Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1923, p. 1

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vpk jrsp fortyninth year no 13 thursday morning september 27 1024 acton qntapio canada thursday morning septbmber 27 1023 single cdpies five cents the jdethodlst cuuhch acton rev c has hackett pastor ptrtoiub- willow 81 rally pay serviced 1 1100 a m the minister subject the man who succeeds t 130 k mhecll llally day ses sion at th hun day school 700 p m knrmon for youa people keeping thn tnt wveityrody wklcomj presbyterian knox church acton minister rev x c qttwtrt m a mansewillow street 1 1 00 ej m- the sunday school rally subject growth t00 p m masonic service hub- joct true brotherhood stranger leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor ajll are cordially invtteux here are the new goods that everybody wants to see special notices tire and rjm lost lost on sunday or moods y morn ing one 36x6 tire and rim reward gordon t beardmore acton ontario notice l william o bruce of acton tan iter hereby give tiotlce that 1 will no looser be responsible for the debt of my wire elisabeth bruce she having left my- bed and board auction salje a clearing auction sale of the farm stock of mr wm james wui be held at lot s7 ethhne esqueslng on friday september is at two oclock j1- b j kerr auctioneer auction sale henry suntey will bold a aale of hi farm farm stock and- implement at bjg fjuzrf on the 2nd una of eea 1 mile souqi oftbe braxooem poet office o friday september xi 11s roy hqtolkt auctioneer auction sale tj wluard peavoy aat half lot is concession x erin will hold a clearing auctlon sale at bia 100 acre farm stock and implements on october 4 at hi farm half toue above osprtnge and line of erin jl2 boy hindley auctioneer card op thanks mrs m holmes and mrs v r- moore desire to express the very sin- oere appreciation of the kind sympathy and floral offering bestowed o the oocaalod of their recent bereavement tbey will always hold in grateful re membrance these friendly deed and sympathetic word stflaveo to the premises of the undersigned about the middle ox july a red ateer about two years old owner may ban same by proving- property and payln expenses august buktie lot 7 6th line u- krin towphlp v auction sale e t fatt and- f hill wui hold an auction sale of 85 feeders stookers and sheept lot j 4th line noasa- anweyai onehalf mile from xnatebtmll on tuesday october at two oclock sharp r j kerr auctioneer phone if aoton a o plank cjerk 1ss c no relation since the issue of last fan in which there waa advertised de sertion case re 0 w bruce tanner of acton there seems to have arisen a mlsanderataadlpa through thlaease recardlna relations with john bruce and family of bower avenue john brace and family of above address would like it to be clearly understood that they nave no relation whatever with said o w bruce t farms for sale m farms lntb counuea of halton an4 weaibaton varrmuc from 40 to sm acres let us aanq ran our list numbsr at anaasi and business plaots m acton for aale firs and uum inaurance money to loan j a smith baal sartate agaat i 10s acton osl my- vageand ee better writs or hoft f or appointment for when you wish to codh a a savage opunmrlft mfg optician ftavag optical building bight at lb port oft quelph v va wondebxand ffuday beptembkr s bty assfrican wife starrlna oloria bwanaomtbe story of a breeay american girl s wtnnlna happiness and low hot spanish passion and intmjtuo- comedy ulh iower atubday5eptimber 29 the ninety and nine a pavld smith production a jtpry of aa butcaat who saved the lives of those who shunned bun by drtvlna a locomotive throucb miles of burntna forest the most thilulna race with death that has ever been screen ed comedy jlmmle aubury in tone and yohela tuesday october 2 the matriflwnlsj webb starrina ajloe calhoun an intensely dramatic story of a into hsr own hands see what youna lrl who takes matlere happens comedy snlpplns sally cplsode no t of around the world in 11 day wednesday october 3 tootught rmngw stanins buck jones be dis plays his usual snap and dash addlna to it some particularly amualna comedy that t utuied with romaooe comedy step- xaki urt j a hcclure a son misses and women will be interested a coat special 25 newlycomo models with smart stylo features in velours of the fashions bio brown tones and with touch es of embroidery and pin tucking x majority with cosy fur- collars of french beaver some with cuffs too others with draped collars among the tatter black iricludcd all regular sizes a smart style and a j t value all for 25 a whole host of 0 interest coats and wraps with fur- trimmings in a scale that runs ail the way from 18 to 145 utility topcoats in won derfully smart styles prices beginning at 14 hurling- bam models at 4500 and 52501 furtrimmed at 45 new fashions to women new dresses coat styles in wool crepo and twill and ex quisite models in silk crepes georgettes etc new fabrics new dress accessories new furs in every department something new and interesting to show you mens overcoats y a thousand of them ready for any cold wave that can possibly come new fall and winter overcoats are here in abundance fine every one of them big and comfortably fitting with rather a wide rowing sweep or rather snugfitting for the man with that preference rich fabrics in browns grays greens heathermixtures and fancy-back- effects some are above medium weights preferred by warm blooded men the best collection in our history prices go all the way from 15 to 75 d e macdonald bros ltd gndphfa lulling and laugtat store weekend specials assorted chocolates our famous assorted cbocoates witjl a much wider range of flavors such as peppermint strawberry vanilla whipped cream pineapple caramel burterine peanut straw and peanut ouster regularly 40c and 50c id weekend special 29e b l mabshmaixows wehave just received a yresh shipment of marshmallows vanilla and strawberry combination regularly 40c t week end spedal 29e light lunch specials friday night peach shortcake tea or coffee 20c saturday nfehtlsuverta or coffee s5c tuesday nlghufrench pastry tea or coftee 15c watch oue shall window fob lunch specials mill street acton h wiles the proof of the boot 18 in the wearing advance fall footwear at harrisons f6r men brown and black calf and kid goodyear welts best styles and lasts aluprices from 600 to 830 mens box kip brown and black at 375 heavy work shoes black and brown at j195 for women goodyear welted patent colts strap grey trimmed heel and waist new style toe and vamp at 50- womens brown 1 strap goodyear welted calf leather at 500 1 womens kid calf and patent leather oxfords and strap pomps and slippers at 375 and s0 boys and girls school shoes solid leather all sizes to suit dongotas kip side and calf leathers at 200 230 300 150 aild 430 1 f infants shoes at lowest prices summer sale of footwear at bargain r prices to dear all sizes harry harrison the shoe man we will save you money news of local import erin fall fair oo to bar 11 and 12 tho icrtn fair u to bo hold on tlmraday and friday october 11 and not on tho 12h and isth aa haa bean tatrtl tho trohpcta ara brlcht for onn of tho bet ralra erin has over hald nw warahouae on young tstreat far cbarlea iarker itaa the founda tion excavated for a now arlcultur4t maohlnary and audtillea warehouao on toun street jio will uuo put in tv emavollnelllllnk nuuon and air nupply thlalooatloii pn tho now toronto- tiamlalluihway ouht to bo a deair- able ona for btulneam death of john t loyne not3 reached here on saturday of thu deaih of john t uaynn of chel tenham for aome tlina 6wner and occupant of the duncan lcororor farm in naaaajraweya and father of mr itay lojna of the ilank of nova bcotla ataff thd funeral waa held on monday afternoon after aervee a the home in torment waa made at the cemetery at huttonytllo anothr ftacred band coneart next sunday afternoon at four oclock acton cltiaena band will ttlvo another of their popular sunday imnd concert on the around at sunderland llouae the evening balna ao tool thaae sunday afternoon conoerta havp proven quite popular with the cltlaer and oomlnjr at our oclock will in no way interfere with the chuich aerrtbe fancy price for warwick belle- mr w o moffal who took o num ber of prlee with hi hackney war wick uellev at oakvlllo fair aold thu fine animal on monday to mr william newman of st- catharine at a fancy ftarure thla la the horae lady meredith wu after a few month aco and which aheant a veterinary a couple of time to oka sho waa a cwmf iwtum wti insurance on fasrview place v aired in court bull ld rever by person holdirtjt claim attaint one of the heirs mrs smith naturally peels that her lie interest must be re8pecteo a yislt an argument tyro rtbe broken phil fnrbe drove to ouelph on sunday and while there vlalted hi oouain x deporeat durbutjtla stay an arwument took place and phil cane out of the acrap with two fractured rlba when he reached home the famjly ureon waa called in and dreaaed the broken bone phlta up and around asain but thereil be no wreatllnc matchea for a week or two ferqua fair director plucky the annual fair of the eat wel- ltnctpn acrtcultural society waa held at keritu on friday deaplte the rain althouch the weather wu anylhin but favorable there waa a rood- crowd in attendance the refular programme fully carried out even to the track events the eptrtea in the various live stock r n iter were well filled and the inside show was one of the beat held in year it waa unfortunate that the rain kept ao many people away who otherwise would have been present rally day next sunday rally day aervlcea will be held in the sunday schools next sunday at the methodist sunday school a apodal programme will he given and u ad- wlll be madeby a former mem ber of the school who la at the head of the largest elaaa of young men in any of the sunday schools in toronto the members of the congregation have been invited to attend this servto rally day service for knox sunday school will be held next sunday morning in connection wlth the regular service the school wl take part in the ex- cellenf programme prepared duke of devonshire chaptar meeting the dak of devonshire chapter l ct a b held their drat meeting after the holiday season on tuesday after noon and were addressed by mrs t k mccallum regent of ibe municipal chapter of saskatoon in her talk mrs mccallum dealt irlth the work of the primary chapters lo saskatoon and the work of the i o ix r in general she emphasised the tact that the work was noc only patriotic but had for it object the betterment of lahjp the member of the chapter were enthused by this inspiring address and felt encouraged to renew ed effort in their work the presen tation of is00 to the pupil who passed the entrance at acton school with 4he hlghe marks was made by mrs k m mcdonald hon regent to miss gwendolyn maddoclt at the close of the meeting a social time was spent disthot meeting at ouelph the members of the ouelph district of the methodist churab mat in their financial district meeting on tues day of last week at the dublin btreet church ouelph the rev chas bsck- ett acton chairman of district pre siding while the meeting was not as largely attended as was desired a good company was present and con siderable business was transacted plans being niad for both intensive and extensive work a convention of young peoples worksra will be held in suelph early in october thla will i under the management of pie rev r w frld religion education se cretary of the district- he reported s well prepared and varied programme and the promise of a successful gath ering rev d a j johnson repre sented the educational department and reported as to the needs of vlo tor la collage with which he 1 oon nected the claims of the department of kvangolum and bocla berylce was represented by the ageasurer mr oliver ueaslewood of toronto ha also discussed its plans for future work mr neaalewood put the situation from th standixitnl of the layman and buatnvnmnuui and was especially halp ful in his d ascription of on of the group meetings of ministers ieceptly held a form of meetlns he strongly recommended to the district a com mit too was appointed to consider the possibility of such a meeting to be held at an early data with a v preparation for work of intensive evangelism uils winter the uev dansll dldaut toronto introduced matters relative to the missionary movoehent and gave the latest rnfor niatlon regarding japan and the extra needs caused by ibe rooeni earth quake there was a keen discussion as to methods and objectives and pun were made fur putttngth facta befure tho people a missionary ban quet will shortly be held to which will be celled all the leaders of the district it is hoped tht this year they wufx again maintain thalr posy uon and have the largest increase m the conference thar waa a deep and helpful spirit a both sessions and t feeling st 6mltllc lu all the work they were going- forward the ladles of the church entertained thr delegates to lunch an sot of hos pitality appreciated by ail present t j mr justlcet kelly torohlo has re served judgment on a motion by mrs diana smith widow of acion for tho payment of od00 fire insurance for the rebuilding of falrvlew place the smith family homestead here of which aha is a life tensjil the hduae ha been rebuilt largely lne the destructive fire of lest spring hut 1600 remain to be paid to cam- plote it then too mrs smith has spent one or two thousand dollars of jter own money ultimate beneficiaries are willing that mrs smith should get the ordor required with the excep tion of one person who holds a claim against one of the hclrs hd of an other who has not been reached the person objecting thinks that the fl000 should go into the estate although presumably mrs smith wquld receive the income during her life whan the matter was argued court at toronto lost week mrs smiths lawyer mated tbst the new or rebuilt house had been insured for flcdoo thus showing the enhanced value of the prqnerty mr justice kelly said he would have no difficulty in deciding if he knew that mrs smith had insured the form er houao for the benefit of her own llfo internet and not that of the estate she paid the premium urged mrs smith lawyer the executors ac cording lo the opposing counsel did not wish to assume the responsibility of rebuilding and so were relieved of their duties at thetr own request the chrck from tlm inmrsr mm ny was made payable to her mrs pany was made payable to her mrs smiths counsel explained to the court hut went o the companys agent and at the instance of an executor an ally appeared in favor of an executor and mr smith mrs smiths legal advisor insisted that under a nov bcotla law she was realty entitled to do whit she wished with the money surely my lord he argued my client shouldtnot suffer because of this mistake over the oheque the people of acton generally hope that the judges decision will favor mr smiths claim aeton winner at oekvlll fair robert kerr erin won three firsts on his horses at oakvllle fair he took first on brood mare first on three- yearold filly and first on pair of carriage horses w o moffat won first for alnile horse 15 4 hands second on his carriage horse and first and second in two classes of single horses n names st alban harvest festival the harvest festival in connection with st albans church acton will commence- on thursday of this week with a service at 100 p m when the rev canon soovil m a r d rec tor of sl georges church ouelph wui speak next sunday september 30 the holy eucharut will be cele- bra tod at 1100 and choral ssvensong at 700 the rector will preach narrowly escaped motor aocldsni one day lost wk two motor drivers were coming down main street at a tltf pace when the mill street in tersection was reached the first pro perly kept to the right and turned the silent policeman the other oat the corner nd escaped running into the other car by a hairs breadth a costly pill was narrowly averted by the first driver a case or infraction of uie motor vehicles act u the result going back to old hem mr and mrs william munrpe are about to return to their old home at campbellcroft in durham county after residence of two years in acton they have enjoyed their stay here and have been useful dtlaens mrs munroe who is an experienced teacher toflo charge ofthsnew primary room at the town hall last easter when the board found it necessary to open an additional room they have good prospects in their former home desjrsbls improvements now if the street are not to be resur faced until next spring it would be a work of a oomhiandlblo character if the minister of streets and highways would distribute a few doaen loads of gravel in the depre left by water works trenches and the roadway on main street washed out last spring between the blectrto railway cross ing and queen street this should be done before the fair which opens next tuesday mason lo brethren at divine service about thirty members of walker lodge af a a m attended divine service in hums church erin on sunday afternoon with the brethren of that town ri mr sedgwortu of orangevule nreaohed an able and eloquent sermon next sunday even ing the member of walker lodai will attendauservlce at knox church when rev brp stewart will preach the annual sermon a large number of visiting brethren are expected tp uocompany them hsltor fall atsu at the assises opened at milton on tuesday ethel harrison of george town who was charged with man- aloughtsr fur being the means of the death of her illegitimate daughter was found guilty the jury- reduced the charge to theter crime of abandon ing a child under two years the judge sentenced hr to one year in jsll the charles oervaia case for attempted nipe was not completed when this lssuel ef ths fkssi vftsa went to pre sheriff webster who was re- instated last week outdated at the court i bequest of lste mrs walter beardmore among the charitable bequests mads by the- late mrs mellqda elisabeth uoardmore of toronto widow of the lute walter d desrdmore of aoton ami toronto whose death occurred at ottawst on june 10 arid whose will has just bean probated was one for 11000 to the hospital for sick chil dren to endow cojs in msmory of hsrself and bar biubattd of her son captain charts owen ueardmorst and a daughter ctogaenoy who died in infancy tfw tpoome from s trust topdp wmi is tp go toward the frsatratrwork of the batsvuoa army for needy children the slxlsjrr after her demies the previous yaars in comes haying been willed tu tnembeis ofl her family r police court niwb on friday nlffht throe ham if ton men walter htantlold wm knngnr and henry nordoff hired u taxi and drove into town with tho intention of pulling off a wild woet stunt in duly sunderlands lunch rooms thoy boldly- walked into the room where a number of patrons wero being served one took possession of- thing behind the counter while jfongor proceeded to the kitchen trf run it thoy claim ed they were armed and advised every one in tho plaoe to keep stju how ever one of the patrons slipped out and notified chief smith who arrived on the sotjne and locked the trip up next morning they appeared before magistrate barr and were as meek aa lambs claiming hoy had been drinking omo hooch and did not re member what had happened the night before pfeqyter was fined 1300qo and costs or three months in jail as he had a crock in hlsepossesslon while sunfield and nordoft were lined 13600 and costs each for being disorderly they wore eaddor and much wiser for their experience and learned tho les son that they cannot visit durllngtbn and pull off any small town stuff- burlington oaxette the charge against john hllson of milton height of having liquor in violation of tho ontario temperance act come up for hearing at the court house milton last friday afternoon before police magistrate moore in pector reevely in raiding the prem ises where harry hllson and his wife and their son john hllson and his wife reside discovered a quantity of liquor in the garden- at this houso harry hllson the father absconded and john hllson was arrested he was afterward released on providing 100 cash- ball which was paid by his mother and phil forbes of acton at the trial it was shown that jorn tho son was jointly assessed for the property with his father the defence claimed that ownership of the liquor must be proven by the prone cutlon decision was reserved by the magltrate until next friday 2sth inst thomson factory is now ready for inspection jtie mortgage to the corporation of acton scrutinized and found satisfactory repairs to mill and main street roadways defer red streets to be re surfaced nejct spring tho regular session of tho council was held on monday ovdnlng with councillors ilell harrison ho me and thatford prosent and reeve harbor n tho chair tho flnnncn committee prcmenled their twentieth report and rwom- msndpd payment of the- following ac counts qenerslr acoount nichols koebe hldowdlks z tzoo 00 a h ulshop labor 6 00 aerom ftum ihb udvortuing 10 00 luc miuiy uuvia uflinwfiin wm found drunk in his wood truok on the second una near the home of reeve hampshire county constable chapmary of mtlton arrested him found a bottle of liquor on his person and lodged him in the county jail in formation was laid before police magistrate moori and the trial will be held at milton tomorrow morning it is quite probable that a couple of other cases as to the source of liquor supply may grow out of this event fourteen men snd boys were up before police magistrate moore on wednesday evening charged by sirs beardmore a co with tres passing on tholr property after notice had been put up and published in ttts fxxa prsas they pleaded guilty to the charge mr n garden speaking fur m users beardmore st co said their runson for taking action was that trespassing through the premises has become a nuisance windows vero s od tools and materials were taken awcy boy have been found playlrig cards and smoklnv on the premises and it had been decided to stop the tres passing it waa not the desire of the company to have heavy penalties im posed but only that all concerned should obey their notice to tres- passers the magistrate felt that it was though tlessness more than anything else which had been the reuse n for thd trespaos ho advised nil to respect the property of the defendants and that of all other persons in town and read the law and penalties whan do predaticm were committed nominal costs were taken from the accused it was very evident that the truth did not all come out at tho trial of ttie suburban park corn roast cases la the town ball lost saturduy morn ing the nearest the evidence ad duoed came to showing that the effects or liquor were manifested at the affair was the very straight forward evidence of one witness who testified that one of the parties charged was ordered off the platform by the manager and this witness said he thought he waa tor toxlcated there was ni evidence given against the other two partlvs owing to the lack of evidence thu police magistrate dumlseod all thu license inspector roevely was un fortunate in not having secured mora witnesses who could or would irlve evidence as to the true condition hlch prevailed it does not seem to have occurred to jmo who have commented upon the matter very freely that the giundp respecting this unfortunate affair or iginated with the invited guests them- ives who attended that if they had not talked about the matter- no one outside would have been the wiser h r becauae of the statement mudu by those who were there inspector reevely says that th charges were laid which canto up tor hearing before the courts a couple of years agu james malott was fined floo and costs on an o t a harge- he was given time to mltls the fine ulnce theu ha was again convicted under the o t a and as he had confiucted himself pretty well lie woe n tspses wss again given tlinn on the understanding that he would pay lbs fines off in instalment hut us ha neglected to do so the police arrested him in the ward on saturday night and turned him ovr to gover nor cosby of ths oounfy jj wheiu he will be held for six months unless the money is forthcoming in the moan time ouelph mercury license inspector reevely bramp ton license in poet or iloblnson and chief of police portland orange vule paid a visit to- alton on monday in alex sinclairs house on the edge or the village they found a barrel of mash and acouple of bottle of home brew whiskey in an hjpstalrs room two young men nomeb- tho coyn and w if bhlpp who havo occupied the premises for three weeks ware arrested and takaii to rjramjjton where they were brought before polloo magi trate crawford und remanded for week they will come before polio- magistrate moora for trial bp munday naxt halton rlfte ofrteer promotions ullit la orders gensral staff lasued from headquarters ottawa grant the following certificate to officer of the halton klrles ltcol o tu be quarter matter major 1 11 chi holm m c major ii m- kennedy captain j hv cham bora and cup tain j c kennedy to be held ofnoers lieut u h collier lieut v a davis lieut it 1 liuwtboriie and uaul t h stewart m c to be captain j lieut b a cummlngs and ljeut e keale to be lieutenant- the following certi ficate are gtanwdto-tnan- ortti lullon itllles pteai k- schmidt a v t il johnsott it a lwward w foster w l fielding w b arnold signalmen u16 00 waterworks account john williamson labor 28 60 the report waa adopted the reevo reported that in consul fatten with the enxineerhe had been advlaod net to put on the asphalt on the street this fall and recommended rocontlng the whole street in the spring the council thought this re commendation was advisable and de layed ordering until the sprlne whuii a complete job will be done cmi tho asphalt will be put on hot with a- pro per outfit the clerk reported that mrs martha itamahaw had paid in the sum of fls to tho corporation to be put toward l he expenses of remoxtng albert kam- haw to the hospital which amount had been advanced by the corporation a blotter was read from the acton cltlsens rand thanking the council for their grant and assuring- them that the money would be judiciously used another rnrpmunlratlnn from the municipality of cteorgetown offered a pomp and motor for sale the council decided it was not required the clerk requested information relative to the disposal of the water works debentures which will shortly be placed on the market it was de elded hat these debentures would be sold at par to the first applicants to the clork messr ileardmore ft co requested that the municipal officer cooperate in guarding their premises from tres passer on saturday and sunday and that offandnrs be prosecuted the transient traders bylaw came up for discussion and the clerk was instructed to get some information on this matter and prepare a new bylaw a tho one now in effect was very unsatisfactory and out of date tho draft mortgage of the corpora tion on thn thomson motor supply hulldlng machinery and plant was read by- the clerk the council thought this document very satisfactory it was decided that the council would go to the factory in a body and value the property and machinery to ascer tain ir everything is in accordance with the agreement muvori by k holme econded by c h harrlaon that the mortgage of thomson motor supplies ltd a read by the clork be approved as to form carried the clerk wm instructed to order now police cup buttons and badge tor cblof mcphnreon obituary h h heartwell georgetown herbert howard hoar two 11 aged 48 year a resident of georgetown died satudday after a short lunea h was prominent in municipal affairs having been on the town council far several years ho had also held the office of reeve and was a member of the county council he was s grandson of the late oeorge kennedy lifter whom the town was named nearly a century ago the late mr heartwol wua a methodist in religion and a liberal in politics and a cltlxen if high type mrs mark sutton clovers villa qn sunday morning septsmler3a kate orr wife of mario sutton passed away at her homo 104 prospect street johnstown n y mrs sutton was born at georgetown on june xt 1b74 the daughter of mr and mrs henry o orr and tho granddaughter of tho late joslah royce for many years an esteemed resident of aoton and pre viously of krsmoaa mr button spent her girlhood days in aoton shaand sorrowing husband ware popular young people riere for years about twenty years ago ihsy removod to johnstown m y hairs sutton is sur vived by her husband three sons harry and victor of johnstown lewis of ulovarsvulaand two daughter aindys and dorothy pno sister mrs j a church resides at leltoss sas- katchewitn und hsr brother lewis t orr has been in vancouver ii c about is years during her residence in johnstown mrs- sutton has ibeen afilliated with the first baptist church and was one of the most faith ful niambera she was a member of the phllalheu class and taught sun day suhool for 14 years she wo also ember of tho i o o f court of johnstown jl chaltlbs helwood toronto the doith of charles set wood tor onto iftmt week removed one who cum tu this district with his parents from england lxtytwo years ago mr selwnod was a sou of tho lata wultum belwood and wo born in wst llrumtnage staffordshire eng land november 30 umh he came to cuivudu with his parents in hal thoy ettled m the slxthtlne brin on saptamber 10 1hti ha married elisa beth iluhwick elder daughter of the in to qoorge lleswlck of krtn and acton slater of mr eboneser ueswlok of this town they mettled in u towel where thay continued to reside until the yoar 1000 when they removed to toronto making their home at 470 jrsov street ills death look place ut the family residence there on tues dy llth lnt mrs sol wood and three sons frederick hi barrister cahjary alt william vl new york and oeorge 11 montreal survive mr 81 wood was engaged in business in a small way at ltstowel for some nine years in uui hey commenced work as a commercial traveller and con tinued until 114 n period of s3 your part of tht lrat he represented w h storey a son aoton mr bel wood wttw a lltmntl and lu religion methodist lie was tor many years a member nf tho masonlo fraternity in uernurd lodge no 135 in llstowel and a a lloyal arch mason in bnlar- was u man who enjoyed untveraal eaieevn tho funeral was held lost thursday interment being made at ureettwihkl cemetery oeorge town social and personal mr john wooti 1 ofl n hualnoiw trlp to chicago mr fortf oould spent thx wotikand in dorchester 1 mr alox shand spnnt oho wookond with toronto friend mm robert lion no it vlsllml frianda at preston last wook j mr cliarlcs matuiews of toronto whm homo over sunday mr rjlitobertapn of toronto vlsltod friends hero this wok mrs j m modonald will it homo first thursday of each month mr earl cooper husgqne to gunlph to take a course in pharmacy mr j stonbman of toronto vlsltod friends hare pver tho wookend mrs- dr john m macdonnld of toronto visited acton friends last week it mjv and mrs alex crawford of ouelph wdont 8uri with aoton friends misses jassla unci mario mowat left on monday to attend toronto uni versity mr fred b selwood of calgary spent the wekcnd with mrs f hi nicklln mr and mrs james raid havo been spending a week or so with friends in toronto mr robert gibbon 1 here from toronto and will remain until after the fair mlas alice johnstone returned on friday from her visit to friends at froelton misses frances hurst and martha orr wont to normal school toronto this week mr and mrs arthur krwln and babe of hauteln spent the weekend with acton friends mrs jamas l warren apfl mr- fred warren of toronto spent sunday with acton relatives mr and mrs john erwln of boxnla wore guests of mr and mrs n f m li mr angus- kennedy who 1 taking a course as druggist in toronto waa home over sunday mrs t k mccallum and gordon visited mr and mrs ii- b nickun of guelpb last week mr william il miller spent lost week at bis home at mlldmay aru ook in the fall fair there mrandmrm john gray of toronto were guests of mrs dr gray and miss gray on saturday mr and mrs melvln bear and family of rreaton spent sunday with mr and mrs r v konyon mr and mrs james gibbons and babe of durham have been spending holidays with friends here rev w e haasard d a b d of toronto was in town on monday and was a guest at moorecroft mr j w rarberree who has been confined to- his bed with rheumatism for soma time is now improving dr harold f mowat of o rill la and miss ouve mowat of toronto spent the weekend at their homo hero mr joseph little beardmore cres cent has been off work for a week or so owing to blood poisoning in his thum mrs w a- niool and billy of new york have ibeen spending a week or ptth mumi a w uaa o friends mrs a e nicklln was in toronto on thursday attending the funeral of the late- chas belwood whoseburia took place at eqeorgetown mr and mrs john nlcol and family who removed to brampton a year ago have returned to acton and uro settled in their home here again mlas euphemla lojng returned to toronto on saturday after spending a month or more with mrs thomas somervllle and miss satnervlllo mr and mrs jacob kennedy miss elisabeth and mr hugh of hamilton j spent a couple of days thla weelcat the home of mrs h macdoiuud mr and mrs john r kennedy and mlas nelson went to ouelph on sun day to see miss laura moore who la in the hospital recuperating after treatment for appendicitis mr george leslie of tho first line linimlebraioahjath day lost week the old gonuemun is hale and hearty and was down town to church an sunday aa usual mr john graham the vanarablo printer arid publisher who reside with miss graham mill street and who hoa been vary 111 for- several weeks is now ablu to be about again mr and mrs t ii taylor ana master robert motored over from wllllamsyule n y and spent a week with friends in toronto actpn blue springs park edun mill und ouelph the dominion refunding loan advno subscriptions of t2j3oo0o0 assure prompt disposal of the loan the new dominion government rn- rundlng loan which i being offered to ilia public gives evidence of vnry marked popularity although the pre 1 unlivery announcement was only tnad an thursday morning by oi minister of finance advance subscription ag gregating well over 1 00dy or over forty per oent of the entiro ob jective of 175000000 had boon re ceived by the selling yndtouto ut tho oluaa of business on saturday this leaves lu round figures una hundrad million dollars still available for sub scription this heavy preliminary subscription is the more remarkable us only two of the big special uborlpuoii which bulked so large in the victory loans have been received undare included in thl totul othar an ponding con firmation at directors mooting cash subscription tu dato present u striking contrast to the situation which existed when the government orfard lt renewal loan lust year to holdur of lbiq victory ilond that uffar lustttd ror wtill over two months during which period the total of convurnlou wiu only ii 10000000 in iho two lays preceding the present offurlng ruh subscriptions in excess of tsk000o0 have been received which i twothirds of the entire amount token up during lost years conversion loan practical ly every dollar or the subscription taken into account to dute rtpritutm entirely nw muney uy aelljng thene bonds in the homo market the minister of filming i addition to giving canadian thu tlrst ohunceto buy a bmd of unniccvlltid security and unusually high iiiiuiohi rate also effects a wry aulutluittlul saving for canada at tho prevailing rate of eyoqange this saying on in terest payments alone will bo upurux- imjloftoisii ypjfa- vrtlr- re subscribers havo thu autufactuxi knowing that their nio ltuyln it home and working in canada for the benefit of the canadian peoplu tvip7i v f m

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