Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1923, p. 1

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t fortyninth year no 20 thursday morning november 15 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 15 1023 single copicb fivo conts the methodist church acton- rev cha8 hackett paetor parsonage willow si anniversary sunday 1100 u in- amiwithitry horvlceu ilnv cliiirlh i liiipr of nlugun fullu jrnwrie of cnnforuimu 2 30 ii in muiidu h hoot 7hii i in llv ttuin rrmir hvcilyllodv welcomb presbyterian knox churok acton mlnleler rev a c bitwirt ma manan willow fltroet lt00 a m the milliliter huhjoct the golden moun p mv sunday kuhoo 7 00 mhorvlio withdrawn on uiujuih tif tbn molhodlut aunlvomury flervlneu htrangoni leaving uddrnaa with the uahem will bo called upon by thn inator all are cordially invited special notices for sale onn hod room hullo one not or bed imm dlahoa mhh maud mcllain guolph hlreol for sale 8 h p guaollno engine gllaon blnch chopper with basser in sood run nine oritur iioooo heht itkilakdron 202 it n n 2 hockwood house for sale 1 fnim limine food condition largo lot sood eiahlu contrully eltuatod bargain for quick kale apply to it j kehh real eatato agent for sale magnet hange lumoat now with water front und warming oloeot will bom cool or wood and right in every wav apply to i i h youno phono 103w main struct auction sale w j johneton will hold an auction sals of 100 i infwl of cholco cut tin at lot 31 conceaaion 7 noaonguwoya near crowaona oornera on thursday no vember 15 ul 1 no oclock nharp 183 l j ke11h auctioneer sows astrav come to lot 4 concooalnn 4 erin lajit sunday a pair of white aowa owner will plitumn prove property pay expenne und remove the animal iiussicll johnston 203 ii ilno 2 acton stove for sale itadlant homo atovu with nvan fop aula ut a bargain if taken ut ancv apply to gfiio dills wwt dower avo i strayed to the promlaea of tbn underalgned j ubouloctobor 29 a- rod cow with aorol udder owner may have name by i proving property anil paying expenaci j c inole l- k h no 2 hockwood lot si oonceaaton 6 naaaogawoya strayed to tho premlaea of the undoralgnod i about tho ii rat of september u red i ateer ranging two yearn owner may j have iam by proving liruperty and j vaylng ox pennon i atloust huntik lot 7 con 0 tth lino erin farm for sale 100 acrcu two mlloa and a half from acton on main roud bunk barn com- fonabjo house 16 acrca hardwood buah 10 acrca fit for thu plough land clean and in good condition for qujfk aale 4k00 11000 down aak r j kerr he know phono 36 acton farms for sale is farms in the countlea of ha ton i and wellington varying from 40 to 360 acre let iwaend you our list a number of homee and bualne place in acton for aale fire and ufa insurance money to i loan j a smith real estate agent earn money at home burn upwanla of jl5 weekly grnw- ing muahrooma for u all winter pleasant work or either aex 1ort of fromt- proof cllr oc outbuilding necmary imustruted booklet anil particular for stump addrea plainly canada mushroom co dpl 4 380 garden ave toronto overcoats certainly hundreds of them 1950 to 7000 tho prices dont tell much of a story almost anywhere youll fjnd qwcrcouts at these figures though perhaps in not sobrond a price range but quality thnti different but here are overcoats that win your respect right from the start there arc handsome allwool fabricswith plain dark faces and colored plaid backs there are threeway belts buttoned under the arms so that coats may bo worn with belt at tho back only belt all around or no beltnt all pick any one in tho lot and you can be sure of its cjuality and value at 2750 and 3500 a group of two hundred at these two prices alone tricy come from the best clothing manufactures in canada and include all the latest stylo ideas regular and raglan shoulders plairi and checkback allwool tweeds with and without belts plain and fnncy cloths in every desirable color all sizes from 34 to 40 sale of mens velour hats 450 good shajies ii gray brown green tan and beaver shades sizes q sr8 cov 12 on sale at the branch store and tho main store d e macdonald bros ltd gudphs leading and largest store weekend specials weekend chocolates our famous weekend chocolates are still increasing in sales each week they have a large assortment of both soft and hard centres regularly toc lb weekend special 29c lb assorted jelly beans assorted jelly beans regularly 40c lb- weekend special 29c lt seal ok approval chocolates we still have a few pound boxes of seal of approval chocolates and wo aro going to sell them friday and saturday at the very low price of 49c a box mill street acton h wiles wonderland friday november 18 determination all atar cunt hutidmdh of thrilling injirvutlnih aimina thn t acmo of modern fllmdom an evening ilvtnhlnt imvni- in bo forgotten a million dollar phntoptuy cum mly hrt yniti ae saturday november 1 i1ie face on the barrooni floor cant inuludom hmy ii wal thall uuih cllrfoid almu un- oett ami krtit m ick hulllvftii melodrama vlbiaut dynamic powerful in ltd tnn imiolloniil appoal a piilhutlng hiury of thrill and rniuanco ciutimly jjance or ile tuesday novembch 20 what a wife learned starring milton hill a won- dtfrfut domeatlo dnitilu the ln- oldwnta of which will alrlki the ruaponalvn turd in tin bream of everyoni who mua it comedy jiolil tight w8dnesoav november 21 the heart raider starring aanea ayrua a joy ful battle of huarta oaamn- ted la tlokle your funny bone otilll your hplne und play on your heart htrlnin comedy it lanl dulng done v watch for the drlvln taiol ja mcclure 8qh- the proof op the boot is in the wearing mvtxi k oade sixy you hitd bittor bo touting artir your foul thmt dayn a rold now will porhapri wtay all wlntor huy uood atrong hturdy hchool karni or kamury imxw or a tnlr of good rubbers uu u prtivitntittlvu wk have them all weiohts und auoa to wult yuung or old at low est possible prices ukiih und womenu hputa in the loiulur ahadea houho hllppru in luuthio felt iuid carp iluliroof liiihiury in wtitvr wolght fur niuii und women all tultr bargain shoes ho thoao all auun in the lo to nt inytnia at 10b 2w 396 h h l harrison theshoman where quality count we win dlhr it whi pay vou news of local import the i o de armiatlce danoe tim mukn or uevonahlm chnptnr ttt tho i o i 12 jiold their annual artnln- tlro n ik lit tfonro in tho towrn imll bnro on monthly ovonlng an ununually hirii iiatmmbleil uixl llio affair waa a niohl miiitrhnful onn tho uaaon orrliintra trovldid tha muelo for thn uvoiilng three new dower avmui cottarjaa mr iuvia thn toronto ooiiiraotor who ih imlmliitf the throo brick cut tugon on tho ianby propurty on huvrn avnuuo haw two nnlahrd and la now ttt tho brhk work on tho third they urn trim uttlo homftm built upon altulla hiih hut with a dirfnront color of brink hi oauh vj h walker painfully injured ltmt friday wlilu at work on thn nuw hiunmor roaldnncn of dr ileatty noar hjmynldit mr w ii walker painter hail tbn mlnfort lino throu nliintep to have u painful rl nlopplng from thu uraftold he fell threfl or four fet and truck a ttatl kog ii rib w fir o cranked and- anvero iluth auntalned on the left aide perpetual cere of the cemetery tiim iluta iiikiui and ita curtompon- inntn am doing good work in k no pink up thn iigllatlon for the town council to ttikn up- the imporlant iueatlou of porpitluul cam of the plotu und gravoa in fulrvlow ceinotnry i do certainly hope they wlu noon formulate a auit- ublit hclieme i am ready und waiting to contribute my aharo for that pur- ponu john hlmw molina iii the norval mill- aflln sold a noteworthy event in the onti nour milling induatry la the purchaao by w it ilrowne company of the norvftl riour mill thu mill which wuh built by the late hobort noble la an id to be una of tho beet of tho wmallr mill nf the imvlnne it wuh ulwaya operatid by mr nobln and hfa nop col a 10 noble with tho oxceptlou of the few yeura whei into campbell company were in poa- aeaalon not daalrable citizen for can frank uobnrta aliaa frank c kelloy hi wife uivina kelley und oueto tohucohnrlo are to be depurtod knlleya 10 england and the italian to italy two month ago iollce magla trate bhlnlda of oakvillo nnod thr itallun 1200 r nix month for handling drug ifn u putting in tbn lx montha kllj wan committed to the hamilton auylum for llio inino and hla wife rpun on uuapendoil aentence u uppeara thut tho kclloya weru deport cxi in 101d und were in canada illegally reverent r homage is paid to heroic dead memorable commemorative her- viccn held at kpldlcnt monu ment and cemetery a lovat community throngs actons impressive art mi8t1ce day services llu tin llmllli 1 itaj mtl cl ml i monday iniiriilnh to tako purl in tho orullv iiitviiiiti on ihi riflh auiilvor imry of th urmlhtlro hhorlly imfom tn oclock aolo cltlsnnn hand and a nu rubor of ox hrtrvlt a moil inuri hid from l ho bun tuill und u larifo iu rutin or rulaen movil wah thvpi to the town hull iroitiptly at ton oolook aldorma jiri mluh hull in tho uliuontn of luuvn jlurlwr throuuh iiiiiohx took tho pli form iiitoinpnnlixl by tho milliliter tho rhurehow in town mr lull m thu clilaenu hud mot to do homago to tin holdior horo of thlu lommunlly rluo and tho nntloi nl anthoi rellglou survey thla week he tnlnlhtnra of tho rtvo churchua in nthu anglican llaptlat motho- dlat 1ruabyturlun and koman cathollo have urrangod for u nurvoy of thu wn thf week with a vlnw of placing upon record tho entire population in riiforotice to the church afflllatlou proferencij of the member of evory homo two ropruaentatlvea of the church will call at each houuo in town thu work common cod on tueaday the objont la to facilitate tho poaiorul work of the varioua- churchea and to jwcurc imtirovod aplrliual condition through intelligent in form ut ion gleaned through the aurvey four you no ladle trekklno on baturday ovcnlng a quurtettu toronto young ladlom reuchod aoton on a three day trak fromduelph to toronto ml davldaou of the teach ing ataff of thu toronto city achoola ono of tho four wau the chaperon they went by trulii from toronto to iuetjih friday evening und sot out on their aljlty nllo trek on saturday morning they reached acton btw four a i id nvo in the afternoon reated horn in a comfortablo home over night und proceeded next morning etv route to llrampton they intended nnlahlng tho laat lap of the journey from it rump ton to toronto on thankaglvlng ilay they were pluoky glrla aenalbly dronaod for nuch an outing with thlck- aohid olioou uiul each carried a knap- aack for extra clothing and food and uich waa furnuhed with a abort alpen- atock thu appeared to be enjoying tho long wulk heveral of them have had axpurluntu in uxtonalvo trek in oroat urltaln und thu continent the church sarvloaa on sunday no other inatltutlou of the oo munlty hua anything ukoiho influence of the chriatlan qhurch yor thu inout cation und keeping allv a uplrlt of lojalty to country of httlng l-emem- hrunoe of thn great war and ul uulrkuiiliig community co operation riilu wua niaiilfaat to a larito degrve lit tho norvlca in ult the churohee laat huniluy the combined annlwraary ut thu armlatlou und thankaglving duy liutlirully tuilded to make tlm aervlcea luipreaalvu thla waa vapeclally truo of the muriihig aervlee tho two minute of ubaolute alienee after tho doxulogy at eleven oolook the hymn thu un thorn the acrlptura loaaon and thu fiirvent eermona all partook of tho mplrlt of the oocaalon and impreaaed all worahlpikera with the ulmilrlc of thu ociaialon und the fact that every cltlaan hu an individual duty i privilege in the obaurvanoo of thla omblned annlveraury bvory mlnfater in town et forth very ottlngly tho fcuturea of the uooaoil ulltl the peopl goiiurully ful thu inaplmtlun of thu aervluea of the day in mvmoruim and thunkaglvlng weru uppermoat in thu thought of alf pretty wddlnu 1 mltohell a pretty wuildlng took placo on hutu i day ut the home of mr j h htaoey willow orrtvo ultohall whei iter oldimt dauuhtui kuirenco jcdnu vum married to mr cuoll janio akinu of anton the coiuiuony waa uoudutt- uil by hv tlurdon hull of the monk- ton circuit in thn pruhunua of ubout ilfty guuata the hrfdo who waa gl awuy by hei brother nunuan w hlu coy waa booumlugly uttlrud in u whltu atriilghtlltiud ucorilaiipuiuej gwoliivttw urvpe dreau with gold and muuvo trimming line veil ufwhlto umbrolderud hot foil from a houd-drea- of orangu blucaoma and ahe carried u uhowur bouuuut of white roaea and illy uf the valley and wore the brldo- groonia ilft u lieeklaoe net with pearla after ootiiiratulutlona and thu alunlng uf the reglatvr thu wedding party aaaemblod lit tho diningroom which wuw taatefully decorated in yellow and whltu wheie a wedding tl inner wua aarved by uu glrla the aamu ufter- iiixiti mr and mr akin left ori a hoiievmoon fur flint mloh detroit and hamilton he bride travelling in a blue tullleur aiilt with hat to match and wearing a muekrut coat on their to i urn they will rwalde in aoion out- oftown aruoala wre priit from aoton woudatook uuelph und ut mary v thlu wua follownd with priiyer by ov charlna uuikott a n rlptur ip- m by itrv a c htewurt itil by o mtrthodiut hitnday hohool orchnu- tru thut ctiilo hymn thn lx oaalon- i wua uuug with undld fervor by tlm iiiidltii i hod of our futluru known of old lord of our fur- llu tig battlelino hououth whom uwful hand wo hold liilou oiir palm und pine font cod of iiohim bo with ua yot loat w fornt lout wo forgot lie tumult und tho whouflng djo tho ritpliiln und tho klnc ilopui htlir htumlri thlnu uipjlnnl aitcrlhco an huiublo und a uontrltn bourt rrd mil of iiohu bo with u yit i eat wo forgot i on i wn forget farflung our navleu limit uwuy on duno mid houillatid alnk th fit im all our pomp of yoaterday 1 ono with nlnovoh and tyrol juduu of tho nation apare u yot ioat wo forsot lot wo forgotl sutib bouatlmtil na iho cjontllc u or lohor brood without the law iinl un tit honta lx wltii uu yet irftet wo forgut lout wo foritotl for hnathnu heart that put her truat in rook lii tube mid iron ahurd all valiant dimt that build on dual and uuurdlng culla not then to suiird for fruntlo bouat und fnolluh word thy mercy on thy people lonll at thla hitigo it wua uniiouucixl that itav futhor mcjtouvy had liiitm called tv fjeorotown owing to u alrk call and wuh unable to be proaetit rev h ci it ituubririii a vry nttlug ldrui imiphualxod the ubjot of tho gathrlng ulid tho algiiltlciuko of tho nomorlul nervlco it i a wonderful light ho uald til vm tho wholo towi inltn in a memorial to tho tierol loud it la luaplrlng ami i trim worthy in thought uiul dood u i memiirlul to tho who fought urn died thunk to our aoldlora thu chriatlan idoal of ono brotherhood i being u c complin hod wn ure cltlx of acton while member of varioua otlgregutlona hut wu ure hera a brnthrnn thu world toduy wanta to ho 1m hi all ecoiuimlu and a moral unit today wo moot to honor tho munnry of our aoldler horoo and their brav ded thu heat way to honor thoao who dleit 1 to look well after tho living aoldlnrw and their dnpemlenta thorn la an abiding memorial it 1 in tho huarta of our people it la a otiallotign to tho peoplo of acton to bo ua true to ood in tho tinio of peuce aa when wur waa ixtlng waged thn uorvlcu in tho hall waa oonctudod with lr watla jmirapbroao of one of david paalmtf which in ita preaont form hua been aung by chriatlan people fur two conturlou und haa a plaoe in all church hymn book- o ood our help in aua boat oui hopo for your to vomo our ultoltcr from tho atortny blaat and our eternal home under the shadow of thy throne thy hutnta have dwelt eouro uulltolent iu thlno iirm ulone and our drfuiicf u uuro time like mi uvirrolliug atream hour all ita aoiih away thf riy forgotten a a druim dlea ul the opening day after the liquor now the man inspector reavely and chief mopharton secura evidence of d o t aw but fall to secure the man nrnplulnih imvo boon imnln fnuti time to tlmo during tlm pn t nix in on thn to tho hihporlnr und other otnenra thut u plan and hu wlf fruin irln woat or hprluge liuvt boon de livering liquor uaiinihilly uniong the foroluuorh in town tim oil oru linvu been on the lookout for thouo boot logger for eoniu line a wiok ujro laat friday ovulilug inupnotor ltoevuly und fhlef mrrimrnon look poalllnjia on main htroe at tho wouurly umlla r tho corporation ubout ohht oolook they had prvlnuid obtained the imlu r of the ford rat iiimhi by thla w- breaker in a few inlnuto he fiimn along tjiuy hiiruifk into the road with their muiiiiiikih and nrdorml him to atop luutond ho utoppod on ihu nam and begun throwing out tho hupply of ixtoati ovldently thinking the container would nil hmuiih on the roadaldo and thnrn would be no evident n a quart fruit jur of tho rooonahluo fell however ncur ono of tho ofnoora without brouklng thla wua aeuurod und tho otneor huntled to their cur and ufmr tlto bootlegser ho had a fow mlnutoa ntnrt of thorn und inateaa of driving into town evi dently turned up thn new highway and nacupod toward cjunlph the omcer then proi nmlod to blw homo in krlu tjlor thoy round only thu rhlldmn und thoy wore in bod they watted uround tho plucw until after midnight und hen u cur camo in front ouolph with two men and three women of whom wan thn wife of tlm boot loickor who hud boon with hor huubund irllor in the evonlng when tho oftloora luhensed thorn tho omcor depurtnd und having lu ul uu information usnliiht the man for violation of tho ontario temper ance act returned with u mnmnn a couple of day lutor tio woman doc lurd that hor hiiahand had nut yet returned tho milinmuiih requiring tho man to aiipnur on friday at aoton police court waa luff with her with inatructloii thut ho nuiul appear ut thut time or further proceeding woull ih tnkon agalnt him friday came but thu man fulled to obey tho aummona tho otnceraiare till after tho bnot and will bo until hn u apprnhendod he tin a kood farm and farm building and took off a fair crop thla aouuon iff and hla wife both camo from 1uland and tlo woman uppuur to undnrututid very little hnglluh the thanksgiving and armistice day visitors numerous there were many homecomere and a large number went out of town the visitors were loyal to the home churches all wefie largely at tended tho joint cflubmtlmi ofarmlbtlc und thunkniilvlng day brought iqon than the daital number of visitor ti town quite a numlkrof our cltlloiu vlhitud rrlende clue where ulao the trulim piimulilg through actoti wuro orowdod from friday until tucaday tlm hue indian hummer weuther dent john iil tlm ploauuro of v 11 to and o find our holp hi ug our hopn for yuara to uu thou our guard while and our eternal home pant uv- motiuti icualon wuu fori thu uoldler uh foiluwa okficuuh of hisnioh and jiinioll r o u ji willi uluithri uiul lluga for decorat ing xllkllulllutltu m1n1ht13hh of this town acton cjtihinh hand o w v a vutidilanh in command of mujnr kenimdy mkmuiouh of 1 o d jfl fuatkiinal hochctuch citiuunu ulion urilvhig ut tho koldloiv monu ment on mill htieot the dokology wua uuug uftnr which duoorutlona in thu ahapu of tlonj wrratii urowa and aptay wetn placed ut thu bau by thu o w v a junior i o d k aoton cltuoii iiuttd i o d 10 und aoton ij o l u wvll ua a number of private orrorliig itev mr llackotl iiuil the uantoa of thu holdleim which iiio onuravod on ihu monuiiiorit und rumurked their numu livnth for ovormorn uv w 11 llowurd aald in hla ud- driiatf w ur uhuiihld in the prf- lioe of clod to ucknowlitnge fear ul- loglaiiiu iihim and pay our reapoola to tho miiioiy of the niuii who died in our buhulf i cuuhl have no better liv toduy than thu inscription on thl tnoiiumuut nhulr itainu llveth fpr evermore it i light that their tiumeu hlteuld bo tuiimiiibtirud thuy did hut cniihldor the coat when they went to uomlatt thu nnmy tiry went thrtiughjiryrtt tlllcllbhlud thai wn mluh l huvo pouoo lot u hever forget what thuy did foi 11m tho pmu felt tluit we hud a liberty in canada lighting and dying toiluy mm a memurlul tituat hupd duwii their ntly leaiuictfully und which nir thla wu i to them we rldllkn v fevel ml ii ce rely itev mr htnwurt followed with piayer thosaat poat waa aoupded by thjatleru koinitidy und trot tor and huv ii j l 1 laugh pronounced th bened lotion at luvun oolook ihotwo mlniite ot veiiut alienee obanrved waa moat lmpialvn wovrr wua thtn munlfeat llltfte lmiiumlvu levoielliu he parade thou piocotded w cemetery the band auurud electon en route to fulp- pluylug work brlak in lumber campa with tho winding up of farming ind hurvnuliug uioratlon a brlak novniimnt of nion to the lumber camp h now on hovorul jiunttrud mlllioiim f foot will be out in quebec provlnca tone und aa ontario la ul a great timber province it u probable that much more will be cut hum 1 lulrlit at pulp und paper compui ohlcim and em ploy mo nt uuonclea muutroal imllcutn that thoru are ope inu for men who urn quallriid to go into thn bunh and cut wood wug tiro reported thirty pr coiit hl than hint your when the muxlmum ui tlm htralaht rati bimi wu i3 u montl with board the u rate thl your 1 4fi u month with board and truntortutlou to dcatinution but it will run ua hlsu ua 160 to 7t a month in apeclul ciiae mr uiniihl itarr of call mr mctarrle of dundalk mr hutcllffo wuh in toronto mr auhfln hald uf stratford mr koae allan of htrutfonl mr icrnoat lirown of toronto mm if ii wordon of uuelph mia allueii duvla of mltohell mr will kobortaon of toronto mlw bi mi hill of corgntown mr ionllo irngory of oakvillo mta huxol drodjin of toronto mr and mm thorn of oahawu minn ictalo wlgglna of toronto ml francos ilurat of toronto mim muo armatrong of uruhaela mr jnoreo anderaon of oahawu mia mutjorlo itnacobv of milton mux myrtle clurrldgo of toronto mm j a mo i wurroii of toronto mr tluimaa hoiipett of toronto mr loorice htonomiin o toronto mua ieuil bomorvllto of toronto mr hubert miheraon uf toronto mr d itobertaon wua ut ieturboro mr nm1mra w hnydor of toronto ml btllth armatrong of hrumpton mr wllfreil mcdonald of toronto ml ai clara lirown of new hamburg muw cmmn itoblnaon wua at aurora- mr and mr ilobert bloroy of tor- into mihm maiuurot j mucdonuhl of tor- id mm null mceaolmrn of harold audns shot while hunting recelvad charge of siot in face neck preaat and arnja another unforliinuto liimilln aicl- d on tluiiktwlng day hich lluroll alkliiii nou of mr alkllm of iho coud lino hrltt the oru nil klvit narrowly oa- copod lonlng bin life in th fomnoop a ompuulod by bin friend archie fjlnoluli of ouprhigo and eoveral young limn fiom ouelph uioy went down tlm im in the nwump umlwr ivp aldoniud to uhnof rubblta uetweon one und two oclock when the party w in the huuh on mr ilert mckeownu farm a rubhlt ap peared and slmluir ilrcd ul it ilu- fortunuttly harold alkln wua in una of thn idiot und received the charge in 111 nock fuce hnud ulltl ihiihi homo of the llfllntn of allot ulno pi lmtrutn1 both urmu dr j a mcnlvoii win phoned for to aoton and wua on the wemm be fore jm victim tukett out from thti ewump thu dmitor made iurrlinl dreaalnga o thit tho young muncoiild he removed hiutm nil i there made morn careful examination uind drehaliigh a lutge number of the email it hot pene trated tho fleah hut no vital partji were nerloualy affected koine of tho ahota went through tho c hooka un upa and nock one tlrovo out u tooth dr mffnlven made u aorond druna- ihg ofjtho wounda on tuonduy ijiiioh blood jmilaonlng uhould hot in the young man will make t prouroaa owurd recovery naturally hla frlund archie hia tal r fimlm very badly ovur thu un fortunate accident pt v ii konimy i aftor paaalng through the entramo a halt wua mudo ut the monument nreoted by our cltlxona twtintytbroo yeura uku to the memory of dunner w jaioore aotona only aoldler who nave hla life in the kouth african war tho junior daunhtura of tho icmplru planted u beautiful allk flua ut the huao utid liov mr htowari pronounced the burial lieiiojlctlon father lit thy wrucloua keeping leave wo now thy mirvunt uleeplng thu grave of each uoldlor in lalrvlow waa til turn vhdtod und almllarly de corated and word of aaorod coni- motidutlon aiiqken aa follow ciiiuuojlm llamhiiaw wm mudttn ihiui m 1ioimich fltlcd chbamtm iuh 1lahq1- wm btuckev flcank maht1ciih the plot und monumuiit of the q w v a wua nuw ruclmd thla wa uleo docoratntl by the junior i o d k und the comrade of th iepurtoil uoldlor burletl thero p la cod u wruutli of popplpa on thu monumuiit a verau of nearer my ood to time waa auug led by acton cuueiia hand und kuv mr duugh offurud piayur itev mr haokett tlmtt dullvureit a brief oloalng addruaa vury httlng to the occaalon ilo fidt that all hud huuti liimplmd und helped by the mem orial urvot4 uf thu duy it wua a challenge u uur putrlolam uiul to our mull hood the coiumoii debt wo uwu to thoau who huvo fallen la u cull to ua all to do our beat to pay tlttlng tribute tho fuct thut thla purt of the- duy aervieii wua urrunuud ut the requoat of the junior i o d ic la a irjbute to the young life of the com munity wo tioootutu he gruvuu hero hut our thuught go uto to the ttrave of our knou in inuttdura field and ouewhuru our thought ure ulao on the young people on whom w depend for tho ruture if thla memorial day la to meult wluit it uhould we muat do our duty even unto aaorlrtue thu beat wu have aprlngu rroiu the aacrlnce of thuae who wuiit buforo u it la our duly to liiuiiaify thu aplrit of patriot- lam thu benediction by ov mr howatd oonuludud the impi uaalvu am vloea of the day wltloh will long be remnmhnr- od for itu id v urn nt liomugq to the aoldler herouu from thle oomiituulty who puld thu tiuprvuiu muurllluo a bandmans tribute to thu mommy uf krgt w il 4th llatt c c f uild corp j u mooiu 84th ltutt c k thulr nunie inu giuvon mi pillar of aumo the lioya uf the old town uittd rimy uuvo thulr uvea hint we tnlghl live v hecure in our native iiid they bravely fought for fiediitun a caune thut lu tlmy played thu t name the buy of the nblu und ul old town hand i gravoli upon tlmlr nunm heart thu hoy uf the old aa they peuuufully ah utul the boat thu nowor of cunitduu lunv when the oruit day omu trutuput aitiliulrt in that ilrlght uiil lluiipk i we uipe to moot ua in day the boy of thu old town i h oh aoton cltiao ac ion november 11 1u33 tr und toronto charlua morrow toronl mr id mr onorgu wurnor id mr ifyank mclheraon ru jnmoa ami william itoaa of mai ihu orr wua here from toronto auditor for qaonjetown flnanooa at a mooting of oeorgelown council laat wook it waa moved by h o arnold and seconded by o ilnrrlng- lonrthat clark howhoii co chart- rod accountunta 1m euguicod ua uudl- ora for the year 1023 on tormu uub- nltted tho reaolution waa carried twin uttendod of 0i mom- tontlay after- mr maxwell hell toronto bun mlau llnrthil ilrowif wua hm rorolito mr ami m it aurora mlaii c f ach it dundulk ii w fllkln anil v11l u aiioiiuthe holiday anm utadyx lluffmu toronto wua humi fro i mr john daunt of tdronto vialted acton frlonda mr mid mr hurry noblu vlall acton frlonda ml htollu mcljim uimnt a duy or two in toro i xllaaow olive jeaaio and marie xlowut uf toronto mia iclvii drop of toronto waa here for thu holiduy mim laabol stuart epent the holiday u her home in tara mr charlua iz atklna of toronto laired aoton relatlvea miua hurtle smith waa homo from toronto for the holiday mr und mr charlea t mulam ere here from toronto mua unit moffat uf hlchpimul hill ua hern for tho holiday mr und mi u k johnatoiie mtaau holoit und dirla of uall mlua cortrudo iobbu of kltuhmior waa honio for the holiday muatur melvlu urtmo vlaltml friend i indon during thu week mlua j oalbrulth apent thankaglv- ig at her home ut hhelbotirne mr und mra iatlu itatkln are amoving thla week to georgetown mvu quuntx of toronto la vlattlng ith imi duughter mm a lloomir mlaairuno iorter uf toroutn apunt 10 weekund with frlonda in town mlaau jean and anna llndaay wre home from toronto ovar iho holiday mr and mr john colo and children f toronto were ut mr n i melaime mr annie h tjomervllla and ml ora hurvuy of toronto woie homo mihho utile and myrtle dill wore homo from toronto ovur the holiday mr und mr itoaa andaman of tor- ito wrt uimrrtuncor hunbundu mm funny galloway vun tho gqet of mra w a htewart during the week mia mccartney of toronto wnm u leat of mra juhn lirown church vhireut mr and mm fd willluiixi and iluughtur of toronto wer with actim frlonda mlaoa jeaain utid guciyu itydor of arkoll lnlted mr and mr 1yud duiuy ml murgurt lirown of toronto ua with autun filuuda hunduy und monday charlotte maukle of toronto ujkint thaiikaslvlng ut thu home of mr jaw mucklo mr und mm m ii 6olur und utr hilly of iwonto wuiu here nr the holiday j mut lmlldiy jdu orlmnu uf wm mih ppit dm wbektflid ut thu hum mr a mucdojhild r a 10- nlcktlu ruturimd laat week i hhi oxteudud bualimaa trip in the wuutant irovluoua mm muud mullulii and her nephew lijurl hmith himnt the holiduy with fiuuda in toiontn mra wllllum buyer retuinl home i thumduy uftur apundlug u wouk with toronto frlendg mr und mra william will of tor- ito epent monday in town with lunde of foimortmy mr jack held 1 in limlph lloa- liltal foi imminent to hla eye which j iujuiod by u piece of wire mr und mia tl fumphell u mihm iuona uf ovuruulown vfaltml i lij v colltura uu uuuday city knglneer h b nlcklln mm nlcklln und mary of cjuolpli wore honte monday for thankaglving mr and mm k h ltlc wore ut milton laat week attending tlm funeral uf mr ricoa ulator mm nolleon mr and mra k htnthum und fl nora of llruntford apvnt the h- day with mr and mm thoa htalham mr und mm frank wuluttor of clualph were gueat at the home of mra hubert s prowl over the holiday mm william ournoy and hor daugh ter marjorle und wuu wullaco of wlngham worn guoata of acton rola- tlvea mr and mra a kami thu uuvnlliug iorumonleu rial at orungovllh on noon mm aeor ilrundow and mr el- lore johnton of hamilton upunt the wookend ut the bumu of mr h c mucdouald mr anil mr 1l f handuraou and mlua bundereoti of oukvlllc wuro guest of liov and mm a c htewurt at the manae mr adum orr who hua been iii at hla honio here for aom time loft yeaterday for truatment at tho gen oral iloapllol uuelpli mr and mm w j htuthuu lyle and xula motored fronts ickofu and upent tho holiday ut the homo of mr thomn hluthum ml dlckon of moutton coiicko toronto apnnt tho holiday with hor friend mlaa grace llowurd at thu hapmat humonuge mr augum koniiody apeut thanka glving with hla patent ho re ho wua auoornpunled from toronto by hla coualn mr fred warren a campbell and mia lillian of toronto ahd mr and mm d mo- ci ure of bullliiafad were vlajtom ut mm e f collloro on hunduy mr and mm loltoy lirown and mhwoa olive aind hllueu and master norman motored up from toronto und apent the weekend ut thu parental home mr and mm nho of ouolph vlalt- od ut the bumu of their uou mr john nlcol laat week to cotobruto with him and hi family hla thirtyfourth birthday mr frod mcdowell who waa ao palnrully injured aoverul wimk uu by falling from an upplu tree la gradu ally recovering ill fractured urm la recovering nicely mr h wllaon ami maxtor jack uf guelph apuut u fuw duy luat week ut tho home of hor grand pa re nta mr and mm thoa tutlium ho font tlmlr movul to hasina mra annetta hurnoa toronto uti- luttcem the uugugotihuit of h only dauuhter ltalo auuuutu to mr john inula moaaop thu hiuri luga to tuko plafu uarly in dociubvi und mi juiim mutthuwa of oraliguvlllu apnnt tueaduy with aoton friend mr george mutthowu of treat who hau buuii vlultlng hi brtuhur uaiuu tu anton with thorn goiietul uymputhy will bo felt for mr william hunter young utieet in ucelvud during tho week of tho duuth of hla inuther in her homo in hoot land uhu wua in hur uovouty- nml yeur mra henry llobhlu mio juaalu dobhlu greta ltloo my hoi t hicu atid mr utid mia wm dohblu of kitchener vlaitiul at thu hnmu of mm andrew dohblu dolly vurdun on thankaglving cupt john hhuw of mollno ill u fonnur uatemnod ruhldont lu a hitter luat week xill i lilivo boon uild up from doing houvy woi k for thu pant ulifhlmii month hut uhl enjoying p mtty kooii health ut ptuuiit und mm w j aklna und mlyn akin of nmouiuiiwoyu aro tiiovliig from the furm to thulr 1imno on willow htreet thla week tlilu uxiullunt fumlly will tlud ii cm dial wohumo lu their now liiiiiiu uiivhuniiknitu ir and mm huiny t loiugu nudlor hnud toioiito auiiounco thu oiiguguiuuiit of tlmh duughtur llotothy mutgurel to g hougluu crlghton ulao of toronto the marrlago taku phuu thu end of novuiupor hlr wllllum muckuiiklo lu horumuly iii ut hla houm avuuuu itoud toronto from double pimiunonla wlnui hlu laughter mm w w hutdliinit ru- aldod in aoton hit- wllllum wuh u freipmnt vlnltor hem holng u paitnoi hlr donald munn mm of actona a our ultlkuinj tuiturully havu uii nturat lu him tirtte from mr fled l mau- itughlln any hu urrlvud uufuly at orloaiia und enjoyed tho trip from uturt to tlnlali the furiioni igh ihu htate of teuimuwoo ulid kentucky weru buayoulllug i oru and while running through aikunmot mla ippl and iiuinlunua the imgroeh id ho mimiii picking tottoii now oileaiw with km majmtlc imlnix and ookod tluo und tlm woiithii i- uu4oloda bright auiiuuui duy lu acton

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