ifr ghg ftrtnn jffrrg prpag tiillllmday octolllcu 1031 cross queotiono in luivn tyik win ti tin y go l ulml kin i of now it can u old i will a him kuni soul cun it lurnu it i hiiik her lyt without it feet 7 m u hunker play i white ihlii rul to whom rtum a church bell puy toll win hlilngleu u wnlr shod7 if o mlntlrol boy can nlnit hlit ly7 un it ship sing hn luyto7 po tiger nk for urui whan ihey prey cun a bugle nolo onio ilui7 will u foreign dime make unyuno tlr- im mountain climb like myt cun iv huul of fish for balls bo hired 7 cun donkeys feed on u iruy7 is a purchase mrnlo when shoos nm soled 7 can an axe th minnow hue jf i keep on twlittln gtho lulo i vo tolil 1ruy whut will you rouders do 7 canadian grown clover and altalfa seed in demand tho pro fir which may bo boo u rod from tho solo of clover and alfalfa domi and tho import an co of home grown nooi for obtaining hardy plant aro two of tho r canon why many farm or arc saving their own sood mora farmer howavor might in crease their rovonuo considerably by lm nuvlng of seed and larger acro- ttkd of second cutting of clover und alfalfa might advantageously bo usod for saod production tho win tr killing of red clover which frequently occur would un doubtedly be lessened to a great oxton if only homegrown need wore used imported seed especially that produc ed tn southern climate la very likely to bo from varieties too tender for our canadian winters these are fact which increase every year the demand for homegrown need a rower of alfalfa are realising moru and more that in order to aeoure a good stand of plant hardy seed 1 eaaontlal an the acreage being sown to alfalfa t becoming greater every tfiii i i in seed la increasing and tho good price being paid for thl aoed should lead more alfalfa growers to save their second cuttings for the production of seed canadiangrown grimm alfalfa has proven the most hardy sort at the central experimental farm at ot tawa the crop either clover or alfalfa which la usually the second cutting should be cut for seed when the majority or heads or pods arc ripe many failures la th saving of seed are due to cutting before the aeed is ripe rub out in the pal in of the hand a number of heads or pod- taken from different parts of the field and if tho seed shells easily it la ready for cutting the best means of cutting la ready for cutting the best means or cutting is to use a machine which will leave the cut plants in windrows so that they will not be driven over as the cutting la continued a board table is sometimes attached to jhe rear at the cutting- bar of a mover by bolts fosteed through boles drilled in the war the table is allowed to drag and a man with a rake follow to ksttp the- cut plants pulled back from the bar and to rake them off in wind rows an oldfashioned reaper dis charging the clover or alfalfa at every lake may also be used with success for this purpooo when the crop is tall enough it may bo cut with a binder two upright boards which hold the sheaf are slackened and allowed to drop and the machine trla continually the plants instead of being tied in bundles ore passed on i to the stubble in a continuous stream the crop may be threshed in the i field or it may be brought directly to the barn bur if it is atored jn the barn it should not be threobod until the weather is dry and frosty a clover nuller is the best machine for threshing- but an ordinary thresher is often used when the threshing machine is used it is brooded up tn fre- rf the cylinder with the excep tion of about 12 inches at the left the back of the cylinder is boarded up in a like manner leaving about 10 inches open on the right the concave is placed close up to the cylinder which is run fairly fast for any further information on the saving of clover and alfalfa seed the field husbandry division central ex perimental farm ottawa would glad to reply to any inquiries w hopper field husbandman jtinxmtimwmnnbwfnenenmm lu 3to 3prb0 ghnrt tnru the day charlie stopped hanrrh t w i o a 1uiioht beplornhor mo lug charlie button was going up soil down his kitchen un- eunlly wulrlilng for hi friend i tutor king who wo to join him with his new roadster tho two planning to r anh colby kail in tlrni u hour tho loviiior hhiuk on the fulr ground two oclock would havo boon a houiiin uhlo hour forupoocb making but thr only tlmo n small town like colby kail could got tho tlovernor wui ut ton o clock lota won t get there churllo af- firmed to his mother the avonlng pre viously those who have cows to milk ami milk iu haul will iwivo o step hrlakiy lostor want two lioum tuxyn to make tho run und so we ought to null out ut hnrti by half pant no vim al tho latent hut chnrllo wait downxtalrn long to- core hulfpnt vrn und hud doponltnd hi two cuns of milk on the platform ut suip eroiw roads u full hour uni half bfltoa tliri trurk was duo charlln was especially anxious see nnd hoar oovurnt itatea bocatlitn ha was a shirley county man and moat of all because charlies father knew him whon both of them ware achoolboy in tho old adams academy at winchester he was plain ullly hates then and only judge hate when charlie father died fjlnoo that lost sad happening charlie had grad ually worked into the manngomnnt of the farm until hr- waa all tho manager there was and judgn it a to had grad ually worked into tho favor or his constituent until ho was governor of the tato as he atood wultlnir his mothers voice cumo to him im ao sorry charlie but tho cattln aro all in the corn i wouldnt call on you if i oould poealbly get them out myself but those heifers are so f rlaky iii come cburlloa voice eoundod cheerful but he hardly felt that way tell lester i wont be long the heifers wero frisky and the not long 101 nvhadthe mdirauiers in the walled yard and left them munching hay in lieu of green grass there was no time to mend the break in the fence and if they stayed in the yard hed know where they wore lester a horn had honkod several be seeching notes already however and charlie made the hquuo at a run two hours for the run and flvo minutes to go and coroo on tho driver informed his passenger snatching n glance at his watch as charlie step ped into the car it wont take two hours though good roads all tho way from qulgley itufo gage aaya probably the detour did not enter into rufe cases calculation lester frowned over the steering wheel and muttered something under his breath when he saw tho tlgn colby falls was only slc miles off by tlie dlrec route but how tor it was the detour way was on undetermined question that depended on how much the rest st the road was like the sample in i sight lester scowled as he lookad at his watch and tackled the long hill on low m stalled car looming up ahead told the story of the detour the stalled cor stood exactly in the middle of the road and when you took tho mlddlo out of a narrow rood like that there wag precious little left i that was what lester thought as he i slowed down grumbling inaudible com- plaints it was a cose of so near and yet so far for the roofs and spires of colby falls were already in sight abhj man in shirt sleeves was fumbling in the tool box apparently oblivious to the fact that he was block- ly fifty mile to hefr tin gove apeak ut colby falls i think it muit ho long past the tlmo now though iluttun7 looking up charlie found tho portly man was looking at him little oddly yes j see you ii be in phinty of tlmo to iiouk the governor my ixy jump in und wu ii bn off hoinetlmo i notlco tho governor ih not ulwaya on imnd whin lieu oypoot ud to be char lli wotjilereil why nana of thj purti bud thought i f giving inurhci name to mutch hi p ti o introdu tlon but the occasion was rather informal nnyhow and what was tho oddsf the car wu by no means as shabby lnsld a it looked from tho rear and un people wore not the rtoap sort lo- tar had imagined either charlie wu uutlsflod of that ntuch whllo ho i it wo red or tried to answer the youm ludy a question about the locality and a ilumn other things which apparent ly interested ijor the one ul whool looked a good deal more portly with his coat on charllo decided men tall- concluding that he could drive a cur even if- ho could not mend u what surprised charlie was the way his new acquaintance drove through tho crowdod entrance gato ut the fair without paying a cont or even so much ss asking the gatekeeper uy your leave but the lad tunasemoht grew whqn they approaahed the grand stand and everybody saemed to gt suddenly wild waving hats and hand kerchief clapping hfnds hut chorlt never sensed what tt was all about until u very distinguished appearing person tn a high hat gripped tho hand of the man at tho whool i good morning governor 1 greeting almost took away charlies breath aa tho chairman of the re volving committee i have thp hon ir to wolcomo you and your family to our little town and this is is your son doubtless a scion of the bates family tioo the distinguished looking gen tlcman offered charlie hi hand and charlie took it because it waa offered welcome mr hates i have no i r i ma r j the wheel corrected smiting charlie i never had a son the honor belongs to my old schoolmate charlie rutton and this la charlie button too if ties made of the sam6 stuff o his father id itko to claim him and z rather think he s iio thought hed lost the chejee of hoar lng tfe governors speech by helping a poor old fellow out of t scrape and evoi blinked an eye the ooverrors own eyes were twinkling rogulshli whats worrying roe now is thinking how much hell bo disappointed when he does hear luf no sir im utiis i shall not charllp managed to say and iust then h- caught sight of letter kings shiny roadster not for off and lester king himself looking- as dum founded as though one of tho gnyly colored fliurf displayed on tho blllbrurd had stepped down and offered to shako hands with nlm he amid i looked tike father and and he hoped i was like him charlie told his mother that evening a lnge of honest prldo in his young voice h the governor i mean i a j good deal like other folks ha came in that tiy way so there wouldnt be a big demonstration i guess he hates that sort of thing id thought thered be two or three bands and soldiers and flags and every whatnot dont have to do it xll a story i told of a llttlo chap of scarcoly a doaen summers who rang the doorbell of a uty homo und when the mlfious of the hounu came to tho door ha askoii hof to buy a ticket for h oofirort wlio lu giving tho concert t aukud the ludy it i being given to help to ml no ii million f dolluru for u loltoga the lady wuk puiuiied ut tho little jutm jfrlpiti fi laufthlngly to ruhto a mllllnn of tollnru t dour me hat 1m a lut of money you don i ox poet to have to ralsu it ail do you 7 oh nol replied the boy cheerfully you see another llltli- twiy is helping mo i dont havo to do it all the lady wont back to bar alttlng room und said to har old mother who wun sowing in a choorful corner of tho room i derlurd mother if that llttlo rhup selling concert tickets at urn door didnt teach mo s lcon when lie rung tho boll i was feeling little disi co u raged bocuuap 1 cun do so llttlo u ho lb along aonre dc- hut good causes in- which i am in torn tod bomotltnoo i hayo felt that tho moal i cun do in so llttlo it i hardly worth while try- intf to do anything at all hut tliut blessed llttlo boy has given mo u new point of vlow how did ho do that my deart ho was selllf g ooncirt tickets id help- to increase a fund of u million rlpllars for a lolltu nnd win n i tiskfd him jokingly if ho had to rulso it all he said there wua anotlior llttlo boy holplng and so ho did not havo to do it al ilq was doing hi uftlo lot to help and it coma to mo all of a suddon that ttfore wero thousands of others helping mo to do good in tho world all that ih ox poet od of me is to do what i can i don t have to do it all hereafter i dont think i shall worry ny uboul how little i can dp but will fall back on the comforting word of that boy i dont havo to do it nil thoy should be sustaining words to all of us when we are disposed to 1k discouraged uy our own limitations along the line of helpful effort to do what wo can is tn add something to tho united effort the good and true men and woman of tho world aro do ing to make the world hatter than it is jefferson loo harbour live thut it needs no trlmmlngio gel hearing it i a practical demonstration standing n a shop recently ono of the inspectors of the toronto humane society saw a beautiful insect with widespread green wings fly through the door and settle on the base board the proprietor of the shop after ax- cfatmtng ovor the wonders of the small creaturh produced a lonsi wkcked- looklng pin and advanced on the in- sect i just what are you going to do with that pint inquired the in pec tor im going to get that thing its a beauty jus stick it up somewhere alive 7 asked the inspector certainlyl said the collector pols- lag the pin ax he jabbed at the vjjo tlm his hand come into unpleasant contact with another pin in the hand of ute inspector a yell a jump una of warm exclamatlona what do you moan 7 in an angry tone well that is what you were going to do to the insect and it would have hud no defence it conldnt even dulge in the language you used the inspector gently placed the grosn-wtoie- th on u paper took it to the door and tossed it in the air jt floated off above the rraoh of pins collectors of insect who itnpalothe specimens on pine while alive m dla by slow torture are in need of j taw lessons such um those moth und but terflies should bo killed by placing un- defa gtass with a bit of absorb ent soaked in chloroform before im paling op pins and tho conclusion of the whole matter is there hi nothing like a practical demonstration ing travel and traillo on tho publicj london england got ibelr names in i both a trifle worldly domlnlo campbell whi one day watching u earpenfer making repairs in his house the carpeotor whtsted maggie lauder as he labored and ssbrked in time to the tune saunders said the dominie pres ently can you no whistle u mora solsmn and godly tun while yere at workf ay weal minister if it be your will and he immediately changed the tupe to tho- dead march lu haul still planing in tune to the muilc the worthy dominie looked oh for some minutes in sllenoe and then soldi tiaunders i hae another word to say ull yo did the guld wife hire vo by tho day s work orby the jobf tho day work war oiir agreetn minister than on the whole saunders 1 think ye may list as wool go back to- whistling moggie iodsr i thoroughfare or else not caring much if be did sometimes the driver of a stalled car feels that way and this one certainly did not look as amiable as big man ought to look rusty old boat commented the owner of tbo brand new chovrolet some of these old hayseeds get n pick up in a sales garage and think every bodys got to stop till they tinker the thing so itll run then be carted out say mister couldn t you give me just a little more room on tbe left side here 7 cant start the motor the stranger rejoined gruffly not even glancing up suppose you lesvo ypur car back there and help mo if you cant do anything else you might as well mtko yourself useful t can do something else loiter flashed back angrily he bad m hot temper and the strangers cool in difference nettled him im not in the general repair business if you can make roam i can take it hold on lester charlie caution ed but with a perilous tipping the new chevrolet mado the passage let us stop now lester sold charlie l and give him a lift if wo were i stalled i wed axpeot as much of some body elee not on your life lester idocutred his fuce hot and stormy the risk to his own car had uoceiited hi wrath if id smashed eomathlng that fellow would hayo had to foot the bill you want to help him your ohunco la good the cor atopped i wont atand in any good sumarttuns way charlie jumped out it was a gen erous impulse and perhaps the taunt rtung he was surprised to sop the vheela of the shiny roadsttir movlii again almost before his feet touched the ground indeed he could scarcely believe his myv but jiflwus too in dependent to call aftur lester who he fancied would pull up und wait beyond the next turn in the road parhupswi surprised tho owner of tho stalled cur too for ho was looking first st cluxrlln then ut the disappear ing cor when churllom attention niuuly drifted buak lu things near at hand chaufeurs bolted wht thv strntmrr inqutrud ploumntly he sourmd nol at ull tlyi irsnfay gontleiuuit of u moment before 1 m afraid i spoke u little too much as 1 felt and stirred him up u bit thuts u fault of ml no und perhaps being stirred up too easy fault of his however thvre s or simtre iwst in tny car and you can rlitu in with j- provided we ride what thought was thut u pair of keen young eyes might gllinpao the trouble quicker than my old ov im not much of a machinist und wjmt of all broke my reading glasses an hour ago which leaves inn as blind us t bat for close work charlie did not eye own u ar but he know more about the ins und outs of gas engines tnun ninny it one who did the big portly man watched interestedly as he stripped off howl londons outskirts were named some districts in uo outskirts of tta l bis ooat rolled up hj sleeves and wont poking umund amongst tho lii nd culls trying a wire to see if it wss fast fingering a scrawhead to sot- if it needed tlghtoillhg and peering her and there on the chance that his oyos mlghfserve him better ibkn his hands charlie never told just what be found wrong bu it wag soon act right and the motor was whining as though it was eager to b off charlie uuttffn u my numr ic owner of tbe luilho in tor rood looking rather embarrassed in uw presanoo t tbo ladle in oivbapu- aaal 1 dont right around mr wa dovg strange ways the district known as soho has been coiled by that name jlnco the inch century so hoi was the cry et tho huntsmen whan calling off their har rlers in the days when the whole of that partof london was open country smith field is a modern perversion of smooth field on extensive stretch of modow land where horses were sold and tournaments were held as for back as the izth century clerkenweu gets its name from an ancient holy well beside which the parish clerks performed their miracle plays i the proper name for runbill fields 1 ban hill that is good hill fields so called because the victims of the great plague were burled there in 1b6 moorflelds used to be a bleak moor skirting the marshy land known as fcnsbury now colled flnsbury jogger ton is a corruption of ifer- go tea tan which is baxon meaning our god s town hollowuy reminds us thut this was once a miry hollow be tween hlgbgate and islington kllhurn owes its name to the kll tho celtic word for a cell once oc cupied by one godwyne a holy her- mtt beside the bourne or stream acton is un anglo saxon unit oak town moaning the town near the oak forest and shepporton 1 od english fur shepherds town oreenwlch meune the groen i catford stands for cattleford whera the cuttle could easily cross the river have its bourne und brixton comes from tho anglosaxon brlgeslan or bridge of stone authors whq ever wrote the man who walks about his study or lounges in his easy chair while hi secretary takes down a dictated novel or article for the press is some time regarded as a product of these modern day of buatje yet there urogreat precedents for both paradise lost and paradise regained were dlo- tutod milton was blind und unable to tra ascribe his own words his method was to compose a number or linos in his mind and then dictate them tc anyone who happened to bo hi u 1 wordsworth the great interpreter ol nature used to ramble over hill and dale composing poems when after his death an inquirer asked an aged villager if he knew him the old fellow said aye sure ive oft seen him goo hummln post he was referring to the poets habit of murmuring hi linos as he walked in this way ho could compose and memorise u couple hundred lines when bo returned home hs would coll his sister or his wife to his tide and dicta to tho whole to them whilst they wrote 8r walter scott is another ox ample the wholo of lvauioo aud guy manner ng wore dictated to aecretarios who took turns in striving to keep pace with him cut t ww not scotts usual habit to dictate ho was unwell ut the time und unable to write it is probable that the iliad of homer as well as most of the ballad literature of the world wore spoken or sung for vears perhaps for ages before thoy were committed to writing havno a serious purpose in life wo uro disponed to unillo at tlln youth who lukomlfo too seriously hut wo ratlmr should bo plnasiiri with tlm young min who in iloaply in ourfioet as a usual thlpg ho has a vory fixed purpoho with him tho thing h doing is tbtufiost important thing in tho world aild ho in determined to noo it through his is not tho sober long faced sarlouiinoau that hus not a u hiowius uko or-hvo- flttmii within his ituul ho can laugh and he can umllv ho known thp cheering influence of and good fellowship wo can bo very sorlouu and very urnesf and still find plenty of fun in our work tho task that gives us nothing but hard toll is nothing short of drudgary hmlles ilgbtan tho days work not only for ourselves but for all thouo around us ctfo can bo mads a merry gome whether wo bo studonts workers in the fields clork in a store cashiers in a hank kooperv of a lighthouse flod hondti the sunshine o vory where hut it in our part to spread tho sunshine of happiness wo aro serjolui rightly sefjoua wlieh we fel thuy tho world has ac- tulilly waited our coming as young pooplt- with an ambition it i the nuturuj thing for us to bcllove strongly in ourselves and in our destiny itoel- lng ibis way and having nnoh fblth und suolr oonfldanco wo need only to put ourselves to our allotted task with tho full measure of our strqnkth l and ubllity if wo do not take ourselves seriously we cannot for others to do ho i if w apologlxu for tho thing wo ire doing it is not ilkolyuhut others will consider it of uny importance though w may not realise it we actually lower ourselves in tho estimation of those uround ua whon we speak slightingly of oar work of our school of our town of our homo of our as- eociatos aid companions i admtratlnn pralao and commendu tlon comes to him who exalts his wprk no matter how humhlo it may he thn humblest taskimay ho wonderfully ex alted by hurnjn adoration und human enlevement htudv concentration betterment htghoaeul mako any work or any task a noblo effort the millionaire owner of a great shoe factory wan onco a cobbler but 1 had a real purpose ho took his work seriously llo exalted his aim in life tho manager of an american auto mobile tiro company was a rubber podrtler in his youth gomg from house to house selling rubbers and overshoe jlut ho was a student and a scientist as wall as i peddler ho learned everything there wu to know blsb how edith trimmed her stories i lovp to h edith toll u tory remark od gladys with a smile she puts in such wonderful trimming i yet u few duys later whon after an adventure in a runaway au gladys g- mitu u 111 w s ss u thejpeal paper printed a story of the affair showing up both horself and edith who was her companion a having barely escaped with their uvea after marvellous experiences the paper was sent by friends to an ahsen relative and brought the latter home before a visit taken for her- health had been completed it woo edith i wonderful trimming when interview ed by the local reporter and her im agination in named under the stimulus of an interview which had been re- nponsblo for the lurftl story this gift of trimming a story is ope that works havoc in many lives and which should be suppressed until it perishes from lack of use of course every body likes to get attention to attract wonder agd interest and when word pictures can do it thoy like to paint them in with the colors strong but truth is always safe and its after effects never unpleasant to the teller or to the listener furthermore truth is usually so convincing and uttracl koopj- s at whlto heat 1 ui ii liu vllllu u americas largest motor car manu- faatury was a plumber in his youth he too exalted hi work the president of a great western university taught a country school when a young man but he believed oven then as he believes now that ho was destined to become a leader in the educational world he never lost sight of that ideal to reach the height that trjese and countless others of the same calibre have reached wo must be convinced in our own hearts and minds that we have a purpura and u real pluoe in this world we must make life an earnest vital essential affair we must be serlou and earnest life cun be all this and still bo a merry gabie with hs smiles and joys its pleasure i nd triumphs hubert henderson marrying aoeq in britain thn u at which parties may u gully hljifl thorn helve in umr- tlfuro is fourt- vu in tho case of hoyh and twelve in thut of glrli in jtrmnny a inun inuut bn ut tcunl elghli mi ytiini of ugti b for tie muy marry in iotlugul a boy of fourtei n is eoiihldurod inarrliki uhln and u girl of twelve in jrxfl a youth must have m i n ul h mt fourt ten mini mom und urn girt i liiyi be eighteen and tho woman slxtei u und in belgium the samo ages in hpalnthe intended hubunl must havo iiussed his fourteenth year und tho wlfa her twelfth in hwltnrlunri boys from tho uge of fotii toon und girts fnonf tho age of twelve are allowed to marry in turkey uny youth and maiden who can walk properly and run under stand the necessary religious service aro allowed to bo united for life enforces prohibition whin prohibition boauiw un issup in tho united state mr hurdlng support it with his wholo heart whon he became president h ought to enforce thn meusuro just au sharply as ho did tho ono which prohibit murder and robbery all liquors wore ban nod from the whlto house for n toelurod the chlnf kxncuuve tniiht uet an example or law keiplng tnd inno wlso allow anything tbnl ho rairht do or say to seem to ugget thul the whlnkoy measure veuld not bo r- gardod us seriously us uny other in this ho eat tho antlro worl i u splonriid example was she waiting at the station t a wnntern iiucim lor who iivil noinu illntunco from hln in lili- l ri on tin iivniitful ninrnlnu uii urf foi tin ntu tlon in kooi htm hut im uk t n friend after anothi with mm mhiiii i liit ho inlaaihl tin noli uumliy he vna- very mui h unnoyid liyt in ho thougtir hitiih if oflit t l iulli oniro this vim llu iiiriiii in im ul hon r murryumj mi lom- orm windows d00es wslliday company llmmesli iuhljo okt bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery bas decided not to alccpt cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m tik government is anxious to secure a hghoc standard for ontario butter and this is one of the methods that will facilitate our work n this direction let us have your cooperation in thn move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t joneil prop we are still buying errs open tuebdav friday and batuhday quality our motto evcninqs phone 53 keep your ambition at white heat countijd before hatched home years ugo un expedition from the university of pennsylvania was ant to one of our ijouthern states for the purpose of ubaarvlng a solar clips the day before the event one thi professor said to an old colorod mun belonging to tho household wburo- n tho aclentisf was guarterod loin wok of cfturse skeptical but at the uspdlnted tiour the huovun worn darkened and the ohluksn re tired to roost at this the mans amusement showed no bounds and tut sought the scientist 1erfessor said he how jong ugo did you know dent chickens would go to roost t about u year ago said tho vro- fossor smilingly well ef dat dont beat ull i was the roans cominunt perfessor u year ago dsm ohlckuii wunt oven hatched what college does co liege suys uus hemic v urowtti t he now dean of luidcuh doe not make u person uhe l wfiul she is boomuno she lis it within hr rlf und nut because of hr four yours i collage training there are many welleducated people who have tot mi i the ud vantage of college training hut vlia ji ideally into the work thut thoy have to do what four yeur of college does for women or f im ahur is to give them tnentul training not eiuaed anywhere whert think of u college man or woman i do not think of thetn ao itttlhg into on profession or volu tion i think of them as being only better fitted for whatever workthsy aav natumj tanincy to do v what alcohol did tbe journal of the american mod leu i association records un interesting in vestigation made by two doctor at tbo cook county hospital in which it was clearly demonstrated thai a direct relation exists between piioumonla fatalities and alcoholism doctor capps and coleman kept tab on s 423 cose of pneumonia which wre divid ed into three classes i abstainers and those who drunk ijob than two glasses of hr dally 3 those who drank more than this but were still definitely moderate drinkers t jljgular and heavy drinker it was found that the mortality whs nonslderably higher tn moderate user than in light user or abstainers and that the mortality in exceeslv wo much higher than in moderate users it was observed however that three groups were not uniform as to age and the case ware carefully recast so as to eliminate the uge factor und to compare the subjects in the three group at uniform ageji the result was to show a mortality rut in class 1 of 1u 4 per lent in ci s 29 1 per cent und in das 4l 6 per ont for u la ambition that mokes willing tc pay the price- of succ tho youth who lack it wlllftnd too many obstacles in the way of great ness and will settle down to mediocre accomplishment and it rewards young people who all the night schools in our cities have ambition tbey are so eager to better their stato thut after doing a full days wprk they ore ready to take their rest tlmo and their play time to fit themselves fo something t higher it is seldom that young peoplo with pluck enough to gducate themselves in their leisure hour fall short of success one who get ahead must often choose between a certain pleasure and some course which will b an advant age to him later on if her locks the ambition he will inevitably choose the way the pleasant way no thin but a live ambition can load him to make thsr choce say sd9anardaaajmcxgsdi keeps the skin feeling fit lots of lather quickly tnll itie family use it infants delight ibilet soap we invite every man and woman in acton dr told nurse i all have the same chance to get well and strong y new lamp burns 94 pek cent am beat eject rid or qs a nqv ail lamp thtg1v an amus ingly urllllunt soft white light even better than gas or electricity hn boon to tod by th u b government and ift wading unlvorsltlo and found to be stiperlor to 10 ordinary oil lamps it burns without odor smoke or nolso o pumping up i simple clean sufu burns 84 air- and o common kggoeoe ooul oil thw inventor v w johnson 311 craig st w montreal is offering to send v lumpon 10 jay vhtth trlu1 rtouv give on fhloh to thu first rjtp eaoh locality who will t bint introduce it write him loduj for fuu particular also uak htm to 4 ojtjilutn huw you ouu gut the agunoy ind without eicporlsnco or money maks uso to ifioo par montb thl la an invitation you cant afford to ijrnoitq woll tell you why wo aro going to give you s free bottlo of medicine that will tone you up and put an end to sill chance of indlrfostjont rheumatism constipation catarrh and sundrea ills the medicine of which wflllara branson bald it i the only modi cine that eased my stomach and atopped the fas wiped away atom- mch troubles and put strength and vitality into my blooov a highly efficient stomach medi cine made from roots herba barks leaves and a few other good thin for the nerves stomach kidney and bowela you may be atarvino your blood jn the midst of plenty it isnt how much i you eat that ccmta but lta- bow you digest the food you eat you cannot get steam out of water without lire you cant get brain power nerve force and red blood corpuscles out of food with out digehtloa thousands lack sufficient vital force and don t know why thoy think they need a tonic a vacation or a change of scenery but they dont its old indigestion thats tho matter with them and six days of diecp will prove it they dont get the strength out of their food its like nnninr earn through the mill with the rollers too wide apart the corn gees through bjt tho mill doesnt grind dont think you must have a pain to have indigestion much lack vf fleao too much fat pimples blotches sallow complexion lack of nerve force impoverished blood sleeplessness haatjaches back aches sldeachea weak brain power dixay spells spots floating before the eyes may all be due to the faulty digestive process either in the stomach r the bowela take draco with your other food for a week and find out how your digestive organ are working if the dreco helps you greatly gi nd or only yesterday your head may have felt dull and ncavy you had the blues were cross nervous and irritable everything seemed to go wrong and you couldnt tell why it ten to one it won old dyspep sia slyly getting in hid work not enough to cause you pain but just enough o dull your brain rob y of your vitality upaet your liver and deplete your nerve forco may be you dont think bo but try a bottle of dreco and see if it doesnt change blues to a bright cheery c l mktlick the a a- o con ductor says he had rheumatism so bad that he had to use a cane to get around at all on his fourth bottlo of drjeco he said i am now fooling fine have thrown away m cane these are only two of hundreds yes thousands teijt this medicine free to take dreco you more force strength power you may set it down that your liver and ing their duty rain that bowels are net do- ired make the old world laugh in a merry glee and put new vigor in your life ajroio lewis a todd the travelling salesman hod stomach trouble so bd be practically hud to live on liquid foods he couldnt even oat vegetables without suffering terrible pain ho took two bottles of draco and can now eat anything he wants and without any distress whatever soumo like a miracle t well we have mr todds own ulgubd aiato- mcut to that effoct mr sufferer have you ever heard of tho wonderful medicine that ujkg that really tells you itself what it can do that dreco five minutes after you take it tho medicine bo gins to unfold its vir- tucu and it will by actual demon- outuoii unfold to you more ill ro- gnnl to its merits in ton minutes than we could probably make you boliova it wo wrotu you ten books uu large as tho dictionary words cannot tell you how filad wo are for dreco doctored mrs lyuuaa copley the first bottle fixed mo up tuild walter v dixoil atn a chsnired hiun bow btiite ttov josoph ll liutlor you may sytow uomethtng of those peoplo or know uohleliodi who knows thorn well send you their full addrehitad if you want ulimi so that you can find out ubout dreco and tho wonders it ho wrought probably you aro now thinking whether ull this cun bo truo uton it come at onco to tho uruggltit listed below lleru you will recclvu absolutely free u jrooduliou bottlo of dreco- ltd offer lu oput to every man and woman in this vicj- iiity there are no ifs audit or bufii attached to it bxcent that yuu come early before tho generous ku ply of free bottle has been umd i yqu dont huve to buy anything f you dont want to alt wu ukk is that you step in and test this won derful medicine arid see for your self what it can do for you so pioaad oaiuo u early uu pogalbja crippled up by rrsmimat- um so she had to hold on to banutera feet swolleta lambs ankle elbow fuu of pain i un wrltlngt to say few wordi in praise of your sronderfu madjcine dre co 1 h itf often been asked to en dorse this or that niodieine but always re fused but dre co is differ ent bald mrs d 3 simp- kino of iu2 law avenue emuuv villo indiana i havo tmfforod greatly from yheumutlnii and been treated by aro col lout phyalclujis finally trie m chaiitro of climate but ulways my rullof wos temporary while iiu-re- ing ive hud tjoctoru pity mo say ing i should bo the oho jjj ihed witli u nuruo to uttciid me my foot were mi uwolluii und painful i could luirdly kuop my shoe oil my ttjiklos und limbs wore no sore luid stiff i luidu limp tn my walk i often hail durk circles under my eyeti und thut tiro look in tliesti cohfltlpauoii wu u source of itreut kliuoyance und i couldnt secure relief from it iwuji ofbom nuuseiited tuul hud u ropulsjuil a tho slglit of fond today biy fuollugti on entirely cliaiigcd i liuvo tukcit two bottles of droco upd i am uo much better tho doctor told mo to koop on iak- intc it uvory urhu ami lialn is gone the ciiotiuum in tompletely relioved i um ho longer nauseated but out und roliidi uvery nieal in stead of imlnif u sow crippled crea- turo llniplnif uround i am happy und cuu tiutnu catflh to duy which i wu forcul to refuno hefore i irtvo all thu credit for my krml rfr lief to drect ami unliciluihiigly re commend it tu tuiujonu wliu huff era us i did froo uouiplu givon go umuy to s t bwwt v mmmmh of iw wlll u merlta uib grfcat remedy dm u sjojd jv good dnttxtyin evry town 7 llifc