Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 5

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wrz 31 ffihcartrti 3tee ilmifl thuithday hritemi1kk 30 1023 a childs lauohteh ttfttnii urth i inu all tllo all ho birds i all the wells of turth my nr all thn wlnlh tin earth mjy brlntc atl rwcol houimi tiktuior hwnftfhr fiir ltip al til iii km h dot ll hand of harpnr tonof bird bound ofwoodw ut hitmlowti llrril welling wmersmfiuihjwm word wind in worm wan wojulior on thing yet thnr in thnt lioim i curing ere it rhlmu i if ituna knowq not well the nwmilmifl iti hard of man bonntith thn un hoped in liciiveii imrwflnr hoft unit nlnniif lurt anil llaht vtir iioviihi of vfrv hriii ilrar from tnnrnlnkii roaleiit height whm twul of ull delight klllii ii tillilvrlpur laughter- j old on bll of rvulmitm rol led no vol- forili iiin ttor told hour mi blithe itt tone n no bold ah ii ritillutil month of old lift thm ring forth heuvon- if ih gulden cronled wrn wtrt a nightingale why then nojiiiilkink nonn and hoard of men mlwht ho half unwat tui whan ihiikiim a nhlld of seven algarhon charles hwlnburn twenty vear8 acq from th issue of the free preaa of thursday pumur 24 1s03 cam roast parties are now popular and enjoyable ttrthbihflchtiprdcrpartinnnt hivo in contemplation a popular school enter tainment for a data to bn nnmod later a new souvenir peat card issued by tha auaa society now york bean a very pretty vjow of jones rall of the sixth line from a photo by a t brown acton mr c joliiffe of rock wood preach ed in tho method in t church on sunday mornlnav owing to tho demand fbr houaea mesara heard more 4 co are oon- f tho advisability of erecting number of house for their workmen whtlo working on the roof of one i at postmaster matthews building last wednesday afternoon mr wm gib bons met with an accident by which his left arm was fractured at the- elbow and tho wrist severely sprained georgetown baseball feam with a fair crowd of supporters- appeared in the first game of the series for which they recently challenged they rev rlth a score of b- against the sunday school lesson for sunday september 23 acton tioya even though they hod a battery of last- years acton players yesterday wis millinery opening day at henderson 4 coa mtaaoe a ray and wallace are- in charge and have n dainty- and fetching display of new creations zjeutcov wm allan celebrated his eightyeighth birthday on monday married scottnelson at the bride home mill street acton on wed nesday september ib uos by rev a el smith b d mr alex p bcott of brampton to miss ull ian b nelson- hildbnbandcoixtns at the residence of ctoorge shepherdaon actop on wednesday september 13 190 by rev j o brown b a charles frederick hudonbrand to btta fleeing collin died vdretbs at wapello n w it on september b 1901 rebecca mcnabb turner wife of rev t r forbes formerly of acton aged 4fi years howblljat the mskhodlat parson- age hanover on friday september h ims rev j el howell formerly pastor of the methodist church acton ad j ps years information for sportsmen change in the regulations under the migratory birds convention act affecting the ahooung- of migratory gtune birds in certain provinces have recently been authorised by orderin council under the order a further closed season throughout the dominion ha been provided for wood duck ex tending until january 11 1924 a similar closed season baa been pro- vtded for klder ducks except that mr my be abet in the yukon and northwest territories during the regu lar open- season provided for duck in those jocalltleev the open seasons provided by the regulations under the migratory blrda convention act for the season 19u- ltm for ontario and quebec are as follows ducks geese brants and ralls in quebec september 1 to decem ber 14 both dates- inclusive in ontario september to deeem- bexjlgboth rtatam inclusive shoreblrds pr waders including only the following woodcock wluon or jack snipe blackbellied and oold- en plovers and the areater and lesser yetlowlegs in quebec september 1 to dooem- ber 14 both dates inclusive in ontario september 1 to deoem- bar ib both dates inclusive exoept that on woodcock the open season ebal be from september ib to october ib both dates inclusive not to be used on the voyage this is the legend printed en a oon- splcuous label the steamship com panies use to place on baggage that passengers have no use for and do not want to be bothered with during their pasaage so deep down in the hold of the vessel these pieces of baggage disappear and- often enough are not seen and unpacked until the duplicate cheque is handed in for fbem at the fbaal destination before the voyage is made necessarily the traveller is put to some thinking and planning and to the soaking of careful decisions before he puts aside the belongings be feels can safely leave under that not wanted label mistakes are sometime mode some humorous some eerlou and certain articles ore thus put away situations and needs merge that cry oui for the thing fctowed away and inaccessible during the voyage man and women again and again have had to bewail a poor judgment endmlstaken iduas on these matters ice as dry dobos los wag first imiwrted into icitgund in 18 the custom orflnleui puulod to know under what oi cation to levy duty ujwm the cargo of 100 tone and by the time thy tiad de cided to charge it up ms dry goods abnoet the whole coumlgnment had melted a boston merchant named tudor is the originator of the lco trad in amorfcu lie began to ship canad ian joe to the west indies in hob and by hli had established a remunerative marhttn calojuto weedtf easily killed which weeds are the easiest klllt asked 4 flickers of farmer john as he wsjtchbd that good man at his work wldowa fteed riplled the farm- ar who was a man of experience you have only to say to them wllt hjout snhhey wilt 1rouct vworm bxtermtnatar it is a standard ramedy and years of uao hsve n- banood its rputattoa timotiy a 1o0o miniwteil or ftiiiuht jkhijh acim 18 13 lhll 3tu12i2 tiw it- krh 14 u loldon text ho thou an oxampln to them that tmllovo in won i in mmi- ntir of lit in love in faith in purity 1 tim 4 12 the text explained acts is 1 ierbo wan ii nmall city in qalatla on the main road from icon um to larnndn clalua one of thn delagntlon from tlalatla whlnli carried tho collection for thn poor to joruulom was from dor int lyntru waa eatnh- llnhnd by emiorwr auguutuu nml wm about elghtmin mllea from lootilum there wore jowm in latra but no aynasngua tyatra was tha native placn or timothy whf dnaple tho lack ml eynagobud advantabon received thr very tkeat home training in religion paul visited xyalra four times and fronrm to tha place la his kplstlu to the oolutlann timothy timothy as lief ore atatad was a native of lyetm i i1a father was a iroek and his mother 0 jewnns from childhood he receiv ed careful training in the scriptures by hie mother eunice and bin grand mother lois ho and his mother be- catnn chrlatlans when paul made bis drat visit to liystra and upon pauls tocond visit timothy was in influen tial leader well reported of by the brethren verse 3 to go forth with him timothy became paule travelling com panion and offlclent helper in his great work he was with paul lo hi jour ney through asia to troas and into macodonla a in no part of the time thereafter he was- with paul in his travels at tha last of hbcrareer paul was very anxiousto have the comfort of timothys presence in rome whora itlng the execution of his sentence of death 3 tim i 9 31 phil 3 10 to send timothy short ly timothy is mentioned twentyfour times lnthe new testament his as sociation with paul was intimate and d eared and his connection with the phlllpplan church was close he ac companied paul from macedonia asia minor numerous references show that he was associated with paul in many places and that he rendered great assistance to the great apostle verse 31 but yo know the proof of hlm paul here refers to their per- sonal kn of timothy in his indigenous to old gathay church xtlint 1 paiil the apostle of chrlsb apostle la a hebrew word which signified not merely a messen ger but a delegate bearing a commis sion wielding his oomm isslo nrs auth- thorlty the talmud says the apostle s any one is even as the man himself by whom he is deputed thq term is applied not only to paul but to the twelve disciples timothy my beloved child pauls relation to timothy was pecullarty tender and beautiful it was the spiritual rela tion of- a teacher to a disciple and filled with the affection of a father toward a son the two epistles of pauj tp timothy written in his old age show this dependence upon his son in the gospel he makes a pathetic appeal in his- second letter urging timothy a come to rome to comfort by his presence his few re maining- days 2 tim 4 verse 8 lola lola was the grand mother of timothy the name is greek the family lived at ltfatra acts is i where saint paul first made their acquaintance lois was a devout jewess hy conviction who in structed her family diligently in the holy scripture eunice unlce the mother of timothy was a jewess she married a gentile husband and dwelt at xjystra she like her mother lois waa very devout and gave her son timothy a careful religious train ing the large usefulness of timothy ss the coworkers with the apostle paul shows the value of home training- for christian service l 3 tim is 14 abide thou faithful home training is the best guarantee of a constant and reliable character j lesson themes of the gospel timothys to be the true successors of the apos tles in building up the selfsame king dom of jesus christ for study and dsousslon what do we know of timothys parents and his home training- in what way did timothy probably serve pault what are the strong points in timothys character as portrayed in the new testament 7 did paul ac complish more in reaching anrj in fluenclng afew futureleadara of the christian church such as timothy or in preaching to the multitudes and establishing churchee what trials and dlmcuitles would timothy be like ly- to meet with in his ministry dally rasdlnos for next week monday september 34 a voice in the wilderness luke 3 18 tuesday september 35 tho mag nificat luke l 4865 wednesday september 2s peters confession is 1318 thursday september 27 john the beloved disciple john 13 3130 frway september 28 pauls triumph 3 tim 413 saturday september 39 a good minister of jesus christ 1 tim 4 s16 i sunday september so heroes of the faith hebrtiws 11 131s boa of name means honor of god t the apostle paul loved him better than any of his other companions timothy waa constantly with him whenever ae was not absent upon one of pauls errands and when absent paul always wished him present when death came paul timothy was the one for whom he longed to close bis eyes in death to be so loved by paul is a patent of nobinty and yet we know 11umt about timothy his mother eunice ewas a jewess and his father was a greek he was a lycaohlan tie was the child or many prayers and brought up in an atmosphere of piety he wss intensely loyal to paul even suffering imprisonment for his faith but he does not seem to have been a strong man he iraa very likely deli cate in health and retiring in disposi tion men were apt to overlook him or ignore htm because of his boyish appearance pauls anxiety to encour age him shows that he was somewhat lacking in energy and selfreliance when the story of paul la told nothing is added concerning timothy entering the ministry natural seemingly inevitable was timothys career as good minister of christ jesus from a babe he had kaown the sacred writings and the faith that iii him t had dwelt first in his affeotlon and a perfect naturalness to have bean the characteristic qualities of timothy soul paul speaks of hts young dleclplee un feigned faith and he calls him my beloved child aid he said by way of tho proof of him that he pro claimed the gospel as a child aeryetb a fahier timothy entered the min istry because he trusted ood and the children of ood this sort of con fidence la a prime requisite of one who would become a minister of jesus christ we are told on every hand that the general public no longer cares to know the ways of ood the general public has never been eminently pious but is not the disregard less cold less insolent than ever before t la there- vny other single interest among tner which conimands euch wide enthusi asm such true devotion t the dreaoher hiuy bs sure and may take comfort from the knowledge that hi living theme is rich with human thought and love and wonder the care of souls the christian minister is preeminently a abaperof souls it if a wonderful thing to be entrusted with the gospel pauls in struction to timothy show that th holy spirit who calls the preacher of christ will stand by him and bear witness to the gospel that he preaches all who give themselves to the work f ood may with dlllgjtnoe prove themselves workmen that need noj be ashamed those thac handle aright the word of truth may know that they are wielding the most powerful weapon that the world knows anything about for tho destruction or sin and tor the enthroning of righteousness the servant of the lord in gentleness in forbearance in skilled teach ins ww influence man to repent of their sins and seek the knowledge ufthe truth he will have dlvlile power to lead men out of the wnareof the devil and to devote themselves to frte ir tjiis trade your safeguai frs ft every oannwraece of smp enamckd ware carries the sjyp iltield shape track mark only the choice articles carry this sign it guarantees the value in the artjcje and the use of smp enameled ware itself guarantees quick heating of foods absolute purity ease pf cleaning tenderly cooked food and lopg wear ask the hardware merchant for smpware three fuuirtes pearl ware two coau of pearh grey enamel inside and out diarofrnd ware three coats light blue and white outside white lining crystal ware three coats pure white mstde and oui with royal- blue edging- xm railway tine tables at acton qrend trunk railway system dolna west no 2b 113 am no 31 1036 am no 33 211 pm- 36 et09 pm 39 839 pm 2c sunday 1020 am no 36 feet suburban eleotrlo railway oelno wt dally except hunday w dally except hunday jduly except bundej sunday only sunday only v sunday onbjr a complete line of s m p products jas symon handled by hardware acton 917 o m jj3v m 800 p m 1103 a m s3b p m 9js6 p m 74s a m 303 p m bibiirmr 0d8 a m ti p m eco p m prelght delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad- as in toronto el t thetfoiu agent acton l jl5 going east daily except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday u hunday only i sunday only sunday only above hong kanofrom the peak and inset a picturesque freight junk circle c p 8 8 empress of can- ads in hang kong harbor rlohv a sunset view of hong kong harbor end below one of the palatial river at as mar which ply between that port and canton the wheg jpu jnako your trip to par eust in which china must b embraced you wilt ho sure to visit hong kong- and canton for both ll prose the world over you cannot very well call at hong ong without making tyour number at canton for the places are only eighty miles dis tant from each other the canadian pacino empresses call at hong kong and from there you can proceed to canton by either train or river ut earner those in the know uaually go by train and return by steamer or vice veraa by the train you will bo able to feast your eyes on southern china inland scenery and village life fly tha steamer you go up or down the canton river doth jour- nnyu are interesting but the run on tho canton liver will be more enjoyed a number of tho canton river steam ers us well as being large fast and spacious vessels will take a lot of beating as regards accommodation table and gen era i service there is at all times plenty of excellent company european residents i of asia in whom you will discover charming and instructive companions there wlllbe so much to attract your attention in hong kong that your hearts desire will be to just see every place of interest at one time as your steamer glides into the magnifi cent harbour hundreds of chinese junks will be thrust upon your view under sail tacklntf going about and at anchor they are all picturesq to a decree with their rich brown sails peculiar rig strictly indigenous to old cathay und their hulls with an eye on the port and starboard aides of the bow for as the chinese will ex plain to youi huppoao no got eye no can see htrotcbed before you aa your aloai ar passes to her wharf at kowloon is the noble proya now named con naught hood- or waterfront the rafr rail their wntrr- f th nnnrl pwr prri to- the left is land reclaimed from the sea splendid buildings with thor tiers of verandahs have been erected upon it among which is that of the hong kong club pne of tho most luxurious social institution in the world see what courtesy will do when people are rede to you see what courtusy will do msny of you know by exixirlonco that u soft answer turns away wrath nnj it u uqually rue that a courteous utwer is tba most effective check to booriahusss there ore some people who carry about with them such un atmuapbore of courtesy that they seldom ore the recipients of rudeness is von the coarsest natures are influenced by their attitude of politeness and con sideration and- meet it halfway u the best of their ability some young people ore continually oompialolng of being treated with rudeness they hardly make a pur chase in a store without complaining of the unmannerly clerks they are always telling of being unduly pushed and jostled on the street cure or in places of public entertainment any one many occasionally be subjected to a rudeness but if you are habitually treated with dlscourtosy it muat be that you invite it and the probable applanation is that your own attitude is less courteous than it should be asthma is torture no one who hasnt gasped for breath in thv powtr of aslbnut knows what such suffering grandmother and in hi mother wernrhathousand do know however from experience how immeasurable i tht relief provided by that marvellous pre paration dr j i kellogg asthntu itemedy for years it has teen re- llevlng the most severe cases if you a sufferer do not delay a day in scouring this remedy from your drug- clst oems of thought i feel assuredthere 1 o such thing as ultimate forgetting graces oil co im pressed upon th memory are lndesi irueublo le qulncoy long custom are not easily broker he tiat attempts to change the course of his own life very often labors vain john n how- few lor it uot their atnoftgat the son of are known who dare be just to t own two men look ml throuah tha same bars one auw the mud the other tho tr v laiigbrlda th sroat fact 1 that ufa i u ser vice- the only question i whom will wo server fabar the onlythiq we do npt know l how to b ignoricht uf that which- wo cannot know llouweau dy far tip greatest thing a man on do for hi city is to be a good mar- henry drummond jlct the child from the ravages of jt hg u m oi j uwt pu gavatd tunothy w l n the promise a well are for the young man nd tha yousv woman ef u4ay to whom the diflue oall oomes onions valuable as medicine the mweot italian or the bermuda onions are the ones to be eaten au nature their flavor being much more delicate than that of the common varieties dut onions are really sweet nners of the breath after local effects havo paused away as they correct stomach disorders and carry off the accumulated poisons of the system they provide a blood purifier that all may freely use and do perfect work in constipation troubles a a vermifuge onion cannot be surpassed and eaten raw will often check a violent cold in the head one small onion eaten overy night before retiring is a ill known doctors prescription for numerous affections of the head and la hlahly recommended for aleepless- dbu it nets on the nerve in a sooth ing way without the injurious effects of the drugs so often applied the heart of an onion heated and placed in tho ear will often relleve the agony of earache while the syrup procured from sprinkling a sliced onion with sugar and- baking in tho oven will work wonders in a croupy child alnleas and perfect in their notion millers wprm powders are always a safe und reliable remedy for children who show symptomeof worms vthose ymptoma are easily recognisable in l feverish restlessness frequently mdlng in convulsions a point of notable importance is that after mil s worm powders have expelled tha tha stomach and bowels are toned up into a vary healthy condition the story of uncle sam uncle sam is the most popular nick- name in the united states we ull know the jovial lanky beard ed american wljh his peculiar tophat his voluminous ooat and striped trousers strapped under nl boots- how did his name originate t one account dates from the war of 1h13 when there lived in troy new york u man called samuel wilson commonly referred la u uncle sam iirrwork was to inspect pork and beef bouaht for the government elbert anderson a contractor or dered several cases to be addressed to the united state and signed with his i initials an employee marked the tiackage e au el and when ask- thir meaning replied jokingly that obviously they referred toieubert anderson and uncle sam the joke spread until finally uncle bam was- understood to stand far the united states when using wilsons fly pads mrfclions i u 1 1 3 btwt of erjtfiy lona 10c per paxkct at tall dnuxfats grocers aad general stores to teach international good will the worlds five million school teachers will unite in an effort to teach international good will and to promote world peace five milestones in edu cations march towards world peace and amity were marked at tha recent world conference on education at san francisco tha xi rat of the is the plan for the formation of a world federation of educational associa tions the second the establishment of a world university the third u proposal for a world library service the fourth plans for the international exchonseof students and fhe fifth a worldwide fight against illiteracy just where the world university will ho located who will teach who will attend school and where the money will come from are questions as yrt undetermined tho gist of what has been decided amounts to this the nlvenilty will be composed of a tot- dent body and faculty coming from every possible nation race and coun try and shall have for its special func tion the study af international and interraclal questions and the relation of education to these question the purpose of the world library which will probably bo affiliated with the world university will be to supply to any nation upon request books pamphlets and maps an any subject and also to provide definite standards f service for all the public libraries existing among tha different nation as a first step toward waging- tha worldwide fight again illiteracy an international commission la to be oe- tahlbihed which shauhave as its elm the rnradva of illiteracy from all countries throughout the world by tho year 1935- a travelling secretary with headquarters in new york will begtn imoo to carry forward the campaign in the united states sorea flee before 1l there are many who have been afflicted with sores und have driven them away with dr thomas eclectrio oil all simi larly troubled should lose no time in applying this aplendld remedy as there is nothing like it to be had it is cheap but its power is in no way expressed by its low price measuring a thousandth of a second what cn happen in the thousandth part of a second t thl question come to the ml ml when we hear of the wonderful instru ment in use tpday at the lioyal ob servatory at edinburgh which pro fessor sampson described at u llrttlsh association meeting a wireless signal will travel 188 miles in a tbouaandth uf a second u ray pf light will do the km an express train travelling so miles an hour win cover just under one rnch m the time it 1 for registering with great pre cision the time of any signal that thl wonderful instrument has been made it la on eloctrlc detector anil records the movement of a tlnypot of light on a moving pliutosruphlo nili those vmry minute inatrumnnt ore becoming more important every day as it is only by studying the infinitely llttl hat our knowledge uf the big thlna oai be advanced children new paper j it will prevent uloaratad threal many oils have oome and gone but dr thomas eclectrla oh canttnuestto maintain its position and increase it sphere of usefulness each year its stasia wa h wrawgkl ii e uiea- and kept it there and it oan ailed the oil of the people the front truly be thousand have beaeoued by it and would use no other preparation hand laundry charlie wong iroo is uu in the old stand doing the finest or laundry work no connection with any other laundry- the bust of hand laundry always and strict attention to your require ments see my new price list ffli w f 0am old bund t bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has deckled not toaccept cream on satur- day after twelve oclock a m the government is pnxiousto secure a higher standard for ontario butter and thisis one of the methods that will facilitate our work in tni direction lot us have your cooperatiop tn this mo to secure higher maw notice during- july and august exam inations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lena grtlming and quick repair department operating as usual write in or phone 109w for appointment a d savage optometrist ev mfg optlelan savage optical building right at the post office guelph acton creamery co t j 0neil prop we are btill buying eggs oren tuesday friday and saturday quality ourmotto evenings phone 63 for sale the famous no 21 fleury plows only six of thorn 2100 each with two shares and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads jn the fall diammd seed harrows one set pour section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices j n oneill sbn garage and carriage works georgetown ontario tti gibonx expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street actoh scajavlngjg jsibckmomstwejr ttorowto canada t acton elevator near q t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour paltry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake may and qrain grain bought and retailed alex lnoble henry awrey manager hi 6ecret8 of success what j i tlte secret t ucc asked the uphln iuah an i j the button take imjn uld tha window always kuep hk1 said th leu lie uptodute said the calendar ttwor ilnm your head said the bur rol uake llaht of everything said the fire do a driving business aald th hammer aspire to greter things said the nutmeg vhnd u good thing- and aliok to it said the glue navar tta ajar un anyone nervt aald the fjoor i yuu need lot of pull aald the doorknob always get everyonaa number aald the telephone keep your eye un everything aald the needle castoria wvnxxnnxnnnvvnvnnvsxv if on be troubled with com will and in uolluwaye corn itemover un application that will entirely relievo suffering mother fletchers cajtoria is a harmleta substitute for castor oil pategorlc teething drops and soothing v prepared to relieve infants lo arrosond children all ages o cohstipathn wind oolic flatulenc- to sweettn storflaoti diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and rtatural sleep without opiates rovoljuiuttlowiwaylcokfortholaiturof csr74 provwt rilrrctiofih on fach paclnie phjildaos erenrwhero wcoaanend u tbi stores policy to represent goods ex actly u to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulful all guaranleeri and cheer fully correct all hiis- takea to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario av castoria for infanta and children in use for over 3q years get your job printing at the free press always twan th aagituio iafeijli w wf

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