Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 5

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tfltyg acton jffrr flrrag tuuithuay novbmubh 1 1023 trple8 why do w nftnau of a and trlllfi unlit uu i an thnt ho trill int wlu onu titonii ni 11 jtj r m whrtl lm 1orgot ut rordmiito l n i11 whon tho nikur thn lltth vulio iow if himucn nhull in the itttlo buv in i hold miiny a m thin world lu hilt trifling 1 jy i hut while w ilngr whlrh in cuami thi i hhun llftl sfcf lvllll til- l t li tin uhuitn llii- o1n little tiling i nuiy bring ihoii nliull bi i though hut hinull limy im glvnu nl thy muutiin cult the sunday schqol lesson for sunday novemtlcr uiuu l ij1i j 11 rhhik li ih km l tha tkt explained iiim 101 d- hliituli iih il h iki imm proud itturt tin pmuuiiim lion holitrn but iho jiml rut r wll nut tnluruln ftibjuhood riiln m injiiw tlrt in imi part of tuoim urnufid iilwiiil him i in inuki n it chut hint p rimnti mid public iioiiom lnv ho minio i oin mitndliik hunollunh vonin fl ti11 faithful of lh liiml thin pirnlm hut hion iilh1 bu mlrtnr fur ittihm it in nli children come to canada on mgjc carpet iflwn iho vrlnc 1iiulm llm imnlmlht purpni in hu idin t it i to h ml h villi lilt fiiitbful irmntlmi lnlnh1 twenty vears aqo from the laau of lh free preaa of thursday novmbr 6 1003 it will hit dliricult for lndluu hurnmor to aupply ii nor woathor than the punt turn wonkn have bon it i reported that mr noble im negotiating for thu erection nf hln olovntor at tha u t itr elation or ault thn nuccawor to ir mo- 1 keaguo has arrived with hi family and they are getting aottlnd on uopa hu1 mr h ramahaw photo art la t la having hla atudjo enlargud und mod- ornlxed mr nonuhaw haa lately add ed now lenaea and other appliance ho always keep up to tha time i moaara sarnuol and alonxo worden hove lsaaej the aaa hall farm and have the option of pure ha bo within a year tha ladles aid of tha melhodtal chliroh holt an enjoyable social on tueaday evening liv a c hmlth b a pastor wua in thn chair tho programme included numbora by ilnv and mrs vutgg of nauaguwcya mr i a c chapman mm a t urown miss alllo lalng mia bertie smith uio mala quartuttn oampoind messrs j c hill w will lama a chapraoji and vr huabund tha si day school orohnntra played a number of anlectiona durlnv the ovunlna the conclualurf of fho programme ra- fraatunapui wro aervod by tha lad lea the oddfallowa provided a dallffhtful entsrtaitunent for the people of acton laat friday evening when tha harold jarvla conoert was preaented tha artists wvre fearoid jarvla renowned tenor of ietrolt miss helen wataon contralto toronto and mrs helen warrick safor reader petrolt mlaa marstsret zoellner berlin accompon- lst the whole proaramme was one of charm to the larfce audience married kamsbybenton at northvllle n t- on wedneaday october zt 1903 john ramiey eldest son of wm ramsay olovenrvltle n y form erly or acton to hatuo caroline dauffhter of mra fhrone benton korovlllen y t the joke wa8 on puccini there are ingenious and quick vrlttod newspaper reporters in other lands than oum even la italy where per haps we should not much expect to find them ones when puccini the italian composer was visiting in mjlan h attended s porformanoe of his opera toscav in order to study the l effect of certain darts of the produc tion upon the audience the master entered the house unknown bought a seat in the pit and was greatly pleased with the display of enthusiasm 0tr his opera at the end of the opera he writes in erqernian paper the enthusiasm in creased to a delirium a young lady who was sitting next to roo become highfr incensed because i did not alao 1 join in the applause und with a stare and an insolent toss of her head she said why dont you applaud the master piece t masterpiece 1 ssld f and laughed scornfully dont you believe it why dont you juta the muslor no x said it is amateurish work you do not understand much about music i tolce it remarked my nolgh bor that was enough j begun to tell hef bow according to the rules of thorough bass and counterpoint the opera of tosca was a very poor production i showed her how a cer tain alrla reminded the hearer of ver di and a chorus of dlset in foot i i left npthlng unsaid regarding the whole opera when i had finished my neigh bor inquired is i that your honest opinion really and truly t absolutely well 1 dont know oho aald doubt fully and disappeared in the crowd the next morning i came down to break intending to read my news paper in peaoej but the first thing that confronted me was a headline in heavy type puccini criticises hi tosca and there i read in black and white all the sharp things that x had said the previous evening the young woman was a musical reporter she had rocogtilxad me and had led me on to ciitlclue the whole opera without my having the slightest sus picion of her connection with the press 8traiqhtebt surveyed line the alaska boundary line is said to be the longest and stmlghtest aurveyj ed uns in thewofld the line consists at a vlatajto fast wide out through all timber of monuments aets at inter- vlslble pdmts not mors than four miles apart and of a detailed map of the strip of country two miles each side of the boundary at prominent river crossings and at main points of travel the monuments un eeatlonul shafts five feet high of ulupilnumbronse weighing 200 ppunds set in a ton of concrete at less important points the monuments are three feat hluh and set in 1 boo pounds of concrete tb oonyniielon was live years finishing its task vrhe boundury runs for 400 miles over arot mountain ranges glaciers swift rlvurs quloksattds bot tomless morusses hlsh summits were crossed raging tormnts forded camp mad on glaciers bvury ob stacle of the wilderness was fought and oonquered biq lumber cur logging- operations will be brisk id the north this year on company the northwest lumber company laylnu plan to out 30 million feet thoy mi 14 minion feet this year this com pany operates at ffdmanlon one of the most modern lumbar mills tn canada htirruniid hit ithfu inlnlnt ii vrei 7 mi that wnrkf th u llu tlntt upiitknth falhpjiikid nha1l not lie tutu iii lull id in iny promtiiici cnln- brulk- imbte vini h to ul on mil thw worknrn at iniquity ivlng kliwlintt ivnrnoj ami judnninnl urn cliiiriiclorlolh ol thi dlvlno rul whirl urn to bv -ro- dectnd in llm tru human ruler thoy uro thn ruikliimuntul prlnclplmt of rleht lif uni conduct lho lnnd of fnllnw- whip hutwoup nimv und uod and hu- twaon man und hlu fellowman rirk- ph trick ifov 33 j93c these vtirsas give a rruitit roullstlu picture of ttto rusultu of strong drink the story of a drunk ards life is given with tragical torso- ncss it is u grnphlo picture personal distress woe sorrow arcldonts wounds without cause had vision 0edneas of ys perverted urfectlons i thy heart shall utter perverse things sloth verse 54 insensibility versa 3t and finally ruin by poison vtirso 32 lseson themes hhadowa of lawlessness tim night is far spent yot sllll tho shad ows linger although we have law wo have lawlessnesa achievements public opinion tho triumphs of law makers and tho deeds of itiw-xnfnrco- ont have cuught und ratlofitod thi light of coming day hut wlillo the isasl is tight with promise the w dark with dlsappolntmutit dnnif and hln thu uhaduws of tho nlkht still ho close upon our land th principles of psalm and provnrh make up a social mossugo they furnish rules of national right onus ft remind us that tho kingdom of ood must includo the laws of the land society public opinion the press na tional state and local governments all ara assuming now and mora sorl- oug responsi bin ties as tha light grows stronger wo may hope that the dullest eye will be compelled to see tha true direction of the rising no discharge in this war at least not yet at this writing there are thirtyfour organisations in this coun try working for the nullinmtfon of prohibition one of them the as sociation against tho prohibition amendment now occupies two entire floors of one of the largest office build ings in washington it has branch headquarters in cities of importance throughout the country let no one think that the desperate foes of tem perance ore dlscouraged they are making a ferocious fight and thoy seem to have plenty of money for thoy are now carrying on the most ex pensive campaign of organisation and propaganda ever undertaken by tbo liquor forces the old methodist hymvt which exhorts us to watch and fight and pray never to give tbo battle over but renew it baldly every day is strictly uptodate right now the liquor men are boldly organizing for their nefarious purposes the fjrst u to repeal the volstead actj second to leave to every state the enforcement of prohibition through state alone and third to legalise the sole of beer und wine if they ahould succeed in this the eighteenth amendment to the federal constitution would be prac tically nullified though it would not be formally touched there weuld bai no federal law and no federal onlcers to enforce the amendment in any state wet states would remain wot exactly as they were before the amendment i was adopted and these wet slates jvould become centres for the distri bution of intoxicants through the na tion the destruction of the machin ery for enforcing the federal consti tution would mean exactly this the wine and eer peril the liquor men openly declare for the legalizing of light wine and beer this would make it impossible to onforce federal prohibition u would mean the return of breweries and wine shops with complete ays torn necessary for their distribution the beer t radio with its attendant political corrup tion represents the principal part of the outlawed uquor traffic if it should be brought back most of the evils prohibited by the eighteenth amend ment would come with it whatever the uquor men say beer and wine would mean the return of the infamous saloon and with fho saloon open there is no doubt but that whiskey and all other bard liquors would be sold in them congress adopted the definition of one half of one per cent ulcohol because experience had clearly shown that a higher percent ago of alcohol in beer made the enforcement of prohi bition impossible thirtyfour state have adopted the definition ot one half of one per cenf or less seven states have adopted the standard in the vol stead act by reference the court have repeatedly declared that wine is intoxicating uquor and everybody knows that beer is a rank intoxicant no whiskey no wlne no beer is ths only safe principle whatsoever im more than this comet h of evil for study and ojscusslon hqw does the ussof intoxicating liquor affect mans material welfuret what effect has it upon hi bodily structure t why did physician dli continue its use in proscription long before itssate was prohibited by law name some of the mental and moral effects of u to leant can we ln loyal citizens and good christians and main passive onlookers in the nght against luwiossnssst if we are good olllsens ourselves how ure wa affected by the lawlessness nf otherst iiow can we usstst in thq fight again ut law inasuesst huve you holloed any change in your own tlty nlmu thn lslghteonth amendment went liuo ucfeott daily readings for nxvvysk monday november k the iling ut all the lfiar psum 47 1u tuesday november the eaten ion of the kingdom psalm 07 17 wednesday novorabar 7 serving uod with gladness psulm loo 16 thutsulay november h thu uroat- nsm of hi kingdom psalm ud 11s friday november 9 the olory und majesty of hi kingdom psalm 07 i- balurduvj november lu tho lord lod omnipotent uelgneth ivuliil utf 10 i sunday november 11 thu triumph of tha king psami oh 110 dicfr andeoson studies comftass 7 rsadyrnade medloine you hood no physician for ordlnury ills when yuu have at hand u bottle of dr thomas ioclecrlo tll for omhrflvtcoms sore hroajt bronchial troubles it is invalu able for scalds burn brulne sprains it la unsurpassed while for cuts sui and jthe like it is an uti quasi lettable healer it needs no lest 1m on s i otbr than the us and that will satisfy anyone as to ifs effectiveness despltii tho fit u that the cauudlan pacific is tlm greatest truiihportutlon system in the world h finds it wise und profitable to gvu individual at tention o any llltlo u hi id run who mny ba conklsnud to llu cum thn war hmuu up funilllon and lft orphan in all ium1iuii louuirinx many of thtuo itio uuw holug tmiiu- port ml to friend and rlutlv in thu lnitod states und cuinwlu in most cnoim tlium is liltiy inoty tlm ip tuul pasangu ixilng nit tint i run ho utluid so tliurn in no utlon of u ciiniuiilun for tho child lurti lu whut hi tniit ciinallun 1uclha bocomnd diiimt ompanlori chiumroii or guardian for tho youthful truvullur trunepurtliig ttuim from tholr homu to tlio port of nmhurku- tlon lob king uftor thnlr comfort and wolf uro on bounl nhlp ninl finally ia- llvorlng them uafd and wound to jmlr iluhllnutlotis lu cuiiudu or amor leu 1 liimn uhlldron us u ruh mu uhuerful i lilitlom who soon work tholr way into he huurts of thill follow travollnrs who am gmiurully one r 0 smooth tho path boforo tlm childish foot alovo ure shown uumu of tlm uttlo folk who htivii ro ontly ti imd tl atlmitlc uloim kth horx uti 11- yoafold hoy truvouol fnirji hi houm hi uhi hug on tlm ituhslunaustrlun to mllwuuur tli t ompany ugi nt at wiiitniw umimniinlid him to antwoiv whuiicn h iiiillnt on the u h mitngninii a v ry intorostlng pas- noiikt r unm uvi r on an august run vn tho h h molltu u uttto mi-yoar- old armnnlun r fugiic who 1h to imcomo th udoptoil hud of w stern caiiudlun fiirmorn u murvollouw change irons poverty to plenty llk andorson tlm boy holng hiiowii lho working of the ronipiihm by citptuln iandy of tho b h molik wiik thn y nun gont mombr of a pmiy of btiya noiit from england to thn ir llnriiiidom homo lu north lot unto culm lu whiiro waifs from london urn iiv n luutum a om- rnrhilil 1 1 vliij mid horonm worthy udlini hu a h olrl li h iv illtu tlfi y of duo- im hcotluiid 1 itiui him 11 f mi iy trophies won 1 1 li nr ti linhli 0 ytar o id heal hho v1u 1 mil vor cui and 2 1 modal won ut in hll hi ml id ivit iii u h pleas- uro to nil ptllllk utk in o li u r ent voy- nit of th h h mm ittlan by nxo- clltl ntr 1g 1 iff 01 nl dim no o n hur way crowded in the upper story ono day when professor powoll wum hearing the class in anatomy ho wax describing tbo maniiur in whluhthn various muflchs of tlm scalp perform tholr so vera function suy oxuov theodoro t ooer i mlniccnt of hi school days in fifty year in ore gon t make the xubjiot clearer thn professor tub thn mem burs of thn class to move tholr scnlp ly aid of the muscles without moving tho hmid and proceeded to lcuid the way by giving a personal domonutratlon he had u shaggy houd of hair und could turn his scalp atmoht hulwuu round hi head the success that attended his maiden ipftort wuh no astonishingly cumpleto thut it brought forth a roar of laughter in which tho professor heartily joined although his mouth was- where iiih right eye usually was and his oars wero undur hi chin when ordor was nnnlly restored euch mnmber of tho class trlud li with varying degree of success but tom nlckllns effort wuu u liupnlos fullur although hi supcrhumun uttompt to ve hi scarp woro us luughuble as professor powollv grotaquo suc cess had been finally after the poor fellow had made ull the obllyuo grim aces the class could endura tho pro fessor said thomas what is tha mattur with your head i don t know air npllrd tom unless i um tho only one in ihu room wtioso head is so full of bruin tlpit thoy crowd hlu scalp tho oaso with which urnu utid warts hi bo removed hy hoilowuyii corn he mover is its eironjjtml rucommotidu- it seldom fulls something to quarrel over what vith that longdistant tele phone mossugtt a follow in a neighbouring town i kicking about the length of our radio waves said tho h ud of a broad casting station ut c in i mod that limy kept hjlm from llstunlng in on a concert up in pjttspurg what did you toll him 1 asked him if ho thought ho owned the air worms ny thu irritation thut thoy cause in the stomach and intostlnos deprive infunt of tho nourlshmuut thut they should derlvu from food tuid mal nutrition is tho result millers worm powders destroy worms and correct the morbid conditions in the stomach und bowel that uro favorublo to worms so that thn full nutriment nf tho child is assured and duvolopmuht in every wsy oiicourugud preferred his own jos wit wu not commonly ussoolutod with tho lute lnopuld of ltulglum lu ufa but in a rurunt volume of roinlii- lcences entitled y own lime lady dorothy nevill haw ciodltud his majosly with ut i oust una good thing king leopold was onto uddresod by u person of a typ luiirhiiob half- revolutionary v my only rogrol your majesty jh volunteered lu tbut you should bt u king when you uro ho admirably equipped by nature to bo uti uti president of the helglau republic t- tlmnk yuu very muuli returned the king i ahull romombvi your remark when i go tp sue my doctor this iiftm noon and tell him what a pity it i ho is not u veterinary surgeon d00bsi how some oet to heavjen momma said little iaislo do men ever gat 16 heaven why of courss dearie what makes you uk that cujusu mumnui i nevur saw any plot urns of uugnt with whiskers wejl answered her ntothor aiury thoughtfully some men go a heaven but timy get ttmre by u close shave dear i why is a crocodile thn moot ducoltful of 1 crou lures t itecausa ho shows all op countan- unco lu the uct of taking you in what is tho tllfforenco between uu angler land a dunco7 ono bait his hook und tho otlmr bates his book why is lho bun hu u wellmade inaft uocuusa it i light whun it rlsos whloh is the lurgmit room in the world tho room for inipnivotmnit what ships ato wo roo limn hard ships 1 smackst which u um old oat u bio in tho world tbo muulpkcutloii tubln what doe a droit d nought buttlo- shlp fully aqulppoil with big guns weigh ut the mommit of starting on it cruise shu weighs anchor what is it that imruusnu its valu hy ono hulf whon turned upuldo down tho llgura 8 por yur motlmr iravis worm ex terminator has rankud tut a rellublo wonn propurutlon and it alwuys muln- tuln its ropututlon he meant well english yollst truvolung ulono on tho contlnont have inuny cjueor ex periences says a tontrlbutor to tho hon ton traveller one ttf them it telle a young man who wu bicycling in southern franco wu pushing hi mu- iio up a hioop hill whon ho over took u peasant with u donkey curt who was making but llttth progress al though the donkey was doing his best tho benevolent cyclist putting his loft hand agalnt lho buck of tho curt und guiding 1u pinduno with the uthor puzhod so hard that the donkey took fresh couragu und pullod his loud up to tho top zucwssfully thu summit reoj lied tho peasant burst tnto thank to hi baimfuctor it was very good pf you indeed monsieur ha proton tod i should uuver in the world havu got up the hill with only one donkey conauers asthma to ho rullovod from thu torrlblu surfolsting duu to u t hum is a grout thing bul to b mufuguurdod for tho futuro 1 even grnulor not only doo dr j d kl- lugg asthma rvmedy bring tiro in pt lollof but it introduci u new oru of llfu for tho afflicted ttyeutnslla in haling of nuioko or fuiito front tlio remedy prevent re uttuvkm and often uffoat u pacmationt uuro a way they have mr 1 lint uiiln fur u visit to bar sister u homo and lur uttu nloce charlvtte was dullghtod to see hor what became of tho blucsjtiluui that you had when i wuu horo bufc duar askod mr hint wiy dont yum know 7 uukud churlottu inuih sdrptiaod i huvnt heard u woit1 ropllod thu aunt wu hu poluoimil no nmmn mild cliurlottr drowneil oh no stolen no hurt in any way no hiu um well said mr 1 hit i aiit guo dour what becutnu of hint ho utowud into u cut said char- lotto pulpit peopleavjd pevv eight night mchoolm unit four dor- mltorltts uto provided jul chlnoso in canada by ths muthodlsts trjntty new york thu worlds wealth i est angllnun purlsh announc ed lutuly thut its incouio for i0j3 wa fl j4go70 71 thqr ttto no jus iium tj churoho in hlbi j iii w0 luuinbur- shlp within the rllmrlun llaptlut lliilou of 2p0nga to 300 000 the ongola liuplut mission in south ludui bu huptlxud j to u 00 converts in tlfty year the ciumdlait mothudimt lrutilt system lu wist china liuludo ton mtallnjis and l4 outitalhn with 17 stroot ohupn caiiudlun mullmillmte huv 671 illu sions with a wnrkora- among whltu yaluw red and bjark folk in cunudu newfoundland labrador and lienuuila nkw lamp burns 94 feb cent a1b nature convinced him tho ooat npd hut man at a large ruhtauriint foil suddonly sick and a hubstltuto look his place tho now limn wan told not to glvn out any coat or jiuth wltlmut propor identifi cation und no inndiiuo the acoount lu tlm washington htur when an old gniillomuti ihnnunilod hi hut und ex plained thut ho hud lost hi check tbaro was a groat todo on tho part of tho substitute ilut thut my hat tho shabby brown otio nuld tlm old tgontlnman its got my inlciul in it r x o tho wuhstltuto lookiht nsldv the hat and viitu enough uoeri thnso initials wi thu humph hu wild suspiciously you might havt sonii those initials homohow hut hero thoy uro miiny shirt too id thn old uoiitlomnu unbuttoning hi vost hue v x a wi might have hwlpwl the shirt id tlm subutltuto lood imiivoiiril shouted the old goptlemnti und hu tore hi shirt and ml rvt t maybe thi will satisfy you i jftoy7 and ho polntud lu tha letter k v i tattooud on bis breast blue the suhstltutif sturud at the tat tooing closely tnon ut hist ho handed or tlm hat a ho did so ha said i1u tuntly well since tmluro wroto thorn in itial on your nkln i guea thoy must your foi h fuel an oil of merit dr thoman ea- lectrlc oil l not a jumblo of medicinal iubstuints thrown togother and puh- ed by udvartlslnjr but tho result of tho ofut invostlgatlon of thn healing quatltlih of certain oils us applied to tho human body it la a rare combln- in and h won und kept public favor from tlm timt a trial of it will carry coitvlctlou to any who doubt lb power to rupulr und heal from sad to worse mi i w orey tin author of seek ing i ortunu iii america tolls of a tourist tu uhkod a plorlda guide to show him u pool whura ho oould go swimming i im guide lod him to u bayou but tho man dullkod tho looks of the plucu on urcokint of tho numerous wutjritniuos although ha was ss- surud thul thoy wi ro hurmlos ho rafuksd to go lu und tho natlvu then tpok lihn to u poo whoru there wutf mot u niiuku to ho soon hero thu tourlut wum uutlhilod and plunged in for hi swim wjiuh ho tnmu out im uskod tlm guide if hu could account for the fact that tlmro woru no snako in this ikk when thoiu woru so tnuhy lu tho othur how lonm tlmro aint no snuko in hyur why thu gutorw koops em atuill tho uuldu foplled beats eleotrle or qse f a now oil lotnp tluit glvo uti uinom- ingly brilliant soft white light ovuu butter than gas or faurtriclty hae beii tustml by tho u h oovorntiieht und 56 loading unlvoisltlo and found to bu superior to 10 ordlnury nil lamps it burn without odor smoke or holej no pumping up is slinplv uleun safe hums 04 air und 4 common karosena coal oil tho inventor v n johnson s4b tralg ht w montinut 1 offering to muitd u lump on 10 days fluce trial qr rvuil to give ono f1u0i3 to thu fliaf user in tutuh locality who wtl liolp i hit liilrudiitelt wiito liliu i urdu j for full purtiouluro a iho auk him id ax plain how you ian get the aguncy and without uxperleufu or money nutku jlq to 600 ner month bympathy ono of th thurmlug characteristic of thlldlmod lu a uurtulu dollcaoy und tuiidonioa of syulimthy all litultca 1 furulnhod by a llttu story that mr a j htiiburim toll in hi mentor us ui a hi houl inspector a you n if euro to in lancashire who althotigti too wullbrod to boast was coilhclou of tlm world of difference hu wu uffoctlug lit u parish that had surf tod from the sluuktiems of a r- torof tlm old school oucu askod hlu iiituchtutn clusu toll tiio ono of thtt puoplu who wrou tho ulblot mumici llu uiihwotwi the class uulioultiulnijy uuiiihig tho foimnr ro- tor evun thu mn uto iron uulfcontrol ooilld not pruvont u shadow of dlsap- tiolntnloiit fiotn iiiumlng ovur his fuc aftui ull hi work o fruitful in results filial tlny ulmuld b a jgnorsut as that ilut althoiiuh tlm little girl just lu front of him wum not nioro than rtvo hi r iyi kun us n ioiiiiim had raud hi thouuhtu and inn tiny voc will- lhio 1ltiuhti sir j on ulpod hn lano willies retort a hiotch liiitlu i ulmtiet cartuln to be a uhruwd observer of man und ihlllg ullil im lu fioqlluiitly gifted with a shut p tongue of bin own lang w ii i in wu foi inuny year u will- known flgum on thu st au- drowu golf link on llm occasion of loiil uuhhuth visit to tit andrew u puhlk tiiumr wa given in his honor ami willi ititpluil foi u ticket to the hulllo who was in ojmrgo of the r- raiigoiilailltr 1 im wurtlty inaii curtly lufunott thu applliutlun avlng to willie thut it wu no pluoe for tlui llk of hlpl to hu at tho dinner nut foi tlm llkrs of mil wus willm indignant lujoliul i fu ho n lu dm the wonder kidney liypr u stomach tonic as nationally advertised sold by i t brown acton and by a good druggist averyvvhera start early get your house und bnni ready for winter wp iilwnyi carry a complete lim of builders supplied ut low prices lockj knobs latches hinpf glnin puny pnints oils etc dont put orr those cpams too lath in the season w p talbot phone 95 main street acton bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m tho government is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is otio of tho methods that will facilitate outwork m this direction lot us hnvc your cooperation in this nuive to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j 0nbil pror we are still buying eggs open tue8day friday and saturday eveninqb quality our molio phone 53 for sale the famous no 21 flcury plows only si of them 2100 each with two shores and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows ono set four section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices x n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown ontario castoria vvvxvvxvwvswcccvnv mother fletchers caatoria is a harmless substitute for castor oh paregoric teething drops und soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in amis and children uu ages of constipation wind oolic flatulency to sweeten- stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates j to avoid inlutlaiu alway look for the algnaturc- of wwwtiwxi pfnv llrlldnh on rrtrh mckifl physicians awrywhere rccoaraiald 1l railway time tables at acton anaojan n going waat no 10 no itt lluiwtay no tt 7 nu in no ao 11 lbanr no j i j 3f p m no 30 0l7im no 3h h 13 ptn no j4 uu n iluy 7 08 p m toronto qubu ban claatrm railway qo ing woat b 17 m dally nipl hiinday 233 p tn divlly mxtitpt huuduy h 00 p ni pally except monday 11 02 n in tjuiuhiy only 0 s6 p m hiinday only q bfl p m sunday only qolna eaat r t48 a m j dally except sunday 3 02 p m dully except sunday fl 1 fl p id pally oxcopt sunday ouh u m huriday only l ih p ni uunduy only 8 6fl p m sunday only freight dollvorod by apodal axpraaa fralghl rvlght plpkod up ut an od- droa in toronto ej t thiotirokd agent aoton see avage and ee better wrlta or phona for appointment for whan you wuh to coma a d savage optomatrut i mfg optician sawaga optical building right at tha poat offiea quelph t e gibbon- expert 8hoe repairino prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons maim htuebt acton john v savage store main street acton p o box 400 be independent of the coal and wood merchants burn coal oil in standard oh burn or companys oil burners for uaa in coolt stove heater and furnaoea thro times tho boat for half tho ooat mo oaltaa no trouble no rlalc money back after so daya trial if not eatuuel can be aeen in uee at the store lea attended and gooda bought on commlulon clooda wanted acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awbey manager lldiuillmlt ifljmllllll i vm i niupuny of gmiitim it fion tile l iiiaul thiih for th lut thlrt yiui und llmt it inulr than you can aayl free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to repreisciit gooda ex actly as to tholr quality to tell to those who know and to those who dp nt know t a uniform fair price to fulfill nil giibi and cheer fully correct all mls- takos to deserve your con aden co by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewelien guelph ontakio i icw1 lusjit iisfc5ijij

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