Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1923, p. 3

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v i ffhg rtnn 3ffrpgrgga ihiiithday alciti mill it fl 103 after the storm and hl i l a- hit f in 1 i lllu ui iii tti tl fir mil nluhiy ft im i fhg f t uutl mil u muirmn ry ritirouil tub ui liofg i ii 4un h right lltclit w hu thundnr s rour win i thut lanhn i tiffin ill 11 w 1 1 iljn n mt t erfoet ouco th h ml r iillunt shadows tnw h i un sink uh wly through ihu trees and tvunlig vnlly tho ttarth below j c ingram hogur it acton hair october 2 and 3 offiosn directors mimlxr now hustling to emun a qreat suae- tho i rospect for tin uw of anton iol jolr of i023 mii n emirwrtnr- all official aco now bestir ring thutnmolves to make tho fair u rncord brcake special prist ure bo ink secured mw territory in being invaded by tho publicity ooraml now exhibitors ere bolng secured mil concerned are inspired with determination to mako tho fair of 123 better and bigger ewy w the date i tuesday and wodne day october 3 and 3 km ton those day in your memory in a leading article in the kingston whig the other day tho fall fair oaoii wo exploited and foaturo f the fair emphasized amonc thorn we clean u fdw thought while tho full fain nnch year are largely a repetition of the exhibition und programme carried out tho pre coding year there in something dls tlnctly appealing about them that year after year draws both city and country pooplo to them jlko u magnot tho fall fair fill a nlohn yearly calendar that nothing else seems to touch und dosplto the fact that mit faint are ultko it 1 a peculiar cltuori that dooan t fuel the urgi join tho throng and urgo along- with the crowd among the exhibit lo ulono being thrlllod by the iipeod con test a an lnntruotor aflho forme lhr fair hu lost a part of 1u early slgnl heancej fnnneni institute agricul turn course at colleges and farmers weeks wherein much scientific informa tlon is imparted bearing- directly on improved culture of the aol and care of llvo stock have superseded what was originally intended to be toe ml nlon of the fall fair yet tho fair survives tho horse race is still a feature but the fanner no longer goes to tho fair behind a team of horses he goes in hu car and it is hardly an up to date former who uses any other form of conveyance lie may be interested in the speed of the horses in the trotting race but he is also interested in tho number of miles his car can do and what be can get out of a gallon modern fall fairs axe more of social occasions than exhibits of products or appliances they afford opportunities to meet friends and make now aa qualntance what is to be seen there la incidental rather toon the object in going the automobile has proved a god end to the fall fair in many in atancw where attendance ha declined sadly from earlier days there was a marked revival of interest in such events when it became possible travel long distances easily over good roads where once the caring- for many teams has been something of a problem providing- parking space for more numerous automobile became a greater problem the fall fair ha changed consider ably in its features but it is still potent to draw no longer may it be of great benefit in an agricultural way but it serve a public demand and a guch thrives and for that reason acton fall fair continue to thrive und thousands of people will visit the fair here on tuesday and wednesday october and 3 conclusion ofcrewsbna corners recolleciions well well hore another 111 irant who wants to ulr hu views unit ko p mo on my mottlo tho editor handed mo tho following effusion ho nth day dear mr kdltor i have read with u great doul interest tho column the old mux tho big clock towor has currlo 1 in your paper for tho met three y un or so to me he has uppuured times to be lording it over un younger sol from hill lofty josllion in the tower his recollection of your hu havo boon interesting to ma oil time and whnn lie touoho i on nomo things uhout twenty yours old whl h sot lorn does us this duto la evidently too modorn for him it i pealed t me and i nuppoao t thers of my ugo hut these comparatively modern ovnnl hn has usually slipped over fi r tho tlmoo of juke dempaey dick thurtoll jpck cumoron and others of hlu own age as would naturally b oxpoctod from a man of his vone ruble yearn i know it isn t good manner to talk back to your elder but it ha jutoooud to mo- t perhaps iwnut of the young fellers ilk myself who hang around the straofu and nomo lime on btho bank corner across from the big clock tower might fee1 a 1 do and occasionally like to say fcomethlng back tnd noun times illsciti items of interest to them so mr editor i am writing you lheo linos to wee if you think it would be all right if every onco in a whll i could bo allowed to kind of nuy something in dofence of the rest t f my clan of tbe younger generation i don t intend to got sassy and will try not to bo impudent with tho ven o ruble writer from the clock tower and somo limes i would like to ask his wise advice on certain things ding it all anyway what i w to ask you in this can i write und spoak up to the old man or any body else through your columns am sign myself the yoono man on the bank steps acton september 1 1b33 p fl if its o k kindly say so ii next weeks papr and i will mako my debut immediately t once und rhaso keep me under cover the sumo the old man interesting letter from vancouver jn renewing hi fan pass subscrip tlon dr w h lowry write from vancouver b c an follow dear friend i had thought of being nearer acton ere this but am still ui this pacific coast city two day ago we had the pleasure of meeting some of the old anton friends mr and mrs robert qurney their two children mr oi byfe and mr binning the husband of ada pyfe who dled some months ago mrs fyfe formerly jennie m on of acton away back jn ho our ypqng day makes her home with her son inlaw mr binning in calgary and to me looked muob the same a when x boarded at her father home in acton some few years ago that i muit be a the children called her grandma in my hearing there can be no doubt mr editor that you and 1 will have to admit that old age 1 creeping along upon our oaths espoo tally upon mine victoria the capital city of british columbia is most beautifully situated within a stone throw of it harbor the fine and most artlatlo parliament buildings at once cut oh the eye in its etting of upuclouu lawn dotted most artlslliauy with bed of many tinted flowers in vancouver wo havo many spots of beauty us they have in victoria here the climate flavor the growth of not ulone tue giant firs but as well the foliage of the evergreens and the wonderful variety and tint of flowers i was present tn stapley park when the lata president harding spoke re cently to an audience of over 20 000 a week ugo was in the park at the memorial eervlce the great crowd the quiet attention the almost hush the singing of the great audience all to me were most impressive i send you coplo of pa purs one is from fluucan il o a place possibly tho else of acton whom w put up for the night in wandering around in early morning x emu aero the nowsnuper office und met the editor he 1 u decent speaking scotchman i got a copy of hi vapar fr from the pre the town ha lumbei ubovu and coal bennalh which contribute to he upkeep or tho plue ulntoruly yours w ii ix why vancouver augusi jo 1033 mon widely known probably on uc count of it lying an the leudln route from miil to wost from toronto to ounlph un i from on hcilil of tin luk nt jiumllmn nut ti wur is i dfirni govlllo country if w liuvu uvlvul uny nwrnorlw f u tlitinunt hiruitor r llvin ui v hit rnutlng infirm itl n riiiurdlng ti uu ui 1 its trlbutuy i t uluth n w will feil well i uu 1 the ultli ihurch und it aunt lutlonw i nffr 1 he chief unurt f that whirl ro iriulnn k i rluhten tin r ii cilmn x thoi huvlnir hud to lo vih un com nuiilty c for curing and keeping onions for home use upon prop r tirli tt d i en 1 to u grfat eztnnd tin kni lug quajllles f onlonn unci it is no ft to stute that unlnss thsre is unlf rmltv lif tint rnu turlty f the tru nil th i hulbs ennnnt bo iruriy cum i t uo p for any length of limn whnn th onion toj in gin to op dvor un i wither thh i u blgn thai tlm bull hitvn reach 1 th extent of th ir lvoloi ment how ever all tho lijntu inuy not as u often tho rata ripen off themselvas onf un oornslon in utund orert in tho patch whoro lunu show this char nator jl is necessary to bond the toi s hfrwt no ee t hasten th rlf iirnccsii ti ro are snvnrul common mils os to which un evenness my be nttrll utod lam tbnt has been rerontly broken up from sod very moist sol unl whorn jrroon munure has boen jsel in large quantltuu the top of the plants being from half to two thirds withered the bulb should be pulled and left on the ground to complote withering or if the woath or conditions uro unfavorable it li t otter to remove the crop to jin oper shod where tho bulbs can bo spread thinly on tbe floor to dry or if slut tid trays are available the drying pro poum run bo currle i out much mor satisfactorily because of tho freedom f ulr circulation tho top should 1mi rm ved whnn tho onlqns uro thorough ly iry which will refjulre uhout two wooks time to accomplish when dry ing hum h en completed ramovn the using a knlfo und cut at least u hitlf inch from tin hulha it hasbeen found that if pulllntf dolnyed after the onions uro ready und wot wiiathnr occurs th hulhs urn very uabl to uturt si oond growth which moans a heavy loss hecnuso once htarted it is imj oeslbl oto rhack their development in any wuy storing the btilw away for winter lna-troat- proof- darkroom huratha uir cn bo kept dry and the lemperu ture maintained around 40 degress are klso as important as any of the former mentioned operatlojts n after tho crop has been carefully cleaned htloctnd and thoroughly dried the bulbs may be placed in slatted crate which can be piled up in tier a very con vonlent else of crate ft inches deep by 14 inches wide by 28 inches long all inside measurements v lutohln assistant in vogntnhlo oarlenlng con tral experimental fnrm luminous plants there are a number of plants and flower whit i give out a pbospore oetvt light in ihe dark linnaeus first noticed thl phenomenon in the com mop nasturtium whose flower dmhii ed to him to have a faint idldesoenco ut night later obeervutlou ty other showed that thu light wu stronger after very sunny day among utjmr plant which possess thl singular property ure the marsh hly und the froxlnelta thu lust nuniud sooretes u volatile oil which oosea nut in hot wfiajuuc tuul torcean jfjtnm whhh bctotue luminous in the darkii tho ooal mine near ure3eu grow specie of fungus which exhibits the although cruw0na corners appear iioe of luailaou festoon of shifting oolors wall now so far a i am concerned that young fallow who enjoys loafing on th bank step t quit welcome to ire questions or oak udvlce or put me straight whenever he feels like it i always did take an interest tn young fellow who can t remember back more than twenty year 111 give him the benefit of my longer experience any time he llkos the editor say do as you please old man but remember thhj whatever your young friend write must appear in ihe space i have allotted to you our loaders wont stand for any fur ther infringement upon the columns devoted to local and genera new editorial and literary matter ho it you can confine his remark and yours to the usual pace im willing to ap prove of his request all right air editor x replied my writing 1 beginning to get a little wobbly anyhow and the more tho young chap write the less i 11 have to im satisfied and mary says the editors all right for she thought over and over again that when i iot my old pen going on old events whit h oqcurred in this old town ovr nftv year ago x never know when or where to stop all right young chap nm away im ready but lease fulfil your romlse and don t get sassy or im pudent adjoining thotlumqier oruy farm westward wo the uob nick oil plac if i ruoollect aright it was previously mcuan plulf but mr muleui moved an to the frm just below tho brick church whore the nlcw atone house i mr niokol fraternities were m ro connected with olhu oaiitre than theqornors i bellev that hu wu of llmehouso stork und that mrs johu kennsy acton 1 u sister i remember a gooaonany yiars ago somewhere near twoiity five tin re some difoauliy betwuen oruy and nlckell over tattle trespass lentil in oven to county judge decision ut acton but who was whloh 1 don t recall i fact suoh tilings tare not intended to be matter of historical interest are better forgotten leading westward jit front ol nit kell place was u piece of as nine bomantto roadway as i round for many miles thd road skirted round tho aide of tlm hill and was through a woods at the various sousons thor were the vuvlv i phusvs of tiitict ii greening spring in shudy summer ii varied- tinted autumn und ovoii in winter but the lost time i oupi through tho smmu wits chungd tl roudwuy jwtd wen cut through ihu grove rlglit ovor tho hill on the town ship hn right of wuy the hill had niwn lowered nntop and graded no on thu sides und so jdmantlc uurvea around the hill luid given way tq utlll turlun und pvuctlml precision i bj liovo the now l rovlnclal highway is now under onstruotlou ulong this very pluue tilers wu one housafapld leyond thut wu recognlsod us u corners jiumn tlm family of mr joseph orlpps unit in community affairs of course the crlppaw origtmilly were numerous out at the front but their church und lal interest tended that wuy mr crlpps like the other seilor of tin wu u uulet retiring man llnio ut loaat one son joseph un i daughter mrs crewfx un ltughlln acton und mrs kd r joseph ilutr and mrs hob rt t rulg ut ornnto wlo died u yiur oi twu ugo i lo nut recall the puusliig of heada bu home but it must llifvv bton u gixit many yuurs ugu and now w have tnm to tho limit of our c mniunliy ujd k i pvort he other z the greatest invention tho automobile jndustry hn no par altol in business annuls no othur induatry has hud such n dramatic car or none ha grown so great in ach a short span of year it is to be found tn the umomobllo itsolf tn tho contribution which tho motor car haa brought to th world in improved uundurd of living increased hsppl nes and health greater personal ami business efficiency tho automobile industry has loaned to tho fore and assumed its prnt commanding proportion and tho in dustry will keep on growing hcaue there i no substitute for the automo bile as u mean of individual trans portutlon one cannot dlecur the automobile and the automobile industry without becoming reminiscent it seems but a fow short years ago thut tho first horseless carriages wore tn our midst crude erratic and generally lasrellablo vehicles that on listed la ugh tor for themselves and ridicule for their creators these vehicles luckod every thing the present duy motor cur hu beauty quietness comfort speed flexibility power and dependablllty- but they would travel and that was sufficient consolation for thoir invont or a little over twenty ove year ago thero were but two automobiles in the united state and one of them was curiosity in a circus side show t day thero are about 13 000 000 motor vc hides in the united state when one compares the first horseless car riage with the marvellous mochnnlsm knbwa as the motor car of to day or rhe automobile industry of that day with th automobile industry of to day the cons trust is striking but even more nmaxjng 1 the act that so grat a transformation coild have been wrought in a little over two decades n distant tremlty which iriuy be ad to bo thr chlnglfurm on the first line of ilrli novelty woultfwear off he had been getting to work lato with ueh regularity that the bo ire was aroused and so he resolved to begin arriving at the office more punctually anyhow all the standard ul i bis such as the alarm clock fall lng to ring the crowded street ours pausing him up at his corner were about worn out in ills cusa an 1 so every morning all week he drifted with attempted nonchalance into the office among the early arrivals tho others of the office staff at ouce set up a clamor what th matter couldn t you loop last night t some asked he pruhubly wo out ull utght and hunt gone home yu others renturk od the clock ut hi house must have boot un hour fast this morning said another of the gang then tho target of all these re mark became ndlgnunt going to tlm boss dek he made his complaint if it 1 going to cause so darn much excitement for inu tn get down tln i gueas i had better be late every day ha said u said thu littss without look ing us from hi work oat down on unit very montlng und you won t cuute uny excitement affirmations t ifo i un amrmntlnn un t death a ntgutli n whnn we move und brtiillii wo unm rt ours ivrs and u oslllvn if i oi very glguntlc hflnnre to nnntlty un i il uvlon i am in tho fun lnmoulul nlllrm illoii on which ihe wholn fulirlc f i nsoloun 0 it lt rn n la i ulll 1 r ui ivcntn m nn iifflrmatlon u trtuiiiphiint nn i glorl im ubollllon t f tho dim blunk roulm t f rhuvr un i nil night tho henv n declarn tin gtory of flod untt tho firmament uhow efji hln hundlwork v imt moro suimrl iitnrimith n can thorti bo than ihut ihe utllrmaih iro thono win do thrf w rk i f tho world it ut their inrg lltf lit the purj omo tiny um at rvlt g tl ir c natunt rrltt ruled ussuramo ihv vitality of offort an 1 tho e til cat y f human t ruin nmt mum a lo urcomp llsh thtngn unit get at mow ho re thai mule the wheels ri rttunif stir und stimulate tho rofltlos inertia of mut t r into tho ihounund i erpetuully it vflo h c firms of proupurlty artd i rogrens there i it m thing ref resli lng jtinl whotnnomn about jho tho in llnrt f f unvmntli n whnn wn rfn tt itl it given tin u no list if life ant htalth and vigor that mnkult un do our own work with redoubted hiurtluoas and the habit of affirmation hu its hfiiofltu for iho affirm em thomselvo tythlng can 1 accomplished without roufldonca if you calmly assert the predominance of truth un i justice you strengthen and steady your own fftragaleto uohvtht ami d just no much to on largo that pre lomlnunoo hi the objectlvn world to lw sure thorn uro drawbacks i union who are always affirming arg likely to become wearisome more over ihn hublt is trenrhorou if you contract li you are likely to uffirm things that are not so and then men get to mistrust your affirmation alto gethor whon anyone has lived long with those who affirm hn finds a cor mln charm in the opposite ttrnpori mont the shy the umh the distrust ful which in arnaied tn find that uhy nn can sxmk uf anything with post llvononu yel after ull doul tars do little and tho world belt ng lo those who affirm ii is a healthy normal human in httnnt only it is woll to see that your ufurmallon has something boh i nil it tinlsh it bus fact iwhlnd it unless it hus t huructer boh in 1 it it too often rings false nn 1 hollow an eye for number one tom 1 vo worked pretty hard for julto u while now and have done very woll st 1 havo decided tn retire and turn tho business over to you what do you sayt tlwy tkind tlon gravely then a bright idea seem ed to strike him i ay dad he suggested how wool l it do for you to work a few years longer und then the two of us to retire togetherf fall fair time approacfalngr the fair in which our reader gn rally are interested the following are the mate of tho fall fair of 1921 in which exhibitor and visitor of thl section are inter ested acton october 31 aberfoyle october 9 alllaton october 4 6 arthur september ib ib ancaster u september 3b 36 brampton septamber 2 33 bolton september 18 29 burlington i september 1819 caledon september 3937 coll logwood september 1114 cooks town r october 33 cookavllle october 38 erin october 13 freelton w october 1 fergus september 30 31 september 31 33 october bo palt georgetown grand valley september s73s london western fair september 8 ie markham 7 october f 8 milton oakvllle september is 39 september 131g orangevllle september 1814 ottawa central canada sept 717 nawmarket september 3739 kookwood september 35 36 rockton october t10 shelburne stratford september 1s1b september 18 13 getting to the top when yoti talk uhout getting lo tho ft i it maki n uln a difference whelli iryiu iiicun ihn top of a mountain or the k of u stopln ldor it is loo t my 1 kit tho lop of certain ihliigu ilk winning a ra o where thor in only t i e entry it l u n ut to in ud your cluu 1 rovhle i thul yi ur follow ntu lontn have kmi bright minis it i credit ul in to win in a game wliirn you havo wtrtb while i i imnenla but no me tltntn mi truru the high echo i foot lull liitm rejoicing over u gumn won ty the i itiintfirn f their o ponnnta wllnr tiiuiiny their own gt twl play flettltfg its- the rt p in such i r g flettlsg its the t use is notworh while a high ichoot girl hs 1 fj a i a tait had won a prl given for ihe tmiil osauy written by h memlwjr of the junior dass und alio wnn rather t zulmd ly tho vlctt ry till the hud u talk with one of the m n wl o uctt 1 u ju iguu 1 vo read the nnuuyiv fur that rlat ct ntest he suld it ntl i ve hover known thorn to b us po r us this your there really wimn t one tnnt ought to have woi tho i rlxa and listening tbe girl oensnd lo be tomplacent and resolyetl to work hiirdor on her naxt essay than she had evrt done before oven if it wu not to be submitted for a prise a i romtnen business man says that lp business some ladder are so short that tho top rung ifnt much higher thun the bottom one oetlng to the top ol swh utffdnrs ought not to- satisfy i i ymdy 1 1 whorny ambition is some tiling moro than u word in the diction ary it i a good thing to be nmaltloua to get to tho top only o sure ttiat the top is high enough to be wprth tho effort chatrb hold close relation to life what place of furniture is mom closely ussoclated with our lives than lh chalrt it antedate the ancient st probably it had it beginning in thu earliest ulsles of time so dla tnnt thut the historian cannot irnoo in it kings have sat and ruled poi and cardinals have used it dy lustlck monarchies republic have uon and fallen but through them all hau survlvtkl the chair and lo day n the better furnished home the hair holds it place of honor a it in donn throughout the world for lenturle from bed to work in three weeks drec help put vvm walker en hi eel end tnaplis wim o return work hor the past year my husband ha been a sufferer from ulcer on the stomaoh h say mr william walker of 1cs eileen avenue toronto onu hi food lay in hi stomach and would iot digest and he frequently bad severe vomiting spells ho wu on a dlot most of the time thl resulted his entire system becoming run down ha hud chronic oonstl nation und was very reatle and nervous about threa and n half week ago i brought him homo a bottle of dreco tried it and ad that the nraodoe moomed to give him relief and eased hi stomach of tho terrible pain that griped him hi bowels became more regular we ur both greatly pleased with the benefits dreeo haa already produc ed my husband system 1 improv lng generally and after the severe trouble ho ha just passed through he i able to return to work in three week time mr walker i feeling very much tronger and i want him to continue this good medicine it it is the rtrt msdlclne we havo found that goes right tq the root of hi trouble dreoo beneficial nation on the or gan of digestion 1 remarkably quick and thorough no matter how aevero caso or how long standing xroco will hotp thj remedey contain no mercury potash or habit forming drug it 1 made solely from berba roots bark and leaven and has estab llshed an enviable reputation earned only by genuine merit draco i bat no specially introduced in acton by a t brawn and i sold by good druggist everywhere millers w worn powders mucvc rat atstixn ocmorrion baouoht dythwttoo amd rfjrroflg tbg child to mcjfttlal rusx no narcqticsplttasant a8 fiuoar humor and wit without button i advertising u shirt said tho married nothing tiww ubout thut ri piled i ttabhslor 1 vd buou wearing them for years judge jtiosnt it riiiiulr a lot of courage go up in ail uuroi lull nut u hit its the coming down tfiut ttsts u man nerve new york world mutnmu i want a dark breakfast dark breakfast what do you mean child r why lata night you toll mury to givo mo u llglt supikir und i dldn t it met jume coming from the den tist s this morning und from what ho said i tant toll whether he got iirel ti hud tho dentist go through uh ij whul dll hu ayr haiti ho los hi liurva never amounted to rauoh numerically yt perhaps there are few oroasroad places ahy0iehvutiruliiivsn7tr every thing rhupsodlud thv idallst poet vhut surpassa greeitt bellow repltrd the practical pot tlbut oome4 t larger denotninauuna your stove requirements tho cooler weather has forced you to consider what stoves you are going to use for rhis winter no use putting tt off any longer you will havo to keep warm this winter and you might as well havo that now stove now wo havo the agency for th following lines happy thought ranges mcclary kanges banner headers with oven and good cheer heaters with oven we will solve your stove probcem phono 95 w d talbot main street acton the importance of being pretty many a k fortune is determiner by her face a nkm which in frtli smooth and alluring with th rjtluncc of health prr iirts a happy future because this is the greatest ol all womanly charm r very girl can have a beautiful attractive akin if she will only learn to hvc it proper care the constant application of chid crcanui lotions powder and roujfc tend lo make the skin tluggish mid inactive dirt accumulate and blackheads and other bjcinlshcs appear thorough cleansing once a day- prevent such a condition and keeps the complexion fresh and smooth cold crearri fabeneficial when applied to a clean skin and rouge and powder are harmless bcauttfirro but start fresh every day on a clean foundation keep your akin active and it will h clear fresh youthful and attractive i soap to be thorough need not be harsh the mildest toilet soap made t the most thorough of all cleansers asyou wilt know after you have once tried palra olive you can buy pjurnohve soap at all fintcusa dealers imtiv swsars m grass esisr m fmlmmuvm s made la canada iwsw 2sms 10c chimney for automobiles many year ago someone saw the advantage of piping smoke through chimney to the top of bouses a a matter of common sense and frojn that day to thl the idea of buudlng a house without a chimney or a factory without a smoke stack has never ex actly bean popular but in so modern a thing a motoring wo are still ohok lng on each other exhaust fume simply because the chimney idea ha not been applied to motor car a few merchant who discovered that tho smelt of gasoline or exhaust ga antamlnated or perfumed the merchandise or food product being delivered have taken measures to divert the ga as much a possible but this haa hardly solved the nuisance of endangering the health of the driver who follow close behind each other in heavy traffic except in the unique case of the new haven baker whose truck are equipped with chimney hauet but even in this instance the idea of tbe chimney wo to eliminate possibility of contaminating the food product not to safeguard the folks who are depended upon to consume them some day motorist will awaken to the fact that the location of the ex haust 1 somewhat more important than the nickel on the radiator safety first or bobby tn spit of repealed warning little bobby parauted tn driving nail into blocks and board he had arrived at the play at carpenter tage one morning aajra the savannah news his father heard the familiar pounding and looking oot saw bobby busily hanging away hi little sister uary down bctaide him apparently look ing on havant x told yon bobby that you will maah your finger if you drive ilsr hi father asked ee i know you did father but you see marys holding the nail re piled the hoy buy a nice chesterfied suite vou will rnj iy ii during tho uro offering the following nultos i wig full und winter evenings it greatly reduced price call and sec them mohair chestfuld suite chesterfield and two chair i price s23r0a 8 pec 1st price 2lboq anothsr mohair suits complete 3 place i tegular 1z7e00 lal prlc i1b60q fine tapestry suit throe pieces regular i1900 special pric 114jx chsap tapestry suit three pieces regular hb5 00 for 99990 simmons beos bpring8 and mattresses built for sleep we carry a complete assort raant or all the different atyle of simmon s bed in white enamel oak walnut mahogany and ivory also simmon bras bads to have a perfect night rest you cannot do better than buy simmon bed 8 unm on steel hprlng and a simmon mat- treaa prices of simmon bed range from 4s0 to aseuxx price of simmon spring from 9476 to ftjjo price of simmons pelt mat tresaea from 97jso up j swmohrrma fttuuuati sllxltsct t molatu i call and see our laroe displays smiths furniture store 120131 wyndham street guelpb oat- phone 584 llbllulm l i blind mans buff even in this age of enlightenment some folks spend their money blindly they buy with their eyes shut they grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were bandaged and all the time a powerful light is being thrown ori the very dungs they need and want tax notice 1923 l municipality ok acton iha tax notlc- fur 1913 are now being sunt out vor thtt ixn vuiiluuue uf all concerned payments have boon arranged to be lilude in tw i lutalmoiit at the hank of montreal first instalment september 20 seconp in6talment november 23 of hi taxs u must he paid on before arrangement entail extra any ratepayer inuy pay the whole tiejiteniber 30 but one hulf the amount thut date ttlluro to comply with thli expense and trouble alt addition ut five per cnt will he made to every taxrat or uubwrnml rtonulnlng unpaid fourteen day aftur the said iqth day of september for the first inst aim en t and the 23rd day of tlovamber for tho secon 1 instalment und it will be the duty of the collector lnunedt- utoly utter tho said several duy appointed for payment to oollect at onco by distress ur otherwise under the provision uf ihe statute in that lluiir alfauctr taxes or instalment tjf vuxea plea8e take your tax nptice with vou to the bank whsm mafclain ptvlishlt w j reid collector advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying it shows you what to buy where to buy and when to buy at the same time it protects you against fraud and inferiority merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately foeus thousands of eyes upon their wares their values must behonest and their prices rightor they could not advertise successfully dont play blind mans buff with tho elusive dollar spend u few minuses each day running through the advertisements in this paper then buy the products that have proved up in the light of advertising j read the advertisements m j buy advertised goodsthesure way to asquarc d i rwbllslsiiwsiwwiwpw vi ij

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