two weeks vacation mr and mrs wesley inglehart of south bend ind are spending a fuw days in town miss s modeland of youngs- town ohio la visiting her sister mr gordon berry new street itev dr chown general superlnr tendent of the methodist church will be the speaker in the methodist church en tha opening sunday september x after the holidays qaxett georgetown a uow ooncreto pavement is to be construe tod on ouolph street from durham to main streets miss may tnngan la visiting her suiter mra f n galloway hamilton dr and mra iu j w brooke of toronto were weekend visitor in town mrs a e wright and daughter eleanor are holidaying at port col- borne dr und mrs j m anderson and family of pittsburg visited mrs d imubelt during- the wwek mr and mrs v modermott and daughter spent the pt two weeks wltb mitchell friends and mrs wluard of itlorlda visited with mr and mr j i held over tha weekend mlsa tjlltabeth langan and mis margaret traanor are visiting rela tives in niagara pajl n y mr and mr george wallace and daughter dorothy of quelph were visitors in town last week ml clara l soelght ot new york city 1 vlslttnr at the home of her parents mr and mrst j speight mr and mrs q t coo are spending two week with friends in montreal und will take a trip through the luurentlan mountain mr j is matthew of ban dleo cat left for bj home last week after spending tt week with hi brother mr d j matthew that chlorinated water that we had to drink when they were nushlna out the now reservoir last week tasted llku didnt itt hurry hilt wa badly bruised and had hi right shoulder blade injured when a bale of sulphite fell mi him at tho lower paper mill on night last week mr norman molod cunarsi man ager of the standard bank mr nor man mcleod jrjimr brown mr william and mr mnley ot toronto visited at mr moleod during the week br joseph moandrew writing the herald from berlin germany where he has spent the past two month state that lis 1 fine and enjoying 11 european tour nrjf much he eave urorlln for vienna this month the new pump at the waterworks power station were put into action tor the first time m an unpfflolal test last thursday evening when the firemen wre haying- a praauoa on main htreet four una of hose were attached to hydrant and when the pump wa started each of the four line simultan eously threw a stream over eighty feat high plot owner complain that some pfr- on or persons mrm picking nowsra aft the grave in greenwood cemetery 7t regrettable that anyone should be so aa t- ktiu upraid lutdllllcs mayor hylan la ugltatlng an imme diate convening of tho state legisla ture in apoclal session to investigate the state antisaloon lagun hoping to discover irregularities sufficient to dttmn it as a political or reform force wo are not apprehensive over the outcome in fact it might noti be a hud thing to have a complnte airing for out of it woud disclosed the undoubtedly back of tho whole movement wo are not sufficiently in formed upon the fact surrounding the grand jury action to pas a personal judgment but it 1 slgnjnoant that hft ntftt hrturh nt hmfr rf ttia antlbaloon league of new york by unanimous action has issued a lengthy statement of confldonce in mr ander son and explaining certain nharge to tho satisfaction of any unprejudiced person the final paragraph of that official statement reads the board therefore liivlew of all tho fact by a unanimous vote re u mrm its obouto faith in william h anderson and pledge- it complete support to him in all action growing out of the indictment and believe that ultimate victory will como to mr anderson and tho antisaloon league will have greater power than nvor to- fom mr anderson ha passed through tnuny furnace unscathed and though tht furnace is heated seven times hotter than ordinary wn believe ha will walk therefrom without the smell of snxoka on hi garments northwestern advocate t honey the 1023 crop of honey ii now in oun honey is absolutely pure and can be procured at edwards co bakery shop at tho following prices clover honey 5 lb pails clover honey 10 lb vaj18 ask edwards co driver to deliver you a pail fred smith 85c 160 rockwood ontario business directory dr j a mcniven physician and surgeon office and itoaldenre corner 1 lower avenue and ulgln street imioni 88 dit j nelson ikiiiiuck htiikist acton ontario dr w s laird oir atkhii 80 woolwich street eye ear noso and throat legal phone no 23 p q box mtb harold nash farmer at a barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perrvman block acton onxf money lent on moutoaaks hauras- 830 am to c pm nthoduys 1200 oclock welsh church singing welsh church music i criticised by irofessor david evans who hold tho chair of music at tho university col lege of south wales in plte of the fact that tha welsh people are in u special dagte endowed with musical gifts declare professor kvalis there t les music in welsh religious r- icam than in tha auncturio of any jer country he urges that walsh services become enriched with anthem and chant a is the case with non- n farm 1st churches n kngland at present welsh chapel udhero rigidly the services of their fathers when i hymn wa regarded as the solemn- dlum for praise to the sanctuury aagust furniture sale special values in living room furniture arm aire no cheslerneldsuita tapes try 1 tegular pries 137800 speclsl 110000 chesterfield suits mohair lingular price sd6 00 armstrong special 22500 t large mohair cheaterflsld suits hugulur s3 2 g 00 for 21600 fin tapestry chesterfield suite huiiuur xidisoo for 1400 good chesterfield suite in tumhtty lingular prlco 1 1600 for 11500 the jov of a wellffurnished living room if you wore to ask yourself what is tint most useful piece of furniture in your homo you would probably say a chair would not o couple of artistic modern nolid comfort clmlr udd immensely to thu luxury and attractiveness of your living room 7 also a chester field to huggnst that luxurious ease ho nsuntlul to that room where the family meet to spend the evonlng hours you can airr thk vehy hebt in living hoom puiinituiib at the lowest iobslkle iltlceh at j smiths furniture- store i20i3i wyndham street guelph ont phone 584 h g meir barrister solicitor notary public georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dsntlst honor graduate of toronto univer sity the utsst anesthetla used if desired s s oeraw mtma praderlok- street dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgaoi ooloe over hank of norm bootla hours 9 so to ttso bvenlng by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account book of all kind mad xq order periodical of vwy description carefully bo and ruling neatly art4 promptl7 dona wyndham street oualph over- williams stor out lodge directory sons op england lodge woodgreen no 302 mooting- first and third thursday in each month ut 8 p m in i o o b wall monitor und visiting member rdlaliy invited to attend precious w p little secretary acton l o l no 467 moet on the second thursday uf each month in the oddfellowu hall at 8 p m visiting member of the order ejways wel- k t thktpoud w m k f kennedy n a free press job printing is always neatly done do you desire a ford car or truck if you have not the full cash price would you like to have the use ojf the car while you are paying for it to those who desire to purchase a ford car or truck and cannot com pletely pay for it at once we are able to quote the following terms in 12 eqpil pttjrasntm down payment consists ofc- tfor a rumbotit nonstrtr 11662 balance ot s 3083 for hunabout starter qulppis 17185 357s for a touring car nonsurtor s 168s5 s s for a touring car starter eoulppedjs 19977 3708 for a truck non9tarter 19318 33jb for a truck starter equippdx tiuo 37b for a coupe 28184 1917 jorasedan 2931b s 6417 this deferred payment price the amount of the down pay ment and all the terms of the transaction have the approval of the fovd motor company of canada limited so that those who buy ford products on deferred payments may have the pro- tectlorof a standard deferred payment price throughout all of canada in the same manner as those who buy ford products for full cash the low price is possible because the traders finance corporation limited who finance iho transactions extend this financing opportunity 6nly to ford dealers and only on ford cars h a coxe acton ioid moto company htf canada li m 1 j ft fiftfe qnyfe p r j kerr atcuoneer and bal esute agent ll years isxoorlence acton ontario sale ontrusted to r j kerr re ceive attention from date of llsuna- to date of aale list your sale with ma itealdonce bower avenue aoton p 3 acton call at tny expenaa q3 rioosohd sr vaar ttorowto cawiq j e cheevers book binder quebeo st east duelph omv hook and maxaalnea bound id ilandvqmo and bubatantlal oovart kame lettered tn cold on wuam hymn uooka and other book all work promptly exeeutad d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer uurvey tlubdl visions hans lla- kkirts iseaarlptlona tlluenrlnts sto csrtl flea tea for purohasarm and tnortaase burvoys tar arnhiteota uullder and munlulpal council dralnaj lis ports ultimate stc molean builoinq doualaa l oasilph fhooq m ont the old and reumble granite and marble work we aro manufacturer and dirao tmportar of all kind monumantal and headstone work wa eu dlreot to our oastomara at wboleaml prto- tho amntt otir oaatomara 0 par oaol ww bavw tli boat appuanoa and tha only dmobaaloa tit tha do who oan oparata pooonuulo tooui propariy w oan ett nteldom crom hundrexl d oar suatoaura in toronto ad othatr plaow wharo otbora bat to bav law antta ta ordar to oollacl wenhav tba larmat and baat atook ot araniu la tba thtfftvri or mora tban any tbraa daalara to ua waat wa an laalu- nsaa tfaalara and atnploy do acaata u4ttyosmnor or peat emtonara vfaaodtea out lanoraat acaota aouatt- v tac i a data ra ataploy ontr s 7 p jmptfaty oompatluoo ffi 1 r w aflhi f i i as