Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 1

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v 5 f- h j ttw jrtt tf8 forty ninth year no 18 thursday atornlngjovember i 1023 acfon ontario canada thur9day florning november i 1023 singlo copies five cents the methodist c1iu3cu actorj rev cha8 hackett pastor pansonao willow 81 10 00 u m quurtirly love i oast 11jd n m tho mlnlutor hub joe t the spirit of thn 1 tgliin 330 p m him iny school 7 0d tn t tm mlriliitir cotnmun ion hfirvui lvlultylloin wi- i comb pitesbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stewart nl a mnc willow street 1100a m itov dr ho field form tr missionary to korea 3 00 p m sunday school too p m the m in later subject tin mdh oubildo strung rs leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor j all arjb cordially lnviteid special notices advertlictncota in thi c lumn rill p- word minimum ckarac jdc per insertion for sale 1 wushlng mart i no arid wringer compiote i sink ull in il con iltlon apply to ilox c 1 itkh press for sale 11 york pigs nine wolu old ap- ply to r w unham phone 7rt it it no 3 acton stove for sale good choor heuter stove wuh oven for sale at a bargain if taken at onco apply to geo dills west bowor ave card of thanks mr and mrs qeo d hardy wlah to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and floral tribute in their recent sad bo- roa vernon t in tho ion of their daugh ter lola wanted steady employment wanted by farm er who vnu too kind to hi nephew apply j hurling haw lot 3 can 1 erin township town line r r no 4 itockwood wanted emerge tic octlvo man to take sub scriptions for new masonlo monthly must be member of cm ft apply with full particular enclosing popy of re ference canadian masonic news ax richmond bt w- toronto red durham cow astray strayed from the premises of the undersigned lot 15 3rd line esq u us ing red durham cow four year old dehorned anyone knowing her where about communicate with neil gillies r r no g hilton phone 8612 georgetown is 2 farms for sale as farms in the eountlea of halton and wellington varying qom 40 to 100 acre let us aeid you our list a number of boma and business plao in acton for sale biro and life insurance money to j a 8m3th real batata agent phone 10s acton ont j proclamation thanksgiving and armistice services the citizens of acton are hereby requested to assemble in a public meeting at the town hall on monday november 12 1923 at 10 o clock a m for the purpose of uniting in a thankscirlnr and memorial service the order of service will be consti tuted of three parts 1 iservleo at the town hall at 10 oclock proceed in order to be announc ed to soldiers monument for suitable oeremonles and two minutes of silence i proceed to falrvlew cemetery to decorate soldiers graves all citizens are urged to observe these armistice and thanksgiving- x raises endto plan- to be at the town hall promptly at 10 o clock bo that the order of service may be carried out a arranged by order george barber reeve actor october s3 133 wonderland friday november e hadnglhearta starring arafti ayr the c of tills picture is the greatest race ever filmed with mis ayres driving the winning car itobert cain mid theodnro robert are in the mm com edy lutlno lane in my hero saturday november 8 without compromise starrtn wm irarnum here is an ideal picture wln wblah to pass the time utvuy a rout w tern melodrumu comedy se cond childhood wlh iwjbby vernon tuesday november 0 iyil of loneoome pin with mary mmi mint- this olsi tour i bei n episode no 11 ql around world n dys7 wednesday novemqer 7 goodbye tiw with wm itussell and gr mel myers an fneritlna melo- draina about a supptised nuvdnit wtioffe nerves bve been shot to piece by overwork comedy with the toneyf scenes at van nutters ito ranch here rldiy nvemlxr 9 x a mcclure son immortal ofssslo of kentauky s mue darlfna th rucced mountalna alvee mltttor be best role of her uiraer comedjr nobody drlfns choosing the fall or winter coat is an important matter xr milady to consider but hero in our november display it is wonderfully easy and satisfactory corts of now styles to choose from at prices that uro most attractive bur collared coats fonwrttsscs begin as low ns 1800 high grade rich pile tabrics rnko the price scale away up to 14510 exclusive models well worth their price tickets tailored utility coats begin the scale at 1400 fur collared models enter at 4500 the wonderful hurlmgham coat is meiudedirt 4500 and 5250 a notable coat special 25 00 fvcry ono on tho fashion able lines of tho tube sil houetto fully 48 inches long with a decided and very mod ish one sided closing the new tulip four way convertible collar in self material or chock cr fur collars of french beavenne made in excellent quality all wool vclour braided and embroidered lined through out popular shades seal brown deer taupe black and navy blue sizes 10 years to 42 bust measure a wonderful special for just 2500 your lineup r winter overcoats is marvellous r yes sir youre right and the right one for you is here whether you want to pay 10 or 75 or some sensible figure in between the top notch and the bottom notch figures and in any case you can depend upon it being the topnotch in value finest overcoating made in england or scotland all tho popular styles i particularly strong in values and variety ore these figures 1950 220 2500 2750 520 35 00 hundreds to choose from the finest assemblage ever gathered in this city and dont forget courteous efficient salesmen add to your pleasure in buying at this big pro gressive store and specially good newsor young meni a sale of suits 2950 twos on a stroke of par ticularly good luck that we bought them and were passing on that good luck to the one hundred young men who speak first in tailoring and style and quality of fab nc the suits are juite the equal of regular 35 to 40 kinds certainly worth com ing to guelph for smart twobotton models with small notch lapels slightly fitting waist and plain or cuffed trousers neat check patterns plain pencil stripes also plain blues all sizes from 34 to 42 a definite and concrete saving on every one of them got in tn this and youll be lucky d e macdonald bros ltd gnelpbs leading and largest store mill street acton weekend specials j veekend chocolates our famous assorted chocolates with a wide range of both soft and hard centres regularly 40c and 50c lb weekend special 29c lb butterscotch butterscotch regularly 40c lb weekend special 29c lb icecream our ice cream parlor is still running in full swing vf o also carry a full assortment of bricks and will deliver to any part of the town l kdor forget ve serve lunches at all hours h wiles the proop of the boot is in the wearing new stock of fall footwear at harrisons for men brown and black calf and kid tjoodyear welts best styles and justs all prices from 500 to h50 mens box kip brown and black at 375 heavy work shoes black and brown at 395 for women goodyear welted patent eglts i strap grey trimmed heel und waist new stylo too and vamp at 650 womens brown i atrap goodyear welted coif leather at 500 womens kid calf and patent leather oxfords and atrap pomps and suppera at 375 and 350 boys am girls school shoes solid leithcr all sizes to suit dongolaa kip sido and calf leathers at 1200 jz50 310 50 and tlfo infants shoes at lowest prices rubbers light tod heavy best qualities lowest prices harry harrison the shoe man we will 8ayc vou money news of local import thrv no doubt about it an i unoo utfitln wo rnmnd you that hi in la a hood town to llvo in a ftwfl placo in which to trado and a ood ono to koflp your monhy in hut hi tlmt it will cnaao to bo felthor unlnaa you nro aa loyal to tho town am it in o you hoo wlilnli marchunta aro ml vortuintf in th jiupor und toll thorn wliut you want communion sorvlooa naxt sunday quarterly communion sorvlcea will b imld in tho mot hod in t church next hunday tlio lovo keaat will bo b airvod ut 10 u m k followed by tho trwrnwir nrouohlns anrvloe after tho nermon in tho ovonlnf the sacramont of thn lord a supper will be ndminu ti r 1 hqv mr line otl tho pan tor will o in iuu durlntf t t day 8 o e social evening ixkibo woodareon bona or 1 island hutd tho firt of their nnclnl cvonlnjf fpr thn wlnjor aoaaon on wudnoaday ovonina of last weak at tho station hotel thoiie present report a very anjoyablo tlmo mr sault waa thn planlat for tlio ovenlna owing to tho bund parudo und concert op hal t lowe on tho nocond aodal waa deferred until wfldneaday ovenlna 7th inat hallowoon social t knox guild with tho president mima a colli in tho chair a musical and social v inj wut enjoyod at knojc dulld on monduy which had a distinctly hal lowo en flavor vocal numbers wero clven by mrs john nlcol and mr t a mocluro which wore vory much an joyod as shown by the hearty enoorea hliltitliil plnnu numbers were rendered by miss jean orr boveral con teats woro entered into with en thus las j nftor whloh a dainty ilallowe was served and a social time spent jslaam i luntai strsnge fatal acoldant last week john huffman esquestna nour hornby a bachelor waa found in hla bod on tuesday ovenlna ac biat week by hla nephew donald huffman who lived wlh him but who had been away at a bam ratal nft- in a serious condition several ribs were broken und hla shoulder was fractured te was only able to say that ho had orawlod from under a horso two milton doctors were called and they had him removed to guelph qenoral hospital the diagnosis concludod there was n clot of blood on the brain an operation took nlacs but the patient never regained consciousness and died on friday morning the funeral on monday afternoon waa oon iliclod by kev w m maokay of wilton and interment was made in the cumotory in that town fall fair accounts passed the reports show that the fair of 1b23 was on qf tho beat alt round shows ever held hera tim usual meeting of the directors nf acton i nil fair to nnltlo mat tors per twining to tho fair and authorise pay m tit of prizes und urcounta was hold last thursday after noon with a good utyindance of members of the hoard president iashy wus in tho chair and in the absence of herrotary hyndn who wus not eollng wpll that iiity ii 1 modr was roqunstei to art as htitretnry pro torn the report of receipts and oxpondl turus tin awutdlng of prises and other matters in cotmootlon with tho fair was glvtn it was gratifying t the hoard that everything iwasfld satisfactorily the directors felt well repaid for their work in the splendid success of tho fulr ixhlbuorfi am visitors ull went homo with compll mi titury exprcsslunn of the churacter of tin fair and the treatment recelv ed tin re wus nut u singlo protest uotered by any exhibitor a r solution was lassed authorising the soorelury treasurer to puy prized awarded und the a counts which hud been proscnod und found to be correct tho foaling of the ilourd was that io fulr of 103 was in rostect to all round ontiiea in tho various c losses tho best over held bora tin re was u strong feeling that now that hore racing had been exparl m on tod with for a number of yean as a molui attraction and this year lo tho limit f the nblllty or tho fair oninron to pay without uny murkod rosiilts accruing in point of uttondnnce that ntt ntlon should hereafter be turned to norni other form of attrao tlon it was suited that ut erin 1150 was expended in pursos this yeur for speadlng in tho ring by farmers horse and that this proved a superior ut traction to that of the races at acton with purses aggregating 760 thn directors present wero quite un nnlmous in thn opinion that it will he to the advantage qf tho fair to hold it the earlier date which prevailed for a number of years about thn middle of september and preferably on o friday and saturday a resolution of regret at tho ulnoms of secretary ilynds and slncero wishes for hla spoedy recovery- was passed tha seventy- sv nth anniversary hpocial services marked the 77th an nlversary of tho methodist church in georgetown but sunday when rev dr george h will bun a of tho metro poll tan church toronto preached thoughtful and inspiring sermons be fore large congregations the first church a frame building waa built in 1848 it occupied the alt of tho present complete structure which was erected in ib 82 the choir the sunday school and various organisations are under strong leadership and the ohurch in general exert a fine in fluence many wellknown ontario laaators have been stationed there the present minister uev henry caldwell who though he has been in charge only n few months has ojready gained the respect and esteem of georgetown folks by hts ability and many rtnq qualities vouna peoples lssrjue a tnost enjoyable evening was spent by members of the young people s league and their friends on monday evening in tho methodist school room after the devotional service mr mc an physical director or the t m i guelph gave a moat interesting uddroas on recreation play in the ufa f youth waa emphasized la manner which pcoved how necessary and help ful it is under proper supervision mr mclaren showed that even busy busjt nesa men appreciate and are benefit ted from healthful recreational games cited the enthusiasm and satisfac tion with which a group of guelph business men bad engaged in a volley bull romp at the y m c a at ouelph recently me conducted a half dozen group games in which tha company participated with genuine interest and none loss than tho dignified pastor of the church tag with the volley bull wheel gomes and other new sug gestions were demonstrated by mr mol iron the evening was proo table id enjoyable the baptist church last sunday hev w ii howard waa called to wheat ley in cssex county to conduct u funeral on saturday ho was unublo to get back home to lake his sunday scrvloes and arranged for hla con gregutlon to attend the methodist church during the day mr h p moore took his work ut tho churoiilll church in tbevfternoon jthe evening service was conducted by the young people s union miss martin the president waa in charge and was assisted by miss grace howard vice president bvnest coles and cheater plunk miss martin delivered a aplen did address basing her remarks upon tho story of lot and abraham mr ilanw spoke from tho words what mhull it profit a man if he gain thq whole world und lose his own soul 7 a quartottu by the misses mabel lillian avtd violet woods and phyllis howard was well b a solo by miss orabura und u duett by miss murlln and w coles also helped to make tha service pleasajit und profit ublo the olioir waa assisted by uussrs chester plank und lesllo martin with violins i seriously prsatured loft arm while nnguged in picking upplss in tho orchard of mr george thompson htewsrt tow it ust wednesday mr prod mcdowell of the garage on main street hud the misfortune to fall from u high limb ho striiok the ground with great foroe and the impact rtf sillied in the fracture of his left arm above tho wrist badly bruising his buck and u saver shock to his ays- torn mr mcdowell and hla brother icdward had bought the crop of mr thompson orchard and had picket all the apples exoeptlng two trees of aples these trees had grown vary high fred had gone up a thirtyfoot ladder and climbed from this to high er umbo kroro this height h slipped and full dr manlvon was telephoned fur and was on the scene- of tho aor cldent in a few minutes ho gave first uld und then conveyed toe patient to the general hospital guelph whore the compound fracture waa reduced mr mcdowell was brought hums from tint hospital on saturday he ta suf fering much from the fractures and bruises and it will be some lime be- cora be will be abla to rsauaaa bta work women s the regular institute meeting nthly mooting of the institute will be held ut mm itussell on friday novembor 3 o clock sharp a good pro gramme ami roll mh answored by some tested recipe everybody wel torno old boys dance tito old noys will hold thenr annual re union euchre und dance on day evening november s owing to the crowd thut attended loft year over taxing thn capacity of thn halt ad mission this year will be by presontu tlon of invitations at tho door only the deer and moos seasons tho open seasons for der and moose this year are the same us lost year north of tho french river october 1 tfl november 10 both dates tnclu slvo south o the french itlver no vember 6 to november 20 both dates inclusive except that north of the quebec cochrane winnipeg line of the canadian national railways the open season for deer and moose ut from september it to november 16 inclu sive a number of local hunters will go north for n few daym of shooting from thu weatlon some towns extravspsni stories tin re h a contest on botweon llmlra chatham and mil ton ovur tho antics tural phenomena at elmlra the cottontail rabbits are so thick they block t raffle on the roads milton adds squirrels t trie bunnies and chatham beats them both in exag geration now comes along a story from cargul that some fine dairy cows found u bootlaggers still somewhere in tho pasture lot and came home with a joyful jag on and the neighbors from far and near hurried to witness the extraordinary spectacle there mubthave been a great demand for milk punches that day at cargtll eeloru express a fire yesterday morning about nine o clock- yesterday morn ing tb ire alarm sounded and it was ascertained thut the old g t r pump in the yurds nf the canadian national railways was on fire the fire brigade promptly responded laid two lines of hose from a hydrant at the foot of power avenue and extln uulshed the blojte in a few minutes the building has been used since the ii way socurod connection with acton waterworks us a place for storing oil rlgln of the fire la unknown mr alfred uuuer an employee of tho llwuy was walking past to the sema phore when hn discovered the blaae and rung in an ubirm tlio damage caused is smull dsnder whloh must be eliminated tho outside stairwuy on the tire escape at the town hall has been nut of repulr fur several month and tly no stops hava been taken to put it into usable condition tho iron frame work at tho top upon which a drip from the roof of tho hall has been allowed to strike for years is rusted through and part of the landing at the exit is gone its present condition is a violation of the public llulldlng act it is positively dangerous as the a trap uv fall exit dour opens directly upon this a young man did get a pelnfuv fall thnre some tlmo ago who went to go nut fur u minute or two to coot off while attending u dance the chair man of thn town hall committee will be well udvlsod to glva this matter his imniodtutu uttentlod if an aeddent hefel any person through this noxt ed stulrwuy u houvy bill for oamagesj would result to the towi 7069 in fines the past year thut police magistrate moom hi had a busy itinerary of police court cases during the past year the fuct thut flues aggregating 7 sb9 00 has boon lmposud is umplo proof of this largo sum 14 31 do was imposed on viola tors of the law in halton county s 2bd 00 in pool county and u0 00 in wellington county of course the moat of this large amount waa fur viola tions of tho ontario tempo riinoo aat the sura of 1 460 uf the total waa howover imposed for infractions of the inland hevenua acf for having stills und tpuklng teer without per mits of the ubove acton will receive about 1400 for fine imposed tin charges laid by the chief constable george town about 1300 und urampton i smaller amount the rest of the tines go to the provincial and federal gov eruments in addition to the penalties lluposod u number of pomunm huvi bueti suntnnoed to tho county jails thi ontario usformaturlus und to mercer haformatary completion of the new no 8 public school nassagaweya towmhip haa added another fine school kujid- in to ita list the new ehjildino formally opened with acommum ity entertainment for sixty years no 8 school in nni uagftwoyu bus iwii un important point in tho community it has boon at- t ndod by the boyn und girls of the hoc tlon or three three nhro ynars and former pupils aro now mrin und women of sterling charuclgr in tho nurruund ing soctiqn und beyond those com prise doctors and touchers successful business men and prod porn us farmers numberu of whom found their wlvoti among tho girl companions of their pupil days hut thn old school became llko many of those who siwiii their childhood within us walls old und unequal lo modern requlrnmnnts and the true toes dncldod that u new building bettor equipped und equal to the claims of thn children of these later days should bo xroctail architect john cunyiron wus called upon prepare plans these wero adaptod und coot roots wnro lot un follows for mason work and brick work it rudd itockwood tov carpontor work bert lblratson fcrfus painting leonard warden acton tlimmlthlng j kin wood itockwood during tho summer tho work of eroo wus proceeded with and last weak tho finishing touches were put on und tha nw furalshlngh initialled and now fine now school in vomptetod and rio of tha flm st in tho township cost of building furnaco and fur nlshlngs was approximately 3 e00 this ann new building was formally opened an monday evening with an enjoyable socio entertainment mr w j aklns u former pupil alfche school acted us chulrmun in a very lyippy mannett anion male qunrtetto consisting of mekm l wordon v rumley a mann und j flmlth in their usual capable stylo rendered a num her of old time sonss which judging by the vociferous applause nocossl tuted encore after o it com miss laura aklns of acton also gave several vocal selections which warn very much enjoyed an interesting feu tun of the pro gramme wus recitation dialogues and choruses by tho present pupils of th hoot which woro euch glvan with merit splendid speeches were given by rev j t strachan ii a h d and x- roeve moffat numbers of those who attended the old school many years ago wero present and woro loud in their ex praslona of satis faction thut so flne un odlflco had ruplacod the farnter building when lb n programme was concluded tho ladles served a bountiful lb neb and the rest of the evening was spent in social intercourse the trustees who havo brought the new school building to successful com pie tlon are messrs thomas storey nelson anderson und john mcgregor mr j m donyoe h a the school inspector gave valuable counsel from the fruit of his long experience ui member of the community is more pleased ut tho culmination of tho pro ject which gives tho section so flne a school than ho police court newa two caledon msn psy 20o each for having and handling a still a uhurgo ugulnsl j j itohblns keeper of thb brtti i ut ingle wood for having liquor in tils hotel wus luld by innpi i tor lit ovuly tim inspector und i rovlniliil ofd ors wklrm and dltk tostlhixl thut they ha i icjkii i tho hott i anil found u l p 1 th uloul half full of liquor in u dresser in ono of the hodrofrrfii 1u tthlus intended that ho know nothing whutnv r bf the liquor and supposed it wffs lift in tlio drnssor by u giinut wli luld 1 con thi re a night or two pnvl itinly i vl of thi good ihiiraatur uf thn count waa put in from four lending cltlsuns of inglnwtol the wils dlmmjrinod but tho muglstruto in upon tha unused tho imcoii slty of having n morn careful super vision of thn moms of bin jmlel and insisted thut ho ko hotel rejrhitor bowing tin mimes of all gunotii und j thn rooms tiny otmipy w h morijlw cmwi attormy attod for tho proiio- i uud c it mckoown m v v of orungnvllli fir tho dofonci r social and personal i in montreal a miss isubt i slurt dny or no in ml wiuk mrs goorgn murray npi til mi n lay with hook woo i frli win miss llnrthn llrown w in i t un fiom toronto over tin wi k i n i mr jack m nlvi n was b unu from toronto ovi r tlif wok uml mr w h mllltr vpnt th wi k i nd with frlenihi in wulorloo miss ruby clark of toronto vlslti d at b h ii lo over tho wot k nd miss margaret j mntilonul 1 of tor onto was homo for she wm k ml mrs j w loynu of cholti nhum npt ut ii day r so lust woi k with acton mrs r m murdon nornlng to up nf u f istnr in indon ill loft yosttrday w dnys with her the i dance armistice day dance duko of dvnonahtrn chapter of ode will hoi r thtlr annual tho town hull on monday evening november 13 halton strawberries market in ootober mr george bteggul of trafalgar picked a case of ripe strawberries on monday which were of good color and flavor and sold rapidly in toronto at 36 cents a box it la an unusual thing to see ripe strawberries in tho latter part of october these uro tho ever bearing variety of borrfea beginners in band muslo the aeton citizens j land is urrung lug u class for boglnnors in bun i muslo and competent bandsmen will en luuv- or to glvo this class tuition at luusl oty evening u week any young man in acton is eligible to join provided ha agrees to the rules of tho organization klrnitiv ki i n u1 llmlto1 number of lr bo supplied thn utpllcuiits ap plications for u place in this class houtd be made to baiidmustor mason ir assistant hunifmustor o shea or mr n f moore thanksgiving services at bosten church boston churoh thanksgiving ser viouj will bo hold on sunday novem ber 4rat 11 u m and 7 30 p m rev robertson of weston will have charge of the eervlcos special muso will b rendered ut the morning service by the carlisle quartette und ut tho ovur ing service by the carlisle motbo dlst church choir on monduy ivenlng eniertulnmont under thn u us pices of the women s mtloniy society will bo held in the ohurch township sued for f 1080 damages saugoon township in llruco county is faced with u spit us a result of un automobile accident whloh occurred un august 0 on the hill leading to the lake on tno sixth concession in which dr schmidt dentist of kitchener uo oompunlod by his wlfo und family wont uvi tho vmbunkninnt while ut t em oil tig to pass n team dr hchmldi has served tlio township lounull with notice fur sottlemutit of 11 obb do dam ages which nlulm is tnudn up as fot lows repairs to cur j i jo doproclu tlon of carl lb7ti personal inoonvaii lance 100 victors bills i4 uuglnoer inspecting roud white mcldont oo ourretl 970 uml tho balance foi tule phoning and ini muntul expenses thin for settling the olulm oxpltos novuui- br 9 tho township bus so fur ignj r ed thu rvquost he failed to qiv notlos a casu of consldnrulilo intormut wus docldpd in thu i tt vision court a orlllu bxstwcok when dr lloyd was awurded fl30 for damages to his car a farmer named loukey drovo uuf of his yard wlut u hum und wagon front uf the car und proceeded along tha road for u short distance und then turnud into un opening oti the swtue side from which he emeigtwl dr i to yd who was following up run into the wagon und his uir wus injur ed ho alulms that in turning in thu farmer did pot glvo the necessary signal of his intention hud ho dune so but duuiu could buva avoided tho collision klie derision ut important itiusmui h n many drivers uf hurso vuhicli s mini to think it utiiioi ossury iu observe the rules of road trupla us applied u automobiles jttck kvmih t f gunlph cume before m mourn on saturday morning cbargotl by cbicc mel hnrson with bo ing intoxicated thn night toforo tho chief and provincial officer atkli wero doing pollrn duty an scene street whi n fvitns und four other man from out ph drovo uj lvans whan alight i nil from tho cur tumbled to tho street und wu not ubi to stand the omoom urn stud him und jockod him up ploudod guilty und swore thut his llqui r was cboko cherry wine which hn got at home tho other chaps woro not drunk evans was fined flo und costs archibald cumpboll of milton was churgid by chlf mcphersom with fepoi ding on mill strnat on monduy night 2m1 inst campbell rama bo fore pol ire magistrate moore on wed licsduy evening and pluadoi guilty ho wus tlnchl looo ilnd costs the nftormnrh of u motor collision on the base lino n the night of milton fair cumo up for homing jin acton police court on thursday forenoon the evidence showed thnt tha curs of isrnust crlpps of acton who was returning from u football mutch at strootavlllo unit wllllum klndree of toronto who had been attending mil ton fulr collidf 1 on u culvert ixtion foot wldt botwoon tlm second and third mm s crlpps charged kind roe with usintf spotlight klndroe charg nd crlpurj with driving his cur with only one light in front each charged tho other with being the cuusn of tli accident uoth curs were damaged and each prwntcd bills of 16 or tiff for rt pairs tho witnesses included fur age men ami the inmates of ouch cur icindn i biought ovldanoe to show that he hud not used tho spotlight whlch wus liimlullo i on his car crltlps shi od that lie bud had trouble with of hlh front lights out hud it repaired tho duy bt fore ho took the trip and sav thut it wus burning ull right at strootnvlllu the magistrate suggi od that tu ull appearances tho nccldunt huppi in i without culpable uogllgonc by otthn 1 trii so fur us the t ldnc lefort hlni had shown and udvisoj thut th i nrdvs got together and set tle tbo dlnputo this was ugroed and tho two luifos were dismissed with costs of gnlt made a pun nlu mr und oiic was houiie ttrumpton police muglntiuto cuio uroso tiut of the lllble of culodon i fined j 2 00 uud costs previous for having cjuwi j tin t morrl ild in tho court i monduy y ore tho 11 ret use ugalnst roy which he was on the tuesdn i still in this of culodon friend uf ulblo m wus chargod with un cna i ing it iurt of u tftlll sultublu for roctlylng splrlu tho ovlilonto ol icxclsn o nicer ktoody und cunadlun mounted i olco officer noedhum prov ed uid guilt uf thu accused hn wus fined 200 und costs t a hulchln son of milton wus counsel for the dofonso on tuesday j hmlth of esq u using was charged by chlof mcphorson with being intoxicated un the street on rrlduy und again on saturday ho ploudnd guilty in his sworn state meiit as to tha cause of his spree be said he bud a case of oakvtllo wine in his homo und had inien drinking that beforo bo came to town ho said he must have boon pretty drunk for he got mom liquor in acton and couldnt tell from whom ho got it tior whore stu ed over night 1 was very over be uiught ugulu five years in penitentiary jsmss a chsdwlok ths fergus burg lor sentenaed by police msaltrste watt five yours in the kingston piilttm- tlary was the houtonoe meted out on tuesday morning at tho guelph police court to jlimos albert chudwlck ru cently of spruowdalo a little humlot near orlllja as tho punutbmont for bis oomiilklty in thn burglurhdng of the store of c s swing of fergus on tha morning of october 20 when chud wlck wus urrulgned on tuesday lust he pleaded guilty tu thu crime luusmuob asho udrnltted lo tho court thut ho kept watch white tho actual burglary wus committed mill wus tola that bo wus equally guilty with the mun who entered the store in pusslng sentence muglstruto wutt rufurrvd to the fact that chudwlck whan arrested just outs id tt of milton was in posshslon of u wdod revolver which be did not carry for any good ptirpoau and ho expressed tho belief thut hi woul 1 not buvo hosltate i use it bud occasion roqulrvd it ulso hud u irowbur und other utensils which are commonly used by burglars lind in vlnw of all those ulruunistunoes he hu i no hesitation in stating thut thn uoousad wus not u sufa mun to be ut lukiiit uml thuu sentenced him to u itrm of flvo yuars in tho kingston puqltniitlury chu iwlrk wus urrostid at- mil ton wttk into lust hutiduy it is beltuv thut tliu wore four burgluru in the gutig and thut liny hud two curs 4 monthly payroll heavy at ths blq lake terminate at for wdllam and port ahhor th two luku termluubf uf the trans tontlni ntul railways situated ut 1 ort william und port arthur are working to cuputlty this month with u puy which will uggregate about 13i0 000 for thn month oxulualvo of tho lutgui sums which will lm paid to thn utn crews with thioks drawn ugalnst lot ul liutiks tho brdlnury puyrolls of the two term i tuls range between 176 ooo and 100 000 monthly mrs j hurr thin wok mrs goorgo htruussor pf guptpb spent u fow days lust wuok ut tha homo of mr t htuthum mr noll gillies requeuing bus re turned homo aftur spending a month with frlenda at huntsvllln mr arnold muoponuld returned from oilmwn lust suturduy whore bo has boon the lust throe months mrs w ashly and babe of toronto aro spending thu wook ut mr und mrs j e gumble s croucontvllla tr and mrs horbert clnuvo and dorothy off georgetown visited with mr and mrs h h wilson on sunday misses wllmu hunter und margaret townsund of t rru cottu spent tho wook end with mr und mrs cllurlos mckoown mrs alexander hprowl who spent flvo or six wooks with frlonds in brampton und toronto returned hopio on friday mrs k huffman and eddlo and mr and mrs will mcarthur attended tho funoruj of tho late john huffman hornby on monday mr und mrs andrew anthony mr w c hossoy and miss cmtc of georgetown wore guests ut tho homo of mr ii h wllsonvon sunday miss myrtle cook expects to go to erie pu this week toguck up and bring home the effects ot hor sister the bite miss mabel cofik nurse mr and mrs o knoll and mrs rock of port colborno and mr g a knoll of toronto wero guests for the week end ut tlio methodist pursonuge mrs j f slacoy mitchell an nounces fbo ungagument of hor oldest daughter florence ldnn to mr cecil jazqos aklns sun of mr mid mrs w j aklns acton tho marriage to take place in november mr fred r muclaugblln who has been holidaying wlh his purouts since juno loft on monday for now orleans la fred always expresses his fond ness for tho old homo town and says there hi no country bettor thun dear old canuda death of expremier honor law a great canadian who became prim mlnistsr of britain london potobor 30 andrew llormr law for suvon months prime min ister of grout llrltuln dkd in his lodest london homo ut 3 o clock jthls morning or septic pnoumonlu five months ago on may 20 he resigned tho premiership on account of a throat malady which for u long time bad troubled him even thon ho wus reluctant to admit thut his career was finished and retained his seat in the house of commons where ho since made two or three appearances ten days ago mr honor law re turnod to london from brighton uftor a sojourn of sevoroj weeks his phyal clan issued a statement to the effect thnt he had con true ted a severe chill the ox premiers daughter his only r relative loft in england was wrh him during th lost days of hla illness his two sons wtiro killed in tho world wur a sorrow from which mr sonar law never recovered bonor law was born in now uruns- vlcu cunudu sopt umber iff 1658 tho sou of the rov jumes law m a of now urunswlck in eurly youth ha us taken to glasgow where he at tended high school uud rinulty becamo bookkoopor for un iron firm la tor ho wus mudjt a member of tho concern und when he rot i rod from buslnuas to liter pojltlcs wus din of thu biggest ran mi reliant in scotland ills wlfo dlotl fomtiun yours ago mr john w hilton nils thn it7 utrq furtil lot 33 1 kaqtnulng from mr wall llumtltbn bale wus mudo hmlth real estate ngunt purfhuaed i on cons ion i 1 h ii mun by j a where renpomilbility ilests ho are liable for deficit when farmers co operative store falls it is sometipius u vtxid quisllon us to how fur tho r reucbos tho cusu of 1 armors co upurutlvo stores ho hunover post uuys ail urter- muth of the fulluro u fow yours ugo y tho firtnors co oporutlvo wbro ut hosley run by tho purine ru club of hjcoitu wus stugid ut wulkurtou lust wuek in tho form of u court uetloil beforo judgo kluln tu tluti rmliiu thf indlviluul liubllity of the fumiois uou- oornod tov u cuiuilu ovei huiigiug debt of upwur is of two thousand dollars it sot his thut lu order to curry oil und ununcu tho oik urn n huinb r of thu i tub pul thulr uumus to u bond for 110 000 in fuvoi of tho hunk uf humlhon when the buuluuss wus wound up tboru wuu foun 1 it ui pours u duntit of ulout 6 too uud ju iguiuiit wus obtained by the hunk of hutnllton for this umuunt tho quntlon tholi urou um ti whether only thi slum is uf tho nolo should 1 conn jinpoinilhlo foi thlri umouut urwluthit tho liability should xtuiid over tho otitln h ono club composud of about oim huudiol farm ers who us u bo ly it wuu ullugod were behind thu dofunet oo tipirullvo store liy iwylng 6b uuch it wus tlgurod thut thu liuudrua ugtlculunlats oould wipe till lebt out ulll it moollut thut suftluleiit of them dlppttl down fur their apportionment u to ruduuo the ludebteilfiesu lo iomm 1iuii 1- ud0 homo others it is suld wn uiuihlo or unwilling tti toiiiu uross fir th ilr allotment whlh uthom ugsiiu hud dlud or movod uwuy an uppeul was mudo to judgo klijn us local muster in lhumbms to up- portion tlio amount of this batum n bat uunh shout 1 i uy t i h tin th ulutu artur luuslilnrubio ivhlm hid bt n hiurd the cusu hurt btuii uitj uruod for several wuejs a i

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