Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 3

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cghg arton 3frgg jhrgbg tuuatudavjjovlmoiat 1 ij witfl a smile tl f work of llf if w l f if y ii ii ii with i ii 11 tl itur 1 it m nlw y hi m r if y mi life h will t mil riu nuimy wiy u iny lu til vi llllil i ii 1 if y u fill w it ii 1 url willi uu liy h y ul 11 o mn f uf- 1 t 1 v i 1 if y ii fiu ii wlili i mil tt n utiik i f uf in ml mr 1 if ii lion il with a ui ill oil itlv k 1 1 w rr w ai 1 it in 1 iir 1 irt lu utronk- iivtr il in hull if l nil rnw an 1 ih 1 omiiy t iliit sung tl i nui if iii li tit r j with til 111 f lift urn stnoom ir yi u clltiil iiimh with a mmllii ri ii ulwuyii nun uml llniuim i mi tho imarl 11 smiling wool it i ion ih that irupe tho h avun i tlit tit uitl a hut bruhu tho fnel mr greeley at the table huvtral uf the uiiocilirtm that th into utnbuanadoi lu fngland vhllolaw hull used to r lalo f ii- at o ureeley his old cm fin tribune havo ruconlly 1m fentng tho ruundi of tho pnuu mw of them tatar to hi peculiar it ion 111 ih utile u fow to those in udl luyed in ootn pany especially at table win r his uhsent mlndo iness and queer theories combined to produce um xpctd suit otic when ho wu in toko supper with a daughter of nathanlol willi founder of tho poihpanlon oho sr ranged the moat especially to suit hin ideas it wu simple am there mora plenty or tha crahiun thing hat ho advocajod so anion ty hut lest bor own family should rebel ihoro wm also hot rolls upon tho table ur ureeloy yo fastened ujon thorn at once and in nor lug the graham imi conveniently at hand ho reached for a hot roll and then for another ai you preach was the unperturbed re marked that she u delighted to see that ho liked hr rolls but that aho had though l ho did n t eat such things funny do you always practise what you preach was tho un port orbed ro joinder and ho made his on tiro meal off thu delicious but indigestible rolls that hilt own decreer badkuilahed from ihu greeley home leaving a scant few for his table xxmipanlons who had l eko out their upper with the undo elrablo em hut if he wu funny wbnn he knew what he ate he was funnier wtv did not a in the famous episode of the cruller which occurred at the table of his boarding house when the crullers wore passed to him in atead of taking a single cruller hi accepted the entire baakol and ab sent placed it n tnl lap as he con tlnuod hta discourse p vague ly aware of something there hia luuid wandered downward and encountered a cruller thu he mechanically oraap ed and raised to hi mouth quite unaware of what he waa doinjr ata and talked talked and ato cruller after cruller disappeared untu basket was empty the company were convulsed with suppressed merriment one or two had to leave the table t have their laugh out in the hall but the kindly landlady distressed on account of possible results remem bared having heard that the best ajitl dote to indigestion was chees quiet ly removing the empty cake basket from mr greeleys tap aho put in its placet a plate of cheese trusting to providence that his habltuatod hand would continue its action it did ills talk flowed qn but his fingers found the co pes a and it too disappeared tv the last crumb those who saw the sight it is declared were ofm in the belief that mr qreelay did not know he had eaten anything tbat evening smiling the old farm mono kdousxd detail e the famous french artist was long the possessor of no less a treasure than the flag of the musketeers of touts xiii the flag followed by the dartgnan of history and supposedly by the so much more real ivartagnan of romance with his comrades porthos athos and aramis thu hag together wthmr pwouw a- for 2 lo trophies weapons and uniforms bequeathed to the nation to be pre served- in bis home as a museum of military costume detallle had himself served in the kranooprussian war and had soldiers experience to re enforce the artists imagination a touching anee noote of his army days has been pub lished in the french newspapers in a lull after a halfday of hard fighting the young detallle heard a faint voice calling to htm comrade comrade dotal he i it called detaille crawled across and inquir d oompasalonatoty what he could do for the sufferer a splendidly built blue eyed young fellow who was frightfully wounded it waa you was it nol was the reply who drew those comical pic turns of the prussians you know the other night detallle remembered some car lew tures that a few nights before had aroused the merriment of his company yes my poor friend it was i he admitted j3ut what can i du f r your have you a pencil and a scrap paper in your pockets t asked the wounded man detallle fell und found that hehad then draw mil i beg you will draw me said the young soldier and he gave the name and address of his sweetheart for whom he wished the sketch to be made hbe had asked for a picture of him before he left for the front but in the huatu of getting on it had not been taken now it is till h will have the i icture and if you do not draw mu she will have nothing of count detallle compiled uut it wu hard for the poor fellow was rack d by convulsions of agony and the artist win almost unmanned by sym pathy yet betweejf thu spasms the hoy kept ht faro slm hut he was troubfcod that ho oould not fwhnjly control himself it is not like this i wish hur to see me he gasped uut you will draw my taue between times when i can siiilkf i cannot smile ul the time hut you will draw tnu theiit not the other tlmest only whun i am mil jngt only when yotj urn mllhik my bruve friend promised thu artist uti t pnwnuy he showed him the sketch seel i have the snilitt titers is bo thing tu frighten her thun the buttle proku forth agiilti de utile swept forward with thothar ing ranks and only ater several hours could he return lo whr thu youiuf hero lay lie found him uulte dead smiling n death thi nl 1 h mm 1 was horn in thu hmusttud ml i the inn cotniu litculing buck across thu years i ikt murmurs on the breeze and y l there are no rat lures hui h nu jioets sing in all tile host of memories the olden dr earnings bring in winter or in summer on tho homestond that i know though clear the day or rainy there were endives tasks to do and though wo labored hugoly krom dawn to sotting sun it seemed to mo u dreaming uti my work wus never done the chores i did were lesion i threw hay from the mows i currlnd count less horucn 1 mllkod a drove of cows and when the day waiver to keep my thought from uln 1 nllod tho palls with water and lugged thu stove wood in my tasks done in the winter i cllmlmxi thu d nifty stairs into an orotic bedroom to shiver through my prayors hut during all the summer this room of mine wquld be as hot as well the regions which good souls never sea lot others by ran the glories of tht old home mid the trees now i havo a shower bath to use whenever i please now i have a comfy flat ad from my easy chair i laugh at the old homestead and rejoice thai im nut tht re edgar daniel kramer this nun kramer would readily qualify as a humorist any way his reasoning in verse roust not be re garded seriously for it is the boys who passed through tho experience he now shirks who have made the big men of canada boys who grow up cities seldom rise beyond the eecre turlal stage of course there are ex captions but tho intelligent farm homo has no equal as a training ground ror boys and girls too memories 11krb and there i havo read with much lntocest the editorials which havo appeared from llmo to time in tilm pass posa im pressing the desirability of an organ ized plan for systematic perpetual care or all the plots in koirvlew cemetery and pointing out the duty or the council in putting some adequate plan of this kind lntoaitecl i say frankly thorns my sentiments 1 will re jolce and so will mary and many others to see such a plan put into effect it won t be long before both of us are laid lo rest up n that beautiful lod s acre and if we had assurance beforehand that our graves would be kspt green and tidy bo glad- 1 dont much ilk suggestion of the cltuen referred to a week or two ago that if the council falls to take action in the matter within the next few weeks the ques tlon be made an issue at the coming nlclpal elections but weve waited ment with rtsjxxt lo the removal at the m1iijl arrnijvomenil woni finally made an 1 uvnr alaco thu fulr his been hold in the park ror n nlimlnjr of your tho orkunlsu tlun which i ndtictud tin ftlr wuh imwii itu a ion union j xhltiltlnn aa imiiiiiiii tin unit rn wire nuw uwl f a ton liusiiirsu men un i u iiiniitii r f iniuhburii u futrmurn v r st vi rftl year n lulrciuliiii at ion unli ii rxlillillloi vuu unfi rtui uto tu havlnn w i hoi or fair dayu there wm n rail nsurnnrn in those dayu un i it i t nult nniincna were r ukht ti u luw i i tho 1t rt was fin lly luron tlnuntl and for u y ur or twi thnr was no fulr in anton alxiul this llmo ls tuuli x full uiiuujly hrld at otmiri otown f ii on evil iperlnnccn find ri tin i itmtt on the flnunclul rorku a proixtnul was made to hold 1 jiout lng fair on ultnr nute yoarn ul attiin qiul leoruotown this worked w 11 for a tiuml r yoars ii wuti rutin r u rt inurkuhlc ro liirldnnco that fir u numl it tt yeurn in nurcnii3lon tl a fair w uld go ouorgetnwn with a full tn fiury rrom a tit un und ntuni tho nrnl your wlui diphtud flnsimol th n uhuiit fir teen yeuni ago uorelnwn hud m x ceptlonully good yur whi n tht limn foi the m xr unnuul meeting oamu around u fow oi rut wunooj in put ttiofr heads iswetlior und do idod that it would not ln cimmi hiiy tu have next fulr go to anon with a big giant canadian pacific pier lnder way at vancouver innu taken without avalcsini if u imir petuul care plan cannot be secured in any other way then i say put the quesuen plainly before every candidate who presents himself plump and plain will you use your fluence if elected to promptly take action to secure tho organization of a perpetual care plan for kalrvlew corooteryr that would bring them all to time and assure citizen that something will be done put it up every one of them if the presei council falls to act in tho remaining meetings of this month the young lollow on the hank tilups is evidently interested tn acton fall fairs history thu is very worthy of him the young iran who takes an interest in oca history will find himself growing more und more to desire to becom ucuuainted with thu annals of the community huch know lodge generally leads to loyalty to the town and its institutions history of acton lut kslr ex periences goes back over half u con tury the nrst fair was hell in tha i it stood un its iirutin of uowt r avoni whore vlllunor ao1 mn cause for damages in llpplncott s msgsslne uppears the following interesting story which illustrates the dangers of too prompt obedience to orders say tom said jack did you know that ulll was going to mud the company for damages t ho you dont sayt was the uti swer tvot did they do to hlmf f explained jack they blw the multtln whistle when e was arr iii a eavy pec uf iron and e drop ped it on u foou drill shaul wli sltr at ttu lurnor uiil- fclgln utreets the residence of m holmes is now located tho exhibit of horses cattle sheep and pigs was held in the held un lkiwr avenue then owned by dr morrow hmtnw umu- pled by the far lorv of wti htoroy a hon irniiiklln hjusre and assoctutlnn terrace it wus a good shnw attracted large crowds but naturally hud its limitations the classes and sections j ere much less liiirnorous in those uys- both lu tlnthall oxhlblis afd the lists of atook entries in those days a low was u cow and the difference in kinds and breeds weru not ooiijdertjd the imist family oyw which guvo tho most milk ws thu t rlso taker the horse classes were bontlned to drufts currlago horses and sud he imrtnj present day variety of dlsuiiltln be ing then unknown thare wus no splitting at hulr to muku u dlntinu tlon and hew iuhscmi tha spomltng k plsuu up and down llowtr avam i think the tompetltloiiswri us kti in those day in all deiiartnunil they ure to today uhd the peot 1 had just as much interest an i it thorough unjoyniant hut ween thirty und forty yautrs ag ir publia tark woi purtluised rrom the late william k hmlth and th fhun beoame actons fulr grounds or oxhlhltlon grounds us limy won dlgnl mnlly called in thoso days w never thought tif calling this great uuturaii enterprise a fall fair bark in tho ttnma it wus ulwuy aaluq exhibition the lurplus in the tiraiiury tin mooting wus par bod th acton floli gatlon outvotetl and the surond full lu succession wauuirrangod to le huhl in georgetown thu acton men came h itm ui 1 n cltid thnsn funs un i immediately m public meeting was ho 1 u now or ganlsatlon tiftocted t i bo known as acton kftji kalr a guarantee fund of yr00 was ralsod und paid by our cltlxens und a uplcnclld fair has been maintained from your to year ulnce thu government recognlxod acton s ikmiltlon i ut acton lnll 1utr on tho list fof annual rovarrununt grants und tha fnlr has prospered every your to day we have one of tho most com pre honslvo prize lists to be found in uny of tho smaller fairs with worth while prize money offered in evory class it is a satisfaction to all to know that tho fair this fall was one of the best aver held here a piece of enterprise which char acterlxed tho first fair under the now organisation ton years auu was tho engagement of the royal grenadiers itand of toronto they were a ureal drawing feature uo far us thu musln wu concerned however tay uld ears wore just as woll datlshod with tho splendid programme supplied by our own acton cltlxens itand ut our last und previous fairs mow young follow horns what you asked for a brief history of the fairs of acton for tha post half cen tury if you want elucidation rest met ing memories of any uther local insti tutlon 1 11 do my best to give you what liartlculars my old rememberer can furnish no need to worry t m in a great hurry this morning mr otway the summer boarder an nounced as she climbed into thu car ryall that served in conjunction with a leisurely white mare to convoy the occasional traveller to and from the railway station i must maku tht earlier train instead of the eight forty five do you think we shall be able to do ur no don t you worry a mile misa emmons mr otway replied urlngty tou aln t knowln to this mare and to what she can do the way i am i ve tried her to that station and back a good many times fust and last there was that time him s george broke his leg 1 went to the station that tme in fourteen minutes then there was that time when sen ator wright s wife was sick down south somewhere and he just hud to ketch a train son to git where she was i didn t loot along ahy that time you better b uevel and then whomhe bates boy had the pneumony as the thought and it turned out to be the measles i haven t really hur rled her much since that time i nllui kind of thought i started her wind some then and 1 ve let hor take her own time ever since hut she was good to make it then in fourteen or fifteen minutes and wo had all of twenty minutes when we started uut mr otway persisted the boarder i realty am worried becuuso it is imperative that i catch that train and you admit that you have no driven so fast lately j low long ago waa it that you drove in fourteen mi nut oar mr otway considered u moment thoughtfully i wal he said at length um near as i tfn reclloct tho last time was on account of the bates boy 1 can t be sure within a year or so bub it must have been bout nineteen years ago ihb summer olddup beast thu growth of vancouver and the ever im reusing iruns pnchlo trodo of this seaport has necessitated tho ronslrurtlon of a now pier one of tjio largest on the continent for th accommodation f tho canadian 1 arifl tnipren hnrs aocordlnk to n announcement made by 1 w healty k c pre lent of tho conn any at vh wuvr recently tho i lor which is l bo known us i ir ii c will bo of modern concrete design capable of berthing i ho largest vuauoht trading lo and front thlu w rt it will i 1 100 fool ln and will oxtond from tho tjhoro betwet n i lor a ilurrurd titreet and pior d aranvlllo hire t in uurrurd inlel an putloy of several million dollars upon this work and the associated buildings will be involved t never forget a face probably no i ubllo man has a less retentive memory for faoes than mr lilntdi during hjs chief secretary ihip of ireland while staying at an lutel in klllarney he was introduced 0 a government omclul named pits patrick next morning mr blrmlt on coming downstairs went ufc to a man luuned ben tie y whom he had met caa uajly a year before and shook him warmly by the hand mr uentlay was both pleased und surprised that mr lllrrell should hsvo recognized him on the spot but when someone marked to tho chief seer tury about his meeting with ur ueniley mr llir rail replied rent ley who is rentleyr why that chup you rushed up to wndhrrook hands with in the luill good heavens salt mr lllrrell 1 thought he was vllxputrlck baino time urterwurds sir rent ley wus heard hqjdlng forth lit a train on the subject of mr nirrell t havon t a word tu say for his policy and all that hu said but there is one remurkublu charuoeri tlu about him ulrrell never forgets a faoel neighborhood news- town and country milton mr j c lagleson has soil his real dnncu on itoltort street to mr l handera jlev canon nuftel conducted mission services in ht hildas church toronto last week rev fc if hole milton preached anniversary sermons last sunday on the carllsje circuit mr w j hartley owner of tho finest fruit farm in tho district has sold his ut pie crop for ontt thousand dollars thp buyers to do their own plaklng churles und mrs i his of milton announce the engagement of thali eldest daughter j tot a florence to george kdwurd eon of b it ajid mrs smith of rartonvllle reformer mrs alex lees commercial street rotumnd home on monday from u two months visit to scotland messrs t d hume ac hon have sold out their shoo business which they havo conducted successfully for nearly five years to a l macnabb who has lakftn possession i e heck of georgetown and wm pun ton of milton got home last week from their outing at rice lake with wei duncan of toronto and m v ronton up to the time they left the total bag of ducks for three days was 20 tuesday evening there was a large attendance of inembors at a special mefcjig of ht clair lodge no 1j6 q ii c with a number of visitors meet of theqi from campbell lodge no cos camphellvllle the meeting was called for tho in vesture of r vf hro j m mackenzie doom of hamilton district with the regalia of his orlcc lo which he was elected ul the meeting of the grand lodge of canada in ontario at toronto cham plon wus the nrst lusldu inhibition ut the new park was htd in a bfg tan toiil tho show looked very well th und the peoplo went well pluused think tha lata j k mtuarvli he rotary treasurer ut that ili che drill shed was niuvwi to r pruoent location abotal thirty yurs ugo uetweuu the datt of th sxhlbl tlon in the tent and lh removsl of the drill shed the uxhlbit of stock mid other uutsldu entries was held ut thu park and the in si i u shu4 ut the drill shod llelhg so fur upurt this waa very inoonvotiieiit the municipal council was tinully she knew tharo is no usu trying lo jouu with i woman the uther day jones heard a retty good conundrum and duclded to try it on his wife do you kuow why i mi ilka hiulot he askud hur whijit hu weut hoihu ihe wife did not vyoii stop to think no she replied promptly 1 know you urv but i dun t know why you ore burlington at lis last meeting the town coun ell decided to offer knox cburuh 60 per foot for the land adjoining tho tire hgll i miss elsie hruton arrived an sunday frutn dudley england and is the guest of mrs cadman gaclph h treat knox church ladles aid held apron shower in aid of tholr baxsar at the home of mrs w w royd on tuesday afternoon on thursday evening the members of the women s institute packed a barrel of preserved fruit at the publlo library for shipment to the sick chll dron s hospital toronto mr frank hills who haa been con fined to st joseph hospital hamilton for the post few months hud his hand amputated last friday and is progressing as well as can be expected representatives of the klre under writers association am in town mak ing a survey of tho town with a view to ce adjustlngthe insurance rate mr und mrs d j johnson akron ohio and mr and mrs h l- carson ottawa have been renewing i ac quaintances in town and vicinity the muslcalc held under the uuu ploea of the methodist women s ml slonary society at the home of mrs t foster yesterday afternoon was splendid success over loo people being present arrangements are being completed ror tha organization of the milton die trlct young peoples debuting league about sixteen leagues are expected tu mplts numbered alphabetically w follows 1 appleby 3 bethel 3 iirante 4 uuiilngton 6 carlisle i east plains 7 ebenexer tt kilbride lowvllle to milton ii oakvtlle 13 ralermo 15 trafalgar 14 water down 16 west plains 19 dimmer man gazette oakville a by law f r t2 000 covering a loan secured on thu now addition to the high he boo i un 1 quit mont was pass od ut ins mooting of the town council during thu past few weeks rapid strl irs havo been mode in connection with the tonirucjjoji of the new tor onto hamilton highway bridge across the sixteen mllo creek tho ladles aid of knox church ontortalned the members and adherent of tho t hurxh ut a most delightful social truth i ring in the church hall on monday evening mr uurnoll of toronto has pur chuaod u building lot on palmar avt nun and haa started the construe lion of n new house ho purposes in tho near futuru to rnovo his family to town on monday oyaalng hutt the first social of the soason was held by tho a v 1 a of st judos church tsere was un exceptionally largo attendance und much enthusiasm shown in the various discussions which ensued a mosl enjoyable time was spent recently by tho people of the drum guln community at the home of mr and mrs j v ford the occasion be ing a reception and shower in honor of mr clarence rord un i his brido nee miss c farlow of milton on friday evening of last week mr und mrs n ollbert uronte enter talned the mnlvirs club to a supper after which the regular club meeting was hold also community singing etc the boys had a very pleasant time and expressed their gratitude to their host and hostess ror their hospitality 1 loading of the father saved percy walters toronto rrom a probable jail son tehee when ho at pea red before magistrate hhlel is tn tho police court last wednesday to answer a charge of assaulting highway constable hunter in imposing a flnu of ss0 and costs amounting to 130 magls irate shields stated that the highway olncer must be backed up by the law as tho safety of motorists largely depended on how tho highway regula tluns were enforced record georgetown a donation mrs murphy was gutting the supper for thu chlldri mi hal unlay nlghr when u young woniuil mine to her riti u lolkotor for thu drunkards hoinv she said could you help ust oomu around to night und 1 ii i you muiphy suit jito huhsewifu mio went about her work her only flight through air little netle s mother wus inter tulnhig u fanuiraa aviator after he had nnlshod a thrilling story little daughtur sighed deeply and said ive clear forgot how it fouls to sail through thu air why nullle said hsr mother in shocked voice you wore hover in n ulr in your sjfu i gracious mammal ttavn u for i seventeen feet of whiskers tho man with tho longest whiskers in tho tl nllod states and perhaps in tha world has imon discovered it took all of seventy seven years for the whisker to rout h their record tiruaklng length and they are st growing their owner flnd it co venlent to carry them tpeked into bug insldo his wulstoout but nuw and then ho ts willing at tha request of a visitor to bring them forth from concealment and n t thorn fall in a cat araot on tho floor hans w langseth ot harney in the breezy state or north dakota is the man who claims tho honor of possessing xhe champion set of whis kers although un aged resident of klco nov is roportod to run him a clono bocond with a growth of eleven foet seven inches langseth admit frankly thai ha does not pay much attention to his wills kers any more they hove ceased to interest him as u phenomenon at u convontlon at which ha was a guest in chlcugo the other day ho said that ho hud hot looked ut them for u year at that time ho found tluit thy total led seventeen foet it ut hot surprising to discover that langseth was lwrn tn norwuy tho land of the vikings whro tho board was the sign uf tho warrior and thu loader of inun nor is it surprising that lu should prefer to koop his re tuondous whiskers lu co muslin en l- frou a place of honor the beard has fallen in th last imlfrojitury to be a subject of humor notice to creditors of andrew n cre gsntjeman deceased tho creditors of andrew n croc late of tho township of erin who died on or about the fourth day of septum bor a d 1023 and all persons having claims against his estate are required on or before the lftth day of novem bor a d lv2 to send by post pre paid or otherwise deliver to tho un derslgned solicitor far tho admin is trator of the estate of tho sold andrew n cree their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions full par ticulars of tholr claims and the nature of the security or securities if any held by them for tho same and that on and after the said 19th day of november the said admlnls trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate as provided by law among the parties legally en titled thereto and he hereby gives notice that he will not be responsible thereafter for any claim of which he shall not have received due and per nonal notice at tho lime fixed for such distribution dated this 18th day of october a d itll gavin crbe admin i tratur by h n farmer acton ont his persuaded to confer with tb oovarn igoliau that the sttork brought mt mr j r mcleod of windsor visit ed rrlends lu th old home last week dr and mrs homervlllo of halley bury v sited with friends in town last week col und mrs rullantlne of hnmll n n v vlsjtwd with mr and mrs john fcallantlne lust week mrs peter dick and children have returned homo after spending fuur months with mrs larly uf juakutuou mr und mrs j a wu lough by at- tondol the wedding of their nlvco mis willoughby at oltuw last week rev dr mccoli is progressing nloely ufler his operation at toronto hu pital and expect to be able to return home shortly i the nrsineii lire ready tnoklng pro paratlou for their abiiual oiitortaiu meat mrs wesley llooth accompanied by her little grandson lcdsel omar mu don of olohwltllams went to port huron mloh last week where they will speud two weeks with relative mr joseph irftfrplicoirt of m u vlsjtlnk his sister mrs v a war ley on haluxtluy afternoon about forty lady mid geiitlutneii golfers from georgetown played a friendly match with the thlstlotown gulf and count ryi club ut thlstlotown mr will 10 flume a georgetown boy educated at u rgelown high school and lately principal of howard b treat school toronto wus last week appointed by tho hoard of education to the responsible position of luspeo lor of schools to succeed uto lata walter ilrytie a series of union torvics bsuaii on m mpday in the m thndlst church with tha hope that tho whole town and mid ing community will be bene fitted itav on crossluy of toronto who will be in charge his u tontlnentul rvputalioit as a sane and itotlve workariis wanted women weavers for wool- fen mill 50 hours per week saturday free lcaroen aught harris co limited rockwood villaqe op acton notice of registration fiv bitlaws notice la hereby given that a by law was passed by the municipal council of the vluago of acton on the eighth day of october 1883 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of itfiloo ror the purpose of defraying tho cost of the construction of a cement sidewalk on the south easterly side of brock street tn the said village from the north easterly limit of lot twenty nine 89 to tho south westerly limit of lot twentytwo i and that such by law waa regis to rod in the registry office of the county of hsjton on the 10th day of october a d 1923 and notice further given that by law was passed by the said council on the eighth day- of october 1923 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of x soo00 for the purpose of defraying the cost of c truction of an extension to the wat works system on the following streets within the said village namely on victoria avenue from brock btreet tp mill street on church street from victoria avenue to lot 33 on mil street from the toronto suburban hallway to cameron street and on cameron street from mtll street to the pond and that such by law also was registered- in the registry office h ore lp be fore mentioned on the 10th day of october a d 1923 any motion to quash or set aside either or both of the said by laws or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter dtod the ibth day of october a d 1823 10 3 ii n faumhil clerk personal greeting cards beautiful embtematic christmas pesigns artistically lithographed your name neatly printed rn text or scripts fine plate card with envelopes to match- good choice of designs and greeting inscriptions no 1 no 2 no 3 i poz 2 dor 3 doz i doc sl75 z25 3x0 3 jo 375 c50 47s 575 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone hw t a flour thats at the head of tho procession of pastry makers is the exeelaiei brand it has a natural and earned right to tajf0 such high rank becauso tho wheat from which it is made the skill care and cleanliness used in its manufacture prove our claim that excelsior flour is the best made hry excelsior fl0uh today d h lindsay mill street acton ontario uimmumummumammmnmmihuxmnxmuuimmiwuuiiuuiuitmxuikuinifumititkmhw choice clover honey six 10 ih palls in crate price 110 andrew mopherbon norv1 i i acton monument works uic alalia and impohtbkrl ok monuuicntb ov all kinds orders for lettering op stones already erected promptly at lainded to bgpert wurtunatishlp and reasonable price j nicol u03tmt mxuubt aqtok i n advertising campaign it is not wise to bpeak ofan advertise ing campaign you can accomplish any thing by advertising you can accomplish nothing by an advertising campaign either voir advertise or you dont ad vertise the word campaign is too limited to describe tins thing you might as well speak of a breathing campaign or an euting campaign do not think of advertising as spuie- thuig to be done by fits and starts if you have any buch idea take twenty deep breaths right now and then try stopping until luneli time v the successful advertising campaign is one that continues all year around ejsjsj i a it

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