Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 2

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asxoarr 1 rkf5mrj tqyyrcv r if qjh acton 3ffnlnbfi tiiiiiimiiay hi iti mill it 20 i03 er than t r thini uulfl liuinlrndrom r ati 1 shnm li ulow with nyn f id all mon ik id u lurgo unc ugh titers i bolti r lit iter i u in his slum to the ilovrto ix v- oil u a norieticouear tin unit tilllik r bread ln u humhl doubly tiltftl willi oonlont un 1 h ullh untried by d lt r the rum i wltulih 11 wly living- unrl lofty tin ught adorn und onimitalg thu lir man nrmlnrt- nforulo on nuturo l in it am thit gonulm toot of u gonuman nttcr than il 1 i tin w l repose of thu enpu of j vthoii their lubon close hotter than luld 1m the poor msn sleep and tho hulm tint ih in h la bor door ilrlnging sweet draughts whrn luxury pillow his urhlng- h iii simple ll ratxr wiw a nil irtor rouil to tho land of dreams holler than gold u a thinking mind that in ralni of thought and books fan find a iroaiura surpassing- australian orr and live with tho great and good ol yore thw ugtt a lor and tho pool a lay tho glory of empires nossod ww tho world n groot drama will tnuii unfold an 1 yiold a i loasuro hotter than gol i hotter than gold la tho peaceful homo when all tbo flroslan charltica come thn ahrlno of love and tho haven of life hallowed by mother or sister or wire however humblo that home may bo or tried with aorrow by hoovon a do the blessings tliat never wore bought or aold and centre thoro aro better than gold hotter than cold in affliction a hour la tho balm of lovo with iu soothing power hotter than bold on a dying- bed la the hand that pillows the sinking when tho pride and glory of llfo decay tho prostrate sufferer not that trust in heaven is better thai lf0d a a smart sijp 3to flreim 8tfart tnrjg by wit and humor i mm1ctt gam hfi i hai i vjlxal wmmwmmmmmnwmnkmimmmvifimjfflfftft i twvlu v a but hurry urgu 1 tild lonil time lurry iano roopon in 1 will leilalm horry cunt d it thin is tho night i am to apnn 1 at honst hervlco observatory then v irlif puuso then ted reilltd v u 11 miss a good tlmo good t y iwsplto the fact that he was really disappointed ut having to decline his fronrs invitation to accorni any htm n tho high ychool oiitcrtalnmonl t miles down the valley it was with fouling or automation that harry rlimbod down from the roof of the sited on whlrh he hud txton standing this grui incut ion being occasioned by tin rapidity and exactness with wlach po nil tod hud axshfeiged tholr m ugs for ted huo boon utnndlng ut ilia roof of unother ahod on bis father rinch three mllos away and tho voraatlon hud bjop carried on by means of a ooupl of homemade heliographs the aahos from which made tho doll und dashes of the morso code ths boys had boon practising for some weeks whenevor spar time and ahlno co inotdod and had become qulto proficient it sooms to mo that you aro get ting rather old to be wasting your tlui with a plaything hko that harrys jatbor observed disapprovingly a t boy upproaxhad the house harry fluahed why id hardly call it a ivlaythlng ho replied the heliograph is used in all signal ervlci mora or fcss and is valuable when other methods of communication fall wo havo boon having qulto a little fun but of course if you disapprove 1 11 plop oh i do not particularly dtsap prove his father aajd it only soenu a little foolish for you to bo up o that shod flashing a mirror when you could come into the hous and use the telephone if you wish to talk with tod at this moment a buckboaxd stop cnittauavjiyj at thi momen a duckooaro h j saving seed of garden pea8 and beans there 4s no apparent reason why ovary person who has a garden should not save seed of these two crops for planting- tho following yoar the seed is easily harvested fcn be safely stor ed ln a dry place and is usually of better vitality than that bought if a variety does particularly well should be retained for the next year a great saving could be effected also as a very small area will produce seed that would cost a dollar or two if bought further if seed is saved more is usually available for planting than would likely bo bought and ln this way roach more of those desirable vegetables will be grown when the peas have nicely matured the vines are pulled without shelling tho pods and piled into small piles to dry trilb takes from four days to a week according to the weather should wet weather ensue and the piles become compact they should be tunied over to prevent the seed from remaining damp and spoiling if a loft la available h is a good plan to take the vines inside and spread them thin ly when they will soon dry out when the vines are nloely dried out in the field it has been found that to put them into bran bags and bong thm up in a loft away from mice until thye are threshed is a good plan after they are threshed they can be placed away from mice and sorted over when time permits if not for sale no sort in- is sieoeasarr beans when nicely matured and after the leaves have been removed by frosts are pulled and allowed to dry for a day or two when they may bd handled ln tho same way as if bean rust is present it is wise to select pods free from the disease before thrsahlns keeplnar this seed sparate from the rest those showing the disease after being threshed should bo sorted ovev carefully and any show ins signs or blackened akin should be discarded this is an indication of the presence of the disease which is carried over in the seed it does not require much time save the seed necessary for a good garden and those who make a prao- tlco of savlna their own seed are al ways pleased that they have done sd ir it is desired to- get into newer and better varieties and only a limited number of plants are being grown p year or two of careful saving and selection of rust free seed of these varieties will build up a satisfactory stock the harvesting of garden peas and beans is not different from the method of harvest slmlla field varlo tloa of these crops w 8 illalr super intendent euperltnonta station kent- vino n b a teachers creed we have had within recent years l many a one creed tor the boys and girls of grade and high school years now oomes a creed for the young teacher written by a teacher edwin osgood qrpver that expresses in a beautiful way- the beliefs to which tvry high minded instructor of young people will readily subscribe i believe writes mr o rover in boys and girls the men and women of thecreat tomorrow that whatso ever the boy sowoth the man shalf reap i believe in the curse of ignor unco in the efficacy of the schools in the dignity of teaching and in the joy of aertiosr others i believe tn wis dom as revealed ln human lives as well as in the paces of a printed book in lessons taught not so much by precept as example lu the ability tu work with thonimflg as wen as to think vltji tho head in qverythlnk that makes life large and lovely i bellevo in beauty in the schoolroom lit dally llfo and in out of doorj i bellevo in laughter in love in faith in all ideals and distant hopes that lure us on i bellevo that 9vry hour or every day we receive u just reward for all we ure and oil we do 1 be lieve in the present and lis nppor tunltlos in the future and its promises and in the divine joy of living didnt improve him tt an old clergyman ent his eon to oxford tha boy was not brilliant and college did not improve him but he cultivated what lie believed was tho correct oxford drawl and when ho came down or tao summer vacation his father was mut tto hear him preach the son was prepared tu show him how to i do it in the morn ins nfer sundry posturlnsa nounoed his 4pxt he that hath yahs jj yah let hw yah in the afternoon his text was now bawabba was a wpbbah at njght tha old mm aetna an and look his tost lord hays mere on my son for ha is a lunatic and or tormsntod v name was shouted vigorously a few minutes later he was tn tho vehicle with robert judson who urged tho spirited ponies to a smart pace jud sob was to relievo for the night the foroat service man at the lookout station on tha top of bald mountain and had invited harry to share his watch it was ihis engagement chat had provented harry accompanying ted to tbb school entertainment- the buckboard soon left the valloy and the well kept roods and atruok into a trial leading ever upward through heavy forests wo haven t had a good rain for two month judson commented glancing about i havo never seen the woods so dry and this is just the time when there are the most campers and tourists in the reserve it would be the worst possible tlmo for a are start with th strong winds wo are having- and we have been warned to b6 partfcularly alert people are amaxlnsly careless or ignorant about allowing brush and forest fires to get started and despite all tho rat servico can do millions of dollars worth of time and some lives are lost every year- when the slope became too steep for tho ponies the buckboard was left and the journey completed on foot the final hundred yard climb taking them out of the forest growth and to the summit of the bare topped peak where was perched the snmf lookout cabin the man judson was to rollaxa huncled down the mountain anxious to reach the buckboard and got out of th woods before total darkness with delight harry took in tho view from the mountain top on two sides were range after ranee of wooded bills while on the other two sides the valley country stretched to a line of hills which showed hasy blue in the dls tance the green fields were dvldod into what seemed square by glim merln and loaning lines which harry knew to be the main irrigation difchea the white lines were roads and thf specks moving upon them wore auto mobiles or teams a dark unw that cut across the valley and disappeared into the mountains wss the railway for thirty miles in every direction every dotal of the country was eearty revealed by the late afternoon sun and harry studied the scene wtiheamr interest presently a shadow min 1 creep over the valley then tho mountains and soon all was itsi in a era of semi darkness was after they had colon their supper thai harry heard judson give startled exclamation and following tbo direction of the others gaae he saw a pqlnt of light which glowed redly for a wo men t then disappeared only to burst forth again an instant latrr larger than before v this tlm there wus a distant flickering and wavering and even before judson had leaped to tho telephone harry under stood bat the dreadful blng had hap petted therv was are in tho forest he coutd hear judson making his terse reort to the korea t service officer in charge of the district station seven small fire burn ins briskly on moo if tain side apparently section ib north wind now northeast gusty eighteen miles an hour is that alt you are going to dor harry demanded excitedly when the observed catno out from the ibui and begun watching the rapidly spruudlng glow in the distance why yes that a all that noeda to be done judson replied quietly on that report within qve minutes ovary purest service man within fifty miles will bo racing toward the fire while they right the fire they will depend upon me to ubservo and report pro- suddenly he stoppod speak dig and stared for an instant yhto the darkness then leaped for tha telephone station seven t he reported awlftly second fire apparently section six icast near railway una spreading fust wind nortlesst twenty miles an hour going to bo bad the observer told harry whoa he again emerged from tho cabin the tow fires spread wtth lncredthl rapidity until it seemed to harry that ii tfte mountains in sight wore burn ing and a great bolt of fire flowed down like a rod rlvvr about thu base or hold mountain itself we may he cut off bora for a while lean said in an interval between his telephoned reports but we will be tn no danger the fire will prolv ubly creep up to the timber line but the wind will carry the smoke uway from us rar away in the back depths of thi valley a string of moving lights caught harrys attention there comes tho continental express he said will the fire stop themr yes said judson the big tlm ber brjdge over whitewater creek has probably been burned they will strip at the valley station nut watching- harry saw that iter of pinpoint lights that ha knew indicated the station tho train did not stop it is going right on he exclaimed juaaob mve startjedlook the station knot tailed to flagr he cried excitedly vju telephone th watnjp mmi ut tho irrlgat inn dam mo can nt r them and with hurry ut h hnoln ho hurried to tho uloi huno hut ills frunllo calls brought no un ower his fuco wont while thi line is iluw he cried the fin ut lh tmo of tho mountain has i urned tlm l olos la thnro danger fur tho irnln hurry nukod frig mono 1 by the 1hu of hln companion e fai t kynu just before tha whltawutu- idge is coached tho truck owing uhruplly around n shoulder or tho mountain which outs off the onuliioefh vlow uheud tho engineer will not luu w tho rtro in wltbln u mile of tho lino uiftll he mukoa that turn an 1 j then it will bo loo tutn nothing on i urih utn now nuvo thut truln from plunglruf into whltewntar cunyi n u hull tred foot doi p ho droiied hit a ijiulr and covered his rno with hlu hunda ills companion said ho wus trying dospernfoly to think f lonio way of competing with ho flro sud denly a wlld hope si rung into harrys mind i ve aeon messages flushi d from here both day and night why can t you do thatt the hollographt ye- the other re piled its for emergencies or when tho telephone n out of order it has strong electric lights from a storage battery or night uso tho regular man can uso it but i do not know the morse cods besides thorn would bo no one to signal to who could stop tho train thoro is jut one chonoe harry said glancing at his watch i can uso tho heliograph whore is ut i think i know of a chance of its being caught a minute later on the dark top of the flame encircled mountain a gleam ing point of light began to flash swift ly dash dot dash dot dot it jolted farry reahxea as tiollreleasly opefleti and closed the shutter of tha heliograph that there was scarcely one chance in a thousand that his call would be answered but that ono chance was too precious not to make every effort jt was ten minutes past eleven o clock and he fururod that ted davis would bo on his way home from the high school entertainment driving his fathers powerful roadster for five miles hlaroad would he almost straight toward bald mountain and harry figured that it was almost certain that tod would from time to time look toward tho burning roreata hut evon r he did would he notice the wtnklm light or seeing it realise that the call was for him and not tho offlclal lignalllna of the forest men in the valley thoro wero still a few lights acattored like stars in a black sky and of these two or three ware moving tho headlights of automobiles sud denly one of these moving points of light stopped went nut and thorcro appeared on a series of quick broken flashes flash dash dot dot t d ted xavu answering signal what time is tho train due at hlh dridger demanded harry eogerly and judson answered hopelessly eleven- thirty one there she is now he add ed as a string of lights swung into sbjht at a considerable higher ola vatlon than when before aeep she s cllmbinjr tho mountain almost at once however jtho train disappeared looping around a peak high bridge was the span which carried the railway ovpr dry canyon a great gash in tbo mountain wall the bottom of which was almost on a level with the valley door a fairly good road ran atong tho bottom of tho canyon with the railroad bridge fifteen hundred feet above several occasions harry and ted had visited this spot and had discovered what was undoubtedly an old indian trail which sigxacged up the face of the apparently sheer canyon wall tak inir advantage of tiny lodges and pro jectlons by means of which a climber of sure foot and cool head to the railway level it was a hoyf mllo from hiah bridge to whitewater the length of time required far tho train to reach high bridge was ac counted for by the fact of the heavy grade and the numerous great horse shoe loops made by the line as it climbed harry looked at his watch tin could only guess widely how far out tn the valloy was tod tlujre being nothing by which ho could identify the location of his lights well ho would do the best ho could the shutter tt the heliograph began to snap open and shut open and shut fltop continental express at high ilrldge yqu havo aovonteeu minutes ho flashed harry was co nook us of ted s as toulahed pause before ho gut the an r is this a joker ts life and doaih tho heliogrojih auupped back and instantly the fur off headlights replied all right then the lamps of the machine biased steadily and began to move with rapid ly increasing speed hurry had dono what he couldnow it was up to good old ted in spirit hairy waswlth his friend in the swaying roaring car down thoro ln tho black valley folt tho puree rush of ulr against his face und saw the speedometer creep up and up o 50 oo us with wide open tucol tl the powerful car leaped forward oward tho wall or blackness that fled awuy before the b axing headlights miles and minutes spod together and ted crouched behind his sloorlni i could ooe nothing but tho roud disclosed by tho ahaft of light which he followed suddenly however the roar of the motor racing with cutout upon became doufenlntf rind ho know that ha was lp the canyon with screaming brakes th machine ulld to top and ted turned the powerful spotlight upward vae some dls unco it illumined the clltz face brilliantly but htghor up the light was dim 1retty bad hut it just has to bo dono td muttered and spraiuf tu ward the foot of the trull on laid mountain harry wultod in ilpleaa anxiety would ted make itt that cliff vfe a dangerous climb oven by duy und at night with a poor light r none t wo will soon know judsor in id high hrldge is in sight from here as la the track for a quarter mllo be for reaching it thoru s tho truln apparently suspended high in tit air a string of lights swung into vlnw moving rapidly then bhvud nf i i ring another light a ary tiny ono ut that distance appeared the string moved slower and slower and finally right up to the tiny light ex mo i top made it i judson urledj i is inailo it and he slapped his com pan ion on thu shoulder as tours run dowp his fsca well tod s the fellow wo counted said harry thin in mr robert itaaaomb proul dent of un lotcrroiitlnental hallway tod announced impreaalvoly im glad to moot y u young man mr hum ml diilort 1 grusplng ijhrry s hut d ji furl to know you un 1 th younu frlnn 1 of youfo i havo r m i k wy ynu mum not mind if i an i rl r automoqileaandqhjlbnen uirod ity tho nt ii is worthy i oty d r ivor of 1 hi following p ii mil hafnty ol curuful tu ly by mud r vehicle 1 apt rojtlmululy 2s per ulj ihrsons killed by uuti moblloa aro rlill iron under 16 yearu of us 2 many drivers aro careful iron tod imslunmo stroets but careloas in reoldonllal and other dlstriols nil ituti nra numerous 3 in oplti of tho danger many i hlldrt n tnaki tho street tholr pi ktound or in ct aalng each other n hull thoy may suddenly dash into tin htroet right in front of u mo vine vnhhh drivers ohouia assume that overy chill on or nimir jju utnet is going to diiuh suddenly in front of iholr cars you cannot tell by looking at a child what it is going to do you nlmuld i hum fore drlvo slowly and havo abo lute control of your cur la not only whan chlldrnp ure playing in tho iitroot but also whoi limy urn j laying near tho curb or oi uio m1 luwulk h when passing uchtols or play u whon u i rouchlng ponton in blnyclna tricycles roller ukatoa klddli cars otc d when approaching youngatont who are hitching a rlda on vuhtclo ahoad o whon imuulng ice wacona street sprinklers e drivers should ramomber f 1 lowing a qautlon your own and other pooplo a children ubout tha dangers of tho street b do not allow anyono to rldi tho running board roar tiro or bumper of your car co parsons on bicycles or roll or skates or in carls ahoud not bo per mltlod to hitch on your car 6 in many communities school children are being taught safety automobile drivors ahnuld co operate in this gtod work and take every pre cauticn to prevent occidents to chil dren r 7 if you oxpoct other persons to avoid injuring your children you should take caro not to injure tho fl 01 olflo lvino or poverty there aro fow people apparently who bollovo tho statement that a poor man is batter than tc liar or there would not bo so many rich crooks them are lots of mon whose fortunes aro founded on falsehood and whoso whole huslncoa and social life is a tissue of falsehood they lie when thoy buy they ho when they sell and llo a the way between they think it is smart to secure an extra five per cent by repnesenung- the goods they purchased are not up to sample they call it good business when thoy brow- beat a house into extending the tlmo of their poyrnenli they claim it is push whon they make statements in their udvertisomenix that ase as fur from thn facts us tho earth is from tho fixed stars fortunes built wltb such foundations way well cause their possessors uneasiness tha man who can look his fellow in tho face may bt poor but ho is nobleman beside whom nil tho shrlvol aouled scoundrels that can be plod up between earth and heaven when a man gets th idea that rlahes are bettor than honor he is no fsr from the bottomless pit it will not bo long- before ho will divide honors with the safe cracker and hold thug hotter la a little with righteousness thun great revenues without right shoo and leather journal a farmers account book any innrdiitnt bundling several dlf fi n nt linen if goods would regard it ui f lly li iuihct ti keep a t implot t t f w kn unnl una him at all tlmo ti nn rrtulti hln ruflth und loss o m lite varloun mm illlaa ho hoiim hi t huiw und liuhllltlkm ui i so no j n uuufarliir r win fnllo i l il i n won 1 ho hiudlit f irjtjn lyijiry ltpjjiri yi ttten it ut hindu ii huulc imluiitry- uurlnulturo h ul i u carrle 1 oi u fir n indlvl liiul i nwltimrw wren con rrr od with it in onauul u manner v 1th rcaunl lu a count kooplnc f mxlully 1m thin tilt nig wtimi it i co nn 1 irrud how ulfiiplo farm book kllnk is ly lompurluon with that of other hualiiosseu in ey of farms coiuujcln 1 1 1 ictfvurwjjlm t in yu fulfowyl pint i method f lart uumbo ii mi eight hun i rod inn tlmo njto it sim ry fow farmers ythliik llk a ootn ucroutitruff dopind ul luy n ul ul these h y in 1 liavlug a sort i f genera idea us t t what puul wero ift ii itulto huxy as to actual rotui fnun d iff ore nl llnra of work mn order if iwmlmo tu remedy this undoalrable utnto f attaint tha 1 minion experimental rurtns uyatim has published un extremely simple farm or a urcount book which will adotjuuto ly at rvu ull nocoasary purposes ii ulxusund thlcknea m in no larger than u nchtol oxoroiua lunik and is doalgn ol to lust a cam i in to your to keep it in is no knowlo lo of ordlpury nn counting wlmi ly thn ability to wrlto un udd und u record of all tranxuc tlons might bo njudo ln an hour a wcrkafiw main uirctlmia an to making entries nomo oi lu to making inventories a table nf alio capacltlns and a gestation tul la are nlvon the i nnld o nf the oovof while on the i me it aro rlntad cult n lurs for last this and next year in tho book llaelf are pages for the i niry of receipt and oxpondlturoa both of which muy hn soon at u glancf on thn uamn age relative to cuttle horses whoop uwlno poultry crops and lubor ttnd thoro la also ample upuoo for miscellaneous itomi there im u pagn ft r amounts nwod to and by tho farm und forms on which may bo made inventories of land and buildings of live stock of food i suppllns and of machinery l allowing is a pagn on which may bo filled out i nummary o thn year tt buslnosu to gnthor with the fow directions nooas sary lo rilling it out lutoluguntly at tho on 1 of tho year kurthor ror tho farmers information there is a tabli jn which to ontor acreage and yield a llvo stock service recor recoi tbo whole thing has boon roducod to the simplest posulblo terms and should prove to the general farmer one of tho most useful publications lasuod from the experimental farms for some tlmo it should bo recognised that farming is a buslnoss tho same ns any other if a business is paying thn owner of it wants to kntiw just why it is not doing- so this llttto book will enable the farm or to keep an accurate record of each depart mant of his business find out how much ho is malting- from each or how uttla and so bo able to adjust matters accordingly tho farmers account hook is ob tainable from tho publications branch of tho department of agriculture ot tawa at a nominal charge of ten cents no postago need bo placed on totters of application thu mchoolmastur had been giving his class u lesson in physics geogra phy and had explained that the world is made up of land and witter than lu order tu see if they hod been giving attention ho asked now boys can you tell me what it is land and water maker for some time thnro was sllenoe but presently a little boy put up his hand and whuti asked to give the an swer ho r piled mud slrl an x his front yard when u largo antoinubllu aprpoachod rapidly uuri stopped at the gale besides several persons ted davis waa a passonxor ajl h was vlnenuy feeling btajuy important aooompnl4d by a grayhalrod gentle tabu ted oame forward had tried them all school days aro hero aaln and composition and english class to tho fore so remember that one useful ele munt of a literary stylo is suggestion tho author does not tell a laborious story he presents a picture in as few words as possible allowing the reader to fill in tho details for himself tfcos was tho unconscious method of utile margaret who says tha philadelphia telegraph had had a present some sugared ulmonda and wu labor ing under un impulse of generosity aunty sho sajd don t you want some of my almonds7 thank you doar wus the prompt reply iwliriaeoone5r two bufar od almonds aro favorites of mine well whict la4he most- favorites o link ones or the white onest i will take tho white ones pleuse thut la if you don t mind that ii bo just right uunty you take the white ones and i will keep pink ones thoy wore ull pink at first quite truei afraid op nothing but mother the close of a cow ure you father m sho said at his lecture when you ti t fraljr cvrtwlnty not evelyn whon you see a bumble boo hrun you ufruldt not with scorn aran l you afraid whuii it thun drr j with laughter oh child pupa said kvolyn solemnly aro j not ufruid of nothing in tha world but mamma slllj something anvhovv the i so tutor wus letting- himself go i venture to assart ho declaimed willi warmth that there is not a man a this audience who has ever ilomi ttytlilnst tu prevent the destruction nf ur forests 1 stung to tha quick ti mild looking man in ho back ouw bounded to his foot i ve 1 ve shot woodpeckers be i rotosled heatedly the redoubtable american and whore do you come fromt america is it true that in your country overy man tuts a chance to bo lieldent well wo can hardly say that but i ist overy family can own a motor coloring wood in its fresh state the uso of colored woods lu th construction of furniture hji long- bee kndwn tho malarial has usually boon atalnod oftor ha nocessary seasoning process wtrhln the last few years however a method of austrian origin has boon employed whereby tha wood is colored while in a groan state hy tnosns of heavy pressure in a closed vossol the sap is driven out of tha wood and is replaced by tho coloring fluid which may consist of u solution of the more permanent anllinv dyoa the- best kinds of wood for treatment are found to bo birch beech ul lur plane elm and lime ouk fir und pine are unsuitable because they do not stain uniformly tho colored wood la used for mok ing furniture and ror the manufacture of doors and window frames it can also be omployed for outdoor purposes in which case no painting s necos sary although a coating of varnish would seem to bo necessary ior the nttlna of ships railway cars and similar purposes this stained wood appears to be remarkably woll fitted imlwln tarrlaso delight toiietsqap msbssxsssssssjibaxssss notice to creditors in the burmgste court of the county of wellington in the metier of the estats of jans soselsnd ists of the vlllaae of ookwoed lit tha county of welling ton widow deasseed notice is heruby bwuii pursuant to he lion dj of tha trusteo a tit h o 1b14 l hup tor 121 tlutl ull creditors and uthers huvliig clabits ur demands against the uststo uf tho said jane tozeland deoeusod who died on or about tho twoniy oiglitii day of july a i 1933 at the village of arthur in tha county or wellington are ro quired on or before the twenty seventh ilny of hp torn bof a i ibis to send by poet prepaid or deliver tu 13 j moon of the village of arthqr ballcl- tor for harry r fair and william woodman isxecutor of the said es tate tholr christian names and ur- tiamost addresses and descriptions the full particulars in writing- of tholr claims a stutemnntr of tholr amounts and tho puturo nf the security if any held by them such statemunts and claim t b verified by statutory do jaratliiu and tuko notion uiat after such last mentioned date tho said fxoautotw will proceed to distribute tho assets of tho said deceased lunung out loroos on lltted thereto having regard only to the claims of whit h thoy shall than havo notice anil that tho suldj kxe or an utrt theroof to any ioraan ur kersons uf whosu clulm notice shall not avo boon received at tha time of such distribution dated at arthur ontario this 80th day of august a q ibb3 moon of the vllhcgu of arthur hollultor for the icxeoutgr l need op instruction thn difference hotwean children in 1 umiti where humane instruction i given and homes whom it is deemed unnocossary wss clearly shown whmi a lady reported that a nix your oil boy on her srcnt hud nwunjr a klttiti tytunl breaking its lack this wau the sixxind kitten hn tied iraatod thuu tlinxariintsof uphyd wnrn jiroatly illstrrssed when soeir by the inspector und promised a whipping which a rem od to hardly fill tho bill a course of lossotis in kindness would bo morct to tha point another amsll urchin appeare rocnnll at imq dqtiar torn with a kltton in his arms ho explained that some boys wore hurting h and he hud brought it in ror protection it may ha horedlty it may bo environ munt it may bo education we think it is chlofty oducationiut tho tact that ono small child bnflka u kittens hark whlln another walks blocks to havo ono from abuse snoms to indicate thut thoro is nn influence in the mo llfo that is uhsent from tho other the board and the bored a utr titter in a scotch vjllnga thought that he might improve his tlmo by attending service in tho local church at tha conclusion of a lengthy sermon tha minister announced that ho should llkn to moot thn hoard in thn vestry tho atraogor tn company with several other persons procoodod to walk toward tho vestry thn pastor thinking thoro must be soma mlndor titan ding- said to him i bollove sir you aro mistaken this is just a moot ing- of iho board tvon roplfod the visitor i have listened to you talk for more than an hour and if anyone has been more bored than i have been i should like to know who it is wonder what an idle telephone uiinkb about when you buy surprise you get a bi bright solid bar of the highest grade household soap and it is always the same apure hard soap ut stand hero idle for x hour- at a titne hohufnt she forgets that she hires me to help her she complaint ot never having time- enough yet ive watched ber for over an hour trying to write one letter springvule for a few cents id put her in springville and for 5 minute the mutte of ber voice would make omebody happy when she picks up a pen ahq gets so selfconscious that her letters well honest they dont do her justice mo pen helps a woman to ex her real self at her best as i do no post age stamp travels so fast i sometimes think her hus band appreciates me more hohuni i tax notice1923 municipality of acton the tax notices for 1033 ore now being sent out for the con venlonco of all concerned paymonta have boon arranged to be nufde in two instalments at the bank of montreal v first instalment september 20 second instalment november 28 any ratepayer may pay tho wholo of his taxes on or before september 30 but one half the amount must be paid on or before thut date failure to comply with this arrangement entails extra expense and trouble an addition of five pr ocjit will bo mado to every tax rate or assessment remaining unpaid fourteen days after the said 10th day of september for the first instalment and tho 23rd day of november for the second instalment and it will be the duty of the collector immedi ately after the said several days appointed for bayment to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statute id that behalf all ouch taxes or instalment of taxes i please take your tax notice with you to the bank when making payment w j reed collector do jokello gos sthma kgmepy wsbmssppm i after the passage of five years during which no advertising has been done in the name of the firm the ford motor com pany of highland park announces that it has decided to spend 7000000 in news paper and magazine announcements all through the united states during the next twelve months saystknolrdercities star the announcement is significant and of great interest to the advertising world andjhe public generally seven million dollars will be spent in advertis ing the worlds bet known motor car if the ford motor company did not consider this good business the money would be l used in other ways if it is desirable to spend 7000000 in u year advertising the most widely known factory product in the world how desirable it must be for other manufno- hirers to advertise product that uro not nearly so well known can you afford not to advertise 1 buyadve good s w a square deal ll ftomilkiaubssssvbssssksswb qsbxsoaesai

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