Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 6

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imm f b t ci tnl icatl foil wing ratei hcalt 5c tlox ml hii nu tmlm r hulfnoi l 1 atti 11won i t a lay hucmt died t r nt 13 h3 i hu 30th y i till tit mats tutu i i i 1 la hi howl al 1 i t4th k iiiit k owi lililj ihimhlyrw- iuljr hi row ufftd gl yearn flltig arton 3prgg fjrgflfl tiiunatay hbjitkmih u 30 itu brief local items th at i lo lioru now for vroalhor hpoll x warm uutum u frplunnl t vlnltor j nok froat w during tho wek oakvlllo lair vfa hold luit vtmu nnd hurlnirton v ilr hi wk ilanovirn tux ruin f r thu ymt was btruck lmt wotk ut 62 mill thl l u i yln iy 1 irt in ntnlmttnt or tn in no nnd p ublo tho tti u r vlntth 1 lunls an 1 flower yaru dudly froaltwl on bunday night mr and mm l jl rhoray roturnnd on monday from tho holiday vult in muskoka gcorkotawni tax rata l 42 8 milta taxctt am to bo paid in octobor and novombor soft coal is coming in frooly now but anthracite 1 mill bcarce oopeclall in atova stso a motor car u to b purchased for tho uio of tho town pollco by oakvlllo council turnip hlpplnc weak for tho icajon nlua wero brought in head till dutx pnnw onjl got all tho local and district now yoar and worth more keop octobor 3 and 3 upon far acton fair it will b ono of tho bent fairs in this district tola fall tho villas of btaynor has just built a now public and continuation school at a cot of 70 000 w ul th worrying- lw dona by poonto who havo no other regular occupation uoutt henry mcleod and son nr ltllldlng a bungalow on tho lot at tho corner of church street and victoria avenui a caxrlek townsnln man wan fined lately 6 and coats or total of 11 10 for pormlttlna hi it year old uon to drive hie car mrs william jamoj in moiling off her stock and implement on tho farm on tho sixth lino and will return to acton to reside somoof tho depressions in the roadways about town havo boon fllleu up with broken stone a rood many others should ba similarly troatod v hughy mckay tho noted local asberman landed tho orgeat baas so far caught in fairy xaaka it measured 15 inches in length and walghod h ids mr hlchard boys of fergus ro- csntly celebrated ills 86th birthday his descendants number 4ft living grandchildren and 89 great grandchil dren tho trial of charles gervala will i toko place at tho session of the high court at milton naxt tuesday there win be some half a doxen witnesses from acton rev a c stewart m wui preach anniversary services at hills burs on bunday rev a w hare of hlluburg will take charge of the ssrvloes here tho ford motor company is build ins a plant where coal will be burnt twice moat of us would be- satisfied lp being sbje to barn it even once 8udbury star the flrst funeral cortege which has passed over the rew highway between acton and crewsons corners was that of tbe late mrs brock swackbamer on sunday afternoon atltstans water shortage was overcome in short order recently when a diver discovered largo leak in tho pipe running under the river and re paired it thvsamo day r tolfermtlton with his horses and campbell amos moffat with their shorthorns made a fine enowlhtf at the london fair last week captur ing a number of valuable prises etrango sometimes lsnt it that an organisation will kick about not getting enough publicity and wl on a paper thinks that tho time for public ity boa come the organisation wanu nonet oft t the beautiful are em- blematlo of the sad and though i love tbe goldenrod it never makes me glad im watching now for the maple leaves to turm in their autumn jlor much lleauty we discern rthenshlns season is over a hhelburno fisherman says this hatf been tho mast truthful fishing season he has known that the ashing has been ao poor that there ban t oven beun anything to 11a about a gang of qroat north western tolugraph linemen made aotou their headquarters for a week or so whit installing a new line and renewing tbe cross arms on the poles they went further west on friday the new cement brldgq on the fourth line near scott brothers farm is neortng completion the cement covering is finished and the oeatent railings have been placed in a few days it will be ready tor traffic a few persons are still throwing newspaper wrappers and envelopes on the street when these are picked up and the names of the parsons to whom they are addressed are road there is naturally soma considerable retlao tlon upon the careless methods of the jertles aho drop them uttle miss phlll howard brought 4iib nun fuses a peach the day from a basket sent hery u frlund at wheattey in sktsox county whloh weighed 11 uunoos and measured 10 inches in circumference it was a beautiful poach with tho bloom which makes this luscious fruit so attractive a luue repairing on first line township con no i put in culvert snei did few yards of gravelling at tli mi hi tf uiquielng town whip cnun u inst wey the following 1 unliiiuu t luchlmr trlnclpally repairs i uiiih wii trniimuctfrt uyillyt unrlldr oowily soinl i 1 ly iti iii e an olio lnal n iru urr iy w llrfwnrllk f r ii tliitf r t i jim 1 r in tllvlnl n n i 2b 7 e i null iii i r n i o ono lr n n ilv rl it hi i i 18 font mllll l1 to jiwtm itrwwri afn bmll uww fir jli 13 1 carried m vim i y d un lilt r isll rondwl i y c ui rlllc r a i sll o that tho tr as tirr m ci llruwn t a sum of 20 1 h if m nny ivmnnd n h turret p n ir t f r uruvi lllnif tnl imehounn uldn r il currl i mpvn i i y couimlllc r leslie seconded 1 y t uiiclllur dowdy that tho treas nrr i iy jumu itrown c mmlsslonnr n rval for 4 rodur ixtsls at 3to 1 40 2 lucuntllngh ut gdt si 00 culvert un lnr sidewalk 14 00 4 duyn cutting wondn mid work on pi lowalk 1100 li rul 1174 or- carried move i by councillor iosllo sacondod ly counrlllor jurown that clio treas urp i ay w itntledjff terra cotla for urnvi sunt he 1 for town lino ixitweon l la 17 and 27 102 louds ut 36c us luviiltus slmpo t woujuy mur ruy acton gravel supplh 1 on first llm llrowiis division 14vnrbi at 20o 2 to oeotifo niltonractoh gruvnl nui piled sumo dlvtuton sb yards g 061 carried mdvl i by councillor aptelbo so condol ly councillor dowdy that tho tojjuiuror pay a w spear tuo for l ultli u on rravol and digging ditch on town line 7 60 sam ilethorlngton milton the sum f 1160 for 1e0 yards gravel en tho third lino opposite lot j a itrown 1138 for supplies for j connell thomos kiltie for 10 yards of gravel at 20c 2 00 carried moved by councillor brown second nd by councillor appolbe that th treasurer pay q a wriggles worth ad vance oq pay as commissioner 70 j ii smith sanitary inspector ac count to data 20 jos ei campbell 39 loads gravel at 20 o fi r0 fred c lion at nun re inforclng iron bridge on fourth lino 107 s3 hlchard johnston actun him of acton grader 3 oo shovelling gravel 2 20 totftl 4 20 carried moved by councillor appolbe conded by councillor brown that tho treasuror pay robert mlllpr 9 00 bo ing value for 1 lamb klllod by dogs o henderson valuer carried movod by councillor drown second od by councillor leslie that tho treos urer pay poll telephono co account to date 1 69 walter lawson for hauling culvert 8 7b council adjourned to moot monday ooubjls lxo mr trunk lulld wh tins beon utnk li f his murk us a vocalist of blah l lulltlnn 1 us iteon uwjrflel a npccl il upcrutlc srl olarnll fn m tha luml man hrhool of music of it chester n y whli h will i laco him under tin i cm inul direction for a i rltnl i t iwi ycaru of tho distinguish 1 orallo tenostvitldomaffaualmc tliclaatmau hrhim 1 or muhio was foun led by mf lottt ijintman f itochontet tho hcu i of thn icastman kodak co who bun gvun seven scholarships to those who aru rca ly to outer a musical career neighborhood news- town and country rock wood l4mehou8e itov mr cameron preached a very timely aql helpful sermon on sunday afternoon basing his theme on tho hurvt st tho result of plowing soed big and in gathering mrs wllllajn cowdy who has been so seriously iii laioly showed sotno signs of improvcnvnt tho first days of this week quito a number of ur htlsons at ton led the tlurvoht 1 cstlval sbrvloes in tiro methodist church acton last run lay they pk in high praise of tho barwnj deaoratlons of uie church and anjoyod llev mr hackett s iwr mono very much mr doddy the nowdschpol teacher 0i getting tho school velr disciplined ii flvldontly needed a man toucher just at this epoch in tho history uf tha school hornby r dr webetcrs reappointment takes his old position as sheriff qupplantlna a l maonab premier ferguson made the an nouncement last thursday that dt samuel wobater had been re appointed bhcxlg tb county this actloi will displace a l mactiab who wa appointed to the position by the late government just prior to tho provincial elections last june n an interview tho premier said in explanation of the course taken tho appointment of mr maonab was obviously political and was made dur ing the heat of a political caxripatgn and should not stand i have had a report from the inspector of legal omces saying that the sheriff wham the drury government removed from office was capable and efficient in every way we have decided to allow mr webster to returj to the position from which he was removed it will be recalled that xhe retire ment of sheriff webster was the sub ject of much controversy during the june electlon dr webster and his friends are quite jubilant over the turn matters have takan virginian dcer of nova scotia one of the treats lu store for tho sportsman in ilod and quo in canada id the october issue ls a story by u c duffus on bear hunting up dutto inlet b c whloh is written in a partioularly readable mannev jlonpy- oaatle data has a good article on the virginian peer of nova 80000 while an intexaetlng aooaant of a4en day trjp in a canoe is oontrlbuted ty a david yraaar there are other equally intersptlng artloraa and par ticular attention hew bean paid to the mfwroj important urnp ahootg of the dfjmnfbn ana ao4odnt4 of th4 b clt a ills 1 sb tp t m ni whtvtk of whloh ingtn7mr ycnrm ah msritiine trap hoot and 1 q doinos at that corn roast editor fan passs dear sir as an old resident of crewsons corners locality x desire to congratulate 4he correspondent who hod the temerity to call attention to the disreputable doings reported to have occurred at the corn roast at suburban ark lasr week and i want to add my appreciation of the prompt action of tho police authorities in taking steps to appro hend and punish those guilty of this very unbecoming conduct in our midst whether the officers will be able to secure sufneiont evidence to bring tho guilty parties to book or not i cannot of course predict but tho foot that they are aiming to do it and that a court ot investigation is to bo held is very gratifying to many of us who have knowledge of unbecoming coo duct w- previous gatherings jl tbjj i lace its nearness to crewsons corn era naturally reflects upon our com munlty and many of us want to see the stigma removed i am fme to say however that there is no thought here that the managers or the corn roast ever anticipated any thing but a very dleaaont social gath aring and i believe wouldthavo taken steps at once to have the parties guilty of taking liquor there expelled from tha pirk had tbey known what was going on as it was i am in formed that one of those interested in the success of the party did take tlw platform at twelve o clock when aomo of those who had indulged in tho liquor became boisterous und say that tho oompuny had oxpeoted a pleasant avenlng with rospoctablo orderly people but seeing that others had come who were disgracing the altalr by their conduct tho programme would ba stopped at once and i undarstajed from our young folks hero that it was i voice tha reelings of u large number of residents of- this locality when i xpress the hope that those who wr guilty of violating the law by taking liquor to the corn roast will bo brought to justice in the oourts a crewsons corners father crw50un corners sept 18 1b1i mr william it- konnoy j i if acton spent a fow days hist week v 1th his daughter and hi hulapd mr and mrs alderson mr and mrs aldersor won nt vclon on monday attending tho runurhl o the lata ilobert sprpv1 john i featheraon died rather wud denly lust friday following a long illness mrs foathorson aftd her son wero attending oakvlllo fair that day ho was sitting in bis chair and sud donly expired from an attack of heart trouble ills daughter leila was with him nt tho tlmo mr featheraon 1 a son of tho lute john foathorson and had spent tho whola of hie sixty yean in tho community ho was m member f bethel methodist church tho funeral on monday was very largely attended interment was made at tho uothol cemetery obituary iioiifht h hpitowl iunt aprlnfi itoberl b prowl of lot 38 up tho third hno wns selkod with un uffccllun nf ilia bntk fro whflch 1m kilnwofl trreatly nnd which incapacl tale i lilr from work or oven super vlnlng ibo farm operations lie- under wlni skilled trialznont for bin ailment but no ini rovotnoni was noticed it july he wan tukon to the ouolpb ln urut hospital hi the hope of relief but liu returned homo about the first of uil month wit lit u nltn of improv ment in returning homo ha took cold und this ovfilrhtly aggravated his in ublo ha passed away last thjira- riuy i3th inst ilobert sprowl was nun of tha lato john sprowl of tho first una and was born on tho homo ntaud there sixty years ago last week mrs sirowl is a daughter f william clrimn ksq of krln and has boon a real holtrmoet to her husband through the thirty years of their married lifo during tbe long illness or her hus- tmin 1 mrs bprowl was his constant companion ministering to him every posslblo way with loving care und solicitude their four children clrjmn john mrs ktyerett denny and ix ra survive mr hprowl was a suo lfauful farmer and took a special in tcreat in growing superior varieties of grain for aeod ills prise oats ware enpoclalty sought after by tho ontario agricultural coll ego nnd tho toronto soodsmon ho was a goad husband und father and enjoyed tho oatecm of tho community ho attended tho pros bytoriun church from his youth up tho funeral service on monday after noon was- conducted by his pastor jlev a c htawart m a there was a largo attendance of friends and neigh 1m rs interment was made in fair view cemetery acton an englishman was staying at a swajrepr hotel in ijorlln s had secured oomtortablo roams but tha landlord informed him ono day tli at he must glvo them up in fnvor of a fresh arrival tho doctor that ls to say tho governor of soma petty gorman stato with an unpro- nounooablo name nopsansol sudd tho englishman you da not know who 1 am drlng the visitors immiu und i will udd my title tbo book was brought snd an a bold hand ho wrote after his name icloo tor r middlesex ho was allowod to keep bis rooms terra cotta mr aid mas j as stringer an 1 daughter qeraldlne and mrs j stone n mpflrflgflr fcflrl who havo boon vutltltig with terra cotta and acton friends havo reltimed homo mr f sanderson has arrived home from tho west miss nellie sanderson who recently underwent a nuccessful operation it toronto has arrived home much lm proved in health word has been received of tho death of mr daniel townsond of eden man ho has boerv in poor health for some tlmo mr townsond was a former resident of terra cotta wo all join in extending our doepest aym pathy lo the bereaved widow and family tb canadian national railway has at last commenced tho erection of station bare this will bo a boon to terra cotta and tho surrounding com munlty mr and mrs slmpkins of spring held ohio visited his parents mr and mrs e slmpkins of this place hlmpkins motored bock wltn him lo the states where he ex lucrative position mr and mrs j l cralne who havo been over to flint mich oh a motor trip returned homo last wecjt ajid reports very pleasant trip the holton brick co are running to their fullest capacity again xpects to get a do nt grumble rwtapm t the liasxetry class will resume work on wednesday september 38 too t and information at d c ilus- sell s embarrassing session we were at the movies the other evening and a chap butfng next us itead every sub title from start to finish despite uudlblo oommvnt from everybody around to the- jm1 that hay could rend vory well thank you and next day he met us on the street and apologised and explained that he had taken his aunt to tha show and h was near sighted and insisted that he read all the aubuttas to her and he dldrt enjoy it any mare than anyone etsa apd wa figure hat by telling toe atory his way we hut up apaottna might lea b taken uir don t- grumble the most unf tunate class of people living upon this green earth are the grumblers they rob home of its joys society of its dues and themselves of the best things or life from the days the chil dren of israel grumbled and wero sent on their tedious wanderings for forty years in the wilderness up to the present hour the world has boon full of grumblers itu too hot or too cold too wet or too dry people in seasonable circumstances have visions of the poor bouse while the rich grumble that they can t get rich faster so let us make up our minds that wo will quit the ranks of the grumblers whatever you may have done in the past resolve that the future you will wear your clouds inside out and showetbe silver lining wa all have clouds but that is no reason why we should draw the attention of tha world to them it is the bravo cheerful aoldlara jvha in spire tha others so if you can t get what you tike determine to ilka what you have or at all events make the best or it and so on your way bravely wjthout grumbling shoes to suit the suit women are more enterprising and thoughtful than men in the matter of shoe stylo and yet there is still a groat deal of incongruity to be notlcod amongst them in the selection and use of shoe apparel ywuwlli find for instance a woman in a handsome street costume with a pair of slippers only tllbr the boudoir or the ball room you will often see a lady in a ravtmhlng evening gown wearing a pair of shoes that are only fit for travailing or a iannis tourna tnent it is a still more common thing these days when variety encourages consid erable license to sea a woman on tbo itreet wearing a pair of shoes that clashes loudly with the rest of her makeup tho really dressy woman has ahoes r various occasions and those who stick to the old system of one or two pairs of shoes at a time are certainly ut u disadvantage basfcb love music music is ono of the earliest cravings that comes to man among tha first delights of tho awakening mind of tho infant bi us pleasure in sounds which mt not bo altogether musical 1 which soon mergo into music for example the baby s rattle has on un fulling ut s somewhat mysterious ap pool to its tiny ears and toy bells tin trumpets and drums mako mualo for children tbe world over fifty par cant of tho contents of the toy shop am a matter o fact uro noise toys or music toys what is 8uccesst ho has achlevnd success who has liwd wall laughed often and loved much who has galnod the respect of lay torn concession 1 cramosa farm farm stock and implements intelligent men and tha love of utile- ynd pept h oo children who has filled his niche and accomplished bis task who has left tho world bettor thnn hn fnnnrt tt whether by an ttnproved poppy a per- foot poem or a rescued soul who has never lacked appreciation of earth s beauty or failed to express it who has always looked for tho best in other nnd given the boot he had whoso life was an inspiration whose memory a benediction what ls vory nswer rlildlest a pin 1 harp yot it cannot which duck cannot swlmt a roast duck why did tbe milk turn because it saw the dough rise when is th orttt when thay bost tlmo to pick flow what cannot wo sharpen knife 7 our wit wv y is a house like tho sunt what is that which ls bluck but enlightens tbe world t ink what is tha difference between a watchmaker and a jail or t one sells watchoa the other watches cells walk and be healthy a prominent oonsultlng physician of national reputation commenting unon the increasingly large number of men and women who are afflicted with nervous disorders of various kinds states emphatically that this growing evil is largely tha result of lack ot proper exorcise he states that if pejople would walk at least two miles a day regularly they would never know what insomnia or high blood pressure means he claim that- overfeeding and under axerclse are the two great wst enemies of health and happiness ho saye that street cars and auto mobiles are the bane of modern urban life and unless this temptation to ride is overcome or properly regulated the next generation will be flabby and urolc there is not the least doubt that tbe use of good shoe leather moons increased healthfulneas and therefore increased erflclency both physical and mental walk and be happy is a slogan well worth keep ing before the present generation a mile a day will keep tha doctor away ho live the exception tim xrfindon cockney who mlsprn nnunccn tils hs is tho constant sport of o10 paragrapher in tit bits wo rend of a district visitor who was call ii on m harris a now arrival in thonnffflfl tfou seem to havo u good many children mrs harris still tho visit or yes mum slit roj llu i and what s more all their names legln with haltrji there u iii art my ol lost then com on ii la arrlul und orurn thnn there h aral i no 1 arry and ratbttrrm onptln thnynt nil halt- chns ull except the 1 aby chrlutoned her hollva and good scheme if hard work has not helped vou somo young folks while aaknowledg ing tho efficacy or hard work as far as other people aro concerned take tho ground that it has not done anything for them from boys and girls in tho high school up to elderly men and woman we arc constantly hearing tr- lamentation i va worked as hard as t could and what good has it donor if hard work has not helped yon thnro is a reason for it end the prob bailty is that some weakness of yours is counteracting the good affect or our industry there are some lartl workers who never stick to one thing long enough to mako a success of it there are some- who work hard bu urn always quarrelling with their as soclatos hard work i a mighty force but it cannot bo rolled on to counter act tho oftoct of such woaknnaaes as these if hard work has done nothing for you study yourself to find tho weakness which is tho explanation roy hindlev8 sale dates saturday hoptombor 52 mr dut ton hock wood furniture thursday september s7 austin bwackhamor farm stock and impla tncnts how miriam settled quarrels tho rule of my life sold miriam hen tho girls wore talking ovttr dlf- forent ways of getting on and being happy in tho world is to nip every misunderstanding in tho bud as soon a t am conscious of iti yesterday spoke sharply to a girl i know who was trifling with something that bo longed to me i saw she was offended nnd i realised thatt had been hasty i had perhaps made an enemy of her this morning i hurried up to her ro citation room as she came out and apologised you ebould have seen her brighten up as sho sold i am glad you did that miriam i wasbltter tq words you perhaps i too was a bit at fault but t did not mean to be i am wo glad the matter is cleared up i could n t sleep last night for thinking bad thoughts it made mo really 1u what a world it would ba if all trlod miriam m rule don t wait for tho of fondod ono to come to yju don t wait if you ore offended but mako your peace in either cose life is hard enough at best without nursing grlov ances and koeplng quarrels warm credit auction sale fresh milch cows springers young cattle pigs tha undersigned has rocelvo 1 in traction from allie evans to sell by public auction at lot 15 third line bequeslng on monday september 24 1s23 at one o clock sharp the fallowing cows durham cow fresh dur ham cow springing jersey cow fresh irsay cow calved 8 weeks 3 hostelti cows springing holstaln holfei iprlnglng 5 durham cows springing i loin t el n heifer calved 5 months jer soy cow duo in december jersey cow due in january jersey cow duo last of january jersey cow duo in fabru ary jersey cow duo in february holstefn oow dua in january youno cattle 10 steers 2 years old fat 14 yearling steers and heifers holstuln hull 3 yours old hheep fl good brooding owes p1qh 3 pigs about 140 lbs pigs about 120 lbs s 1 igs about 100 tbs j good chunks is good chunks 0 1 lgs about so lbs l sow with is pigs 10 pigs just weaned i yorkshire sow due to pig young yorkshire sow due to pig 1 rod sow duo in a month l yorkshire sow duo in weeks 1 kshlro sow bred g weeks 3 york shire sows reumhslo 00 and under cosh 01 thut amount is months credit on furnishing approved jojnt noteo ben petch auctioneer auction sale 60 cattle and sheep bus receive 1 in j rtolmcevstson to toll by public auction ut lot 1 nnnconsfnn 2 frln ono mllo west f arton on monday october i 1923 at 2 o clock shuri tho following cows 1 roan cow fresh 1 spotted row fresh 1 black c w fresh 1 grey row fresh 1 rod cow duo tlmo of bkir ttuninrn cow d pot tire w it 1 jertey row duo in october 1 brlnllv 10w duo in october 1 jersey rt w lu in november 1 brindla cow duo in november 1 jersey caw milking dim in december 1 roan cow milking thixo months bred again 1 brlndlo cow milking duo in december 1 jersey cow milking duo in januury 1 dur ham oow milking dun in february 1 rod and white cow milking duo lif i ot ruary 1 grey oow milking luo in fot runry 1 spotted cow milking duo in march 1 durham cow milk tug dps in march 1 durham cow milking duo in april 1 holstnln row milking duo in april 1 jersey cov milking dun in may 1 holstnln tow milking duo in may 1 durham cow milking due in muy 3 jarsoy hi if ere hprlnglng tho ubove rows an rholco and in good condition i ebdino stefns 3tt eholco dur i am steer ontario- broodjno weighing 1 qoqj g yearllnk sloenr pro ontario brooding 4 spring boo bolfors calves h reeding biifkp c oxfor3 downs choice ones terms 130 00 and under cosh over that ahjount g month rod it on appro veil joint notes 0 per cent off for cosh r j kerr auctioneer phono 3ff acton chester plank clerk bargains in used cars 1921 baby grand touring repainted and overhauled model 22 47 mclaughlin sedan late 1919 dodge sedan overland tourlngnepalnt- ed 1918 big six studebaker touring these caus are all in excellent condition amd mu8t bb sold immediately tttotjrsucxsosi qaraob carriage works oeonoetown ontario phone 14 john v savage store main street acton p o box 469 be independent of the coal and wood merchants burn coal oil in standard oh burner company s oil burners tor use in cook stoves heaters and furnaces three times the heat for half tho cost no ashes no trouble no rbjk money back after 30 days trial if hot satisfied can ba seen in use at tho store balos attended and goods bought on commission goods wanted 5 mclean co headquarters in acton for fall weight underwear enmansmer1n0underwe5r r in 2ptcco and combinations at special prices 9100 125 2jxand2j5 turnbulis natural wool underwear in 2piecc and combinations at 200 s225 300 and 50 tiger brand fleecelined in 2 piece only tho best fleccclincd underwear made for the money special at per garment 1 ib yarns yarns yarns we arc headquarters in acton for yarns another big shipment this week of our famous scotch fingering yarn at 1 40 per tt a bargain in menb grey flannel shirtfe a good shirt for fall and winter wear made by one of the best makers all aires tn stock regular z50 for 200 i j mclean co mux8t8ket actonont saturday treat ask at our candy counters for our i lb box of chocolate rflftrtina ytmliuk tt w havsaalcclcd another big spccial for this saturday peanut crisp 29c lb v everyone knows the quality of our peanut crisp a fresh thin crispy toffee with lots of peanuts ip it dont fail to take a pound or two with you regular 40c tb satarruy treat price 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb just a real good assortment of high grade chocolates in hardand soft centres and assorted flavors if better chocolates could bo had we would have them regular 50c and 60c 1t saturday special 32c tb icecream a full supply of brick or bulk ice cream always on d ask for cherry custard in brick or bulk a re treat v rumley phone no 3 acton ontario fosters womens apparel specialists 4 raw kites ana poem which would bvre tmki a lot of time w kill vour cio sweden is eajnaljrotns acalast careless ulsarette habits the causa ot so many fires jl llshted oisaxette thrown down by a youth in a saw mill started a tlra which was not axtin guishad until nearly s 000 000 worth of property had been destroyed other lane nres have been started in the iamo way the vire prevention bo- claty eunestad to the sweden to bsoeo monopoly whloh controls the output of oumrettee in sweden to print the warnlnv kill your emrette when yod have done with it nereryeok asje und the exeogtives of the com uany launadateiyubteed to adopt the susscstlon b j kerrs list op oale8 saturday september ii estate of kev j ldcasklll high class furnl iyro anil household affect at k uald win s near c n id station aoton friday bptambar mrs ww james lot 17 6th fine boueslns kunn stock claarlns sola monday october a j holmes si moo uhljuulunasrlnl mils wast of aoton 30 cows fieau or with calves at fuot apd so feeders monday october 8 q b uusbsjtd ihtei east of f milton registered shorthorns trade cattle and bocm thursday october ib o a o guelph llrs brad todjc purveyors to particular palates to peopld who are particular about ttre sort of meat they serve we are generally picked to all the bill we always have the cuts you want and the tock is always tho choicest we have rightly- oarncd tho above licading by our attention to supplylngjyour meat needs acooked meats and dfcoiirsc our stock would be incomplete if we could not supply your needs in cooked meats if you dont see tho kind of delicacy you want just sk lor it as all our stock is not in view standard for moats canned goods just to make ordering easy for you we carry a line of canned goods and when placing your order i you can also have theso included with tho delivery watch our windows friday and saturday for specials rj patterson corner mux and main sbkpisf acton ont presentthe newly created fall and winter models in coats suits frocks here are two special values that wtll make shopping at fosters very profitable this weekend new coats of pure wool duyttyn hjk or self collars very special 2295 thi ts indeed a very unusual group of coats for 22 06 fashioned of pure wool duvetyn full lined and interlined they reflect the smartest trends oft the new mode some have smart collar of french beaver others self collars in tho new tulip fashion which arc so comfortable yet ultra fashionable thoy come m new aututnnbrowns sues 10 to 42 new autumn frocks very special 2295 scores of fetching styles radiating every new stylo tendency for fall love ly poiret twill tncotine and canton crepe in the approved new autumn shadotha coat dress frocks with tiers flounces plcatlnga we prefer not to use the superlative in our advertising yet we must say that this is tho greatest all round value group of frocks pre tentcd in many a day wo have all sizes 18 to 42 get acquainted with fosters store you will find our stocks are qualityright stylerigifr valuehlright fosters guelph only exclusive wcmows ahsfr a m jlti jayaaatumfchi iii

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