Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1923, p. 1

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icc vztuft fortyninth year no 10 thursday morning september 0 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 0 1023 single copies five ccnt3 the methodist ciltntch acton rev ohas hackett p tor prwnaawillaw bt 1100 a m tho mhilstur subject a churt li prayer 3 30 p m hunday school 7 00 it rn tin- rmigrogutlon are uskod lo utlornl thr unplversury bur vice nt thn preshylerhui church rav why body wilcomb presbyterian knox church acton minister rsv a c buwtrt m a maiiflowlllorf street ru- opening atfd amnivnilhauv hervicfh 1100 u m rev j w ua omno 700 p m llov j vy lino sunday school nt 10 00 a m t htrungers innving address with tho usher will bo canud upon by the pastor ail ajus cordia1lt intothid new advertisements for sale i bunding lot for wile ddx70 rumor of elgin and agnes btreet apply to ifobbht laino range for sale happy thought hun go for sole in good condition a bargain apply t a moiiton mill btrtt acton to let two furnished rooms mood loca tion twn minutes walk from toronto suburban apply to box fl fiteb prbss offick a great savingsr on mens suits 2950 one hundred suits in a great mustering together of all lines that cannot claim a complete size range but the seasons most popular styles because they have sold down most quickly to one and two of a kind grays tans hlues and browns plain effects and neat stripe nndcheck patterns a number of twobuttoned suits included worth- while- savings for every man who comes to guelph to take part in the clearance ourword for it i for sale g urn ey- ox ford prince range good as now f 8 00 a bargain for quick alb a t wtxti toeel farm wanted 50 or 100 acres in good nape near town or radial no agon la price and term heskutil general dollvory station v toronto wanted ambitious man position opn clerk salesmen stenographers bookkeepers unlimited opportunities occupation bult 2738 pago bldg toronto ontario wanted laborer and stonemasons to work at dr realty farm apylyat onco to a j raynor il it no 4 acton dr deottys farm for sale a large stone house situated on main street oood jot hpum suit able for two families must be sold at once apply to il j kbrn 10- real estate agent auction sale eie household furniture etc of the to of the late james brown win be sold at the corner of church and john streets acton on saturday sev tember ie at i oclock 103 r j kerr auctioneer strayed to the premises of the undersigned lot 1 concession 7 krorooso two yorkshire plira- owner mny hove wrao ty proving property and pitying ex penses apply o ortub lamb p r no 1 acton farms for sale u farms in the counties of halton and wellington torylng from 40 to too acres isrt us mad you our list a number of homes and business plaom in acton for sola fire end life insurance money to xrfn l j a smith seal estate agent phone 108 acton opt tenders wanted sealed lenders addressed ellher- th undersigned or to mr j trgoy clark township of bqucing stewart town and morkid tender lor bridge will be received up till thursday sep tember 13 fop the construction of the following bridges i a 31 foot concrete beam bridge on the th line between the town of georgetown and the township of ke- queslng b is foot concrete bridge in con- oessloq t between lots 10 and 11 on the no 10 stderoad township of ks- quealng plans and spec neat to may bo seen at the office of the engineer in oak- villa or georgetown or at the town ship hall htewarttown the lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted ltoy f smith civil engineer oukvlue ontario ms it wonderland friday september 7 thirty days with wallftcw hold lln is in the kind of swift love comedy that has mnuu hi in famous sparkling with laughs and wann with romance wuniu owd- hawley is the lauding lady comedy it uoyrt lit lliih and dlyt a iarkling u- roajlng sldesyllttln ftiptedy qatmboayspptpmberb the cruaadq with wm hussell an llitor- eatlnijni appeaiinaj rnoin camp drama the ploture in wkuv bui4iusiil is l hu msl 5omedy hfrissd t p- raancit scupss in csiiuuh tukpdav september u t1 vvll wo wlh uelty olimiisoh a plp- iri with its plot fundd in hawhl 0 lannify smoepstl- tlof ru fflhft hhnw do the wednesday september 12 tbe better 01 an bngllsh war time omody drama which puts the ball and ohokn on gloom and sentences xm i q snod laugh comedy lure with iona corned tho show down chapter s of around he world fn 1 jjays admission 10o am rtte sys x a mcclure a bon boys sturdy school suits without any boasting or exaggerating the biggest and finest array of boys school suits in this part of the country everything is included which careful parents or particular bays would want to choose a big special in boystwo bloomer suits at 895 boys tweed bloomers at 245 350 pairs worth up to 35 new fall fashions utility coats with a swagger and practical air dinging wraps that are the very acme of graceful elegance furs and fur coats in a profuse- and luxurious array with l new prices that prove quite tempting felt hats with a jaunty and businesslike styles dress millinery with new fashion ways jstyle department the mecca of interest these tiays indeed you will enjoy a trip to macdonalds this week d e macdonald bros ltd gaelphs lnang tnd largest store weekend specials assorted chocolates just arrived a fresti shipment of our famous assorted chocolates in lemon strawberry vanilla orange pinfeappte and casyncl centres- try a pound this weekend special price 23c i quaker molasses kisses everyone knows how nourishing molasses candy is regular prico 40c lb weekend special 34c lb variety bars four flavors in each bar regular 5o each weekend special 6 for 25c ourtce cream parlors come in and try our chocolate walnut mallo sundae or one of our refreshing sodas the proof op the boot is in the wearing advance fall footwear at harrisons for men brown and black calf and kid goodyear wlts best styles and itsts all prices from 5wtoi15l r mens box kip brown and blaov at 3f heavy work shoes black and brown at 30- for women goodypar welted patent coltj htrup grey trimmed hcol and wais pew atylp too and vunplt 6u0 womens brown i tjtrop ooodycar welted calf lcathor at womens kid caf and patent leather oxfords and strap pomps and sllppcm at 378 and 1350 v news oi looal import baptist 8utdsy school plenlo thti ituftlnt hunday bcbool held rhelr annual plonla in u uhady gravo down tho nlxth linn below ihe unva housifcruauiroad ituit wednesday tjv wntithar was flnn the company ton- icunlal and a real ploanuiu allnrnon fell oh house at milter while carrylnk a hod up a laddor nt william lramrh now house in tho itousnold survey bt milton an hnlurdny hum ilrush was ovuroomu by a faint ing epefl and fell ao rnet t the mortor hox when plckml up it wan found that ho was tbedly injured especially about the hips needs a ptrmsrent qoyer it u itiv more 1 1 mil a month since tlm water tutik at thn corner ot mill and vrkorick mlroelh was repaired tho o mining howovnr u still covered with iho temporury covej of u door with part of a cedar l0t to keep it down a cement cover simitar to thn one at tho town hall would five a good appearance and would make a permanent job sscred concert sunday afternoon thn sacred concert by acton citi zens hand on the lawn of sunderland house on hunday uflernoan was a very ntlns prelude to the iabor day holl- day a very interesting und worshlp- reportoire of hymns und sac rod selections was rendered cltloens and visitors upprechttod very much the bands generous hunday afternoon urogram mo the labor day holiday tho wenlhoi- wum not propitious for u very enjoyable holiday on monday tho day was very generally observed but owing to the rain which prevailed during the forenoon many who had planned to utlend toronto exhibition and go out of town an motor trip do forrotl their outing acton and hamli ton football teams played a game in tho park and the girls base hall loam wont o dundas through the tain to futm mi engagement there the after noon was bright and pleaaant done are the holidays oone are the dsys of barefoot free dom the days at the ole swimmtn hole hojf a duxen umes between breakfast and supper now its reading writln and thllhmetlc with the old school bell ringing every day come to school i come to school 1 1 hard for- the kiddles to get back to school again hut much harder for their tired mothers who had to realise and secure new shoes new stockings new suits and dressew and have them all in readiness for tho opening on tues day 69th wedding anniversary mr and mrs hugh walker wool wlch street guelph celebrated the cbth anniversary of- their weddlra on tues day august 28 although well ad vanced in years mr walker being 88 years old both he and mrs walker are in tho beat of health and expect lo celebrate many more anniversaries of their- wedding day guelph mer cury mr wamcer was the founder o tho msonlo order in acton and tho lodge here honored him with naming the new aoclpty for him and through those io years it has been walkor knox church ra- opening services will be resumed in knox church next hunday und special ser vices will mark the re opening after the redecorhtion and other improve ments ray jy lino of orono who was thn minister a muarter century ugo will be the preacher of the da ilov mr itae was a most energetlu pastor here it was during his term that tho present manse and later tho church were built many who were members of the congregation in those days und others who were especial friends of lie v mr itae wilt appreci ate the opportunity of hearing him again an acton teachers sueoeos miss irene conway who has been visiting her father mr o a con way here during the summer returned a few days ago to telawaxe where ahe is principal of the continuation school miss conways pupils have alwaya done exceptionally weltr- at the de partmental examinations but thlsyear they did her signs honor of five scholarships offered by western uni versity to matriculation candidates miss conways pupils carried off two one of these obtained the hignest marks and the other the second high est of all the western ontario students who wrote their pass matriculation in n this yeart oys and girls school shoes soljd leather all nizea to suit dongolaa kip aide and call leathers at l00 1450 300 iu50 and fo infants shoes at lowest pricts stuimier sale of footwear at bargain prices to clear all sizes we wijl 0avb you money sassmi r g the way of the transgressor the hamilton trio captured by chief korr und constable mccleary qfter a night motor chaos uijoui three weeks ago appeared before magistrate hhtttldm oukvlllo last vrlday afternoon one hundred and four decks of mor phine had been found under a stone where the chose ended and the three occupants- of the car itrank c and mrs kelly und o totiecchearo were held n a jhargs of havlny narcotic drugs ijiagelfy on vrlday tobaoettaaro was sentenced 0 t id jail and nned 20 and ooats on this charge- kelly pleaded guilty to being a drug addict and woe sent to whe mouptatq nllarlum at hnmihon or ah lpdennme rn oakvule nowe two flonh r unlonevervloe the union survives lost hunday in hl meihdlst qhurch oompleted jwo mopttw during which the presbyteiiau and mlhodut churohos have worsblp- lll m a united eon grega lion iluring july the methodists attended the ileshyterlau churcli hnd were minis tered to by uev a c utewurt m a the minister the sst four sundays the oougregatlon of knox church ties attended the services in the msthodlst church during which period he v mr lluiikett the puslur has omoutnj the ljt of christian fellowship has ob tained and each mlulstsr has attended to the necessary pastoral work during he abaenee- ulh- other on hunday evening itev mr lacks tt in kindly words referred tu the pleasant rela- tlonshllv whliih obtains upd the ruct that thu two cougregutlons itad so much in oomtnuri they preucho1 the same guml eang the same hymns to similar tunes and were much alike in other res mots the rinance oolttl tees ulso found this similarity carried out in their department for the duplex envelopes used by each af identical except ln tlie church names this cuat reijulrea carefyl scrutiny in se paifatlng the two grouis after each tbu prevailing splii cf e- l will ch rot ta he rounen tya x tio2 rafhrtwxt hurulajf t rmttvdt vnllmi jr- vloe wll b withdrawn to permit the ywwsuw v atuttdjc twofootbaji games this week acton dsfasts creditysle 02 en set urdsy and leees te ulster united by 8ere of 42 on mondsy thn art on hangers llned up nl credltvule on haturduy an follows turner irani hoyden hatley mc- cuckln trotter mochrlf mccahon ilrannan iorry bavage itoforee w thompson toronto thn gamo started at t p m first ten mlnulos of the game crodltvuln kept hnvarlng around acton goal and then tho ilangera took tho play mochrln took a oornor kick and put in a hoaullfut shot which mccahon met with his hnad which was the hml goal scored ploy was resumed and credit vale mada a dash for aoton goal but wero stopped hy ileatloy who gnvo tho ball to mochrlo who brought it right down the wing ruid scored a iloe goal play was started again arton at once took command of the mil and showod some nice comhina- 1 brought it down the hold boating toth the home teams backs and lira mari scored at tho end of first period tho score was acton credltvale 0 n the second half credltvale started the play but were soon checked by mccurkin who gave the ball to trot tor find ln a pass perry made u rinn shot and scored credltvale then pressed hard but wore repulsed at every effort to score boon acton forwards had the play and took the ball down the hold drannan again scoring when ploy started again the side loft took tho hall down ilm fluid but was beat by grant who sent thelmll up the held again the forwards of the visiting team limply walked through the homo team dafonce and drunnan scored again tom this on it was give and take until the home teams centre forward broke away apd managed lo score a fino goal on resuming play the home team tried hard and made some fine efforts but were repulsed by acton defence the homo team centra sent tho ball across to the right wing who came down the hold shot for goal ind scored the final guai of the gamo the final result woo acionhranvers credit vol jeaoub standing up to date v w 10 i f a 0 33 4 10 an appalling catastrophe occurs in japan i the capital and other great cities destroyed by earthquake 200000 hoube8 shaken down or burned and thou8an6s of people killed thn greutust dlaiuitor lr history of mpdom times japan last friday night fire and tidal hood a i the worlds occurred in earthquakti sources of nowq confirm thn op pulling oxtunt of the dlsastor tho japanowti minister of marina estlmatum that tho fatalities in toklo ulono will number 160000 in yokohama only ruined wjilla nn visible the buslruihu dnd foreign sec tions bolng wiped out and river 1400 houses destroyed by fire othur popu lous ell i en liuvn itoan virtually domol- isbod yokoaukji nugoyti ltn ilokone ttatnakiiru are heap of rllns tho juiwnnse naval uuoh ut kamukura hnd yokouuka were shatlared und dos- l roved millions of peopln ore homo- loss und without food or water canada is ospoclutly lntorostod be- causo in the dovustutod urea there are mutslonarles from tho cunadlan methodist churrh 40 anglican 3 ires- hytorlan fl balvutlon army and s y mcjt huftorlng is on a scule that calls for relief nurauiimii thmugh the world country is bettor able and more will ing than canada to aid thu iteople japan who are now in such dlrestrulls labor day vial tors nbers of ci irons srfsnt the holi day out of town inn fhirtio hmltti was homo from obituary mlu mao mitduuy in n toronto it log friends gordon mi home iler the holiday miss violet mmllh w onhnwu for tho hollduys of btrutford wai hcjjrui from mr und mrs wro here frpm richard london hoinnrvllla aoton hangers btreetsvlllo cheltenham cooksvliio credltvale s z i 3 b 1 7 0 10 416 0 a meeting- was held at blroetsvllle on friday 24th to settle a protest rendered by cooksvllle against oak- vllle for playing registered players with the hamilton and district foot ball association which had been for- bjdden when the ballot papers were counted oakvlllo was disbanded from playing any more games for the walk or cup for disobeying tho rules laid down by the hamilton upd district football association next saturdays a auks acton hangers vs cheltenham credltvale vs btroetsvllle the games will be ployed on the grounds of the rirst- mentioned clubs the ulster united visited acton monday and brought a large crowd of supporters and headed by a fife and drum band the rangers lined up as follows mccuokin grant uay- llss hoatloy turner troter mochrte mccahon drannan perry savage referee w bailey the game started at i p m from a nice pass from the right wing the visitors outside left scoied a nlcn goal and opened the scoring in favor of the visitors ulsters forward brought tho bull down the field and the visit ing outside right soared a tine goal then aubin started to play much hurd- ur to try and break the visitors load the right buck of acton sent the ball to lira n nan who gave it to mccahon who at once sent it to mochrle who brought it straight down the wins scoring a beautiful goal for acton aoton forward took the play on mochrle receiving the ball who gave it to mccahon who in turn gave it bock to mochrle who aent ft across to urannen who eoored il from this on the game wus give and take until he whistle blew far half time lle- utts aoton rangers 1 ulster united on starting play again the visitors showed some nice football and were tt pressing the home team defence who in this half were sill playing hard but showed some weak points results belpg the centre forward of ulster broke through and scored a fine goal on resuming play the visit ors certainly put some nice shots into acton goalkeeper who was ploying a fine gamo for his nrst time in goal acton were doing their best to try and score but met with defeat each time the result beliur the visitors right half made a fine shot for goal and scored again the flnul vuult wus ulster yj lilted 4 acton rangers 3 return guttle is expected to be tiuyed ut hamilton with ulster united mtondorland wednesday beptem- ber 13iupoctal show at mpulur prics show at h p in- look for fur ther advertisements girk softball a wk of exciting denies in whloh aoton wen credits bis results lust week was a gala week for the local ladles ball team after a weeks steady practice they wont lo kden mills on friday evening and defeated the ani there by a 105 score on saturday they met and were de feated by the llecords of the kitchener city league it looked as if the girls were having just u little too much baseball and ware a little stale they were twateu by u 107 oiore in u very good gome and were very uuluoky to it wevor after a good rust they left early monday morning to lake part in the softball tournament held umlur the auspices of the dundee rug by association in dundaa k was u very large tournament and was handled faxoellently the aoton girls wum unfortunate in drawing the leant from jtendale toronto as their op ponents tho qlendale girls defeated them by a large acore this elimli ated aoton from tho drat round the tournament was won by the ladle uaskvtball team of teronto lit the lonaolutlon round aoton woi tluilr first game from the hurllngtou team by a score of 10h but lost to the hamilton imperials by a 84 acoro greensville won the consolation round the actun team lined up tut follows eva johnson 3 b m hyder cf o mo- laugtilln 1 b h mason a a and p mabel workman 3 b and p j an derson r t l- mason a s and p v humlsy l r cs armstrong ho sure attend iroseells mllln- sry 0miiiiuf kviaay und saturday epfamber 7 and a police court news five ijuoljih lads who had been stealing were ordered by police magle ate wutt to be whipped lust week hurton wiggins was summoned to pollen court last wednesday evening the charge laid by chief mclbornou of sieedlng on sunday lfith li jlurlon and hlu father mr bamuol wlkklnboth8tivo evidence that tho car had noinbeen driven over ten miles an hour and thut they were coming to church at tho time charged and throe sisters wore also in the car it was decided that the chluf had got ton the wrong numb8ruhl the case was dls misaed the village ofclatineuu point will have to dispense with the services of chlor magistrate mayor rodolph morreau who last woek entered hull jail where ho will pond the next thirty days absence imposed upon him by magistrate roland millar 1 hull police court for violation of the liquor lows died from kick of horse dr msreellus so concluded respeetlno qordon barnee death the rumor of mystery concerning the death of qordon ibirnos the itf- yearold son of john ramos u f armor or the eighth line eiulnif near georgetown who wan found in his fathers barnyard on august 20 have been dispelled dr x- n marcollua of georgetown who performed the postmortom ex amination said that v was a hemorrhage of tho brafn probajjly caused by a kick from a horse a large bruise was on his hip and the position in which he was found indi cates that he was holding the bruised limb after the imimrt relatives are satisfied thut there wus no foul play ins of england r ii o ml htm of wood if roe n lodgu hip hous of england ure requested to attend tho first regular mooting of thut society for tlm winter session which will be held on thursday sep tember e at eight p m womens institute meeting the regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be hold at the homo of mrs a il bishop on friday september 7 at 3 oclock this is the first fall meeting with special busl- e very body welcome to enforce aae limit for csr drivers ported thut the attomey- qeneral of ontario has sent out in- itructions to couuty constables- to in- ilst upon a more rigid enforcement of the motor yen ole act having special reference to persons under 18 yearn of age being allowed to drive cars parents who permits boys and girls under 18 to drlvo their cars will do ell to make mu of thla georgetown bridge assumed by county the 8th line bridge just be low the town which hus been ln a dlluplduto1 ondltlon for some tlmu will be rebuilt by the county wuru to commen0o on some at onoe this bridge has been u bone of contention for some time between the town und county and much credit is due iteeve main tyre for his successful effort lit oonvlmlus county counull that they wwe responsible for its re construe i lun- rlomld they do it in milton too oiin of our cltlsons asked us the other day to soold those people in town who have tho nasty habit of throwing waste paper on the streets causing them to printout rather an untidy appearance especially to the strangers coming here who have re- knurkud that it u one of tho things that mar our utherwlse buuutlful little town we dont know how t scold t perhaps this little intimation may huve he desired erfeot milton ha formur dairy cows worth keeping as u result uf herds tosud ut rrump- ton during july 1033 u imw boloiiglug to a f hillock made tliu hlghst milk production of 3003 itis thunium fil- sou owned the row with the highest butter fat production x4 un for the month there were 43 iiiwk whloh produced mom than 40 lbs of fut und 16 whloh produced moiu thuit to lbs for tha month in thirteen herds of ibs oows fbii uvumgu milk production was mhh ids uml the uvorugu ful pro duction 32 s lbs the cost of the voters lists at thu last mooting r mount irir- st town cuumll a w wright of tho confudoralo jiiootiod his uotouut fur the printing of thu voters lists the report of the meeting states thut in iegardto thjb uoiount rome disous- slowbmlie place us the amount euotnad large t sttmod by the liuriuued number of names on thu list tho ruts per imige 13 76 is thu sauis us for wevural years chalrmun young of the prlul- und education coiutiilttee udmlt- mvtt n in intel s nvei te wa lit toronto and london and reovlvud offers to print the list at 3 cu and 13 00 par page fergus nawalteoord mian ixnu custolla of torotrt w homo over the weekend mr ijtdphoii lunst was hdmo from toronto overthe wepkond mr llurout wansbrough of toronto us homo over the weekend mutojm joseph und harold konncdy ent the holiday ln toronto jaff- jack monlven of toronto spent thn weekend ut ills home here lome scotf of brant ford spent tho weokond with friends here mr krnost ei jlurr of qalt was in town for u short visit last week mr i und mrs melvln sopor preston wero here over sunday mrs jlrunt of toronto was a hunday visitor ut the homo of mr n forbes mr v b tlumloy and miss vlalo spent u few days in all u toil last woek mlns sadie roberta of eulen mills spent u few days with mrs john ijarr miss ajiim lindsay returned from u fortnights visit in toronto on bri de y i mrs iif johnstono and doris of otflt spent tho holiday with friends hero miss orocn howard hus rnturned from hor visit at hllver inland mus- koka misses mamie und ivy mainprise vlajtetl with frltmdti in kcrgus lust weel6 mr qeorgo agnow jr of windsor spent the weekend at the parental home mrs kowo ouelph spent a day i woek with hor friend mrs q lunls mr and mrs bert mason and miss mason of rruntford visited acton friends t mrs w s morphy of brampton was the guest last week of mrs roy r arnold mrs descoby of hamilton is visit ing her daughter mrs qeorgo r agnew mr und mrs c 8 oamblo buffalo wure holiday visitors at mr o h lantxs mr nod mrs n p mclam took motor trip to soglraw mich durlni the week mr and mrs h i gregory are pre arlng to remove to their new home ut oakvlllu mrs julia mcarthur left on tuesday for new orleans to visit her grand- duughtor there mrs n huffman and gordon spent the holiday with friends in richmond illllnnd toronto mr herbert miller of mlldmay hpent ho weekend with bis broth or r wh millet mr and lflm langevln fcok a motor trip to troy k y lost thursday vtuinlitif on monday miss vera gardiner of soaforth pent a few days lust woek at the home of mr w k graham miss emrau little has arrived home ur stonding two weeks holidaying ith friends in toronto mr und mrs bert v kenyon mablv id lloyd spent a few davsthut week with friends in toronto mr and mrs booth of newmarket ulted with mr and mrs wm john stone over tho weekend m z bennett who has beam visiting frlendg at soult sic marie returned homo on monday and mrs r u wansbrough silent the- weekend at centre island and toronto with friends mr carlos williams of bault ste marie spent the weekend with his purents und other friends here air t a mauae of montreal spent a few days during the weet vtsithitf his sonluluw mr mocoomb mrs byrne mill street who has been 111 with lung trouble for the post two weeks is now recovering nloely jumps moore and miss lottie speight wont to london yesterday to spend a week or so with relatives there mrs jamus sharp the misses sharp and mr duncan sharp of toronto visited mrs c c speight on sunday adam bauer of kltcheaer was n irriday attending the funrat or his niere the late mlos dolly bauer mr und mrs itred hyder alvln gladys and izurl of arkoll visited ut mr hugh mccutcheons over sunday mr a h elliott returned to tor- ito on monday after spending three weeks with mr und mrs j w uar- mr und mrs il j mokochnu and sons who motored from hoc host of n y last wednosdoy returned home on hunday mr icdgar q stewart or llochester y spent the weekend with liu mothair mrs margaret stewart brock avenue mr und mrs w k graham und ui i id rmi mutnrod to port tkivor on huturduy uhd spent tho weakend with friends there mr and mrs will lum baldwin ut huuit htn murlo visited during the k ut the home of mr it bennett luke avuiiuu mustnr george day of hook wood tuitidd uftoi spetidlus- his holidays at his grandparents mr and mrs ii wutisbrtiughs iko avenue mrs alice irluuiy and her duughtel miss- murlol urt on friday for thole utiw home at luiisllig the best wishes u hot of friends go with them ml und mrs james it anderson and it uiil mrs william d andei ttunded the fuijerul of the late jus icrwltivat cum phe 1 1 villa on friday ml w d koibes of toronto visited t tim hoitm or mr n forbes on hun- tay miss marjory who hus been indlduyliig hero returned with him mi und mrs g h brown motored lo brussels und spent the weekend with fi lends culling uk ustowsl kl- uiid kltohuiivr on their wuy home mr und mrs uulby and uhlldren who hsve been vlslttntr ut mr robert wulsons ciiunh street for several wevku returned lo niagara iralhi xtouduy mr it unwfit nf loudon was hero hiebjr rhrwlio haolaen spending holiday at mrtarthursawnokhlimsrv returtied huiuewith bim dolly ilaukit il tim death or mlioi dorothy luuior who hus been an invalid for u tiumlmr df years ooourred at woods t o k hist wednesday mluii iluunr was u daugli- tor of thn late mr uml mrx henry bauer of arthur sin nt him spont3 hor girlhood in alton und hud many friends here who eutnntnod hor very i hlghny sho wum an expert in muking fancy work and numbers of homes hor have been fortunate in receiving from hor fanry articles made by her skilful fingers her sister mm john mo- arthur and h brotheiii alfred henry jacob joh and waller who survive hor holt her lti mont uffoc- lohutn regard tho funeral took phro lust friday after p uvrvloo tn ht a i bans church tho body of this bo- loved sinter wus luld tenflur to rest in vuirvlow cemetery r jambs bilwin umes isrwin of camplollvllh died wednesday august 20 ut bt ephs hospital ouelph in hu sdui yanr mr krwtn wus a son of tha into wm erwln of nnlnjon and was born at tho homestead for soma years ho was in tho lumbering business in michi gan jtoturnlng to ctuuidu ho had a farm on the guolph koud and wjn ln business as a groin buyer in tho vlllago of carnpbcllvillo until a few years ago when he had a paralytic slroko irorn the offectu of whloh he never recovered he served nuasngawoyo township us counrltjor apd itoevo in religion ho was a methodist and in politics a con servative he was marrlod to miss sarah easter brook who survive him with no children surviving brothers are william of detroit mich and thomas of saskatahowan mrs geo gastlo br of nolson is u sister another was tho into mrs jonathan shields of oakvlllo thq funoral took place on frlday afternoon with tho service at bbenozer church there woo a vry large attendance of former friends and neighbors mrs george3 dills a bolovoa motner of tho homo etiaijod away on tuesday morning when mrw george dllbj west bower avenue was called to her reward slxtoen weeko ago mrs dills was seised with u puxa- lytic stroked since than tho best of isklll and loving sure were bestowed fof a time mrs dlljs rallied and strong hopes were entertained for her i uv ory from the outsat he wm sur rounded by hor family ouch of whom vied in their solicitude und attention tho eldest son park came all tho way from colorado when opprulsod of his mothers illness mra dills was a woman uf fine character her first interest was her homo where with queenly lovo ahe presided with a mothers affectionate supervision 8ho was withal a neighbor of tho most helpful typo and u christian who llvod oonslstontly up to her profession a member of the methodist church ishe was always loyal to its interests and enjoyod its services of worship mrs dills wus a daughter of thu late john chlsholm her maiden unme being sarah tclisabeth chlsholm she was barn ot burlington seventy years ago fifty two yearn ago last february ho mnrrtod her sorrowing husband in their early marrlod life they lived ln haldlmand county near port dover thirty yevrsjigu thoy settled in acton and have been among our moat es teemed clttsens of their six children all have survived with tho exception of maud mrs thomas workman whose death occurred six years ago tho others are park superintendent of the muttorhorn mining co ut ophir col arlof tho partner of h p moore publishers of tub fiutu piutos icttta and myrtle of toronto and blanche mrs robert mcphersoti auun the funoral will tuko pluoe this afternoon ut 3 oclock interment to bo made in ealrvlow cemetery another eichangre of teachers a party of british teachers has ar- rived to spegid a year in canada a party of english public school teachers have arrived in canada und or the auspices of the league of empire which is associated with tho imperial t union of teachers they have gone to various point ln the dominion oven us for west as vancouver they begin their duties in canada on tuesday and will re- mhi till school cloning next bummer a similar number of canadian touch ers went to knglund to take their places the previous oxchuuge was evidently popular with the teachers of both countries the better ole ut wonderland wednesday septomber 12 ut 8 p tn dr und mrs cowperwulth of bt john newfoundland huvo betm guests ut he mnihodlst pursoiuigu dur ing the week mrs cowperwultho itf u sister uf mrs huukett mr and mrs thmnu hpelght of oeorgotowti und mls cluru hpulght of kw york n y und mra arthur biadght uhd daughter of gxrgtowti vlsltel aoton rrtunds un sunday mr und mrs goorgu husbuiid omugh mr und mrs w v patterson und mr and mrs p houallp uml sun princeton were ut mr mid mrs w barberives over tha hullduy mr and mrs g w thomuon und children of hamilton visited ut the tiotne of mr a reoaor luke avotiuu mrs thompson ulid tho oh i id run re- jnulned hor to spend u fuw hollduyu mr robert hprowl who hus ituen in guelph general hosiiltu fr u ooutiln of mouths for iriutimiit io- lurjivd homo lust weu ho im ihjii- ildorubly improved but is utill wry weak mtsm myrtu young who huu ho4u bpoiidliilf thg holiday ut hor homo hur loft on monduy fin letrolou wlnmi huu hootl upihjj tiled to tll col- higutu tuurhiiig sturf us inuthumutiti uitd art tuuehur uev und mrs buugh returned homo i tuesday liveillllg uuv mi lhiugh ratoovnrilig llltiely froul his luuellt operatlnii their tnutiy ai ton rrlunds will li glud to see thum ut homo in the rectory ugalti mr uld mrs geitrgu mukiugliti and luughler maroollu of uoohowtur n v mr und mra 0boiroju mllcoagu and uhtldran of toronto mid mia murgurut kminedy of tinonlo were at mr j j kannuftys uvr the week- nd mv howard mdaaleautid his frlond mr luitald rail of toronto weri ut pvnecungulahouu u tho holliluy whllo there he wmt out ilshlug und hud the good fortuuii to land u 10 pound maskulungu whlch luuuuiirod 3h inches from noso to lull tho itev j t and mrs itiputilk of lg hess street south hamilton uhuouiice thu eligitkmunt of thll itlgntorttliury ir iiwuuep austin hark won uf mr 11 j iltrk of toronto th wsddliig to tuko tdaoe tvwaw lbs md ut hflntmnihii sjlot- 7

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