Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 2

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fvrhhrvr he artou 3xse jlrgafl tuljjthday nv mih it i iu3 ir noo y uml iumuiif it on lit nix with prill and ml ulf dead nt night when k t hi round ir vau un nouli mil mil l tin siruhllni or being irou uml hot km t lm mum or being hut m1 by th fanlly dont minwit liui k ml yii look loo glum if you cun duul with k itiul i anil robwebu aitil trout ull thuw illnusbr juh if you i hour to with i th- i ou s unl ynt how iilu li h iuil i r iiuvi vlw trucked ux tho bluniot if yuu tun tuk mii toured tnkun iown from lhg wall wli wuy lujn or watch thti thing jour yo broken ana stoop anil glue t ugulu if you run inakn onu in up of old nowspuperu- t of war pictorials unit liattlun done and start uguln with hackyanl i n- flugrutlnns nor breath u won until thn dood 1 duno if ynu cun nil ourh unrolnntlnir minute with soup und brush uml ull tho strength you vu got your houin in clean und everything thats in it anil what i mar youll bo a ialrlut luiuru hlminona u wnr mulching of small fruits and perennial flowers although the mtllcljlng of mull fruit anil perennial do won im useful in the attaining of sovoyal objective it chief umi in for win tor anil spring protection oydlnurjiy our rommon hardy speclus do not suffer much harm from froexlng but are- uauully killed by alternate froexlng and thuwlng hy the use of a good safe mulch properly uppllod tho plant ater froexlng will a u rule imy froxoo during win tag and early spring thuws and wlinn it nnully thaws out iovwe wouthar and tho dancer of it again froexlng will bo over it frequently huppenu that a few quite warm day will occur dux i rut earlx spring and the high tomper- aturo not only thaw out unprotected plant but induct growth ua wall such unreasonable wouthor may be followed by lovara oojd which will aumage or kill the newly started growth and often kill the plant itaelf it 1 therefore evident that a mulch for winter protection la not ao much a protection agmlnat cold u it li again t unoeuapnabje heat by prevent ing premature thawing und too early nature protection or mulch le ideal although unsightly tho tem of herbaceous planu after dying re main upright and catch wlpd blown leavea and later snow am the- oaon advance those stoma breick down and form a protection in the early aprlng for the crown of tho plant shrub bery hold leave that are blown into it and anywhere neceaaary leavea and littler collect to form an efficient mulch it la however u dally desirable to clear up fat fitter of in i eort ua t haa an untidy and unatghtly appear ance but if this i done artificial iro taction of a almtlar nature in tho form of a mulch ehould be given the plant generally apeaklng the best material for a mulch la coaraa atraw or very ntrmwy horae manure ctoee lying or dense material uch a well rotted manure la not aatlafactory aa ha ti may often atart and kill the plants tho mplch should be applied to a depth of two or three inched aa aoon aa tho ground 1 frozen in the fail and removed whoa danger of severe eofd la paat the following aprlng practically all o our common per- flowers are benefitted by a mulch two to four inches in depth of straw leaf mould or strawy nor manure many rollow tho practice of dlgiflng this material into the soil und thus enrich the soil and get rid olr utter at the some time strawberries are best mulcted with coarse straw pread evanly oyer ho row to a depth of psbtte incites the canes of blajmfjiptendbr vaxiotles or rasp toktrnhfftna crapes should bo laid down and qorared wlthfonr to alx inches of aotc curranu gooseberrlea und hardy raspberries rs bnafltte mulch big around the roots with ordinary barn yard mnurtv whlclvcan be worked into t byotflovatlon during the lata irprtn as a rule many plants will sttrtito and even ajppear to thrive without mulching bttf experience hos shown that nmiliucljnararly done wilf benefit wfollr wvarloty or rthft sbjj tiwltrnd perennial jhjwsrtp 8 rowne assistant superintendent sxperlmntal huitlon yenawrrnie que ljp 3hrrr llrtaa lnrt lnnj following tlic dun ijcifcr l 1 lusnuttlck u o holr i ant1no mlllur wlllui f the soul of a machine in every big railway junction sta tion or terminus you wilt find thnt there are soma locomotive which ull the drivers like and a few which are intensely unpopular and the sumo idea holds good with tho curs in u large rage it la nbt that the popular otto r more costly or carefully tnnriv or the other cheap and nasty quite the contrary of two englno or two curw built in the same ahop und ul the urns time one may be ttwoet und kindly and always ready for its work while the other is u boast und never leaves the gurag without so mo thing going wrong you will und that machinery of every sort especially looomntlvq engine tutveslmllar curious variations moro than that it la quite uauul among mechanical experts to hour them ay that a machine produced by onu firm may be distinguished from u duplicate produced by another firm without the aitr of the tuunepuite ask one of these mi how h ter- oelves the dlfferenoe h will stmplv ahrugt his shoulder und toll you that he doe not know ho oooultist will toll you tluit oatli machine has it own elomontu but imrhans this may be raijru mlmply plained hy aayln thut it pi and oarrie with it aomotliliik xmusouullty of its creator romance qone from qold fields oold suunpedes have litsr tholr ro mantic trapping an hnifuattotgimht odfuend brou til loss vfllh ungor henry ruoud across the tor- out field ufte- tho lu most irublsme uul- x tho mlllor herd was ugulti 0t of bounds nil hunry having just wruthfully shouvl 1 m if it i a logl foil under obliga tion f th worst binding klm bo as good us hi word tho ruturo fur tho young initio oc cupied hlmpuon s itilnt i lonhyfurty acres bucked by woods ulid soptt- utod from the romulndnr of th fumi by un inlet f clsoo liuy the fnnce nrross tho lund side wuu porhuii not of the bust for it was u makeshift of polo and stakes bul it wu enough to koop in th other cuttlo tl dun tiolfor rogarilod it simply with de rision henry who becuuso of ills brtiudlii und miliar illmlnutlvo stature was known a stub by virtually every onu oxcept his mother hud just boon told by alfred terwilllger that unlss tho twoyoarold heifer were ut oiim removed from his 6at field he would bring u suit for damage before hqulru oaks this threat the lad knew i to m no idle one forxcrwlluer doavly loved litlgntlon so henry hud drop ped his hoe and raced toward thn poind without slopping- to toll his purent whore ha wo going it wa about half post one of urr afternoon hit in may but uu the season wa o backward that tho eat were only nn inch high llttlu burm had been done by tho tmspasslng creature henry easily drove hor from thp field into the woods that twrdored i ho bay but there he began to shuw tho most unnoylng stubborn n hhn stoutly rfuod to see the open ing kha hud madb near tho odga or the water ulthoqgh henry had en larged it by removing u whole panel of polos she dodged this way ami that and qnce mud her way nearly back to thn open field of tho tor- wllllger farm finally when fairly cornered he leaped into the wuter and began to wlm und wade ult or nately along the shore to tho oust directly away from the point this oond uct was too much for henry patience after throwing a handful or stones lnm futile effort to head her off he plunged into the iwy after her and gal hod such an impetus by hi spring from the bunk that in a couple of seconds he had a firm grip on her tail onoe he had aeon hi father u big powerful pennsylvania german swfm out and steer a frightened and bo wild- ared qx to the shore by alniply grasp ing the animals tail and swinging him about bodily tho trick had look ed simple then but henry wo not iong in discovering that ho lacked the trengtbyuid skill to make h effective the attempt however produced prompt results so far as tho helfor was concerned frightened nearly out of her ave senses- she ceased to follow the shore and struck directly out lnu the buy henry still struggling man fully was dragged from bis footing and towed behind her he could swim only a few stroke and by the time he realised the situation wa so far out in deep water that be dared not let go his bold said try to regain the land cisco bay is nameless in the geo graphies tor it la merely the local designation of the southern arm of the much larger whitehaven bay it varies from it mile to a half mile in breadth and is about four miles long where it makes its dlagonal junction with whitehaven bay there is a chan nel of open water on each side with a long stretch of marsh and gravolly shallows ln the middle known to buy side dwellers as the spit the dun heifer had struck out from just below simpsons point on clncc bay directly down that sheet toward thn northern channel that leads into whitehaven bay if ho kept straight ahead and survived she could go about nine miles before reaching land although when she reached tho chan nel less than a half mile away th shore would be distant only it few rods at her left qhe vwam ikm a facer at first but soon began to tire henry had stop ped trying to swing her back but h kept using the pliable rudder in his hands to veer her toward the left that so annoyed the animal und s aroused oil her innate obstinacy ihu soon she turned at right angle und headed due south soon aftnr thl change of direction aha began to labor so hard that henry become frightened ithoy were now going toward tho ter llliger farm threequarter of a mile away but the heifer neemed o ex hausted that the boy belloved shu und he might drown in a short time accordingly be not only ceased to pull upon her but begun to swim with that plainly afforded her relief short time her movement be came slower and eosluh llut she turned squarely about to the tmrth ugajn and u little later shifted to the lst ordinarily there would have been ut least onj fishing party on the buy in mid afternoon but tho farmer wero now buay with their spring work und thf- bay was deserted it 1 lonely plube with timber ull about it except in a few cleared pastures and lionry could not see any one on horu half hour passed und the hulfer wu tiring ber nose would repeatedly sink under water and then b with drawn with a jerk while she blow vloluntjy through 1st auntril to cluur them henry was beslnning ui give up hope when he noticed quits un- peotedly that the helfur was not swimming but wadlag letting down hi feet he atood wauldeep in turbid tsr there waa mud underfoot resting on a gravel foundation they hud reached un outlying- porllun of hplt tlje young cow jerked uwuy frdm him a he touched bottom but ploddod laiioud just out of reach in wuter that rtrst shoaled and then designed lightly after going u few rod thuy mnio among tufts of rushes boyunil which the taller cattail flag grew in meryled rank over many acres of shallow before sntorlng the niursh henry luued und the unlmul breathing heuvlly also opped u few yard away the water wu ooh and u irs ft ft ilk mk jxi taken place iybtavlu and jcumoej- boom djstrlot south africa there were no sixguns uch u i distlasqlshed the mushing tor preclons aetaljn the weatern- state und aus tralia bouts spur tlquur gambling u pramhxublla have gone by the boards none of those oute nocessury ad junct tq the proper staking of a olatm remain essential stampeder of 103b travelled h automobiles and motor cycles first hen over and nobody was lotlsd the new flmui confidently expect ed tn produce gold but the least uh- arvlfut can see that it will never pro duce a brftt turtc- v deeply regretting thut ho hud per milled hor to rsnupe henry tried to run in pursuit but wu soon brought to a luborlqu halting wulk lln could not follow us fust uu situ led and uftt a lime ho could tell wbaro he was oo by thn waving of tho lull murnh grovft us nho passed hod by rod thoy mudo thiir totliiomo way mnully wlinu compnllu i to ltuusn tpr broath henry notlcvd thut te sound of runt ling aheull hud nus- d perhaps th liolfur hud skippotl wbou ho did uu urvpt forward cau tiously in ho hopo of surprlulng ber suddenly ho enmn to the edge of the flags iep waor thut of the south chunnrl a imndrod yurdu wide luy beyond und in tho mfddla of it tho helfor wu swimming toward thn fringe of marsh that bordorud tor- wllllgar u woods tho boy wstrhod her in mtlunt donpalr in this pro mot weukonod condition ti know th l hi wquld sink bnforn ho hud swum i od rtleudtly tho lolfor wallownd iijioud in u couple of muiutas ho had mnt-h- od tho marsh waded aero it und come to the narrow bench thoro iha turnod to the right urld houded for her pasture hha wuu in no mood for farther truylng for the moment at least home had keen uttrnctlona for her doggedly but with little h henry sourched up and down the border of thri uiarsh for u log or ovnn u branch big enough to afford him ut least par tial support in crossing tho chuniinl ho found only two trees so deeply em bedded that ho could not stir them and a little scattered brushwood too small to be of use to him then ho ramembervd how u strand od flag cut tor after hi boat drifted uwy hud crossed to tho mainland tho uutumn before tho rwol lection eavu him nnw courage und stnrtodtlils chill ed blood to coursing uguin through his veins opening the big bludo of tils juck- knlfe ho begun to cut tho tall growth of old flair left stundlng from th previous season und to form tlghtlyi- bound bundle ubout six inches in dlumster at lhe butt and from five to six feet ln length i when he had cut half a dozen of them he tied thorn together with the tough stem ao a to form urudefjaat which ho puahed into the water as soon as it was made ik sank till almost awash but the cellular pith of the dry fiugs was buoy- unt enough to koop the raft from go ing to the bottom it would not support him entirely j but it would ut least keep his head above water while ho kicked his way across s henry hesitated to trust hi ufa to- ao tnsecuro a support but a moment was enough to convince him that he would soon perish wham he was not j necess from drowning- buf from coldund extcaustlon so porting his toeiht rie waded in threw his arms over the float and kicked off from the shallow marsh it wa slow work to propel botp himself und the mas of nags but the channel was unruffled by waves und there wa little current pausing- now and then for breath he worked his way foot by foot and almost inch by lnoh tlll when the shore marsh was a couple of rods away he found hlml self ablo to stand oroct with the wuter up to his neck abandoning his raft with u grateful pat for it ha served him well ho tumbled ta land and followed the path taken by tho heifer her truck showed that she hud reentered the pastur exhausted us ho was henry wus too well- trained and too sturdy by mature to think of leaving the gap open after hurriedly but firmly replacing the pole and stakes he set off toward homo think ing eagerly of the comfort of dry clothing and a warm supper llut at the entrance of tho wood ho suddenly puuned for un instant and muttered to himself it dldn i take a leg to gut her back he said with a chattering chuckle but it came mighty near taking tho wholo of mel a cali l on th the bord ness muunpedq after rul gold has jusllsoim us the boy foassd to exurclse his feet and legs began tp fed humb and lifeless he had never before been where he now- stood fur ut low water that part of the spit is bare sfnd ut no thane h it safe to cross tn a boat after lighting a number of landmarks en tho shore which looked strangely un familiar from- the unaoou turned angle h decided that he wa ubout midway between the north and south channel me or tho other of which he must rose in order u reach land he turn wlthlbtwo hour tho tithe luu i toward the south for in ih rst stake was planted ti hold hu uon ly hut bjm i vm ten entirely covered tpe showejae a he did so be heard a rulonv umong the flags the belfer also made up hee mind andhad gurttetj eouui and was walking rapid ly obnu v the change in the choir i shall be glad to take cluirg o tile music doctor mclutyre i am sure that i could get tlin young peoplu interested nbd ofgluilxa uo cacclloot ohor for you bui there is one con dition luoj wellwood must go into the ministers tjycs camo u look of pain ho wa nut unpropurod ills reason ah well u hi our had told him for two year that mlaswellwood ought to go and yet there had been a time when she hud saved the music as atadelelne vincent at rung capable splendidly trained wu planning to save it now watching madeleine vivid young face and ohooaln hi word carefuily tried to muka her ace oiut she cuula not she flats so terribly doctor mo- intyre the young- people wouldnt come if alio sang and isnt it tholr turn nowt with un ucho in his heart the minister went to soe ml wellwood her affectionate welcome end the eugernusm with which she brought out lruy ot grape juice und rit h old cup coke made his tusk all the hurdur ho could not touch her little trout until he had told her she mujt very still for u few minutes looking out of the window then she turned to him with the bruvo smite that never hud fulled c am so glad thut you could got mus vincent she ha u beautiful voice und splendid training a for mo ill try to wukn up the people in pewa it aoem too bad there hot more singing down there isnt it good that theres ulwuys a plnov in oods house for uvery one who really unt to belpt ilia minister reached aero the too table und took the hand it was trembling a llttlu thut was pluylng with one of the spoons uts wellwood ho said gravely f wish that i might uervo clod a brave- y in the pulpit u you will in your pew i lid stopped on the wuy homo to tell madeleine vincent hhn too wa silent fur a moment ufter he 0nihd tlien 1 couldnt have don thut dbo- mclntyre she euld it it rngkeu vshurod clear through to think how much more beautiful her voice t sound to clod than inln i think she will teach me to sing as no other tcaoher ever could im going to tell her so and no there wu u chungo in the holr or th third avenue church and yet do trouble tomorrows leaders tomorrow wlf need leader of all kind the statesmen inventors und buslpes leaders of today will soon have joined the great majority- thosu who are carrying th world burdens will pas to thslr wel earoed rest hut some one has to lead are you ntt big- youreelf to do itt sum one jtnust tiff are you developing strength so thgt you will be able to shoulder yout shafet alas for ttu loaners and the otsy tqoe who are eiiouuraglug for f tocy fef thseo the when i uina butk to irltico klwiinl island in april for my vucullon i wuiiiki to nkittn nloug the oilll he to our farm uml surprise my fumlly by ornliix bonio u day urlloi limn lliy oxpcvtol 1110 tim wnulhor wan mild und thfi it o wus im ulmilou to hrowk di but it eullel me to itikt 11 fnw t huiioes luther tlittn wiilt ov 1 ulubt in u iourluas boiel fm the tu i left luy luig ul ho sloie in lliu vlmiigi- put on n thick rwiuici bought 1 pulr of skutos und on tho bunk of thi crvok i strapped thorn 011 homo this afternoon jlnnnv uflor a yrur 00 pod up jn un othoo with no null air und no surf uivd no good whlto suttwutol iret 1 shouted to jlimny mnllol ii old lobster llslisitnuii us i started a nts thn froson uroak uu quroful boyjjusulig out its lvmii u dump oily duy mtdrthoioll bo n lco fog baforu durk im tlihiklu uu foro he had stopped speaking i wus halfway to tho duno i was lull ing tho shortest wuy to our fur in along tho bouch ttio smooth bord len rpn out for a quiirtiir of a nln it is pi u too tod n tho outsldo by u tmifooj pressure rldgo forlui d by tho jamming of burg tiiirt huuyy ukeu thul liuvo iomn down ftpurn tho htrult of itelle isln ln tho winter it i a regular thoroughfare fur tmullng wood una sleighing and is neurly ulways smooth enough for skuthig when i wa ou thn ltu ut last i nu thut thn bord strip hud felt tho eftecl of un early spring in some plnrcs tho surfaco wus rough und honey combed now ajid limn i met a long juggod crack thut extended from thn shorn ull thtr wuy through tho houvy berg jum iloyond the gulf was dot- tod wltti berg floating out to sou as i ukuted along i crushed through holds of shell ice und jumped ovor crack u foot wldo to iloes that looked like white fudge be vera i time i thought of turning buck hut i knew thnt i could turn aside und wulk nshoro whenever thu loo got too hud so 1 kopt on kor two miles ull went well then so suddenly thut it seemed to drop out of the sky the ice fog caught mo it drlftod in a great wtuto wall over the pressure rldgo stretched long ulmy fingers uaross to the dunes und jn u minute the shore wns only a blur ilckltig my wuy moni corofully 1 skated on now the cracks became more numer ous uml wider i turned sharply to th a right towurd the lund the shorn had bogun to loom up through tho fog when i saw a wldo black una uhtud whan i turned toward our farm i found that tho crack reuchud com pletely round to tho bergs it was ton feet wldof i doubled buck intend ing to recroas a narrow crack i ha t just jumped and thu get to shore when it came ln sight u sudd on feur mud me skate towurtl it at full speed at the odgo i mtappod slnca i hud crossed over the ice floo had drifted out toward the open gulf und the onco narrow crack was now ten feet wide as i watched the distance increased to twolvo lost to flftoon to twenty the wholo floe wu flouting out to sou for u moment i stood stu period then i raced out to tho bergs to nop t there wu any narrow placn where i could get aero there was none i thought of taking off my clothe and trying to swim acres the widening channel but i wu n poor wlmraor and i knew i could not llvo in that ley water by this tlajo i oould not seo the shore ut ull i sat down on tho ice und tried to think there wus not u house on tho dune for a mlje exoept u llttlo shanty on tho beach ownod by andy cahlll a market gunner would ho lm on thn dunest i shouted with all my might there wa no unawer on such u foggy afternoon andy if he were ut his shanty would be inside near the warm stove with the door tight shut out to sea i must go until thu les broke up in the night 1 then out of the fog camn a clour cry arrshnnk arrhonkl wild geose on the duno i thought it a famous place for them in april and early may i had often shot tli there and hud learned to cull thorn with considerable skill vor some reason i answered their voices with the clarion noto of the migrating gooso looking for shelter a chorus of culla came through the fog suddenly i sprang to my feet with u cry of delight those might be andy tame decoy perhaps the nolm of the culling geese would rouse andy klght or thn good lusty honks ex cited more of tho goose until they filled the ulr wlrh thuir clumor a minute or two i waited und then i shouted once twice- trembling with excitement i listened through the fog came u faint hullooul in a voice i recognised my ropautod yolls brought first tho ruttlo of ouru drop ped in u boat than tho muffled 1 hug of rowlocks half un hour tutor i wo warming my feet bofore andys rod- hot tove ft thought twas u flock on the way to tho lubrudor said andy 11 lucky you learned to cull whcn mollv called i illth slipped into ti chair by the window the sunlight aluntlng in on lnr brown jmlr mi mil the umls of thu curllmc tendrils to gold urn lluidell buttled hunk in in r ro ktr with 11 look of tintlllmtlin it wus pu- unt lo have n visitor llko idllh the obi ludy wuu irlkl thut win hud on in r now wuul hh ilolliittn luvollilor ud inumy i uifs win he omlhg she knew and r ull in 1 1uhlynv yflats h wus not ubovo enjoying a om- pllmniit hut nono unio i suppouil you re coming to chiisah munilny imith n murkiml you know it s sin homllutod u second its a spiliil huixluy yes i know mrs ilurdnll eald quietly its old kolks duy tho servue will lovely kdlth wont oil blithely vou inustn t ml it thuy re going to mind lurrlagos for any who unl wulk to th church mhu took 11110 of thn old bunds und uontly stroked it mrs hardull did not find it ullogothor pfoaaunt im ashamed thut i ijavtm t been in before nllth mild us she roan to go it ulways mount so much fo iiiiidinnther those luul years to have peoplo tome to sen hor hut you huve 110 idea how my time goes i have two 11i1 ut in whom i visit every month and tomorrow 1 m to king nt the old ludloa home well goodbyl mr hard ti ii sighed us she wutohnd tho trim young tlgum go down thu wulk romohuw she felt u little oliw und moro tired thuu sha hud liefore ic1lth enmu t liny i cumn in it wwi u sweet girlish turn hint umlhwl in ut tier u llttlo lutor 1 vo honn uotilng to see you but ive been so tod up wjtli srhoql work i ve hardly hud a minute alolly took the chair near her- old friend thut waist is lovoly she sulil und ever ho lxhomlng old you mako itt no deury i runl do unythlng so dimcult but mollys question hud plaased her i bellevo you could if you tried molly wont on am i keeping yo from unylhlngt if i m not i wonder if you d lik to llstun to my urtlolo for thn high school news id lovo to hoar it and so molly road it uml mm bur- doll tohl her thut she thought it wni uploodld and thn two chatted cheer fully over tho posblblllty of making li utlll hotter and how molly should go ubout doing it suppose i must go th girl said reluctantly u little luter dont tell mo your clocks rlghtl i runt havo sluyed ho longl und mrs burdnll laughed outright it was so delightful thut molly hud found thu time slip away so fast 1 molly sho buret out dont breathe li to a soul but i hopo i shant huve t go to church sunday soma how dont wnnt to to to anything that labelled for old folks though dear known its where i belong it isnt whore you belong molly snld quickly youre so young in your interests nobodys old unli he wants to my greatgrandfather in california is ninetyseven tills sum mpr and hes wonderfully active does most of tho work on his two acres and la as interoatod in pojltlca a ho wu movontyflvo years ajtot well good by molly kissed her friend coma over when yau cun if i get that runabout for my birthday well have some lark i can toll youl in another minute sho was hurry ing dowftho street but sho looked buck to wnvn a jaunty hand to tho happy old face thnt looked out of tho upper window seasonable items jumpkln plus have duwnod upon ho culinary- horizon 1 just una too of lazines and slavery thorn la no man who boast of hi liberty more than th lusy man und yet there is no morn abject slave than the loafer the hurdest und neant master to serve is self for ho is never satisfied and never relent tho free man 1 ho who cun say to his own mind and body um master thu control ling of others is but childs pluy coui- luired with huldjng thu rein over ones own thought um billons and ucs the hand of the diligent shutl bar rule in the light of self controlfor the wry essence of dlllgunco is self- control the diligent man hu un opon door before him thut no inuil cuu clou the sluggard stund little ctiunue of getting to th top diligence u the outward evidence of un lnwurd con dition w do not tnke uny stock in the diligence of tho mun with u lull und chain on his leg or with u win chester over him neither in the uluu- rlty of the boy who knows thut there a hot time uheud of him if ha does not get through his errand in u specified time dlllgoiiua thut is tho result or fosoe of uiroumstanre is not iuch better tho kind of diligence thut will beur rulu i thu kind that is born of lov of the job it is th hum who is in love will hi job whether it is stone breaking or soiling goods who will bear rule in his calling sol omon lif shoe und ilouthor journal so some one qares how blue lbs sky how green thi field how bright the bluebirds whig how sveet the scont the plumblooni ylold huw clear the sparkling- sptlngl how glowing j the hummer day tiow- brlmnilng with delight how swiftly glide the hours uwey thnt prhu the tranquil night i how nmrrliy u hur can go about th days affairs how happily the moment flow whop theros mitnwin ho oureul there 1 op churm in robes of state 110 pow- tlmt riches send no msglo for the high and great ilk that which love can lend vor often ilka a duy thut dun when the skies are ovorct with cloud that lower gray and grim und llghtnfng fearful blast tho way ahuud look dismal too foreboding doop des- putrs till like a flush the skys ail blues when sum one come who cures oh ihjvurty a little thing not worth a bruve man note the happy heart can blithely alng beneath a ragk uout and lightly up th rugged path till sturdily he rare who laughs at fool in h fortunes wrathbeoauo some body cures homebody tuild him fur mnr dear llfun gojd or high degree somebody s love is ever puur however far h be pull und winter u coal uftor utiothei ttio trees are biushlng theso day to think thuy worn green so long if you foe symptoms of the ln- fluonxugo to bed und stay tqera until better it i easy now to do your reading in tho bush uu miluia will turn the a botunlst duclaros ouch treo tius u volca of its own wu know nlost of them had u bark an obsorvlng mun claims to bsvu discovered the color of the wind he uuy ho went out und found it blew o success without work ijo not try to find u subsluiito fot work luuuuse thote u nono tlir urn eomo periodical of tin day tilled with ailvertihemouth whirh might 1 aully lend 11 ynu hi ful renlor to furm ill mistaken mm unit tur ur uhoi i uts to ithnol evrythluv tint t u few hours wi i kly glvi 11 to u oiiiu of in struullou through th mail will lalo th puliu of u ilb1 rdlmullon thai pemoimllty nnd orlglnnlltr r thine easily imqulied if oujy wonii on will tall ynu how to do it an for tt tune if you will bellevo tin mlvi r tlsomont llwy uru tho tiudit thlnun in th world to h nothing tukos thu pluco- of work tho tnim who says that in lx wmiw he cun fit yiu to earn your living by making newspaper urinous is u plain liar but the reason tn uml otitis ilka hint make u good llvhiif out of foolish poopln jlku you in tliut so many of you are trying to get wmimthlntf for nvthlnif vuu will not stircod without work no maitar whut coupon you send in nor- what big prnnilnih windier mukus mqvinq the orain crop i fifteen veusels cleuroil in one ilny recently from tho port of inrt william ut the head of the ureal 1jiken lurry- lug the blggeut toiuiatco of the humimi there went out of port t ltu 010 bush- elh of wtieut 63 000 of oalm and 130 uu0 of hurley among theo were two ot ttio llttlo ucandlnuviun oreun bouu which nro plying on th uppr lakes for tliq soasoti din in inm huro deti that there is uny luko of lonnugo fot chnrter but uuy that vomhh iikuntw are unxloua to tmcure curgixis und thul occasional cuts am mailo in rates- in order to sec uru them fitting suits by x ii a v hi latpui liin in tin itll till 01 1111 1 im- 11 from iuli wli r illb lira iirfiioi i ut huh ufltui wllholu tin aid of hulk in itn lh th iihi of an x uy nllil ui h th y hi llmlimito nil tin 1 f m i lit mid uvilt ull h- hy f lrlu on i r lay hiiii 11 tit 1 tli kuuiki i uatim r i wlilh winim hum to im vy lln ft 111 uiy 1 ly l inn 1 wnlil i 1 1 in li illtliu iii i nls un i 1 iullt unit h in ill llmv k l mi iii toll thul till illy lowt al h 1 1 1 1 iv ull l put out of thi lumkii roberts x b afrhe titrmctcgxlpivrjirm for c01i13 colds 2 and bronchitis g -v- a flour thats at the head of the prootssion of pin try mukcrs is tke excclsioi hnuid it hua u tiatunil und tiarimd right to talto f such high rank because the wheat from wlnoli it ia j made tho sklm enre und cknnhncii used in its manufacture prove our claim that excelsior flour is the best made try excll5i0r flour to day dhlindsay miu street acton oituuo for tender mcltingly delicious and wondrous sav ored turkey you must roast it in arf smp crystal ware or pearl ware roaster this roaster roasts as if by magic it bastes the roast or fowl the fat dripping down from above the delicate juices and rare flavor are cooked right in nothing is lost there is no wasteful shrinkage when you buy expensive roasts of meat turkey or other fowl or fish you want them perfectly cooked for from 200 to 400 you can purchase a splendid smp roaster that will positively guarantee the roasting to ensure the perfect cooking of an expensive 15lb turkey surely it would pay you to use the proper utensil an smp roaster costing only onequarter the price of the fowl i a roaster that fully guarantees perfect roasting 1 after thehardest roasting an smp roaster cleans as easily and simply as a china dish lb scouring or hard cleaning there are styles and sizes to suit every size of roast fish or fowl finished in pearl ware two- coated pearlygrey enameled ware or crystal ware threecoated snowy- white enameled ware you can inspect them at any good hardware one short month ug ui h perspire just think ho wo ull did now mown the cellar to food the furnace rtre fcuch seuson ha it speclulty um tho hand thut wu blistered by tin lawn mower now looks forward t thu rullousc of tho coal und snow khovols october whuiu your friend jack krostt you ulwuys com u together with lovely uitve oil ull the treo and husy dretuny wvuther these uru moving duy no sooner does u mun got hi ghrlxtinus und now yeur hill putd than tin begins saving for his summer varutlon und us soon us hu gets on his foit after thu vaca tion he hu to buglu shopping eurly a many happy returns at the clouu of u wvdillng break- fut u guost noted for htu bluiitlsr roso to hi font cuuslng keen uiixlnty to ull who knew htm iaidiou and gontlomoii ho said 1 drink to thu huulth of the bridegroom i may he sou many duy jiko thlsl investing foh the family ahiuliaiti limoln humuruusly suld of u poor neighbors ussots ho ha a wife und two thldion which i should think were worth thirty thousand ilul- lur to any niuii hu tuuilly 1 tllo grcutust vijaltii of ry inunihui of it tho nrst coiicjrn ufthu hullvlduul or of society ll 1 a goliluil invvstmunt uiul tmods tijo sakiio protaclloii uut care thut uny lnvustmrtt luqulru onu of its bust uufeguurds is good reading uliu uf the things tliuf put in inupuidy 18 bud ruudlrtg the youths cumpunloii hu ulwuys bean pc mutur it supplying gootl read ing whut u united hluton bond is to invimlor its prlnultile is gilnruil- teed und it lull rst is puld with ry issiin try this luvostniunt for ur futnlly thu g3 issue of 1bj4 will bu urowd- 1 with stritfl stories short stories edltorlul poutiy fuels umirun bub- scrllni iiiw and ruoelvu 1 tho youths compuntpn l3 ls- is in 1bs4 3 au lhs remulnlng issues nf 1b13 3 ths rnmpunloii lluiim calendar for lbst all for i lu 4 or include mi culls muguslne is monthly uuthoilty on rushlon lloth pitlhutlons only 13 00 tiua yoiitira couraniotj cuinmoitwuultlt ave and ht 1uul ut lloaton uuss nnw uuusurlptlon t oocilved ut this otneo keep your eyes clkan otaar and hlalvftv full une qfse piroducts handled by james symon hardware acton ontario iltvtmtmlmtaf atm1vt1mi ml aim ml putting acton on the map acton inerchants who believe in ad- vcrtihing are doing a great deal to help put their town on the map odier towns are doing all they can to pull trade their way and away from acton newfapaper advertising ib one of the strongest magnets that can he used to hold trade and bring new buyer to town and once die path is travelled from a farmers or viljagerb door to a shopping centre it is easier to make the same trip next time especially if a good reception is given the outoftown buyers when they come here local merchants can put acton on the map sfwlwj jd3mnljmlltibl- oiiaijj- ur l ijjtlit h ii- t x ic jjwwkiimjjsfelc-

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