Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1923, p. 4

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v r ri iraed lor iunu lie it llirlhi dopn iiolloway at 1 mihii llariln on 1 tiiluv t loin t mr unil mr 1 i 1 married macauamh dduvatt oti w dill hthlv kimt 1 iteva j muuuuitm woudyntl tl john a m to onto tld ktrl i 1u 1uj3 howay 7 1923 iy t j ruui ucadatp h v kollinsonhplnci at 2u lilmir h treat tiul triniiito on wdnnduy fhtihei 17 1pj3 iy iw lliv i ui it if tfpvilr jom pint lra o hpnc e u george juton ilobliiaon died tuck in nelson township on thurs day october 11 1023 it whioler beloved wife or itohurl tilili ugwl li 2 yrurn cook suddenly t krl pa mi thursday october 1h itui mabl w daughter of auuni unit murjo cook of adtnn mlliottai her homo iugar htreul toronto mi flunday october 31 1033 mary unit wlfo if- hobn klljott formerly of aduii aged 07 years 1iaudy at tho hlik childrens hos pital toronto ii saturday 0 lober 30 1023 loin kljonnr only child uf george hardy nrth lino ixn aged 1 yiur 7 ntotltha unci 13 days in memoriam 11uijt in loving imnnory of our dear hod onil brother pto j i hurt ol iho 16th ilnltailoni who died in franco on october 3g 131h hi bure his trouble imtlcinily ii murmured not at nil ho truo no gentle anil ho kind ho was beloved by all katiier moth kit und family for artmt xt re86 thuk8day octolikr 26 102s brief local items wo are now approaching the twi light of the yrjat- milton bow lorn are htui enjoy loo games on their green acton cltlsens jtundls arranging for a iunn hallo wo on celebration northern spy apples am selling in milton section at 3 60 nr barrel mann uro there took first prise on their three- year old carriage homo at erin fair the mitchell skating rink iii oltor- ed for sale at onethird what it would coat to put up the building the horticultural society distri buted about a thousand bulbs amans the members during the woek mr alex mckenslo of stone haven haii kindly forwarded tub fxu psjcu copies of aberdeen papers toronto winter fair will ho hold- november so to 28 quelph winter fair november 10 to december 6 a meeting of the directors of acton fall fait will bo held la the town hall this uternoon at 230 oclock aaton will have a real thanks giving observance this year and with it fit tins armistice memorial services iten thousand now tlas uro being put in on the section otthe toronto suburban railway of which actpu is the oenlra october has been a wonderful month the rainfall has been negll- cable a rood shower now will bo much benefit the buildings of the acton tan nine company ore belnjr siven a coat of paint which materially improves their appearance bunotuatlon hint to motorists when you come up behind a standing street ear tt is better to use a full stop than a dash the anglican choirs of the daan- ery of haltowltl hold their second united cborai festival at georgetown on ascension day 1924 a new coat of paint on the wel come signs at tho outskirts or th town would render them more attrao- thre the weather has affected them rather badly port elgin complains of so much rowdyism and lawlessness that the council has decided to put on a ntfht constable better instol a tew more street lights a very fine grdup photograph of acton cltlsens band has just been made by burgess of jouolph the twenty members of tho uand all look well in the picture at last tbo cement cover has been placed an the lire tank at the corner of mill and frederick streets it is a vast improvement over what has prevailed all summer wonder what erin fair would have done without the exhibit of poultry made by messrs n qluirs sont they took thirtysight prises of which thirty- three wore firsts kmtmory is the only paradise out of which we cannot be drawn and tits fan pxass keeps that memory green please find enclosed j2 oo for renewal w s vancouver b c there is an element of datjger in the promiscuous burnlnz of leaveson the etreeta these days children are not as cartful as their elders and disastrous fires aro possible itev a c stewart m a will conduct anniversary services ut lngle- wood nest sunday rev p w hpence b d ph d of inglowood will take th service in knox church here tit fan pxass lum received a flno new assortment of latest deslgnm in individual christmas breetinss ss4npes will be ihawn luu fow days and orders taken for early delivery weston horticultural society im ported 6000 bulbs from jlouand and sold them at a numlnal fee to cltlsens they were all disposed of in a day or two weston will bloom profusely next spring the announcement that tho pro vincial board of health have ndded whooping cough and chlckenpox to the list of dlsaasea tiow in the ytmruntlno class wilt bo received with grot i flow tlon by many the u k o and u v w o will hold their regular monthly muntln sit the home of mr a ci clurrldgi acton arossroad on iiylduy october ib a good programme will be pro vided after which luncti will bo itorvtnl nature dook the monotony out of winter by giving us spring thun uddftd to that the color of full blown hloonih and raped off the cycle of miuaonk with the brilliance of tho autumn louvs which all huvo enjoyed so much thla month the employee of tho ofnoe uml works of messrs iieardmure cos sola leather tannery prwonted miss ethel clarke who has removed to toronto with u valuable wurdmle trunk and a complimentary addrvs last friday evening ilurforthe leaves that eddy down crumpled yellow and withered brown hither and yonder and up the street and trampled under the pausing feet swirling billowing drifting by with a whisper soft and u rustung sigh start ing aloft to windy ways telling the coming of bonfire duya complaints have been mud of sunday hunting out in the country if the practice of shooting on the lordn jmy u not stupiied sefsl will be titkun to put a stop to ll ma that ultendars saunst the legal law and the moral sins of the community will do well to take a wosrt in 4 v ir- i police court news hamilton and strstford qfrls 8snt to the mercer hsrry brsen fined 200 jtnlil by li mhli of ifli f humlhon w in mucuirittu ltli lnl mi mtlon tin tfrldi it i vv itford und jmirt o wr rmninlel mooro ut milton hi lip f fortlmr y tlmlr rnordu y thn chief of of htr nl of llli iloll liitl illto uroor i living rum llvnn thy were iullttl lo lliv mrcur itnfomi- lorontit for ttirnn montlia to iricod ul thi niplrntlop of hint iholr kiiidiut tt itxuniplury tho tninuuire to lu liiloiirr- ilurry uithii of ilrampton wus provmi on friday to have hud llijuor in u pluco other thun in hln prlvuln iwiillhig housn h oulmod thul it wun nlderhurry wtiii mndo thn iy linfoa th report of ilju prvnrlul ntirilpst iihowml howiivtir that it hud n on hint of 30 pr i out of nlnhol a nut of tioo uml conls wuu lmpasod in vlewur the fuiltliut urm tnul a good record previously huv a wlfo and infant ut homo und wuu u r- ttirniid oolillor iollci magliitruto moore ugrnd to rncomuumd to llm uourii of com mlsulo nire tlmt th pahulty bn rturnod ilroen slgnud a plod bo to ulttftaln from the uao of alcohollo uquor ui u bovnrugo uiid from making wino or uny othur intoxicating drink provincial conetuble atkins und chief mclhurson armihed alox hkatch und jllll ianko on thu trucks of tho cunudlnn nutlonal itullway near tho rulvurt ut tho crook on monday o veil ing about ulx oclock in a state of in toxication- hkatch hud a bottle of moonshine which ho throw away when the officers came up to the pair con stable atkins socurod the bottlo und tho mon wore- marched to the coll they come boforo iolico magistral n moore for trial on tuosday uoth plouded not guilty but tho ovldunco of tho oflloers wum ample and they were convicted iusko who is an old offunder wus fined 930 and costs hkatch was hned 200 for having liquor a place other than in the private dwolllng whero he resides and 10 for being intoxicated when the oath put to lasko as to the eourco of his liquor supply ho said ho had been to toronto attending a christening and got drunk there ho said ho came homo on tho 6 00 train and met skatch at the station bkatch at first refused tal whero he got his liquor whan howover he was given tho alternatlvo of three months in jull ho decided ell ho styoro that a lady friend jiving in no 2 shack at boardrnore crescent had glvon him tho bottle a present to take homo to his wife about half the contents had bean con sumed when the officers got the bottlo officers atkins und mcpherson and inspector iloevely raided no 2 shack after court was adjourned but every thing was then upla and span and there was no evidence of efther maklm or selling houor there the pluce has however a bad reputation by the prompt uctlon of chief ma pherson in those cases the town treas ury will profit to the extent of s21c at boon on tuesday inspector flood y of tho inland revenue department toronto phoned p m moore from calodon east that be had sejxed a still and arrested tbe owner and would have him tried at brampton ut 2 30 the magistrate hurried to brampton and tho chargo was beard itoy bible tbe prisoner pleaded guilty all tho paraphanalla for distilling liquor was shown in court a still worm con tainer and vessels hewos fined 200 and costs of 3460 two other charges grow out of this one against thomllnson of toronto who delivered the still to bible and john a morris of calodad who se- preted a part of tho apparatus those charges will be beard at brampton on friday morning dorothy dal ton in iaw of tho lawless and orchestra wonderland saturday october 27 brief station of the council ministerial association ef acton qlvsn the support of cdunell for arm ia tics day ssrvlo tho regular session of the council was hold on monday evening coun cillors bail hojmes harrison and thetford ware present owing to ill ness reeve barber was unable to be present and councillor bell occupied tho chair the finance committee presented their twentysecond report and re commended payment of the following accounts qensral account acton yxxm paass printing 4 co ooo evans wood 80 do provincial treasurer sinking fund 1 30 voiorvust revision 78 07 j b mackenzie supplies 1 60 5l n farmer salary and legal expenses 176 40 12 j llassard supplies 8 ii municipal world drafting by law 00 geo barber selecting jurors 1 00 w j lie id selecting jurors i 00 bell telephone co services 3 06 wstsrworks laeoodnt h n farmer stamps etc j to jus robertson pipes und ser vices i 46 68 87 the report was adopted moved by k t the t ford secondod by c if harrison that ii n karmei be authorized to remit to thomson motor supplies ctd thu balance of cash on hand of tho proceeds of the sale of bonds carried revs h q x ruugh and w h howard as a deputation from the ministerial association tn acton re quested that the council issue a pro clamation calling for u goiturul oh nervnnce of armistice day thoy re questod that one of the council or tho reevelf possible occupy the uhalr and that the council pay for getting out ufl11ie programmes for tho sorvluss ut ttie town hall at 10 oclock nil uonduy morning and other print ing expenses nooessuiy for tho services the council favored the proposal and promised iho desired support- mr thou titus oompnuiiwd yf an overcharge in his waterworks trout uge he was ch urged with tbe front age of four lots tho wu uppurent- ly u clerical error- and thu cuuiicij promised a refund of tbe nvorchargu huporjutendent raid of the water works department reported that a number of supplies for putting in services were short tho council in- s true led mr reld to order whatover suppllvs were needed sunull adjourned ubout b oclock canadas greatest greenhouses the immense plsnt of the dele estste st brampton and its wonderful productions thtr nntno uulo untnint in it hoiim- hold word tlironuliout ciiiiudu whti th inuttnr of thn growing nf orttddn riihiii rliryiitiiitlioniuniii und t urnutlona in no n torn id und u vliit to urn main- moth giniinhounnii of thlu npmpiti y nt liruinplon riivoiilii with ampin and mini i tout proof thn foundntion for tlf anvinble repututlun enjoyed it w tin vory grut trying pliunniro of th ndllor und mrs mum n lo inuko i nurvuy lunt frlilny of thin vvonderfu ilortil plant undor tho guldunco of mr dugcuu soil of llm vnnrgotln luunuglng executor mr thoiniut w duggun it is dimcult indeed to roullso the immenelty of this ninnumith glasii gar don without u pcniimal vlidt it iiuh an nma of hourly fifty uirei under gluns in whloh well on lo two mlltlon squnn twt of lanu hsjt lni unod homo of jim hutison inn foot long uirlny am llllod with nownrprodtiulng plunle now tithoe ure being rmitlnuully rroaled a uoiv irl li uatlng plunt liistallod a otipli of years ago with a buttery of four hollow supplanted ubout fifty hollr previously distributed throughout tln various soctlnii of the plunt tiio orruris of the management ur t nntrullzi d uimn the growing of thn bent viirlutlcs of roses orchids carna tions rhrysanttinmuivih und lilies of tliu vullny american beauty riniuiurt mpiclul- lsed und lire hero brought to gtiuitest porfectlun thu lovlted doidi of growing rotiou with sterns ulx sevnti and- eight feet in length lu hern uc compllahod to porfotlon chryaanthomums urn propagated from thn best stock obtainable and tho finest variation grown anywhere may be soon here ijutwoon now und christmas hnlf a million of these choice flowers will bo cut for shipment nil over the continent forty species of orchids are grown hero and the largt st stock of plants outside of europe la found in the greenhouse of this embryo ontario city two facts with rospoct to the orchids will interest our rcuders- first all orchid plants aro imported fronv south america and second nlno- tunth of thn whole production of tho dale orchid housos are sold to cus tomers in the united states and prin cipally in new york city the houses devoted to illy of tbe valley aro highly interesting to the visitor all illy plpsi aro imported from europe and ovai 6000000 of the flnesti plants ure annually uao a well equipped cold storuge plant keep these frozen from the time of their arrival until thoy aro planted and in lots of ton to twenty thousand they are rooted in sand by expert hands in afow weeks after plan tlmt they are ready for the bouquets of tho huppy bride and for artistic floral designs carnations are brought to grat per fection mt the dale greenhouses- new varieties aro being constantly brought out- red carnations of which soma of rare beauty and fragrance aro grown are essentially a christmas flower and few are sold at other tunes of thn year but many other colors aro grown in profusion jn addltlop to theso leading flowers houses aro also devoted to caster lilies panslos english violets large quantities of asparagus and maiden hair ferns ttls groat business with an annual output reaching upwards of a million dollars with its staff of experts its 000 othur employees with its dolly shipments of cur loads of flowers has grown up within the memory of num bora of residents of brampton am surrounding country the foundations for the immonso business worn laid by the lato mr dale but it wai through the astute business foresight assiduous and painstaking effort and skilful administration of mr t w duggan tbe managing executor that it has reached the immense proportions and commanding position it enjoys today it is a credit to brampton and has done much toward putting that town upon tho map of north america neighborhood news town and country churchill did mill ltiur at ton 111 u u i tlon limit ihn methodlitt iinnlv hiuidfiy and tho fowl i vnliim ut luillluufui n itood hiil or nl jriri futr hut ut oulvll uml ijlllto u quota to uppei on monijuy crewsons corners the las mi ting o the womonii auxllluiy of tho d sclpl ch inb ivvortun mot ut tho home of mrs margaret ulai k twelve mini hers wore prest nt a splendid in atlng was thu result of the gnth ring mr wlllluin llluck of mcm inter university visited at his 1 onm here overtho v ookend milton uoorgn milts philip ilorfvy uwr- juii ijujutou ulid krod keutner the four milton young men charged with assaulting fred uteerl aged 17 vours of vienna in victoria purk several wooks ago in company wltii a milton girl rnme up for trial before judge ulllott on frlduy mills und hoffuy were found guilty and given hum ponded noil tun co hunuoil und kent- nei wore found not guilty na8saqaweya william early ef campbellvlllo r- celved serious injuries one night lust wnekwhun ha was struck and kniukod several yards by u motor car conn tn hln mason has boon doing ef- footlvo work lately k he landud two girls who bud had a cureur wltii cer tain italians ul milton heights recent ly thoy worer trlod boforo pollau magistrate mooro last lrlday uud sent hack to the morcer reformatory the esta importsnt chanosa in real it j kerr has negotiated thu fol lowing salea or real estqte in acton mrs t obriens bouso and lot main street has been sold to mrs noble bradford r l qregorys store mill street to a b mclean and tho valu able building lot on mill strom owned by h l cjregory to d 11 lindsay wha is thfe wonderful herolnejr thoiamaslng life story of the won derful heroine in thu family herald and weekly star of montreal is creat ing intense interest lit every part of canada tho wonderful heroine is young andlovely woman of truglo history whose picture in colors is being given fro to subscribers of the family herald and weekly star a subscrip tion of two dollars is little enough to iay far a whob years subscription to this greatest of all fsm und family journals and with a magnificent plo- eramosa plowing match thomas hutchinson took first prize and sweepstakes the annual match of tho emmosu brunch of tho plowmans association was held on saturday on mccuuns farm a oustic under favorable wautber although the ground was rather hard and dry for good plowing good sized crowd was on hand to wutch the keoq competition in thu varlouq olasses which wus equal to any previous match noah mclean of richmond hill ucted as judge und at the conclusion of the match gavw the plowmen valu able instruction in urt of plowing he results are as follows champion clasn 1 thus hutchltl- u 2 j stewart 3 j oukns 4 a gray second class 1 c petty 3 a o uruy 3 a couling third cluss p hunter 2 v hynott 3 ross argu fourth class boys under ib tubble 1 j austin 2 j p ren- hum 3 j a royce fifth chut buys under ib a parke n uwuepstukes of field thus hutchinson rod and gun for november the 1 real western stampede by c b cordon a vivid utoryof tho tliw whert culgury took on the uppemuncu of old frontier days is only one of the iuaiy interesting articles in tho no vember issue of rod and uun in cun- uda those who ur interested in hunting will unjoy thu good moose hunting story by a a morrill- hud makes clogd tim november us contains u dozen good stories und urllolos for the sporumun while ull the regular dcpartinants ouns tttul ammunition along the- trupllno outdoor talk fishing notes and kennel are full of interest and in formation v v williams j w wlnuon and martin huittsr well- itnown to roudors of rod und oun in canada have all tontrlhuted good articles which will be enjoyed from cover to coyer this issue is puckad with interest fur everyone keen on any chase of hunting und ashing or out- door ufa erin l mooting of conlngshy wo- tltuto will he held on tbe afternoon of november 1 erin fair directors invited hon lloyd fjeorgo lo upon the fair ho sent his regrets that ho wus unable lo accept the invitation to a c mc millan thu secretary and oxprogsed his best wishes for succoh mr jack and miss tlllle gillespie of mount forest and rev uo cuss- more and mr tulbol of nusnuguweyu were visitors ut thu homo of rov j a evans lost woek huppy tltu mils of ih irth iimi uitlion tnul th ilvh huudny wu methoillht i in mini lehdlllg tin ballinafad t fortnight hnu hood v n in the ftileslnritlcnl m i opiniunllv on hunduy tho prehbyterlan ongro- limn il theh nimlverikuy mltiolihtii willi drew tbnlr ml lt1tliklul tllve ill body ury day li tlh h nnl ho prenbytor- hi miiiipmitii nt hy tho i in t- everton the two boytt who broke into mr awrays hid re the day of tho fall fair at erin upeared before muglstrato watt at ouolph on saturday and nftei admitting ttiat thoy were the guilty parties were told that tho damage which had boon done to tho dooru leading into the store would have ho mado good and they were then given u good sound loot ure thol paronts stated thoy had also given them a good sound threshing and would see that the damages were made good apple picking is a busy employment horo bow messrs hugh walker son uuolph purchasod the entire pro duct of mr norrls blacks orchard und are teaming most of them to thu royal city o0phinoe tho following shows the standing of the pupils of tho pub ho ucliool at the last months examination sp iv margaret laltch florence cooke gordon altkon hobble akttt valma apployord jr iv fred campbell george grundy jim martin sr ill beutrfce fisher nellie attken evelyn tubman kenneth tubman sr ii wllllo webb sfuart sin clair leslie webb johnny cook sr i jean klrkwood annie mar kpv bert robertson joan murtln and arnold sinclair equal doris eocel- stone elmer flslier alex sinclair primer frank sayaskl wurren tubman beatrice vannorman lornu piuvoy roy webb c tubman those marked were absent from some examinations maiioaju3t i cooke toucher r toronto week end tehra cotta the misses whitney of motored out to spond tin with their parents here mr john mccauloy bus arrivod home from the west and reports having hud a pleasant trip he uuo reports bumper crops mr hugh logan is quay with hriok- maklng operations in his now yard here and tho c n it urv going to put u elding in soon mr john mcniilly of the dth hue has purchasod u house uud lot on main bireot from mr hugh logan formerly owned by mr b purr mr w j rutludgu of the town lino is buying the doilo lights instullud lu s houso und stables mr lusty is on tho slou list mr george campbell who was seiz ed with a severe attack of appimdlcltltt wlille in brampton is now on the mend our new station is hearing comple tion und will be qulto an acquisition to our village live a town wjfhout newspapers the absence of newspapers in nuw yoik clty owfftg to thu irtp muckoiiiil strike demonstrated the vuluo of ad- veitislng us a force for creating busi ness in every line and especially the retail stores which come lu direct contact with the buying public there marked fulling on or trade one head of one of thu largest depart mental establishments uaidi we de pend upon newspaper udvurtlslng for much of our selling powers it is tip jlowepupcr advertising combined with the standing of the store doing the advortisina which makes the buyer realise his need of somu article wbuh otherwise lis might have negjsuiexl puruhiise what en id of new york is applicable to othur pluee there are a good lilujiy people here whivur ulte elnoero in the thouglltbat acon ognlaable rockwood messrs buloohl und ilutlughs hi idgn contractors received a puymuut 1500 on account of harris brldgu ut the meeting of the township council last week mr und mrs it smith and uoiih john and edwurxl also a1s retii belburimy of hamlltuii vulled with mr und mrs robert johnston lusi week one evening recently the members of thu presbyterlun choir and a few friends of mr frunk moore orguiilst wore enturtulned on his birthday ul the home of mr and mrs gurdlitur a very pleasant evonlng was spent wltl games uud tnuslr after which u duhtty lunch wus served the choir uppro- c in ted vory highly the kindness uud hospitality bestowed j miss m mcnubb daughter of mr aich monubh returnod fnun the hos pital lust week where she had beep operated on to have her tonsils t- tnuvad mttuh regret is felt that a break down ill health necessitates mr bumuel harris going to uuulph leuura hos pital for treatment as mr hunu hue always enjoyed excellent heulth and bus lived in hoc u wood fui almost lgbly venn be will bo much missed in the community all hope to sue him home again soon quite rjtoiod in health mrs pusemoru visited ut ml j ii georgetown lust week the quelph ktwanls club meeting lust week took the form ut a banquet whlijs was tendered to the boys who attended klyi cunip at llookwood imt summer there were fifty boys present eadli one being seated with klwumvu tho banquet room was prettily docoruted in halloween colors ull present weariim halloweou caps news has reached here of thu luuth at vancouver h o of mrs swuiui idow of rev fritk slwann at uuo me minister of ihn methodist church here she wns a slstui of mr john tniwe of gqelph and wus bom in that ty in 1h63 7 art btumpf smishnd j new m- iiutfhllu cur into an almost unrei liiinli hut ihy did one hnfler on monday i veiling wpit lli mteriiiln- niint in inntitftlon with ihn aqnlvei sury fowl niiiir wuu to bn held tli pionhytorluiih very generously opened their hurt h foi tin onlelitilntnenl i being hit arcnr otllili the lurge audi emu wan mm li morn ginfortubju there those klnltly ronuldnrutloiih urn indl futlye of u very hupity uplrlt of untoi hr byv henry caldwell h t i ox promldout of hamilton conference uov ut goorgelown preui bed two inspiring addressee und niuiihiislind goiipol truth in a manner which wus most lin- preuslvn 1h uholt of geoigotown mthodlht church voiy itludly jittoiuu in tnu uftornooli ami led the service nt song tli fowl nuppur uud outurtulntnonl on monday evening wuu a gratifying nil ooo km the iiitppor was sorvpd the cumniudlotiu uml imnpltublo home of mm william h ktiortlll bennett vlllu hero the tables wont spread with rojift fowl hot potatoes naiads pl ulue fruit and a vmlty of fakes und puni for whh li thn ladles of thu uallliinciiil church tini noted over und over again the tulileu were piunlhhud ami it wu not until after nine ot loik lluil till had been uorved it wuu nully li bunquiit that was pro vided tho conceit wun a most enjoyable nffttlr mid tile programme wus varied und interesting throughout ituv hvuns the piintor prmldod addresses wert blyon by he v h cuhuvijll of georgetown itv mr jewett trnfal- gnr a- former pastor rev n wid- ilell the ireshyleiliiu minister und if p moore police magistrate acton nxcvllunt niush al numbers were rend aied by tho georgetown quartette mn jewutt mr black of goorgotown and mims gulbriilth acton misses arm strung und hwludlehurst both gave recltatlonn whidweio very wnll r do nxl a vury pliuhuut evening was upent ihn infant rlilld of mr and mrs wesley wuriiu ouelph who died in the hompltal in iionduy wun burled here on tuesday uflorihmjn over a month ko toim ellnnor thn moventi onmontholil baby daughter of mr and mm george hardy fell down tiu stairs ut iinr liomu and slnco suf fered from lonmissiou of tho brain in a vain effort th suvn the life of tho little girl her parents took her tu the sick childrens hospital toronto last wednesday for treatment but the little one dtod there on saturday morn ing the funeral was hold tram thn hum lot 0 6th llm erin to fulrviow cemetery acton nu monday uftornoon much sympathy lu felt for the sorrow- stricken parents miss huttlo lludsuy of toronto spont the weekend at her home th lino wanted women weavers for wool len mill 50 hours per week saturday free learners taught harris co limited hockwood notice to creditors of andrew n cro gentlemen j deceased tho creditors of amlrnw n cfoe into of thu township of irln who died on or about the fourth day of huptom- ber a d 1013 und ull persons having liinih ugatnut hbl uiitutu lire required on or before the lath day of novem ber a d 1923 to so nil by pont pre paid or otherwise deliver to the un dersigned solicitor for tho ad minis trator of the estate of the said andrew n croe tiioir christian und surnames uddromscn and dcflptlons full par ticulars of their claims and tho nature of tho security or securities if any held by them fur the same arid that on and after tho mild lotli day of november tho said u dm in in tra tor will proceed to distribute the assets uf iho said estate us provided by law among the parties legally en titled thereto uud lit hereby given notice that he will not be responsible thereafter for uny clulm of which ho nhull not lutve rurolved due uhdper- tonul not loo ut thu tljno tlxed for such llsulbuilon gavin chic la administrator choice clover honey six 10 lb pallit in crato price 750 andrew mophernon norvl procxamation the itlzuns of acton ure hereby reqlieiiied to uniiemble in a public meeting at the town hull on monday november 12 1623 at 10 oclock a m i or the purppno of uniting in a thanksgiving und memorial horvh the order df service will lie nnntl- tuled of three imrtii i service ut tho town hit ii u lit oclock 2 procent in order to he uniioinir- id to soldiers monument for luiliiihti cciemonlefl and two ntlnuton of nllem e 3 pntcred to pulrviow cemetirry tq cfocoruto holdlern qnivmi all cltuonii are urged to observe these armlutlro uml thanksglvjibex- erclboh und to plan to be nt the town hall 411ompuy at lu qclouk tto jhat tlto nrdor of snrvlm may bo tarried put a arranged by order o koi toil rahi1hr itorve acton ortottor 33 1d23 r village of acton notice op registration of bylaws notice is hereby given that n by law was passed by the municipal council of the vlllago of acton on tho eighth day of october 1d23 providing for tho issue of debentures tu tho amount of i4g800 for tho purpose of defraying tho cost of thn construction of n cement sidewalk on the south- easterly side of brock street in tho said vlllago from the northeasterly limit of lot twentynine 20 to the sosthwesterly limit of lot twenty two 22 anil that such bylaw was regis tered in tho roglstry office nf the county of hh on on tho 10th day uf october a d ib23 and notice in further given that a bylaw was passed by the said council on tho eighth day of october 1d23 providing for tho issue or debentures to the amount of 260500 for the purpose of dotraylng tho cost of con struction of an extension to tho water works system on the following atrents wlthlp the said village namely on victoria avenue from brock street to mill stroot on church street from victoria avenue to lot 23 on mill street from the toronto suburban railway to cumeron street and on cameron street from mill street to the pond and that such bylaw also was registered in the registry office hereinbefore mentioned on the iqtb day of octobor a d 1923 any motion to quash or set aside either or both of tho said bylaws or any part thereof must be made within three months after tho first publlcatlo 3f this notice and cannot be made lereafter dated the l8lh day of october a d 1933 183 h n farmer clerk jvi aim wun luagninceni pin- t iu nuiui i vimuaii limes oy counting with a tore thrown in the value is superb- without a newspaper would be a lone- j telephone post coming down usan rim eosae anol t uti tm ua ti fo secure repeat orders lioorderiixtf g o o d s by long bietanco is one of the most popular uses tmido of it oao oliuirprialiiff ontario ttiorchant saya wo dl- tributo our jproduct to tt tonaldorablo numbor of surrqunding towns to increuso aujptfwo aond a circular to all our cub totners rcqucstinfr them to uso long- distuned whon roordorlnff tho plan hua worked vory well such ordors come in on stationtostation caus which mnken it iuoxpen- bivb tryit auction sale cattle p1q8 and poultry the undersigned has received in structions rrom h whitfield to null by publlo auction ut lot 18 3id hue ksquoslng on thursday november 1 1023 ut one oclock sharp the following cows shorthorn cow calf at foot red ccw calf at foot black cow calf at foot jersey oow calf ut foot shorthorn cow duo time of sale hol- totll cow due time of sale 2 hot- teln cows springing ilolstelu cow registered bred april 0 brlndlu cow springing ruun cuw bred in july roun sow bred muy is holsteln cow bnd in june jersey cow milking well red cow milking well brlndle cow jersey cow milking well red cow milking well brlndlu cow 2 holstoln cows due in february and march 8 ho lutein cows due in january jer seyshorthorn heifer du in february oattlb 3 heifers 1h montlm 3 angus holfors 18 months s heifers 10 months 3 calves 10 month 3 heifers 11 months 1 steer 18 moutlis 1 steer 3 years bios 1 york sow d pigs 4 weeks york sow tint bred 13 york plgu 3 months 11 york pigs 3 mouths york pigs months 30 york pigs 10 weeks a tamworth pigs 6 weeks poultry 3 geese t guulur i ducks l drake a number of rook hens tkrms culvcs poultry und sumn of 1500 und under to be cush hluven months credit on uppmved notes 8 on for cash ben petch auctioneer w a wilson clerk i spot street 1u11 early thursday morning clearing credit auction sale cattle horses pigs and poultry the unilorslgnod hus received in utruotlons from murray bros o sell by public auction ut lot 10 uiii otmion c ut stuwurttown luution n friday ootober 28 1823 t ntu ncluuk shunt tbe following hohm12h ilmwti mare years got by bordnltu imp- weight libq ii s laiy mare 1 yours gut by guteslde imp weight mq lbs buy wugoti rsi s years cattid dm hum cow tulf at foot durham cow calf ut foot jersey hulflt calf ut foot hereford cow calf ut foot roan cow calf ut foot uol utelu cow tulf ut foot hriiulli cow spiliigur due tllile of sulu roan cow uuo time nf sale jersey eow milking well jersey cow duo lu kvbrunry holsteln covrtrod a months dur ham cow bred 4 months holsteln now due in april holstejn tnw du lu apt ii holsteln cow due in jn un ary hnlstuln cow due lu january holsteln now lu in juituaty ijnutpln hulfer duo in april durham htlfr duu in march hulsteln cow due hi april pius tmnworth sow 5 pigs weeks yotkshlru sow with is pigs l weeks yorkshlro sow due time of sale tainwiirth sow dlle time of sale tutiiworth mow due in november hurlfshhe ihkw due in december berkshire how tired 6 wueks berk shire sow just bred tumworth sow just hied 11 fit hogs yurks u yin kshlre chtniks 15 tumwoi th and ihn kshlrem 10 weekh b yurkahlre cliuiiks puie bred berkshire hog young cattuc durluuw steer 3 years holjitnln he i for 3 years uur- hum tielfut s yssrs 3 duihnm year- uiikm 2 hulsteln hetfors yearlings polled angus uteur yearling 2 plld angus spring tutvos 3 holsteln heif ers spring calyeh reglstsreit polled angus bull i hereford buby beef all above cattle ure in exoollunt shathi und all town aro milking well kowuj gcrse 1 gander lo spilug chickens a quuniliy of liuidwoud foot lnugttis all will be sold without any reserve tuilms put hogs baby hoof veal calves poultry wood and nil sums of i id uo uud under cash over ihal amount 11 month credit on approved joint notes 5 off for iash ben petoh auetloneer w a wuson clerk mclean co n weekly store news thtv iirst oll snap ih ijr prepare for colder weather if you ore looking for rood wurtn underwear come to itns store wc novo the bent makes tuhnhuus ktanfieiivs and penmans tumbuirs natural wool 2 piece ut j200 and i25 tumbullb natural wool combinations at 150 and 400 tumbulls 2 piece all wool m sz2f and zj0 turnbulls combinations at 400 and 125 turnbulls ladles natural wool 2 picto nt 175 200 and 210 turnbuira fall wektht2 piece at 75c 85c and 90c penmanb naulral merino z piece at 15 jpenmans ralunucombinapons all siyxs ut 225 special piuce this week on1v on flannelette blankets 50 pair in this lot of flannclottc blankets large double bed size in white only with pink and blue borders this blanket is worth 350 per pair special this week at 275 mclean co mill street acton ont millinery parlors and fancy goods store as qalbraltb who has recently been in charge of d c russells millinery parlors and who has purchasod their millinery business u now- ready to receive orders for millinery and fancy goods in the starkman block call and she ouh display of mllllnkuy and fancy goods mill street acton ony miss j galbraith thanksgiving only two weeks and with the thoughts of this thanksgiving season come the thoughts of something spcciol for the thanksgiving dinner table maybo wo are a little previous in this suggestion but tho better planned the holiday meals are the easier they will bo served and tbe greater success they will be well have everything in the meat line prime cuts of beef choicest of chickens finest of veal the best of pork or in fact whatever you think would help make your meals tho most delicious there is no particular need for advance orders yet but oow i tho time to start the planning watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson cobner mux and main streets acton ont saturday treat in order to have aitjoynblc wetting wa suggest three things a iood book a itico fireside und last but not least a pound or two of our homemudo candies for our saturday treat this week we offer you 100 lb fig caramels 29c lb this is one of our lenders in caramels a rich firm caramel chuck full of hgs uud cocoanut and rolled in sugar to make it tasty kegujur 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb 200 iba weekend chocolates 32c lb just t real good assortment of highclahs chocolates in assorted lluvors hard und boft centres an usnortment for the whole family rogularly 50c and uoc lb saturday special 32c lb light lunches we aro real proud of our lunch business und therefore we are putting forth every eftort to muke it mill hotter than ever v rumley phone no s acton ontario shop with those merchants who invite you to trade at their stores z jv jtjruskjfcjfa

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