Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 3

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yv ffllj arton 3toi llrwra tfluilhiuy hfptlmih it j whibtle a little wh i y i an 1 ih h wmn 1 ix wll ut lib turning all tl w rk y i trim junittunn ittilnnrttnu ai 1 wl lull i mill h liy ih ury al vn y u i lu lo i will mu 1 ii h 1 1 m i ni i 1 vo you n ii wary i u 1 it i k t at i thing mutter rl i ih nnt muili fun n d trlflo dooper mtuihii i utile poiii will i anl jmt i r an i i erhups wh mtmt discouraged y i will fir i i moot h road uheutl ai 1 will t m i a in ntoop to touch y ti wt j y ufthought that god wu lcnil ti o aha wny 1m 1 oavy laddie ar l ll nr not yot l all run y j will tlnil your feet grow huh tor if y u whistle a llttln eon th tho world em full of trourilo tl ro in till another dawn just lralghlen y6ur ahoul lor la idle an 1 vfw you will aixry on and thn peak whora your tye avo lln itared will yet bo the goal that ik won if you only keep on climbing and whistle ft llttlo sont anna m walker news of local import send in the new if you havo a bit of now send it in or a joke that will urn two nond it inl a story that i true an incident that now wo wont to hear from you end it lit if its ooly worth tho while nover mind about the stylo aond it lnl i milton la getting alberta coal muton coal dealer havo received their nrat shipment of all erta coal a number of customers have already tried the now coal and are highly aatls hed with the result the coal sold at 314 u ton delivered soveral other shipments are on order helton candidate expert w e ford of milton returning oflloer for hal ton county in the i ro vir cial election of june 2g last has rocvwod from ouch of the three candl date a tafonmnt of thalr election expense ae follows lion e- c drury progressive sb37 42 qeorgo hlllmof m ijp conservative ffilo 8z lohoy dale liberal 40 83 the merchant comprehensive policy tho editor of the elmlra signet in speaking of tho progressive spirit of tho town of st mary dwells on the compnehenslve advertising policy of its merchants to which he attributes he success whloh they have over many other towns in holding their home town business from tho catalogue trade of the biff departmental houses quelph rlfumen win shield at the dominion rlftd association match at the connaughl range ot tawa members of the first wellington rides ouelph were the winners of the macdonald shield with a total score of ml points tho victoria rifle montreal wore second with 688 and ottawa highlanders team third with 638 the personnel of the winning team included uul col w h hod major c r crowe capl j a steele scrgt w gould sergt j t steele ptes o dyar t lads and corp 0 preece let me be a man tho river with thn exception of a l ilotnstreot but tho bride ho took there nnarly thirty yearn ago died in 1dj mr wardlaw in tho p rasa til aw nor next week 1 tl olvo ann or two of thn tragld ot rlos of tie ol ion ilavn which tnnslrcd m ir mar the now highway i how nt in net ilia wlul th ini i oilf on tl o hunk stoj n woi is ni to toll him nl out hasnhutl ir ingu wntmirwl fhti pimnhnll ftny l thn rly days anl like i tl games onl uknr hut i was i r uictit u on gp d flrt cricket ni i 1 iluyol it with anst i of n wn lnr y o m of tho old c untry rrlkitfm wo have n lown don t organise it club here tl oy could haw u good una in aut n- as to misnt all 1 d llk to eoe a real llyo club in acton it i tun mi old co igor i vo boon down to thii park si vorai tlmns this summer to soc the games i liked thn girls soft intl gini the 1 est thira was mnro n n in thnm than in the men a gainoa i nnw from my oxporlai ro with thnt r ganliatlons i an jultn t tho mjnd or tio young faunr about gnttlng a first class himolmu club tliut wu u can bank on in acton to socura thin the qiaoj lo interest mi must commence early if they organlxo a good toarb and iflay th same fair and square the town will stand by thorn every time neighborhood newq town and country oakvill oeorqetoyvm i oro arn k3t i ui 11m rnglhir high imtl 1 til ii hl oln f tl as my name indicates i i m ettlng to bo un old man i am an u thounh i to my level boat t koep young hut i have tlmo for thought and meditation which worn donlod mo in my earlier and snore active daya somo othor man who also manifestly has um for sorlous thought v loed the result of my modltulli n to a t on wttat a man should b in his conduct and character in thn following versos a mn 8 prayrr lord if dm hoori ulona m cranted me let mo but cl ooso wliit that hip bo n shall bo ihull not ask t live md sholtored bliss in soft soctirlty but only this lot rqa ho not a cowar 1 in thn strife that ttwftnitn across tho 1 uttlntlelds of ju lot mo lewvo not for other lives to bear the lurdm that wnro rlstful1y my sham lot mo h t whine nor ver soak t shirk nut ohiwrf illy i oar my full od of work thnn plaro afriendly shoulder ncath the load of one who fainting falls i osldo tho road let me oh lord ho clean nnd un afraid let mo go forth to moot life undid mayed until tl o flnal hour of llfq s i rlef span lot me walk uprinht let ma be a man i thus let me live that whan the day a work dono i pitch my tent toward tho setting lie down to rest and from my labors my soul within its houso shall be at poact will thomas wl throw i may now take half holiday when farmers have their srraln cut and part of it in the bam they n orally count tho heaviest proportion of their work for tho year over most of the farmers aurroundfeg- acton have reached this happy stage in fact some of them have all their grain in the bant while others are well on the way generally speaking the crop has been very good and while some complain of rustv farmers are gener ally well satisfied with their grain crops this year boots are alio look ins very one if prices would now ad vance most farmers would bo quite ready for thanksglvtng prompt payment pays persons who natronlxe papers should ptfy promptly for the pecuniary proa peeta of the press possess a peculiar prosperity ir the printer la paid promptly and hls pooketbook kept plethoric by prompt paying patrons then pututh he his pen to the paper in peace his paragraph are more pointed be prlrjieth his pictures of p events in more pleasant color and thus the perusal of his paper become th of more rleaaure to the people paste this piece or proverbial philosophy in some place where all persons can perceive it the oompoal tors ran out of p a or else this article would have continued indefinitely look like brampton for champleni brampton lacrosse team by virtus of its decisive victory over maltlands in a senior o a l a fixture there on saturday will playon with weston for the league championship although brampton was almost sure of a place in the playoffs malfland had a slim a dangerous plaything some people express auvprlso that the police ore tnstruotbd to con neeeto all air gun and catapults they find in poosoaslon of the boys declaring thoy are innocent toys here is evl donee tuot they are positively danger ous lost thursday jackie ueattln six years old lost tho slghf of una oi his eyes and it is feared the other may be affected a a result of being shot with on alrgun by jark woodruff nine years old who lives imxt door wwolraff was playing with tho gun and firing t a tree when a bullet hit uosttle in thu ya doctors era trying to extract the bullet tu prevent the loss of vision in the other whloh already shows signs of being affected n laser u vlls uavlaw reveries on the nfcw highway i took im troll up the new provincial highway which run from near the canadian national railway crosslnr an main street and parallel with the railway tight of way clear through to the town line where the corner of the tfour townships of esqueslng no agaweya erin and kromosa meet at the intersection thore my what memories of old times crowded upon mo during that stroll in the first place i wondered why the id qrand trunk railway civil en sineer away back there in 1614 or 66 made suah a blunder of surveying a level crossing there at main street with approaches of nearly u hundred yards both north and south whan a subway could have been put in at u quarter of the cost a little drainage would have been necessary but bloas me there m a good fall to running streams on bath side and f stood in wonder the other day when i thought of the engineering and humanitarian bfunder that was made back there seventy year ago rut i suppose roll road building was young in those days and experience of the builders limited anyway it shows that expensive mla takes were made in the construction of the grand trunk and the share holders to day are paying the piper for dldn t our dominion government have to take over the road the other year just to keep it going and without payment of anything to the shore folders far it the capital expend 1 ttire of the old a rand trunk robbed the shareholders of expected3dlvldends snd finally of thalr stock well tha level crossing has been a menace to ufa and limb through all those seventy years or the railway s operation i can recall a score cases myself where teamsters and drivers nave escaped within an inch of their uvea at that crossing a num ber of both single and doable rigs being struck i remember at least throe live being lost there of persons being struck by passing tmlns one of the members of our present municipal council will carry to his dying day a fractured limb becauao- his team was frightened at a train passing there i ve been tanking my lucky star ull this wook tlutt no lm not g jpg to say what you ro thinking ubout ut all and i won t say wlietbar l was at it or not but what i urn glad or that i don t llvo in alberto near lord renfrew s farm or that the e rtnea pf wules dldn t j lok his farm in on tarlo near crtiwaons corners oif in naosogaweya or this vicinity iv been- reading the papers and ho moms to bo tho only follow that oountn for beans with tl o young ladles wherovor he happens to be and i in just jeatous enough to think that he might be running off with my girl if ho was in walking distance of acton i ve never soon the prince but every says he m a reglar teller und it la it must get blamed tiresome having so many girls after him i imagine it must be because ull i can do is imagine i never had ovon oflo chasing mo very hard 1 ve ulways had to db most of tho running myself ut that just ono or tho little dls advantages of not being l rd ron frew n t know whothor tho prince likes all tho publicity ho is getting or not out most regisr fellers wouldnt ho can t say two words but what somebody blabs it to the paper if he gets struck on a girl and dances more than ono dance with her there l a great yam about it and right away he s engaged ajraln no blamed wonder he wants to cot away out west incog if i was him i d put a barbed wpre fence around the farm and have ten minutes peace anyway ratweon tho girls and reporters hes having one deuce of a tlmo id canada i d just like to ask the old man if ho remembers when some gf tho othor princes of wale visited canada if the girls and newspapers went on so crasy wild over them or if in his tme they were saner and used them good without all this spluttor and ulaverlrur maybe the other princes were married before they camo aver the herring pond to see us and i m thinking maybe this one will bo be faro he von lures across again but if the old man can rerrerober any of tho other visits i think it would bo quits the time now to get them off his cht and let us know how this reception compares with the others and see ir we ve got clean daft or if if wn ways this way a fire ulurm yntam is t be install tor oukvlllu t3w trnrt mm mire and daughter mary arrived at thnlr lionm at llrt nto front r nglni d on welnos lay f vonlnv after a pleasant vigil fi tl e old land with rolatlvus thn 1 var faithful illl i linen f tin mm ho hot church wji hoi i a 1 nxuur on saturday aftojltoon un 1 evening october 27 at tho michigan state fair detroit donald mckellor with ho tch torrl rn won c first nod all s eclats inclullng tho mlnhtsan htato gold modal for thn lxat nlr ovir ico apt hcatlonm i avn been ro ivp 1 for the position f nlgl t wm stable in oakvllto constable mo claary vucats the jm nlllon ut tho and 1 heptombcr at fthe morning sorvlro in km x church last sunday itov dr j v munrn announool a historical fart of ntcrest to thn congregation stutlng that september 8 marked tho ono hundredth anniversary of tho birth of thn lato uv jamas nlsbot first minister of the oakvlllo prasbyterjan cl urch und pit neor missionary to the indians of the canadian north west mr thomas nosbtt son if this nrst minister resides lit oakvlllo record burlington a by law was given tho first two readings at the council last wook to borrow 4 300 by debenture to puy for tho purchaso of tho lad lor tire truck and eiulpment for flra protection purposes dr and m t w peart left lost we k on a motor trip through now ycrk state to new york city mr and mrs r j webster end ml oeraldlno webstar of londai pent the week end at bonnie place n t renewed acqualritances in town mr and mrs e i inglahart of tltusvllle pa and mr geo ingle hart of chicago rook island spent tl o i ut week wth their brother mr albert tnglohart locust street mr qeo wltton miami florida is visiting at the home of mrs harry bray kllaaboth street the i inanclu district meeting for tl e muton district will be held in the bast plains methodist church on frl day september 21 at 10 a m a department con fere ncesyn tho after noon at which rev 4jct elndloott and other general conference officer will apeak will be held tho members or the baptist church cat bored at the home of w h nnd mrs swift water street last wort neaduy evening to bid farewell to rev a and mrs cooke who loft on friday for midland where rev mr ooka will havu charge of the church there gasotte the c6ui cll has j laoml insurance r r 1000 on each if tho fireman of the tnwn i0 i or wook indemnity ih ii f urcl lo it go rgel iwi s first flower show wt i 1 1 o i krl iny ufiorn n a c u in f frelghluirs were smash d ii i rm in at t station yar is i rn i ist i t um 1 ty nlgl t wfirluw klied m of nnrval lav i tight mr tiuorgti currlo m entlro irrrnrrrtirrcntnjr mr i v hnurlgni f toront las ll m nod t f his t n porty on m iln hltiet t i dr ii oi ih i mr wlllliun it hki i an urchused fr m tie t ronti gmmrul trust com i any tho lot i j h iaim fruit farm mi ji 0 clark wo i ii london it t ndli g thn western lalr as hi lro on cuttlo jnat week jlr dlrd flm now steel burn ihn fifth un is iik u rampjotrd miss marl n g 11 p loft it t w to i ttpnd the ontario ladies colleao ut wl utty dr th nut wrlgbloswortli of icau vlatre wis in vultlng his brothers mnssrn got rgn tend john wriggles worth i mr ii i laws n mlsa helen and muster walter i aye returned home after ap n ling two month in the old country miss mary laweop remain l in england herald eating gravel there urn tlol sin ai tholr tw gucs thnlr to tt tli u rot kndnoss i ut i f rnnn who uvu a sweet morsel un let who are today gritting ut thn rvsults of tholr id wrong doing the says ijread of deceit is wol to a man but- of tar wards his mouth shall be filled with gravel secret may seem dainty and tasty now hut an sure as death gravel atlng will come thorn is a fellow thut used to drive down town to busl nos with his coachman und hi trap everything wo in its heyday and the abundance of money provided its po sossor with sufficient for tho free in dulgonco in secret evil ha was tho co i slant guest or tho strunga woman un 1 t unko t in the rays uf an artificial light thut he th usht could not i miotruto tu thu outer world today thnlr is nolther coachman nor glided ht u loir l ut puny wretchedness and tl scounlret foun 1 i ut grayel tli nu come thore arn men reading this i arugraph who have already had their m uthful of gravel there are some with whom thn exj orlonce is still to comi fmorson says truth i the summit of being a fellow may have a big tlmo li a llfn of deception for a while but th nemesis of rotrl button unfailingly follow shoe ttjtd leather journal how to make your skin fresh and clear wat aid onw o nothing th giv nahtrtm green color to pal motive soap made tn canada fvery woman panes as pretty if onhr her skm is fresh moqthandyotmglt i within the power of every woman to poascs this attraction to make ber complexion as beautiful as alio longs for it to be the secret cleopatra know and eracticed it in ihedayaof ancient egypt he observed a daily ceremonious cleansing the cleanser she used war the same you may havo today pattb and olive oils these beautifying- ojja are sclentln cally blended in famous ialmollvesosv they give it mildness wonderful sooth j rig qualltica profuic creamy snd re freshing la t tier oteansintf with palmollve ii a beauty treatment in itself no woman should say her skin fa tooscnaitrve to use aoap until jili c lias tried pafraolivc the attractive green cake the natural color of the oils la within the reach of every one who appreciates that clean liness is the greatest bcautifier you can buy palmojivo soap at all first class dealers volume and sffidemy g f induce 25cenl i ll qtudityfor j milton the young fell kit on the dank steps ch and brampton shattered i by and bolted capsizing his load it has deaong the toronto boys 11 to 2 the always been a dangerous orbaslns excelsior made it a string of ten consecutive victories brampton now has high hopes of winning the chum plonshlp tho weston met defeat twice this year at th hands of tho excelsiors and were downed by malt lands however rrumpton went down to u bad defeat on saturday by a score of 4 1 at the hands of weston big price for bible a bible owned by tlu famous cr dlnal msorln of twenty vears after ifeithausted wtv old recently for 41 216 it was printed in 1451 one of the earliest made wjth movable type it passed successively to a foreign monastry to mr perry formerly proprietor of th morning chronicle the duke of bus ex the bishop of cdsscl tho earl of crawford hd the earl of caryafort it wa bought by a new yorker an injured poet look here the poet gasped to tho ub editor wrotea poem about my lluletwy und began thu my sop my pigmy counterpart well replied thn uhadltfir timt p pr from his poqket head he shouted see what your compositor lias don the sub- editor read my son my pig my counterpart where a safe subway might readily have been in its place sy as i ungervd at that ol 1 main street crossing i found myself back in my boyhool day again nurn an 1 certain 1 remembered the splendid hedge of ohoka ohnrrles along the jlno fence of the james cameron farm up to tho railway fence they wero famous cherries und tho boy of my day and for a generation ufter almost camped thern when tho oherrles were ripe and sweet and then there yvao l he cumerun orchard f what a wealth of rare fruit hero was in that happy hunting- ground for tl e boys jrom the tiino the harvest apples earns in until the first now had fallen and tie bpitsen burgs began to get ripe and mellow i m n t sure that james cameron set out those upple tru rather think r was j hn zimmerman the i uwiier if the finn john farmwl i tunned leather in the little la mi down by the creek on main street suy 1 ii never forget the pear tr and iiiiur i lum in cumcrt it m front yard their frut was swont und giw d thure wast t i boy in town bus would gladly go ut to cameron a un un r rand won n ho puars began to get ripe there wjire always lots of nice sweet ripe one on thn ground when the hoy went in but this supply was they come away some of th boy who wsje frienlly with the cameron girl such jack hut chison bk1 ucoarvln tom kenhely dlok thurtsll and others always seenled to have the first call und 1 remember they often cuius to aubool their pockets full of cuenehanr apples and pears all the same some pf the rast trf us got a shore and some lime right offlhe trees well lierej i am with my spuca limit about exhausted und j huven t got farther up th new highway thuii cameron s orchard in the opursa of lime mr and mrs cameron nit t ft from the wuena of their earthly labors thl h nrr the new highway at norvaj rest mprovmnt achieved through cutting and filling a norvol correspondent gives this interesting description of the improve ments being made in the road at that section ot the new toronto to sarnla highway at the mill at norval magicians have been at work an the hill to the west of the village and have lifted the valley till they bre turned into level ground und depressed the hills till the road once a terror even to drivers of horse propelled vehicle has become a long easily negotiable grade to see from the side of a car where the old road went and to note that the valley through which it do cendd a steep incline ha been filled is to bow gtavely to modern engineer ing the road has been lifted fully forty feet oat of the hollow if con tinue on a road made by cutting down a hillside about twenty five feet the cutting down process has been continued until level road la reached onoe more in the valley when the road is properly surfaced and rolled it wlu be one of the show parts- of the great provincial system preparation are going rapidly ahead for tho bridge at the hill but the turn that must be mode from the rear of the bin to regain the georgetown road is a terror to green motorist so is the detour down into ho valley of the west branch made to give the engineers a chance at tb bridge on that side pf the village a man in the interests olths public should ba ng with thing to do but see that only one vehicle at a time attempts the cross ing and to render assistance when llrrild drivers are afraid of the steep dip at either end but a a phu 1 hlcsj driver t said yesterday 1 n t lost forever and we shall have u good road when it 1 doiiel when the highway 1 completed trafflo will go tht way to brampton instead of by way of centrevllle and huttunvllle us at p roses t mrs roy field of edmonton aha and her little son are in milton on i visit to mrs mary fled anniversary service in knox church on sunday september so will be con duo ted by r v j a wilson of frsklno church hamilton mr charles logan of crest wood tuckshoe n y announces the on casement of her daughter enid to col wm n ponton of- belleville the murrlage to take place in september on friday 17th inst mr and mrs hall and daubhtera of 10b warren road toronto toured to mjlton and pent the day with ur hall god lather i pllo magistrate dice and mrs dice they were accompanied by mr hall a brother j d hall ex sheriff of new westminster b c and hi sister bessie who with two other sister had juat returned from touring europe and the british isle cham plop i robably no town of its size ha turned out tnbr professional nurses or bettor ones than ha the town of mlltun they can be counted by tho score the post orace is being treated to a new coat of paint if it looks as well after the operation us the town hall doe it will present a very handsome appearance at the annual meeting of the mjlton hlsh school athlatlo association mr downer the new athletic instructor delivered an interesting and inatruc address the following officers were elected for 1z 34 president joe aiken secretary treasurer it stewart form representatives l edgar priest l kenneth irwin iila il freestunq ih b jack hannant iv alex moore reformer rock wood bumper weatern wheat crop rsport now state crop will be th largest ih history thi westurn wheat crop is likely to be the largest in history according to the twentieth annual crop est inate of tho manitoba free free 1 ubllshe 1 last week a yield of 413 e0j lav bushels from manitoba sas kat chowan and alberta is the timute given atbeitu load with an aereuue ro duoth n fw bushel and a total of 148 901 6ei buhat saskatchewan ci mes next with ll bushel per acre und a total crop or tb fl10 64 buahsli manitoba oome last with 13 buhels to the uore and an aggregate yield of 34 bdobgo bushel eabv for wilcie tie turn by samuel moore willis pi hem street thomas c moore a l hem streett jsmes brown mid john c nelaoav all whom have gon over superintendent was paying in inuul visit to the villus chix 1 kvry fuce shone with uleunllnuntf i ear were trained to cstoh every word the man uttered every hand wrt itching to jo the first raised in reply the examination was coming to n unusually successful close wt ell thu great hum asked what i lake there was a long silence ni body could answer the quustlon at lost wllflas chena had ci me and his liand s the sis mr john smith has returned from a two months trip to detroit robt ourslang who spent the summer lu tho west has returned home mrs bayer and miss r bayer of acton and little mts beryl mcl od of fort william were sueat at the home of mr and mrs tlobert mi last week mjlton swanson won thr first rise of f to 00 in judging heavy hotscs ut toronto in a class of forty our mr robt croft won the fourth prlxo uf 117 00 for judging dairy cattle against 65 competitor mr david gray cum wvntt1ntnnrfin ano petition and mr leaman thompson eifth in the sheep competition th being 81 and 31 entries in the two classes respectively the sunshine und crusaders ml slon rands of the presbyterian church held their annual thankofferlng united i ly in the church several missionary pageants by the children were an in tore ting part of the programme a was ftlno the address of rev j utile i which was muqh enjoyed by all at juxc- clottcof the moating lunch was served by the girls t the aster show of the horticultural modeeyi which wa postponed at tho tlmo i f the regular show was held saturday afternoon and evening 8th inst and was an entire success there being eight elosss and sixty nlna entries which wa much larger ihan was expected mr john m savage of acton acted as judge to the com plete satisfaction of everyone award hurt throe prlxn id evsry class mr wri harris the president arrapsed a beautiful display of his fine gladioli which was much enjoyed thorn at pear to b an epidemic of sheep kullng by dogs in the township thl aiumner judging- from tl o number of application fur compsnsatlon mudo by sheep owner for sheep killed mul injured by dogs at last meeting of erumosu council the f huwlng ua counts weru pussed aeorge watts one lamb killed flqod duncan mat hed ran two sheep worried snd injured 110 do wm evert one ewe killed 13 00 janie dufflald one ewe end four lamb killed 160 00 liked hi0 work whistler the art 11 once took home framer to look at ono of his paint ing ut an exhibition well horn ho said what do you think of ut think of ltr was tho enthusiastic reply why sir it perfect perfeol mr wilkin ha ono just like it whatl uskod tho pusxled swhlst ler a picture like thlr oh said hi mo i wasn t talklne i bout tl picture i was talking about tho frame a centurian you are julto old uncle slewfoot are you not yaasah und t anlry for do terroga- uon sah if i uvea two mo yeah by do jlawd buin iii bo con turlon or a centipede and i fuhglt which not blindness but vision soma people havo an idea that cheer fulness i the result of blindness that in order to be cheerful wn must shut our eye to everything that is wrong in the world but the oheerfumess which lasts whloh wears the year around whose color do not fade in sunshlno 1 duo not to blindness but to vision there is no nee to lose hottrt in tho universe whom ood reign wo may woe many sad thing in our lives hut this earthly life is only a tiny fraction of human experience and eternity tor long- euo ugh rut bulviugmir our problems the cheerfulness which due to shutting the eyes is such a poor selfish thing that we cannot bo proud of it the cheerfulness whlcl is due to looking up to god 1 tho only sort worth having fall fair time approaching th pairs in whloh our readers oen rally are interested the following are the- dates of the fall fairs of 1933 in which exhibitor and visitors of this section are inter eated acton october 3 8 aberfoyle y october allleton october 8 arthur september x 19 ancestor feels better than for months mr monabb finds dreoo wonderful system otesnssr snd health buildsr and recommend it highly mr d ncnabb who resides at 40 ford street toronto and who has been watchman for six year at the suburban express company office found dreco a splendid remedy and tell you about it in the following statement lteac taking dreco says mr monabb ray liver was altiggtab and my stomach weak and i often had spells of sourness and gastritis that ware distressing my bowels were con 1 1 pa ted so badly that i had to luke a laxative ovory day snd a cold settled in my kidney it seemed as if could hot get rested my appetite tailed me and my condition got so bad that the thought of food even fairly sickened mo tho result was that i was sotting no nourishment and my system wo getting weaker each day jlnce lust spring i have taken dlf nt medicine none of which gave me tho loat result then dreco was suggoiitedto me and i thought 1 could mora than give it a trial thl i have done end the improvement that has resulted in ihrw shirt weeks is little lesu than marvellous a- my con tli atlon t greatly re moved my uppotlto is improving ap 1 no longer do i have that tired weary feeling my food digests well sod i have been freed of my go trio trouble and sour ness m uvar 1 active once more and my kidneys much stronger and i can notice that since my system has boon 1 urged the yollow jaundice which had developed during the course i f my slcki es i gradually disappear jng all in all i um wonderfully bnprov ad and giediy cremtto dreoo anyone system is apt to get rm down hut it can bo readily built up again with dreco thl grand herbal remedy contain no mercury potush or hiihlt forming drug and 1 the most reliable tujilo and regulator for dlgas tlve troublts ever put on th market let u free you from unnecessary suf faring by i uttlng your stomach liver kidney and bowels in proper working ardor dreoo is being specially introduced in aoton by a t brojvn and is sold by a flood druggist everywhere burlington september 35 28 september 31 23 september is 19 caledon colllngwood cookstpwn cooksvllle erin freelton fergus gait georgetown grand valley september 18 19 september 38 27 september 11 14 october 3 3 october t 3 october is october 1 september 2d 21 september 3t22 october 6- september xi 29 london western fair september 8 ib mnrkbam v october 4 8 mlltun september 32 29 oakvlue september 1315 omngevllle september 13 14 ottawa central canada sept 717 newmarket september 3739 rockwood september 26 38 rockton october 9 10 shelburne september 18 19 stratford v september 18 22 buy a nice chesterfield suite you will enjoy it during th long kll and wintor ovoninf wo ro ofterinir tli following uttcrf t grontly reduco4 price call and fee them mohair cktflld quit choittornelit nnd two chalni regular prlco l5 00 spoolal prlo 121800 ftnothr mohlr quit comoto 3 plea lingular f 27e 00 0p lal prio 1mj0 flntlry bart three plixx begiila l r immo cheap tapeetry 8ulto throe pleeea regular i1gs00 ffor ftfcm rumllubtl mm tm1hum1 simmons bed spring anp mattbbmeb built pr aipep wo capy a eompltu luuurt- mont of oj he different ylea of simmon e beda in wulto enamel oak walnuti puttidgaai and ivory auip slmjnena tjraaa pod i to iyo n perfoot nighln vet you eapnot do belie hn b simmon a bed simmon m bprmse and a simmon trean price qf simmpn a bada rang from 40 to a00 pploea of hlmjnono spring from 47b to wm c prieo o aimmonf rtli mat- treaeee from f7jw up call and see our large displays smiths furniture store 129131 wyndbam street guelpfa ont ptionp s84 a u hj get your job printing at the free press j 66 op canada limited has authorized a that all wm willi aaked tli euperln tfndent what le itt hure it tho hole in tho kettle elr k waa the proud anawer ma two ufn were walklntr along he beaoh at unnyld when una of them ol lentahy ktumbldd against a chlhr pall my lour friend axalolajod the other i aantiot toll yuu how muah i lament your sud death what over do yod meanny esfc you have juat kicked the bucket replied the 0rl with u laugh on the con said the other i just turned a utti pall meals first class appetizino meals l meal tickets 21 meals 10 meals board and room as xemlo mill stfleet otrat weekly purchase plan by which is all you need to pay down for a car truck or tractor when the weekly payments together with interest equals ontrthird the price of the model you desire we make delivery the balance can be paid in fortyeight weekly or twelve monthly equal instalments ask us about the ford weekly purchase plan h a coxe ontario oss motob compart ot canada limited foiq omtahic

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