Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 1

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m v0jsflj jfa j j- i i wht jvttint s j i 1 a fortyninth ycirno thursdayi morning september 20 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 20 1023 f single copies five cents the methodist c1iubch acton rkv cha8 hackett pastor arene willow at 1100 a m tho minister subject the complmn chorus sx0 p m sunday school 700 d m the m lnutar bub joe t the gospel in hoses kveiiynody wkucouk pftesbyterian v knox church acton mnutsr rev a c blsrwart m a uuim willow strsat 1100 u m- rev a- w ilurn ii a illllsburg subject tha drama of ufe 7 00 p m rev a w harm it a subject marriage arid thft homo sunday hchool and ulhlo ci at 10 0o p m strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor all are corniaxlt invitblb more njv goodsmore new fashions- more new interests every day now at macdonalds t guelphs leading and largest store new advertisements v for rent house for rant on hono street for particulars write to mrs alger 112 11 momlchael ave toronto found and brush set a left liand leather gauntlet glove and u wronch apply at w bausk press office notice x w ii lam o rtruce of acton tan ner hereby give notice that 1 trill no lancer be responsible for the debts of my wife elisabeth bruce sho haying auctioy sale a clearing auction sale of the farm stock of mr wm james wui be held at lot st cth line esquoslng on friday september h at two oclock llt r j kerr auctioneer for bale a large alone house situated on main street good lot house suit able for two families must be sold at once apply to r j kerr 101 real estate agent clearing auction bale of lira stock implement and fur niture on thursday september 17 at 1 p m sharp at mrs t a swafck- tutinera lot 3 concession 4 erin 11x rot hindl43y auctioneer auction 8aae henry sunley win bold a sale of bis farm tana stock and implements at his farm on the 2nd line of etrarooaa 1 mile south of the eramoaa post office on vriday september is lxt rot hindlby auctioneer strayed to the pr of the understand about the middle of july a red steer about tw6 years old owner may harp same by provtnjr property and paying august buntte lot 7 ftn line erin township auction sale of high qrade household furniture an auction sale of the household effects of the 4ate raw john mcasklll will be held by public auction on sal- b baldwin near n r j kerr auctioneer farms for bale i vmrms la tha ootmuaa of halton and weluzurtsn varying from 40 to mo acre jjmt us aand yon our list a number of homes and busine pupaa la a jar sal ftre and ufa insurance money to j a smith real estate agent b aeton out acton monument works dealers and importers of monuments of all kinds orders for latter in on stones already erect promptl at tended ut 1cfgrftmfcmi and reasonable prioes j nicol box ib7 uilx ht acton fc wonderland pr i pay september 21 java head with reatrice joy the story of a reckless young american who married a lovely chthese rtrl and then brought hr home to woe the girl he itadleo be hind coniedy harold lloyd in tjumlw please aturdav september ix a california romance starring john gilbert this production relates the adventure of say cavalier who can play a guitar as well as he can fight comedy lloyd hamilton in un easy feet- tuesday scptcmben 28 h3njinpy ayparamovnt special produc tion with theodore roberts comedy the skinner epi sode no 8 of around the world in ii days wednesday september 90 lost and found with house peters pauline stark kad antonio moreno a thrllllnjf drama of dusky native beauties and fighting men cum- edy a pair of aces one show k 1 ittkaobiusattn-rdu- x a mcclubb son a remarkable showing of womens fall and winter coats choosing the fall or winter coat is an important matter but here in this autumn showing it is wonderfully easy and satisfactory scores of new styjes to choose from at prices that are most attractive furcollared coats for misses begin as low as 18 high grade rich pile fabrics take the prtco range up to 14500 exclusive models well worth their pricetickets tailored utility coats be gin the scale at 1400 fur- collared ntodels enter this price scale at 4500 the wonderful hurlingham coat is ipcluded at 4500 and 5250 an interesting display worth coming to town to see a becoming hat is a goods days find a hat may be smart may have good lines or may be of fine materials but if it fails to be becoming to the one who wears it all its virtues count for naught here is a broad array from which to choose the most becoming of new fall fashions s high grade bats of master designing pretty styles that -take- the- price seale-down-to-quite-low-figures- jaunty little felt sport hats for instance beginning at 200 20 a mans topcoat value we worth looking into first time you can get into town fine english tweed toppers for in between season wear a with regular or raglan shoulders with or without belts and in the newest of this autumns shades and patterns decidedly an extra value for twenty you ought to see it many other plunis too in a range of hundreds for a mans picking when he comes to try on new fall topcoats d e macdonald bros ltd gndpbs i hiding and largest store weekend specials regularly 50c tt licorice- allsorts everyones favorite weekend special 44c lb our assorted chocolates are as good as ever and the sale each week is wonderful reguwly 40c tt weekend special 29c lb i we have just received a fresh shipment of salted peanuts there is nothing nicer than fresh crisp peanuts regularly 30c lb weekend special 25c lb light lunch specials aow that the cold weather is coming on instead of going to the troublo or making lunch for yourself and friends after vthe show come in and try some of our tasty lunches which we intend serving show nights namely tuesday friday and saturday friday night special pancakes and maple syrup 20c saturday night special saltobuty steak and mashed potatoes 35c tuesday night special cinnamon toast tea or coffee 20c mill street actem- h wiles news of local import bo lam n bonnet now tills r the rrnvo of jalrti mculldo whorfi lirakfts didnt hold on thn mountnln side and nlstic the proof op the boot is in the wearing advance fall footwear at harrisons for men brown and black calf and kid goodyear welts best styles and lasts all prices from x500 to as0 mens bon kip brown and black at 375 v heavy work shoes black and brown at 395 for w6men goodyear welted patent cofts 1 strap grey trimmed heel and waist now style toe and vamp at 6j0 womens brown i strap goodyear welted calf leather at 500 wo mens kid calf and patent leather oxfords and strap pomps and slippers at 376 and 150 boys and girls school shoes solid leather all sizes to suit dongotas kip side and calf leathers at 200 z50 300 350 and 450 infants shoes at lowest prices summer sale offootwear at bargain prices to clear all sises harry harrisons shoe man wk will 8ava you money thsnkaolwl novsmbsr 12 than usai vtns day filn year will fall on lonlay nuvcmtmir 13 tho law lrmvlrti that thunksblylnb 1av on tho mfitiday of tlm week in which artnlatlcn day fall sunday novm- hr 11 bolnat armtstes day tua fol- lowlnir lay will bo thanksalvlna day both daya bains col o bra tad in one haomienrt subway ssvsnth lins cn 1 uuuiluy nvntiliiu tlo coroners jury catlod u investlsnta the douui or tha luto wftltor lawion hr of htowflrrtown ulllod by a cunadisn national iiassvnkar train on tho ittavsnth una crosslnc on july 18 buvtf 1u ver diet- tho finding wrut accldontnl tin jury recom mended that as thnr hail bwin- rtvo accldnjits ut th crosaln which is a hljrh ot a subway should he cotistructud thorn dlsclplsa twsntuth annusl con vention thn twentieth annual convention of the churches of christ of the welling ton district will bo hold in tho church of christ mimosa thle afternoon and evunlns robert j robertson lresl- dent will occupy the chair in addi tion to thn routine bunlnesa addresses will be given by mr 3ohn btusrt mill toronto mr joseph btewart uuelph und mr il k- franks grand v alloy the programme has several interesting t natures poatsg stamps illegal for chsquee with the closo of the present month wetoe staiiips will not r fegat for the war duty on cheques receipts and bank drats furthermore it ts an nounced by tho rot oftlco depart ment that tho excise stamps for this purpose will not fee sold at post offloe thl it is contended would load to confusion as postal matter intht bo nvialcd with excise stamps instead of thosrtoct postal stamps the wtclne stamps are to be sold at banks and such other place as nay be doelamatod by the department of customs and excise on money orders and postal no i os the war tax will continue to be paid by utflxins postaco stomps balsnoes on the right bids mitchell town old horns week com mittee were able to hand back to the merchants the whole of their guaran tee and mill had a balanco of j10o after paying all expenses mitchell advocate thats very wood but ac ton can ifo one or two better as a result of tha threeday jubilee cele- hratlnnln august the com ware able to hand baolc the councils guar- tee fund make a generous donation to each of the tpwn societies whose officers participated in the ad minis tration of the event sent 16349 to the childrens aid society of the county and have about 600 on deposit in the bank for certain contemplated im provements about town a motoring episode this wselc the motor story of last week in which it was related that a local pro fessional man lost hln suit case and porting wardrobe by fire on the aide of the car inspired the recital of an other which occurred this week a town motorist took his wife and tittle folk out for u drive on monday after noon there occurred a bjwut dur ing the trip and the father of the family was perspiring and profanely changing tinea 1 dont sea why you have to talk that way said his wife reproachfully you act as if tt were a total loss you never see the good in thins- well what aood ta there ihlst why t tickled the baby lie lauahod right out loud when tire went bang wholsaoms sermon to young and old rev a c stewart m a preached a very wholesome sermon containing hrtlreroen to the spa i much of gospel truth wise counsel and hearutome exhortation at knox church lost sunday evening air stewarts discourse bad for its theme tha ques- tlon of rlgtht living and the inherent restkinslblllty of home church and state for the right upbringing of the rising generation the duty of the home was clearly emphssuod and the desirability of cooperation between the church and tha public school for the inculcation of right principle of life and uplifting character mr stewart amptinad his subject in a manner impressive and helpful and tt i reasonable to euppuse thar new resolves were entered into by num bers of his hearers both old and young oskvill pair lt week tbe oakvllle fair grounds held large crowd on s the closing day of the anna- fair of the trafalgar agricultural hoclety in fact it the biggest day from the standpoint of attendance in the history of tho or ganisation the increased patronage from toronto and hamilton helped to bring the figures up to within a few hundred of last yeure total had the fair been t favored with senshlno lead of oold weather on tbe two previous dayx a now record would have boon set up vry seat in the grand stand was taken for tho pageant performance and several hundred cltisens and viol tors had to bo content to stand the programme in the horse ring it tho afternoon contained many outstanding features as usual the horses occupied tbe umejight for mucli of tho time fiend in vour news itsrly plsase tit increased interest of sending li iiewe is much appreciated news itamw will be all the more interesting if all tnjch are sent in early poople whi think that a local newspaper like till van 1kss is sat up in a day or two have a email conception of the amount of mechanical work required la ant out a paper icvon with the fast uno typo machine it means that work going ahead ail week hi ths prepara tion of the paper and in order to avoid a jain up at tho last reports of inge and events happening id the week have to be handled and sat up in type as soon as possible after they jiave transpired if our good friends would benr this fact in mind they would not defer handing in matter for publica tion until ths last day and expect to see it in prlnt of tan enough etna item is urt out and tun cuntrluutur is sui prised and noraetlraoji hurt we war to attempt to handle this weekold material on publh it would mean holdingover an equal vol o tastwhnutn n wtibtr you roallto the eltuatloa as outlined here in a few word wouldnt u little uioughtfulnase sometimes hulp wpn- durfuuyt successful harvest festival intsresting service a in the methodist church which wss dasuti fully decors ted hunday wan observed os harvest kuitlval day in thn method in t church und very interesting and appropriate services worn hold rev charles hacket the minister pmached earnest and timely sermons touching ukn gods love and munifi cence as manifested sd abundantly at the harvowt lngathirlng his oxhor latlone to thankfulness to uod for ills good arlfts material and spiritual were calculated to make impressions which would bring forth lasting fruit hpeclal lutrvont home music was rendered by the choir which all ap preciated the majestic old hymni of harvest- tide were inspiring and were heartily aung by tho large con- gmgntlons which gathered hqlh morning and evening with hymn a i the following the peoples hvarta are naturally brought to modl- tato upon the goodness of led and hip overattendant mercies come yo thankful people come raise thn song of harvest homo all l safely gathered in lire tho winters stormn begin cod our maker doth provide for our wants to lie supplied comn to ods own temple oome its lee the song of liorvest home tbe church won mol attractively deaoruted with tho proddcts of the farm garden field and orchard abun dance of grain fruit vegotabloa and flowers were brought in by fjirmerr and cltueua rev mr hackett with a eofpn of workers effected a very skilful and artistic arrangement of tha product at their disposal which with tho addition of autumn leaves pro duced very artistic and attractive renults the metal fringe fronting the gallery was decorated with little sheaves of oats attached to which wore red ber ries and flower the pillars were en twined with corn in the stock vines and flowers tho altar pulpit platform a till chair- alcoiva bora a wealth of beautiful flowers golden grain a variety of vexatables all arranged in pleasing design the evidences of plenty were everywhere displayed it was the consensus of opinion that the old homo church never presented a prattler appearance for any harvest festival during its forty seven years am a place of worship on monday evening an excellent concert was given under the auspices of tha indies aid the cholraang several anthernsa tho misses dennis rendered a couple of trios miss ilortle smith sang a solo r did also miss olive ucllaughlln and mr drenviuo mssales these were all numbers of merit and greatly enjoyed the or chestra with their uaual generosity provided a repertoire at numbers which elicited the applause of tbe audience tho instrumental trios by misses lottie and hasel mason acton and miss muriel msson of luantford were much appreciated in her inimitable style mrs a t drowmgavo a splen did reading tho pathos and interest which were interpreted with fine effect throughout itev mr hackett was in a very happy mood in hi position as chairman tha finale of the harvest festival services was reached when r j kerr auctioned off the vegetables fruit and lowers in the school room at the close of the concert with bis consummate skill am an auctioneer he kept the audience in the best of good humor jjnd induced tho bids to follow each other in quick succession the result was a substantial sura realised for the treasury of the trustee board duka d dev ihlr retln chspter the rvgular monthly meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter i o d ei will be hold on tuesday september ie at three oclock at four oclock a eoclaj time will be epent and presenta tion of prise made everybody wel come silver collection mrs it u shorey regent 17000 damsoe to fergus hydra during the severe thunderstorm lost week the hydro station at fergus was struck the fire alarm quickly brought but the dam age was done the men were handi capped by the deluge of rain and by the llghts being out of commission it is estimated that the damage to the equipment will run up to 17000 work commencing at the now factory councillor hell has about completed hfs contract for the erection of tha now factory for the thomson motor supptlos umlled on rower avenue in the wallace survey nearly all 4ho machinery is in the building and is being installed tho manager hopes to have tho factory in operation in the course of k week or so now narrow escape from falling pol ijiat thursday afternoon whan mr and mrs r 1 gregory were bringing out the household affects from their rssldunoe on church htret to loud u truck for oakvllle a twenty- five foot tetephono tt up port foil across the lawn severn i persona narrowly escaped the pold when it roll a mahogany table was struck and aruuhel tho pole had rotted off t bowling tournament yeetsrday the howling qreon of acton ath letic association was the sceno yem- tcrday of tt large company of bowlers who came to town to enjoy ne of the last tournaments of tho season howl ers were here from ouelph oalt bln ueorgetuwn milton and howard park toronto acton ttad four rlnka in the tournament tho greens ware in lino condition and t weather fairly pro pit loll widening the bridge t bannookbum the uintractunr tor the provincial highway on the acton crossroad are engaged widening the cement bridge where thu atrusm crosses tho road be- k the mann and clerrldga farms the former bridge which was sixteen feet wide is having ten foot ex ten elons built on each aide this will make tha utruoturv thirtytwo foot wide and will ronfonn to width with the other bridges und culverts un tn new highway horticultures 4ractlol methods the waterloo horticultural society will aupply alt churches governing bodies 1w waixrrioo with 10 tulip bulbs to esch free a tid will extend the utnii liberal gift to the caretakers of the town hull and post urqcn lo unler uuij waterloo may be beautlaed next aprlng the hooloiy has written tho dey various bodies pointing- out that the only nmpulartlon is that they shall j n drvmuxtty plant itielr ivuibs imiuodl ately they are received this fail ii this way it is hoped to greatly improve the ground or all public places around the tuwn three tragic deaths of former citizens within three days george patterson and philip t holmes died suddenly in toronto and mrs swack- hamer in guelpli all were esteemed former residents and have rela tive8 in town tho body of uoorg rattumoti aged t4 formerly of acton wan found ly ing in tho driveway of the iarkdule hotel queen street wiml toronto last wednesday ovmilng the window of mr pattersons room on tha second floor was wldo olii and the body wm round on tho uldowalk of tho drlvoway boiioath the window ho had evidently accidentally fallen out of tho window reccivdnif fatal in juries arthur oreon found tho ikmly and at once notified tlm polios dr ikm- neu 1s2s king street woit was sum moned and pronounced tho man dead an investigation van mude and the police wum unabln u find out how 1b hereon fflir from th window chief coroner w irtthnm was no tided and tho removal of thn bouy the morgue was ordered by dr clranam tu lath wr patterson hat i men liv ing at tho hotel since laut march he in married meanm nell and william ialtorson here ur brothers uoorge wum much liked whon a resi dent of acton mr william went to tho city immediately upon reoelvlng botlce of the tragic death of his brother tho funorul was held at campbellvlllo on huturduy afternoon on thursday mnriilnif philip t holmes ton of thu lulu robert holmes of acton wlfo reuldnd at 0 upadli tho truth la lcakinff out respecting liquor being coneumed at the suburban park corn reset on the 10th inet avenue toronto was found dead was evldonto that hn had taken a ilama of carbolic acid i ducoascd hoc been in poor health for some time in fact when he returned from france where he servod in the canadian forces he was in poor health and havor recovered it wiui evident that his ulncm had affected him mentally before going overseas ho spent four years in tils fbssr viuaw office and was an excellent printer after the war he took a position in toronto mid went out on strike with tha typographical union tiro years ago last juno he had many friondn among tb print era hjllp is the third of the ten printers who went overseas during the war who were graduates of tun pass ywaut who have died upon learning of tho itouth of her brother mrs- minnie ii moore who returned to acton from tedmonton alts with her mother a month ago immediately wont to toronto sho had tho body brought to acton a private funeral was held on saturday oftrnoon from thu bomu of mr alex roil knox avonue lo kaltvlew ceme tery where interment was madelnthb family plot rev mr stewart con ducted tho service much sympathy is felt herojar the widowed mothor and ulster and also for tile brother robert of tho free 1roiis mtafr wlnnliwg lsast friday afternoon mm ilrock hwackhamer for many years an os- teemed te4ldent of acton mat a tragic and very auddun death in ouelph for some years mnt hwackhamer over eighty years of ago had made her home with her daugh ter mrs charjes haven stuart street uuelph about two oclock in the afternoon mrs havons called to her and receiving no answer hurried upstairs to her room she found her at the head of tha nmlru with her clothing in flames tho tire was soon extinguished but it ww found that she had sustained terrible burns she died in a few minutes dr orton coroner was culled but decided that an inquest was unneces sary tho runeral look jlae on bun- day afternoon to kairviow ceroonotry and was conducted by kov charles hackett mr swackhamor died in acton a number of years ago mrs swsck- homer was a daughter of the late john gibbons of the third lino j2a- queslng her daughter mrs haven har sister mrs william bayers her brothers robert of toronto and harry and albert aeton survive the aym- uathy of tha community ts felt for all of them nassagiweyas tax lute 14 210 mills rnders for bridge st no 5 school not sstufsptory reeve and engineer t confer the meeting council lat wok tl ta vure passud john ramsey grading a w lalug aulwtu canada ingot iron co j cul- vorts it watson graviilt a young gruvul w dennis gravel a alexander gruvel li kerr gravel c rumwhuw gruvol t krunols gravel w 1ritty gravel joe mitchell grudlng it uuceod underbruahlug r anderson gruvctlllug ouelph mercury advertising municipal world suppllo a anderson filling wushout a j mctnwxlrin shoup killed walter iclllot sheep killed d irving sheep inapoutor tho by- law luvylug county ship and gntmrul school a second and third tuues and county rate 8 eixj mills township 4 mill und gunerul school 4 310 mill tenders for the bcitlge at no 6 achool were opened nnd not betnt sattbfua- tory the koev jjiul knglnoor hmlth ii iri r following uc- 114 lo ib oa 1 os 24 16 c 7o 0 40 tf 00 mb la 4 60 4 4s va road passed were au rtd ititorvl ihg and if pouslbte moum better term council udjouriiud to f tho ileavi lldtlt ut illu j marshall clark drawing nut of tha perolateni that liquor was present and consumed und a juiuihnr of pornotin were intoxl ated at the corn roast at suburban iark on monday night 10th lnt- lnnimtor iteovoly lalil no von charge ugalnnt thono ullegnd to havn been kullty of violation of tlm ontario tom- i ornn ii act and thu motor vhiiicih act tha cusos were set for hearing on tuesday mornlnji ut 1q ouik k before iujjro ssvglatratii moore thn court convouud as called the iollccr muglatrnta ntated that counpol for three of thq accufcod luul comtnunl- ciited with him explaining that would be inconvonlent for him to bo itrnncut on thu day named and requesting u remand tho requciil was granted und the hoarlng re rr a tided to saturday morning 22nd lnsu at 10 a m inspector itoovly reqdnetad prnjls- alon to withdraw tho charges ugalnat two as he found that those charges had been erroneously laid which he regretted 10 mag la t rate elated that one of persons accused had called at his oftlco tho day before und pleaded guilty to tha charge of being intoxicated whon put uion oath as required by the act in auch coses he swore us follow i was at thu corn roast at suburban iark on the night of tha curiiruas4 tho 10th luat i had ie danco about half post ten whon wo were h landing around the flro here the corn was roasted a young fellow of about 38 cf 30 years of age passed a bottle of liquor around i thought it was port wlno and took a coupla of mouthful in about fifteen ites i began to gat dny i wan ull the way coming homo i saw nt lcaunvo or elx boys who got liquor ut the corn roust i cannot tell their namee for i won a stranger among them having comn to aoton to work ly a veol before i- am in my eighteenth year no more corn roat at suburban iark for me those who attended tho corp roust expecting to enjoy a respectable rocuu rvsnlng ore naturally very much in censed at being annoyed and com- promlsed by tho persons who oon- trmpuibly and unlawfully took liquor the park and they hope tho parties utility of the offence again t the law mutability will ho brought to j unlive try the authorities milling of police court was hold curmtte hall campbellvlllo last wednesday whon a number of cases cilurge of which ware laid bycbn- hluhtn muton of campbellvlllo wore heard by police magistrate moore a umber of those grew out of the old roys celebration on september 3 thorn wan evidently a wraaepread interest in these inasmuch as tho hall was crowded with spectators davit dunce was charged by con- itnblo mason with being intoxicated at im park und the evidence showed thai ho created quite a disturbance he wan convicted and fined 10 and thn oonaiablo also char god hunc with driving tn motor car while tmi in this case it was found that the witnesses had short mem ories and could not recall seeing ilunoo driving ills oar when ha was drunk tbe con table therefore with drew this charge jamnj w i lion pleaded guilty to tha luirge of bulng drunk at the cele bration he was fined 310 and costs itoth these cases when the accused wore put on oath to disclose the source f- their uupply of liquor they woro they had obtained it from arthur ko of tho ninth line beverly who tat thn celebration and gave them liquor i unother charge against charles roberts tho constable stated that the witnesses had gono away to work on the highway near ooderich before being morvod the case was thorefore remanded to be beany in milton on the 30th inst charge of selling was made by liable mason against harry hil- aon nossogawoya but mason report ed that illlaan had absconded before he was able to servo him and asked for a bench warrant for his arrest this was issued ill the above coses crown attorney dick prosecuted and t a hutchln- n barrister milton acted for the another cose was heard at this court in which con table mason charged roy harri under tha act of cruelty to animals with louvlng a horse tied in a field ut camp boll v hie without food or water from 3 oclock in tho after noon until elghtor nlae oclock next forujioon harris pleaded guilty but explained ttiat this had occurred owing to u muundnrs landing with his brother each thought the oilier hud taken the horse home tho cuu wus settled upon payment of casts last wednesday william aillmau dairyman of u ten will lam laid in formation fur search warrants against two other milk doulors ut ueorgetuwn with ubinuilutlngjtkjmtunm irrwhlrh hi namo was blowu in the glass und fulling lo mturit them after un ud- vertlseniuut in tho georgetown herald requesting thu roturn of alt such boltlu a provincial oonalable autod thu warrant h discovered nluu bottle in itosawsslou uf one milk pedlar hut none with the other further uctlou lui yet been taki utllmau clalflpi thu loss of several gross uf his bottles through other deal era rvcnlvliig them from hi customers a iihurgv against tloorga illlsou son of ilarrv husoti of having hqi which insimsotor roeveiy discovered secreted in a hiding place lu tho gar- dun was rumuuded on lrlduy for u week thlh case will be tried by folic magistral mooru ut milton to mor row udwurd moody inland revenuu of ficer if toronto who visited tho homo of orgo jlrown third llu klrii oaprlngo oil august 30 and discover ed a quantity of mush wo haru on monday und charged llrowit with i violation of thu excise luw tho an ulynu of thu mush guve it alcohollo louteiit ut wav per cent rrown said he hud brawod the liquor for hi own use for stomach trouble luul given u coupla of drinks to friend but had not wold uny pol loo mugutrate mi took a lanlullt vlw uf tha matter und posed tho minimum penalty of o0 electrocuted at inurewood leslie cooper a young married mar lost hie life st the driok works leslie coopor u young married mui aged sb ws fquiid ieud by follow employees of the liiglowood hhulu im ducts company of luglawood last wednesday morning ho hud gone for b drink und wliai h fulled to rstui i to hut work a ssuroli was lustltutsd his botly was round in a pile of scrap iron olose to tho factory and fro burns about the nutk und uhouldais is liellavett trhllu nuluu way he iwag electrocuted by a shovtolroulu dr lliirns cluulo was summoned and later dr a v reynuf of ialgrava tho young man is survived by u wlfa und savsiul bruthurs and sisters mr k j moore of toronto was ut moorecroft ovor tho weekend mr w q c konnoy epent the weekend with fergus friends mr a lb hemsfviiot of milton spent wednesday with- acton friends miss mary klrkpatrlck of toronto is visiting at mr j j jtnrjedys mr wihiam h miller is spending u week or so at his homo in mudmay miss mary mol hereon of colling wood smtnt tha woakend at her homo mr angus kennedy left for toronto jast week where he has secured a position ir elmer johnston left on tuesday for hamilton where ho baa secured a position i mrs j r kennedy und miss nelson pent a day last waok with friend in drampton ihd is is the chsmplonshlp within reach au uximtlug mnacui mat nh wau pljyo i the park hero last saturday bo- vuam mtroulavlllo and aulou 1 i tho championship aeries up to thl kilukll acuhl houded thu haltoiileol vuguo having bean suuuussful in very league gums played during thu season iti tha inutoh yu saturday ttftor hot cotitust ttiroughnut htreots- vlllu won with n score uf 3 to 1 this wen thn scnre of the two twirus uud thu nnxi ifmiwi for thu championship will bit u iiiomi exciting one acioi ciiikuiin hand pluynd ut tho park dutlrug tuauftu uduuxlh sir was in progress pr high- ninublo t lues over sture social and personal mlirti francu hurst is spending a fuw days in toronto iih titiinu from miss hurtlo hmlth toronto over hunday mr thus d henderson of flail wan hero for tbe weekend mr ilnrt mowat of ouolph was homo over the weekend miss helen hynd of toronto was home over tho weekend mr w ilrlstor was home from tlunlph over thn wecktmd miss lena costnllo was homo from toronto for tho weekend mlfc margarot kennedy wum homo from toronto over sunday fr stuurt lrnwrld daylng al his home lias been holl- eth line lakvllle mrs h r wanshrodghj of toronto spent a few days last wees with friends hore miss margaret brown of toronto npent the weekend with friends in the old home mr lloyd kennoy of- toronto is spending his holidays with friend here and in kitchener exmayor kelly and mr cameron hairlalest or oa town on monday mr and mr h w mlkln william and jlrq of aurora spent the wek- und with friends hero mr and mrs john clarke i returned last week from their summer visit at port slit nay muskoko ji mr and mrs h l gregory and leslie removed to their new homo at oakvllle last thursday misses zella mccartney and bertha brown of toronto spent tho wook and ut tho hitters borne here councillor c ii w harrison return ed last week from a business trip to e north west and vancouver mr tobias mason of trafalgar and mr and he bwltxer of meadowvale were guests of mr and mrs william mason over sunday mrs thomas barlngton and her daughter nora of sault ste marie are visiting mrs raring tons sister mm jdhn hurlingham mr gordon wllker who has boon en tho staff at the canadian national railway elation here the past four years has been transferred to seaforth mr and mrallarold ruddlck ma tor anderson and mrs j ruddlck motor ed up from bronto and spent tho weekend with mr and airs ueorge tirlsler mr and mrs codrla cross and baby und uf and mrs wm hall and miss nellie motored on sunday to hamilton and spent the day with mr and mrs alex dobble irs a a clarrldgo returned home last week after fa pa tiding a month with friends in north dakota liar sister mrtfts j mcllrlde of lnglewood ac companied her mr and mrs neil mcdonald and tae misses hasel arjd jean spent a few hour in acton on friday und saturduy while en route to their now homo at hustings mr und mrs john l allan and mr und mr xsdward a mann and daugh ter jean motored to london and spent u few duya with tho formers brother mr a v allan during fair week dr und mrs 11 h cowperthwolte t who had beoti visiting ut tho metho dist 1arsoiiuge left ut saturday morn ing forhydney n h on rouio for the bomu ut ht johns newfoundland mr und mrs d ii lrlou of hamil ton uud mrs l lougheod of toronto mpuqt u couple of days last week with mr und mru j hi j amble en route for homo after spnudlng u couple of wttuks motoring through muskoku mr und mrs wm kelly und miss mohuulder messrs mlchuid uud thof kelly mls rachel and catharine kelly motored tit morris township in huron county sunday und sixmt the day with friends uud relatives thure the ougugumeut is announnad of myrtle hvalyn daughtor of t j and mrs mccurter ldeti mill formerly uf rook wood lo mr harold d tre- loiijvon son of tha lute rav dr tre- loavuti and mrs trolouvmt of humll- ton tho tnatrlage to tuku pluuu early in october mr robert tulbot queltdi ihilobrut- ud hi lot birthday un sunday en- joying tho bout uf hoalth friends were present rruin delrolt acton and ouelph mr james moor uud mis otgu of acton und miss wllma talbot of ouelph turnlshud music on the violin und plana a closing sung wn given by mr abbot datroll god be with you till wo meet again all wished mr talbot many mom y iiars of active ufa juolph moruury- ilass millinery at rua- lio to uumsoms furlors apprsclauarj and cooperatlop mr nelson tho editor of the vulcan altu press desired to attend thu iecoiit pros association convention ut halifax bul felt in could not do so hut the business blun und mur- olialits of the town saw tljo advuntago of having their editor attend the national convention- und at onoo gut up a petition hifd it signed and when hundtyl to mr nelson it contained u proixuiltlon for him to utteiul bin 1yoss association gathering by closing tho offloe for three weeks tha idtirohunt paying fur tho udvurtlslng us it tho paper were duly issued tho spirit uf fflnporatldnnit frindaihlp to tlm- local editor by the ikoopla of vulruu is highly upprcluto not only locally but by ull iho mambuts of tho cuu adtan weekly nuwspuptir assooutlcn i t mrj i fcv

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