Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 4

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ifigriv75f5s thsshivftx wy wksbbwswn the 1iouc of in aetna 3frr ijirrflh tilt acton ikfce iffcss la f ttiurxuy mptnlnfl at tt irao vrcaa lluiliina ill ii sir arton ontario tho iuln iptloo price i 900 par year in mwinc iucimk m charge dililiiinnal lo officca la tha united fitatca th data to which aubacifptlona ar paid u indicated on lh aiidretr label adverti31nc battstfaoaleol advetiae men la 10 cent pr una aftaia maaaure or brat inaettion and s cent xr line or each aubaa- guant insertion coo tract dlaplay adaartlae- nnli for 90 tnehea nf more par annum 16 cattta par inch each inaotion aitertiacmattta with out apaclde dirhloa will be la serf d fill forbid and cnard accordingly nt and editof telei-llones- ed j to rial and bualaeaa oace ridanc olprttujoot ontario fine road system hon george s henry jvj p p ministor of high ways evidently believes in giving credit for good work even if it has been accomplished by a political opponent speaking at a largely attended meeting of the young mens club of the toronto board of trade tho other evening he declared ontario has a road system to bo proud of no other province in tho dominion is so well equipped in this way see ing that the present good condition of the roads of tho province is largely duo to the work undertaken and carried forward under the direction of hon f c biggs the minister who preceded hon mr henry tn the late drury government tho now ministers words aro certainly magnanimous thursday morning november i 1023 editorial a stock show which develops canadian judges the international live stock exposition which is held annually at chicago will take place this year from december i to december 8 leading stock men of canada have- attended this great fair far years and have been brought under the helpful in fluence and lessons in economy of production so at tract jvclst a god there which when put into practice has resulted in better live stock improved agriculture and naturally better profits- our young men stud cntsfrom the colleges andbrigbt young farmers from the home farms have entered the judging competitions and have been from year to year suc cessful in winning some of the best prizes in the contests with young men of the ignited states this agricultural exposition is no run for profit and all officers connected with it servewthout compen sation being satisfied to take their reward out of the knowledge that r their eftorts will result in an in creased nationwido prosperity in which all share in somcyncasurc canada is representedorr the board oems of thought what u prayer this liaalm pleat flnnnltlnn the llftln up of tin heart to om with all that la in tho heart joys and sorrows hopea anil foam win ami doubts and hoods lip a c hall it la the weight of atolf that over- take up anutherm load it carrlea oura laiigbrldgo our bra nd business la not to won what ilea dimly at n dlatance but to tlo what ilea clearly cloao at hand t curlytn habit la a en bio we spin a thread of it evory duy till at lastwo carunot break it annul it la an art to klve even to our nniiroil friends hut what u teat of manners it w to resolve iu i- heven- win 1 nover loll all yuu know for ha who el la everything ho knowa often tolls mono than ho known arab maxim to snlonco there la no distinction between one country and another- tim marquis of hsjlflbury if a man la fine and stronr nd noble a aool woman wilt help hla virtue fu blossom into nouror- nobotty objects tn a man rldlna hobby tf ho dons not inalat upon oo- cupyln all of the rood thc haymow utepiilnjr atone hi her things rho bore ua bore la testing inspection and sale of seeds ap orderincouncil has been issued bringing into effect the bill respecting the testing inspection and safe of seeds which was passed at last session of 1 the legislature this refers to the grading and specification o f grades of seed placed on the market thus if seed prove not up to specified quality the purchaser can get redress an important provision of the bill has to do with keeping grass and clover seed free from seeds of noxious weeds the remuneration of school inspectors the publio school inspectors of the province feel that they are not adequately remunerated for their services a delegation representing 115 county in spectors waited upon premier ferguson last week and requested that their salaries be increased from j3000 to 4000 the premier expressed sympathy with their position and promised to meet the request to some extent if not to the full amount asked the responsibilities of the school inspectors are large and ft varied and they should be well remunerated 1 r the editorial page the printer and publisher of the current month honors three of ontarios weeklies with a halftone fe reproduction of their editorial pages with the descriptive headline examples of outstanding weekly editorial pages the three papers so desig jrluted aro the central canadian carl et on place gv tb acton free press acton and the renfrew j meroury renfrew the editor comments respecting gvthe cages shown in each isueof these three papers jptwo columhs at least are devoted to editorial com- jvl meijt on current events and questions of the day i above illustrated pages are used to emphasize wl n urjcie by lyle spencer ph d director school kstyoarnahsm university of washington seattle k entitled small town editorials new hope for europes restoration ytfti changes in the attitude of tho nations on hqjjreat question 0 europes restoration have taken 1 pjape during the week the united states has agreed rtt iaqt to participate in the conferences in case frapce aimilarly agrees- france has accepted the gfr j ntf american conference proposal and strong jferfiop iwnow held tor an ultimate settlement of all u ttffferenoea and the restoration of europe gradually 5 m normal conditions frances consent to enter the fc jwlvaory conference of experts will involve the ques- jjjaistfoh of acceptance of the united states principle hwt ho reparationa must bo divorced a point upon 3ykh premier poincaro heretofore has differed from jqrw britain and the united states prance will vhtfc n t0 question of reducing the amount vm indemnity expected from germany under the versailles treaty which in tho past has been fixed at iwcoooooooo in conferences with newspaper correspondents david lloyd george britains war- rjltimopremier speaks hopefully of the situation and indicated that on tho basis of latest advices from europe he believed a distinct advance had been 7juade toward a solution of tho problem vl r protfbluon becoming a great worldwide economic principle prom all parts of tho world these days there jsfif j reports that prohibition is becoming a very liyojssue tho moral side of the question is usually t strong elemcnf in the adoption of a temperance jv policy but the economic side of the gres probjent j is commend in g it in countries where the moral feature ft fa not seriously considered for l fcaori thd k question is becoming morq and 10w widespread flfe pspju wcfping f progs spain by degrees sinc lj gelpral prino defiiycf assumed m absolute dic- 7 l lender tha dictators orderath local gov- l tfrnjow n provmcea of veins barcelona jibatpontycdra hsve cloaca h oafes and other ta- ryiwwments aeling alcohjlj drjnks- reguutiona to kfnsi pxceasivo consumption of wines and spirits ww n fft hythe government of italy last few6fc henwfrwprl the number of bars or other ptilfihments where drinks aro sold will be limited jut- i t0 every 1000 inhabitants in the neighborhood jnitefd of one to every 500 are heretofore a now a new market for fanners farmers ar doing an increasingly large business with motorists it has become customary for truck gardeners fruit growers and farmers living in the vicinity of tho larger centres of population to have wayside stands from which they sell to passing motor ists more business would be transacted tf a farmer were to install his signs 100 yards dowri the road most of the signs are put up right over the tables and the motorist is away down the road before ho can stop and then probably ho decides that it is not worth tho trouble of turning around or backing up if the signs were placed above and below the desired stopping place a motorist would have an opportunity to make up his mind what ho would wish to do and either stop or turn in aiyl make his purchase a motoc travelling twenty or twentyfive miles an hour cannot stop as quicltly as old dobbin could who jogged along at four or five miles an hour the wise truck fanner places his signs some distance away from where his standis located ricoilingwood bul letin- lur men may ria of tholr dead aelv tonnyoon wo can pardon thoao it not thooe whom w iloohefoucauld often when conscience trio to apeak it nrnja tho line buk harrfn bunt ia- hard work doea not make mo jovial i aot too much of it jude irry every duty wo onsit obacuroa aorae truth we should have known the man who never makoa mutakea never makoa anything c license to sell drinks of any kind will be difficult to ft obtain unless the applicant inherits an established 8j business jdr buys one wifoao proprietor are re tf ring kv hours during hlch drinks can be sold are re m stricted and so thequesjtion progrctscs- week after woek other countries are being added whla are enforcing- the x t a vigorously good enforcement of the ontario temperance act continues under tho new provincial government thirty of the provincial police recently raided an offshore drinking resort known as cornwalls beer garden near that town on the st lawrence river one owner and several frequenters were arrested and 78 bags containing 2 bottles of liquor each wece con fiscated fines of 1400 were imposed and the owner will also spend three months in gaol a day or two later three more hauls were made in the same district of liquor coming into ontario from quebec practically 000 bottles of liquor were seized fines of 3900 imposed and one of the automobiles seized by the canadian customs officials the names of the rum runners are interesting louis faignant lheureux cohen downs felix desjarlais eugene dufour a night or two later another automobile containing 3000 or 4000 of liquor was captured between belleville and napanee the drivers escaped ip the darkness picton gazette similar activity is observable in all parts of the province and the violator of tho law aro sure to pay the penalty sooner or later who keep up a front ivota of people re in arreara in the battle of life one cannot hlro ubatlluta the only work that hurta la hope- loaa work crime la bocomlna a boy problem editorial notes the canadianbanking act should beamade just so effective that it will be no longer necessary to lock the stable door after the horse is gone or the depositors lose their money st catharines stand ard mr justice gregory welcoming women jurors for he first time to a british columbia court said that ho regretted seeing them brought down to mans level judge gregory will always be popular with tho ladies in his courts an amusing thing which engenders disgust is to see a public official play petty politics in order to hold h little gang around him tho man who does it is not worthy of public trust and the thinking people will remember him when their day arrives great human hope has loomed up through the scientific announcement tjuu as a result of new dis coveries cancer that moat dreaded o all diseases may now be cureo t disease carries off mqre victims than the great white plgue and a great boon will be conferred upon humanity by- this new discoypry n competition with beekeepers from every domnn fa tho british empire the ontario bee- peeper association vrqrc for tho second year in succession awarded first prize a silver medal for their honey at the ldndbn england dairy alow all the colleges tn the empire had honoy exhibits entered in this big show v life is not so much a game of chance as many young people aro prone to suppose ft is true tiat a lazy youth may inherit a fortune whilo another who is industrious remains comparatively poor all his life but there is more satisfaction in twentyfivo dollars that is honestly oamed than in a thousand gotten in any other way 1 betting debts are not collectable judge gauld gave judgment against j w livingstone in hamilton in an notion brought by him against frank staunton to colloct 150 which defendant admitted was loaned fprtiie purpose of gambling fan the thomcliffe race tho judge ruled that money loaned for that cllmti4 t i2j vuomn and time kmeraon la aald to have rttmarkod- not in print that women have r clock in their minda he probably meant that women oa a rule have not that continual conacloupneaa appointment to be kept of a si von thlnat that mut be done at a glvoi time which the avenue man la obliged to acquire one renaon for thla may be that women do not often oarry a time piece upon tholr poraona becauae of that lamentabjo deficiency of poclcota which to the maaculino eye appr to bo the fundamental defect of feminine drea even whon n vatch la worn pendent or attached tothe wriat the oboorvor auapoota that ornament lo more often considered than ua punctuality the constant realisation that you muit make your actlona fit into the hmeacheine of othera and the re n oral movement of tho world la tho flrat principle of bualnoaa a man muai learn it oven tbouah it aooa orntnat the smln and although hla habita remain ahlftleaa and trrejrular in the aecluaion of hla homo probably the lncxeaalnar army of women wboto livelihood dependa on bualnoaa under stand it bettor than tholr mother did but tho housekeeper and tho homa- koopor do not keep office houra thoy have a lordly indlfforanoo to tjmo aa if ft wore a oervant a it should be not a tnaater an hour allotted fon thla a half hour for that to be alwayo watchlna tha kitchen clock and tlmlnc the native impulse of tha aooll poriah the thouchtl the point u that the hfoiof a mother and a houaekeeper cannot bo scheduled it may be orderly ayatematlc it can not be men ocanpialn ot lntorruptlona a womans life la one lone interruption would ilka to toko her needle and nnlah a fussy pleorf or work that could bo done in an hour during that hour tho kitchen tiro needs at tention twice the arocer call two notch bora telephone one chlm cuta a flnrer another quarrela wltbiar utile playmate a third ahquta voclferoualy for a luncheon to be put up for a days plcnlc and that quiet hours aow- hur contain a solid hour and a half of thlnat that aro not sewing at all how would this l woman fare if oho carried tho added worry of a clock in her mlndt but if women have no clocks tn their minds at least they have watches in tholr hearts to take the pulse and measure the smallest needs of those thoy love another absentminded a monument was recently unveiled to tho memory of henrf polncare tho famous mathematician and physicist who was a cousin of tho proaldent of france tho occasion recalls a story or two of his remarkublo abaent-rilnd- edneaa almost every day iofncura left hjs money lyln about somewhere pin- ally his mother sewed his purse into the pocket of hs coat but one day when h had dressed in a hotel ho put on hla overcoat without tho coat and loft that lylno- on a chair need les to say bo hover saw the puroo araln one evening ho was looking in t clossd bookcase for manuscript dur ing tho search ho set tha uunp on u in the case and in a moment of abstraction cloaod the door of the cabinet and sat in daykneas after he had pondered for a timo an tho disappearance of the light he cajno to the conclusion utat ho had suddenly become blind that aoomed to him quite possible since hla eyes wore weak anyway and he groaned at tho thought of his deplorable con dition suddenly to hla surprise a stream pf light appeared coming from the adjoining room and he remarked with much satisfaction my sight seems to have come back again not even thon dd he think of tho lamp in the bookcase i collecting grievances just aa some people collected auto graphs and othera postage stamps o some majte a praotlee of collecting grievances lrobably you have qtm in tattoos whoso collection began when they wore small girls and boys and is still growing thay can ro- mombar the in just loo of the second grade teacher who kept thata aft or school tor another pupils fault tho falsehood of a boy neighbor who es caped parental discipline by making thora responsible for his misconduct stilt rankles ty nothing la gained by making a col lection of grievances whan you bav vrievanea nnlah with it bafore you got anathor f you feel that aomu one has not treated you fairly talk matter over with hina and hoar whg b has to say jr he changes your point of view that moans una grievance the less if he cannot du that dow that you have relieved your mlaidvforget u about it- of alt use less things in tho world a oollectioti of grlevancos la probably tho moat worthleaa unnecessary disturbance during tho hearing of a law case a man began to move about in the back uf the court room iiuahlng back chair and disturbing things generally young matt tho judgv said at lengwji4txjfcjag at him etornly you are making a groat deal of noloo your honor was the reply tho fact u that i havo lost my overcoat and i am looking about to find it well sir said the judge people tan lose whole suits hero without imklng half as much disturbance mookstv a certain lawyer had found the wit ness difficult to manage says harpers magaalne and finally aakod tho man whether or not he waa aqualntod with any of tho men whom ho saw in tho jury bo ye sir replied tho witness more than half of them ara you willing to swear that you know mora than hair of tftemt de manded tho lawyer vhy wtorterfwt f it u0ms t uuit im willing to swear that i know mora than all of them put t mism polly orlmblo of lllglitop rnrni whom the kondorsons worn itoafdlng cast u sharp but kindly nye kerwlorson as that lady looking rather subdued approached from thn barn and dropped into a ptasxa rocklng- chulr thnros boon a hummlnghlrd round tho hollyhocks and tde south ictjulty hunday hchool plonlc wont by in throo wagons and a big automobllo jounc ed nut a screw going over thn thank- ynilmaam and tho languao that ohuuffnur used while he was crawling and nhkorlng was scandalous aald mlsn iouy ehonrfully i wish youd boon hero its iwon rnal ivoly kx- cuso mo but theria a straw in your hair thats it i thought you ought know i guram you didnt ond any orgs did your kggot re 1 ea ted mm fendorson vaguely no i didnt look for nags miss polly how old dp ynu think i yungorn you look today and oldon you looked yesterday re sponded miss polly promptly jcs that horrid haymow said mrs vonilnraon its mado ma fool so tluu and nidi you soo when i was a girl thorn was no puice i thought so njco i 0od to a haymow to set ovor ray troubles and muka my plans and dream my dreams the landscape looked korlrtod somehow whon i saw it through the big barn door and tho air was all strange and goldon not tllcn tho ovoryday world at all c nd up in tho hay i could imagfnit any thing and hope for anything i entered all my finest caatlos in spuln thruilkh a mysterious snore t pasoaga- way that lod into a barn and up ladder and across a slippery rusty tricky exhilarating mountain of swoot hay t suppose im talking nonsense maybo ossanted miss polly but ts nonsense ive sonso onough to un derstand 1yo mooned in a haymow myself thon you will vvvll today was tho first time since ivo grown up that ivo had an hour and a hayloft to- gethor all to myself and oh miss polly tho limit made me sneese mid tho straw prickled and a brlnr scratch ed my ankles end t aaw cobwebs and watched out for spiders and foil as if i should smother and wondered if it wusnt going to bo worse getting down the ladder than it was coming up it was dreadful l ivn grown dull and old thats it a haymow is just a haymow and tho glory la gone and llfu la turned to proao and its ridicu lous to mind it but i tlo i is that your girls coming across d moddort asked mis polly irrolo- ntly carrying waterllllos too my my what armfuln they must hava boon clear to or eat pond wonder now mia fonderaon if there woa over anything yoy or me or any body else could dream into tho lea much nlcorn four pretty girls coming smiling up n hill swing ing trails o waterlilies and waving to thlr mat i wonder no mlas polly declared mrs fon deraon shrdgglng away her blues with a twitch of tho shoulders and a swift answering omllr there couldnt bo anything half as nice and theyre still in thn dramngtlmo bless thoml bear witness ploaso polly ann orlm blo that i alicia fendonton horoby and forever abdicate my royal hay mow in favor of my rightful holrsl an eloquent silence a man of brilliant mllty onco show ed hlmaair wilfully immoral ho nuf- forad a brief moiinoii of unplcusunt niiturlnty in thn iinwimmpara und then ho roturnnd to lilu homo city ohil prospered it almont not mod that his open defiance of q moral and religi ous convictions of tlm community hud bean good advertising for lus buslnoss in bin tuy u fnw ynurn lutor thnro wan a public mooting of moo th jrltiolunl spoukor win a mun uf nu- lonol omlnonco ho bogiin by refor- ing to tho man of whom this story s writton ho huld that ho was proud to pay u trlbutu to tin nchluvomuni whoso brilliant talent and con- struotlvn imagination wir rucognlxoil ughuut tho country und wen across the aaa no opoko warmly alo- juontly thon ha paused for upplauso you might have hourd a pin drop 1 ont clapped thoro wm no iiihmoh thnro was imply un olounrtt slloncu two tnnn walktml ttwuy from tjm moating togathor omi of thorn u young mun ovpronuod hln uririso if ii hud lntf11 u rollgfotis mooting or if women had ijhiii prohmitl should jiot havo woridorofl nald hit but i thuught uuch an uudott would have discriminator botavonn tint mans uon- lus tind his prlvnte diunuottir whs it joalounyt no naid tljo other it was not jealousy if tho aponkor had boon a juktlro or tlln htipronio court and had paid sufh trlliuto tov judge col- man what lhon7 icvory mun woulil have applauded yos and if tho iontmusteroon oral had boon thn upouknr und hud eiokvn so of our postmaster or if u famous surseon hud npokon so of nnn of our physicians or if a groat archi tect had com pi tm on tort of our architects 7 it would have boon tho same if it hod boon a mun ws had broken down under strung tomptutlqn and who wan making un honost effort to do rlghlt i think thoy would huvo appuudo him oven moro thoy certainly would there was no conspiracy of silent o thoro not be for no omi know tn ndvuiu a what woa to bo oaid hut in unit moment not a man foil in his heart impelled to clap hla hand still i huvo hurd it uuld that ho la making mure mutiny now than ovor bofocc tlrut may bo run hut how much money woulil you jmv given if you hud boon in ma pluco tu ohungo thut accuulng nlloricu into somn indication of frlandlinomm and upneovair placing the blame who in to blame whon a boy gons wrongt in tlm iky himself tho only person win is rnonslbla7 dr hun vat bon tlmtlrac iroldenl of tho clilncao repuhllo ullslhls story of the way in which china punlshod u young mun who killed hla father tho young man hlniaalf was put to dnuth ms uncle suffered tlm nunm peimlty it ml the sclioolnuistor and thn mix murost nolghbors ware ofjled ilufo inoru than a thousand nillow from thn vll mo in whl h tho crime oc if is ho chlneon uioory that not only tlm parnnts or a boy but also his otlm relatives his teacher and his neigh bom aro in some degree a countuhli for his cliurnctor and conduct itohlnd all this lies a fundament a truth that we too often ignore a truth unit stimulates tho oenso of responsi bility both in tho family and in the community the chlnpso system could hurdly ik ippjjud in thlh country yot if tiuit imrs tried to know some thing more of their boys limn thoy can loartj in school and if in goners man had more of tlia olderbrother spirit there would lie fewer prnliiom to lx solved kty the judge the probation officer and the re formatory thorn jiro taachnrs und nnlghboro who moot with honor this dolloitov toot but loo many ur in- dltterntit or afraid of 1ml ng m la under iuronts or roumo urn prlmurlly r- spotislble but not thoy ulone our human society is sd interrelated htm wo urn ull responsible in greater li less degree for duo another business directory dr j a mcnlven physlalsn and surgeon oftloo and hosldonco corner i lower venue and klglrj jiiroot illoni h8 dr e j nelson fiudicitlcic hluiilct aotsn ontario dr w s 1aird of uuiglph b0 woolwich htroet icyo lcr nooe and throat leqal fat man a quiet departure mrs smith was engaging a now servant und sat facing the latest ap plicant i hope aald she that you had no angry words with your last mistress before leaving o dear no mum none whatever the prvspuctlvo muld replied with u toss of her head while sho was hav ing her bath i just lockod tha bath room door took all my things and wont away ua quiet as possible on 11 way homo tonight fatty stoppod in rront of a hubor dashers display window i unkod him if ho wus thinking of buying a shirt or pyjamas or something und ha slghod when ho said gosh nol tho only thing that nts mo madymudo is a hundkorchleft blueberries an nch thick a hluuberry an inch in diameter la lot u dream but a possibility at tho united mates department of ag riculture tooling plantation at whltoa hog four mllos oust from drown mills now jersey about 26000 blueberry hybrlda have now boon fruited many of thorn have produced berries thr fourths of an inch an dlsmotsr sevorul fourilfths of un inch and una tit thora this your reached almost sov olshthm of an inch guelph business college offera uptodate clerical iluslpoas h tonography and b- rretariol courses by expert ex perienced teachers students may ontor any day white fob information v d8phott principal you value most what you work to keep r hl money you work for and gave wol mean more and roorq to you as you ee the figures in your bonkboolc gradually mounting up open a savings account vi th us and keep depositing steadily if a letter is more convenient than a call you can open and maintain an account with us by mail acton branch l b shorey manager bank of montreal established over looyeara lppj ilione no 22 r o hox iss harold nash farmer m a barrutar solloltor notary pirbllo convoyancar eto perryman block acton ont monlflv lent om moltttaoes hours ft 10 ajm to c p m haturdays 12 00 ouock h g meir i rlstor solloltor notary publio georgetown ont 1 dental dr j m bell d d s l p dontlat honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anoathotlc used if desired offloe at realdenco corner mill and frederick suset dr f g gollopdd lds dental surgaon ottioe over bank of nora scotia hours e jo to iao bvanlnss by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndar account books ot all kinds made to order periodicals of every description irefully bound itullng neatly and prompuy done wyndbam btnt quolph ont over williams store lodge dieectory sons of england lodge vvoodqreen no 302 mooting first and third thursday in each month at h p m in i o o iloll members and vulting members cordially invltod to attend j precious j little w p 6crotary atjton l o l no 407 on november tst about tu9000000 in s principal and s37 000000 in interest will be paid to dominion government bond- m holder in addition to teveral million in interest on other securities how much of these millions wm be paid to you a due proportion wo trust and that belnit the case we suggest chut you arrange with us now to reinveat your capital by doing ao you will not lose any interest and may have a wide choice of goo4 new invkst- ments to belcct from among whlcji are inter kst security kate dub price bomimron or canada refondino loan b 1m3 matlat 1 1100 tsoo an 31000 jukj province w ontauio imi w uo0 aiul tl 000 lltnult citv ok toronto i 19j9 1j tsoa uj tt ooo iuul ottawa light heat power kefundino mortoage donds i9sj 10 itsqo wul llfioo llond p burns co limited uc mortoacb bonds 4j i43 id uoo l ltfx horuu northern canada power lt mortgage bonds wlo m tfi uoo owl it uoo honda alt prion are and accrued interest semi your order now and wo will tuku any bonds or lotereat coupons you liuve in payment or new bonds and arrange the delivery to you promptly r r a pajly co uamk ov xouotoboujdla 7 i tvssonto r i mm vm tlm uiuinliord it t o ij no 467 will hulil li huuiui ovunlnit in ihu iixik room on rrliloy ololior so kvory- in ibimu hivltil to tin lirumlllll tilftroitt u 1- kennedy w m it a r j kerr auctioneer and real estate v agent 17 yuan exnorience acton ontario bales entrusted to k j kerr ro cotva attention from duto of listing to date of sale list your sajes with mo itealdonoo isovtvt avenue aoton hono 38 acton call at my expense e p bowman basc ols land surveying and engineering 10 douolab st guelph 8uc0o to th it d a nlvn o l 8 fkgravf ng 3 ralliuiimonobrvkbr tfokonio tranaiiu j e cheevers book bjnder qusbso sl at qutph ont itoolts ait tiibhosliios bound ta llauidsomo and uubstatitlal oovurri naiiio lettemd in irom un liiblw- hymii hooks atul otlmr books all work promptly executed the old and reliable granite and marble workd o- xe tzmuiutaoturors and ujrooi importars ofall kinds of uonumonul and heavdstooe work wo noil dlreot to our cuatomora at wnolesalo yrloes thus savins our customers 40 ter oont wo have iho beat apyllaaoos and ths only mohanloa in the ijomjnlon who aaa opsrats pneumstlo tooul lirouoriy ws omn atits reisrenoes from hundreds of our customers in toronto sjd otbef pjaoe wharaothera hav to hava la llltavr order to oolleol we have ths laryaats ud best atook of aranita l ths jlomjnlqn or more thou any tbres dosirs tnttos west ws ars lsria- msto dasjera sua einploy no auiaiita and do not annor or past customers by tundlrat out latdotavnt sarents souolt- laujrdaraww smplot onlj meohanlos oetj ooaumuuon ton sons

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