fkatskifftfi stfn the home ov u artnn kite tfamui urmucr sleirl town wtaklua ol ontario uululng ontario th aubtcriptioa pomi o nmcci in the jailed lo which aubaciiptioaa sro t tha addrcaa ubal adveutising jtathstrandeat advcrtlaa molt m rrnli pr lin agala mcuurs tor firtl jnasrlfoti bn cmla pf lino lor each mbm xjuo inacriiou contract till play sujvcrttao ntcnla for 90 incliai ur norc per ana am 16 casta par inch each inter i km advert imman la with out apeclc direction w b blmftcd tul obid ml charawl ucoriliaglr telephones- editorial and dualneaa ojbw kaaideac ol prraideot a question which must be settled european peoples are thinking seriously these days economic problems nro demanding careful study and thoughtful conclusions the waste of the liquor traffic is forcing consideration bulgarian students abroad numbering 40000 to 50000 have organized with headquarters at heidelberg the neutral antialcoholic league it aims to combine all the student bodies ut homo and abroad in its work against alcohol one of its purposes is to pub lish a magazine in the bulgarian the german and the french languages with articles by german and other foreign professor and students of science wing the harmful effects of strong drink neighborhood news- town and country thursday morning september 6 1023 editorial emphatic words by late president harding in one of his last speeches to american citizens if not the very last the late president harding said prpblbition is a good thing for this country the country is going to realize that more nd more with the passing of time it will realize it fall the jjuore quickly if the people who aro defying pronibi- s- tidntecau3c they- arc able to get liquor will stop doing that and obey the law when we anally get t00 per cent prohibition in america as wo will eventually it will prove to have been one of the lost potent agencies in our history for raising the moral and spiritual standard of our people fewer examinations in public schools on childrens day- at the toronto exhibition premier ferguson who is now acting as minister of education was tho speaker of tho day at the direc tors luncheon with timely consideration he made the subject of primary education in tho province the theme of his address in his remarks he made an announcement most welcome io tho juvenile guests of the exhibition fpi tho day this was to the effect that primary education in ontario is to bo made less burdensome and that public school pupils are to be delivered from the affliction of tho standardized examination a joorgonization of tho education department of which he is head is to be brought about for facilitating these and other desirable changes itls felt that great changes in the methods and objects df education as conducted in 6ur schools in recent years must bo made if the province is not to lag behind the world movement for educational reform this is one of the most hopeful signs of the present time in that movement are enlisted many men and women of experience in educational work who have studied tho childmind and have looked searchingly into tho needs of society the premiers announcement is a messago of cheer to the young folks if they are guided in the way shown bythe reformers who are holding up the lamp to our teachers the childrens lot in the school room will be far happier and their usefulness in life bdth for themselves and their country will be far greater burlington mm a ilipkln of buffalo n t is vial una hnr mother mrs harold kurtx now si root mr wilfred ijluntthajtl of appleby loft last week on a trip to out but and cither polntswest comrnonolng an sunday titixt knox church bubhnlh school aorvlco will be hold ul 3 p tn instead of in tho ornlng mr and mr j udtmmi t ma- murk north dakota and lint ilegg hamilton spent lut week with mr and mr chesty ioart locustf street mra moklnkloy and aon ilnoa aro motoring to detroit with hor sister mnt james deo ring and family of i tro it- mr thomas e taylor and daugh ter of mokmi llock ia linvo ro- t urn id homo after a jwo woeks vlalt with her sister- in law mr harold kurtx now stroet mr and mm d hajtson and n und daughter edward and mll- dretj njf dowtitri orovo illinois re- nod honv turnei l ne on monday mom in after ndlng a iwd wops vacation at tho m e jocelyn sister ot ni hannom on wedhesday last tho jotrt mason- la plonla of burlington nd 7ater- rtown masonic lodges was held at punttam driving nark tho weather wni a llttls cool but it was vary pleasant in ha park which la 1 oca tori in tho volley the field day sports held at tho brant military hospital on toaaday afternoon wore a splendid success clock 33b patten to staff and friends oat down to a splendid supper which wm partaken of moat heartily by the happy gathering- ooxetto fruhndlv to avoid an old fenian proverb runs think- twlco before you mald an enemy and thrice before you mako a friend ti oven if we think that twlco and lhrlco ahould 4q tratisposod as u ttiattor of fact however tliny aro tin their right places r moat of us ho for o oxprrheme louehna tin wladom tako to ournalvnii frlenda fur too noally we continue thn frlond- xtllp bocauie wo dont nilto know how nd it but in our heart we wlah curtain of our f honda a thouaand mllea away pormantintly i thnm r tho painfully nawilil friend r a atari ho or alio to in ua if our fatilta our do foci tit ourjhort com inga antl rulnx in liarit ull tho thltigh we know but would jlko to forgot im aura no ope would toll you but myself old man but do you know you are getting falt or when a now hat npiionrit jjy dear i know you dont mind wliat i tiuy but it doeant ault you n bit it would bo all right for n girl of alxtaon but had i m time over ugaln i would nnver have onn of theae candid frlendn j ive aonrohud my motnory aild cannot ro member whan candid prnlao wuv given it la always crltlolnm candld frlonds aro llfeauollars ko ihetn f your life r thoraa the easily ottondfif oj never tvavn a friend of that if- you have n t oakville take time to be careful the introductory statement of the annual report of the ontario safety league is worthy of being passed on to wider circulation it says every year this country sees the loss of hundreds of lives due tp accidents and fires in addition to the fatalities there are tens of thousands of nonfatal accidents many- of them serious and many of a minor nature it does not take long to be careful it 3oes not take much tii ought or effort to avoid most accidents safety does mean something to every member of the community and safety is a habit that has never hurt anyone yet organized safety work has been carried on for ten years in this country and the results are welt worth while there aro stili far too many accidents and each of us can do bis share to cut down this awful toll lets all try robhlnff too rwt speed seems today to enter into many under- tatiogs where it is not warranted and where system- elatie and not spasmodic work is much more profitable and satisfactory in an address before an assembly of young people the other day a wellknown jurist tmade this statement one of tho gravest dangers tbat face our boys and girls is that of speed rushing saioo fast making too much haste always being- in kv ahnrry we speak truly when we call this a speed- nad age for it is exactly that every week new u records for speed are being made by daring and intrepid airmen or by equally daring drivers of ixigbpowered motor cars to cover long distances taa brief space of time and to lower recprds already qiadev i f many the height of accomplishment spoed has its value in the worlds progress but only 1tn such instances as it increases efficiency it may je well for us to speed up our efforts but not to cud an extent as tq lower our elsciency if we will observe closely wewill find that the persons who get kp the rinost work done within a limited time do not fiffhorry they are careful methodical systematic rivomatter what our work may be whether on the jiiarnvjn thastore in tho school room church or skjtcben we oan accomplish tho most not by spas- modio rushing and harrying but by careful pains- bi takjay effort the slipshod worker jnay seem to be doing things very fast but results alone gauge p his accomplishments- to work systematically and fctthe same time efficiently is the true mark of bujty ff r culuvate lie habit of sending in the new for years the free press has conscientiously tainted to put acton on the map and keep it thoro jby reporting all the legitimate items of news it could poaaibly gather exploiting actons best interests bo- for the reading public frequently however it has occurred that items of real value to the community iybave failed to appear because they did not come under our observation and those interested did not forward particulars to this office one of the things which ought to becomo a fixed habit in every house- hold in the community of which acton is the centre that of sending iothe free press tho items of real news which occur from week to week give us the neighborhood items which arq of interest to youraclf your neighbors or your friends every r church every lodgo every municipal or social or- ganizatlon ahould have some representative properly appointed who will look promptly and carofully after its newa which are dciirble to be given to the public soroevimes an organization is liable to think some kindred society has better news service than it jjiujljen this is most probably because that other sorganlxatlon looks after such matters promptly and u regularly wrlle your items and send them in or phoqe tbem to this office two factors are absolutely necessary to accomplish desired ends 1 bo prompt ja sending news and 2nd be suro of facts never iv forward an item unless the facts recited are aujhen- lv floated if the residents of this community will co w this journal l u mi 0 news j fkta puss ym became more and more interesting p ajl con and this section will come into f roniftienctf at an increasing ratio canma from a united states standpoint with the very selfevident intention of promoting international understanding and goodwill the youths companion of boston mass published a leader on its editorial page in a current issue entitled canada as follows americans may well extend to tho people across the northern frontier their heartiest congratu lations on the healthy expansion of their country there is and can be no jealousy in our hearts for in the prosperity of the dominion there is nothing for us but benefit it is real prosperity of tho sort that in the forties and fifties was making the united states great the country is filling up with immigrants of the best class such as were then coming in swarms to the united states the population is moving west and taking up land the new canada already fur nishes much of the wheat on which the old world depends manufacturing too is doing for canada what it did for us a tialf century or more ago the transportation lines of tho dominion are already mag nificent and aro steadily improving no other rail way project was ever mora daring than tho building of a line through the wilderness almost at the no them limit of possible human i habitation to the shores of hudson bay to open for a few months of the year the shortest route from the grainfields of the west to european markets- canada is under free institutions selfgoverned and wellgoverned it has bred a body of public men f ability and high character americans may not appreciate the worldly wisdom that leads canadians to cling to the british connection but they can appreciate t the sentiment behind their willingness to forgo tho last rights of complete sovereignity in their pride as a part of the british empire for there is now no material benefit for them in the cpnnection onco the statesmen of the dominion might have regarded separating from the empire as sacrificing projection that they needed now if any duty remains it rests on canada to help england the child looks naturally to shelter and protection at the hands of a parent when it is grown up filial affection holds it true to its allegiance history can be searched in vain for a parallel to the relations physical and political between canada and the united states there has never been another such- stretch of ungarded boundary between two co on tries nover two peoples living side by side for so long a period id en tiro harmony and good feeling it is all the more remarkable when wo consider that the two peoples are almost absolutely alike ip every thing except that one of them cherishes a sentimental allegiance fo the british crown a stranger alighting from tho air in a town in new york or ontario would need to inquire in which country ho was for the houses tho people and tho modes of life are iden tical editorial notes tho ontario government is to be cbrom ended in providing for the free use of jnsulin to pcplowho cannot afford to pay for such treatment tho pat must present a certificate from the physician stating that he or she is unable tp pay this brings a valuable and most recent medical discovery within the reach of alt m t the wets made much ado over the repeal of the prohibition enforccmentlaw in the new york state but thoy have nothing to say about additional enforcement laws passed by illinois indiana iowa kansas minnesota missouri nebraska north da kota ohio oklahoma texas and wisconsin at the laat session of their respective legislatures hie canadian echo of wiarton which has been under the very competent editorial and business i management 6f mr a logan for twenty years has been sold to mr e a duncan of toronto mr logan returns to tho ottawa valley his boyhoods home baving purchased j the pembroke standard he is an afalo newspaper man and has brought tho wiarton paper up to a hihh stato of efficiency expremier drury is not thoin1y one whp thinks that a clique is in charge of the u f o organ i ra tions john c ross who was editor of tho farmers sun for a considerable tima and was thus in a posi tion to see what was going on supports mn drurjls contention writing in tho oahawa reformer of which he la now editor h i mrr i i absolutely right and had be possessed the courage to have made thou statements three months ago be would probably bo premier of the province tody the trafalgar ltllltlea commission will soun be furnishing light to the residents of the township within the district surrounding ookvllte the dlstrlot east of oakvllle is all agog over thn agitation to secure a system of waterworks which wilt sup ply all th noble residences in the district with tho purest of water and at high pressure commencing next sunday the pres byterian sunday school will mael at 1 p m instead of in the morning rosa utchflold local monrngsr of tho dominion store accompanied by his wife and little daughter loft on monday evening for a two weeks holi day in uuskoks- aa usual on friday september 14 there- will be a great parade of school children led by tho band to the oak vllle salr every child will be givrfn souvenir and all scholars in the parade will be admitted free the many oakvttle friends of ilobert und were greatly shocked to learn of his sudden death which took placo in toronto last friday shortly after he had motored in from oakvllle as was his dally custom lie was gl years of age a pretty wedding took place in bt andrews church on monday morn ing august 27 when alary ellon oungest daughter of mr and mrs j j mcpertnjqtt was married to ben jamin lnguayf of hamilton itev leather savage officiated after the hour of the evening ser vices laat sunday a great crowd of cluaens and many visitors gathered in george square to hear our excel lent baud in a programme of high claas mualo suitable to thdny prob ably many in the audience come to see the men in their uniforms as well am to hear the music the band now presents quite an impoelng appear ance record orat opportunity of letting them go of youi life they will ago you worry nnd mako a slave of you if thoy ialn you will always be apologia ing explaining smoothing thorn down begging their pardons your until wll hardly be your own for you will never bq free to do what you like thoy might bo offended they are tyrants and thalryranny grown worse tho mora you pander to their touchlneaa got rid of thorn buy uh i did a now hat and tall thorn nothing about it they are sure to bo offended and then let them remain ao finally theres the frlond who uses you whenter real friend isnt avail able usas la the right word you are in resarvo to bo uaed as required that type should bo barred too choonp your friends carefully georgetown 3 clark left on saturday for montreal going to sherbrooke where is judge of cattle at quebec pro- vlnclal exhibition mr alex haweaand daughter miss kdna ilawes of hamilton visited at mr wai gambles lost week hrof hutt u erecting a one new house op his fruit farm on the 8th llpe f mrs t t moore of kitchener is visiting at the home of ber son mr m moore mrs j b maokenslo and family ore holidaying on the indian hjver at port carllng mrs john henderson of cobourg is the guest of mra wm tyndall mr george bell of oalt and miss martha wilson of acton were week end visitors with mr and mrs tv c bessey mr bell sang a solo at knoxi church on sunday evening which way i much enjoyed by the large congrega- i tion mr and mra el i bheley and son of joetrolt are visiting with ur and mra j n oneill mrs r t creelman left on tuesday for edmonton alto- where she will visit her sister v mr wta johnston of memphis tonru called on friends tn town on monday mr johnston ts a son of llev d jl johnston a former rector of st georges church und left here about 9 years ago mr roy b veanatter left on friday last on his return trip to moose jaw bask where he will teach tn the moose jaw college or the coming year he accompanied by misses mary and violet bayers who are going- to visit their brother at meyroune bask there was a time when a person who rode a bicycle on the sidewalks in georgetown was prosecuted we believe there is a bylaw to protectj liedeatrtans on the walks of our town ignored by cyclists and not by the authorlues last week old boy in collage view f a cyclist on the side walk and iectobjed severe and painful bruises the other evsntrtsqeorgetown citizens band were th and mrs mark clark at tbelr the ninth line it was the occasion of master clarks birthday and any boy would indeed be fortunate to be thejreciplent of such a birthday party alter playing a short prelude the mem ber of the band were invited to par take of a sumptuous banquet jmoh has never been surpassed in the history of the organisation herald telltale thumb how large is your thumb t if it is big you possess a sign ofj intellectual strength l good judgment and a firm character but u your thumb is snutu it indicates that you are une of those people who etot rirst and think afterwards and who are ruled by the heart and not by the head the thumb is the most important part of the hand without it the hand is almost useless consequently it ts not surprising that oooultlats attach- value to iti the ruling impulses of man judgmeat and passion are to be found in it successful men of business scien tists too users and so on have large ttjumbs while poets and singers have mall ones in old days the thumb was rscoat luxeo as ah important toember and u has always had a special slgniflcanos in the roman duels upturned thumb were a sbjn chat the vanquished guv- diet or was touve whue f they ware turned down the beaten nan was stitch in side what is that pain you get in your mo sometimes after taking more violent exercise than uua such as running it is near the lower ribs it makes you want to halt you stay fur a while and it gols bettor this pain is generally known by the numn stitch it ls really nothing to worry seriously over except that it la natures warning that you are over taxing your breathing apparatus the act of running uses up the oxy- ran in our blood very quickly to eplenlsh it we must breathe much more rapidly and deeply than wu am aocustomod to doing our main breathing muaclo is tho diaphragm which though strong and broad in itself ends in small nbros where it is attached to tho six lower ribs on each side of ho body as we breatho quickly and duoply io ribs too move more rapidly this lovoment sometimes straining the nbres to which the diaphragm is ut- tnched tron it is that wo fool th tltch when we got this imln we huvn halt until the muscle fools rosted again that teaches us to go more quietly when we make u fresh start you will only get stitch whan you are out of condition for with prac tice you learn to distribute the strain amongst the various muscles so that no particular one is affected unduly studying nature under difficulty a local nature student one rainy morning recently was picking his way through a thicket in the park whan he attracted the attention of a passerby what are you doling asked tho curious one just looking for birds is it a good day for blrdst with a significant glance downward at his dripping trousers and shoes tho iture student replied pretty good but its a bum day for anything that cant keep us foot p out of the grass small accounts willingly handled rr is the an of the bank of montreal ta serve willingly in little things as well as large to be generally helpful to its ens tomers regardless of the size and extent of their dealings with the bank for years the bank of montreal has coopenttedw2th its ctistomers assisting in various ways in mattexsvol finance and business if you require information or airy other banking serviceyou htrv merely to write or cau acton branch l b shorey manager bank of montreal established 1817 business directory dr j a mcniven physldlan artov surjeon oflloo arid ilealdonco corner how avenue ahdklglu street dr e j nelson kiinnniticic hrulicr aolon ontario dr w s laird on amuiii 0 woolwich htrtxit lyo lur nmo und throat leqal phone no z2 p o box us harotd nash farmer m- a bsrrlstsr solicitor notary public cpnvsy sneer eto peffrvman block acton ont money wnt o woivroaaes hours pi o am to e p m saturdays 12 00 oclock h g me1r barrister solicitor notary public georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used it desired office at residence corner mill and pyeeerfck street v dr f a gollop dds lds dental burgeon offloe over bank of nova scotia hoors tso to 810 i evening by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder aocouut books of all undsjioade fo order periodicals of every description carefully bound rullngr neatly promptly done wyndham street quelrh ovw williams store lodge directory sons of england lodge woodgreen no 302 i v meeting first and third thursday tn each month all p m in i o o w hall members and vlaltlng members cordially invited to attotidj j precious w p j little secretary starts you toward the ownership of a car truck or tractor the f weekly puf chase is now ready plan the car helps pay for itself ask its for further particulars h a coxer- -acton- ontario fostd motor company of canada ll mited vjtftrd- ontasuo wasstaabajbbssws i j i acton l o l no 467 moot 4 on thn second thursday f each month in the oddfellows hall si 8 p m vuiltlnt members of the order a ways wel come e t thktpoui ii v kennedy w m it s r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 years experience acton ontario ssjfm entrusted to r j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to date of sale ust your sales with me residence bower avenue acton phone 36 acton call at my expense fall term opens monday august 27 special individual instruction in all subjects wrlta for full particulars guelph business college herald blda- guelph ont v t sljtott irlnclpsj j e cheevers book binder quebec st east quelphy ont books and megamines r bound la handsome and substantial covers names lettered in gold on bibles hymn books and other books all work promptly executed the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and dlreot importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prioes thus saving our customers 40 per cent we have the twst appliances and the out mechanics in the bomlulon who can operata pneumauo tools properly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to haw law ults in order to oolleal we have the largest and best stock of qrenlte 1m the pomlnlqn or more than any three dealers tn the west we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest oustomen by sendlns out ignorant aaentssolloh las orders we employ only mechanics and defy oempeuuon hamilton sons cor norwich jk woolwlob bts oueloh children ory for fletchers casxoria 1 o fv j