Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1923, p. 6

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v t t7r ui arc now cliwra lo ioc trri cards m t ihe llln death j- mcmrul no tra married iiown r hkinn h n hiiiunlay t ilil r 7 112 t tit hon h ion ltii ly it mrtrfir r l iluutflil- r i f hi hlfhu jiinlpl to dr ii my if wltt luiluh hum i ih i turday f tohcr u tll at hliilu k lrm ir tin mirtii rlli n ily luunhter r ir i nil mrti 1 w linn to or hhurwot 1 ii inn l of otthwi youiisii i non of mr u ill mm wm ilurr mlllo died iloitlnhoin ar murkhum rin huiiiuy ocfolu 2h iu1 williiim a llnl in on imniiiler in hlii gml yr mndonam at uiiim llvllli on wtwlnumluy loh r 1u3 jim t mntiivlnh ikiiovoii wir if ar hit- mcdonald in in r dtmu y ni chalttlflllh at him ihmr mi ruus duy ootiinnf ic ijl fiixhim th inr rtnn widow of 111 lut hdlmrl phait ors ubi c3 yurh hl5npkrton on hunrtuy o nlmir 3h 1823 ut tilt ixlit in f ll r ouunln mm j 1 f minium ho i un qrovn toronto ml mjirv v if ilonion in hur 70tl ynr fi rmrly of omugh out in artnn 3ves fyrebb tiiuhsday novemumi 1 10j3 brief local items novombur quy fiiwkon day noxt monday wild bo ri fly hue miuthwurd indian hummer will b duo in wok or two qood bye october you worn a glorious month r halloween mirth n huvo boon the vokua all wodk hnltowo on booi hud u blir flj during- the woek methodist church unnlvorsury sunday novombiir ib qot the storm door i wlndowroudy to put un ouuidti rfnklnif your horn doiurn t holp no much as leorlnb wuoly dor hunters are going north in larso numbers for tho tmui qood morning- hovo you renew ad your fss pussd subscription than kngi vlruj olid armutlco day a week from sunday and monday the women institute ontorlaln- rnent in the town hall thl evening cotd flnrers are nxiiorlonced in handling tho turnips and potato now a little compliment now and thoti is relished by tho grouchiost of nrnn borne observant old ohaj say it a about time for tho ladle to put uwuy utalryfura the oakvlllo btar says tho now gregory theatre will bo opened in november read what tho merchant offer in the advertisements thero la olwaye something- of lntereot look twice before you hoot la a good motto for tho huntora to take with them to the wooda btratola ontario apple are sell ing- delivered lit mnnltohn at 6 00 per barret seepawa negruter j the mereuty 1b gynduojly falllrler if the price of coal would do 111 many people would be glad every cltixen ahould endeavor to participate in the public armistice day and thanksa-lvlng- day service several of the new highway cul vert on the crossroad havn been gravelled and greatly improvod i kindly look at the label on thl copy of your ftuai lnxaa and oe if the date after your nanle 1 correclj ittmember the women institute concert this evening thursday a high class programme plan to at tend man la tllko the autumn leaves ho and it hard to keep up appear- anoes after he ha come down in tho world f the depositor of the home bank are now assured tho payment of 26 per cent of their deposits within three weak both rev a c stewart m a- and bv charles hackett were out of townjin sunday preaching anniversary sermons about ulghix load of grave havo been used in filling depression washouts on the street the past couple of weeks the first snow storm of um season came yesterday morning it w short duration und the now soon disappeared instead of cutting oft hor nose to spite her fuco the uveragu young woman often cut off her hair to spite her relatives with the municipal option lea than a month away it is high tlm the personnel of next yvur council was being considered the oakylue keoortl lit nw es tablished in its flno now offlce on colbome sttviat formerly oecuplvil by the bank of torantu uo the women who go round tho tresis with flour on tlislr faoes think the men will pick them out as good cooks t orlllla iucket killed by toronto suburban car motor with men and wife drove or crossing as csr rssehed them the ralnmin n tin toronto hubur bun motor r which roiiolifs acton ii j 32 hud u ii ul uxim rh in i hint haturdny hftrnoi n mr und mm iiikii mimiirruy ol lulli glim w r ililvhib un rioifl torinlo and ji un xny woro turn inu tciwanl tbnir wu innni wllliln ti liuiilr d yurdu i f tin ir rront door mm m murray wmi ulriint iiiutantly kimod and mr mi murray i mivod injurh n ftttin whli h hrt dlid ii f t w hours hilar win n in radliil wis hit tholr uuto inoblli u mill wiut or iullnglim rruglu wn tho iiicldunl that tausnd their iloaui nv n morn truglo are the ln iimliloinih uurrounillng it kv ry diiy mrs mimilimy wii ni rustm to lako llnlr nw motor ur und lulc toronto win re her huhband woii td an it iiirpniitnr thun tin tin m would nun ii ibu k news of local jmport fire on a peel pounty farm 1 lr front a oauno unknown d lioyid ii hiri burn mid outbulldlngii bi idiiriiii o im mrlu lirimi lot 3 rib linn wi ut iiloiluii on hundio i mil- liorum a iow calf mil pmiltri wum biirmd ti a tin r with th thlr little horn inllmtton whlih built with bin ov on hiiturduy wlh d for in r inn hail arrlvoil alii ni i build poplar htr mrmi mtmurrn uu u mul tluli y had i in on in nlghtfor n fijv mliuit uu i hey motored out jiuhiihh htrn lend than i mlnutii mm und tin would have bum nllmblntt out of tl uuto nt their own dour t p hut just on th virgi of their honn htrtnt lo iros tho radial cur smnshetl into tholr automoblt hurleljlhcm into sudden dent wuu unalhor trugndy of the crosslnsn tho fatality was a great shock to conductor harper and mob qrav0 a clump of trees n crossing completely hid tho oncoming motor car thu tiassongera radial car wore also terribly sli by tho tragody improvinff crossing at oakvllle a danasrous pi so lo be improved by removal of cmbankmsnt differences havo brlson between the oakvillo council the provincial high way knginoers department and the dominion hallway hoards engineering depart mon concerning what stops hoy id bo taken to lessen tho existing conditio nil at the kerr btroot crossing of thoo n ii lino chief engineer ilogart of the i vlnolal highway department and chief assistant icnglnoer simmons tho dominion hallway board visited oakvillo last week and along ileovo hulmer m p p- and mayor iorstar inspected the crossing it i then decided that the arabankmont which at the present time obstructs the view of the railway tracks should be removodv at an i estimate cost f 13300 and the earth used for tho fill at tho nfow highway bridge since then however a communl tlon has been received locally staling the installation of belt and wig wags would be more econonujeal the local officials fool the lattor would not remedy matters and further appeal will be rnadb to the railway board for tho removal of tho embankment sitxy million for roads quebec provlnos spending immense sums in publio highways quebec que by the end of this year the province of quebec will have spent iso 000 000 on good roads d cured hon j k perron minister of highway addressing a good roads association banquet here recently premier taschereau sold that good roads were not only neoessmry to the people of a province but they bridged the chasms between provinces and drew together tho people of canada whether they be in the east or he west jack knew horses it was the custom of a certain head- master after explaining tho moaning of a word to test thn efficacy of his ex planation by ssklng for a word of opposite meaning in tho scripture lesson he dealt at length with the word woo and shook a daydreamer into alertness by ud denly springing on him the question jack whats the opposite to woor gee up was jack apt but inado quate reply grain thu l is will h hoiimod of c c00 in 1kb iduy last i mr a tim pre urun strumental i otln r items flavor iui ludltw of ttvi a hold aooisl evening ir innnlhl mi ting t tin ij u w i wus hob nvi nl n ut tb imino u larrlduu hiiniiockburn lino connbitvil of solos in lumberii and rcu dings and of a distinctly hnlloweoi hum was hi rvod by tin nothty ami following thu thu nmuliidur oti to diipving i prassntatloi i he ijklhn milton in id i wk at whli h t tho id ui i wreuu i glv to rotirlna p r aid or knox burcb n i in i minting mil i f tin rhu ii p hi wan w ri ill tiff tnlatlonh one to rt wlm hit ruiiflinnl ufti mlnlstor of knox hiirch ihro r in nrly twenty iam of a cheijuo fo 200 bo ollur being to mrw mucku of a nllvr ruktf banket ullvor ni oolu and a ilokyi roaeu isnp runi a buccsssfut old plowmsn jumon wi tsh of porest who h over do yurs of age wim drst prise niul nllver tea service ut thn provincial plowing match at hornla last weok whore thoro wore 80 teams plowing mr welsh is an uncle of auctioneer icorr who himself bus been a wlnn of many prises at plowing malchi the old gentleman was unable to at tend the first day tocompetn it upoclul match for old men but went tho soiond day and ontored in the general cln for all comers hi huccnss created urrnl enthusiasm ami the old gentleman was tendered u banquet by the society in tho evening new masonlo tempi at osmii arrangements havo boon oomploteil and tho contract awarded for a now masonlo hall to bo oroflted by tin oakvlllo iiluo udge and cjiaptur u the corner of church und thomas htreofs at an estimated cost of f id 000 tho building will be an imjioning structure ofrod tapestry brick unit brown stone und wilt provldo for i icmiko room club and commlttie roomi op the main floor and a banquet hull in tho basement liitor on recriii tlon room will bo furnished for the yoonger member work will ci monca at once tits fiunt rhshs 1 in rooulpt of season press tlckst for thu lnturnu tlonsj lilve block exhibition to be held in chicago december 1 to k able sermons were dull vt red in knox church on sunday by llev 1 w suence h d ill v of ingluwood in tin absence of rev ur uluwart by ordurlneourioll gaxotled lust woekj tho closing date for the shooting of woodcock in ontario tills your will be november 30 instead of october ib tho lurgest potato that hu reach ed this ottlce mo far this season cams from tho farm of john mclean fourth line br in it weighs 8 pounds ounces hto keep the neighbors from worry tng u has been suggested that the words paid for be painted on tha spare tire of all motor ours not mortgaged about fifty of tue ladles of the methodist church had an enjoyable chain tea in the school room last thursday afternoon it was s sootal function of much pleasure old soma one tell ui ur is it only a dream that church btreet 1 to be gravelled from willow to main the worgt block on the street what say street commissioner jlsvlmat just as regularly as the year roll round our old friend jack o lantern bob up smilingly on the night oi october 81 hal i owe en llo was in evidence everywhere last night usual at the lost golf tournament on the georgetown links mrs pllkey acton was runnerup in the- first flight contest and mrs l b sborey in the third flight contest both were prli winners j a delightful hajowe on party won held at tho homo of mr and mrs c russell mill btreet on tuesday evening many of the guusts were in halloween costume and a vary enjoy able time was spent rev charles haokett bresided at the missionary banquet of cluelph dis trict in norfolk btreet methodist church cluelph lost wednesduy oven lug rev dr manning of toronto was the speaker of tho ovonhig a motorist wbo wu recently as sessed heavily for killing a porker on the highway uilnks the country i becoming more prosperous every pig you run over on a country d 1 u registered thoroughbred worth i7g the bylaw granting u loan of sis 000 to kaustlno 3o limited tor onto to establish their plant in duiulus wus carried last week by 301 to in this 1 the company whluh installed the alosot system in acton buhools a neighboring newspaperman says the monkey that made the cut pull the dot chestnuts uulut 41ui ashes came into the office yesjorduy lip 4id i have something hse i want you to put in the paper but leave my name out tho lust night in october was the queerest ever seen for twos then tho weird witches went danulng an thu gruan and the dainty little falrlqti in robes of silvery while also went danc ing hum and there with graceful steps am light the cement tover jiu ut last ben completed on the fire tank on freder ick btreet a little grading u load ur two of good rlfch earth und a gonorou sowing of grass seed and the boule vard at this point will he restored to its previous good condition cjtuans who have radio outfit had an exceptlonary one ooncsrb broadcasted from pittsburg last wed nesday evening rt hon david uoyd georges speech from that city w tha most distinctly heard address he hag given at any point on the opntlnenu you cannot be a failure if you make it your business to gq about spreading sunshine aha goodwill and the spirit of frlsnaijuiesa and self -con- fldenoe amort those who tafed this bnooursgemsnt raid always remember good word for the towruln watch dppu jnake your living j b wallace new manager at georaetotwn mr j b wallace who bus be n manager of tho hunk of montreal men ford has boon transferred to georgetown and in now in oftlco as manager of tlio bank of montreal there airs wnllacn and family have also arrived and they are getting settled in tholr new homo ur wallace wo the first manager of the first chartered bank opened in acton nearly tw five years ago ho was very popular horo in church and musical nlrclns and organised the golf club how which was much in voguo during hln stay hore a busy manv itinerary itov t albert moore d d of tor onto wrote his brother hore the other day as ho was en route to fulfil a busy list of engagements in he west follow i go to alberta to holp in tho prohibition uunpatgn to speak oi church trnlon in alberta and sasfcat chewan to ded lento a new church ti edmonton meet our provincial group evangelism and social service in all tho western provinces meet nearly all the district secretaries preach on sundays leoturo on woek nights und interview jfovornmont between times that is surely un itinerary to keep u n from sleeping much during the usual waking hours undas street highway through to toronto rapid progress has been made dur ing the past fow weoks in connection with the construction of the new high way on ducidas btreet which will eventually connect toronto hamilton and london all of tha concrete work 1 now comploted between toronto and hamilton und loss than lx miles of the tarvta top remains to be finished this will be completed shortly and the entire roadway thrown opoi through trade puudas street is now open for traffic from toronto lo beyond trafalgar on the seventh line and neighborhood news- town and country ltmehouse mis ijiomuw i iveim ban but vislllnu frit nils in toronto am llnmt oril during uo month mr john nnwtoii ipin his bunt loof i ugulii about luilf of it wan blown t lust june ho ut tho ablush ulmsilf iitt of will seasoned cod in linbii mid thoy uro exi optionally flue churchill tho nine head of young cuttlu whlih rayed from the furms of austin hwackhaimr and harold bmurt last spring worn recovered this week 1 hoy did a lot of straying thu four ninths thoy were iiwuy mrs austin hwnnkhumor in un abb to bo out rhe is very lumn tin full wheat novor mudn u liner nho whig in this vicinity thun it does this hill m the ubsijiio of ilnv mr howiird tho pulpit of the uitirch here wuu jlllixl liutt hu minis afternoon by mr ii i moor pollen muglstrute of ac ton crevvsons corners messrs leslie brothers of ingornoh visited mnssrif lesllo brothors uml their fumlllan of this neighborhood during tho week mesur john rturllnghani und alhort wudltil who have be u in purhmt hip lu farming operations tho punt yeirt have decided to dlusolvu as partners mrs t bovlngtoii and hor daugh ter dora who have for two months been visiting sirs burllngham ber s inter will return to their homo at bault hto mario on saturduy mm hovlngton 1 specially impreusod with acton hock wood and ouubjh und hope to tnnko another visit lorne school kollowing is the report resulting trom tho october exumlnutlbns br iv luclnda gruff bthel oraff mury mceachorn hector gulhrjo vivian wiggins hr hi leslie swuckhamer george uruff imirtu wuller jr ill vornu murray chrlssio swuokhamlr henetta waller wullo harrop tod harrop barbara oulhrio br ii thelma graff huby murray hoy denny a jr if corlnno mifcljonald i lurry murray howard graff chester mo buln pansy troup br i agnes mcltuln hob andor- johnston wallace bllo an- jr i laura hwock humor lrirner wllllo ioiluli urcfn anno mucdonuld teacher rockwood from hamilton to the sixteen mile ithln live mile of ths responsibility pf youthful drivers before judgo coat worth in tin county criminal court at toronto oj monday howard murray was convict od on a charge of negligently driving a motor cat- so that mrs mabel stephenson wo injured the n caused hud been trying out u now cur and collided wlthejufiuther car lu which mrs stnphonson wu riding on howard a von uo on july 13 lust i think ho was too young to drive anyway said his honor in passing murray on pro- tiutlon under suspended sontonfetp major j b urlmshaw tho uojiuuca hud beon in jull for aavuu wimucs bofdre had been grunted bull h must not driva a car dprtug his imrhid of probation two fjres in oskvllte on monday two ore ulurms woro turned in sim ultaneously shortly ufterb 3d monday morning thu first wuh at the homo of frank kyle bundall btreet whore ujs tlwught the rh wus caused by mice chewing matches in u cupboard con siderable dumage was caused by smoke and water an overheated furnace in thu collur ut the home of robert armstrong watson btroet started the rufters burning in the cellar with tile ussistunco of amuke masks the men soon hud the bluso under con trol while assisting ut the first fire alburt wuumsley thomas street was painfully bumod about thu untm and lugs by chemllals which were heiug iotl to exttngulsh thu blase jl canadian national ballwayt ijtrnlnoj net earnings far nine month hv increased 30502 over sam period last year ths heploiiibir statement of operat ing results ufluuit to day by tho cun- udlan national railway shows uu in crease of tf lu bet earnings ovr the irresitondlng month of last year the tunoss or thu western harvest hud i effect of zffsettlng thu increased business handled on the eastern lor tlocis of the nystem with the result that gross earnings fur september were less than lust year by about onethird of one per cent operating expense however were reduced by over t0u 000 to lit vol 446 the net earnings were 1184070 as compared with l fl3 413 earned last year an increase of 152btvr f net earnings for llie canadian na tlorutl railways for the first ulna month of 1ss3 uuiounted to tti hk7 hi us compared with vj7 314 for tlte first nine month of last- year thn lm provement in net earnings for opera 1 ctqd u tfisrefore liiobfl i a motor accident occurred on tuos duy ovi nlng of last week pn the frit mosa road when a ford touring car driven by mr h- swanson- r r no 3 hockwood ami u truok driven by wm buyne ouelph collided a u ronult of the accident the ford cur wiui badly damaged both of the front wheels being broken and turned under the car nd otherwise damugod while the truck also eurfvrod some damage it is ulleged that j them wus but ono light on the buy no car and thl fact wus confusing to mr swanson the managing board of tho pros- byterlun church are busy repairing and decorating the munso for the com ing of their now minister rev j w stewart of belmont mr and mrs herb gibbons and their daughter madeline returned last week from a two weeks visit with friends in marietta mich miss kthel gibbons 1 enjoying her work in new york where she has gone as a nurse and has fine prospocu for uccess mr and mrs josmutrlo of begina bask are visiting cologel mutrlo and barrto mutrlo and ulsu their ulsters mrs croft and mr bunter kred fcrfwards of barrio jioi has purchased tha houso formerly own ed by mr james i stewart mr afltchell of glen huron has bough fmr 13 carton s brick residence guelph btreet and mr carton ha secured the property owned by mr lachlan whyte messrs john and joseph wood re turned from their harvesting trip to saskatchewan lust week they hud steady work while thoy wore in tho west last saturday morning james doug- s of the rock wood lino had an ex ctlngexperlonce at tho station cross ing hero ho was about to cross the tracks with his car when tho ten o clock filer from toronto come upon hlm unexpectedly he stopped his cur within a few feet but run a foot too far to escape damage thu unglne bossed safely but thu eteps of tho curs caught the front of his motor and in a second the mudguard lamps radiator and front of tho motor wcro torn off fortunately neither mr douglas nor hi sister were seriously hurt hi cur was a pitiful wreck however i bnnnockburn school l brief history of the school buildings and lt of u 41 teachers rim flowing intern ting history of llunnoclcl urn hchnol bus been contrl but i by mr it i wurren toronto u pupil uu i ufierwiird u teacher in this funious rural hcui in lh3d tho unit m linnl at bunuook burn ulfotit a mill wust of at ton wu opened in lltln lug house thut hud boon jlfyt un u lurppntor shop a timber mi hurlm duncan from nova hiollu whs einploynri for three mouths in tho- winter for whiali each jlupll paid ii l0 per month und tho harbor hounlod round in ih4l a log siihooihouso wus built und this wus re placed in 1803 by a frame building which utood oast of tho gateway lo john gordon h farm ubout midway hotwion tho 4th and hh linos on the a ton rohuroad this build ing wns turn down ubout 1870 purl of it wus usml lo onlurgn thu nsldence on tho gordon bnmustuud und the ru ilmli r was moved to u farm near ktrgi town a llnw brick building in ireituil ut thu 4th linn corner in a lot purchumod front mr ietor munn 1 ut fifty juuni this building bus boon it um uh u schoolhouso und it is still hunim kbuni hchool 1 lm ttuahorsfrom tho dikinlngnf tho choul ho fuk us it has been ujpsslble to uscertuliv nam 1h3h c1iarllh duncan 1k4 mil chuickhuankh mr si2lllbs john cami0bon mr bllmon all1x mcpnik 1kcc mr davi npoitt ibh7 al13x campb1sll 181 anoijh campblli lpou miss aonkh adams 1s09 d d i rarer 1h70 mr youoe who wus the lus teurhnr in tho old ninl first tenchur in thu now sahool 1h70 alnx hlndhiihon 1h75 hugh cambiion jh70 mish macig1h gbant jh77 mil hfctor macdonald 1k80 w t hmytiir 1883 w t vrunel 1884 j h shannon 188d k d wahben 188s mib c iteid 18k8 ihank m worden 1800 it w iiubnnan im1- w l richardson 1801 a c elliott 1806 miss ii a gordon 1807 miss c kennedy j00o xiib4 b a gordon 1003 howard oram jboij iih4 mcdonald 1008 miss stbwaht 1008 mihh- mcmubchy 1011 miss douglas 1012 mish mahon 1d13 m j o nillen 1014 miss uren 1dib mibs tully 1di0 mish h hultd 1917 mish m b mcllod 10id miss nelson i0zl23 miss ii wilkinson dance postponed dunce advertised to be held ut eden mills nqvombor 7 has boon postponed the farmers dollar today in an uddrosu by principal reynolds of tho o a c tho other day tho following graphic comparisons were madet a farmer requiring a mower in 1014 could obtain one lu nxchungo for 700 pounds of beef in 1931 it was noce hury for him to deliver 1 g00 pounds for the samo implement in 1914 ho could obtafp a hay loader by tho tender of three and a half tons of hay in 1021 the loader could not lie hud for less than eight ton a seed drill in 1014 was tho equiva lent of ltid bushels of oats it repre sented 41 bushel of outs in 1031 in tho latter year 200 bushels of wheat were required in exchange form binder which could have ireon obtained fpr 133 bushel seven years before a gang plow could then be had for 774 pounds of pork but in 1031 the farmer would have to deliver 1 100 pounds in oxchango for the plow tho farmer seeking a two horse cultivator in the earlier year trans ferred 30 bags of potatoes in the ox chango lu tha later year ho had to bring 13s bngs to tho markot pluco and win re 413 itounds of butter could then huvu boon traded for a man uro upreader tt40 ptundu would huvi to be transferred in 1931 i8wm local hunters will discover to tholr cost one of these days thut thn law gives the wild birds rabbits and other gumtt u well us thn labor ing mmi a duy of rout on th sabbath alberta butter output more than 18 000 000 pounds of creamery butter 1 tho untlmatrd pro duntfon for tha province of alki rtu during 1023 urncrdlng to ututlstll oh talnuil ly c p marker dairy cofn inlnslnner for alberta in showing the remarkable imreasn in dairy work plnco loo in 1012 thorn wore 3 creuincriis in operation in tho pro vlpce mid thoy product d 3 010 7u butter valued at fl33 boo with un uvorugi soiling ut vtttuo of 11 3t2 cents per pound in 1023 f4 t reamer i wi ro oprriitlng to produce 10 417070 pou neb of i ut tor with a selling value of 33 20 onnln per pound with 4 tolul value or 10 120 843 mr markers fig urea for 1023 show the output to havo grown in volumo five limes the 1012 total a vvonderful woman a remarkable ploturo of a womlorful man whoso life story provide i hup ler arter chuptnr of ustoundlng hero ism extraordinary hi if saurlflie und almost miraculous u hlovomont j wc hour to be given free tp uuoli ub scrlbor of the family herutd und weekly tnr of montreal tim life story of the wohderftll herplne run also bo obtained rout free by sending a ihist card to tho i umly herald and weekly star by a votb of 170 to 0 on monday chlnguacousy ratepayer havo grant od a franchise to tho cataract light and power company to nupply light and power to the upper half of chin- gudcousy township clearing aucti01nusale farm stock and implements tha undersigned has recolved in struction from e cripp8 a son to sell by public auction at lot 3 con cession 1 eramosa town line on thursday november 8 1023 at ontt oclock sharp tho following houses i bay homo 1 1 years 1 400 tb 1 brown horo s yours 1 400 lb 1 buy mure 1 3 years 1 sorrel horse 12 yours oattle 1 roan cow 7 years with calf at foot if not previously sold 1 blue cow due in fobnjary i redcow dun in february pure tired i red cow duo in april 1 holsteln row due in july 2 heifers rising 2 years 3 culves 1 buby beef if not provlouly sold pigs and bheep fi lelcostof ewo 2 young low 11 pigs l weeks old 4 pigs about 13g lbs each 0 pigs about 160 lb each implbmentsi deorlng binder 7 foot cut 1 masseyhnrrl mower c foot cut 1 deorlng rake 10 feet 1 massey harris seed drill 13 hoe i man tiro spreader tudhopo anderson 1ohsot 1 cultivator 1 wilkinson plow now 1 tolton plow 1 turnip sower 2 scufflnrs 1 new 1 set iron harrow i turnip pulpor i chatham fanning mill 1 sot wagon urates 2 000 lbs 1 sot platform scales 800 tb 3 wagon 1 mtonoboat 1 set sloop alelghs new 1 set bobsleighs gravel box 1 cutter now brockvlllo make l xplnnn box cuttsr good as now l rubber fife buggy roller bearings 1 hay and stock rack 1 fiat ruck for sleigh wire cutter quantity of rope 2 crowbars 1 safety hoist with zoo rest s inch pure manlllu rope 1 buckeye fenco stretcher complete 1 n ingle wire stretcher l section grinder 1 vik ing separator capacity 000 lbs root fork scoop shovel barley fork 3 manure fork 1 teel hammer z long- handled shovol 1 spade 1 sledge hammer 1 log cant hook 1 steel splitting axa stone hook 5 turnip knives 3 hoes pitch fork chain sheep ahears watering can buggy whip peerless fire extinguisher lot of heavy gate hinge binder whip fence wire cattle chalns scythe dual churn daisy churn butter print butter bawl strainer pall etc harness i set heavy team har ness 1 sot single harness 1 pair heavy horse blankets some extra col lars hay grain roots and fowl 15 tons clover and timothy hay 10 tons sweet clover 400 bushels grain if not previously aold some turnips und mangolds 3 doxeit twain bags about 40 hous and somn chickens positively no reserve terms of sale sums of 310 00 und under cash over that amount 13 months credit given on approved joint notes 5i per annum off for cash hay grain roots and fowl cash store pig and baby beef 3 months roy h1ndley auctioneer r r no 3 acton day clerk from now until christmas you will hu in conwtant need of qmbrotdry ftotui crochet cotton uml kind of 1 aiioy work ta got rtdy for glftx com in und stock loui wotk itunkot and lot ua hot you olvo tho tjuoatlun with ttuitlttoi- houh of 1 uticy rttlnitm to make and of course we have the late8t styles in millinery too mill street a0ton ont miss j galbraith safe securities for savings in view of the large amount of principal and interest that ivill be paid to victory bond holders and others 6n november 1st the prudent thine to do is ta arrange at once to reinvest your money so that no interest may be lost the following securities are eminently safe and carry our un qualified recommendation ml victor ul vor tarn bvua am li marlrt p security gtr gld by dominion of canada cn r gid by dominion of canada gir gd by dominion of canada leinbrldge nor irrigation gld by prov of alta province of ontario province of ontario province of ontario province of ontario city of tbronto ont city of toronto ont town of burlington ont town of burlington ont town of renfrew ont drummond investment co ltd 1st mortgage gold bonds keefer realty corporation 1st mortgage gold bonds a order uky be telephoned ur 6 7 7 maturity 1st sept 1936 1st dec 1940 1st oct 1940 latere 10700 116 73 11643 6 6 6 sk s x s 6 1st may 194 10788 1st dec 193 10681 1st feb 1941 10836 i 1st dec 1943 i036s 15 oct 1948 98 00 1st july 19391937 to yield 1st apl 19441953 to yield 1st aug 19241933 to yield 1st aug 19341953 to yield 1st aug 19341943 co yield 6a 1st may 1938 9t71 6ji 1st june 1943 100 00 led ur clefrapbeil m our oxpclwe yield prioo nd about 525 650 550 548 5 25 625 5 20 514 625 520 ts50 838 6k38 ff75 660 bonds delivered to your dank free of all dblivlky chaug1 w a mackenzie co limited 38 king st west toronto j mclean co tke underwear store of acton mens heavy r1iihed pure wool underwear shrtand drawers ut reduced prices for this week only regular 2 00 for 165 stampieuys heavy ribbed hhirts and drawers stanflelda heavy ribbed shirts and drawers a special this week at s2js0 eaten 8tanfielrys combinations stanfleld s combinations in heavy warm rib sizes 30 to 42 special this week at 4j0 mens medium weight merino combinations mcne cominbatlons in medium wtikjit merino at 225 sylu natural combinations natural combinations winter weight special at kfeso aalt another big shipment ofscotch fingering yarn arrivfd today all shades in st monarch down granny s own factory yarn all shades in stock today in 2 and 3 pi when you buy yarn do as wc do buy the best it pays mclean co mill street acton ont- v rumley phone no 3 boston church thanksgiving services sunday november 4 1923 at 1100 a- m and 730 p m rev il robertson of wcaton will have charge of the services special music at tho morning service by the carlisle quartette and at the evening uervicc by the carlisle methodist church choir grand entertalnmeint on monday evening november fe an entertainment under the auspices of tho ladies aid society will be held in the church tho following talent has been secured jessie alexander elocutlonut richard wilkinson bsritone sat of csinr church terene mountain brothers r milton h qrhtr admission 35c and 20c rev r mcdennent chairman specials for friday and saturday smoked meats 3q0 lbs smokod ham whole of half per lb 200 tbs side bacon slab or half per lb smoked rolls per lb shortening 3 lb palu shortening 5 lb palla blidrtenlilg i b bricks lard 20 tb 1alu lard j tb palls i tb bricks shortening 28c 29o 230 55e larll seek cuts wing roasta per fb n rib koaata per p round shoulder roaata per r j thick rib por ft- i shoulder roasti per lb rib boil per tb hamburg steak per r- ww 5e lho lfle ho we 13 vie to yivm ibo- toy ovb hqmkjudelbauaage 18 and jmle per id y patterson cqttoatlaiamanstbkots acton 0ntt saturday treat just arrived a fresh shipment of neilson s packages of chocolates a big assortment to choose from including tied sons- supercreams a one pound box of fresh assorted choco lates that sells for only 60c neapolitan fudge 29e 15 everyone knows the quality of our neapolitan fudge a rich two flavor fudge brought fresh from the factory to us and wc offer it to you ar the very low price of 29c lb- weekend chocolates 32e lb our weekend chocolates are in greater demand than ever a good assortment of high quality chocolate in assort ments of caramels fruit cream and peanut cluster regular 50c and 60c tb saturday special 32c h ught lunches drop in after the picture show and enjoy a dish of ice cream or light lunch our motto cleanliness and quality phone in your order for brick or bulk ice cream acton ontario si fjt lvi

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